luĝešgisaĝkeš [PERFORMER] (/ĝešgisaĝkešedr/)

(5 instances)

luĝešgisaĝkeš [PERFORMER] (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. lu2-ĝeš-gi-saĝ-keš2 "type of cult performer" Akk. nakmu

[1] cuneiform LU₂.GIŠ.GI.SAG.KEŠ₂ lu2-ĝeš-gi-saĝ-keš2 (lu2-geš-gi-saĝ-keš2)
+ -0 (5x/100%).
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 (no date)
[1] 5

1 distinct form attested; click to view forms table.

1. type of cult performer (5x/100%)

~ LEX/Old Babylonian/unknown lu2-ĝiš-gi-saĝ-keš2 = na-aq-mu# OB Lu-Azlag A 27; MUNUS lu2-ĝiš-gi-saĝ-keš2 = na-qi4-im-tum# OB Lu-Azlag A 28; [lu2-ĝiš-gi]-saĝ#-keš2# = na#-aq#-[mu]-um lu2-azlag B and C Seg.1, 28; [MUNUS lu2-ĝiš-gi]-saĝ#-keš2# = na#-qi4!?-[im]-tum# lu2-azlag B and C Seg.1, 29.

Akk. nakmu.

ePSD icon ePSD contacts: Steve Tinney and Philip Jones.