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JCS 32, 23f |
Hh XXI Section 11 1 |
Limet M'etal (glos.) |
Salonen Fischerei 33 |
ASJ 15, 48 |
ASJ 8, 77 |
AHw 1097f (tsibtum I) |
AOAT 25, 100 |
Gordon SP (glos.) |
Proto-Kagal text Q rev. (MSL 13, 79 note) 446 |
Wilcke Lugalbanda 84 n358 |
Proto-Kagal S1 (MSL 13, 76 note to 318ff.) 373 |
Proto-Kagal Bil. Section C i' (MSL 13, 85) 6 ([me]-e ha-ar-ri) |
AHw 1508 (zamar) |
AHw 1508 (zamar) |
Erimhu$ V 165 (tsi-bit ap-pi) |
SIG7.ALAN IX 12 (za-mar) |
AHw 1508 (zamar) |
Proto-Kagal S1 (MSL 13, 76 note to 318ff.) 397 |
Behrens Enlil 21, p94f |
van Dijk SGL II 27 and n51 |
Salonen Hausger"ate I 158 |
Hh XX-XXIV OB Forerunner 1 iv 24 [MSL 11, 132] |
Hh XXI-XXII Appendix 2 iv (MSL 11, 58) 133 |
Hh XX-XXII Ras Shamra Rec. A ii (MSL 11, 44) 54' (a-hu-ud) |
Hh XXI Section 7 12 |
Hh XXI Section 7 13 |
AHw 144 (butuqtum) |
Proto-Kagal text Q rev. (MSL 13, 79 note) 448 |
AoF 22, 78 |
Alster $uruppak 113 (comm.) |
Selz Pantheon 227, 243, II n868 |
Proto-Kagal 314 |
Proto-Kagal S1 (MSL 13, 76 note to 318ff.) 396 |
Tammuz *67:n20 |
Tammuz page 329 n20 |
Wilcke Lugalbanda 68 and n278, 76, 79 |
Attinger dug4 (glos.) |
AHw 1220 ($e$tum) |
Proto-Kagal Bil. Section E (MSL 13, 86) 36 ($e-$e-it NIG2.HAR.RA) |
Proto-Kagal Bil. Section E (MSL 13, 86) 35 ($e-$e-it bu-iq-li) |
Tinney Nippur Lament 234 (comm.) |
Edzard/Wilcke, AOAT 25, 173/176 |
Proto-Kagal S1 (MSL 13, 76 note to 318ff.) 324 |
SIG7.ALAN III (= A) 73 |
Proto-Kagal S1 (MSL 13, 76 note to 318ff.) 325 |
Hh XI Forerunner from Alalakh ii (MSL 7, 157) 15 |
Secondary Proto-Ea/Aa no. 10 i (Akk. wr. in double cols.; MSL 14, 128) (a-bu-um, mu-'u) |
Hh XX-XXII Ras Shamra Rec. B Section 2 4 (MIN `x-x' [...]) |
ASJ 14, 36 |
ASJ 14, 36 |
AHw 740 (nappa$u) |
ASJ 14, 214 |
Gordon SP (glos.) |
R"omer SKIZ 264 n20 |
R"omer SKIZ 264 n20 |
Cavigneaux, Textes Scolaires 1, 115 no. 205 rev. iv (PSBA XVIII 250ff.) 3' (di-im-ma-tu2) |
Cavigneaux, Textes Scolaires 1, 115 no. 205 rev. iv (PSBA XVIII 250ff.) 4' (ger-ra-nu) |
OB Diri Nippur ([...]) |
SIG7.ALAN IVa 215 (di-im-tu2) |
Tinney Nippur Lament 108, 108 (comm.), 140 |
Wilcke Lugalbanda 68 and n276, 76, 79 |
ASJ 11, 216 |
AHw 1036 (s=ekirum) |
SIG7.ALAN IVa 309 |
Gr'egoire AAS (glos.) |
Gr'egoire AAS (glos.) |
Cavigneaux, Textes Scolaires 1, 113 no. 22 rev. i (= Hh XVII1ff. (?)) 15 |
SIG7.ALAN IX 239 |
SIG7.ALAN IVa 310 |
AHw 1035f (sek=erum) |
Proto-Kagal Bil. Section E (MSL 13, 86) 19 (mu-u2 tta-ab-tim) |
Cavigneaux, Textes Scolaires 1, 113 no. 22 rev. i (= Hh XVII1ff. (?)) 14 |
Alster Dumuzi's Dream 118 |
Tinney Nippur Lament 140 (comm.) |
SIG7.ALAN VI iv (MSL 16, 101) 4' |
SIG7.ALAN VI iv (MSL 16, 101) 5' |
Sallaberger/Civil 64 |
Civil Farmer's (glos.) |
RA 86, 100 |
RA 86, 100 |
AHw 282f (gatstsum III) |
AHw 282f (gatstsum III) |
Proto-Kagal S1 (MSL 13, 76 note to 318ff.) 371 |
Hh XX-XXIV Bogh. Forerunner 2 i (MSL 11, 170) 5' |
AHw 308 (hahha$um) |
Proto-Kagal text Q rev. (MSL 13, 79 note) 3' |
Ana itti$u IV ii (MSL 1, 56) 35 (A.ME$ i-da-al-lu) |
Ana itti$u IV iii (MSL 1, 59) 29 (A.ME$ [i]-$a-aq-qi) |
Ana itti$u IV ii (MSL 1, 56) 32 (A.ME$ i-$a-aq-qi2) |
Proto-Lu 567 |
SIG7.ALAN I 182 |
ZA 57, 32 |
Sollberger TCS 1 (glos.) |
Civil Farmer's (glos.) |
AHw 651f (mikrum I) |
OB Diri "Oxford" ([...]) |
OB Diri "Oxford" ([...]) |
OB Diri "Oxford" ([...]) |
OB Diri "Oxford" ([...]) |
Waetzoldt Textilindustrie 29 and n230, 141 |
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