4 hits for pe-el-la2


lupela [CAULKER] (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. lu2-pe-el-la2 "caulker"

pel [DEFILE] (43x: Old Babylonian) wr. pe-el-la2; pe-el "to defile; to be thin, light" Akk. lu''û; qalālu

pela [REED] (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. gipe-el-la2; gipe-el "a type of reed"

šu pela [DEFILE] (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. šu pe-el-la2; šu pel-la2; šu pel2-la2 "to defile; to reduce" Akk. lu'û; qullulu

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