henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
niĝinĝar [STILLBIRTH] wr. niĝin3-ĝar; niĝin3-ĝar-ra "stillborn baby"
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
eden [BACK] wr. eden "back, upper side" Akk. şēru
eĝir [BACK] wr. eĝir; eĝir5(LUM); egir4; eĝir6(MURGU2) "back, rear; after; estate, inheritence" Akk. arkatu
gi [TURN] wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)" Akk. lamû; târu
heše [OPPRESSED] wr. heš5še3; haš "(to be) oppressed; (to be) detained" Akk. habālu; kalû
ma'eĝir [STERN] wr. ma2-eĝir "stern (lit. boat back)"
murgu [SHOULDER] wr. murgu2; murgu "shoulder; back" Akk. pūdu; warkatu
sanimmara [BACK] wr. sa-nim-ma-ra "back" Akk. şēru
sug [BACK] wr. sug "steppe, open country; back, upperside, upper part" Akk. elītu; şēru
šagsud [BACK] wr. šag4-sud "back"
taka [ABANDON] wr. tak4 "to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back" Akk. ezēbu; uhhuru; šêtu
la'u [ARREARS] wr. la'u; la'u3; la'u4; la'u5; la'ux(|LAL2.U|); la2-a; la2-ux(NI); la2-u5 "arrears; surplus" Akk. ribbatu
backlog of payments
la'u [ARREARS] wr. la'u; la'u3; la'u4; la'u5; la'ux(|LAL2.U|); la2-a; la2-ux(NI); la2-u5 "arrears; surplus" Akk. ribbatu
kibid [BACKSIDE] wr. ki-bid3 "backside, ass"
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
huldim [ROTTEN] wr. hul-dim2 "rotten, ugly" Akk. masku
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
luhulĝal [EVILDOER] wr. lu2-hul-ĝal2 "evildoer; enemy" Akk. lemnu
niĝgig [BAD THING] wr. niĝ2-gig "that which is bad, forbidden; evil" Akk. ikkibu; lemnūtu
bad thing
niĝgig [BAD THING] wr. niĝ2-gig "that which is bad, forbidden; evil" Akk. ikkibu; lemnūtu
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
aĝala [SACK] wr. kuša-ĝa2-la2; kuša2-ĝa2-la2 "leather sack" Akk. naruqqu
ašita [EQUIPMENT] wr. a2-šita4; a2-šu-du7-a; a2-šu-du7 "equipment" Akk. takaltu
dalu [BAG] wr. ĝešda-lu "bag, stomach" Akk. tākaltu
duggan [BAG] wr. kušdug3-gan; dug3-gan; kušdu10 "leather bag" Akk. tukkannu
duggantug [BAG] wr. kušdug3-gan-tug2 "a leather bag"
lub [BAG] wr. lu-ub2 "a type of bag"
lubmartu [BAG] wr. kušlu-ub2-mar-tuki "a bag" Akk. maškaru
lubšir [BAG] wr. lu-ub2-šir "a type of bag"
niĝna [BAG] wr. kušniĝ2-na4 "money bag" Akk. kīsu
saĝPA [POUCH] wr. saĝ-PA "a pouch" Akk. nēpeštu
šutul [BAG] wr. šutul6 "bag" Akk. tākaltu
tun [CONTAINER] wr. ĝeštun3; tun3 "bag; stomach; a container" Akk. tākaltu
bag for carrying metals
saĝPA [POUCH] wr. saĝ-PA "a pouch" Akk. nēpeštu
maškim [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. maškim "an administrative position; a demon" Akk. rābişu
sila [BAIT] wr. sila "bait" Akk. sulû
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
ur [BAKE] wr. ur5; ur3 "to bake"
alura [BAKED] wr. al-ur5-ra; al-ur3-ra; al-lu-ra; al-lu2-ur3-ra; alurax(BAHAR2) "baked (of bricks)"
gar [CAKE] wr. gar3 "a cake or a baked product"
kadkud [FISH] wr. kad5-ku6 "a baked fish" Akk. nūn temri
baked fish
kadkud [FISH] wr. kad5-ku6 "a baked fish" Akk. nūn temri
baked of bricks
alura [BAKED] wr. al-ur5-ra; al-ur3-ra; al-lu-ra; al-lu2-ur3-ra; alurax(BAHAR2) "baked (of bricks)"
lusilaĝa [BAKER] wr. lu2-silaĝ-ĝa2 "a baker"
egir [BAKERY] wr. e2-gir4 "bakery"
kadra [GIFT] wr. kadra "bribe; greeting gift, presents" Akk. irbu; kadrû; ţātu
dilim [SPOON] wr. dilim2; dilim; zabardilim2 "spoon; balance pan" Akk. itqūru
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
situm [BALANCE] wr. si-i3-tum "balance (of a settled account)" Akk. šittum
balance of a settled account
situm [BALANCE] wr. si-i3-tum "balance (of a settled account)" Akk. šittum
balance pan
dilim [SPOON] wr. dilim2; dilim; zabardilim2 "spoon; balance pan" Akk. itqūru
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
galbalaĝak [MUSICIAN] wr. gal-balaĝ "musician, chief balang-player"
guniĝin [BALE] wr. gu-niĝin2 "bale"
dur [BALK] wr. dur "balk?"
dur [BALK] wr. dur "balk?"
ellag [BALL] wr. ĝešellag "ball" Akk. pukku
hal [STICK] wr. hal "a stick" Akk. pukku
illar [BALL] wr. ĝešillar; illar "wooden ball" Akk. pukku
aguhum [CLOTHING] wr. a2-gu4-hu-um "an item of clothing, sash?, blanket?" Akk. patinnu
dagan [TOTALITY] wr. da-gan "totality; assembly; band" Akk. kullatu; puhru; riksu
ešla [BAND] wr. eš2-la2 "bond; band, belt" Akk. markasu; nēbehu
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
ir [PEG] wr. ĝešir "peg" Akk. irru
kizrum [BAND] wr. ki-iz-ru-um "band of soldiers"
niĝkešed [BAND] wr. niĝ2-keš2 "band" Akk. riksu
udsaĝ [BAND] wr. ud5-saĝ "band" Akk. markasu; riksu
band of soldiers
kizrum [BAND] wr. ki-iz-ru-um "band of soldiers"
niĝgur [BANDAGE] wr. niĝ2-gur7; niĝ2-kar "bandage" Akk. naštiptu
niĝla [BANDAGE] wr. niĝ2-la2 "bandage"
niĝla [CLOTHING] wr. tug2niĝ2-la2; nig2-la2 "an item of clothing" Akk. şimdu
šukešed [CLOTHING] wr. šu-keš2 "clothing" Akk. şimdu
lusagaz [BRIGAND] wr. lu2-sa-gaz "brigand" Akk. habbātu
sagaz [ROBBER] wr. sa-gaz; sag-gaz "robber; murderer; robbery" Akk. habbātu; šaggāšu
a [ARM] wr. a2 "arm; labor; wing; horn; side; strength; wage; power" Akk. ahu; idu
addir [FORD] wr. addir; dir; addirx(|PA.GISAL.SI.A|); addirx(|PA.GISAL.SI.A.PAD|) "quay, port; crossing, ford" Akk. kāru; nēberu
gu [NECK] wr. gu2 "bank, side; neck" Akk. ahu; kišādu; tikku
kar [HARBOR] wr. kar "harbor, quay" Akk. kāru
piš [BANK] wr. piš10 "quay, port; bank, shore, rim; stream, wadi, gorge" Akk. kibru; kāru; nahallu
zag [SIDE] wr. zag "arm; shoulder; side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right" Akk. ahu; idu; imittu; ishu; mişru; pāţu
kašdea [BANQUET] wr. kaš-de2-a; kaš-de2 "banquet" Akk. qerītu
kibiKAK [BANQUET] wr. KI-BI-KAK "banquet" Akk. qerītu
naptanum [MEAL] wr. na-ap-ta2-num2; na-ap-ta2-nu-um; na-ap-ta-num; na-ap-ta-nu-um; na-ap-ta-num2; na-ap-ta2-num "meal, banquet"
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
aškud [EXTREMITIES] wr. aškud2; aškud "extremities; elbows; horns" Akk. aškuttu
aškud [~DOOR] wr. aškud2; aškud "a part of a door" Akk. aškuttu
gilim [BARRIER] wr. ĝešgilim "barrier, bolt" Akk. napraku
gubar [INGOT] wr. gu2-bar "metal ingot; a container; a unit of measurement" Akk. gubāru; miriqtu
guru [BAR] wr. guru3 "to bar"
igšur [BOLT] wr. ig-šu-ur2; ĝešig-šu-ur2; ĝešig-šu-ur? "bolt" Akk. mēdelu
saĝkul [BOLT] wr. ĝešsaĝ-kul; ĝešsag-gul "bolt" Akk. sikkūru
suhub [BOLT] wr. ĝešsuhub4; ĝešsuhub3; suhub5 "door bolt, bar" Akk. mēdelu; napraku
šugi [BOLT] wr. ĝeššu-ga; šu-gi; šu-gi4; šu-gilim "bolt" Akk. napraku
šumin [BAR] wr. ĝeššu-min3 "(door) bar"
naĝah [BARBARIAN] wr. na-ĝa2-ah "barbarian" Akk. nuwā'u
guhašla [BARBER] wr. gu2-haš-la2 "barber"
hursaĝ [BARBER] wr. hursaĝ "barber, hairdresser" Akk. gallābu
kinda [BARBER] wr. kinda "barber, hairdresser" Akk. gallābu
kindagal [BARBER] wr. kindagal "chief barber"
munsub [HAIR] wr. munsub; munsub2; munsubx(|KA×SUHUR|); sumunsub; sumunsub2; u2-šu-p? "hair; barber" Akk. šārtu; šārat zumri; gallābu
šu'i [BARBER] wr. šu-i "barber" Akk. gallabu
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
bare ground
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
magilum [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-gi4-lum; ĝešma2-gi-lum; ĝešma2-gi-la2 "a boat" Akk. magillu
magur [BARGE] wr. ma2-gur8; ĝešma2-gur8 "barge; a geometric figure" Akk. magurgurru
maʾu [BARGE] wr. ĝešma2-u5 "a barge" Akk. rukūbu
ĝešbargana [BARK] wr. ĝeš-bar-kin2 "the inner bark of the jeszgana-tree" Akk. sihpu
sabitum [BARKEEPER] wr. sa3-bi2-tum "female brewer, barkeeper" Akk. sābitu
dabin [SEMOLINA] wr. dabin "semolina, barley grits" Akk. tappinnu
e [BARLEY?] wr. e "barley?"
giršesa [OVEN] wr. gir4-še-sa "an oven for roasting barley"
hazin [BARLEY] wr. šeha-zi; šeha-zi-na "a type of barley"
innuHA [BARLEY] wr. in-nu-HA; šein-nu-HA "a type of barley" Akk. enninu
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
sahir [NET] wr. sa-hir "a net" Akk. sahirru
si e [SPROUT] wr. si e3 "to sprout roots (malted barley)"
si mu [SPROUT] wr. si mu2 "to sprout roots (malted barley)"
še'eštub [BARLEY] wr. še-eštub "spring barley" Akk. arsuppu
še [BARLEY] wr. še "barley; grain; a unit of length; a unit of area; a unit of volume; a unit of weight" Akk. uţţatu; û; uţţatu
šeĝuš [BARLEY] wr. še-muš; še-muš5 "a barley" Akk. šigūšu
šemar [PLANT] wr. še-mar "a plant; a type of barley"
urta [BARLEY] wr. urta "ear of barley" Akk. antu
yarahi [FINE] wr. yax(|A.A|)-ra-hi "fine quality (of barley)" Akk. yarahhu
zar [SHEAF] wr. zar3; zar "sheaf (of barley); stack of sheaves" Akk. zarru
e [BARLEY?] wr. e "barley?"
barley etc.
sahir [NET] wr. sa-hir "a net" Akk. sahirru
barley grits
dabin [SEMOLINA] wr. dabin "semolina, barley grits" Akk. tappinnu
arzana [GROATS] wr. ar-za-na "groats" Akk. arsānu
irdam [PIG-STY] wr. ir-dam "pig-sty" Akk. irritu
kunzida [WEIR] wr. kun-zid-da; kun-zi "weir" Akk. mihru
usag [BUNDLE] wr. u2-sag11 "reed bundle for barrages" Akk. šūru
šagsuga [WASTE] wr. šag4-sug4-ga; šag4-sug4; šag4-sig "waste, empty (land), emptiness; hunger, famine" Akk. mērênu; nebrītu
gilim [BARRIER] wr. ĝešgilim "barrier, bolt" Akk. napraku
adbar [BASALT] wr. a2-da-bar; ad-bar "black basalt" Akk. atbaru
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
dubla [TOWER] wr. dub-la2 "gate tower" Akk. išdu; tublu
dubur [FOUNDATION] wr. dubur; dubur2 "base" Akk. išdu
išdum [ROOT] wr. išdumx(|DU@g|) "root" Akk. išdu
kigalum [PEDESTAL] wr. ki-gal-lum "pedestal, base of a statue" Akk. kigallu
kurur [MOUNTAIN BASE] wr. kur-ur2 "base of the mountains"
lahhušu [BASE] wr. lahhušu; lahhušux(|SIG4.SIG4.ŠU2|) "base of a pot" Akk. šupat karpati
suhuš [FOUNDATION] wr. suhuš "foundation" Akk. išdu
šaran [PESTLE BOTTOM] wr. šaran "bottom of a pestle" Akk. išid bukānni
umbin [BASE] wr. ĝešumbin "base of a table" Akk. şupur paššūri
ur [BASE] wr. ur2; ĝešur2 "base, legs of a table"
ur [ROOT] wr. ur2; ur5 "root, base; limbs; loin, lap" Akk. išdu; mešrêtu; sūnu; utlu
base of a pot
lahhušu [BASE] wr. lahhušu; lahhušux(|SIG4.SIG4.ŠU2|) "base of a pot" Akk. šupat karpati
base of a statue
kigalum [PEDESTAL] wr. ki-gal-lum "pedestal, base of a statue" Akk. kigallu
base of a table
umbin [BASE] wr. ĝešumbin "base of a table" Akk. şupur paššūri
base of building
dubla [TOWER] wr. dub-la2 "gate tower" Akk. išdu; tublu
dubur [FOUNDATION] wr. dubur; dubur2 "base" Akk. išdu
išdum [ROOT] wr. išdumx(|DU@g|) "root" Akk. išdu
suhuš [FOUNDATION] wr. suhuš "foundation" Akk. išdu
ur [ROOT] wr. ur2; ur5 "root, base; limbs; loin, lap" Akk. išdu; mešrêtu; sūnu; utlu
base of the mountains
kurur [MOUNTAIN BASE] wr. kur-ur2 "base of the mountains"
kur [UNIT] wr. kur2; gur2 "unit of capacity based on a vessel size"
aĝarin [MATRIX] wr. aĝarin4; aĝarin3; aĝarin5; a-ĝa2-ri-in; aĝa3-ri2; aĝarin; aĝarin2; aĝarinx(|AB×HA|); aĝarinx(|LAGAB×HAL|); a-ĝa2-ri-im "matrix, mother-creator; beer mash, beer bread; crucible" Akk. agarinnu; bappiru; ummu
barla [BASIN?] wr. bar-la2 "basin?"
buniĝ [TROUGH] wr. ĝešbuniĝ; gibuniĝx(|A.LAGAB×A|); buniĝ; gibuniĝ; ĝešbuniĝ2; ĝešbuniĝ3; kunin "a trough, bowl or bucket" Akk. kuninu; pattû
ĝiriman [BASIN] wr. ĝiri3-ma-an "basin"
šim [BASIN] wr. šim "type of basin"
šušĝar [VESSEL] wr. šu-ša-gar; šu-uš-ĝarzabar "a metal vessel or basin" Akk. šušmarû
zahum [BASIN] wr. za-hum; za-hu-um; za-a-hu-um "a metal basin" Akk. šāhu
barla [BASIN?] wr. bar-la2 "basin?"
basin for liquids
buniĝ [TROUGH] wr. ĝešbuniĝ; gibuniĝx(|A.LAGAB×A|); buniĝ; gibuniĝ; ĝešbuniĝ2; ĝešbuniĝ3; kunin "a trough, bowl or bucket" Akk. kuninu; pattû
adKID [WEAVER] wr. ad-KID; ad-kup5 "basket weaver; reed worker" Akk. atkuppu
bandudu [BASKET] wr. ba-an-du5; giba-an-du8-du8 "seeding basket of a plow" Akk. banduddû
bisaĝ [BASKET] wr. bisaĝ; gibisaĝ; bisaĝ3; bisaĝ2 "basket" Akk. pisannu
bisaĝnindaĝar [BASKET] wr. bisaĝ-ninda-ĝar "bread basket"
dupsik [BASKET] wr. dupsik; ĝešdupsik; gidupsik; zub-sig3 "a basket (for carrying earth and bricks)" Akk. tupšikku
gabil [BASKET] wr. gab2-il2 "a basket" Akk. zabbīlu
gidirig [BASKET] wr. gi-dirig "a basket"
gigurDU [BASKET] wr. gi-gur-DU "basket"
gigurDU [~BASKET] wr. gi-gur-DU "a basket"
gigur [CONTAINER] wr. gi-gur "a measuring container" Akk. gigurru; pānu
gigurda [BASKET] wr. gi-gur-da "a basket" Akk. gigurdû; maššû
gihan [BASKET] wr. gi-ha-an "a basket for wool" Akk. gihannu
gisab [BASKET] wr. gi-sab "basket" Akk. gisappu
gurdub [BASKET] wr. gurdub; gigur-dub; gurdub2; gur-dub "a basket" Akk. gurduppum
ĝešbadra [SLED] wr. ĝeš-bad-ra2 "threshing sled" Akk. gisappu
ĝirlam [BASKET] wr. ĝir3-lam; gi-lam "a basket" Akk. ?
hal [BASKET] wr. gihal "a basket"
il [BASKET] wr. ĝešil2 "a basket"
kaskal [BASKET] wr. gikaskal "travel basket"
masab [BASKET] wr. gima-sa2-ab; ma-sa2-ab; ma-sa2; gima-sab "basket" Akk. masabbu
mudla [BASKET] wr. mudla "basket" Akk. maššû
sigda [BASKET] wr. gisi-ig-da "a basket"
šu [BASKET] wr. ĝeššu4 "basket" Akk. huppu
basket for carrying earth and bricks
dupsik [BASKET] wr. dupsik; ĝešdupsik; gidupsik; zub-sig3 "a basket (for carrying earth and bricks)" Akk. tupšikku
basket for fish
gurdub [BASKET] wr. gurdub; gigur-dub; gurdub2; gur-dub "a basket" Akk. gurduppum
basket for wool
gihan [BASKET] wr. gi-ha-an "a basket for wool" Akk. gihannu
basket weaver
adKID [WEAVER] wr. ad-KID; ad-kup5 "basket weaver; reed worker" Akk. atkuppu
namadKID [BASKET-WEAVING] wr. nam-ad-KID "the craft of the basket-weaver"
namadKID [BASKET-WEAVING] wr. nam-ad-KID "the craft of the basket-weaver"
arkab [BAT] wr. arkab; arkabmušen; su-dinarkabx(|ARKAB2.IB|)mušen; su-dinarkabx(IB); arkabx(|ARKAB2.IB|) "a bird or bat" Akk. argabu
dubdubu [BIRD] wr. dub2-dub2-bumušen "a bird; a bat" Akk. akkannu; suttinnu; šagaşu
sudin [BAT] wr. su-dinmušen; šu4-dinmušen; su-te-en "bat" Akk. suttinnu
dubdubu [BIRD] wr. dub2-dub2-bumušen "a bird; a bat" Akk. akkannu; suttinnu; šagaşu
bat-like bird or animal
dubdubu [BIRD] wr. dub2-dub2-bumušen "a bird; a bat" Akk. akkannu; suttinnu; šagaşu
saĝdili [LONE] wr. saĝ-dil "lone, single; batchelor; noble" Akk. gitmalu; ēdēnû
a tu [WASH] wr. a tu15; a tu17; a tu5 "to wash, bathe" Akk. ramāku
gub [BATHE] wr. gub2 "to bathe, wash oneself; (to be) pure" Akk. ramāku
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
kušla [GARMENT] wr. kuš-la2 "a garment; a functionary" Akk. aguhhu; nahlaptu; ramku; ša šibirri
susbu [PRIEST] wr. susbu; susbu2 "a priest" Akk. ramku
šita [PRIEST] wr. šita "a priest; ~ figurine" Akk. ellu; ikribu; ramku
šuba [MULTICOLOURED] wr. šuba; šuba2 "(to be) multicoloured; (to be) manly; young man; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; (to be) bathed" Akk. bitrāmu; ellu; eţlu; ramku
ABA [CHAMBER] wr. |AB×A| "bathing chamber"
ABAšag [CHAMBER-CENTER] wr. |AB×A|-šag4 "center of the bathing chamber?"
atua [LUSTRATION] wr. a-tu5-a "lustration rite" Akk. rimku
bathing ceremony
atua [LUSTRATION] wr. a-tu5-a "lustration rite" Akk. rimku
bathing chamber
ABA [CHAMBER] wr. |AB×A| "bathing chamber"
dus [BATHROOM] wr. du10-us2 "bathroom" Akk. narmaku
dus [BATHROOM] wr. du10-us2 "bathroom" Akk. narmaku
eme [~PLOW] wr. ĝešeme "a part of a plow; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. emû
gusiAŠ [RAM] wr. gu4-si-AŠ; |SI.GUD.AŠ|; |SI.GUD×AŠ|; |SI.GUD| "battering ram" Akk. āšibu
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
battering ram
gusiAŠ [RAM] wr. gu4-si-AŠ; |SI.GUD.AŠ|; |SI.GUD×AŠ|; |SI.GUD| "battering ram" Akk. āšibu
akkil [NOISE] wr. akkil; akkil2 "noise, cry, clamor, uproar; battle cry; lamentation" Akk. ikkillu; rigmu; tanūqātu; šīsu
badara [DAGGER] wr. ba-da-ra; ba-dar "dagger, weapon" Akk. pattaru
badbad [DEFEAT] wr. bad5-bad5 "defeat in battle" Akk. dabdû
damhara [BATTLE] wr. dam-ha-ra "battle" Akk. tamhāru
erimhuš [BATTLE] wr. erim-huš "battle" Akk. anantu
gu'ana [BATTLE] wr. guana "battle" Akk. qablu
gukiri [CRY] wr. gu3-ĝeškiri6; gu3-kiri6 "battle cry" Akk. ikkillu
ĝešla [BATTLE] wr. ĝeš-la2 "battle" Akk. anantu; tuqumtu
haš [BATTLE-MACE] wr. ĝešhaš "battle-mace" Akk. mašgašu
me [BATTLE] wr. me3; me; me7; me9; mex(AK׊ITA); me11 "battle; combat" Akk. tāhāzu
sabad [BATTLE] wr. sabad2; sabad3; sad2 "battle" Akk. qablu
saĝDUDU [DEFEAT] wr. saĝdudux(|LAGAB׊ITA@t|) "to defeat in battle" Akk. mahāşu ša dabdê
šen [BATTLE] wr. šen "battle; (single) combat" Akk. qablu; šašmu
tal [CLAMOR] wr. tal3; ti-il; tal; tal4; tal5; ta-il; til "cry, clamour; battle cry" Akk. ikkillu; tanūqātu; šīsu
u [DEFEAT] wr. u8; u2 "defeat" Akk. tuqumtu
ula [BATTLE] wr. ula2 "battle" Akk. qablu
uma [TRIUMPH] wr. u3-ma; u2-ma "triumph, victory" Akk. ernittu
zubud [MACE] wr. zubud "(battle) mace" Akk. patarru
battle cry
akkil [NOISE] wr. akkil; akkil2 "noise, cry, clamor, uproar; battle cry; lamentation" Akk. ikkillu; rigmu; tanūqātu; šīsu
gukiri [CRY] wr. gu3-ĝeškiri6; gu3-kiri6 "battle cry" Akk. ikkillu
tal [CLAMOR] wr. tal3; ti-il; tal; tal4; tal5; ta-il; til "cry, clamour; battle cry" Akk. ikkillu; tanūqātu; šīsu
battle mace
haš [BATTLE-MACE] wr. ĝešhaš "battle-mace" Akk. mašgašu
battle objective
uma [TRIUMPH] wr. u3-ma; u2-ma "triumph, victory" Akk. ernittu
zahada [AX] wr. za-ha-dazabar; ĝešza-ha-da; GIŠ.KUza-ha-da "an ax" Akk. qulmû; zahaţû
haš [BATTLE-MACE] wr. ĝešhaš "battle-mace" Akk. mašgašu
kiĝešĝešla [BATTLEFIELD] wr. ki-ĝeš-ĝeš-la2 "battlefield"
gu dub [SHOUT] wr. gu3 dub2 "to shout" Akk. nagāgu
u [BELLOW] wr. u4 "to bray, bellow, bawl; voice, cry, noise" Akk. nagāgu; rigmu
NERU [ENEMY] wr. NE.RU "enemy; (to be) wicked, villainous" Akk. ayyābu; raggu
ad [CRIPPLED] wr. ad4 "(to be) crippled" Akk. kubbulu
ah [DRY] wr. ah3 "(to be) dried (out), dry; to dry" Akk. abālu; šābulu
anunĝal [STRONG] wr. a2-nun-ĝal2 "(to be) strong, mighty" Akk. ?
asilal [DISTANT] wr. asilal "to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) far away, distant" Akk. duppuru; nasû
babbar [WHITE] wr. babbar2; babbar "(to be) white" Akk. peşû
bad [OPEN] wr. bad; ba; be2 "(to be) remote; to open, undo; to thresh grain with a threshing sledge" Akk. be'ēšû; nesû; petû
banda [JUNIOR] wr. banda3da "(to be) junior; small; (to be) wild, fierce" Akk. ekdu; şehru
bil [SOUR] wr. bil2 "(to be)sour" Akk. emşu
buluh [FEAR] wr. bu-luh; bu-lu-uh2; bu-lu-uh3; buluh "to fear, tremble, be afraid" Akk. galātu
burud [PERFORATE] wr. burudx(U) "breach, hole; depression, low-lying area, depth; to perforate; (to be) deep" Akk. palāšu; šapālu; pilšu; šupālu; šuplu
dada [HOSTILE] wr. da-da; da3-da3da "(to be) hostile; to be difficult" Akk. wašţum
dadag [BRIGHT] wr. dadag; dag2 "(to be) bright; to clean" Akk. ebbu; ellu; namru
dadara [TIED] wr. da-da-ra "(to be) tied, cramped up" Akk. ebēţu
daĝal [WIDE] wr. daĝal; dam-gal; di-am-ga-al; da-ma-al "(to be) wide; width, breadth" Akk. rupšu
dalla [BRIGHT] wr. dalla "(to be ) bright; (to be) impetuous, fierce" Akk. ellu
dan [PURE] wr. dan6; dan3; dan4; dan2 "(to be) pure, clear; to clean" Akk. zakû
daparu [DEFEAT] wr. daparu "defeat, annihilation; (to be) resistant, obstinate" Akk. kamāru; karašû; šapşu
dara [RED] wr. dara4 "(to be) red; (to be) brown; blood" Akk. dāmu
dari [ETERNAL] wr. da-ri2; da-ri; du-ri "(to be)eternal" Akk. dārû
dartar [TIED] wr. dar-tar "(to be) tied"
didila [SMALLER] wr. di4-di4-la2; di4-di4-la; di4-di4 "(to be) small(er)" Akk. daqqu
dig [PARALYZED] wr. dig "(to be) paralyzed, to suffer paralysis" Akk. rimûtu
dig [SOFT] wr. dig "(to be) soft; to soften" Akk. labāku; narbu
dili [SINGLE] wr. dili; di-il5 "(to be) single, unique, sole; (to be) alone" Akk. dēlu; ēdu
dilmun [IMPORTANT] wr. dilmun "(to be) made manifest; (to be) heavy; (to be) important; ritually unclean, impure person; instruction" Akk. kabtu; musukku; têrtu; šûpû
dinig [RESISTANT] wr. dinig2 "(to be) resistant, obstinate" Akk. šapşu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
du [SUITABLE] wr. du7 "(to be) fitting, suitable" Akk. asāmu; naţû
dug [GOOD] wr. dug3; ze2-eb; du-uq "(to be) good; (to be) sweet; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. ţābu
duga'ak [SHRIVELED] wr. dug3-a-ak "(to be) shriveled"
dugdugurhi [DEAD] wr. dug3-dug3-ur-hi "(to be) dead"
dugud [HEAVY] wr. dugud "(to be) heavy; (to be) important" Akk. kabtu
dul [LOWER] wr. dul2 "to lower; (to be) deep"
duri [MALE] wr. duri "male; (to be) virile" Akk. zikaru
duru [WET] wr. duru5; duru5ru "(to be) soft; (to be) wet, irrigated, damp, fresh" Akk. labāku; raţbu
ed [ASCEND] wr. ed3; |UD×U+U+U.DU| "to go up or down; to demolish; to scratch; to rage, be rabid" Akk. arādu; elû; naqāru; šegû
eš [COLD] wr. eš13 "(to be) cold" Akk. kuşşû
ešela [BOUND] wr. ešela "(to be) bound" Akk. hanāqu; kalû; kamû
gal [BIG] wr. gal; gu-la; gu-ul; gal-gal; ku-ul "(to be) big, great; (to be) retired, former; (to be) mature (of male animals)" Akk. rabû
galam [SKILFUL] wr. galam "(to be) skilful, elaborate, clever; to make artfully" Akk. naklu
gar [HEROIC] wr. gar3 "(to be) heroic"
gara [DESERTED] wr. gar4 "(to be) deserted" Akk. harbu
gašam [WISE] wr. gašam "(to be) knowing, wise; sending, mission; work; craftsman, specialist" Akk. mūdū; ummiānu; šipru
genna [CHILD] wr. genna "(to be) small; (young) child" Akk. şehru; šerru
gibil [NEW] wr. gibil; gibil4 "(to be) new" Akk. edēšu
gid [LONG] wr. gid2 "(to be) long; to tighten; to survey, measure out a field" Akk. arāku
gig [SICK] wr. gig "(to be) sick; (to be) troublesome" Akk. marāşu; marşu
giggi [BLACK] wr. giggi; gi6-gi6 "(to be) black" Akk. şalmu
gilim [CROSS] wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gil-gilil "to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block; (to be) difficult to understand" Akk. egēru; parāku
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
girim [FLOWER] wr. gi-rin; gi4-rin; girim; ĝešgi-rim "(to be) pure; (to be) clear; a fruit; a tree; a flower; olive" Akk. ellu; girimmu; hulamīsu; illūru; serdu
gub [BATHE] wr. gub2 "to bathe, wash oneself; (to be) pure" Akk. ramāku
gub [STAND] wr. gub "to stand; (to be) assigned (to a task)" Akk. izuzzu
gug [BRIGHT] wr. gug "(to be) bright"
gum [LAME] wr. gum2 "(to be) lame" Akk. hunzû; hutenzû; huzzû
gumurak [HEROIC] wr. gu3-mur-ak "(to be) heroic"
gunu [SPECKLED] wr. gun3; gu2-un-gu2; gu2-nu; gun5 "(to be) speckled, multicolored; (to be) hatched (in sign names); to anoint, smear on, apply makeup" Akk. barmu; eqû
gur [THICK] wr. gur4; gur14; gur13 "(to be) thick; (to be) big, to feel big" Akk. ebû; rabû; kabru
guru [GRIND] wr. gur5 "to grind, grate; to cut up, chop; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. kasāmu; kaşāşu; urrû
guzal [SCOUNDREL] wr. gu2-zal; gu3-zal "scoundrel, rogue; (to be) coarse, rude" Akk. guzallu; ishappu; ahurrû; nû'u
ĝal [BE] wr. ĝal2; ma-al; ga2gal2 "to be (there, at hand, available); to exist; to put, place, lay down; to have" Akk. bašû; šakānu
ĝala dag [CEASE] wr. ĝa2-la dag "to cease; (to be) idle, lax" Akk. naparkû
ĝeš la [SILENT] wr. ĝeš la2 "(to be) silent" Akk. ?
ĝeštug la [DEAF] wr. ĝeštug2 la2 "(to be) deaf; (to be) difficult, obstinate" Akk. sakāku
ĝeštug [EAR] wr. ĝeštug2; ĝešĝeštug; ĝeštug; ĝeštug3; muštug2; mu-uš-tug2; mu-uš-tug "reason, plan; (to be) wise; wisdom, understanding; ear" Akk. hassu; uznu; uznu; ţēmu
ĝiri ul [RUSH] wr. ĝiri3 ul4 "to rush" Akk. hamāţu
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
had [BRIGHT] wr. ha-ad; had2 "(to be) bright; to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ebbu; nabāţu; ellu
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
halba [FROST] wr. halba2; halba6; halba; halpi "frost, ice, cold weather; (to be) cold" Akk. halpû; kuşşû; mammû; takşâtu; šurīpu
haš [SOFT] wr. haš3 "(to be) soft" Akk. narbu
he'am [SO BE IT] wr. he2-am3 "so be it!"
he [BE] wr. he2; he2-a "be it, be he"
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
heše [OPPRESSED] wr. heš5še3; haš "(to be) oppressed; (to be) detained" Akk. habālu; kalû
hili kar [LOVE] wr. hi-li kar "to love, be fond of, attracted to" Akk. menû
hili teĝ [LOVE] wr. hi-li teĝ3 "to love, be fond of, attracted to" Akk. menû
hili [LUXURIANT] wr. hi-li; hilib2 "sex appeal; (to be) luxuriant; to have pleasure" Akk. kuzbu; šamhu
hubhub [POINTED] wr. hub2-hu-ub "(to be) pointed" Akk. zaqtu
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
huluh [FRIGHTENED] wr. hu-luh; huluh; hu-hu-luh; ha-luh "(to be) frightened"
hum [SNAP] wr. hum "to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion" Akk. hamāšu; rahāšu
huš [REDDISH] wr. huš; huš2 "furious, angry; (to be) reddish, ruddy" Akk. ezzu
i'iz [NUMEROUS] wr. i-iz "(to be) numerous" Akk. mādu
ib [ANGRY] wr. ib2 "(to be) angry; to curse" Akk. agāgu; arāru
idim [BLOCKED] wr. idim "(to be) blocked, stilted; (to be) obtuse, deaf; simple person, imbecile; weak, helpless (person)" Akk. sakku; saklu; ulālu
idim [HEAVY] wr. idim "(to be) heavy; (to be) important" Akk. kabtu
igi lib [AWAKE] wr. igi lib; igi lib4 "to be awake" Akk. dalāpu
iginudu [BLIND] wr. igi-nu-du8 "a type of worker; blind" Akk. lā naţālu
immal [PROPERTY] wr. immal3 "(to be) very plentiful; goods, property, possessions, livestock" Akk. būšu; makkûru; maršītu; ţuhhudu
ir'usa [ABSENT] wr. ir-us2-sa "(to be) absent"
iri [HIGH] wr. i-ri "(to be) high" Akk. šaqûm
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
kal [RARE] wr. kal "(to be) rare, valuable" Akk. aqāru
kalag [STRONG] wr. kal-ga; kalag; kal-la "(to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for" Akk. dannu; kubbû
kana [DARK] wr. kana6; kana5; kana3 "(to be) dark, gloomy; gloom" Akk. adāru
kiĝ [POINTED] wr. kiĝ2 "(to be) pointed" Akk. zaqātu
kud [SWEET] wr. ku7 "(to be) good; (to be ) (honey-)sweet" Akk. dašpu; matqu; ţābu
kug [METAL] wr. kug "metal, silver; (to be) bright, shiny"
kug [PURE] wr. kug "(to be) pure" Akk. ellu
kukku [DARK] wr. ku10-ku10; kukku5 "(to be) dark" Akk. da'āmu
kul [HEAVY] wr. kul "(to be) heavy; to honor a person" Akk. kabātu
kum [HOT] wr. kum2; kum4 "(to be) hot" Akk. emēmu
kur [DIFFERENT] wr. kur2; gur "(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)" Akk. nakāru; šanû
kurun [BEER] wr. kurun; kurun2; kurun3 "a beer; blood; (to be) good; (to be) sweet" Akk. dāmu; kurunnu; ţābu
kušu [TIRED] wr. kuš2; kuš2-u3 "(to be) tired, troubled" Akk. anāhu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
lal [SMALL] wr. lal; lal2 "(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; dimunition" Akk. maţû; tamţâtu
lal [SWEET] wr. lal3 "(to be) sweet; (to be) good"
lib [ABSENT] wr. lib5 "(to be) absent"
lib [DAZED] wr. lib "dazed silence; (to be) dazed" Akk. šaqummatu
lib [RICH] "(to be) rich, well-off; high quality; (to be) happy" Akk. hadû; hidiātu; râšu; rāšû; rīšātu
libir [OLD] wr. libir "(to be) old, long-lasting" Akk. labāru
lil [ILL] wr. lil2 "(to be) ill"
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
lu [ABUNDANT] wr. lu "(to be) abundant; to heap up" Akk. dêšu; kamāru
lug [TWIST] wr. lu-gu2; lug; lum "to twist; (to be) crushed" Akk. zâru
lugud [SHORT] wr. lugud2; lugud3 "(to be) short; (to be) tight; (to be) short of breath" Akk. kurû
lul [FALSE] wr. lul "(to be) false; (to be) criminal" Akk. sarru
lum [FRUIT] wr. lum "(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine" Akk. enēbu; unnubu; namāru; šebû; šihu
mah [COW] wr. mah2 "(to be) mature, milk producing (of cows)"
mah [GREAT] wr. mah; mah2 "(to be) great" Akk. kabtu; mādu; rabû; şīru
mah [SICK?] wr. al-mah-mah "(to be) sick?"
me ĝar [MAKE SILENT] wr. me ĝar "to make silent" Akk. qâlu
me [BE] wr. me; em; am3 "to be"
mes [HERO] wr. mes "hero; (to be) manly; young man" Akk. eţlu
mir [ANGRY] wr. mir "(to be) angry; anger, rage" Akk. uzzu
mud [SCARED] wr. mud "(to be) scared, terrified" Akk. parādu
mudur [DIRTY] wr. mudra6 "(to be) dirty" Akk. (w)aršu
mun [SALT] wr. mun; mun4; munu3 "(to be) brackish; salt" Akk. marru; ţabtu
munu [SCORCHING] wr. munu2 "(to be) scorching" Akk. himţêtu
munzer [UNKEMPT] wr. munzerx(|SAG.MU.BU|) "(to be) unkempt"
mur [FODDER] wr. mur "fodder; (to be) fat" Akk. imrû; kabāru
niga [FATTENED] wr. niga; niĝ2-gu7-a "(to be) fattened" Akk. marû
nim [HIGH] wr. nim "(to be) high, elevated; (to be) early; easterner" Akk. šaqû
nu [NOT] wr. nu "(to be) not, no; without, un-" Akk. lā; ula
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
pešgi [LINED] wr. peš-gi4 "(to be) lined (said of containers)"
ra [PURE] wr. ra3 "(to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ellu
ri [DISTANT] wr. ri "(to be) distant" Akk. nesû
rib [SURPASSING] wr. rib; ri-ba "(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive" Akk. ešqu; šūtuqu
sa [EQUAL] wr. sa2; sax(ZAG); se3 "to equal, compare, compete, be equal to, rival" Akk. kašādu; mašālu; šanānu
sag [GOOD] wr. sag8; sag9; sag10; šeg10; sag12 "(to be) good, sweet, beautiful; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. banû; damāqu; dumqu; ţābu
sag [RARE] wr. sag10; sag8 "(to be) high quality; (to be) rare, precious" Akk. aqru; aqāru
saĝ ĝal [MEASURED] wr. saĝ ĝal2 "(to be) measured out as a heaped amount; to measure out a heaped amount"
saĝus [CONSTANT] wr. saguš "(to be) constant, regular; an attendant" Akk. kayyānu; mukīl rēši
sahar [POROUS?] wr. sahar2 "(to be) porous?" Akk. šaharru
sal [THIN] wr. sal "(to be) thin, fine; to spread" Akk. raqāqu
sar [RUN] wr. sar "to run, hasten" Akk. hamāţu; lasāmu
sed [COLD] wr. sed4; sed; sed6; še12; še18; še11; še15; še5; šed5 "(to be) cold; to cool; winter" Akk. kāşû; kuşu; kuşşu
ses [BITTER] wr. ses "(to be) bitter, brackish" Akk. marru
si sa [STRAIGHTEN] wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 "to make straight; to make vertical" Akk. ešēru; šutēšuru
si [DRUNK] wr. si3 "(to be) drunk" Akk. šakāru
sig [PLUCK] wr. sig7; sig8 "to pluck hair or wool; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. sepû ša šarti; urrû
sig [SILENT] wr. si-ig; šeg5 "(deathly) hush; (to be) silent" Akk. šaqummatu
sig [WEAK] wr. sig "(to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin; (to be) narrow" Akk. enšu; qatnu
sikil [PURE] wr. sikil "(to be) pure" Akk. ebbu; ellu
sil [SPLIT] wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 "(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit" Akk. nesû; šalātu
silig [MIGHTY] wr. šilig; šilig6 "(to be) mighty, majestic" Akk. šagapūru
silim [HEALTHY] wr. silim "(to be) healthy; completeness; well-being" Akk. šalāmu; šulmu
sir [DENSE] wr. sir2 "(to be) dense" Akk. šapû
sir [POINTED] wr. sir5 "(to be) pointed" Akk. eddu
sissi [GREEN] wr. si12-si12; sissix(GI) "(to be) green-yellow, pale" Akk. arqu; arāqu
su [RED] wr. su4; sa5; šu4 "(to be) red, brown" Akk. pelû; sāmu
sud [DISTANT] wr. sud; su3-ud "(to be) distant; (to be) remote, long-lasting; (to be) profound" Akk. nesû; rêqu
sudaĝ [METAL] wr. sud-ra2-aĝ2; sud-aĝ2; su3-ud-aĝ2 "a precious metal; (to be) shiny (a divine epithet)" Akk. elmēšu
sug [EMPTY] wr. sug4 "(to be) empty; (to be) naked; to cut clear, strip" Akk. erû; urrû; riāqu
sum [POOR] wr. sum5 "(to be) poor; pauper" Akk. lapnu
sumun [OLD] wr. sumun "(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter" Akk. labāru; nutāpu; sumkīnu
sumur [ANGRY] wr. sumur; sumurx(KA) "(to be) angry, furious" Akk. ezzu; šamru
sun [HUMBLE] wr. sun5 "(to be) humble"
sur [FURIOUS] wr. sur2 "(to be) furious, angry" Akk. ezzu
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
šag dar [HEARTBROKEN] wr. šag4 dar "(to be) heartbroken" Akk. libbu hepû
šaĝar [OPPRESSED] wr. šaĝa; ša-ĝa2; šaĝax(LU2) "a wronged person; (to be) slain; (to be) afflicted, oppressed" Akk. hablu; šagšu
šalambi [BROAD] wr. šalambi "(to be) broad, spacious" Akk. šadlu
šar [3600] wr. šar2; šar; šar2-šar2 "totality, world; (to be) numerous; 3600" Akk. kiššatu; mâdu
šed [LIE] wr. še21; šex(NA2) "to lie down (of animals); to rest, sleep (of animals)" Akk. itūlu; rabāşu
šeg [AGREE] wr. še "to agree, be in agreement; to obey" Akk. magāru
šen [PURE] wr. šen "(to be) pure, clear" Akk. ellu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
šuba [MULTICOLOURED] wr. šuba; šuba2 "(to be) multicoloured; (to be) manly; young man; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; (to be) bathed" Akk. bitrāmu; ellu; eţlu; ramku
šul [YOUTH] wr. šul "(to be) manly; youth; young man" Akk. eţlu
šušru [DISTRESSED] wr. šu2-uš-ru "(to be) distressed"
šušur [CORRECT] wr. šušur; šušur2 "(to be) in order, correct" Akk. šûšuru
tal [BROAD] wr. tal2 "(to be) broad, expand" Akk. rapāšu
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
teĝ [APPROACH] wr. teĝ3; teĝ4 "(to be) near to; to approach" Akk. ţehû
tidil [CRAMPED] wr. ti-di-il "(to be) cramped"
tikil [POINTED] wr. ti-ki-il "(to be) pointed"
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
tiridanu [EVIL] wr. ti-ri2-da-nu "(to be) evil"
tur [ILL] wr. tur5 "illness, disease; (to be) ill" Akk. marāşu; murşu
tur [SMALL] wr. tur; tu "(to be) small; to reduce, diminish; to subtract; (to be) young" Akk. şehērum
u'ug [DEAF] wr. u2-ug "deaf; (to be) difficult, obstinate"
udi [DAZED] wr. u3-di "(to be) dazed; sleep" Akk. kâru; šittu
udra [DARKENED] wr. udra "(to be) darkened" Akk. udduru
udšua [HUNGRY] wr. u4-šu2-a "(to be) hungry"
ug [EXALTED] wr. ugx(EZEN) "(to be) exalted"
ug [FURIOUS] wr. ug; ug2 "(to be) furious; anger" Akk. aggu; uggu
ugu de [DISAPPEAR] wr. u2-gu de2; u2-gu3 de2; ugu de2 "to disappear" Akk. halāqu
uh [FORGOTTEN] wr. uh6 "(to be) forgotten" Akk. mašû
ukur [POOR] wr. ukur3 "(to be) poor; pauper" Akk. lapnu
ul [DISTANT] wr. ul; ul-li2; ul-li "(to be) distant (in time); distant time" Akk. şiātu
ul [HASTEN] wr. ul4 "to hasten, (be) quick; (to be) early" Akk. arāhu; hamāţu; harāpu
ul [SWELL] wr. ul "to swell, (to be) distended; to love; attractiveness; pleasure; rejoicing" Akk. habāşu; menû; ulşu
ula [FEEBLE] wr. u2-la2 "(to be) feeble" Akk. muqqu
un [HIGH] wr. un3 "to arise; sky; (to be) high" Akk. elû; šamû; šaqû
ur [ABUNDANT] wr. ur3 "(to be) abundant" Akk. kapāšu
urbigu [COMBATIVE] wr. urbigu "(to be) combative" Akk. šitnunu
urgilim [COMBATIVE] wr. urgilim "(to be) combative" Akk. šitnunu
urin [PURE] wr. urin; u2-ri-in "(to be) pure" Akk. zakû
urun [CLEVER] wr. urunx(EN) "(to be) clever" Akk. naklu
urun [EXALTED] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru; uru; uru15 "(to be) exalted; (to be) strong" Akk. dannu; šapsu; şīru
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
uzahal [DISAPPEARANCE] wr. u4-za-hal; u4-za-ha-al "disappearance" Akk. halāqu
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
zag ĝar [SOUR] wr. zag ĝar "(to be) sour" Akk. emiştu
zag [SWEET] wr. zag "(to be) sweet" Akk. dašpu
zah [DISAPPEAR] wr. zah3; zah2 "to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive" Akk. duppuru; halāqu; nābutu; šerû
zalag [SHINE] wr. zalag; zalag2; su-lu-ug; sulug "(to be) pure; (fire) light; (to be) bright, to shine" Akk. ebbu; namāru; nûru
zara [OVERLAP] wr. zara6 "(to be) braided; to overlap" Akk. nentû; ţamû
zil [GOOD] wr. zil2 "(to be) good; (to be) benificent" Akk. damāqu
be afraid
buluh [FEAR] wr. bu-luh; bu-lu-uh2; bu-lu-uh3; buluh "to fear, tremble, be afraid" Akk. galātu
be blind
iginudu [BLIND] wr. igi-nu-du8 "a type of worker; blind" Akk. lā naţālu
be come fugitive
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
ugu de [DISAPPEAR] wr. u2-gu de2; u2-gu3 de2; ugu de2 "to disappear" Akk. halāqu
uzahal [DISAPPEARANCE] wr. u4-za-hal; u4-za-ha-al "disappearance" Akk. halāqu
zah [DISAPPEAR] wr. zah3; zah2 "to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive" Akk. duppuru; halāqu; nābutu; šerû
be equal to
sa [EQUAL] wr. sa2; sax(ZAG); se3 "to equal, compare, compete, be equal to, rival" Akk. kašādu; mašālu; šanānu
be fond of
hili kar [LOVE] wr. hi-li kar "to love, be fond of, attracted to" Akk. menû
hili teĝ [LOVE] wr. hi-li teĝ3 "to love, be fond of, attracted to" Akk. menû
be he
he [BE] wr. he2; he2-a "be it, be he"
be in agreement
šeg [AGREE] wr. še "to agree, be in agreement; to obey" Akk. magāru
be in motion
hum [SNAP] wr. hum "to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion" Akk. hamāšu; rahāšu
be in motion
hum [SNAP] wr. hum "to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion" Akk. hamāšu; rahāšu
be it
he [BE] wr. he2; he2-a "be it, be he"
be quick
ĝiri ul [RUSH] wr. ĝiri3 ul4 "to rush" Akk. hamāţu
sar [RUN] wr. sar "to run, hasten" Akk. hamāţu; lasāmu
ul [HASTEN] wr. ul4 "to hasten, (be) quick; (to be) early" Akk. arāhu; hamāţu; harāpu
be rabid
ed [ASCEND] wr. ed3; |UD×U+U+U.DU| "to go up or down; to demolish; to scratch; to rage, be rabid" Akk. arādu; elû; naqāru; šegû
be recumbent
šed [LIE] wr. še21; šex(NA2) "to lie down (of animals); to rest, sleep (of animals)" Akk. itūlu; rabāşu
be silent
me ĝar [MAKE SILENT] wr. me ĝar "to make silent" Akk. qâlu
be sleepless
igi lib [AWAKE] wr. igi lib; igi lib4 "to be awake" Akk. dalāpu
be straight
si sa [STRAIGHTEN] wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 "to make straight; to make vertical" Akk. ešēru; šutēšuru
be suspended
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
kunu [APPROACH] wr. ku-nu "to approach" Akk. qerēbu; sanāqu ša nakri
be/come close
kunu [APPROACH] wr. ku-nu "to approach" Akk. qerēbu; sanāqu ša nakri
si sa [STRAIGHTEN] wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 "to make straight; to make vertical" Akk. ešēru; šutēšuru
be/go well
si sa [STRAIGHTEN] wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 "to make straight; to make vertical" Akk. ešēru; šutēšuru
taka [ABANDON] wr. tak4 "to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back" Akk. ezēbu; uhhuru; šêtu
be/leave remaining
taka [ABANDON] wr. tak4 "to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back" Akk. ezēbu; uhhuru; šêtu
ad [BEAD] wr. ad "bead"
allanum [OAK] wr. al-la-num2; ĝešal-la-nu-um; al-la-an "oak; acorn; acorn-shaped bead" Akk. allānu
ellaĝ [BEAD] wr. ellaĝ2; na4ellaĝ2; zaellaĝ2 "bead" Akk. ?
hindum [BEAD] wr. hi-in-dum "a bead"
nunuz [EGG] wr. nunuz; na4nunuz "ovoid bead; egg" Akk. erimmatu; pelû
šerhulum [ORNAMENT] wr. še-er-hu-lum "an ornament" Akk. šerhullu
za [BEAD] wr. za; za2 "bead, gem" Akk. abnu
gugĝešdili [BEADS] wr. na4gug-ĝeš-dili "string of carnelian beads"
zaginĝešdili [BEADS] wr. na4za-gin3-ĝeš-dili "string of lapis lazuli beads"
gug [TOOTH] wr. gug; gug6 "tooth; blade; beak; dogbite" Akk. nišik kalbi; šinnu
adus [PLANK] wr. ad-us2 "plank, beam" Akk. amatu; aduššu
amru [BEAM] wr. am-ra; am-ru; amra "beam, timber" Akk. amrû
binitum [BEAM] wr. ĝešbi2-ni-tum "a beam for houses and boats" Akk. binītu
gabil [BEAM] wr. gab2-il2 "main beam of a chariot" Akk. kabbillu
ĝešdal [CROSSBAR] wr. ĝešdal "crossbar, beam, dividing line" Akk. gištallu
ĝušur [BEAM] wr. ĝešĝušur; ĝušur "beam" Akk. gušūru
saĝdu [BEAM] wr. ĝešsaĝ-du; sag-du "(wooden) beam"
uttu [LOG] wr. uttux(|TAG×KU|); uttu "a log, beam of a weaving utensil" Akk. uddu
beam for houses and boats
binitum [BEAM] wr. ĝešbi2-ni-tum "a beam for houses and boats" Akk. binītu
beam of a weaving utensil
uttu [LOG] wr. uttux(|TAG×KU|); uttu "a log, beam of a weaving utensil" Akk. uddu
gu [PULSE] wr. gu2 "pulse, bean"
gugalgal [BEAN] wr. gu-gal-gal "a bean"
gugir [BEAN] wr. gu-gir "a bean"
az [BEAR] wr. az; ĝešaz "bear; ~ figurine" Akk. asu
damšah [ANIMAL] wr. dam-šah "crocodile?, hippopotamus?" Akk. dabû
dimšah [BEAR?] wr. dim3-šah "bear?" Akk. margû
gan [BEAR] wr. gan "to bear young; child-bearing" Akk. (w)alādu
ugu [BEAR] wr. ugu; ugu4 "to give birth (to)" Akk. alādu
utud [BEAR] wr. tud; u3-tu; tu-ud "to give birth (to), bear a child" Akk. alādu
dimšah [BEAR?] wr. dim3-šah "bear?" Akk. margû
bear a child
utud [BEAR] wr. tud; u3-tu; tu-ud "to give birth (to), bear a child" Akk. alādu
bear young
gan [BEAR] wr. gan "to bear young; child-bearing" Akk. (w)alādu
sum [BEARD] wr. sum4 "beard; carved beard (for statues)" Akk. ziqnu
suhursumla [FISH] wr. suhur-sum4-la2ku6 "a fish" Akk. ziqnānu
agaduna [BEARDEDNESS] wr. aga-du-na "beardedness" Akk. darrūtu
gabilil [PORTER] wr. gab2-il2-il2 "porter" Akk. zabbilu
gur [LIFT] wr. gur3-ru; guru3; gur; gur17; guru6 "bearer; to lift, carry" Akk. našû; nāšû
kišibĝal [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-ĝal2; kišib3-ĝal2 "seal bearer" Akk. kanniku
kišibla [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-la2 "seal bearer" Akk. ?
e [LEATHER] wr. e; e6 "strip or piece of leather; leather bearing" Akk. ya'u
gabilil [PORTER] wr. gab2-il2-il2 "porter" Akk. zabbilu
umamu [BEASTS] wr. u2-ma-am; u2-ma-mu "beasts" Akk. umāmu
du [SUITABLE] wr. du7 "(to be) fitting, suitable" Akk. asāmu; naţû
dun [WARP] wr. dun; DUB2 "to lay (the warp)" Akk. dêpu; kamādu; šatû
gaz [KILL] wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 "to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break" Akk. dâku; habātu; hašālu; kaşāşu; pa'āşu; šagāšu
ĝeš rah [BEAT] wr. ĝeš rah2 "to beat; to thresh" Akk. rapāsu
lah [BEAT] wr. la7 "to beat; to full (cloth, wool)" Akk. mašādu
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
sag [BEAT] wr. sag3; sag2 "to strike, beat; weave" Akk. mahāşu
sag [SCATTER] wr. sag2; sag3; sag7 "to throw (down); to scatter, disperse; to kill, to beat" Akk. dâku; nasāku; nêru; sapāhu
šu rah [BEAT] wr. šu rah2 "to beat; to knead" Akk. mahāşu
šubura [PALSY] wr. šu-bur2-ra "palsy" Akk. mašādu
šuš [PALSY] wr. šu-uš "to strike with palsy" Akk. mašādu
tu [BEAT] wr. tu14 "to beat; to weave" Akk. mahāşu; ţurru
tud [BEAT] wr. tud2 "to hit, beat" Akk. naţû
tuku [BEAT] wr. tuku5 "to beat, strike of cloth; to weave" Akk. mahāşu
ur [DRAG] wr. ur3 "to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat" Akk. bâ'u; kapāru; šabāţu
beat cloth
dun [WARP] wr. dun; DUB2 "to lay (the warp)" Akk. dêpu; kamādu; šatû
šatuku [MATTRESS] wr. tug2ša3-tuku5; tug2ša-tuku2; ša3-da-ga "mattress" Akk. mahşu; šê'u
dudu [BEATING] wr. dudux(|PA.UZU|) "thrashing, beating" Akk. niţûtu
mu [GOOD] wr. mu5 "good, beautiful" Akk. banû
sag [GOOD] wr. sag8; sag9; sag10; šeg10; sag12 "(to be) good, sweet, beautiful; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. banû; damāqu; dumqu; ţābu
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
because of
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
become cool
ten [COOL] wr. te-na; te-en "to be cool, become cool"
become different
kur [DIFFERENT] wr. kur2; gur "(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)" Akk. nakāru; šanû
become loose
tulu [SLACKEN] wr. tu-lu; tu-ul "to slacken" Akk. ramû
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
anuda [BEDROOM] wr. a2-nud-da; e2-nu2 "bed chamber" Akk. ?
ĝešnudAŠnud [BED] wr. ĝeš-nud-AŠ-nud "a bed" Akk. dinnû
ĝešnud [BED] wr. ĝeš-nud "bed" Akk. eršu
ĝešnudgula [BED] wr. ĝeš-nud-gu-la "a bed"
ĝešnudkinud [BED] wr. ĝeš-nud-ki-nud "a bed"
kinud [BEDROOM] wr. ki-nud "sleeping quarter, bed" Akk. mayyaltu; mayyālu
maršum [BED] wr. ĝešmar-šum "bed" Akk. maršu; mayyaltu
mayaltum [BED] wr. ĝešma-al-tum; ĝešma-a-al-tum "bed" Akk. mayyaltum
musar [GARDEN] wr. mu2-sar "garden" Akk. mūšaru
sar [GARDEN] wr. sar "garden; a unit of area; a unit of volume" Akk. mūšaru
silig [BED] wr. ĝešsilig "bed" Akk. mayyaltu
u [BED] wr. u2 "bed" Akk. eršu
bed chamber
anuda [BEDROOM] wr. a2-nud-da; e2-nu2 "bed chamber" Akk. ?
šurum [LITTER] wr. šurum; šurum3; šurun2 "dung, droppings (of sheep, gazelle); litter, bedding" Akk. kabû; piqqannu; rubşu
šuš [BEDDING] wr. šuš5 "bedding or feed for animals" Akk. zirqu
uru [LITTER] wr. uru12 "bedding place; litter; lair, dwelling; dung" Akk. mūšabu; rubşu
bedding or feed for animals
šuš [BEDDING] wr. šuš5 "bedding or feed for animals" Akk. zirqu
bedding place
uru [LITTER] wr. uru12 "bedding place; litter; lair, dwelling; dung" Akk. mūšabu; rubşu
agrun [CELLA] wr. agrun "cella; bedroom; a ritual building; the sanctuary of the goddess Ningal" Akk. agarunnu; kummu; šutukku
anuda [BEDROOM] wr. a2-nud-da; e2-nu2 "bed chamber" Akk. ?
ešag [CHAMBER] wr. e2-šag4 "inner chamber; bedroom" Akk. uršu
kinud [BEDROOM] wr. ki-nud "sleeping quarter, bed" Akk. mayyaltu; mayyālu
urbad [BEDROOM] wr. ur2-pad "bedroom" Akk. urpatu
aĝarin [MATRIX] wr. aĝarin4; aĝarin3; aĝarin5; a-ĝa2-ri-in; aĝa3-ri2; aĝarin; aĝarin2; aĝarinx(|AB×HA|); aĝarinx(|LAGAB×HAL|); a-ĝa2-ri-im "matrix, mother-creator; beer mash, beer bread; crucible" Akk. agarinnu; bappiru; ummu
amam [JAR] wr. am-am; am-ma-am "a beer jar" Akk. ammammu
bappir [~BEER] wr. bappir3; bappir2; bappir "an ingredient in beer-making" Akk. bappiru
dida'imĝaĝa [BEER] wr. dida imĝaĝa; kašdida imĝaĝa "sweet beer" Akk. dišiptuhhu
dida [WORT] wr. dida; didax(|U2.SA|) "sweet wort, an ingredient for beer making; beer for transport" Akk. billatu
eblak [BEER] wr. kašebla "a beer" Akk. iblakku
gumeze [BEER] wr. gu2-me-ze2 "a type of beer" Akk. haninu
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
hatum [OBJECT] wr. ha-tum "a bronze object" Akk. hattu
hubur [JAR] wr. hubur; huburx(|NUNUZ.AB2×X|) "a beer jar" Akk. hubūru
imĝaĝa [EMMER] wr. imĝaĝa3; imĝaĝa; imĝaĝa2; imĝaĝax(|AŠ2.A|) "emmer beer; emmer" Akk. dišiptuhhu; kunāšu
imhur [FOAM] wr. imhur4; imhur2; imhur3 "foam on water; foam on beer; foam on milk" Akk. hurhummat mê; hurhummat šikāri; hurhummat šizbi
kaš sur [FERMENT] wr. kaš sur "to ferment and filter beer; to produce beer" Akk. mazû
kaš [BEER] wr. kaš; kaš2 "beer; alcoholic drink" Akk. šikaru
kašbir [BEER] wr. kašbir; kaškašbir; kašbirx(|A.SUD|) "diluted beer"
kašsig [BEER] wr. kaš2-sig15 "a beer"
kašsura [BEER] wr. kaš2-sur-ra "a beer"
kiraši [BEER] wr. kiraši "bitter-sweet taste; emmer beer" Akk. alappānu
kiraši [EMMER] wr. ki-ra-ši "a type of emmer" Akk. alappānu
kurun [BEER] wr. kurun; kurun2; kurun3 "a beer; blood; (to be) good; (to be) sweet" Akk. dāmu; kurunnu; ţābu
lahtan [VAT] wr. lahtan; lahtan4; lahtan3 "a beer vat" Akk. lahtanu
manhara [VESSEL] wr. ma-an-hara4; ma-hara4; ma-an-harax(|DAG.KISIM5×GA|); nam-hara4 "a beer vessel; a part of a chariot" Akk. harû; namharu
mud [JAR] wr. mudx(LAK449); mudurudu; dugmud3; dugmud4; dugmud8 "beer jar; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. hubūru
niĝsur [BEER] wr. niĝ2-sur "filtered beer?"
pihu [JAR] wr. dugpi-hu; dugpihu; dugpihu2; dugpihu3; dugpihu4; dugpihu5; dug|NUNUZ.AB2×IGI@g| "a beer jar" Akk. pīhu
si [FILL] wr. si "to draw water; to brew beer; to fill, load up" Akk. mullû; sabû; sâbu
siraš [BEER] wr. siraš3 "a beer" Akk. sīrašû
sumun [VESSEL] wr. sumun2; u3-sun2 "soaking vessel; beer mash" Akk. narţabu
šim [AROMATICS] wr. šim "aromatic substance; beer malt" Akk. rīqu
titab [~BEER] wr. titab2; titab "an ingredient in beer-making" Akk. titāpū
ulušin [BEER] wr. ulušin3; ulušin; ul-u3-šu-in; ulušin2 "date-sweetened emmer-beer" Akk. ulušinnu
beer bread
aĝarin [MATRIX] wr. aĝarin4; aĝarin3; aĝarin5; a-ĝa2-ri-in; aĝa3-ri2; aĝarin; aĝarin2; aĝarinx(|AB×HA|); aĝarinx(|LAGAB×HAL|); a-ĝa2-ri-im "matrix, mother-creator; beer mash, beer bread; crucible" Akk. agarinnu; bappiru; ummu
bappir [~BEER] wr. bappir3; bappir2; bappir "an ingredient in beer-making" Akk. bappiru
beer foam
imhur [FOAM] wr. imhur4; imhur2; imhur3 "foam on water; foam on beer; foam on milk" Akk. hurhummat mê; hurhummat šikāri; hurhummat šizbi
beer for transport
dida [WORT] wr. dida; didax(|U2.SA|) "sweet wort, an ingredient for beer making; beer for transport" Akk. billatu
beer jar
amam [JAR] wr. am-am; am-ma-am "a beer jar" Akk. ammammu
hubur [JAR] wr. hubur; huburx(|NUNUZ.AB2×X|) "a beer jar" Akk. hubūru
mud [JAR] wr. mudx(LAK449); mudurudu; dugmud3; dugmud4; dugmud8 "beer jar; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. hubūru
pihu [JAR] wr. dugpi-hu; dugpihu; dugpihu2; dugpihu3; dugpihu4; dugpihu5; dug|NUNUZ.AB2×IGI@g| "a beer jar" Akk. pīhu
beer jar
hatum [OBJECT] wr. ha-tum "a bronze object" Akk. hattu
beer malt
šim [AROMATICS] wr. šim "aromatic substance; beer malt" Akk. rīqu
beer mash
aĝarin [MATRIX] wr. aĝarin4; aĝarin3; aĝarin5; a-ĝa2-ri-in; aĝa3-ri2; aĝarin; aĝarin2; aĝarinx(|AB×HA|); aĝarinx(|LAGAB×HAL|); a-ĝa2-ri-im "matrix, mother-creator; beer mash, beer bread; crucible" Akk. agarinnu; bappiru; ummu
sumun [VESSEL] wr. sumun2; u3-sun2 "soaking vessel; beer mash" Akk. narţabu
titab [~BEER] wr. titab2; titab "an ingredient in beer-making" Akk. titāpū
beer vat
lahtan [VAT] wr. lahtan; lahtan4; lahtan3 "a beer vat" Akk. lahtanu
beer vessel
manhara [VESSEL] wr. ma-an-hara4; ma-hara4; ma-an-harax(|DAG.KISIM5×GA|); nam-hara4 "a beer vessel; a part of a chariot" Akk. harû; namharu
pihu [JAR] wr. dugpi-hu; dugpihu; dugpihu2; dugpihu3; dugpihu4; dugpihu5; dug|NUNUZ.AB2×IGI@g| "a beer jar" Akk. pīhu
bappir [~BEER] wr. bappir3; bappir2; bappir "an ingredient in beer-making" Akk. bappiru
nindakuma [~BEER] wr. ninda-kum4-ma "an ingredient in beer-making"
titab [~BEER] wr. titab2; titab "an ingredient in beer-making" Akk. titāpū
sumundar [BEETROOT] wr. u2šumundasar; u2sumun-dar; u2-man-du "beetroot" Akk. šumuttu
dubsaĝ [BEFORE] wr. dub-saĝ "first; before" Akk. mahrû; qudmu
saĝ du [BEGET] wr. saĝ du; saĝ du11; saĝ du3 "to beget" Akk. banû
nu [CREATOR] wr. nu7 "creator, begetter" Akk. bānû
dud ĝar [START A FIGHT] wr. du14 ĝar "to start a fight" Akk. şaltu šakānu
tab [BEGIN] wr. tab "to begin" Akk. šurrû
begin combat
dud ĝar [START A FIGHT] wr. du14 ĝar "to start a fight" Akk. şaltu šakānu
zagmuk [NEW YEAR] wr. zag-mu "new year; beginning of a cycle?" Akk. zagmukku
beginning of a cycle
zagmuk [NEW YEAR] wr. zag-mu "new year; beginning of a cycle?" Akk. zagmukku
niĝDI [BEHAVIOR?] wr. niĝ2-DI "behavior?"
niĝDI [BEHAVIOR?] wr. niĝ2-DI "behavior?"
namra [BEHAVIOUR] wr. nam-ra2 "behaviour"
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
ĝeštug ulu [FORGET] wr. ĝeštug2 u18-lu "to forget" Akk. mašû
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
pag [LEAVE] wr. pag "to leave behind" Akk. ezēbu
taka [ABANDON] wr. tak4 "to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back" Akk. ezēbu; uhhuru; šêtu
uh [FORGOTTEN] wr. uh6 "(to be) forgotten" Akk. mašû
lahama [BEING] wr. la-ha-ma "a mythical being" Akk. lahmu
namdumununa [~PRINCE] wr. nam-dumu-nun-na "the status of being son of the prince"
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
buluh [VOMIT] wr. bu-lu-uh3; bu-lu-uh2; buluh; bu-luh "to vomit; to burp" Akk. arû; gešû
tam [TRUST] wr. dam; tam "to trust; to believe" Akk. qīapu
gu dub [SHOUT] wr. gu3 dub2 "to shout" Akk. nagāgu
gu sig [BELLOW] wr. gu3 sig10; gu3 šeg10; gu3 šeg11; gu3 šeg5 "to bellow" Akk. ?
u [BELLOW] wr. u4 "to bray, bellow, bawl; voice, cry, noise" Akk. nagāgu; rigmu
bun [BELLOWS] wr. gibun2; gibun "bellows" Akk. nappāhu
dinig [KILN] wr. dinig; dinig3; di-ni-ig "smith, metalworker; kiln, furnace; air vent" Akk. kūru; nappašu; nappāhu
simug [SMITH] wr. simug "smith, metalworker" Akk. nappāhu
endur [NAVEL?] wr. ĝešen3-dur; gien3-dur; u2en3-dur "navel, belly button?" Akk. abunnatu
hašbar [BELLY] wr. haš2-bar "belly; womb" Akk. emšu
belly button
endur [NAVEL?] wr. ĝešen3-dur; gien3-dur; u2en3-dur "navel, belly button?" Akk. abunnatu
ki [PLACE] wr. ki "place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below" Akk. ašru; erşetu; mātu; qaqqaru; šaplû
mirDUna [BELT?] wr. mir-DU-na "belt?"
dara [BELT] wr. tug2dara4; dara2; tug2dara2 "belt, sash, girdle; string" Akk. izhu; nēbettu
ešla [BAND] wr. eš2-la2 "bond; band, belt" Akk. markasu; nēbehu
ibla [BELT] wr. kušib2-la2; tug2ib2-la2 "belt"
mirDUna [BELT?] wr. mir-DU-na "belt?"
niĝla [CLOTHING] wr. tug2niĝ2-la2; nig2-la2 "an item of clothing" Akk. şimdu
šukešed [CLOTHING] wr. šu-keš2 "clothing" Akk. şimdu
ĝešhum [BENCH] wr. ĝeš-hum; ĝeš-hu-um "bench; cabin; awning" Akk. gišhummu
magaz [BENCH] wr. ĝešma2-gaz; nam-gaz "slaughtering bench" Akk. makāşu
gu gid [LEAN] wr. gu2 gid2 "to lean, to bend; to lodge; to peer into" Akk. šurru
gu la [LEAN OVER] wr. gu2 la2 "to lean over" Akk. šurru
gurum [BEND] wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) "to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over" Akk. kanāšu; kanānu; kapāpu; qadādu
bend forwards
gu gid [LEAN] wr. gu2 gid2 "to lean, to bend; to lodge; to peer into" Akk. šurru
gu la [LEAN OVER] wr. gu2 la2 "to lean over" Akk. šurru
zil [GOOD] wr. zil2 "(to be) good; (to be) benificent" Akk. damāqu
gam [CROOK] wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN "shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt" Akk. gamlu; šikru
ĝešhaš [WEAPON] wr. ĝeš-haš "a weapon" Akk. gamlu; gišhaššu
zub [STICK] wr. zub "bent stick (for throwing), throwing-stick" Akk. gamlu
bent stick
gam [CROOK] wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN "shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt" Akk. gamlu; šikru
ĝešhaš [WEAPON] wr. ĝeš-haš "a weapon" Akk. gamlu; gišhaššu
zub [STICK] wr. zub "bent stick (for throwing), throwing-stick" Akk. gamlu
bent stick for throwing
zub [STICK] wr. zub "bent stick (for throwing), throwing-stick" Akk. gamlu
nusiki [ORPHAN] wr. nu-siki "orphan" Akk. ekû
abulillum [BERRY] wr. a-bu-lil-lum "boxthorn berry" Akk. bulīlu
ĝeštinkira [BERRY] wr. ĝešĝeštin-kir4-ra; ĝešĝeštin-gir2-ra; ĝešĝeštin-kir4; ĝešĝeštin-gir2 "a berry" Akk. amurdinnu
aga kar [DEFEAT] wr. aga kar2; aga3 kar2 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. kalû; kaşāru
agakar sig [DEFEAT] wr. aga-kar2 sig10 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. nītu lawû
nisku [~EQUID] wr. ni-is-ku; ni-is-kum; ni-is-ku-um; nisku "a description of equids" Akk. nisqu
nun [PRINCE] wr. nun "prince; (as attribute) foremost, best" Akk. rubû
best quality
nisku [~EQUID] wr. ni-is-ku; ni-is-kum; ni-is-ku-um; nisku "a description of equids" Akk. nisqu
sag rig [BESTOW] wr. sag rig7 "to bestow" Akk. šarāku
šu zid ĝar [BESTOW] wr. šu zid ĝar "to bestow" Akk. šutlumu
bestow generously
šu zid ĝar [BESTOW] wr. šu zid ĝar "to bestow" Akk. šutlumu
niĝmussa [GIFT] wr. nig2-mi2-us2-sa2; niĝ2-mussa; niĝ2-mi2-us2-sa "a betrothal gift" Akk. terhātu
betrothal gift
niĝmussa [GIFT] wr. nig2-mi2-us2-sa2; niĝ2-mussa; niĝ2-mi2-us2-sa "a betrothal gift" Akk. terhātu
šag sag [FEEL BETTER] wr. šag4 sag9 "to feel better" Akk. ?
dalbana [SPACE] wr. dal-ba-na "intermediate space; property held in common" Akk. birītu
hi [MIX] wr. hi "to mix (up); process (skin; wool, in the latter possibly a stage between combing and spinning); alloy" Akk. balālu
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
bangi [TAPER] wr. ba-an-gi4 "taper, bevel, slant, incline"
lu'ušria [BEWITCHER] wr. lu2-uš7-ri-a "bewitcher"
buluĝ [GROW] wr. buluĝ3; buluĝ5; bu-lu-ug; buluĝ "to grow up, rear, make grow; novice; foster child" Akk. rabû; tarbûtu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
gal [BIG] wr. gal; gu-la; gu-ul; gal-gal; ku-ul "(to be) big, great; (to be) retired, former; (to be) mature (of male animals)" Akk. rabû
gir [JAR] wr. duggir16; gir9 "a large jar" Akk. kirru
gur [THICK] wr. gur4; gur14; gur13 "(to be) thick; (to be) big, to feel big" Akk. ebû; rabû; kabru
kingal [OFFICIAL] wr. kingal; kin-gal "grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter" Akk. mu'erru; rabû
mah [GREAT] wr. mah; mah2 "(to be) great" Akk. kabtu; mādu; rabû; şīru
samag [BIRTHMARK] wr. samag3; samag2; samag4; samag6; samag "wart; mole, birthmark" Akk. umşatu; šullu
big jar
gir [JAR] wr. duggir16; gir9 "a large jar" Akk. kirru
ze [GALL BLADDER] wr. ze2; ze4 "gall bladder; bile" Akk. martu
mašgal [GOAT] wr. maš2-gal "billy goat" Akk. mašgallu
billy goat
mašgal [GOAT] wr. maš2-gal "billy goat" Akk. mašgallu
metenum [BIN] wr. ĝešme-te-num2 "flour bin" Akk. meţēnu
a la [BIND] wr. a2 la2 "'to bind the arm'" Akk. kamû; kasû
dab [SEIZE] wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) "to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of" Akk. sahāpu; tamāhu; kamû; şabātu
dadara [TIED] wr. da-da-ra "(to be) tied, cramped up" Akk. ebēţu
erin [YOKE] wr. erin2; ĝešerin2 "to yoke; yoke; plow team" Akk. şamādu; şimittu
ešela [BOUND] wr. ešela "(to be) bound" Akk. hanāqu; kalû; kamû
gir [YOKE] wr. gir11 "to yoke, harness" Akk. şamādu
kešed [BIND] wr. keš2 "to bind" Akk. rakāsu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
sa la [BIND] wr. sa la2 "to tie up" Akk. ?
saĝ šu du [BIND?] wr. saĝ šu du3 "to bind the head and hands?"
sir [BIND] wr. sir3; sir2 "to bind" Akk. rakāsu
šu dab [CAPTURE] wr. šu dab5 "to capture" Akk. kamû
šu du [BIND] wr. šu du3 "'to bind the hands'" Akk. kamû
šu la [PARALYZE] wr. šu la2 "to paralyze" Akk. eşēlu; kasû
tag [TOUCH] wr. tag "to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack" Akk. lapātu; rakāsu
zu kešed [GATHER] wr. zu2 keš2 "to gather, to assemble; to organize; to bind" Akk. kaşāru; rakāsu
saĝ šu du [BIND?] wr. saĝ šu du3 "to bind the head and hands?"
bind the head and hands
saĝ šu du [BIND?] wr. saĝ šu du3 "to bind the head and hands?"
bind up
erin [YOKE] wr. erin2; ĝešerin2 "to yoke; yoke; plow team" Akk. şamādu; şimittu
gir [YOKE] wr. gir11 "to yoke, harness" Akk. şamādu
dagan [TOTALITY] wr. da-gan "totality; assembly; band" Akk. kullatu; puhru; riksu
dim [POST] wr. dim; dim3; ĝešdim "post, pillar, pole; binding, knot, bond" Akk. mahrašu; makūtu; riksu; timmu
dirga [BOND] wr. di-ir-ga "bond" Akk. riksu
dur [BOND] wr. dur; gidur "binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope" Akk. abunnatu; markasu; ţurru
erin [YOKE] wr. erin2; ĝešerin2 "to yoke; yoke; plow team" Akk. şamādu; şimittu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
niĝkešed [BAND] wr. niĝ2-keš2 "band" Akk. riksu
niĝla [CLOTHING] wr. tug2niĝ2-la2; nig2-la2 "an item of clothing" Akk. şimdu
šita [PRAYER] wr. šita "prayer" Akk. riksu
šukešed [CLOTHING] wr. šu-keš2 "clothing" Akk. şimdu
tu [BEAT] wr. tu14 "to beat; to weave" Akk. mahāşu; ţurru
udsaĝ [BAND] wr. ud5-saĝ "band" Akk. markasu; riksu
AMBAR.DAG [BIRD] wr. AMBAR-DAGmušen "a bird"
ANŠEBAR [BIRD] wr. ANŠE.BARmušen "type of bird"
AŠIŠ [BIRD] wr. AŠ.IŠ "a bird"
DUBTI [BIRD] wr. DUB.TImušen "a bird"
DUNGIŠA [BIRD] wr. DUN3.GI.ŠA6mušen "a bird"
DUR.DUR [BIRD] wr. |DUR2.DUR2|mušen "a bird"
ENTI [BIRD] wr. EN.TImušen "a bird"
GADIMŠEGADIMŠE [BIRD] wr. |GA2×DIM׊E|.|GA2×DIM׊E|mušen "a bird"
GAKI [BIRD] wr. GA2.KImušen "a bird"
GIRgunu [BIRD] wr. GIR2@g-GIR2@g; GIR2@g-bi; GIR2@g; |GIR2@g|mušen "a bird"
HAR [BIRD] wr. harmušen "a bird"
KADUBŠEŠ [~BIRD] wr. KA.DUB.ŠEŠ "designation of bird"
KAŠEŠ [BIRD] wr. KA.ŠEŠmušen "a type of bird"
KUGANUNtirra [BIRD] wr. KU.ĜA2.NUN-tir-ramušen "type of bird"
LAGABSAGGUNU [BIRD] wr. |LAGAB.SAG@g|mušen "a bird"
LAGAB [BIRD] wr. LAGABmušen "a bird"
MIEA [BIRD] wr. MI.E2.A "type of bird"
NAMdar [BIRD] wr. NAM-darmušen "a bird?"
NE [BIRD] wr. NEmušen "type of bird"
PA.LU [BIRD] wr. SIPADmušen "a bird"
SAGGUNUSAGGUNU [BIRD] wr. |SAG@g|.|SAG@g|mušen "a bird"
SALSAL [BIRD] wr. SAL.SALmušen "a bird"
SALzi [BIRD] wr. SAL-zimušen "a bird"
TAR [BIRD] wr. TARmušen "a bird" Akk. şibāru
TUMkeš [BIRD] "type of bird"
UBULUG [BIRD] wr. |HU.SI|.|PAP.PAP|mušen "a type of bird"
UDša [BIRD] wr. UD-ša4mušen; UD-šamušen; UD-šemušen "a bird"
ULBAD [BIRD] wr. |U.GUD|.BADmušen "type of bird"
aburusig [BIRD] wr. buru4-sig17mušen; a2-buru4-sig17mušen "a bird"
adardarak [BIRD] wr. a-dar-dar-ramušen; da-darmušen; a-dar-darmušen "a bird" Akk. ?
addu [BIRD] wr. ad2-du7; ab2-dumušen "a bird"
aĝiaĝi [BIRD] wr. a-ĝi6-a-ĝi6mušen "a bird"
akan [BIRD] wr. akanmušen "a bird"
akanni [BIRD] wr. akan-ni "a bird"
am [BIRD] wr. ammušen "a bird"
arabu [BIRD] wr. a12-ra2-bumušen; adabmušen; a2-tabmušen; udu-buadabmušen "a bird" Akk. arabû; usābu
arada [BIRD] wr. arad2-damušen "a bird" Akk. erullu; katīmatu
arak [BIRD] wr. a-ra-akmušen; a-rakmušen; a-rig2mušen "a bird" Akk. laqlaqqu
aramin [BIRD] wr. a12-ra2-min3mušen "a bird"
arkab [BAT] wr. arkab; arkabmušen; su-dinarkabx(|ARKAB2.IB|)mušen; su-dinarkabx(IB); arkabx(|ARKAB2.IB|) "a bird or bat" Akk. argabu
azagun [BIRD] wr. a-zag-gun3mušen; e-zi-ga-namušen; zag-gun3mušen; a-zag-gana2mušen; e-zi-ganmušen; i-zi-ga-namušen; zag-gana2mušen "a bird" Akk. usukānu
bantum [BIRD] wr. ba-an-tum3mušen; ba-an-tum2mušen "a bird"
bazbaz [BIRD] wr. bibadmušen; ba-ba-azmušen; ba-ba-zamušen; mušenba-ba-za; ba-ba-azbazbazx(|ŠE.HU|)mušen; ba-ba-zabazbazx(|ŠE.HU|)mušen "a bird" Akk. paspasu
bibra [VESSEL] wr. bibra "a bird; a stone vessel" Akk. bibrû
bizazagubalaĝdikargirzana [BIRD] wr. bi-za-za-gu3-balaĝ-di-kar-gir5-za-namušen; bi2-za-za-gu3-balaĝ-di-kar-gir5-za-namušen; bi2-za-za-gu3-balaĝ-ĝa2-kar-gir5-za-namušen "a bird" Akk. kur tibni
buru'ad [BIRD] wr. buru5-ad2mušen "a bird"
buru'az [BIRD] wr. buru5-azmušen; buru5-uzmušen "a bird" Akk. ?
buru'edinak [BIRD] wr. buru5-edin-namušen "a bird" [BIRD] wr. buru5-|BAD.BAD|-bamušen "a bird"
buru [BIRD] wr. buru4mušen; gu-ur2mušen; buru15mušen; buru16mušen; buru6mušen "crow; a bird of prey or a vulture" Akk. erēbu[rook]
buru [SPARROW] wr. buru5mušen "bird(s), small birds, sparrow; flock of birds" Akk. işşūru
burugi [BIRD] wr. buru4-gimušen "a bird"
burugir [BIRD] wr. buru5-girmušen "a bird"
burugizi [BIRD] wr. buru5-gi-zimušen "a bird"
buruhabrudak [BIRD] wr. buru5-habrud-damušen "a bird"
buruhur [BIRD] wr. buru4-hurmušen "a bird"
burukarkid [BIRD] wr. buru5-kar-kidmušen "a bird"
burukišig [BIRD] wr. buru5-kišig2mušen "a bird"
burunita [BIRD] wr. buru5-nitamušen "a bird"
burusigsig [BIRD] wr. buru5-sig7-sig7mušen "a bird"
burutir [BIRD] wr. buru5-tirmušen "a bird"
buruzuluma [BIRD] wr. buru5-zu2-lum-mamušen "a bird"
da [BIRD] wr. damušen "a bird"
dar.NI [BIRD] wr. dar-NI "a bird"
dar [BIRD] wr. darmušen "a bird, black francolin" Akk. ittidû; tarru
dargizi [BIRD] wr. dar-gi-zimušen "a bird" Akk. durummu
darzizi [BIRD] wr. dar-zi-zimušen; dar-si12-si12mušen "a bird"
dilibipila [BIRD-CRY] wr. di-li-bi-pi-la; di-li-ib-pi "a bird call"
dubdubu [BIRD] wr. dub2-dub2-bumušen "a bird; a bat" Akk. akkannu; suttinnu; šagaşu
dubla [BIRD] wr. dub-la2mušen "a bird"
dug [BIRD] wr. dug3mušen; dumušen "a bird"
durBAD [BIRD] wr. dur2-BAD3mušen "a bird"
dur [BIRD] wr. durmušen; dur2mušen "a bird"
durdar [BIRD] wr. dur-darmušen "a bird"
duršul [BIRD] wr. dur2-šulmušen; dur-šulmušen "a bird"
durum [BIRD] wr. dur-ru-ummušen "a bird" Akk. durummu
eden.X [BIRD] wr. eden-xmušen "a bird"
eden [BIRD] wr. edenmušen; damušen "a bird"
eli [BIRD] wr. e-limušen "a bird" Akk. kuzbānu
enginkal [BIRD] wr. en-gin7-kalmušen; en-karmušen "a bird"
erengursi [BIRD] wr. eren?-gurx(|ŠE.ŠE.KIN|)-simušen; AN-gir2mušen; X-na-kir4-simušen "a bird"
eribura [DROPPINGS] wr. eribura "bird droppings"
esig [BIRD] wr. e-sigmušen; e-sig17mušen; sigmušen; u2-sigmušen; sig7mušen "a bird"
ezi [BIRD] wr. i-zimušen; e-zimušen "a bird"
gakid [BIRD] wr. ga-kidmušen; ga-kad4mušen "a bird, "
gamgam [BIRD] wr. gam3-gam3mušen; gam4-gammušen; gam2-gam2mušen; ka-am-ka-ammušen "a bird"
ganu [BIRD] wr. ga-nu11mušen "a bird, ostrich"
giX [BIRD] wr. gi4-X "type of bird"
gigir [BIRD] wr. gi-gir11mušen; gi-girx(|MUŠ×KUR|) "a bird"
girgid [BIRD] wr. gir-gid2 "a bird" Akk. ?
girgilum [BIRD] wr. giri16-i-lumušen; gur8-galmušen?; gir-gi-lummušen; gir-gi4-lumušen; ĝir3-gi-lumušen; kir4-gi4-lummušen "a bird" Akk. girgilu; şâku
giri'ilu [BIRD-CRY] wr. giri16-i-lu "the cry of the girigilu bird"
giriššitana [BIRD] wr. giriš-šita3-namušen; giriš-šita3-na; gi-ri-iš-RA.AN "a bird?"
gu [BIRD] wr. gu2mušen "a bird"
gubi [BIRD] wr. gu2-bi2mušen; gu-bi2-tummušen; gu2-bimušen "a bird" Akk. kupītu
gubiguzaga [BIRD] wr. gu2-bi-gu2-zag-ga "a bird"
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
guddu [BIRD] wr. gud-du7mušen; gud-temušen; gud-damušen "a bird?"
gukešed [BIRD] wr. gi-keš2mušen; gu3-keš2mušen "a bird"
gurgal [BIRD] wr. gur8-galmušen "a bird"
gurgur [BIRD] wr. gur-gurmušen; gur4-gur4mušen "a bird" Akk. kurkurru
gurinnuda [BIRD] wr. gur-in-nu-damušen "a bird" Akk. kur tibni
gusura [BIRD] wr. gu2-surmušen; gu2-sur-ramušen "a bird"
ĝaĝa [BIRD] wr. ĝa2-ĝa2mušen "a bird"
ĝi [BIRD] wr. ĝi6mušen "a bird"
ĝirbabbar [BIRD] wr. ĝir3-babbarmušen "a bird"
ĝirigida [BIRD] wr. ĝiri3-gid2-damušen "a bird" Akk. saqātu; šēpšu arik
ĝirmul [BIRD] wr. ĝir3-mulmušen; ur5-mulmušen; ir3-mulmušen; kir4-mulmušen "a bird"
ĝirpap [BIRD] wr. ĝir3-papmušen; ir3-papmušen "a bird"
hamun [BIRD] wr. u5-munu4mušen; ha-munmušen "a bird" Akk. lallartu
har.NI.ZI [BIRD] wr. har-NI-ZImušen "a bird"
harNIZI [BIRD] wr. har-NI.ZImušen; har-GA2mušen "a bird"
harhar [BIRD] wr. har-harmušen "a bird"
harmušen [SNARE] wr. har-mušen "bird snare"
he'uš [BIRD] wr. he2-uš2mušen "type of bird"
idigna [BIRD] wr. idignamušen; id2idignamušen "a bird"
igiguddu [BIRD] wr. igi-gud-du7mušen "a bird"
igiĝeštinak [BIRD] wr. igi-ĝeštin-namušen; igi-ĝeštin-na "a bird?"
igila [BIRD] wr. igi-la2mušen "a bird"
igimušenak [BIRD] wr. igi-mušen-namušen "a bird"
iginita [BIRD] wr. igi-nitamušen "a bird"
igisigsig [BIRD] wr. igi-sig7-sig7mušen "a bird"
il [BIRD] wr. il2mušen; alURUmušen "a bird"
inimbalbal [BIRD] wr. inim-bal-balmušen "a bird"
irani [BIRD] wr. ir-nimušen; i-ra2-nimušen "a bird" Akk. ?
irihulua [BIRD] wr. iri-hulu-amušen; iri-gulmušen; mušeniri-gul "a bird" Akk. qadû
irir [BIRD] wr. ir-irmušen; ri6-ri6mušen; RImušen "a bird" Akk. zibû
iriršita [BIRD] wr. ir-ir-šita4mušen "a bird"
irkun [BIRD] wr. ir-kunmušen "a bird"
kabkab [BIRD] wr. kab-kabmušen "a bird" Akk. kapkappu
karkid [BIRD] wr. kar-kidmušen "a bird"
kasukudra [BIRD] wr. ka-sukud-ra2mušen; ka-šu-kud-damušen "a bird" Akk. şayyāhu
kib [BIRD] wr. ki-ibmušen; ki-ib2mušen; kimušen; kibmušen "a bird"
kibninka [BIRD] wr. ki-nin-ka6mušen "a bird"
kibninkamašmaš [BIRD] wr. ki-ib-dnin-ka6-maš-mašmušen "a bird"
kibšu [BIRD] wr. ki-ib-šumušen "a bird"
kirbabbar [BIRD] wr. kir4-babbarmušen "a bird"
kirkir [BIRD] wr. ĝeškiri6-ĝeškiri6mušen; ka5-kar2mušen; ki-kar2mušen; kar-karmušen "a bird" Akk. kirikarru; kurkurru
kislah [BIRD] wr. kislahmušen; KI "a bird"
kišibar [BIRD] wr. kiši6-barmušen "type of bird"
kišibargurug [BIRD] wr. kiši6-barmušen-gu-ru-ugmušen "type of bird"
kunrim [BIRD] wr. kun-rimmušen "a crested bird" Akk. işşur kubši
kurmadilum [BIRD] wr. kur-ma-di-lummušen; kur-ma-dalmušen "a bird"
kurukuku [BIRD] wr. ku-ru-ku-kumušen; ku-ru-ukmušen; kur-ugmušen "a bird" Akk. kurukku
lalla [INSECT] wr. lal3-la2 "an insect" Akk. lallartu
lili [BIRD] wr. li-limušen "a bird" Akk. liligû
lulu [BIRD] wr. lu7-lu7lu2mušen; lu7-lu2mušen "a bird" Akk. awīlānu
misaz [BIRD] wr. mi-sa-azmušen "a bird"
mu.X [BIRD] wr. mu-xmušen "a bird"
mudim [BIRD] wr. mu-dimmušen "a bird"
muš.UD.LU [BIRD] wr. muš-UD-LUmušen "a bird"
mušen [BIRD] wr. mušen; mu-ti-in; mu-tin "bird" Akk. işşūru
mušenturtur [BIRD] wr. mušen-tur-tur "a bird" Akk. ?
mušgu [BIRD] wr. muš-gu7mušen "a bird"
mušĝen [BIRD] wr. muš-ĝinmušen "a bird"
muširum [BIRD] wr. mu-ši-ru-ummušen "a bird"
mušlah [BIRD] wr. muš-lah4mušen; muš-lah5mušen "a bird"
mušninka [BIRD] wr. muš-dnin-ka5mušen; muš-dnin-ka6mušen; dnin-ka5mušen; muš-niĝ2mušen; muš-niĝ2-gu7mušen "a bird"
nagar.X [BIRD] wr. nagar-xmušen "a bird"
ni [BIRD] wr. ni2mušen "a bird"
nidib [BIRD] wr. ni2mušen "a bird"
niĝGAmudum [BIRD] wr. niĝ2-GA-mu-du-ummušen "a bird"
niĝinniĝin [BIRD] wr. niĝinx(|LAL2.SAR|)-niĝinx(|LAL2.SAR|)mušen "a bird"
ninkiki [BIRD] wr. dnin-ki-kimušen; dki-kimušen "a bird"
ninninnamaš [BIRD] wr. dni2-namma-mašmušen "a bird"
ninninnata [BIRD] wr. dnin-ninna2mušen-ta; dnin-ninna2mušen; dnin-ninnamušen; dnin-immax(|LAGAB×IGI@g|)mušen; dnin-niĝin2mušen "a bird of prey, harrier?" Akk. eššebu
ninninnatamaš [BIRD] wr. nin-amaš(LAK388)mušen "a bird"
ninuš [BIRD] wr. dnin-ušmušen; nin-ušmušen "a bird"
nita [BIRD] wr. nita2mušen "a bird"
nu'erimla [BIRD] wr. nu-erim2-la2mušen "a bird"
nu [BIRD] wr. nu2mušen; ĝešnu2mušen "a night bird" Akk. şallalu
pag [ENCLOSE] wr. pag "to enclose, confine, cage (a bird)" Akk. esēru; šutanuhu
pec [BIRD] wr. peš2mušen "a bird"
peš [BIRD] wr. peš2mušen "a bird"
rigi [BIRD] wr. ri-gimušen "a bird"
riĝeš [BIRD] wr. ri-ĝišmušen "a bird"
ruruburu [BIRD] wr. ru-ru-buru5mušen "a bird"
saĝgi'ura [BIRD] wr. saĝ-gi4-ur3-ramušen; saĝ-gi4mušen; saĝ-ki-ur3-ramušen; saĝ-kimušen "a bird" Akk. işşūr ša kubši
ses [BIRD] wr. sesmušen "a bird" Akk. marratu
sipad [BIRD] wr. sipadmušen "a bird"
su [BIRD] wr. su7mušen "a bird"
sud [BIRD] wr. NU11mušen "a bird"
sudda [BIRD] wr. sud3-damušen "a bird"
ša [BIRD] wr. šamušen "a bird"
šag.ZIZIA [BIRD] wr. šag4-|ZI&ZI.A|mušen "a bird"
šaghab [BIRD] wr. šag4-hab2mušen "a bird"
še'ur [BIRD] wr. še-ur2mušen; šu-surmušen "a bird" Akk. kapru
še.X.X [BIRD] wr. še-X-Xmušen "a bird"
šed [BIRD] wr. še21mušen "a bird"
šegšeg [BIRD] wr. šeg5-šeg5mušen; ši-ši-igmušen; ši-ig-ši-igmušen "a bird" Akk. šeššeku
šena [BIRD] wr. še-namušen "a bird"
šenšenbal [BIRD] wr. šen-šen-balmušen "a bird, quail?" Akk. urballu
šeš [BIRD] wr. šešmušen "a bird" Akk. marratu
šillumgu [BIRD] wr. ši-il-lum-gumušen "a bird" Akk. šilingu
šu ur [ERASE] wr. šu ur3 "to erase; to level off (surveying); to clip (a bird)" Akk. kapāru; pašāţu; šêqu ša madādi
šubala [BIRD] wr. šubax(|LAM.SAĜ|)-la2mušen "a bird"
šulu [BIRD] wr. šu-lu2mušen; šu-numušen "a bird" Akk. huqu; hāzû
ti'uz [BIRD] wr. ti8-uzmušen; ti8-uš2mušen; da-uz "a bird" Akk. nadru
ti [BIRD] wr. ti8mušen "a bird of prey" Akk. erû
tigidlu [BIRD] wr. ti-gi4-lumušen; ti-lu; ti-gid2-lu2mušen; ti-gid2mušen-lu2-a; tigidla; tigidla3; tigidlax(|ŠA3.MIN.TAR|); ti-id-lu; da-gi4-lumx(|ZU&ZU.SAR|) "a bird" Akk. tigi(l)lû
tirida [BIRD] wr. ti-ri2-damušen; tir-dug3mušen; tir-dumušen "a bird"
tugulla [BIRD] wr. tu-gul-lamušen "a bird" Akk. urţû
tumgur [BIRD] wr. tum12-gur4mušen; tum12-gur8mušen; tum12mušen-gur8; tum12-kur2mušen; tum12-kurmušen "a domesticated dove" Akk. sukannīnu
tumibi [BIRD] wr. tum12-i-bi2mušen "a bird"
u'uz [BIRD] wr. unmušen "a bird"
u.DU [BIRD] wr. u2-DUmušen "a bird"
ua [OWL] wr. u5mušen; u3-amušen; u8-amušen "a bird" Akk. hū'a
uaz [BIRD] wr. u5-azmušen; u4-azmušen; u5-admušen "a bird"
ubi [BIRD] wr. u5-bi2mušen; ub-bi2mušen; u5mušen-bi2 "a bird" Akk. uppû; šāt kapru
ubizagubalaĝdikargirzana [BIRD] wr. |ZI&ZI.A|-limušen "a bird"
uburri [BIRD] wr. ubur-rimušen; ubur3-rumušen "a bird"
ud.UR [BIRD] wr. ud-URmušen "a bird"
ud [BIRD] wr. udmušen "a bird"
udar [BIRD] wr. uz-dar "a bird"
udĝeš [BIRD] wr. u5-ĝešmušen; ud-ĝeš "a bird" Akk. kilīlu
uga.LAK777 [BIRD] wr. uga(|U2.NAĜA|)-LAK777mušen "a bird"
ugahur [BIRD] wr. uga(|U2.NAĜA|)-hurmušen "a bird"
ugtur [BIRD] wr. ug-tur3mušen "a bird"
ugudu [BIRD] wr. ugu-du3mušen "a bird" Akk. nahīru
ugun [BIRD] wr. u5-gun3mušen; u3-gun3mušen "a bird" Akk. tarru
uhur [BIRD] wr. u5-hurmušen "a bird"
ukuku [BIRD] wr. u3-ku-kumušen "a bird" Akk. şallallu
ukukuba'uš [BIRD] wr. u3-ku-ku-ba-uš2mušen "a bird" Akk. ittīl imūt
um [BIRD] wr. ummušen; um-mamušen "a bird" Akk. ummu
umgidu [BIRD] wr. um-gi-du7mušen "a bird" Akk. durummu
umhur [BIRD] wr. um-hurmušen "a bird"
umnur [BIRD] wr. um-nu-ur5mušen "a bird"
unuglu [BIRD] wr. unug-lu2mušen "a bird"
upap [BIRD] wr. uz-pap "a bird"
urab [BIRD] wr. ur3-ab2mušen "a bird"
urbiku [BIRD] wr. ur-bi-ku4mušen; ur-bi-gu7mušen "a bird" Akk. z-ibu
usim [BIRD] wr. u5-simmušen "a bird" Akk. qaqû
utum [BIRD] wr. uz-tum12 "a bird"
uzgi [BIRD] wr. uz-gi4mušen "a bird"
zadar [BIRD] wr. za3-darmušen "a bird"
zagniĝinni [BIRD] wr. zag-niĝin2-ni "a bird" Akk. şā'idu; sahhiru
zamzam [BIRD] wr. za-am-za-ammušen "a bird" Akk. samsammu
zanigin [BIRD] wr. za3-niginmušen "a foraging bird" Akk. şā'idu
zapihum [BIRD] wr. za3-pi-hu-ummušen "a bird" Akk. zapihum
zapitu [BIRD] wr. za-pi-tu2mušen "a bird" Akk. šapītu
zeh [BIRD] wr. zehx(ŠUL)mušen "a bird"
zukeš [BIRD] wr. zu2-keš2mušen "type of bird"
zumbi [BIRD] wr. zum-bimušen "a bird"
zupiš [BIRD] wr. zu2-pišmušen "type of bird" Akk. pingu
zuses [BIRD] wr. zu2-sesmušen "a bird"
NAMdar [BIRD] wr. NAM-darmušen "a bird?"
giriššitana [BIRD] wr. giriš-šita3-namušen; giriš-šita3-na; gi-ri-iš-RA.AN "a bird?"
guddu [BIRD] wr. gud-du7mušen; gud-temušen; gud-damušen "a bird?"
igiĝeštinak [BIRD] wr. igi-ĝeštin-namušen; igi-ĝeštin-na "a bird?"
bird AHw
udĝeš [BIRD] wr. u5-ĝešmušen; ud-ĝeš "a bird" Akk. kilīlu
usim [BIRD] wr. u5-simmušen "a bird" Akk. qaqû
bird call
dilibipila [BIRD-CRY] wr. di-li-bi-pi-la; di-li-ib-pi "a bird call"
bird droppings
eribura [DROPPINGS] wr. eribura "bird droppings"
bird of prey
ninninnata [BIRD] wr. dnin-ninna2mušen-ta; dnin-ninna2mušen; dnin-ninnamušen; dnin-immax(|LAGAB×IGI@g|)mušen; dnin-niĝin2mušen "a bird of prey, harrier?" Akk. eššebu
ti [BIRD] wr. ti8mušen "a bird of prey" Akk. erû
bird of prey or a vulture
buru [BIRD] wr. buru4mušen; gu-ur2mušen; buru15mušen; buru16mušen; buru6mušen "crow; a bird of prey or a vulture" Akk. erēbu[rook]
bird or bat
arkab [BAT] wr. arkab; arkabmušen; su-dinarkabx(|ARKAB2.IB|)mušen; su-dinarkabx(IB); arkabx(|ARKAB2.IB|) "a bird or bat" Akk. argabu
bird s
buru [SPARROW] wr. buru5mušen "bird(s), small birds, sparrow; flock of birds" Akk. işşūru
bird snare
harmušen [SNARE] wr. har-mušen "bird snare"
digbir [UNMNG] wr. digbir "?" Akk. amar usandî; ašar usandî; aşur pindi
mušendu [BIRD-CATCHER] wr. mušen-du3; usandux(|NUNUZ.AB2×AŠGAB|) "bird-catcher" Akk. usandû
a [BIRD-CRY] wr. a "a bird-cry"
dilibipila [BIRD-CRY] wr. di-li-bi-pi-la; di-li-ib-pi "a bird call"
giri'ilu [BIRD-CRY] wr. giri16-i-lu "the cry of the girigilu bird"
tikutikumae [BIRD-CRY] wr. ti-ku-ti-ku-ma-e "bird-cry"
tirida [BIRD-CRY] wr. ti-ri2-da "a bird-cry"
uludig [BIRD-CRY] wr. ulu3-di-ig "a bird-cry"
luharmušenak [BIRD-TRAPPER] wr. lu2-har-mušen-na "bird-trapper"
buru [SPARROW] wr. buru5mušen "bird(s), small birds, sparrow; flock of birds" Akk. işşūru
mušenburu [FLOCK] wr. mušen-buru5 "flock of small birds"
zi [CHIRP] wr. zi "to chirp (birds)" Akk. şabāru ša işşuri
SIGHI [GODDESS?] wr. SIG7.HI "a birth goddess?"
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
gan [BEAR] wr. gan "to bear young; child-bearing" Akk. (w)alādu
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
ugu [BEAR] wr. ugu; ugu4 "to give birth (to)" Akk. alādu
utud [BEAR] wr. tud; u3-tu; tu-ud "to give birth (to), bear a child" Akk. alādu
birth canal
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
birth goddess
SIGHI [GODDESS?] wr. SIG7.HI "a birth goddess?"
ašnan [MOLE] wr. ašnan "mole" Akk. pendû
gug [MOLE] wr. gug "mole, black spot; birthmark" Akk. halû; pendu
izi [FIRE] wr. izi; izi2 "fire; brazier" Akk. išātu; pendû
samag [BIRTHMARK] wr. samag3; samag2; samag4; samag6; samag "wart; mole, birthmark" Akk. umşatu; šullu
samag [BIRTHMARK] wr. samag3; samag2; samag4; samag6; samag "wart; mole, birthmark" Akk. umşatu; šullu
alim [BISON] wr. alim; e-lum "bison; heavy; important" Akk. ditānu; kabtu; kusarikku
kab [BIT PART] wr. kab "wing of a horse bit; noserope" Akk. kappu; şerretu
bit part
kab [BIT PART] wr. kab "wing of a horse bit; noserope" Akk. kappu; şerretu
nig [BITCH] wr. nig "female dog; lioness" Akk. kalbatu; nēštu
nig [PLOW] wr. ĝešnig; kušnig "a part of a plow" Akk. kalbatu; kurussu ša epinni
gug.SAR [DOG BITE] wr. gug6(|KA.KAK|)-SAR "dog bite"
gug [TOOTH] wr. gug; gug6 "tooth; blade; beak; dogbite" Akk. nišik kalbi; šinnu
zu du [BITE] wr. zu2 du3 "to bite" Akk. gaşāşu
zu kud [BITE] wr. zu2 kud "to bite" Akk. başāru; našāku
zu rah [BITE] wr. zu2 ra "to bite" Akk. gaşāşu
zu sud [BITE] wr. zu2 sud2 "to bite" Akk. gaşāşu
pad [BREAK] wr. pad "to break (into bits)" Akk. kasāpu
mar [SHOVEL] wr. ĝešmar; urudmar "shovel" Akk. marru
mun [SALT] wr. mun; mun4; munu3 "(to be) brackish; salt" Akk. marru; ţabtu
ses [BITTER] wr. ses "(to be) bitter, brackish" Akk. marru
kiraši [BEER] wr. kiraši "bitter-sweet taste; emmer beer" Akk. alappānu
bitter-sweet taste
kiraši [BEER] wr. kiraši "bitter-sweet taste; emmer beer" Akk. alappānu
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
HIHI [PINCH] wr. HI.HI "to pinch off bitumen" Akk. karāsu ša esir
IGIESIR [~BITUMEN] wr. IGI.ESIR2 "designation of bitumen"
ea [~BITUMEN] wr. e3-a; e2-a "a qualification of bitumen"
esir [BITUMEN] wr. esir2; esir; esir2(|LAGABxHAL|) "bitumen, pitch" Akk. iţţû; kupru
esirhia [BITUMEN] wr. esirhia "bitumen, pitch" Akk. kupru
adbar [BASALT] wr. a2-da-bar; ad-bar "black basalt" Akk. atbaru
dar [BIRD] wr. darmušen "a bird, black francolin" Akk. ittidû; tarru
giggi [BLACK] wr. giggi; gi6-gi6 "(to be) black" Akk. şalmu
gug [MOLE] wr. gug "mole, black spot; birthmark" Akk. halû; pendu
mes [BLACKNESS] wr. mes; ĝešmes "blackness, black spot; black wood" Akk. şulmu
black basalt
adbar [BASALT] wr. a2-da-bar; ad-bar "black basalt" Akk. atbaru
black francolin
dar [BIRD] wr. darmušen "a bird, black francolin" Akk. ittidû; tarru
black spot
gug [MOLE] wr. gug "mole, black spot; birthmark" Akk. halû; pendu
mes [BLACKNESS] wr. mes; ĝešmes "blackness, black spot; black wood" Akk. şulmu
black wood
mes [BLACKNESS] wr. mes; ĝešmes "blackness, black spot; black wood" Akk. şulmu
saĝgiga [HUMANKIND] wr. saĝ-gig2-ga "humankind" Akk. şalmat qaqqadi
black-headed ones
saĝgiga [HUMANKIND] wr. saĝ-gig2-ga "humankind" Akk. şalmat qaqqadi
mes [BLACKNESS] wr. mes; ĝešmes "blackness, black spot; black wood" Akk. şulmu
bun [BLADDER] wr. uzubun; uzubun2 "bladder" Akk. ellabbuhhu
ellamkuš [BLADDER] wr. ellamkuš; ellamkuš2; ellamkuš3; ellamkuš4 "animal bladder" Akk. ellabbuhhu
ze [GALL BLADDER] wr. ze2; ze4 "gall bladder; bile" Akk. martu
gug [TOOTH] wr. gug; gug6 "tooth; blade; beak; dogbite" Akk. nišik kalbi; šinnu
ĝiri [DAGGER] wr. ĝiri2; urudĝiri2; me2-er; me-er; me-ri "razor; sword, dagger" Akk. naglabu; patru
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
blade of the hoe
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
aguhum [CLOTHING] wr. a2-gu4-hu-um "an item of clothing, sash?, blanket?" Akk. patinnu
KANE [BLAZE?] wr. |KA×NE| "to blaze?"
KANE [BLAZE?] wr. |KA×NE| "to blaze?"
šu e [BLESS] wr. šu e3 "to bless; to go out?; to terrify?" Akk. waşû; palāhu; karābu
šu mu [PRAY] wr. šu mu2 "to pray" Akk. karābu
namšita [PRAYER] wr. nam-šita; nam-šita2 "prayer; entreaty" Akk. kāribu
siškur [PRAYER] wr. siškur2; siškur "prayer; blessing; offering, sacrifice, rites; to pour (a libation), sacrifice; to intercede" Akk. karābu; naqû; nīqu
šud [PRAYER] wr. šud3; šu-tu; šudx(|KA.ŠU|) "prayer, dedication; blessing" Akk. ikribu
iginudu [BLIND] wr. igi-nu-du8 "a type of worker; blind" Akk. lā naţālu
iginuĝal [BLIND] wr. igi-nu-ĝal2 "blind"
zagga [TWITTER] wr. zagga2 "to twitter, mutter; to sparkle" Akk. şabāru
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
igitab [BLINKERS?] wr. igi-tab "blinkers?"
igitab [BLINKERS] wr. kušigi-tab "(donkey) blinkers"
igitab [BLINKERS?] wr. igi-tab "blinkers?"
daggaz [BLOCK] wr. na4da-gaz "a stone block"
gilim [CROSS] wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gil-gilil "to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block; (to be) difficult to understand" Akk. egēru; parāku
henzer [BLOCK] wr. henzir "to block" Akk. pehû
lagab [BLOCK] wr. lagab; na4lagab "block; stump (of tree)" Akk. upqu
magaz [BENCH] wr. ĝešma2-gaz; nam-gaz "slaughtering bench" Akk. makāşu
saĝ gi [BLOCK] wr. saĝ gi4 "to block" Akk. hašû?; mahāru
uš [BLOCK] wr. uš2 "to shut off, block up" Akk. sekēru
block up
uš [BLOCK] wr. uš2 "to shut off, block up" Akk. sekēru
idim [BLOCKED] wr. idim "(to be) blocked, stilted; (to be) obtuse, deaf; simple person, imbecile; weak, helpless (person)" Akk. sakku; saklu; ulālu
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
dara [RED] wr. dara4 "(to be) red; (to be) brown; blood" Akk. dāmu
hum [PARALYZE] wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig
kurun [BEER] wr. kurun; kurun2; kurun3 "a beer; blood; (to be) good; (to be) sweet" Akk. dāmu; kurunnu; ţābu
mud [BLOOD] wr. mud; mud2 "blood" Akk. dāmu
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
umun [BLOOD] wr. u3-mun; u3-mu-un; umun "blood" Akk. dāmu
urin [BLOOD] wr. urin; u3-ri2-in "blood" Akk. damu
uš [BLOOD] wr. uš2 "blood, gore" Akk. dāmu
uš [DIE] wr. uš2 "to die; to be dead; to kill; death" Akk. dāmu; mâtu; mūtu; uššu
blood clot disease stroke
hum [PARALYZE] wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig
badbad [DEFEAT] wr. bad5-bad5 "defeat in battle" Akk. dabdû
bar [BURN] wr. bar7 "to burn; to fire (pottery)" Akk. napāhu
bul [BLOW] wr. bul4; bul; bun; bul5 "to blow; to winnow; to sift; to inflate" Akk. edēpu; našāpu; nesû
bur [GLOW] wr. bur2; bu7 "light; to glow, shine" Akk. napāhu; nūru
ge [BLOW] wr. ge14; ge15; ge3; ge22; ge23 "blow; wound; stroke of the stylus; (piece of) writing, copy, exemplar, written" Akk. mihiştu; mihiştu; šaţāru
kab [BLOW AWAY] wr. kab2 "to blow away" Akk. edēpu
kar [BLOW] wr. kar2-kar2; kar2 "to blow; to light up, shine; to rise" Akk. napāhu
kur [BURN] wr. kur "to burn, light up" Akk. napāhu
lu [FLARE] wr. lu9 "to flare up" Akk. napāhu
si gu rah [BLOW THE HORN] wr. si gu3 rah2 "to blow the horn" Akk. ?
umah [BLOW] wr. umah "blow" Akk. mihşu
blow away
bul [BLOW] wr. bul4; bul; bun; bul5 "to blow; to winnow; to sift; to inflate" Akk. edēpu; našāpu; nesû
kab [BLOW AWAY] wr. kab2 "to blow away" Akk. edēpu
blow away
kab [BLOW AWAY] wr. kab2 "to blow away" Akk. edēpu
blow st,h. away
bul [BLOW] wr. bul4; bul; bun; bul5 "to blow; to winnow; to sift; to inflate" Akk. edēpu; našāpu; nesû
blow the horn
si gu rah [BLOW THE HORN] wr. si gu3 rah2 "to blow the horn" Akk. ?
namemedi [BLUNTNESS] wr. nam-eme-di "bluntness"
ŠAHZEDA [PIG] wr. ŠAH.ZE2.DA; ŠEŠ.DA "a pig" Akk. šahû api
da [SIDE BOARD] wr. ĝešda "side board (of a chariot)" Akk. marhaşu
da [WRITING BOARD] wr. ĝešda "writing board" Akk. lē'û
dib [BOARD] wr. dib "board" Akk. dibbu
dur [BOARD] wr. ĝešdur2 "wooden ledger board; board" Akk. kiskirru
eda [BOARD] wr. ĝeše2-da "board"
gigurda [BASKET] wr. gi-gur-da "a basket" Akk. gigurdû; maššû
ĝešdubak [BOARD] wr. ĝeš-dub-ba "tablet board"
kam [BOARD] wr. kam3 "board, plaque" Akk. kammu
le'um [BOARD] wr. le-um; ĝešle-um; ĝešle; ĝešle-u5; ĝešle-u5-um "writing board; board (of a plow)" Akk. le'u
miriza [PLANK] wr. mi-ri2-za "plank, board; boat pole" Akk. parīsu
mudla [BASKET] wr. mudla "basket" Akk. maššû
board of a plow
le'um [BOARD] wr. le-um; ĝešle-um; ĝešle; ĝešle-u5; ĝešle-u5-um "writing board; board (of a plow)" Akk. le'u
ni buluĝ [BOAST] wr. ni2 buluĝ5 "to boast" Akk. ?
kagsilim [GLORIFICATION] wr. kag2-silim "glorification" Akk. tašrihtu
IGIX [BOAT-PART] wr. ĝešIGI.X "part of boat"
ZA [BOAT] wr. ĝešZA "type of boat"
a'u [TOWMAN] wr. au "towman of a boat" Akk. āgilu
ad [RAFT] wr. ĝeša-ta; ĝešAD "wooden raft; plank of a boat" Akk. uddi elippi
adda [CORPSE] wr. adda; adda2; adx(|LU2@s×BAD|); adx(|BAD.LU2|); adx(|LU2×GAM|); adx(|LU2@s|); a-daaddax(|LU2@g.UŠ2|) "corpse; wreck (of a boat)" Akk. pagru; šalamtu
ara [~BOAT] wr. ĝeša-ra "a boat part"
bal [DIG] wr. ba-al; bal; bal3; bal4; pe-el "to dig, excavate; to unload (a boat)" Akk. herû
binitum [BEAM] wr. ĝešbi2-ni-tum "a beam for houses and boats" Akk. binītu
ema [CABIN] wr. ĝeše2-ma2 "boat cabin" Akk. hinnu
gid [DRAG] wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk" Akk. šadādu
gimuš [POLE] wr. gi-muš; ĝešgi-muš "a boat pole" Akk. parīsu
ĝešusala [BOAT-PART] wr. ĝeš-u3-sal4-la "part of boat"
ma da [SAIL] wr. ma2 da "to sail a boat"
ma gid [HAUL] wr. ma2 gid2; ĝešma2 gid2 "to haul (a boat)" Akk. ?
ma'addir [FERRYBOAT] wr. ma2-addir; ma2-addirx(|PAD.DUG.GIŠ.SI|) "ferryboat; boat for hire" Akk. nēberu; elep igri
ma'eĝir [STERN] wr. ma2-eĝir "stern (lit. boat back)"
ma [SHIP] wr. ma2; ĝešma2 "ship, boat" Akk. eleppu
madala [BUNDLE] wr. ma2-da-la2; ĝešma2-da-la2; gima2-da-la2 "bundle of reeds; raft" Akk. tillatu
madu [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-du3 "a part of a boat"
magid [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-gid2 "a towed boat" Akk. makkītu
magilum [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-gi4-lum; ĝešma2-gi-lum; ĝešma2-gi-la2 "a boat" Akk. magillu
mala [BOAT] wr. ma2-la2; ĝešma2-la2; gima2-la2 "freight boat"
masaĝ [PROW] wr. ma2-saĝ "prow (lit. boat head)"
masal [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-sal "a boat" Akk. mašallû
masu [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-su; ĝešma2-su3 "deep-draught boat"
miriza [PLANK] wr. mi-ri2-za "plank, board; boat pole" Akk. parīsu
te [BOAT] wr. ĝešte; ĝešti "a part of a boat, cart or chariot" Akk. dapānu
tugul [BOAT] wr. ĝeštu-gul "a part of a boat?"
umbin [~BOAT] wr. ĝešumbin "a part of a boat"
ur [DRAG] wr. ur3 "to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat" Akk. bâ'u; kapāru; šabāţu
zigan [RUDDER] wr. ĝešzi-gan "rudder" Akk. sikkānu
boat cabin
ema [CABIN] wr. ĝeše2-ma2 "boat cabin" Akk. hinnu
boat for hire
ma'addir [FERRYBOAT] wr. ma2-addir; ma2-addirx(|PAD.DUG.GIŠ.SI|) "ferryboat; boat for hire" Akk. nēberu; elep igri
boat part
ara [~BOAT] wr. ĝeša-ra "a boat part"
boat pole
gimuš [POLE] wr. gi-muš; ĝešgi-muš "a boat pole" Akk. parīsu
miriza [PLANK] wr. mi-ri2-za "plank, board; boat pole" Akk. parīsu
maGIN [BOAT-BUILDER] wr. ma2-GIN2 "boat-builder"
kidmaniĝina [MAT] wr. gikid-ma2-niĝin-a "a type of reed mat; boat-cover" Akk. burû
kidmašua [MAT] wr. gikid-ma2-šu2-a "a type of reed mat; boat-cover" Akk. burû
IGIX [BOAT-PART] wr. ĝešIGI.X "part of boat"
ĝešusala [BOAT-PART] wr. ĝeš-u3-sal4-la "part of boat"
gimuš [POLE] wr. gi-muš; ĝešgi-muš "a boat pole" Akk. parīsu
ĝisal [RUDDER] wr. ĝešĝisal "rudder, oar; a roof part" Akk. gišallu
miriza [PLANK] wr. mi-ri2-za "plank, board; boat pole" Akk. parīsu
A'IGILU [BOATMAN] wr. A.IGI.LU "a boatman" Akk. ?
luma [BOATMAN] wr. lu2-ma2 "boatman"
lumagalgalak [BOATMAN] wr. lu2-ma2-gal-gal "a boatman"
lumagur [BOATMAN] wr. lu2-ma2-gur8 "a boatman"
malahgal [SAILOR] wr. ma2-lah5-gal; ma-lah4-gal "head boatman"
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
binitum [BEAM] wr. ĝešbi2-ni-tum "a beam for houses and boats" Akk. binītu
dimgal [POLE] wr. dim-gal; di-im-gu-ul "a pole" Akk. mahrašu; markasu; ushamu
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
hum [PARALYZE] wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig
adama [DISCHARGE] wr. adama "a dark-colored bodily discharge" Akk. adamatu
hum [SNAP] wr. hum "to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion" Akk. hamāšu; rahāšu
NEŠE [~BODY] wr. NE.ŠE3 "a part of the body"
abzaza [ZEBU] wr. ab2-za-za "zebu; ~ figurine" Akk. apsasû
adda [CORPSE] wr. adda; adda2; adx(|LU2@s×BAD|); adx(|BAD.LU2|); adx(|LU2×GAM|); adx(|LU2@s|); a-daaddax(|LU2@g.UŠ2|) "corpse; wreck (of a boat)" Akk. pagru; šalamtu
barag [SACK] wr. barag; bar; bar2-ra; bara9; bur2 "sack; a part of an animal's body" Akk. bašamu
haš [THIGH] wr. haš2; haš4 "lower body, abdomen; thigh" Akk. emšu; šapru
hašbar [BELLY] wr. haš2-bar "belly; womb" Akk. emšu
kuš [SKIN] wr. kuš "skin; leather; body; person" Akk. mašku; zumru
lib [HEART] wr. lib "inner body; heart" Akk. libbu
lipiš [INNARDS] wr. lipiš; lipišx(|AB2.ŠA3|) "inner body; heart; anger, rage" Akk. libbu; uzzu; şurru
sigba [BODY] wr. sig-ba "lower body"
silaĝ [~BODY] wr. silaĝ "a body part" Akk. lašû
su [FLESH] wr. su "flesh; body; entrails (omen); body" Akk. zumru; šīru
subar [BODY] wr. su-bar "body"
šag [HEART] wr. šag4; ša; ša3-ab "inner body; heart; in, inside" Akk. libbu
umun [BODY] wr. umun2 "life-giving force; main body, bulk" Akk. mummu; ummatu
umun [KNOWLEDGE] wr. umun2 "knowledge; workshop" Akk. mummu; ummatu; ummuqu
ur [LIVER] wr. ur5 "liver; main body, bulk" Akk. kabattu; ummatu
uzu [FLESH] wr. uzu; uzu(LAK350) "flesh; body; entrails; omen" Akk. šīru
body part
silaĝ [~BODY] wr. silaĝ "a body part" Akk. lašû
sagal [BODY-PART] wr. sa-gal "body-part" Akk. sagallu
NE.ašaga [BOIL] wr. NE-a-ša3-ga "a boil"
aš [BOIL] wr. aš "a boil (on skin)" Akk. şernettum
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
rig [BOIL] wr. RIG7; rig10 "to boil down; concoction, infusion" Akk. rabāku; ribku
ububul [PUSTULE] wr. u3-bu-bu-ul; u-bu-bu-ul; u4-bu-bu-ul "a boil, pustule" Akk. bubu'tu
zil [BOIL] wr. zil "to boil; to peel" Akk. qalāpu; salāqu
boil down
rig [BOIL] wr. RIG7; rig10 "to boil down; concoction, infusion" Akk. rabāku; ribku
boil meat in water
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
boil on skin
aš [BOIL] wr. aš "a boil (on skin)" Akk. şernettum
zilĝa [BOILED] wr. zi-il-ĝa2 "boiled" Akk. silqu
zilkum [BOILED] wr. zi-il-kum "boiled" Akk. silqu
šagdag [BOLSTER] "bolster"
gilim [BARRIER] wr. ĝešgilim "barrier, bolt" Akk. napraku
ĝešgan [DOOR] wr. ĝeš-gan "door bolt"
igšur [BOLT] wr. ig-šu-ur2; ĝešig-šu-ur2; ĝešig-šu-ur? "bolt" Akk. mēdelu
niĝdimgul [BOLT] wr. urudniĝ2-dim2-gul "bolt"
niĝĝir [LIGHTNING] wr. niĝ2-ĝir2 "lightning bolt"
saĝkul [BOLT] wr. ĝešsaĝ-kul; ĝešsag-gul "bolt" Akk. sikkūru
siĝar [BOLT] wr. ĝešsi-ĝar; si-ĝar "bolt, clamp" Akk. šigarru
suhub [BOLT] wr. ĝešsuhub4; ĝešsuhub3; suhub5 "door bolt, bar" Akk. mēdelu; napraku
šugi [BOLT] wr. ĝeššu-ga; šu-gi; šu-gi4; šu-gilim "bolt" Akk. napraku
ur [SHUT] wr. ur3 "to shut; protection" Akk. edēlu; kidinnu
lumud [BOLT-HANDLER] wr. lu2-mud "bolt-handler"
dagan [TOTALITY] wr. da-gan "totality; assembly; band" Akk. kullatu; puhru; riksu
dim [POST] wr. dim; dim3; ĝešdim "post, pillar, pole; binding, knot, bond" Akk. mahrašu; makūtu; riksu; timmu
dimgal [POLE] wr. dim-gal; di-im-gu-ul "a pole" Akk. mahrašu; markasu; ushamu
dirga [BOND] wr. di-ir-ga "bond" Akk. riksu
dur [BOND] wr. dur; gidur "binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope" Akk. abunnatu; markasu; ţurru
ešla [BAND] wr. eš2-la2 "bond; band, belt" Akk. markasu; nēbehu
niĝkešed [BAND] wr. niĝ2-keš2 "band" Akk. riksu
šita [PRAYER] wr. šita "prayer" Akk. riksu
udsaĝ [BAND] wr. ud5-saĝ "band" Akk. markasu; riksu
ussaĝ [BOND] wr. us2-saĝ "(cosmic) bond"
mašga'en [STATUS] wr. MAŠ.EN.KAK; MAŠ.KAK "a social status or profession" Akk. muškēnu
bondsman of the palace
mašga'en [STATUS] wr. MAŠ.EN.KAK; MAŠ.KAK "a social status or profession" Akk. muškēnu
edakua [SOUP] wr. edakua; edakua2 "fish bone; fish soup" Akk. sihil nunu
ĝiripadra [BONE] wr. ĝiri3-pad-ra2 "bone" Akk. eşemtu
tuhul [HIP] wr. tuhul "hip bone" Akk. giššu
zingi [ANKLE BONE] wr. zi-in-gi4 "ankle bone"
suhub [BOOTS] wr. kušsuhub2; HUB2-HUB2; kušsuhub; su-hub2 "boots, shoes" Akk. šuhuppatu
boot s
suhub [BOOTS] wr. kušsuhub2; HUB2-HUB2; kušsuhub; su-hub2 "boots, shoes" Akk. šuhuppatu
suhub [BOOTS] wr. kušsuhub2; HUB2-HUB2; kušsuhub; su-hub2 "boots, shoes" Akk. šuhuppatu
namra'ak [BOOTY] wr. nam-ra-ak; nam-ra-aš-ak; ne-ra-ak; ne-ra-aš-ak "booty"
namra [BOOTY] wr. nam-ra; nam-ra-aš "booty"
anzag [HORIZON] wr. an-zag "horizon, border of heaven"
kisura [BORDER] wr. ki-sur-ra "border; territory" Akk. kisurrû
kurzag [MOUNTAIN BORDER] wr. kur-zag "mountain border"
maš [BORDER] wr. maš "border, boundary" Akk. mişru
usaDU [BORDER] wr. us2-a-DU; us2-sa-DU "border"
zag us [BORDER ON] wr. zag us2 "to border on" Akk. ?
zag [SIDE] wr. zag "arm; shoulder; side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right" Akk. ahu; idu; imittu; ishu; mişru; pāţu
border of heaven
anzag [HORIZON] wr. an-zag "horizon, border of heaven"
border on
zag us [BORDER ON] wr. zag us2 "to border on" Akk. ?
ama'atud [SLAVE] wr. ama-a-tud; ama-tu "house-born slave" Akk. dušmû; wardu
wadaltum [SHED?] wr. wa-da-al-tum "a shed where animals are born?" Akk. ?
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
lahan [BOTTLE] wr. dugla-ha-an "a bottle" Akk. lahannu
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
dur [BUTTOCKS] wr. dur2 "defile, cleft; buttocks, rump" Akk. pūqu; šuburru
sadur [BOTTOM] wr. sa-dur2 "bottom" Akk. šuburru
šaran [PESTLE BOTTOM] wr. šaran "bottom of a pestle" Akk. išid bukānni
bottom of a leather bag
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
bottom of a pestle
šaran [PESTLE BOTTOM] wr. šaran "bottom of a pestle" Akk. išid bukānni
guruʾuš [TREE-TRUNK] wr. ĝešguru5-uš "tree-trunk" Akk. kisittu
šur [BRANCHES] wr. šu-ur4 "branches" Akk. kisittu
boughs of tree
guruʾuš [TREE-TRUNK] wr. ĝešguru5-uš "tree-trunk" Akk. kisittu
šur [BRANCHES] wr. šu-ur4 "branches" Akk. kisittu
ešela [BOUND] wr. ešela "(to be) bound" Akk. hanāqu; kalû; kamû
bulug [NEEDLE] wr. bulug; urudbulug; mu-lu-ug; bu-lu-ug "needle; stake; boundary; seal pin" Akk. pulukku
in dub [DELIMIT] wr. in dub "to delimit, fix a boundary" Akk. palāku
induba [BOUNDARY] wr. in-dub-ba; im-dub-ba "boundary; demarcated zone" Akk. pilku
ki sur [MARK A BOUNDARY] wr. ki sur "to mark a boundary" Akk. ?
maš [BORDER] wr. maš "border, boundary" Akk. mişru
zag [SIDE] wr. zag "arm; shoulder; side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right" Akk. ahu; idu; imittu; ishu; mişru; pāţu
kibšur [BOUNTEOUS] wr. kibšur "very plentiful" Akk. ţuhhudu
madam [BOUNTEOUS] wr. ma-dam "very plentiful" Akk. ţuhhudu
abzaza [ZEBU] wr. ab2-za-za "zebu; ~ figurine" Akk. apsasû
gudalim [BOVID] wr. gud-alim "a bovid; ~ figurine" Akk. alimbû
zaza [~BOVID] wr. za-za "bovid designation"
bovid designation
zaza [~BOVID] wr. za-za "bovid designation"
šilam [COW] wr. šilam; ab2šilam; ab2šilam2; ša3-lam; šallam2; ab2NUN.LAGAR "cow; bovine" Akk. arhu; littû
ge [SHAPE] wr. ge16 "a geometric shape; an architectural term?" Akk. qaštu
gu gid [LEAN] wr. gu2 gid2 "to lean, to bend; to lodge; to peer into" Akk. šurru
gu ĝal [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝal2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝar [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝar; gu2 ĝa2-ĝa2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝeš ĝal [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝeš ĝal2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝeš ĝar [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝeš ĝar; gu2 giš ga2-ga2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu la [LEAN OVER] wr. gu2 la2 "to lean over" Akk. šurru
gurum [BEND] wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) "to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over" Akk. kanāšu; kanānu; kapāpu; qadādu
ĝešbu [WEAPON] wr. ĝešgešbu "a weapon: bow? throwstick? javelin?" Akk. tilpānu
illar [WEAPON] wr. ĝešillar; illar "a weapon: bow? throwstick? javelin?; a geometric figure" Akk. tilpānu
ki za [BOW DOWN] wr. ki za "to bow down" Akk. šukênu
pana [BOW] wr. ĝešpana; ba-na; ĝešpanax(|ŠE.NUN&NUN|) "bow; a geometric figure" Akk. qaštu
panadim [BOW MAKER] wr. ĝešpana-dim2; ba-na-dim2; pana-dim2-dim2; pana-dim2 "bow maker"
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
tir [BOW] wr. tir; ĝeštir "bow"
zadim [STONE-CUTTER] wr. zadim; za-dim2 "bow maker; stone cutter" Akk. sasinu; zadimmu
zaza [BOW] wr. za-za "to bow down"
bow down
gu ĝal [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝal2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝar [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝar; gu2 ĝa2-ĝa2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝeš ĝal [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝeš ĝal2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝeš ĝar [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝeš ĝar; gu2 giš ga2-ga2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gurum [BEND] wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) "to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over" Akk. kanāšu; kanānu; kapāpu; qadādu
ki za [BOW DOWN] wr. ki za "to bow down" Akk. šukênu
zaza [BOW] wr. za-za "to bow down"
bow maker
panadim [BOW MAKER] wr. ĝešpana-dim2; ba-na-dim2; pana-dim2-dim2; pana-dim2 "bow maker"
zadim [STONE-CUTTER] wr. zadim; za-dim2 "bow maker; stone cutter" Akk. sasinu; zadimmu
bow os,. down
gu gid [LEAN] wr. gu2 gid2 "to lean, to bend; to lodge; to peer into" Akk. šurru
gu la [LEAN OVER] wr. gu2 la2 "to lean over" Akk. šurru
zadim [STONE-CUTTER] wr. zadim; za-dim2 "bow maker; stone cutter" Akk. sasinu; zadimmu
di [HAVE A BOWEL DISORDER] wr. di5 "to have a bowel disorder" Akk. nâţu
buniĝ [TROUGH] wr. ĝešbuniĝ; gibuniĝx(|A.LAGAB×A|); buniĝ; gibuniĝ; ĝešbuniĝ2; ĝešbuniĝ3; kunin "a trough, bowl or bucket" Akk. kuninu; pattû
bur [BOWL] wr. bur; na4bur "(food) offering, sacrifice; meal(-time); (stone) bowl; a priest" Akk. abru; naptanu; nīqu; pūru
burzi [BOWL] wr. bur-zi "a bowl" Akk. pursû
dilimbanda [BOWL] wr. ĝešdilim2-banda3da "a bowl" Akk. tannu
dilimgal [DISH] wr. ĝešdilim2-gal "dish, shallow bowl" Akk. mākaltu
guhšu [ALTAR] wr. guhšu; guhšu2 "a reed altar; (a part of) a container" Akk. guhšû; šubat diqāri
kallu [BOWL] wr. ka-al-lu5; ka-lu5 "a bowl"
kasu [GOBLET] wr. gu2-zi; dugKU.ZI; duggu2-zi; dugka-a-su; dugKA.ZI "goblet; bowl" Akk. kāsu
kul [BOWL] wr. kul "bowl"
lud [TABLEWARE] wr. lud "an item of tableware, a cup or bowl; a metal tool" Akk. luţţu; nalpatu
maltum [BOWL] wr. ma-al-tum; na4ma-al-tum "a bowl" Akk. maltu
muh [CUP] wr. muh3 "a cup or bowl"
sab [JAR] wr. dugsab; sa2-ab "an oil jar" Akk. šappu
silaĝarra [BOWL] wr. sila3-ĝar-ra "bowl for afterbirth"
ša'uša [LANCE] wr. ĝešša3-u19-ša4 "a lance" Akk. sappu
utul [TUREEN] wr. utul2; u2-du; u2-da; dugutul2; ĝešutul2 "tureen, large bowl" Akk. diqāru
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
bowl for afterbirth
silaĝarra [BOWL] wr. sila3-ĝar-ra "bowl for afterbirth"
bowl or bucket
buniĝ [TROUGH] wr. ĝešbuniĝ; gibuniĝx(|A.LAGAB×A|); buniĝ; gibuniĝ; ĝešbuniĝ2; ĝešbuniĝ3; kunin "a trough, bowl or bucket" Akk. kuninu; pattû
zadim [STONE-CUTTER] wr. zadim; za-dim2 "bow maker; stone cutter" Akk. sasinu; zadimmu
bisaĝ [BASKET] wr. bisaĝ; gibisaĝ; bisaĝ3; bisaĝ2 "basket" Akk. pisannu
esulumak [BOX] wr. ĝeše2-su-lum; ĝeše2-su-lum-ma "a box" Akk. laharuhšu
gabaĝal [GUARD] wr. gaba-ĝal2 "front guard of a chariot" Akk. gabagallu
kušlug [BOX] wr. kušlug "a box with a lid" Akk. netmertu
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
taškarin [BOXWOOD] wr. ĝeštaškarin; taškarin "box tree, boxwood" Akk. taskarinnu
box tree
taškarin [BOXWOOD] wr. ĝeštaškarin; taškarin "box tree, boxwood" Akk. taskarinnu
box with a lid
kušlug [BOX] wr. kušlug "a box with a lid" Akk. netmertu
box with a lid
kušlug [BOX] wr. kušlug "a box with a lid" Akk. netmertu
šemešala [TREE] wr. šemešal "a tree; an aromatic" Akk. šimiššalû
ĝešba [FIST] wr. ĝešpax(|ŠU.PAP.PAP|); gešbax(|ŠU.BULUG3|)ba; gešbax(|ŠU.BULUG3|); ĝešpax(|ŠU.PAP.PAP|)ba "fist; boxer" Akk. umāšu
abulillum [BERRY] wr. a-bu-lil-lum "boxthorn berry" Akk. bulīlu
boxthorn berry
abulillum [BERRY] wr. a-bu-lil-lum "boxthorn berry" Akk. bulīlu
taškarin [BOXWOOD] wr. ĝeštaškarin; taškarin "box tree, boxwood" Akk. taskarinnu
mun [SALT] wr. mun; mun4; munu3 "(to be) brackish; salt" Akk. marru; ţabtu
ses [BITTER] wr. ses "(to be) bitter, brackish" Akk. marru
zara [OVERLAP] wr. zara6 "(to be) braided; to overlap" Akk. nentû; ţamû
duh [BRAN] wr. duh; dah-hu "bran" Akk. tuhhu
li [BRANCH] wr. li "branch, twig" Akk. larû
pa [BRANCH] wr. pa; pa9 "wing; branch, frond" Akk. agappu; aru; kappu
pamul [SPREADING] wr. pa-mul "spreading branch"
asalbar [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. a-sal-bar; a-sal4-bar "an architectural term" Akk. artī kīsi
guruʾuš [TREE-TRUNK] wr. ĝešguru5-uš "tree-trunk" Akk. kisittu
mul [SHINE] wr. mul; mul2; mul4 "star; to shine, radiate (light); arrow; to radiate (branches)" Akk. kakkabu; mulmullu; nabāţu
šur [BRANCHES] wr. šu-ur4 "branches" Akk. kisittu
simda [BRAND] wr. si-im-da; urudsi-im-da "brand, branding mark"
tab [BURN] wr. tab; tab2 "to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark" Akk. hamāţu; šamātu; şarāpu
zag šu [BRAND] wr. zag šu2 "to brand"
zagšu [BRAND] wr. zag-šu4; zag-šu2; urudzag-šu2 "brand"
simda [BRAND] wr. si-im-da; urudsi-im-da "brand, branding mark"
branding mark
simda [BRAND] wr. si-im-da; urudsi-im-da "brand, branding mark"
barah [FIGHTING] wr. ba-ra-ah "fighting" Akk. puhpuhhu
gu dub [SHOUT] wr. gu3 dub2 "to shout" Akk. nagāgu
gu mur [BRAY] wr. gu3 mur "to bray; to cry out"
u [BELLOW] wr. u4 "to bray, bellow, bawl; voice, cry, noise" Akk. nagāgu; rigmu
gunni [BRAZIER] wr. gunni "brazier" Akk. kinûnu
izi [FIRE] wr. izi; izi2 "fire; brazier" Akk. išātu; pendû
ne [BRAZIER] wr. ne "brazier" Akk. kinūnu
niĝsasa [BURNING] wr. niĝ2-sa-sa "burning; brazier, oven" Akk. qalqallu; maqlû; qalû
a'ea [BREACH] wr. a-e3-a "breach, water outlet; gushing water"
ahaš [CHANNEL] wr. a-haš "sluice channel" Akk. butuqtu
burud [PERFORATE] wr. burudx(U) "breach, hole; depression, low-lying area, depth; to perforate; (to be) deep" Akk. palāšu; šapālu; pilšu; šupālu; šuplu
guĝiri [BREACH] wr. gu2-ĝiri3; gu2-ĝiri16 "breach" Akk. pilšu
kiri hur [PIERCE WITH A SPINDLE] wr. kiri3 hur "to pierce with a spindle" Akk. parāşu
naĝkud [RESERVOIR] wr. naĝ-kud "a reservoir for flood control" Akk. butuqtu
aĝarin [MATRIX] wr. aĝarin4; aĝarin3; aĝarin5; a-ĝa2-ri-in; aĝa3-ri2; aĝarin; aĝarin2; aĝarinx(|AB×HA|); aĝarinx(|LAGAB×HAL|); a-ĝa2-ri-im "matrix, mother-creator; beer mash, beer bread; crucible" Akk. agarinnu; bappiru; ummu
aš [FLOUR] wr. aš "bread; a type of flour" Akk. akalu; upumtu
bappir [~BEER] wr. bappir3; bappir2; bappir "an ingredient in beer-making" Akk. bappiru
bisaĝnindaĝar [BASKET] wr. bisaĝ-ninda-ĝar "bread basket"
gagartum [BREAD] wr. ga-ga-ar-tum "a type of bread"
gargar [BREAD] wr. gar3-gar3 "a bread or pastry"
gi'izi'ešta [~BREAD] wr. gi-izi-eš-ta; gi-ze-eš-ta "a designation of bread"
kagu [BREAD] wr. ka-gu7 "a type of bread" Akk. ?
ninda'i [BREAD] wr. ninda-i3 "a bread or pastry"
ninda'idea [BREAD] wr. ninda-i3-de2-a "a pastry or a bread" Akk. pannigu
ninda'iziHARa [BREAD] wr. ninda-izi-|HI×AŠ2|-ra "a bread or pastry"
ninda [BREAD] wr. ninda; inda "bread; food" Akk. akalu
nindaba [RATION] wr. ninda-ba "ration, bread allotment"
nindaĝir [BREAD] wr. ninda-ĝir2 "a kind of bread"
nindašurah [BREAD] wr. ninda-šu-rah2 "a type of bread"
sigal [BREAD] wr. si-gal "a type of bread"
siki [~BREAD] wr. siki2; sig15? "a designation of bread" Akk. sīku
sur [BREAD] wr. sur "a bread"
u [PLANTS] wr. u2 "bread, loaf; food; grass, herb; pasture; plant(s)" Akk. akalu; rîtu; šammu
utuhum [BREAD] wr. u3-tuh-hu-um; u4-tuh-hu-um; u3-tuh-um "a bread"
bread allotment
nindaba [RATION] wr. ninda-ba "ration, bread allotment"
bread basket
bisaĝnindaĝar [BASKET] wr. bisaĝ-ninda-ĝar "bread basket"
bread or pastry
gargar [BREAD] wr. gar3-gar3 "a bread or pastry"
ninda'i [BREAD] wr. ninda-i3 "a bread or pastry"
ninda'iziHARa [BREAD] wr. ninda-izi-|HI×AŠ2|-ra "a bread or pastry"
gar [~BREAD] wr. gar3 "a designation of breads"
hibza [~BREAD] wr. hi-ib-za; hi-ib-sa2 "a designation of breads" Akk. hibşu
daĝal [WIDE] wr. daĝal; dam-gal; di-am-ga-al; da-ma-al "(to be) wide; width, breadth" Akk. rupšu
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
dur [BREAK WIND] wr. dur2 "break wind"
gaz [KILL] wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 "to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break" Akk. dâku; habātu; hašālu; kaşāşu; pa'āşu; šagāšu
gul [DESTROY] wr. gul; gu-ul "to destroy; to break; to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave" Akk. abātu; hepû; naqāru; sapānu
haš [BREAK] wr. haš "to break off; to break; to divert (water)" Akk. haşābu; šebēru
kid [BREAK] wr. kid2; gir8; kid4; kid7 "to break off, pinch off" Akk. karāşu
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
pad [BREAK] wr. pad "to break (into bits)" Akk. kasāpu
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
zir [BREAK] wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er "to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase" Akk. ašāšu; pasāsu
zur [BREAK] wr. zur-zur "to break"
break down
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
break into bits
pad [BREAK] wr. pad "to break (into bits)" Akk. kasāpu
break off
haš [BREAK] wr. haš "to break off; to break; to divert (water)" Akk. haşābu; šebēru
kid [BREAK] wr. kid2; gir8; kid4; kid7 "to break off, pinch off" Akk. karāşu
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
break up
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
break wind
dur [BREAK WIND] wr. dur2 "break wind"
gaba [CHEST] wr. gaba "breast, chest; frontier" Akk. irtu
tuditum [TOGGLE PIN] wr. tu-di-da; urudtu3-di3-da; tu-di-tumzabar; urudtu3-di-da; urudtu-di3-da "toggle pin" Akk. tudittu
ubur [BREAST] wr. ubur; ubur2; u3-bur; u2-bi-ur "breast" Akk. tulû
lugud [SHORT] wr. lugud2; lugud3 "(to be) short; (to be) tight; (to be) short of breath" Akk. kurû
paĝ [BREATHE] wr. pa-aĝ2; pa-an "breathing, breath; to breathe" Akk. napīšu
paĝta [BREATH] wr. pa-aĝ2-ta "breath" Akk. napīšu
zipaĝ [BREATH] wr. za-pa-aĝ2; zi-pa-aĝ2 "voice, noise; breath" Akk. napištu; rigmu
breath ing
paĝ [BREATHE] wr. pa-aĝ2; pa-an "breathing, breath; to breathe" Akk. napīšu
paĝta [BREATH] wr. pa-aĝ2-ta "breath" Akk. napīšu
ni dub [RELAX] wr. ni2 dub2 "to relax" Akk. napāšu; pašāhu
paĝ [BREATHE] wr. pa-aĝ2; pa-an "breathing, breath; to breathe" Akk. napīšu
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
zi paĝ [BREATHE] wr. zi pa-aĝ2; zi pa-an "to breathe" Akk. napāšu
paĝ [BREATHE] wr. pa-aĝ2; pa-an "breathing, breath; to breathe" Akk. napīšu
durmina [BRECCIA] wr. na4dur-mi-na; na4dur2-mi-na "breccia, mottled stone" Akk. turminû
udu'emeĝir [SHEEP] wr. udu-eme-gi "a breed of sheep"
udukurak [SHEEP] wr. udu-kur-ra "a breed of sheep" Akk. immeri šadî
zulumhi [SHEEP] wr. zulumhi "a long-haired breed of sheep; a type of fleece; a garment"
breed of sheep
udu'emeĝir [SHEEP] wr. udu-eme-gi "a breed of sheep"
udukurak [SHEEP] wr. udu-kur-ra "a breed of sheep" Akk. immeri šadî
mašuzudak [GOAT] wr. maš2-uzud-da; maš2-uzud "breed-goat"
ĝešdu [BREEDER] wr. ĝeš-du3; ĝeš-du3-a "breeding stock" Akk. ša ana rakābu uššuru
amagan [MOTHER] wr. ama-gan "breeding female animal; child-bearing mother" Akk. ummu walittu
gudabak [BULL] wr. gud-ab2; gud-ab2-ba "bull" Akk. mīru
ĝešdu [BREEDER] wr. ĝeš-du3; ĝeš-du3-a "breeding stock" Akk. ša ana rakābu uššuru
ninda [BULL] wr. gudninda2 "breeding bull; bull calf" Akk. bīru; mīru
breeding bull
gudabak [BULL] wr. gud-ab2; gud-ab2-ba "bull" Akk. mīru
ninda [BULL] wr. gudninda2 "breeding bull; bull calf" Akk. bīru; mīru
breeding female animal
amagan [MOTHER] wr. ama-gan "breeding female animal; child-bearing mother" Akk. ummu walittu
breeding stock
ĝešdu [BREEDER] wr. ĝeš-du3; ĝeš-du3-a "breeding stock" Akk. ša ana rakābu uššuru
lil [GHOST] wr. lil2 "wind, breeze; ghost" Akk. zīqīqu
sisig [BREEZE] wr. sig-sig; tumusi-si-ig; si-si-ga; sig3-sig3 "ghost?; storm; breeze, wind" Akk. mehû; zīqīqu?; šāru
si [FILL] wr. si "to draw water; to brew beer; to fill, load up" Akk. mullû; sabû; sâbu
brew beer
si [FILL] wr. si "to draw water; to brew beer; to fill, load up" Akk. mullû; sabû; sâbu
kullum [COOK] wr. kul-lum "cook; brewer" Akk. nuhatimmu; siraāšu
lubappir [BREWER] wr. lu2-bappir; lu2-bappir3 "brewer"
lukurunak [BREWER] wr. lu2-kurun-na; flu2-kurun-na; lu2-kurun "brewer" Akk. sābītu; sābû
lungak [BREWER] wr. lu2lunga; lunga; lu2lunga3; lunga3; lu2lunga2; lu2lungama "brewer" Akk. sīrāšû
namlubappir [~BREWER] wr. nam-lu2-bappir "position as brewer"
namlukurunak [BREWER] wr. nam-lu2-kurun-na "craft of the brewer"
sabitum [BARKEEPER] wr. sa3-bi2-tum "female brewer, barkeeper" Akk. sābitu
elungak [BREWERY] wr. e2-lunga3; e2-lunga; e2-lungax(|BIxGAR|) "brewery"
arab [VESSEL] wr. duga-ra-ab "brewing vessel" Akk. nēlebu
lamdre [VAT] wr. lam-re; duglam-di-re; lam-re6; lam-di; gilam-di; ĝešlam-re; lam-di-re "brewing vat"
brewing vat
lamdre [VAT] wr. lam-re; duglam-di-re; lam-re6; lam-di; gilam-di; ĝešlam-re; lam-di-re "brewing vat"
brewing vessel
arab [VESSEL] wr. duga-ra-ab "brewing vessel" Akk. nēlebu
kadra [GIFT] wr. kadra "bribe; greeting gift, presents" Akk. irbu; kadrû; ţātu
šeg [BRICK] wr. šeg12; še-eb "mudbrick" Akk. libittu
ukurum [BRICK] wr. u3-ku-ru-um "a type of brick" Akk. ukurru
ušub [BRICK-MOLD] wr. ĝešu3-šub; ĝeššub "brick-mold; a geometric figure" Akk. nalbanu
brick mold
ušub [BRICK-MOLD] wr. ĝešu3-šub; ĝeššub "brick-mold; a geometric figure" Akk. nalbanu
dupsik [BASKET] wr. dupsik; ĝešdupsik; gidupsik; zub-sig3 "a basket (for carrying earth and bricks)" Akk. tupšikku
brick-carrying frame
dupsik [BASKET] wr. dupsik; ĝešdupsik; gidupsik; zub-sig3 "a basket (for carrying earth and bricks)" Akk. tupšikku
udunmah [OVEN] wr. udun-mah "oven, brick-kiln" Akk. udunmāhu
ušub [BRICK-MOLD] wr. ĝešu3-šub; ĝeššub "brick-mold; a geometric figure" Akk. nalbanu
sigba [TOOL] wr. sig4-ba "a brickmaker's tool"
brickmaker s tool
sigba [TOOL] wr. sig4-ba "a brickmaker's tool"
alura [BAKED] wr. al-ur5-ra; al-ur3-ra; al-lu-ra; al-lu2-ur3-ra; alurax(BAHAR2) "baked (of bricks)"
budug [MOLD] wr. bu-du-ug "to mold bricks" Akk. patāqu
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
dupsik [BASKET] wr. dupsik; ĝešdupsik; gidupsik; zub-sig3 "a basket (for carrying earth and bricks)" Akk. tupšikku
zarin [LOW QUALITY] wr. za-ri2-in "low quality, of metals, bricks, wool" Akk. zarinnu
egia [BRIDE] wr. e2-gi4-a "bride" Akk. kallatu
niĝmussa [GIFT] wr. nig2-mi2-us2-sa2; niĝ2-mussa; niĝ2-mi2-us2-sa "a betrothal gift" Akk. terhātu
bride payment
niĝmussa [GIFT] wr. nig2-mi2-us2-sa2; niĝ2-mussa; niĝ2-mi2-us2-sa "a betrothal gift" Akk. terhātu
huduš [STATUS] wr. huduš "a social status, bridegroom?" Akk. huduššu
niĝirsi [FRIEND] wr. niĝir-si; li-bi-ir-si "(bridegroom's) friend"
huduš [STATUS] wr. huduš "a social status, bridegroom?" Akk. huduššu
kiritab [BRIDLE] wr. kuškiri3-tab "bridle" Akk. appātu šītu; aššatu šītu
lusagaz [BRIGAND] wr. lu2-sa-gaz "brigand" Akk. habbātu
dadag [BRIGHT] wr. dadag; dag2 "(to be) bright; to clean" Akk. ebbu; ellu; namru
dalla [BRIGHT] wr. dalla "(to be ) bright; (to be) impetuous, fierce" Akk. ellu
di [SHINE] wr. di5 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
gug [BRIGHT] wr. gug "(to be) bright"
had [BRIGHT] wr. ha-ad; had2 "(to be) bright; to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ebbu; nabāţu; ellu
kug [METAL] wr. kug "metal, silver; (to be) bright, shiny"
kugmea [METAL] wr. kug-me-a "bright metal"
lum [FRUIT] wr. lum "(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine" Akk. enēbu; unnubu; namāru; šebû; šihu
mul [SHINE] wr. mul; mul2; mul4 "star; to shine, radiate (light); arrow; to radiate (branches)" Akk. kakkabu; mulmullu; nabāţu
pirig [BRIGHT] wr. pirig2; pirig3 "bright" Akk. namru
saĝ mu [SHINE] wr. saĝ mu2-mu2 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
sikil [PURE] wr. sikil "(to be) pure" Akk. ebbu; ellu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
šun [SHINE] wr. šun2 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
ul [BRIGHT] wr. ul4; ul6 "to become bright, shine" Akk. namru; nabāţu
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
zalag [SHINE] wr. zalag; zalag2; su-lu-ug; sulug "(to be) pure; (fire) light; (to be) bright, to shine" Akk. ebbu; namāru; nûru
bright metal
kugmea [METAL] wr. kug-me-a "bright metal"
kun [SHINE] wr. kun2 "to shine brightly" Akk. nabâtu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
simuš [BRILLIANCE] wr. si-muš3; si-muš2 "brilliance, radiance" Akk. šarūru
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
šerzid [RADIANCE] wr. še-er-zid "radiance" Akk. šaruru
dilibad [SHINING] wr. dili-bad "shining" Akk. nebû
a e [REAR] wr. a2 e3 "to rear, bring up (a child); to take care of" Akk. rubbû
de [BRING] wr. de6; ga; de3; ir; de2 "to bring, carry" Akk. babālu
dim [CREATE] wr. dim2 "to create, make, manufacture; to replace?; to bring forth?" Akk. banû
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
kag tum [BRING NEWS] wr. ka tum2 "to bring news" Akk. bussuru
lah [BRING] wr. lah5; lah4 "plural stem of de [to bring]"
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
tum [BRING] wr. tum3; tum2 "imperfect singular stem of de[to bring]"
ur [PLUCK] wr. ur4; ur5 "to pluck; to gather, collect; to harvest" Akk. baqāmu; eşēdu; hamāmu; kapātu
bring forth
dim [CREATE] wr. dim2 "to create, make, manufacture; to replace?; to bring forth?" Akk. banû
bring in
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
bring news
kag tum [BRING NEWS] wr. ka tum2 "to bring news" Akk. bussuru
bring out
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
bring to conclusion
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
bring together
ur [PLUCK] wr. ur4; ur5 "to pluck; to gather, collect; to harvest" Akk. baqāmu; eşēdu; hamāmu; kapātu
bring up a child
a e [REAR] wr. a2 e3 "to rear, bring up (a child); to take care of" Akk. rubbû
muDU [DELIVERY] wr. mu-DU "delivery" Akk. šūrubtu
niĝgutum [TRIBUTE BRINGING] wr. lu2-niĝ2-gu2-DU "tribute bringing"
bringing in
muDU [DELIVERY] wr. mu-DU "delivery" Akk. šūrubtu
kunsig [BRISTLE] wr. kun-sig3; kun-zi; kun-sig2; kun-sigx(UMBIN) "bristle" Akk. zappu
šalambi [BROAD] wr. šalambi "(to be) broad, spacious" Akk. šadlu
tal [BROAD] wr. tal2 "(to be) broad, expand" Akk. rapāšu
ur [ROAM] wr. ur4; ur-ru-ur "to roam around" Akk. parāru
broken up
ur [ROAM] wr. ur4; ur-ru-ur "to roam around" Akk. parāru
DUNGUNU [OBJECT] wr. zabar|DUN3@g| "a bronze item"
argibil [STRUCTURE] wr. ĝešar-gibil2; ĝešar-gibil; ar-gi-bil-luzabar; ar-ga-bi-nu "a wooden or bronze structure"
hatum [OBJECT] wr. ha-tum "a bronze object" Akk. hattu
hud [ARROWHEAD] wr. hud4 "bronze arrowhead" Akk. hutpu ša2 siparri
lilis [INSTRUMENT] wr. li-li-is3; li-li-is3zabar; li-li-is2; liliz "a musical instrument, kettledrum" Akk. lilisu
šendani [OBJECT] wr. šen-da-ni "a bronze object"
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
bronze arrowhead
hud [ARROWHEAD] wr. hud4 "bronze arrowhead" Akk. hutpu ša2 siparri
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
bronze item
DUNGUNU [OBJECT] wr. zabar|DUN3@g| "a bronze item"
bronze object
hatum [OBJECT] wr. ha-tum "a bronze object" Akk. hattu
šendani [OBJECT] wr. šen-da-ni "a bronze object"
a'ansur [SPADIX] wr. a2-an-sur; a2-an-zur; an-sur "spadix; broom of date spadices" Akk. sissinnu
niĝkiluh [BROOM] wr. niĝ2-ki-luh "broom" Akk. mušēširtu
broom of date spadices
a'ansur [SPADIX] wr. a2-an-sur; a2-an-zur; an-sur "spadix; broom of date spadices" Akk. sissinnu
tu [SOUP] wr. tu7 "soup, broth" Akk. ummaru
namšešgal [STATUS] wr. nam-šeš-gal "status of elder brother; a scribal status"
pap [RELATION] wr. pap "first and foremost, pre-eminent; father; male, virile; brother" Akk. abu; ahu; ašarēdu; zikaru
šeš [BROTHER] wr. šeš "brother; junior worker, assistant" Akk. ahu
murum [IN-LAW] wr. murum5; murum4; uru8 "father-in-law; brother-in-law" Akk. emu rabû
maš [TWIN] wr. maš "twin" Akk. māšu
mašmin [TWIN] wr. mašmin "twin (brother/sister)" Akk. māšu
namšeš [BROTHERHOOD] wr. nam-šeš "brotherhood"
šeštab [COMPANION] wr. šeš-tab "brotherly companion"
brotherly companion
šeštab [COMPANION] wr. šeš-tab "brotherly companion"
a e [REAR] wr. a2 e3 "to rear, bring up (a child); to take care of" Akk. rubbû
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
niĝdea [GIFT] wr. niĝ2-de2-a "marriage gift" Akk. biblu
brought to full growth
a e [REAR] wr. a2 e3 "to rear, bring up (a child); to take care of" Akk. rubbû
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
saĝki [FOREHEAD] wr. saĝ-ki "forehead, brow; front" Akk. pûtu
dara [RED] wr. dara4 "(to be) red; (to be) brown; blood" Akk. dāmu
su [RED] wr. su4; sa5; šu4 "(to be) red, brown" Akk. pelû; sāmu
mašnita [GOAT] wr. maš2-nita "male goat" Akk. daššu
bandudu [BASKET] wr. ba-an-du5; giba-an-du8-du8 "seeding basket of a plow" Akk. banduddû
buniĝ [TROUGH] wr. ĝešbuniĝ; gibuniĝx(|A.LAGAB×A|); buniĝ; gibuniĝ; ĝešbuniĝ2; ĝešbuniĝ3; kunin "a trough, bowl or bucket" Akk. kuninu; pattû
ešla [BUCKET] wr. ĝešeš2-la2 "a bucket" Akk. makdû
halba [BUCKET] wr. halba; halba5 "a bucket for a well" Akk. kannu ša burti
mašlium [BUCKET] wr. kušmaš-li-um "bucket"
mašlum [BUCKET] wr. maš-li2-um; maš-lum "leather bucket" Akk. mašlû
bucket for a well
halba [BUCKET] wr. halba; halba5 "a bucket for a well" Akk. kannu ša burti
papal [BUD] wr. pa-pa-al "bud"
ul [FRUIT] wr. ul "fruit; bud" Akk. inbu
eh [INSECT] wr. eh "insect(s), bug(s); moth; head-louse; to have lice" Akk. kalmatu; sāsu; uplu; uppulu
numun [INSECT] wr. numun3 "insect(s), bug(s); caterpillar" Akk. kalmatu; nāpû
uman [INSECT] wr. uman "insect(s), bug(s)" Akk. kalmatu
bug s
eh [INSECT] wr. eh "insect(s), bug(s); moth; head-louse; to have lice" Akk. kalmatu; sāsu; uplu; uppulu
numun [INSECT] wr. numun3 "insect(s), bug(s); caterpillar" Akk. kalmatu; nāpû
uman [INSECT] wr. uman "insect(s), bug(s)" Akk. kalmatu
sakešedkešsa [BUG-RIDDEN] wr. sa-keš2-keš2-sa "bug-ridden, lousy"
sala [GOAT] wr. sa-la2; za-la2 "bug-ridden, lousy"
ak [DO] wr. ak; a "to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)" Akk. epēšu
dim [CREATE] wr. dim2 "to create, make, manufacture; to replace?; to bring forth?" Akk. banû
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
du [BUILD] wr. du3 "to build, make; to do, perform" Akk. banû; epēšu
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
gud us [NEST] wr. gud3 us2 "to build a nest" Akk. qinna qanānu
saĝ du [BEGET] wr. saĝ du; saĝ du11; saĝ du3 "to beget" Akk. banû
build a nest
gud us [NEST] wr. gud3 us2 "to build a nest" Akk. qinna qanānu
build high
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
lusaĝkiĝ [BUILDER?] wr. lu2-saĝ-kiĝ2 "master builder?"
ba [TOOL] wr. ĝešba "a cutting tool" Akk. suppīnu
lusaĝkiĝ [BUILDER?] wr. lu2-saĝ-kiĝ2 "master builder?"
namšidim [BUILDING] wr. nam-šidim "the craft of the builder"
šidim [BUILDER] wr. šidim "builder, architect" Akk. itinnu
šidimgal [BUILDER] wr. šidim-gal; šidimgalx(|GAL.DIM2|); šidim "chief builder"
šidimmah [BUILDER] wr. šidim-mah "master builder"
builder s tool
ba [TOOL] wr. ĝešba "a cutting tool" Akk. suppīnu
aga [REAR] wr. a-ga; a-ba "rear; a building or a part of a building" Akk. arkatu
agrun [CELLA] wr. agrun "cella; bedroom; a ritual building; the sanctuary of the goddess Ningal" Akk. agarunnu; kummu; šutukku
alal [WOOD?] wr. a-lal3; e-le-el "a type of wood or a stone" Akk. elallu
bazu [KNIFE] wr. ba-zu2; ĝešba-zu2? "a toothed knife" Akk. suppīn şurri
bursaĝ [BUILDING] wr. bur-saĝ "a building" Akk. ?
dubla [TOWER] wr. dub-la2 "gate tower" Akk. išdu; tublu
dubur [FOUNDATION] wr. dubur; dubur2 "base" Akk. išdu
e'uzga [BUILDING] wr. e2-uz-ga "a building"
edula [ESTATE] wr. e2-du6-la "foreclosed estate" Akk. edullû
egara [STORE] wr. egara "a building for storing dates" Akk. bīt kumurrê
ešusiga [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. e2-šu-si3-ga "a temple room or building"
girah [TOOL] wr. ĝešgirah "a building tool, hammer?" Akk. suppīn itinni
išdum [ROOT] wr. išdumx(|DU@g|) "root" Akk. išdu
kunsaĝ [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. kun-saĝ "an architectural term" Akk. muhru
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
namšidim [BUILDING] wr. nam-šidim "the craft of the builder"
niĝinĝar [BUILDING] wr. niĝin3-ĝar "a building"
suhuš [FOUNDATION] wr. suhuš "foundation" Akk. išdu
sur [DITCH] wr. sur3; sur6; sur7 "canal, ditch; foundation pit of a building" Akk. berûtu; sūru
ur [ROOT] wr. ur2; ur5 "root, base; limbs; loin, lap" Akk. išdu; mešrêtu; sūnu; utlu
zu [MATERIAL] wr. zu "type of building material"
building for storing dates
egara [STORE] wr. egara "a building for storing dates" Akk. bīt kumurrê
building material
zu [MATERIAL] wr. zu "type of building material"
building or a part of a building
aga [REAR] wr. a-ga; a-ba "rear; a building or a part of a building" Akk. arkatu
building tool
girah [TOOL] wr. ĝešgirah "a building tool, hammer?" Akk. suppīn itinni
šir [TESTICLE] wr. šir "testicle; bulb" Akk. išku
umun [BODY] wr. umun2 "life-giving force; main body, bulk" Akk. mummu; ummatu
umun [KNOWLEDGE] wr. umun2 "knowledge; workshop" Akk. mummu; ummatu; ummuqu
ur [LIVER] wr. ur5 "liver; main body, bulk" Akk. kabattu; ummatu
am [BULL] wr. am "wild bull" Akk. rīmu
amar [YOUNG] wr. amar "calf; young, youngster, chick; son, descendant" Akk. būru; māru
gud'i [FAT BULL] wr. gud-i3 "fat bull"
gud [OX] wr. gud; gu3-ra "bull, ox; cattle; calf; lion" Akk. alpu; lī'um
gudabak [BULL] wr. gud-ab2; gud-ab2-ba "bull" Akk. mīru
gudam [BULL] wr. gud-am "wild bull" Akk. rīmu
maš [GOAT] wr. maš2; maš "goat; extispicy; sacrificial animal for omens" Akk. bīru; urīşu
ninda [BULL] wr. gudninda2 "breeding bull; bull calf" Akk. bīru; mīru
piriĝ [LION] wr. piriĝ; piriĝ3; bi2-ri-iĝ3; ĝešpiriĝ; piriĝ2 "lion; bull, wild bull" Akk. lû; lābu; nēšu; rīmu
siam [HORNS] wr. si-am "wild bull's horns"
šilamza [BULL?] wr. šilam-za "bull?"
šilamza [BULL?] wr. šilam-za "bull?"
bull calf
maš [GOAT] wr. maš2; maš "goat; extispicy; sacrificial animal for omens" Akk. bīru; urīşu
ninda [BULL] wr. gudninda2 "breeding bull; bull calf" Akk. bīru; mīru
gudamarga [CALF] wr. gud-amar-ga "bull-calf"
šab [SEALING] wr. šab "clay sealing, sealed bulla" Akk. šipassu
su zig [FEAR] wr. su zig3 "to fear, to have goose bumps" Akk. šahātu
ŠEDIN [BUNCH?] wr. ŠE.DIN "bunch (of fruit)?"
garan [BUNCH] wr. ga-ra-an "bunch (of fruit)"
ŠEDIN [BUNCH?] wr. ŠE.DIN "bunch (of fruit)?"
bunch of fruit
ŠEDIN [BUNCH?] wr. ŠE.DIN "bunch (of fruit)?"
bunch of fruit
garan [BUNCH] wr. ga-ra-an "bunch (of fruit)"
garadin [BUNDLE] wr. garadin; garadin4 "bundle (of reeds), stack of sheaves" Akk. kiššu; kurullu
gilim [ROPE] wr. gilim; kilib "rope of twined reeds" Akk. kilimbu
madala [BUNDLE] wr. ma2-da-la2; ĝešma2-da-la2; gima2-da-la2 "bundle of reeds; raft" Akk. tillatu
sa [BUNDLE] wr. sa; gisa "reed-bundle" Akk. kiššu
sagi [BUNDLE] wr. sa-gi "reed bundle"
ududu [REED-BUNDLE] wr. ĝešu2-du3-du3 "reed bundle" Akk. īlu
ugra [REED-BUNDLE] wr. ugra "bundle of reeds" Akk. budduru
usag [BUNDLE] wr. u2-sag11 "reed bundle for barrages" Akk. šūru
usaga [PLANT] wr. u2-saga11 "plant bundle"
ušera [REED-BUNDLE] wr. ušera "bundle of reeds" Akk. budduru
bundle of reeds
madala [BUNDLE] wr. ma2-da-la2; ĝešma2-da-la2; gima2-da-la2 "bundle of reeds; raft" Akk. tillatu
ugra [REED-BUNDLE] wr. ugra "bundle of reeds" Akk. budduru
ušera [REED-BUNDLE] wr. ušera "bundle of reeds" Akk. budduru
bundle of reeds
garadin [BUNDLE] wr. garadin; garadin4 "bundle (of reeds), stack of sheaves" Akk. kiššu; kurullu
šuKU [BURGLAR?] wr. šu-KU6 "female burglar?"
šuKU [BURGLAR?] wr. šu-KU6 "female burglar?"
abigal [FUNCTIONARY] wr. a-bi-gal; a-bi2-a-gal; a-bi-ĝal2; a2-bi-ĝal2 "person associated with funerals" Akk. abigallu; qabbiru
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
e'urre [GRAVE] wr. eurre "grave" Akk. qubūru
kišur [GRAVE] wr. ki-šur2 "grave; hole" Akk. qubūru
kitum [BURIAL] wr. ki-tum2 "burial"
burial place
e'urre [GRAVE] wr. eurre "grave" Akk. qubūru
kišur [GRAVE] wr. ki-šur2 "grave; hole" Akk. qubūru
burial priest
abigal [FUNCTIONARY] wr. a-bi-gal; a-bi2-a-gal; a-bi-ĝal2; a2-bi-ĝal2 "person associated with funerals" Akk. abigallu; qabbiru
bar tab [ANGRY] wr. bar tab; bar tab2 "to be angry; to feel feverish" Akk. şurrupu
bar [BURN] wr. bar7 "to burn; to fire (pottery)" Akk. napāhu
bil [BURN] wr. bil2; bil3; bil "to burn" Akk. qalû
dib [BURN] wr. dib "to burn; wrath" Akk. kabābu; kimiltu
gurum [BURN] wr. gurum2 "to burn"
kur [BURN] wr. kur "to burn, light up" Akk. napāhu
ma [BURN] wr. ma5-ma5; ma5 "to burn"
niĝsasa [BURNING] wr. niĝ2-sa-sa "burning; brazier, oven" Akk. qalqallu; maqlû; qalû
sa [ROAST] wr. sa "to roast; to parch" Akk. qalû
sig [BURN] wr. sig3 "to burn (of digestion)" Akk. şarāpu
šu huz [BURN] wr. šu hu-uz "to burn" Akk. šūhuzu
tab [BURN] wr. tab; tab2 "to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark" Akk. hamāţu; šamātu; şarāpu
ukuk [BURN] wr. u2-ku-uk "to burn"
šu huz [BURN] wr. šu hu-uz "to burn" Akk. šūhuzu
burn of digestion
sig [BURN] wr. sig3 "to burn (of digestion)" Akk. şarāpu
burn up
bar tab [ANGRY] wr. bar tab; bar tab2 "to be angry; to feel feverish" Akk. şurrupu
tab [BURN] wr. tab; tab2 "to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark" Akk. hamāţu; šamātu; şarāpu
niĝna [INCENSE] wr. na; niĝ2-na "incense (burner)"
niĝnadega [INCENSE] wr. niĝ2-na-degx(RI)-ga "incense (burner)"
ubila [PROFESSION] wr. u2-bil "charcoal burner" Akk. upillû
KA'izi [BURNING] wr. KA-izi "burning; roasted meat" Akk. hamāţu; šumû
emengi [THIRST] wr. emengi "burning thirst" Akk. šurpītu
gibil [FIREWOOD] wr. gigibil2; gigibil; gigibil3; ĝešgibil2 "firewood tinder, taper, kindling" Akk. gibillû; kibirru; makaddu; qilûtu
munu [SCORCHING] wr. munu2 "(to be) scorching" Akk. himţêtu
niĝsasa [BURNING] wr. niĝ2-sa-sa "burning; brazier, oven" Akk. qalqallu; maqlû; qalû
šeg [FROST] wr. šeg9; šeg4 "snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers" Akk. šalgu; šurpu; šuruppû; šurīpu
burning thirst
emengi [THIRST] wr. emengi "burning thirst" Akk. šurpītu
burning thirst
emengi [THIRST] wr. emengi "burning thirst" Akk. šurpītu
niĝizila [BURNINGS] wr. niĝ2-izi-la2 "burnings" Akk. himţētu
buluh [VOMIT] wr. bu-lu-uh3; bu-lu-uh2; buluh; bu-luh "to vomit; to burp" Akk. arû; gešû
namburšuma [~OFFICIAL] wr. nam-bur-šu-ma "position as buršuma-official"
ki tum [BURY] wr. ki tum2 "to bury" Akk. qebēru
šu gur [ROLL UP] wr. šu gur "to wipe off; to roll up" Akk. qarāru; qebēru
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
dimuš [SHELTER] wr. dimuš "reed shelter, nest; reed stalk" Akk. kumāşu; kušāru
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
marguzum [BUSH] wr. šimmar-gu-zum; šimal-NIN; šimal-gazumx(|ZUM.LAGAB|); šimar-gu-zum "a resinous bush" Akk. margūşu
uhašhurak [PLANT] wr. u2-ĝešhašhur "a plant" Akk. hašhurakku
bush offering refuge
dimuš [SHELTER] wr. dimuš "reed shelter, nest; reed stalk" Akk. kumāşu; kušāru
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
bariga [UNIT] wr. ba-ri2-ga "a unit of capacity; a measuring container" Akk. parsiktu
lidga [VESSEL] wr. lid2-ga; lid2-da-ga; li-id-ga; lid2; lidda; lidda2 "measuring vessel; a unit of capacity" Akk. litiktu; namaddu; parsiktu
ninda [VESSEL] wr. dugninda2 "a measuring vessel" Akk. namandu; parsiktu
bushel measure
bariga [UNIT] wr. ba-ri2-ga "a unit of capacity; a measuring container" Akk. parsiktu
lidga [VESSEL] wr. lid2-ga; lid2-da-ga; li-id-ga; lid2; lidda; lidda2 "measuring vessel; a unit of capacity" Akk. litiktu; namaddu; parsiktu
ninda [VESSEL] wr. dugninda2 "a measuring vessel" Akk. namandu; parsiktu
niĝmeĝar [JUBILATION] wr. niĝ2-me-ĝar "jubilation; prosperity" Akk. išdihu; rišātu
damgar [MERCHANT] wr. dam-gar3 "merchant, trader" Akk. tamkāru
ibira [MERCHANT] wr. ibira; ibira2 "merchant, businessman" Akk. tamkāru
igen [BUT NO] wr. i3-ge-en; i3-ge4-en ""but no""
u [AND] wr. u3 "and; but; also" Akk. u
but no
igen [BUT NO] wr. i3-ge-en; i3-ge4-en ""but no""
gudgaz [BUTCHER] wr. gud-gaz "butcher" Akk. tābihu
ĝirila [BUTCHER] wr. ĝiri2-la2 "butcher" Akk. ţābihu
ukur [BUTCHER] wr. ukur2 "butcher" Akk. tābihu
šagia [CUP-BEARER] wr. šagiax(|SILA3.ŠU.GABA|); SILA3.ŠU.GABA.A; SILA3.GABA; SILA3.GABA.A "cup-bearer" Akk. šāqû
dun [ROAM] wr. dun5 "to roam around; to rock, churn" Akk. dâlu; mâşu
i'ab [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2 "ghee, clarified butter"
i'abdea [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2-de2-a "ghee, clarified butter"
i'absiga [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2-sig10-ga "ghee, clarified butter"
i [OIL] wr. i3; u5; u2 "oil; butter; container for oil" Akk. tallum; šamnu
inun [GHEE] wr. i3-nun "ghee, clarified butter"
ašag [BUTTERFLY] wr. a-šag4mušen "butterfly?" Akk. kurmittu
giriš [BUTTERFLY] wr. giriš "butterfly" Akk. kurşiptu
laĝa [BUTTERFLY] wr. la-ĝa2 "butterfly" Akk. kurmittu
ašag [BUTTERFLY] wr. a-šag4mušen "butterfly?" Akk. kurmittu
lalamu [BUTTOCKS] wr. la; la-la; a-la; la-la-mu "a stand, buttocks" Akk. šuhhu
dur [BUTTOCKS] wr. dur2 "defile, cleft; buttocks, rump" Akk. pūqu; šuburru
gudu [BUTTOCKS] wr. gu-du "buttocks"
lalamu [BUTTOCKS] wr. la; la-la; a-la; la-la-mu "a stand, buttocks" Akk. šuhhu
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
endur [NAVEL?] wr. ĝešen3-dur; gien3-dur; u2en3-dur "navel, belly button?" Akk. abunnatu
sa [PAY FOR] wr. sa10 "to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell" Akk. šâmu
gabsa [BUYER] wr. ga-ab-sa10 "buyer" Akk. kapsû
luniĝsamak [BUYER] wr. lu2-niĝ2-sa10-ak "buyer"
nim [BUZZ] wr. nim "to buzz"
by means of
ĝiri [FOOT] wr. ĝiri3; me-ri; ĝiri16 "via, by means of, under the authority of someone; foot; path" Akk. šēpu
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.