ga'ar [CHEESE] wr. ga-ar3; gamurx(LAK490); ga-murx(|UD@g|) "cheese" Akk. eqīdu
Akk. eqīdu "cheese".
[2001] F. Pomponio and G. Visicato, Fara Tablets 125-126.
[2001] G. Visicato and A. Westenholz, Fara Tablets 85.
[1995] R. Englund, OrNS 64 381-382 n10; 385-387 .
[1995] P. Steinkeller, BiOr 52 700.
[1993] M. Stol, BSA 7 105-108.
[1993-1997] M. Stol, RlA 8 193-200.
[1992] M. Sigrist, Drehem 392-393.
[1987] M. Civil, OrNS 56 234-235 wn6.
See ETCSL: ga-ar3=cheese.
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.