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ED Names and Professions |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
Ebla ar-ba:ni$andana/GAL.NI ~! iv 4. 72. i$11-gi4-me-RU sanga-mu ~! -73.; |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
Ebla ur-PA-ba4-SI.A l'u-`i$' ~! vi 8. 123. da-tum lu2-ka$4 ~! -124.; |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions 7 |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
ED Names and Professions AbtS |
Salonen Agricultura 236, 237, 258 |
ZA 52, 108 n32 |
AHw 173 (d=i$u II) |
AHw 173 (d=i$u II) |
AHw 183f (eb=urum) |
AHw 183f (eb=urum) |
Oppenheim Eames n24a, P 5 |
Salonen Agricultura 190, 199 |
AHw 324 (har=a$u II) |
AHw 326 (harpum) |
Landsberger JNES 8:284 n118 |
Salonen Landfahrzeuge 92 |
AHw 183f (eb=urum) |
ASJ 4, 166 |
ZA 55, 69 |
Tammuz *69:72, 73, 74, n18, 98, 99 |
Tammuz page 247, 248, 249, 461 n18, 267, 269 |
ASJ 9, 82 |
HSAO 29-62, 237 |
ZA 66, 54 n212 |
HSAO 44-47 |
AHw 1034 (se/ihlu) |
AHw 1034 (se/ihlu) |
Salonen Fischerei 244 |
Ea IV (si-hi-il nu-nu) |
Diri VIB (MIN(sihil n=uni) |
HSAO 41-44 |
ZA 45, 179f |
AHw 1093f (ts=erum I) |
Cohen Ershemmas 165:6, 11, 14, 27-29, 168:33, 171:70-75, 84, 35.2:19, 79:28, 160:24-25, 164:28 |
Cooper Curse 159, 255, 263 |
Falkenstein NSGU (glos.) |
Heimpel Tierbilder 76 n1, 191f |
Krebernik Beschw"orungen (glos.) |
Krecher Kultlyrik II 44f (comm.), VI 20, VIII 9*f, 40* |
Michalowski LSUr (glos.) |
Sallaberger Kalender Sum. glos. |
Selz Pantheon II n782, n844 |
Sj"oberg, ZA 65, 43, 49, 51 |
Volk, Inanna-Shukaletuda glos. |
Wilcke Lugalbanda 305, 371 |
ZA 45, 186 |
ZA 56, 5, 12f |
AHw 1092 (ts=eri$) |
AHw 1093f (ts=erum I) |
AHw 1095 (ts=er^u) |
AHw 1120 ($^abum I) |
AHw 633f (m=atum I) |
Krebernik Beschw"orungen (glos.) |
Cooper Curse 170 |
Cohen Ershemmas 10:12, 166.1:7 |
Edzard SRU (glos.) |
HSAO 221 |
Heimpel Tierbilder 261 |
Sj"oberg Temple Hymns Add. 151 |
AHw 101 (b=amtum) |
AHw 1093f (ts=erum I) |
AHw 1092 (ts=er=itu) |
AHw 132f (b=itum) |
AHw 132f (b=itum) |
Cooper Curse 268, 277 |
AHw 1328f (tarbu`(t)um) |
ZA 60, 204 |
AHw 1093f (ts=erum I) |
Copenhagen Forerunner to Hh XIII col. iii (MSL 8/1, 92) |
Neo-Babylonian Stone List ii (BM 38385; MSL 10, 65) |
Nineveh Forerunner to Hh XIII rev. (!) (MSL 8/1, 103) |
W 22313 (`(x)-du-um ;' [...], `x' ; sa-`x' [...]) |
W 22313 rev. (Hunger Uruk 140; Commentary A to Aa II/1, MSL 14, 268) ([...] `x x'-zu ; x ka-a-$'u [...]) |
OBGT II rev. (MSL 4, 67) (l[u ...]) |
Ea IV ($'a dna-mu-un-du $U-ma) |
Oppenheim Eames KK 23 |
Salonen Hausger"ate II 163 |
AHw 187 (edinu) |
ASJ 14, 37 |
ASJ 3, 102 |
Berlin Enmerkar 215, 235 |
Gordon SP (glos.) |
HSAO 204 |
Hallo Exaltation 55 |
JCS 43-5, 37 |
Kutscher Angry Sea 38, 44 |
Oppenheim Eames KK 23 |
Proto-Lu 822 |
Salonen Fussbekleidung 114, 116 |
Salonen Hausger"ate II 163 |
Sollberger TCS 1 (glos.) |
Tammuz 40:4, 45:233, 54:129 |
Tinney Nippur Lament 290b, 291b |
ZA 52, 98 |
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