dub [HEAP]

(107 instances)

dub [HEAP] (107x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. dub "to strew; to heap up, pile, pour; to whirl up (a duststorm)" Akk. sarāqu; šapāku

See in dub[delimit], KA dub[unmng], muš dub[unmng].

[1] cuneiform DUB dub
+ -0 (61x/57%); -bu (19x/18%); -ba (15x/14%); -be2 (12x/11%).
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 (no date)
[1] 12 49

67 distinct forms attested; click to view forms table.

1. to strew (107x/100%)


See: ninda zid dub; zid dub.

2. to heap up, pile, pour

3. to whirl up (a duststorm)

Akk. sarāqu "to strew, sprinkle, pour"; šapāku "to heap up; pour on".

[2005] B. Alster, Iraq 67 67.

[2004] N. Veldhuis, Nanše 140.

ePSD icon ePSD contacts: Steve Tinney and Philip Jones.