lug [DWELL]

(15 instances)

lug [DWELL] (15x: Old Babylonian) wr. lug; lugx(LUL) "to live, dwell (of animals), pasture"

[1] cuneiform LU lug
[2] cuneiform LUL lugx(LUL)
+ -0 (8x/53%); -ga (7x/47%).
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 (no date)
[1] 12

9 distinct forms attested; click to view forms table.

1. to live, dwell (of animals), pasture (15x/100%)

~ LEX/Old Babylonian/Sippar [[lu]] = = LU = re-e-ia-u2-um MSL 14, 122-127 09 282; [[lu]] = = = ra-ba-şum MSL 14, 122-127 09 286. unknown/Old Babylonian/unknown [[lu]] = = = re-e-hu-um JCS 04, 75-76 41; [[lu]] = = = ra-ba-şum JCS 04, 75-76 43; [[lu]] = = LU = ri-e-u2 MSL 09, 124-137 iii 196; [[lu]] = = = ri#-i#-[tum] MSL 09, 124-137 iii 200.

[2004] J. Bauer, St Pettinato 3-4.

[1992] P. Steinkeller and J.N. Postgate, LAT 25; 35.

[1980] J. Bauer, AoN 1980/13.

ePSD icon ePSD contacts: Steve Tinney and Philip Jones.