mana [UNIT] wr. ma-na "a unit of weight" Akk. manû
ema [CABIN] wr. ĝeše2-ma2 "boat cabin" Akk. hinnu
ĝešhum [BENCH] wr. ĝeš-hum; ĝeš-hu-um "bench; cabin; awning" Akk. gišhummu
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
šubila [CABINET] wr. šu-bil-la2 "type of cabinet"
kuĝ [STAIR] wr. ĝeškuĝ5; kun4; ĝeškuĝ4; kun5; ĝeškuĝx(LUM) "stair(case); ladder; threshold" Akk. askuppu; simmiltu
sug [EMPTY] wr. sug4 "(to be) empty; (to be) naked; to cut clear, strip" Akk. erû; urrû; riāqu
ukurrim [PRIEST] wr. ukurrim "a priest of Inanna" Akk. ēnû
usuh [PRIEST] wr. usuh "en-priest of Enki" Akk. ēnû
azla [CAGE] wr. az-la2 "a cage" Akk. nabāru
pag [ENCLOSE] wr. pag "to enclose, confine, cage (a bird)" Akk. esēru; šutanuhu
cage a bird
pag [ENCLOSE] wr. pag "to enclose, confine, cage (a bird)" Akk. esēru; šutanuhu
gar [CAKE] wr. gar3 "a cake or a baked product"
gidešta [LOAF] wr. gidešta "a type of loaf; a sweetened cake" Akk. kamānu
gug [CAKE] wr. gug2 "offering; cake" Akk. kukku; niqû
nindagug [CAKE] wr. ninda-gug2 "cake" Akk. kukku
sigug [CAKE] wr. si-gug2 "crescent-shaped cake"
cake or a baked product
gar [CAKE] wr. gar3 "a cake or a baked product"
sumug [DARKNESS] wr. su-mu-ug; su2-mu-ug "darkness; calamity, fear" Akk. idirtu
uttuku [ABACUS] wr. uttuku "abacus" Akk. mahişātu; uttuku
calculating device
uttuku [ABACUS] wr. uttuku "abacus" Akk. mahişātu; uttuku
abamarga [CALF] wr. ab2-amar-ga "female calf"
abga [CALF] wr. ab2-ga "suckling female calf"
amar [YOUNG] wr. amar "calf; young, youngster, chick; son, descendant" Akk. būru; māru
amarga [CALF] wr. amar-ga "suckling calf"
amargakud [CALF] wr. amar-ga-kud "weaned calf"
gud [OX] wr. gud; gu3-ra "bull, ox; cattle; calf; lion" Akk. alpu; lī'um
gudamarga [CALF] wr. gud-amar-ga "bull-calf"
maš [GOAT] wr. maš2; maš "goat; extispicy; sacrificial animal for omens" Akk. bīru; urīşu
ninda [BULL] wr. gudninda2 "breeding bull; bull calf" Akk. bīru; mīru
dilibipila [BIRD-CRY] wr. di-li-bi-pi-la; di-li-ib-pi "a bird call"
gu de [SAY] wr. gu3 de2 "to say (addressing someone),; to call; to read out" Akk. ?; nabû; šasû
gu rah [SHOUT] wr. gu3 ra-ah; gu3 ra "to shout" Akk. šasû
gu zig [CALL] wr. gu3 zig3 "to call" Akk. ?
puzur [CALL] wr. puzur4 "call"
še [CALL] wr. še21 "to call by name" Akk. nabû
call by name
še [CALL] wr. še21 "to call by name" Akk. nabû
call out
gu de [SAY] wr. gu3 de2 "to say (addressing someone),; to call; to read out" Akk. ?; nabû; šasû
gu rah [SHOUT] wr. gu3 ra-ah; gu3 ra "to shout" Akk. šasû
neha [CALM] wr. ne-ha "calm, peace" Akk. nēhtu
amsiharran [CAMEL] wr. am-si-har-ra-an "camel" Akk. ibilu
amsikurak [CAMEL] wr. am-si-kur-ra "camel" Akk. ibilu
dibid [CAMEL] wr. di-bi-id "camel"
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
kišig [ACACIA] wr. u2kišig2; kišig2; ĝeškišig2; ĝeškišig; u2kiši10; u2kišig; u2kiši5; kišix(|KI.SAG@n|) "an acacia" Akk. ašāgu
ušeg [PLANT] wr. u2-šegx(|HA@g|) "a plant" Akk. ašāgu
garaš [MILITARY] wr. garaš2 "military camp"
karaš [CAMP] wr. karaš "military camp" Akk. karāšu
algameš [STONE] wr. algameš "a stone; a jug, can" Akk. algamišu; kûtu
asig [VESSEL] wr. a-sig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
emerah [JUG] wr. emerahx(|UD.SAL.HUB2|); emerah "jug, can" Akk. kûtu
epig [VESSEL] wr. epig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
a dug [IRRIGATE] wr. a dug4 "to irrigate (from canal water)" Akk. šaqû ša eqli
a'igidu [WORKER] wr. a-igi-du8 "a canal worker" Akk. sēkiru
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
gugal [INSPECTOR] wr. ku3-gal2; gu2-gal; ku6-gal2 "canal inspector" Akk. gugallu
hirim [DITCH] wr. hirim "?; waste land; ditch" Akk. ittû; miţru; pitru
id [RIVER] wr. id2; id3; id6; id7; id5 "river, watercourse, canal" Akk. nāru
kun [TAIL] wr. kun "tail; canal outlet" Akk. zibbatu
nari [CANAL?] wr. na-ri "canal?"
par [CANAL] wr. pa5; pa6 "(small) canal, irrigation ditch" Akk. atappu; palgu; pattu
saman [VESSEL] wr. samanx(|A.PA.BI.SI.A.GA|) "flask; a vessel" Akk. rakību; šikkatu
sur [DITCH] wr. sur3; sur6; sur7 "canal, ditch; foundation pit of a building" Akk. berûtu; sūru
ušuš [LAND] wr. ušuš "a type of land" Akk. miţru
zubi [WATERCOURSE] wr. zubi "watercourse, canal; a type of irrigation; a watercourse" Akk. miţirtu; zā'ibu
nari [CANAL?] wr. na-ri "canal?"
saman [VESSEL] wr. samanx(|A.PA.BI.SI.A.GA|) "flask; a vessel" Akk. rakību; šikkatu
canal inspector
gugal [INSPECTOR] wr. ku3-gal2; gu2-gal; ku6-gal2 "canal inspector" Akk. gugallu
canal outlet
kun [TAIL] wr. kun "tail; canal outlet" Akk. zibbatu
canal worker
a'igidu [WORKER] wr. a-igi-du8 "a canal worker" Akk. sēkiru
gi [REED] wr. gi "reed, cane; a unit of length" Akk. qanû
andul [SHADE] wr. an-dul3; an-dul7 "shade" Akk. şulūlu
asumur [CANOPY] wr. a2-sumur2; a2-sumur3 "canopy"
ela [CANOPY] wr. e2-la2 "canopy"
saĝtab [PROTECTION] wr. saĝ-tab; sag-tab-ba "helper, ally; protection" Akk. rēşu; şulūlu
udugal [SHEEP] wr. udu-gal "adult male sheep capable of reproduction" Akk. immeru rabû
PAP [UNIT] wr. PAP "a unit of capacity"
PI [UNIT] wr. PI "a unit of capacity"
ban [UNIT] wr. ba-an; ban2; ban3; ba-an-AŠ; dugban3 "unit of capacity" Akk. sūtu
banmin [VESSEL] wr. dugbanmin "a vessel of two seah capacity"
bariga [UNIT] wr. ba-ri2-ga "a unit of capacity; a measuring container" Akk. parsiktu
dug [POT] wr. dug; dugx(BI) "(clay) pot; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. karpatu
emedub [UNIT] wr. emedub; emedub2 "a measurement of capacity; a vessel" Akk. sûtu; širmu
gigur [CONTAINER] wr. gi-gur "a measuring container" Akk. gigurru; pānu
gur [UNIT] wr. gur; gur9 "unit of capacity; a measuring vessel" Akk. kurru; namandu
gurgur [VESSEL] wr. gur4-gur4; duggur4-gur4; duggur8-gur8; gur8-gur8 "a vessel; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. gugguru; kurkurratu
gurmah [UNIT] wr. gur-mah "a unit of capacity"
guru [STORE] wr. guru7 "grain heap, grain store; unit of capacity" Akk. karû
kabduga [MEASURE] wr. kab-dug4-ga "capacity measure (container)"
kur [UNIT] wr. kur2; gur2 "unit of capacity based on a vessel size"
lidga [VESSEL] wr. lid2-ga; lid2-da-ga; li-id-ga; lid2; lidda; lidda2 "measuring vessel; a unit of capacity" Akk. litiktu; namaddu; parsiktu
mud [JAR] wr. mudx(LAK449); mudurudu; dugmud3; dugmud4; dugmud8 "beer jar; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. hubūru
sadug [OFFERINGS] wr. sa2-dug4; sa2-di "regular temple offerings; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. sattukku
sila [UNIT] wr. sila3 "a unit of capacity; a vessel" Akk. mīšertu; qû
ul [UNIT] wr. ul "a unit of capacity"
upu [UNIT] wr. upux(|AŠ@z|) "a unit of surface measurement" Akk. ubû
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
capacity measure
ban [UNIT] wr. ba-an; ban2; ban3; ba-an-AŠ; dugban3 "unit of capacity" Akk. sūtu
emedub [UNIT] wr. emedub; emedub2 "a measurement of capacity; a vessel" Akk. sûtu; širmu
sila [UNIT] wr. sila3 "a unit of capacity; a vessel" Akk. mīšertu; qû
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
capacity measure container
kabduga [MEASURE] wr. kab-dug4-ga "capacity measure (container)"
gagara [TOTAL] wr. gar-gar-ra; ga-ga-ra "capital; total" Akk. kumurrû
saĝ [HEAD] wr. saĝ "head; person; capital" Akk. qaqqadu; rēšu
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
nubanda [OVERSEER] wr. nu-banda3; nu-banda3da "overseer, captain" Akk. laputtû
asiri [PRISONER] wr. a-si-ri "prisoner of war" Akk. asiru
lunamra [CAPTIVE] wr. lu2-nam-ra "captive"
lušudua [CAPTIVE] wr. lu2-šu-du8-a "captive" Akk. ?
šudu'a [CAPTIVE] wr. šu-du8-a "captive"
šu dab [CAPTURE] wr. šu dab5 "to capture" Akk. kamû
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
kaskal [WAY] wr. kaskal "way, road; journey, caravan" Akk. harrānu
gigpeš [CARBUNCLE] wr. gig-peš "carbuncle" Akk. kurāru
sim [CARBUNCLE] wr. simx "carbuncle, skin sore" Akk. simmu
susig [FLAYER] wr. su-si-ig "animal flayer" Akk. šusikkum
hamanzer [HAIR] wr. hamanzer "combed hair; carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
sigšab [HAIR] wr. sig2-šab "combed-out hair, carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
carded wool
hamanzer [HAIR] wr. hamanzer "combed hair; carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
sigšab [HAIR] wr. sig2-šab "combed-out hair, carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
garigak [COMB] wr. ĝešga-rig2-ak; ga-rig2-ak "carding comb"
carding comb
garigak [COMB] wr. ĝešga-rig2-ak; ga-rig2-ak "carding comb"
a e [REAR] wr. a2 e3 "to rear, bring up (a child); to take care of" Akk. rubbû
mi dug [CARE FOR] wr. mi2 dug4 "to care for, treat well, treat kindly" Akk. kunnû
saĝ il [RAISE] wr. saĝ il2 "'to raise the head'" Akk. rēšam našû; šaqû ša rēši
saĝ kešed [TAKE CARE] wr. saĝ keš2 "to take care, attend carefully (to something)"
saĝ sig [ENTRUST] wr. saĝ sig10 "to take care of; to entrust" Akk. paqādu
šu šum [ENTRUST] wr. šu šum2 "to entrust" Akk. paqādu
zur [TAKE CARE OF] wr. zur "to take care of" Akk. kunnû
care for
mi dug [CARE FOR] wr. mi2 dug4 "to care for, treat well, treat kindly" Akk. kunnû
saĝ sig [ENTRUST] wr. saĝ sig10 "to take care of; to entrust" Akk. paqādu
šu šum [ENTRUST] wr. šu šum2 "to entrust" Akk. paqādu
mi dug [CARE FOR] wr. mi2 dug4 "to care for, treat well, treat kindly" Akk. kunnû
zur [TAKE CARE OF] wr. zur "to take care of" Akk. kunnû
cared for
mi dug [CARE FOR] wr. mi2 dug4 "to care for, treat well, treat kindly" Akk. kunnû
zur [TAKE CARE OF] wr. zur "to take care of" Akk. kunnû
saĝ kešed [TAKE CARE] wr. saĝ keš2 "to take care, attend carefully (to something)"
luniĝkisiga [FUNERARY CARER] wr. lu2-niĝ2-ki-sig10-ga; lu2-niĝ2-sig10-ge5 "funerary carer"
saĝentar [SUPERVISOR] wr. saĝ-en3-tar "supervisor" Akk. pāqidu
šitadu [ACCOUNTANT] wr. šita5-du3 "accountant" Akk. pāqidu
carer for s.o.
saĝentar [SUPERVISOR] wr. saĝ-en3-tar "supervisor" Akk. pāqidu
šitadu [ACCOUNTANT] wr. šita5-du3 "accountant" Akk. pāqidu
girin [CARNELIAN] wr. gi-ri2-in; gi-rin "carnelian" Akk. samtu
gug [CARNELIAN] wr. na4gug "carnelian" Akk. sāmtu
gugĝešdili [BEADS] wr. na4gug-ĝeš-dili "string of carnelian beads"
zagul [CARNELIAN] wr. na4za-gul "carnelian" Akk. sāmtu
harub [CAROB] wr. harub "carob (tree)" Akk. harûbu
carob tree
harub [CAROB] wr. harub "carob (tree)" Akk. harûbu
HISUHUR [FISH] wr. HI.SUHURku6; ku6HI.SUHUR; SUHUR.HIku6 "fish, a kind of carp?"
absuhur [CARP] wr. ab-suhurku6 "type of carp"
eštub [CARP] wr. eštubku6; ku6eštub "carp" Akk. arsuppu
suhur [CARP] wr. suhurku6; ku6suhur "carp" Akk. purādu
suhurgal [CARP] wr. suhur-galku6 "type of carp"
suhurtur [CARP] wr. suhur-turku6 "type of carp"
še'eštub [BARLEY] wr. še-eštub "spring barley" Akk. arsuppu
ubi [FISH] wr. ubiku6 "a type of carp"
HISUHUR [FISH] wr. HI.SUHURku6; ku6HI.SUHUR; SUHUR.HIku6 "fish, a kind of carp?"
nagar [CARPENTER] wr. nagar "carpenter" Akk. nagarum
nagargal [CARPENTER] wr. nagar-gal; nagargalx(|GAL.NAGAR|) "head carpenter"
šukara [CARPENTER] wr. lu2ĝeššu-kara2; ĝeššu-kara2 "carpenter" Akk. naggāru
namnagar [CARPENTRY] wr. nam-nagar "carpentry"
a'il [CARRIER] wr. a-il2 "carrier"
gaguru [PROFESSION] wr. ga-gur3-ru "a profession, milk carrier" Akk. nāš šizbu
ilila [LEVER] wr. ĝešil2-il2; ĝešil2-la2; ĝešil2 "lever" Akk. habbiru; naššû
u'il [CARRIER] wr. u2-il2 "carrier"
a il [CARRY] wr. a2 il2 "to carry" Akk. ?
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
de [BRING] wr. de6; ga; de3; ir; de2 "to bring, carry" Akk. babālu
gaĝ [CARRY] wr. gaĝx(IL2); ga-aĝ3 "to carry" Akk. našû
gur [LIFT] wr. gur3-ru; guru3; gur; gur17; guru6 "bearer; to lift, carry" Akk. našû; nāšû
il [RAISE] wr. il2; il5; il2li2 "to raise, carry" Akk. našû
ir [PLUNDER] wr. ir "to plunder" Akk. šalālu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
sur [SPIN] wr. sur "to spin; to twist; to slither" Akk. ţawû; šalālu
šu de [CARRY] wr. šu de6; šu tum3 "to carry; to apply oneself to a task; to touch" Akk. ?
šu ĝar [CARRY OUT] wr. šu ĝar; šu ĝa2-ĝa2 "to carry out (a task)" Akk. gamālu
carry off
ir [PLUNDER] wr. ir "to plunder" Akk. šalālu
sur [SPIN] wr. sur "to spin; to twist; to slither" Akk. ţawû; šalālu
carry out
šu ĝar [CARRY OUT] wr. šu ĝar; šu ĝa2-ĝa2 "to carry out (a task)" Akk. gamālu
carry out a task
šu ĝar [CARRY OUT] wr. šu ĝar; šu ĝa2-ĝa2 "to carry out (a task)" Akk. gamālu
bakirum [STRAP] wr. bakirum "a carrying strap" Akk. hišum ša nukaribbi
dupsik [BASKET] wr. dupsik; ĝešdupsik; gidupsik; zub-sig3 "a basket (for carrying earth and bricks)" Akk. tupšikku
gigurda [BASKET] wr. gi-gur-da "a basket" Akk. gigurdû; maššû
mudla [BASKET] wr. mudla "basket" Akk. maššû
saĝPA [POUCH] wr. saĝ-PA "a pouch" Akk. nēpeštu
sahir [NET] wr. sa-hir "a net" Akk. sahirru
carrying strap
bakirum [STRAP] wr. bakirum "a carrying strap" Akk. hišum ša nukaribbi
nabhatum [CONTAINER] wr. kušna-ah-ba-tum; kušna-ab-ha-tum "a case for precious objects" Akk. nahbatu
hara [WAGON] wr. harax(|NUNUZ.AB2×BI|) "a part of a wagon" Akk. harû; namharû
margida [CART] wr. mar-gid2-da "cart, wagon" Akk. ereqqu
te [BOAT] wr. ĝešte; ĝešti "a part of a boat, cart or chariot" Akk. dapānu
cart or chariot
te [BOAT] wr. ĝešte; ĝešti "a part of a boat, cart or chariot" Akk. dapānu
gul [DESTROY] wr. gul; gu-ul "to destroy; to break; to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave" Akk. abātu; hepû; naqāru; sapānu
igi [EYE] wr. igi; i-bi2; i-gi "eye; carved eye (for statues)" Akk. īnu
sigigi [EYEBROW] wr. sig7-igi "eyebrow, arch; carved eyebrow (for statues)"
sum [BEARD] wr. sum4 "beard; carved beard (for statues)" Akk. ziqnu
carved beard for statues
sum [BEARD] wr. sum4 "beard; carved beard (for statues)" Akk. ziqnu
carved eye for statues
igi [EYE] wr. igi; i-bi2; i-gi "eye; carved eye (for statues)" Akk. īnu
carved eyebrow for statues
sigigi [EYEBROW] wr. sig7-igi "eyebrow, arch; carved eyebrow (for statues)"
ĝešdim [CARVER] wr. ĝeš-dim2 "wood carver" Akk. inû
ditila [CASE] wr. di-til-la "completed court case" Akk. dīnu gamru; ditillû
galam [STAIRCASE] wr. ĝešgalam "staircase, ladder" Akk. simmiltu
gi [TURN] wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)" Akk. lamû; târu
kuĝ [STAIR] wr. ĝeškuĝ5; kun4; ĝeškuĝ4; kun5; ĝeškuĝx(LUM) "stair(case); ladder; threshold" Akk. askuppu; simmiltu
nabhatum [CONTAINER] wr. kušna-ah-ba-tum; kušna-ab-ha-tum "a case for precious objects" Akk. nahbatu
uAŠKU [STAIRCASE] wr. ĝešu3-AŠ.KU "staircase" Akk. simmiltu
case for precious objects
nabhatum [CONTAINER] wr. kušna-ah-ba-tum; kušna-ab-ha-tum "a case for precious objects" Akk. nahbatu
aranum [CASHBOX?] wr. duga-ra-num2 "cashbox?" Akk. arānu?
aranum [CASHBOX?] wr. duga-ra-num2 "cashbox?" Akk. arānu?
dahaša [CASK] wr. ĝešda-ha-ša "wooden cask"
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
sig [CAST] wr. sig10 "to cast; to fashion" Akk. šapāku
birtu [FORT] wr. bi-ir-tu "fort" Akk. birtu
amarkud [CASTRATED] wr. amar-kud "castrated (animals, men)"
castrated animals
amarkud [CASTRATED] wr. amar-kud "castrated (animals, men)"
gullum [CAT] wr. gul-lum "cat" Akk. šurānu
sua [CAT] wr. sa-a; su-a "wild cat" Akk. šurānu
suari [CAT] wr. su-a-ri "wild cat"
ug [LION] wr. ug; ugx(|PIRIG×ZA|) "lion; a mythical lion; a large cat" Akk. mindinu; nešu; ūmu
cat from Meluhha
gullum [CAT] wr. gul-lum "cat" Akk. šurānu
sua [CAT] wr. sa-a; su-a "wild cat" Akk. šurānu
garaš [CATASTROPHE] wr. garaš2 "catastrophe"
pagra [DISASTER] wr. pagra3 "disaster" Akk. karāšu
šukud [FISHERMAN] wr. šu-ku6; šu-|HA@g|; lu2šu-ku6 "fisherman; hunter, catcher" Akk. bā'eru
aru [~ADMINISTRATION] wr. a-ru "an administrative category of persons"
degdega [WORKER] wr. lu2deg5-deg5-ga; deg5-deg5-ga "a category of worker"
iriDU [WORKER] wr. iri-DU "a category of worker"
category of worker
degdega [WORKER] wr. lu2deg5-deg5-ga; deg5-deg5-ga "a category of worker"
iriDU [WORKER] wr. iri-DU "a category of worker"
dubal [CATERPILLAR] wr. dubal; dubal2; dubal4; dubal6; dubal7 "caterpillar" Akk. nappilu
niĝki [CATERPILLAR] wr. niĝ2-ki "caterpillar" Akk. mūnu
numun [INSECT] wr. numun3 "insect(s), bug(s); caterpillar" Akk. kalmatu; nāpû
šerimsur [COCOON] wr. šerimsur "a cocoon of a caterpillar" Akk. tušaru
urur [FUNCTIONARY] wr. ur-ur "cultic person; jackal; caterpillar" Akk. ākilu
zana [LARVA] wr. za-na "larva, caterpillar" Akk. mūnu
zanabal [CATERPILLAR] wr. zanabal; zanabal2; zanabal3; za-na-bal "larva, caterpillar" Akk. mūnu; nappilu
zibin [CATERPILLAR] wr. zibin; zibin2 "caterpillar" Akk. nappillu
ziz [INSECT] wr. ziz; ziz3; ziz4; za-az "an insect" Akk. sāsu; ākilu
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
catgut string
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
gud [OX] wr. gud; gu3-ra "bull, ox; cattle; calf; lion" Akk. alpu; lī'um
unud [COWHERD] wr. unud; mu-nu10; unu12; unu9 "cattle herder"
cattle herder
unud [COWHERD] wr. unud; mu-nu10; unu12; unu9 "cattle herder"
šen [CAULDRON] wr. šen; urudšen "cauldron" Akk. ruqqu
šendili [EWER] wr. urudšen-dili2 "a ewer" Akk. šennu
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
lupela [CAULKER] wr. lu2-pe-el-la2 "caulker"
pa e [APPEAR] wr. pa e3 "to cause to appear" Akk. šupû
sa dug [ARRIVE] wr. sa2 dug4 "to arrive; to cause to arrive (regularly)" Akk. kašādu
cause to appear
pa e [APPEAR] wr. pa e3 "to cause to appear" Akk. šupû
cause to arrive regularly
sa dug [ARRIVE] wr. sa2 dug4 "to arrive; to cause to arrive (regularly)" Akk. kašādu
hurrum [CAVE] wr. hur-ru-um; hur-rumum "cave"
puzur [CAVITY] wr. puzur3 "cavity, cave" Akk. huppu
KU [HOLE] wr. KU "hole" Akk. miqqu
puzur [CAVITY] wr. puzur3 "cavity, cave" Akk. huppu
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
ub [CAVITY] wr. ub4 "cavity" Akk. huppu
ĝala dag [CEASE] wr. ĝa2-la dag "to cease; (to be) idle, lax" Akk. naparkû
muš tum [STOP WORKING] wr. muš3 tum2 "to stop working" Akk. naparkû
silig [CEASE] wr. silig "to cease"
eren [CEDAR] wr. ĝešeren; eren; šimeren; šimĝešeren; ĝešhu-ri2-in; ĝeše-re-ne; hu-ri2-inmušen "cedar" Akk. erēnu
mesbabbar [TREE] wr. ĝešmes-babbar "a tree" Akk. tiālu
urnum [CEDAR] wr. ĝešur-nu-um "a cedar" Akk. urnu
me-teš e [PRAISE] wr. me-teš2 i-i "to praise" Akk. nâdu
asilala [JOY] wr. asila; asil-la2; asil3-la2; asila3; si11-le2; sila; asilax(|EZEN×KASKAL|); asilx(EZEN)-la2; asilx(EZEN)-le2 "joy; to rejoice; decorative fancy work" Akk. ašilalû; ebēru; riāšu; rīšātu
lib [RICH] "(to be) rich, well-off; high quality; (to be) happy" Akk. hadû; hidiātu; râšu; rāšû; rīšātu
niĝmeĝar [JUBILATION] wr. niĝ2-me-ĝar "jubilation; prosperity" Akk. išdihu; rišātu
lukur [PRIESTESS] wr. lukur "a priestess; (junior) wife of a deified king" Akk. nadītu; qadištu
celibate priestess
lukur [PRIESTESS] wr. lukur "a priestess; (junior) wife of a deified king" Akk. nadītu; qadištu
ama [CHAMBER] wr. e2-MI; ama5; a2-mi "chamber; cell; women's quarters" Akk. maštaku
agrun [CELLA] wr. agrun "cella; bedroom; a ritual building; the sanctuary of the goddess Ningal" Akk. agarunnu; kummu; šutukku
enun [ROOM] wr. e2-nun "innermost room" Akk. kummu
epapah [CELLA] wr. e2pa-pah "cella, shrine" Akk. papāhu
niĝar [CELLA] wr. niĝar; niĝarĝar "cella, shrine" Akk. kummu
papah [CELLA] wr. pa-pah "cella" Akk. papāhu
uzga [TREASURE] wr. uz-ga; uz-ga-še3; uzugx(KA); uz-ga-ta; uzug; uz3-ga; us-ga-ne; us-ga; uz-ga-ne; uzugx(|AN.ZAG|); usagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|)ki "cella, shrine; goods, treasure; treasury" Akk. sagû; sukku
ekurun [LIQUOR-ROOM] wr. e2-kurun2 "liquor-room, wine cellar"
maqtarum [OBJECT] wr. ma-aq-ta-ru-um "a metal item, perhaps censer" Akk. maqtaru
lilibizida [PLANT] wr. u2li-li-bi-zi-da "a thorny plant" Akk. dadaru
ABAšag [CHAMBER-CENTER] wr. |AB×A|-šag4 "center of the bathing chamber?"
abšag [SEA-MIDST] wr. ab-šag4 "center of the sea"
dur [BOND] wr. dur; gidur "binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope" Akk. abunnatu; markasu; ţurru
endur [NAVEL?] wr. ĝešen3-dur; gien3-dur; u2en3-dur "navel, belly button?" Akk. abunnatu
kišupeš [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-peš; ki-šu-peš5 "a cultic place" Akk. māhāzu
kuršag [MOUNTAIN MIDST] wr. kur-šag4 "center of the mountains"
sa [HALF] wr. sa9 "half; middle, center; to reach the middle" Akk. mišlu
zig [TOWN] wr. zigx(|PA.GI|) "town, center" Akk. māhāzu
center of the bathing chamber
ABAšag [CHAMBER-CENTER] wr. |AB×A|-šag4 "center of the bathing chamber?"
center of the mountains
kuršag [MOUNTAIN MIDST] wr. kur-šag4 "center of the mountains"
center of the sea
abšag [SEA-MIDST] wr. ab-šag4 "center of the sea"
guNE [PLACE] wr. gu2-NE; imgu2-NE "a place; cult centre?; oven?"
habazin [CEREAL] wr. ha-ba-zi; ha-ba-zi-in; ha-ba-zi-il "cereal" Akk. abahšinnu
innuHA [BARLEY] wr. in-nu-HA; šein-nu-HA "a type of barley" Akk. enninu
šešal [GRAIN] wr. še-šal "a grain" Akk. dillatu
utu [~CEREAL] wr. LAK384; utu2; utu5 "a cereal concoction" Akk. diktu
cereal concoction
utu [~CEREAL] wr. LAK384; utu2; utu5 "a cereal concoction" Akk. diktu
ašnan [GRAIN] wr. ašnan; ašnan2 "grain, cereals" Akk. ašnan
ezina [GRAIN] wr. šeezina2 "grain, cereals" Akk. ašnan
lamahuš [GARMENT] wr. lamahuš "a garment; clothing" Akk. lamahuššû; lubuštum; raqqatu
niĝlam [GARMENT] wr. tug2niĝ2-lam2; nig2-lam2 "a garment; a ceremonial garment" Akk. lamahuššu
suluhu [FLEECE] wr. suluhu; suluhu3 "a long haired sheep; a ceremonial garment; fleece" Akk. itqu; kitītu; lamahuššû; raqqatu; sulumhû
šutur [GARMENT] wr. tug2šutur "a garment" Akk. tuzzu
ceremonial garment
lamahuš [GARMENT] wr. lamahuš "a garment; clothing" Akk. lamahuššû; lubuštum; raqqatu
niĝlam [GARMENT] wr. tug2niĝ2-lam2; nig2-lam2 "a garment; a ceremonial garment" Akk. lamahuššu
suluhu [FLEECE] wr. suluhu; suluhu3 "a long haired sheep; a ceremonial garment; fleece" Akk. itqu; kitītu; lamahuššû; raqqatu; sulumhû
šutur [GARMENT] wr. tug2šutur "a garment" Akk. tuzzu
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
atua [LUSTRATION] wr. a-tu5-a "lustration rite" Akk. rimku
giranum [WAILING] wr. gi-ra-num2 "wailing, wailing ceremony" Akk. gerrānu
šugurgur [PURIFICATION] wr. šu-gur-gur "purification (ceremony)" Akk. takpertu
tug sig [PLOW?] wr. tugx(LAK483) sig9 "to plow, to apply a certain type of plow"
tug tag [PLOW?] wr. tug2 tag "to plow, to apply a certain type of plow?" Akk. mahāşu ša [...]
abaraša [TRULY] wr. a-ba-ra-ša4 "truly" Akk. abarša
anba [LITTER] wr. an-ba "litter, rubbish" Akk. hāmū
e [CHAFF] wr. e3 "chaff" Akk. hāmū
eštum [CHAFF?] wr. eš3-tum "chaff?" Akk. iltu?
inbulbul [CHAFF?] wr. in-bul5-bul5 "an agricultural product, chaff?, hay?, straw?"
indal [CHAFF] wr. in-dal "chaff"
innu [STRAW] wr. in; in-nu; in-u-da "straw" Akk. tibnu
eštum [CHAFF?] wr. eš3-tum "chaff?" Akk. iltu?
inbulbul [CHAFF?] wr. in-bul5-bul5 "an agricultural product, chaff?, hay?, straw?"
durme [CHAIN] wr. durme "chain" Akk. šeršerru
šeršer [CHAIN] wr. kuššir3-šir3 "chain" Akk. šeršerru
uzuge [CHAIN] wr. u2-zu-ge "chain"
ašte [CHAIR] wr. ašte2; ĝešaš-te; ĝešiš-de3 "chair, throne; seat, dwelling; shrine, chapel; a unit of area" Akk. kussû; sukku; šubtu
durĝar [CHAIR] wr. ĝešdur2-ĝar; dur2-gar; dur2-garurudu "chair" Akk. kussû
giri [SEAT] wr. girix(|GIŠ.LU2|); girix(|GIŠ.ŠU.LU2|) "a seat" Akk. nēmedu
guza [CHAIR] wr. ĝešgu-za; gu-za; gu2-za; ĝešguza; ĝešaš-te "chair, stool, throne" Akk. kussû
guzagida [CHAIR] wr. ĝešgu-za-gid2-da "a chair" Akk. kalakku
guzasirda [CHAIR] wr. ĝešgu-za-sir3-da "a chair"
guzazagbe'us [CHAIR] wr. ĝešgu-za-zag-be2-us2; ĝešgu-za-zag-us2 "a chair" Akk. kussī nēmedi
guzala [OFFICIAL] wr. gu-za-la2 "an official" Akk. guzalû
gabal du [HOSTILE] wr. ga-ba-al du3 "to be hostile, to challenge" Akk. gerû
banHU [ANIMAL] wr. ban2-HU; ba-an-HU-na; ban2-gun3-gun3-nu "an animal" Akk. hurbabilu
banHU [ANIMAL] wr. ban2-HU; ba-an-HU-na; ban2-gun3-gun3-nu "an animal" Akk. hurbabilu
ABA [CHAMBER] wr. |AB×A| "bathing chamber"
ABAšag [CHAMBER-CENTER] wr. |AB×A|-šag4 "center of the bathing chamber?"
ama [CHAMBER] wr. e2-MI; ama5; a2-mi "chamber; cell; women's quarters" Akk. maštaku
anuda [BEDROOM] wr. a2-nud-da; e2-nu2 "bed chamber" Akk. ?
daggan [CHAMBER] wr. da-gan2 "(sleeping) chamber?"
ešag [CHAMBER] wr. e2-šag4 "inner chamber; bedroom" Akk. uršu
ABAšag [CHAMBER-CENTER] wr. |AB×A|-šag4 "center of the bathing chamber?"
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
gi [TURN] wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)" Akk. lamû; târu
ĝiri kur [CHANGE] wr. ĝiri3 kur2 "to change" Akk. ?
kur [DIFFERENT] wr. kur2; gur "(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)" Akk. nakāru; šanû
šu bala [CHANGE] wr. šu bal "to change" Akk. šupêlu
change status
gi [TURN] wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)" Akk. lamû; târu
kur [DIFFERENT] wr. kur2; gur "(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)" Akk. nakāru; šanû
ahaš [CHANNEL] wr. a-haš "sluice channel" Akk. butuqtu
kuš [CHANNEL] wr. kuš3 "water channel; pipe; mold" Akk. rāţu
pa'agar [CHANNEL] wr. pa4-agar4; pa5-kur5 "meadow channel"
paršita [CHANNEL] wr. pa5-šita3 "water channel" Akk. rāţu
tul [FOUNTAIN] wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| "public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench" Akk. būrtu; hirītu; kalakku
endudugdug [CHANTER?] wr. en3-du-dug4-dug4 "chanter?"
endudugdug [CHANTER?] wr. en3-du-dug4-dug4 "chanter?"
dih [CHAOS] wr. dih3; ĝešdih3 "chaos, turmoil" Akk. sahmaštu
ašte [CHAIR] wr. ašte2; ĝešaš-te; ĝešiš-de3 "chair, throne; seat, dwelling; shrine, chapel; a unit of area" Akk. kussû; sukku; šubtu
eniĝkisig [CHAPEL] wr. e2-niĝ2-ki-sig10 "funerary chapel"
enindakisig [CHAPEL] wr. e2-ninda-ki-sig10 "funerary chapel"
itima [SHRINE] wr. itima "shrine, chapel" Akk. kişşu
sug [SHRINE] wr. sug "shrine, chapel" Akk. sukku
uzga [TREASURE] wr. uz-ga; uz-ga-še3; uzugx(KA); uz-ga-ta; uzug; uz3-ga; us-ga-ne; us-ga; uz-ga-ne; uzugx(|AN.ZAG|); usagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|)ki "cella, shrine; goods, treasure; treasury" Akk. sagû; sukku
mete [APPROPRIATE THING] wr. me-te; te "appropriate thing, ornament" Akk. simtu
mete [IMAGE] wr. me-te "image" Akk. simtu
luhum [CHARCOAL] wr. luhum "charcoal" Akk. upellû
nimur [ASHES] wr. ne-mur; nimur "alkali, potash; coal; ashes; charcoal" Akk. idrānu; tumru
ubila [CHARCOAL] wr. ĝešu2-bil2-la; ĝešu2-bil2; u2-bil; u2-bil2; ubila; ubila2; ĝešu2-bil3-la; ĝešu2-bil3 "charcoal" Akk. upillû
ubila [PROFESSION] wr. u2-bil "charcoal burner" Akk. upillû
udub [COAL] wr. u3-dub2; udub "coal" Akk. pēmtum
charcoal burner
ubila [PROFESSION] wr. u2-bil "charcoal burner" Akk. upillû
dab [SEIZE] wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) "to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of" Akk. sahāpu; tamāhu; kamû; şabātu
luĝešed [DOORMAN] wr. lu2-ĝeš-ed2; lu2-ĝeš-ed3 "doorman" Akk. ša namzaqi
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
da [SIDE BOARD] wr. ĝešda "side board (of a chariot)" Akk. marhaşu
dur [BOND] wr. dur; gidur "binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope" Akk. abunnatu; markasu; ţurru
endur [NAVEL?] wr. ĝešen3-dur; gien3-dur; u2en3-dur "navel, belly button?" Akk. abunnatu
esulumak [BOX] wr. ĝeše2-su-lum; ĝeše2-su-lum-ma "a box" Akk. laharuhšu
gabaĝal [GUARD] wr. gaba-ĝal2 "front guard of a chariot" Akk. gabagallu
gabil [BEAM] wr. gab2-il2 "main beam of a chariot" Akk. kabbillu
gigir [CHARIOT] wr. ĝešgigir; ĝešgigir2; gigirx(|LAGAB×TIL|) "chariot" Akk. narkabtu
hušba [OBJECT] wr. huš-ba "an object, part of a chariot"
manhara [VESSEL] wr. ma-an-hara4; ma-hara4; ma-an-harax(|DAG.KISIM5×GA|); nam-hara4 "a beer vessel; a part of a chariot" Akk. harû; namharu
mar [WAGON] wr. ĝešmar "wagon" Akk. narkabtu
niĝkud [~PLOWSHARE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-kud "a part of a plowshare" Akk. kissu
niĝšu [CHARIOT] wr. niĝ2-šu "chariot"
sigigir [CHARIOT] wr. si-gigir "chariot harness?"
subur [CHARIOT] wr. ĝešsubur "chariot" Akk. narkabtu
sudin [CHARIOT] wr. su-din "a part of a chariot" Akk. šuttinnu
šasi [RAIL] wr. ša3-su3; ša3-si "rail (of a doorframe); cross-beam (of a chariot)"
te [BOAT] wr. ĝešte; ĝešti "a part of a boat, cart or chariot" Akk. dapānu
chariot harness
sigigir [CHARIOT] wr. si-gigir "chariot harness?"
chariot platform
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
GUL [~CHARIOT] wr. ĝešGUL "a designation of chariots" Akk. halmadru
šaglatum [GARMENT] wr. tug2šag4-la2-tum "a garment or part of a shoe" Akk. šallatu
namhili [CHARM] wr. nam-hi-li "charm"
mušlah [CHARMER] wr. lu2muš-lah4; lu2muš-lah5 "snake charmer" Akk. muš(la)lahhu
mušlahgal [CHARMER] wr. muš-lah5-gal "head snake-charmer"
nigru [CHARMER] wr. nigru "snake charmer" Akk. mušlahhu
lalaĝal [CHARMING] wr. la-la-ĝal2 "charming"
bu [FLIT] wr. bu; bu2; wu "to flit, chase about" Akk. našarbuţu
chase about
bu [FLIT] wr. bu; bu2; wu "to flit, chase about" Akk. našarbuţu
dim [CHECK] wr. dim4 "to check; to approach" Akk. sanāqu
gurum [INSPECTION] wr. gurum2; gurumx(|IGI.GAR|) "inspection, provisions" Akk. piqittu
gurumak [INSPECTION] wr. gurum2-ak "inspection, check" Akk. piqittu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
si'illa [INSPECTION] wr. si-il-la2 "inspection" Akk. piqittu
sir [CHECK] wr. sir2 "to check; to approach" Akk. sanāqu
us [LEAN] wr. us2 "to lean on, impose; to check" Akk. emēdu; sanāqu
kabduga [CHECKED] wr. kab2-dug4-ga "checked"
te [CHEEK] wr. te "cheek" Akk. lētu
unu [CHEEK] wr. unu2 "upper cheek" Akk. usukku
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
meze [JAW] wr. me-ze2 "jaw, cheekbone" Akk. isu
šag dug [CHEERFUL] wr. šag4 dug3 "to be cheerful" Akk. ?
birgun [CHEESE] wr. bir-gun3 "a cheese" Akk. pinnāru
ga'ar [CHEESE] wr. ga-ar3; gamurx(LAK490); ga-murx(|UD@g|) "cheese" Akk. eqīdu
ug [LION] wr. ug; ugx(|PIRIG×ZA|) "lion; a mythical lion; a large cat" Akk. mindinu; nešu; ūmu
mi dug [CARE FOR] wr. mi2 dug4 "to care for, treat well, treat kindly" Akk. kunnû
zur [TAKE CARE OF] wr. zur "to take care of" Akk. kunnû
bisaĝ [BASKET] wr. bisaĝ; gibisaĝ; bisaĝ3; bisaĝ2 "basket" Akk. pisannu
buniĝ [TROUGH] wr. ĝešbuniĝ; gibuniĝx(|A.LAGAB×A|); buniĝ; gibuniĝ; ĝešbuniĝ2; ĝešbuniĝ3; kunin "a trough, bowl or bucket" Akk. kuninu; pattû
dubšen [CHEST] wr. dub-šen "treasure chest" Akk. tupšinnu
gaba [CHEST] wr. gaba "breast, chest; frontier" Akk. irtu
guNEsaĝa [CONTAINER] wr. gu2-NE-saĝ-ĝa2 "a cupboard or chest for drinking utensils"
misIŠ [CHEST] wr. mi-si-IŠ "money chest"
tukur [CHEW] wr. tukur2; tukur; tukur3 "to chew, gnaw; to shear, pluck wool" Akk. gaşaşu; kasāsu; sepû siki
zu gaz [CHEW] wr. zu2 gaz "to chew" Akk. gaşāşu
zu gu [CHEW] wr. zu2 gu7 "to chew" Akk. ?
amar [YOUNG] wr. amar "calf; young, youngster, chick; son, descendant" Akk. būru; māru
amarsaĝ [CHICK] wr. amar-saĝ "chick"
gugala [CHICKPEA?] wr. gu2-gal-la "chickpea?"
gugala [CHICKPEA?] wr. gu2-gal-la "chickpea?"
ašgabgal [LEATHERWORKER] wr. ašgabgalx(|GAL.AŠGAB|) "chief leatherworker"
azlaggal [FULLER] wr. azlaggalx(|GAL.GIŠ.TUG2.TE.A.DU|) "chief fuller"
azugal [DOCTOR] wr. a-zu-gal; azu-gal "chief doctor"
bahargal [POTTER] wr. bahargalx(|GAL.BAR.EDIN|) "chief potter"
bisaĝdubak [ARCHIVIST] wr. bisaĝ-dub-ba; ša3-dub-ba "archivist" Akk. šandabakku
ensikgal [GOVERNOR] wr. ensi2-gal; ensix(|PA.TE.SI.GAR|)-gal "chief governor"
gal [BIG] wr. gal; gu-la; gu-ul; gal-gal; ku-ul "(to be) big, great; (to be) retired, former; (to be) mature (of male animals)" Akk. rabû
galamah [SINGER] wr. gala-mah "chief lament singer" Akk. galamahhu
galbalaĝak [MUSICIAN] wr. gal-balaĝ "musician, chief balang-player"
gallagal [POLICEMAN] wr. galla-gal; gal5-la-gal; gallax(TE)-gal; gallagalx(|GAL.TE.LAL|) "chief policeman"
kašakanak [OIL-MAKER] wr. ka-šakan3; ka-šakan "chief oil maker"
kindagal [BARBER] wr. kindagal "chief barber"
kingal [OFFICIAL] wr. kingal; kin-gal "grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter" Akk. mu'erru; rabû
niĝirgal [HERALD] wr. niĝirgalx(|GAL.DUN3@g@g|) "chief herald"
saĝDUNmah [RECORDER] wr. saĝ-DUN3-mah "chief recorder"
saĝĝa [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa; |GAR.ŠID|; |ŠID.GAR| "an official, the chief administrator of a temple household" Akk. šangû
saĝĝamah [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa-mah "an official, the senior chief administrator of a temple household"
saĝĝasimug [SMITH] wr. saĝĝa-simug "chief smith"
simuggal [SMITH] "chief smith"
sukkalmah [OFFICIAL] wr. sukal-mah "an official" Akk. sukkalmahu
šabra [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. šabra; šabra2; ša3-ab-ra "chief administrator of a temple or other household" Akk. šabrû
šagiamah [CUP-BEARER] wr. šagiax(|SILA3.ŠU.GABA|)-mah "chief cup-bearer"
šidimgal [BUILDER] wr. šidim-gal; šidimgalx(|GAL.DIM2|); šidim "chief builder"
udul [HERDSMAN] wr. udul3; u2-tul2; u2-du-lu; udul; udul4; udul10; udul5; udul6; udul9; u3-dul4 "chief herdsman" Akk. utullu
chief accountant
bisaĝdubak [ARCHIVIST] wr. bisaĝ-dub-ba; ša3-dub-ba "archivist" Akk. šandabakku
chief administrator of a temple household
saĝĝa [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa; |GAR.ŠID|; |ŠID.GAR| "an official, the chief administrator of a temple household" Akk. šangû
chief administrator of a temple or other household
šabra [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. šabra; šabra2; ša3-ab-ra "chief administrator of a temple or other household" Akk. šabrû
chief balang-player
galbalaĝak [MUSICIAN] wr. gal-balaĝ "musician, chief balang-player"
chief barber
kindagal [BARBER] wr. kindagal "chief barber"
chief builder
šidimgal [BUILDER] wr. šidim-gal; šidimgalx(|GAL.DIM2|); šidim "chief builder"
chief cup-bearer
šagiamah [CUP-BEARER] wr. šagiax(|SILA3.ŠU.GABA|)-mah "chief cup-bearer"
chief doctor
azugal [DOCTOR] wr. a-zu-gal; azu-gal "chief doctor"
chief fuller
azlaggal [FULLER] wr. azlaggalx(|GAL.GIŠ.TUG2.TE.A.DU|) "chief fuller"
chief governor
ensikgal [GOVERNOR] wr. ensi2-gal; ensix(|PA.TE.SI.GAR|)-gal "chief governor"
chief herald
niĝirgal [HERALD] wr. niĝirgalx(|GAL.DUN3@g@g|) "chief herald"
chief herdsman
udul [HERDSMAN] wr. udul3; u2-tul2; u2-du-lu; udul; udul4; udul10; udul5; udul6; udul9; u3-dul4 "chief herdsman" Akk. utullu
chief lament singer
galamah [SINGER] wr. gala-mah "chief lament singer" Akk. galamahhu
chief lamentation-priest
galamah [SINGER] wr. gala-mah "chief lament singer" Akk. galamahhu
chief leatherworker
ašgabgal [LEATHERWORKER] wr. ašgabgalx(|GAL.AŠGAB|) "chief leatherworker"
chief minister
sukkalmah [OFFICIAL] wr. sukal-mah "an official" Akk. sukkalmahu
chief of...
gal [BIG] wr. gal; gu-la; gu-ul; gal-gal; ku-ul "(to be) big, great; (to be) retired, former; (to be) mature (of male animals)" Akk. rabû
kingal [OFFICIAL] wr. kingal; kin-gal "grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter" Akk. mu'erru; rabû
chief oil maker
kašakanak [OIL-MAKER] wr. ka-šakan3; ka-šakan "chief oil maker"
chief policeman
gallagal [POLICEMAN] wr. galla-gal; gal5-la-gal; gallax(TE)-gal; gallagalx(|GAL.TE.LAL|) "chief policeman"
chief potter
bahargal [POTTER] wr. bahargalx(|GAL.BAR.EDIN|) "chief potter"
chief recorder
saĝDUNmah [RECORDER] wr. saĝ-DUN3-mah "chief recorder"
chief smith
saĝĝasimug [SMITH] wr. saĝĝa-simug "chief smith"
simuggal [SMITH] "chief smith"
a e [REAR] wr. a2 e3 "to rear, bring up (a child); to take care of" Akk. rubbû
a'e [CHILD] wr. a2-e3 "foster-child" Akk. tarbûtu
banda [CHILD] wr. lu2banda3da "child"
buluĝ [GROW] wr. buluĝ3; buluĝ5; bu-lu-ug; buluĝ "to grow up, rear, make grow; novice; foster child" Akk. rabû; tarbûtu
bunga [CHILD] wr. bunga "child, suckling" Akk. lagu; lakû; šerru
dumu [CHILD] wr. dumu; du5-mu "child, son, daughter" Akk. māru
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
genna [CHILD] wr. genna "(to be) small; (young) child" Akk. şehru; šerru
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
hurum [CHILD] wr. hu-ru-um; hu-ru; a-hur-rum; hu-rum; huru "junior, social inferior; children" Akk. ahurrû; lillidu
lutur [CHILD] wr. lu2-tur "child; youth"
nambuluĝ [UPBRINGING] wr. nam-buluĝ3 "upbringing of an adopted child" Akk. tarbītu
namlutur [CHILD] wr. nam-lu2-tur "the status of child"
tur [CHILD] wr. tur "(young) child" Akk. šerru
utud [BEAR] wr. tud; u3-tu; tu-ud "to give birth (to), bear a child" Akk. alādu
amagan [MOTHER] wr. ama-gan "breeding female animal; child-bearing mother" Akk. ummu walittu
gan [BEAR] wr. gan "to bear young; child-bearing" Akk. (w)alādu
child-bearing mother
amagan [MOTHER] wr. ama-gan "breeding female animal; child-bearing mother" Akk. ummu walittu
namdumuzi [CHILD-DELIVERING?] wr. nam-dumu-zi "child-delivering"
namdumuzi [CHILD-DELIVERING?] wr. nam-dumu-zi "child-delivering"
harištum [WOMAN] wr. ha-ri-iš-ta; ha-ri-iš-tum "woman in childbirth" Akk. harištu
larah [STRAITS] wr. la-ra-ah "dire straits, especially in childbirth" Akk. pušqu
zizna [WOMB] wr. zizna "early childhood; creation; shape, appearance, structure; womb" Akk. binītu; šassūru; şehrūtu
amargaba [~CHILD] wr. amar-gaba "a designation of children of female workers"
hurum [CHILD] wr. hu-ru-um; hu-ru; a-hur-rum; hu-rum; huru "junior, social inferior; children" Akk. ahurrû; lillidu
šeg [FROST] wr. šeg9; šeg4 "snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers" Akk. šalgu; šurpu; šuruppû; šurīpu
tun [LIP] wr. tun3 "lip; chin" Akk. šaptu; suqtu
abiza [CHIP] wr. a-bi-za "stone chip"
zi [CHIRP] wr. zi "to chirp (birds)" Akk. şabāru ša işşuri
chirp birds
zi [CHIRP] wr. zi "to chirp (birds)" Akk. şabāru ša işşuri
chirp of birds
zi [CHIRP] wr. zi "to chirp (birds)" Akk. şabāru ša işşuri
mangara [CHISEL] wr. ma-an-ga-ra; mangara "chisel" Akk. maggaru
dab [SEIZE] wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) "to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of" Akk. sahāpu; tamāhu; kamû; şabātu
igi saĝ [CHOOSE] wr. igi saĝ5; igi saĝ; igi zag; igi sig5? "to choose; to sort" Akk. bêru; nasāqu
igi suh [CHOOSE] wr. igi suh "to choose" Akk. nasāqu
suh [EXTRACT] wr. suh5; suh "to tear out; to extract; to choose" Akk. nasāhu
choose by extispicy
dab [SEIZE] wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) "to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of" Akk. sahāpu; tamāhu; kamû; şabātu
guru [GRIND] wr. gur5 "to grind, grate; to cut up, chop; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. kasāmu; kaşāşu; urrû
mu [CRUSH] wr. mu11; ma5; mu7 "to crush, mangle" Akk. hašû
innušugura [CHOPPER] wr. ĝešin-nu-šu-gur10-a "straw chopper"
dun [ROAM] wr. dun5 "to roam around; to rock, churn" Akk. dâlu; mâşu
šakir [CHURN] wr. dugšakir3; dugšakir; dugša-kir; dugšakirx(|URU×MIN+NI+GA|) "churn" Akk. šakirru
gur [CIRCLE] wr. gur2 "loop, hoop, circle" Akk. kippatu; šumutu
gur [RIM] wr. ĝešgur2 "(circular) rim" Akk. kippatu
ĝešpu [RIM] wr. ĝeš-bu; ĝešĝešpu2; ĝeš-bu10; ĝešĝešpu "circle, ring; (circular) rim" Akk. kippatu
ĝiri niĝin [CIRCLE] wr. ĝiri3 niĝin "to circle" Akk. ?
ni karkar [CIRCLE] wr. ni2 kar2-kar2 "to circle around" Akk. ?
circle around
ni karkar [CIRCLE] wr. ni2 kar2-kar2 "to circle around" Akk. ?
gur [RIM] wr. ĝešgur2 "(circular) rim" Akk. kippatu
ĝešpu [RIM] wr. ĝeš-bu; ĝešĝešpu2; ĝeš-bu10; ĝešĝešpu "circle, ring; (circular) rim" Akk. kippatu
LAGAB×Uĝ [~WATER] "a cistern or other source of water"
pu [WELL] wr. pu2 "lower course, footing; cistern, well; fish pond; source (of river); hole, pit; depth" Akk. asurrû; būrtu; šuplu
tul [FOUNTAIN] wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| "public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench" Akk. būrtu; hirītu; kalakku
cistern or other source of water
LAGAB×Uĝ [~WATER] "a cistern or other source of water"
dumuĝir [CITIZEN] wr. dumu-ĝir15 "citizen" Akk. ?
namdumuĝir [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu-ĝir15 "citizen status"
citizen status
namdumuĝir [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu-ĝir15 "citizen status"
bad [WALL] wr. bad3 "wall, fortification" Akk. dūru
daggi [QUARTER] wr. dag-gi4 "city quarter"
iri [CITY] wr. iri; iriki; uru2; uru11; iri11 "city" Akk. ālu
iribad [CITY] wr. iri-bad3; uru2-bad3 "high city"
iribala [CITY] wr. iri-bala "rebel town"
irituš [CITY] wr. iri-tuš "populated city" Akk. ?
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
city quarter
daggi [QUARTER] wr. dag-gi4 "city quarter"
ensik [FARMER] wr. ensi2 "a farmer" Akk. iššakku
ensik [RULER] wr. ensi2; u3-mu-un-si; ensix(|PA.TE.SI.GAR|); ensix(|GAR.PA.TE.SI|) "a ruler, governor; a quality designation" Akk. iššakku
sukkal [SECRETARY] wr. sukkal "secretary, civil servant" Akk. sukkallu
civil servant
sukkal [SECRETARY] wr. sukkal "secretary, civil servant" Akk. sukkallu
ni gal gur [AWESOME] wr. ni2 gal gur3 "to be clad in awesome luminosity" Akk. namrirrī našû
ni gur [AWESOME] wr. ni2 gur3 "to be clad in awesome luminosity" Akk. ?
ni huš gur [AWESOME] wr. ni2 huš gur3 "to be clad in awesome luminosity" Akk. rašubbatu našû
clad in awesome luminosity
ni gal gur [AWESOME] wr. ni2 gal gur3 "to be clad in awesome luminosity" Akk. namrirrī našû
ni gur [AWESOME] wr. ni2 gur3 "to be clad in awesome luminosity" Akk. ?
ni huš gur [AWESOME] wr. ni2 huš gur3 "to be clad in awesome luminosity" Akk. rašubbatu našû
di ĝar [SUE] wr. di ĝar "to sue, make a legal claim"
ĝeš ur [ABANDON] wr. ĝeš ur3; ĝeš ur4 "to abandon (a claim)"
inim ĝal [SUE] wr. inim ĝal2 "to sue, make a claim" Akk. baqāru
inim ĝar [SUE] wr. inim ĝar; inim ga2-ga2 "to sue, to make a legal claim" Akk. baqāru; ragāmu
inimĝal [CLAIM] wr. inim-ĝal2 "claim" Akk. baqru
tug ur [ABANDON] wr. tug2 ur3 "to abandon (a claim)"
gi [TURN] wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)" Akk. lamû; târu
akkil [NOISE] wr. akkil; akkil2 "noise, cry, clamor, uproar; battle cry; lamentation" Akk. ikkillu; rigmu; tanūqātu; šīsu
ašša [LAMENTATION] wr. ašša2 "lamentation; clamor, uproar, voice, cry, noise" Akk. ikkillu; rigmu
dumdam [CLAMOR] wr. dum-dam "clamor" Akk. nazāmu; ramāmu
gukiri [CRY] wr. gu3-ĝeškiri6; gu3-kiri6 "battle cry" Akk. ikkillu
makkaš [LAMENTATION] wr. makkaš2; makkaš "lamentation; clamor, uproar" Akk. ikkillu
tal [CLAMOR] wr. tal3; ti-il; tal; tal4; tal5; ta-il; til "cry, clamour; battle cry" Akk. ikkillu; tanūqātu; šīsu
tal [CLAMOR] wr. tal3; ti-il; tal; tal4; tal5; ta-il; til "cry, clamour; battle cry" Akk. ikkillu; tanūqātu; šīsu
ĝešgina [~LOOM] wr. ĝeš-gi-na "a part of the loom" Akk. gišginû
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
raba [CLAMP] wr. ĝešrab3; ĝešraba; raba; rab-ba "clamp; neck stock; hoop" Akk. rappu
siĝar [BOLT] wr. ĝešsi-ĝar; si-ĝar "bolt, clamp" Akk. šigarru
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
imria [CLAN] wr. im-ri-a; im-ru-a; im-ru "clan" Akk. kimtu
i'ab [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2 "ghee, clarified butter"
i'abdea [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2-de2-a "ghee, clarified butter"
i'absiga [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2-sig10-ga "ghee, clarified butter"
inun [GHEE] wr. i3-nun "ghee, clarified butter"
clarified butter
i'ab [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2 "ghee, clarified butter"
i'abdea [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2-de2-a "ghee, clarified butter"
i'absiga [GHEE] wr. i3-ab2-sig10-ga "ghee, clarified butter"
inun [GHEE] wr. i3-nun "ghee, clarified butter"
gilim [CLASP] wr. gigilim "type of clasp" Akk. hannāqu
ĝušur [STOCK] wr. ĝešĝušur2; ĝešĝušurx(|RAB.TUR.TUR|); ĝešĝušurx(|RAB.MAH|) "stock; clasp" Akk. nardappu; maluţţu; malāţu
kirid [CLASP] wr. ĝeškirid "hair clasp" Akk. kirissu
liri [GRIP] wr. liri4; liri5 "to grip, twist" Akk. šapāşu
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
miqtum [SOCIAL CLASS] wr. mi-iq-tum "social class"
guba [~WORKER] wr. gu2-ba "a classification of workers"
ka'aDU [AGRICULTURE] wr. ka-a-DU "an agricultural classification"
classification of workers
guba [~WORKER] wr. gu2-ba "a classification of workers"
šeGADTAKUR [CLAW] wr. še-GAD.TAK4.UR2 "claw"
umbin [NAIL] wr. umbin "(finger/toe-)nail; claw; hoof; finger, toe" Akk. ubānu; şupru
umbinĝiri [CLAW] wr. umbin-ĝiri3 "claw"
umbinšeba [NAIL] wr. umbin-še-ba "nail" Akk. şupru
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
arandu [PIPE] wr. duga-ra-an-du7 "a clay pipe" Akk. ?
arutum [PIPE] wr. duga-ru-tum "(clay) pipe" Akk. arūtu
dub [TABLET] wr. dub "tablet" Akk. ţuppu
dug [POT] wr. dug; dugx(BI) "(clay) pot; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. karpatu
imNIsahar [CLAY] wr. im-NI-sahar "type of clay"
im [CLAY] wr. im "clay, mud; tablet" Akk. ţīdu; ţuppu
imdug [SHOT] wr. im-dug; im-du-ug; im-tak4 "clay sling shot"
imna [PEBBLE] wr. im-na4na; na4im-na "clay pebble"
imšuk [COVERING?] wr. im-si; im-šu; im-šu2 "clay covering?" Akk. imšukku
niĝtahab [VESSEL] wr. dugniĝ2-ta-hab "a vessel" Akk. gugguru; kukkubu
šab [SEALING] wr. šab "clay sealing, sealed bulla" Akk. šipassu
tigul [POT] wr. dugti-gul "a pot" Akk. karpatu
tišub [POT] wr. dugti-šub "a pot" Akk. karpatu
zandara [OBJECT] wr. zandara "a clay object; a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū; zad(u)rû
clay covering
imšuk [COVERING?] wr. im-si; im-šu; im-šu2 "clay covering?" Akk. imšukku
clay object
zandara [OBJECT] wr. zandara "a clay object; a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū; zad(u)rû
clay pebble
imna [PEBBLE] wr. im-na4na; na4im-na "clay pebble"
clay pipe
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
arandu [PIPE] wr. duga-ra-an-du7 "a clay pipe" Akk. ?
clay sealing
šab [SEALING] wr. šab "clay sealing, sealed bulla" Akk. šipassu
clay sling shot
imdug [SHOT] wr. im-dug; im-du-ug; im-tak4 "clay sling shot"
dadag [BRIGHT] wr. dadag; dag2 "(to be) bright; to clean" Akk. ebbu; ellu; namru
dan [PURE] wr. dan6; dan3; dan4; dan2 "(to be) pure, clear; to clean" Akk. zakû
had [BRIGHT] wr. ha-ad; had2 "(to be) bright; to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ebbu; nabāţu; ellu
luh [CLEAN] wr. luh "to clean, wash" Akk. mesû
sikil [PURE] wr. sikil "(to be) pure" Akk. ebbu; ellu
šu gur [WIPE] wr. šu gur; šu gur10 "to wipe clean; to erase" Akk. kapāru
šu sub [RUB] wr. šu su-ub "to wipe off, clean, rub" Akk. mašāšu
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
ur [DRAG] wr. ur3 "to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat" Akk. bâ'u; kapāru; šabāţu
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
zalag [SHINE] wr. zalag; zalag2; su-lu-ug; sulug "(to be) pure; (fire) light; (to be) bright, to shine" Akk. ebbu; namāru; nûru
abkiz [FURROW] wr. ab-ki-iz "cleaned furrow" Akk. apkisu
zarin [LOW QUALITY] wr. za-ri2-in "low quality, of metals, bricks, wool" Akk. zarinnu
cleaned furrow
abkiz [FURROW] wr. ab-ki-iz "cleaned furrow" Akk. apkisu
gabdan [CLEANER] wr. gab2-dan6; TUG2.|UŠ×TAK4| "cleaner"
sud [PURIFY] wr. sud5 "to purify" Akk. ullulu
kaluh [CLEANSING] wr. ka-luh "ritual cleansing"
šuluh [CLEANSING] wr. šu-luh; šu4-luh "ritual cleansing"
dan [PURE] wr. dan6; dan3; dan4; dan2 "(to be) pure, clear; to clean" Akk. zakû
girim [FLOWER] wr. gi-rin; gi4-rin; girim; ĝešgi-rim "(to be) pure; (to be) clear; a fruit; a tree; a flower; olive" Akk. ellu; girimmu; hulamīsu; illūru; serdu
had [BRIGHT] wr. ha-ad; had2 "(to be) bright; to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ebbu; nabāţu; ellu
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
nir [WINNOW] wr. nir "to winnow" Akk. zakû
ra [PURE] wr. ra3 "(to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ellu
sig [CLEAR] wr. si-ig "to be clear"
sug [EMPTY] wr. sug4 "(to be) empty; (to be) naked; to cut clear, strip" Akk. erû; urrû; riāqu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šen [PURE] wr. šen "(to be) pure, clear" Akk. ellu
šuba [MULTICOLOURED] wr. šuba; šuba2 "(to be) multicoloured; (to be) manly; young man; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; (to be) bathed" Akk. bitrāmu; ellu; eţlu; ramku
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
urin [PURE] wr. urin; u2-ri-in "(to be) pure" Akk. zakû
clear out
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
cleared land
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
dur [BUTTOCKS] wr. dur2 "defile, cleft; buttocks, rump" Akk. pūqu; šuburru
dur [BUTTOCKS] wr. dur2 "defile, cleft; buttocks, rump" Akk. pūqu; šuburru
aya [CRY] wr. a; u3 "a cry of woe; to cry, groan" Akk. ahulap; nâqu
dibdib [WATERCLOCK] wr. ĝešdib-dib "waterclock, mathematical term; ?" Akk. dibdibbu; maštaqtu
galam [SKILFUL] wr. galam "(to be) skilful, elaborate, clever; to make artfully" Akk. naklu
ĝeštug [EAR] wr. ĝeštug2; ĝešĝeštug; ĝeštug; ĝeštug3; muštug2; mu-uš-tug2; mu-uš-tug "reason, plan; (to be) wise; wisdom, understanding; ear" Akk. hassu; uznu; uznu; ţēmu
igiĝaltuku [WISE] wr. igi-ĝal2-tuku "wise, clever" Akk. emqu
urun [CLEVER] wr. urunx(EN) "(to be) clever" Akk. naklu
usandu [WISE] wr. usandu; usandux(|NUNUZ.AB2×AŠGAB|) "wise, clever" Akk. emqu
tubala [HARNESS] wr. tubax(TUG2)-la2-a "harness (for climbing)"
šu ur [ERASE] wr. šu ur3 "to erase; to level off (surveying); to clip (a bird)" Akk. kapāru; pašāţu; šêqu ša madādi
clip a bird
šu ur [ERASE] wr. šu ur3 "to erase; to level off (surveying); to clip (a bird)" Akk. kapāru; pašāţu; šêqu ša madādi
šu'ura [GOOSE] wr. šu-ur3-ramušen; šu-ur2mušen; šu-ur3mušen "a clipped goose"
clipped goose
šu'ura [GOOSE] wr. šu-ur3-ramušen; šu-ur2mušen; šu-ur3mušen "a clipped goose"
ba [GARMENT] wr. tug2ba13 "a garment" Akk. nalbašu
lulubuna [CLOAK] wr. lu-lu-bu-na; li2-in-li2-bu-na; lu-lu-gu-na "a cloak"
lag [CLOD] wr. la-ag; lag; la-IM "clod (of earth), lump" Akk. kirbānu
clod of earth
lag [CLOD] wr. la-ag; lag; la-IM "clod (of earth), lump" Akk. kirbānu
ĝagia [CLOISTER] wr. ĝa2-gi-a "cloister" Akk. gagû
ĝipar [CLOISTER] wr. ĝi6-par4; ĝi6-par3; gešgiparx(KISAL); ĝiparx(KISAL) "cloister" Akk. gipāru
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
henzer [BLOCK] wr. henzir "to block" Akk. pehû
kunu [APPROACH] wr. ku-nu "to approach" Akk. qerēbu; sanāqu ša nakri
za [CLOSE?] wr. za "to close?"
za [CLOSE?] wr. za "to close?"
close up
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
henzer [BLOCK] wr. henzir "to block" Akk. pehû
barda [CROSSBAR] wr. bar-da; bar-da3 "crossbar" Akk. mušelû
hum [PARALYZE] wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig
dun [WARP] wr. dun; DUB2 "to lay (the warp)" Akk. dêpu; kamādu; šatû
lah [BEAT] wr. la7 "to beat; to full (cloth, wool)" Akk. mašādu
sur [CUT] wr. sur4 "to cut cloth" Akk. nakāsu
šagha [CLOTH] wr. šag4-ha "a cloth" Akk. šahhu
šaglatum [GARMENT] wr. tug2šag4-la2-tum "a garment or part of a shoe" Akk. šallatu
šar [~CLOTH] wr. šar3 "cloth designation"
šerti [STRIP] wr. tug2še-er-ti "strip of cloth"
tuku [BEAT] wr. tuku5 "to beat, strike of cloth; to weave" Akk. mahāşu
ur [TRIM] wr. tug2ur2 "a cloth trimming" Akk. sūnu
cloth designation
šar [~CLOTH] wr. šar3 "cloth designation"
cloth trimming
ur [TRIM] wr. tug2ur2 "a cloth trimming" Akk. sūnu
mur [DRESS] wr. mur10 "to get dressed, clothe oneself" Akk. labāšu
clothe oneself
mur [DRESS] wr. mur10 "to get dressed, clothe oneself" Akk. labāšu
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
aguhum [CLOTHING] wr. a2-gu4-hu-um "an item of clothing, sash?, blanket?" Akk. patinnu
bur [CLOTHING] wr. tug2bur2 "an item of clothing"
i [CLOTHING] wr. i6 "clothing, garment" Akk. lubuštu
lamahuš [GARMENT] wr. lamahuš "a garment; clothing" Akk. lamahuššû; lubuštum; raqqatu
lubuštum [CLOTHING] wr. lu-bu-uš-tum "clothing" Akk. lubuštu
marinum [SCREEN] wr. kušma-ri-nu-um "protective clothing; screen" Akk. marīnu
niĝla [CLOTHING] wr. tug2niĝ2-la2; nig2-la2 "an item of clothing" Akk. şimdu
šukešed [CLOTHING] wr. šu-keš2 "clothing" Akk. şimdu
IMUD [CLOUD?] wr. IM.UD "cloud?"
dungu [CLOUD] wr. dungu "cloud" Akk. erpetu; upû
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
tilhar [CLOUD] wr. tilhar "cloud" Akk. upû
zela [CLOUD] wr. ze2-la "cloud" Akk. erpetu
IMUD [CLOUD?] wr. IM.UD "cloud?"
cloud over
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
aĝar [RAINSHOWER] wr. aĝar5; aĝar6 "rainshower, downpour" Akk. rādu
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
alanzu [CLOWN] wr. alan-zu "clown" Akk. aluzinnu
gazinbu [POLE] wr. ga-zi-in-bu; gazinbu; gu4-zi-in-bu; ga-šim-bu "a pole, post; stick, club" Akk. gazamānu; gašīšu; nappaşu; timmu
manzila [FOOT] wr. ma-an-zi-le; ma-an-zi-la2 "club foot"
gazinbu [POLE] wr. ga-zi-in-bu; gazinbu; gu4-zi-in-bu; ga-šim-bu "a pole, post; stick, club" Akk. gazamānu; gašīšu; nappaşu; timmu
club foot
manzila [FOOT] wr. ma-an-zi-le; ma-an-zi-la2 "club foot"
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
nimur [ASHES] wr. ne-mur; nimur "alkali, potash; coal; ashes; charcoal" Akk. idrānu; tumru
udub [COAL] wr. u3-dub2; udub "coal" Akk. pēmtum
guzal [SCOUNDREL] wr. gu2-zal; gu3-zal "scoundrel, rogue; (to be) coarse, rude" Akk. guzallu; ishappu; ahurrû; nû'u
zidgu [FLOUR] wr. zid2-gu; zi3-kum; zikum; |ŠU2+ZI3| "a type of flour" Akk. isqūqu
zarin [LOW QUALITY] wr. za-ri2-in "low quality, of metals, bricks, wool" Akk. zarinnu
coarsely cleaned material
zarin [LOW QUALITY] wr. za-ri2-in "low quality, of metals, bricks, wool" Akk. zarinnu
ba [GARMENT] wr. tug2ba13 "a garment" Akk. nalbašu
sub [COAT] wr. sub6 "to complete, perfect; to coat" Akk. šuklulu
šerimsur [COCOON] wr. šerimsur "a cocoon of a caterpillar" Akk. tušaru
cocoon of a caterpillar
šerimsur [COCOON] wr. šerimsur "a cocoon of a caterpillar" Akk. tušaru
arakar [FACTOR] wr. a-ra2-ĝar; a-ra-kar2 "factor, coefficient (math)"
igigubbu [COEFFICIENT] wr. igi-gub-bu "coefficient"
coefficient math
arakar [FACTOR] wr. a-ra2-ĝar; a-ra-kar2 "factor, coefficient (math)"
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
coil of bird s nest
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
šagniĝin [INTESTINES] wr. uzušag4-niĝin "intestines" Akk. erru; tiranu
hamun [HARMONY] wr. ha-mun "harmony" Akk. mithurtu
eš [COLD] wr. eš13 "(to be) cold" Akk. kuşşû
halba [FROST] wr. halba2; halba6; halba; halpi "frost, ice, cold weather; (to be) cold" Akk. halpû; kuşşû; mammû; takşâtu; šurīpu
niĝsed [COLD] wr. niĝ2-sed "cold" Akk. kaşû
sed [COLD] wr. sed4; sed; sed6; še12; še18; še11; še15; še5; šed5 "(to be) cold; to cool; winter" Akk. kāşû; kuşu; kuşşu
šeg [FROST] wr. šeg9; šeg4 "snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers" Akk. šalgu; šurpu; šuruppû; šurīpu
cold weather
halba [FROST] wr. halba2; halba6; halba; halpi "frost, ice, cold weather; (to be) cold" Akk. halpû; kuşşû; mammû; takşâtu; šurīpu
šeg [FROST] wr. šeg9; šeg4 "snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers" Akk. šalgu; šurpu; šuruppû; šurīpu
sed [COLD] wr. sed4; sed; sed6; še12; še18; še11; še15; še5; šed5 "(to be) cold; to cool; winter" Akk. kāşû; kuşu; kuşşu
dibida [SWELL] wr. di-bi-da "to swell, to have colic" Akk. emēru
šagtahar [COLIC] wr. ša3-ta-ha-ar "colic"
umamu [BEASTS] wr. u2-ma-am; u2-ma-mu "beasts" Akk. umāmu
dirig [FALL] wr. dirig "to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to fall down, collapse" Akk. qâpu; šahāhu
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
adla [HARNESS?] wr. ad-la2 "a type of collar or harness?"
gutab [COLLAR] wr. kušgu2-tab "collar"
collar or harness
adla [HARNESS?] wr. ad-la2 "a type of collar or harness?"
gimea'aš [COLLEAGUE] wr. gi-me-a-aš "colleague"
guli [FRIEND] wr. gu5-li; gu-li; gu7-li "friend, comrade" Akk. ibru
kulili [COLLEAGUE] wr. ku-li-li "colleague" Akk. itbaru
namgimeš [COLLEAGUE] wr. nam-gi4-me-eš3; nam-gi4-me-a-aš; nam-gi4-me-aš "status of colleague"
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
kul [COLLECT] wr. kul "to collect; to collect; to glean; to remove, take away; to peck" Akk. laqātu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šu sub [GATHER UP] wr. šu su-ub "to gather up, to collect, to scrape together" Akk. esēpu
ur [COLLECT] wr. ur5 "to confine, imprison" Akk. pâdu
ur [PLUCK] wr. ur4; ur5 "to pluck; to gather, collect; to harvest" Akk. baqāmu; eşēdu; hamāmu; kapātu
collect up
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šu sub [GATHER UP] wr. šu su-ub "to gather up, to collect, to scrape together" Akk. esēpu
ĝeškiĝti [WORKSHOP] wr. ĝeš-kiĝ2-ti "craft workshop; collective of craft workers" Akk. kiškattu
collective of craft workers
ĝeškiĝti [WORKSHOP] wr. ĝeš-kiĝ2-ti "craft workshop; collective of craft workers" Akk. kiškattu
ga'eš [TRADER] wr. ga-eš8; ga-eš "a long distance trader; tax collector, customs collector" Akk. ga'iššu
tigidlu [BIRD] wr. ti-gi4-lumušen; ti-lu; ti-gid2-lu2mušen; ti-gid2mušen-lu2-a; tigidla; tigidla3; tigidlax(|ŠA3.MIN.TAR|); ti-id-lu; da-gi4-lumx(|ZU&ZU.SAR|) "a bird" Akk. tigi(l)lû
ukuštikil [COLOCYNTH] wr. ukuš2-ti-ki-il "colocynth"
colocynth as a drug
tigidlu [BIRD] wr. ti-gi4-lumušen; ti-lu; ti-gid2-lu2mušen; ti-gid2mušen-lu2-a; tigidla; tigidla3; tigidlax(|ŠA3.MIN.TAR|); ti-id-lu; da-gi4-lumx(|ZU&ZU.SAR|) "a bird" Akk. tigi(l)lû
inĝar [COLON] wr. in-ĝar "colon" Akk. paršu
bara [~COLOR] wr. bara6 "a color term"
color term
bara [~COLOR] wr. bara6 "a color term"
ulin [TWINE] wr. u2-li-in "colored twine" Akk. barumtu
colored twine
ulin [TWINE] wr. u2-li-in "colored twine" Akk. barumtu
colored wool
ulin [TWINE] wr. u2-li-in "colored twine" Akk. barumtu
gazila [COLOSTRUM] wr. ga-zil2-la; ga-zil2-a "colostrum"
zib [MARK] wr. za3; zib "a mark; mark, token; colour, paint" Akk. šimtu; şibbu
garig [COMB] wr. ĝešga-rig2 "comb" Akk. mušţu
garigak [COMB] wr. ĝešga-rig2-ak; ga-rig2-ak "carding comb"
nisiki [COMB] wr. nisikix(|GIŠ.GAR.UMBIN|) "comb" Akk. mummarītu
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
damhara [BATTLE] wr. dam-ha-ra "battle" Akk. tamhāru
dud ĝar [START A FIGHT] wr. du14 ĝar "to start a fight" Akk. şaltu šakānu
dud [COMBAT] wr. du14; du17 "combat, strife, discord, quarrel" Akk. şāltu
me [BATTLE] wr. me3; me; me7; me9; mex(AK׊ITA); me11 "battle; combat" Akk. tāhāzu
nun [FIGHT] wr. nun3 "fight, combat" Akk. anuntu
šen [BATTLE] wr. šen "battle; (single) combat" Akk. qablu; šašmu
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
urbigu [COMBATIVE] wr. urbigu "(to be) combative" Akk. šitnunu
urgilim [COMBATIVE] wr. urgilim "(to be) combative" Akk. šitnunu
hamanzer [HAIR] wr. hamanzer "combed hair; carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
combed hair
hamanzer [HAIR] wr. hamanzer "combed hair; carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
hamanzer [HAIR] wr. hamanzer "combed hair; carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
sigšab [HAIR] wr. sig2-šab "combed-out hair, carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
combed-out hair
hamanzer [HAIR] wr. hamanzer "combed hair; carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
sigšab [HAIR] wr. sig2-šab "combed-out hair, carded wool" Akk. mušāţu
hi [MIX] wr. hi "to mix (up); process (skin; wool, in the latter possibly a stage between combing and spinning); alloy" Akk. balālu
andaĝal [EXALTED] wr. an-da-ĝal2 "exalted" Akk. elû; šaqû
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
di [SHINE] wr. di5 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
dig [SOFT] wr. dig "(to be) soft; to soften" Akk. labāku; narbu
du [SUITABLE] wr. du7 "(to be) fitting, suitable" Akk. asāmu; naţû
duru [WET] wr. duru5; duru5ru "(to be) soft; (to be) wet, irrigated, damp, fresh" Akk. labāku; raţbu
gana [COME ON!] wr. ga-na; gana "come on!" Akk. gana
gibil [NEW] wr. gibil; gibil4 "(to be) new" Akk. edēšu
gig [SICK] wr. gig "(to be) sick; (to be) troublesome" Akk. marāşu; marşu
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
gum [LAME] wr. gum2 "(to be) lame" Akk. hunzû; hutenzû; huzzû
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
had [BRIGHT] wr. ha-ad; had2 "(to be) bright; to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ebbu; nabāţu; ellu
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
i'iz [NUMEROUS] wr. i-iz "(to be) numerous" Akk. mādu
ib [ANGRY] wr. ib2 "(to be) angry; to curse" Akk. agāgu; arāru
immen [THIRST] wr. immen; immen2 "to thirst; thirst" Akk. şamû; şūmu
iri [HIGH] wr. i-ri "(to be) high" Akk. šaqûm
kal [RARE] wr. kal "(to be) rare, valuable" Akk. aqāru
kul [HEAVY] wr. kul "(to be) heavy; to honor a person" Akk. kabātu
kum [HOT] wr. kum2; kum4 "(to be) hot" Akk. emēmu
kur [DIFFERENT] wr. kur2; gur "(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)" Akk. nakāru; šanû
kušu [TIRED] wr. kuš2; kuš2-u3 "(to be) tired, troubled" Akk. anāhu
lal [SMALL] wr. lal; lal2 "(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; dimunition" Akk. maţû; tamţâtu
libir [OLD] wr. libir "(to be) old, long-lasting" Akk. labāru
lum [FRUIT] wr. lum "(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine" Akk. enēbu; unnubu; namāru; šebû; šihu
mah [GREAT] wr. mah; mah2 "(to be) great" Akk. kabtu; mādu; rabû; şīru
mul [SHINE] wr. mul; mul2; mul4 "star; to shine, radiate (light); arrow; to radiate (branches)" Akk. kakkabu; mulmullu; nabāţu
mur [FODDER] wr. mur "fodder; (to be) fat" Akk. imrû; kabāru
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
niĝkur [HOSTILITY] wr. niĝ2-kur2 "hostility" Akk. nakāru
nir [WINNOW] wr. nir "to winnow" Akk. zakû
pel [DEFILE] wr. pe-el-la2; pe-el "to defile; to be thin, light" Akk. lu''û; qalālu
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
sag [GOOD] wr. sag8; sag9; sag10; šeg10; sag12 "(to be) good, sweet, beautiful; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. banû; damāqu; dumqu; ţābu
sag [RARE] wr. sag10; sag8 "(to be) high quality; (to be) rare, precious" Akk. aqru; aqāru
saĝ gid [ANGRY] wr. saĝ gid2 "to be(come) angry" Akk. nekelmû
saĝ mu [SHINE] wr. saĝ mu2-mu2 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
saĝ tum [REDUCE] wr. saĝ tum2 "to reduce" Akk. qalālu
saĝki gid [ANGRY] wr. saĝ-ki gid2 "to be(come) angry" Akk. nekelmû
sal [THIN] wr. sal "(to be) thin, fine; to spread" Akk. raqāqu
si [DRUNK] wr. si3 "(to be) drunk" Akk. šakāru
silim [HEALTHY] wr. silim "(to be) healthy; completeness; well-being" Akk. šalāmu; šulmu
sissi [GREEN] wr. si12-si12; sissix(GI) "(to be) green-yellow, pale" Akk. arqu; arāqu
sumun [OLD] wr. sumun "(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter" Akk. labāru; nutāpu; sumkīnu
šahan [HEAT] wr. šahan3 "to heat up" Akk. šahānu
šar [3600] wr. šar2; šar; šar2-šar2 "totality, world; (to be) numerous; 3600" Akk. kiššatu; mâdu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
ši [TIRE] wr. ši "to become tired" Akk. egû
šun [SHINE] wr. šun2 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
tal [BROAD] wr. tal2 "(to be) broad, expand" Akk. rapāšu
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
teĝ [APPROACH] wr. teĝ3; teĝ4 "(to be) near to; to approach" Akk. ţehû
tehi [APPROACH] wr. tehi2; tehi "to approach" Akk. ţehû
ten [EXTINGUISH] wr. te-en; ten "to extinguish" Akk. belû
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
tur [ILL] wr. tur5 "illness, disease; (to be) ill" Akk. marāşu; murşu
tur [SMALL] wr. tur; tu "(to be) small; to reduce, diminish; to subtract; (to be) young" Akk. şehērum
ugu de [DISAPPEAR] wr. u2-gu de2; u2-gu3 de2; ugu de2 "to disappear" Akk. halāqu
ul [BRIGHT] wr. ul4; ul6 "to become bright, shine" Akk. namru; nabāţu
un [HIGH] wr. un3 "to arise; sky; (to be) high" Akk. elû; šamû; šaqû
urin [PURE] wr. urin; u2-ri-in "(to be) pure" Akk. zakû
uzahal [DISAPPEARANCE] wr. u4-za-hal; u4-za-ha-al "disappearance" Akk. halāqu
zah [DISAPPEAR] wr. zah3; zah2 "to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive" Akk. duppuru; halāqu; nābutu; šerû
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
zalag [SHINE] wr. zalag; zalag2; su-lu-ug; sulug "(to be) pure; (fire) light; (to be) bright, to shine" Akk. ebbu; namāru; nûru
zil [GOOD] wr. zil2 "(to be) good; (to be) benificent" Akk. damāqu
come angry
saĝ gid [ANGRY] wr. saĝ gid2 "to be(come) angry" Akk. nekelmû
saĝki gid [ANGRY] wr. saĝ-ki gid2 "to be(come) angry" Akk. nekelmû
come bright
di [SHINE] wr. di5 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
had [BRIGHT] wr. ha-ad; had2 "(to be) bright; to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ebbu; nabāţu; ellu
lum [FRUIT] wr. lum "(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine" Akk. enēbu; unnubu; namāru; šebû; šihu
mul [SHINE] wr. mul; mul2; mul4 "star; to shine, radiate (light); arrow; to radiate (branches)" Akk. kakkabu; mulmullu; nabāţu
saĝ mu [SHINE] wr. saĝ mu2-mu2 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
šun [SHINE] wr. šun2 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
ul [BRIGHT] wr. ul4; ul6 "to become bright, shine" Akk. namru; nabāţu
zalag [SHINE] wr. zalag; zalag2; su-lu-ug; sulug "(to be) pure; (fire) light; (to be) bright, to shine" Akk. ebbu; namāru; nûru
come broad
tal [BROAD] wr. tal2 "(to be) broad, expand" Akk. rapāšu
come clear
nir [WINNOW] wr. nir "to winnow" Akk. zakû
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
urin [PURE] wr. urin; u2-ri-in "(to be) pure" Akk. zakû
come dark
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
come different
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
kur [DIFFERENT] wr. kur2; gur "(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)" Akk. nakāru; šanû
niĝkur [HOSTILITY] wr. niĝ2-kur2 "hostility" Akk. nakāru
come drunk
si [DRUNK] wr. si3 "(to be) drunk" Akk. šakāru
come fitting
du [SUITABLE] wr. du7 "(to be) fitting, suitable" Akk. asāmu; naţû
come furious
ib [ANGRY] wr. ib2 "(to be) angry; to curse" Akk. agāgu; arāru
come good
sag [GOOD] wr. sag8; sag9; sag10; šeg10; sag12 "(to be) good, sweet, beautiful; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. banû; damāqu; dumqu; ţābu
zil [GOOD] wr. zil2 "(to be) good; (to be) benificent" Akk. damāqu
come green-yellow
sissi [GREEN] wr. si12-si12; sissix(GI) "(to be) green-yellow, pale" Akk. arqu; arāqu
come healthy
silim [HEALTHY] wr. silim "(to be) healthy; completeness; well-being" Akk. šalāmu; šulmu
come heavy
kul [HEAVY] wr. kul "(to be) heavy; to honor a person" Akk. kabātu
come high
andaĝal [EXALTED] wr. an-da-ĝal2 "exalted" Akk. elû; šaqû
iri [HIGH] wr. i-ri "(to be) high" Akk. šaqûm
un [HIGH] wr. un3 "to arise; sky; (to be) high" Akk. elû; šamû; šaqû
come hot
kum [HOT] wr. kum2; kum4 "(to be) hot" Akk. emēmu
šahan [HEAT] wr. šahan3 "to heat up" Akk. šahānu
come ill
gig [SICK] wr. gig "(to be) sick; (to be) troublesome" Akk. marāşu; marşu
tur [ILL] wr. tur5 "illness, disease; (to be) ill" Akk. marāşu; murşu
come lame
gum [LAME] wr. gum2 "(to be) lame" Akk. hunzû; hutenzû; huzzû
come lazy
ši [TIRE] wr. ši "to become tired" Akk. egû
come light
pel [DEFILE] wr. pe-el-la2; pe-el "to defile; to be thin, light" Akk. lu''û; qalālu
saĝ tum [REDUCE] wr. saĝ tum2 "to reduce" Akk. qalālu
come little
lal [SMALL] wr. lal; lal2 "(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; dimunition" Akk. maţû; tamţâtu
come many
i'iz [NUMEROUS] wr. i-iz "(to be) numerous" Akk. mādu
mah [GREAT] wr. mah; mah2 "(to be) great" Akk. kabtu; mādu; rabû; şīru
come near to
teĝ [APPROACH] wr. teĝ3; teĝ4 "(to be) near to; to approach" Akk. ţehû
tehi [APPROACH] wr. tehi2; tehi "to approach" Akk. ţehû
come new
gibil [NEW] wr. gibil; gibil4 "(to be) new" Akk. edēšu
come numerous
šar [3600] wr. šar2; šar; šar2-šar2 "totality, world; (to be) numerous; 3600" Akk. kiššatu; mâdu
come old
libir [OLD] wr. libir "(to be) old, long-lasting" Akk. labāru
sumun [OLD] wr. sumun "(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter" Akk. labāru; nutāpu; sumkīnu
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
come on!
gana [COME ON!] wr. ga-na; gana "come on!" Akk. gana
come on
gana [COME ON!] wr. ga-na; gana "come on!" Akk. gana
come permanent
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
come pure
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
come rare
kal [RARE] wr. kal "(to be) rare, valuable" Akk. aqāru
sag [RARE] wr. sag10; sag8 "(to be) high quality; (to be) rare, precious" Akk. aqru; aqāru
come small
tur [SMALL] wr. tur; tu "(to be) small; to reduce, diminish; to subtract; (to be) young" Akk. şehērum
come soft
dig [SOFT] wr. dig "(to be) soft; to soften" Akk. labāku; narbu
duru [WET] wr. duru5; duru5ru "(to be) soft; (to be) wet, irrigated, damp, fresh" Akk. labāku; raţbu
come thick
mur [FODDER] wr. mur "fodder; (to be) fat" Akk. imrû; kabāru
come thin
sal [THIN] wr. sal "(to be) thin, fine; to spread" Akk. raqāqu
come thirsty
immen [THIRST] wr. immen; immen2 "to thirst; thirst" Akk. şamû; şūmu
come tired
kušu [TIRED] wr. kuš2; kuš2-u3 "(to be) tired, troubled" Akk. anāhu
come to an end
ten [EXTINGUISH] wr. te-en; ten "to extinguish" Akk. belû
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
come wide
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
hahala [COMESTIBLE] wr. ha-ha-la "a comestible"
hubhub [POINTED] wr. hub2-hu-ub "(to be) pointed" Akk. zaqtu
coming to a point
hubhub [POINTED] wr. hub2-hu-ub "(to be) pointed" Akk. zaqtu
a aĝ [COMMAND] wr. a2 aĝ2 "to command; to instruct" Akk. (w)u'uru
di [SPEAK] wr. di "non-finite imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
duga [COMMAND] wr. dug4-ga "command" Akk. qibītu
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
rabianum [COMMANDER] wr. ra-bi-a-nu-um "commander, a high official" Akk. rabiānu
namdamgar [COMMERCE] wr. nam-dam-gar3 "commerce"
ennam [OFFICIAL] wr. en-nam "an official" Akk. bēl pihāti
ekišibak [STOREROOM] wr. e2-kišib3-ba; e2-kišib-ba "storeroom for sealed commodities"
BANAM [COMMODITY] wr. BA.NAM "a commodity"
burgi [COMMODITY] wr. bur-gi "a commodity"
saĝsum [COMMODITY] wr. saĝ-sum "a commodity"
šegazi [COMMODITY] wr. še-gazi "an agricultural commodity"
šim'i [COMMODITY] wr. šim-i3 "a commodity"
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
dalbana [SPACE] wr. dal-ba-na "intermediate space; property held in common" Akk. birītu
kišig [ACACIA] wr. u2kišig2; kišig2; ĝeškišig2; ĝeškišig; u2kiši10; u2kišig; u2kiši5; kišix(|KI.SAG@n|) "an acacia" Akk. ašāgu
ušeg [PLANT] wr. u2-šegx(|HA@g|) "a plant" Akk. ašāgu
agar [MEADOW] wr. a-gar3; agar4; agar2; agar3; a-da-ar "meadow" Akk. ugāru
anta [COMPANION] wr. lu2an-ta "companion, comrade" Akk. tappûm
dilius [COMPANION?] wr. dili-us2 "companion?"
dusa [FRIEND] wr. du10-us2-sa; du10-sa; du-us2-sa; du2-us2-sa "friend, companion" Akk. ru'u
man [COMPANION] wr. man "companion, partner" Akk. tappû
sadu [COMPANION] wr. sa-du3 "companion" Akk. tappû
šeštab [COMPANION] wr. šeš-tab "brotherly companion"
šutab [COMPANION] wr. šu-tab "companion"
tab [COMPANION] wr. tab; tab4 "companion, partner"
tab [DOUBLE] wr. tab; tab4 "to double; to repeat; companion, partner" Akk. eşēpu; tappû
taba [COMPANION] wr. lu2tab-ba "companion" Akk. tappû
tabus [COMPANION] wr. tab-us2 "companion"
dilius [COMPANION?] wr. dili-us2 "companion?"
namdubsa [COMPANIONSHIP] wr. nam-dub3-sa "companionship, friendship"
namtaba [COMPANIONSHIP] wr. nam-lu2tab-ba "companionship"
sa [EQUAL] wr. sa2; sax(ZAG); se3 "to equal, compare, compete, be equal to, rival" Akk. kašādu; mašālu; šanānu
arhuš [WOMB] wr. arhuš; arhuš2; arhuš5; arhuš6 "membrane; afterbirth; womb; compassion" Akk. ipu; rîmu
mušam [COMPASSION] wr. muš3-am3; muš2-am3 "(exclamation of) compassion"
šaneša [SUPPLICATION] wr. ša3-ne-ša4; ša-ne-ša4; šag4-ne-za "supplication, compassion" Akk. unnīnu
sa [EQUAL] wr. sa2; sax(ZAG); se3 "to equal, compare, compete, be equal to, rival" Akk. kašādu; mašālu; šanānu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
RI [CRY] wr. RI "to cry out" Akk. şarāhu
dumdam [CLAMOR] wr. dum-dam "clamor" Akk. nazāmu; ramāmu
agantum [DISEASE] wr. a-ga-an-tum3 "skin disease" Akk. epqēnu
gum [MANGE] wr. gan; gum2 "mange, scab, leprosy" Akk. garābu; epqēnu
i'utu [COMPLAINT] wr. i-utu; i-dutu "complaint" Akk. tazzimtu
sub [COAT] wr. sub6 "to complete, perfect; to coat" Akk. šuklulu
šu du [COMPLETE] wr. šu du7 "to complete, perfect; to be in working order (of tools)" Akk. šuklulu
šudu [EQUIPPED] wr. šu-du7; šita4 "fully equipped, in full working order" Akk. šuklulu
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
ditila [CASE] wr. di-til-la "completed court case" Akk. dīnu gamru; ditillû
completed case
ditila [CASE] wr. di-til-la "completed court case" Akk. dīnu gamru; ditillû
completed court case
ditila [CASE] wr. di-til-la "completed court case" Akk. dīnu gamru; ditillû
halhala [DESTROYED] wr. hal-hal-la "completely destroyed"
lu [MIX] wr. lu; lu3 "to disturb, stir up; to cover completely; to mix" Akk. balālu; dalāhu; katāmu
sub [COAT] wr. sub6 "to complete, perfect; to coat" Akk. šuklulu
sugzag gu [DESTROY] wr. sug-zag gu7 "to destroy completely" Akk. ?
šu du [COMPLETE] wr. šu du7 "to complete, perfect; to be in working order (of tools)" Akk. šuklulu
šudu [EQUIPPED] wr. šu-du7; šita4 "fully equipped, in full working order" Akk. šuklulu
completely destroyed
halhala [DESTROYED] wr. hal-hal-la "completely destroyed"
silim [HEALTHY] wr. silim "(to be) healthy; completeness; well-being" Akk. šalāmu; šulmu
dida [WORT] wr. dida; didax(|U2.SA|) "sweet wort, an ingredient for beer making; beer for transport" Akk. billatu
component of beer
dida [WORT] wr. dida; didax(|U2.SA|) "sweet wort, an ingredient for beer making; beer for transport" Akk. billatu
enduĝarĝar [COMPOSER] wr. en3-du-ĝar-ĝar "composer"
gigid [REED] wr. gešgi-gid2; gi-gid2 "a reed or tree; an instrument; a composition"
sabarsud [NOTATION] wr. sa-bar-sud "composition division notation"
uadi [COMPOSITION] wr. u3-a-di "type of composition"
composition division notation
sabarsud [NOTATION] wr. sa-bar-sud "composition division notation"
HI [CVNE] wr. HI "(compound verb nominal element)"
KA [CVVE] wr. KA "(compound verb verbal element)"
al [CVNE] wr. al "(compound verb nominal element)"
bar [CVVE] wr. bar "(compound verb verbal element)"
bir [CVVE] wr. bir9 "(compound verb verbal element)"
da [CVVE] wr. da "(compound verb verbal element)"
en [CVNE] wr. en3 "(compound verb nominal element)"
ene [CVNE] wr. e-ne "(compound verb nominal element)"
gagdag [CVNE] wr. gag-dag2 "(compound verb nominal element)"
guruš [CVNE] wr. guru5-uš; gur5-ru-uš "(compound verb nominal element)"
ĝal [CVNE] wr. ĝal2 "(compound verb nominal element)"
ĝala [CVNE] wr. ĝal2-la; ĝa2-la; ĝa3-la "(compound verb nominal element)"
hub [CVVE] wr. hub2; hub "(compound verb verbal element)"
huz [CVVE] wr. hu-uz "(compound verb verbal element)"
ir [CVVE] wr. ir "(compound verb verbal element)"
katar [CVNE] wr. ka-tar "(compound verb nominal element)"
kušum [CVNE] wr. kušumx(U2) "(compound verb nominal element)"
kušum [CVNE] wr. kušum4 "(compound verb nominal element)"
mer [CVVE] wr. me-er-me-er; mar-mar "(compound verb verbal element)"
mi [CVNE] wr. mi2 "(compound verb nominal element)"
mur [CVVE] wr. mur "(compound verb verbal element)"
na [CVNE] wr. na "(compound verb nominal element)"
ne [CVNE] wr. ne "(compound verb nominal element)"
ra [CVVE] wr. ra2 "(compound verb verbal element)"
saĝ [CVVE] wr. saĝ5; saĝ; zag "(compound verb verbal element)"
si [CVNE] wr. si "(compound verb nominal element)"
su [CVVE] wr. su "(compound verb verbal element)"
sugzag [CVNE] wr. sug-zag "(compound verb nominal element)"
ša [CVVE] wr. ša4 "(compound verb verbal element)"
šanšaša [CVVE] wr. ša-an-ša-ša "(compound verb verbal element)"
še [CVNE] wr. še "(compound verb nominal element)"
taka [CVVE] wr. taka4; takax(BALAG) "(compound verb verbal element)"
tu [CVVE] wr. tu5; tu17; tu15 "(compound verb verbal element)"
tubul [CVVE] wr. tu-bu-ul "(compound verb verbal element)"
tutu [CVVE] wr. tu-tu "(compound verb verbal element)"
u [CVNE] wr. u2 "(compound verb nominal element)"
ugu [CVNE] wr. u2-gu "(compound verb nominal element)"
ugul [CVNE] wr. u3-gul "(compound verb nominal element)"
za [CVVE] wr. za "(compound verb verbal element)"
ŠEKIN [CVNE] wr. ŠE.KIN "(compound verb nominal element)"
šusaĝ [COMPRESSOR] wr. ĝeššu-saĝ "compressor" Akk. hanniqu
anta [COMPANION] wr. lu2an-ta "companion, comrade" Akk. tappûm
guli [FRIEND] wr. gu5-li; gu-li; gu7-li "friend, comrade" Akk. ibru
dibiri [SWINDLER] wr. di-bi-ri "con artist"
con artist
dibiri [SWINDLER] wr. di-bi-ri "con artist"
šilum [DEPRESSION?] wr. ši-lu-um "depression?" Akk. šīlu
u [HOLE] wr. u "hole" Akk. šīlu
a'ur [ARMPIT] wr. a2-ur2 "hidden place; armpit" Akk. puzru
gira [CONCEALMENT] wr. gira "concealment; sky, heaven" Akk. puzru; šamû
puzur [SECRET] wr. puzur4; puzur5; puzur; puzur2 "secret, shelter; protection, aegis, shadow, shelter" Akk. puzru
šag dab [THINK] wr. šag4 dab; šag4 dab5 "to think, conceive an idea; to take seriously"
conceive an idea
šag dab [THINK] wr. šag4 dab; šag4 dab5 "to think, conceive an idea; to take seriously"
zukešed [RENT] wr. zu2-keš2 "rent" Akk. kişru
zukešed [TROOP] wr. zu2-keš2; zu2-keš2-ra2 "troop" Akk. kişru
šazarah [CONCERN] wr. ša3-zarah "concern"
zara [CONCERN] wr. za-ra "(excessive) concern"
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
conclude a sale
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
inimtil [STATEMENT] wr. inim-til "concluding statement" Akk. kušurrā'um
concluding statement
inimtil [STATEMENT] wr. inim-til "concluding statement" Akk. kušurrā'um
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
rig [BOIL] wr. RIG7; rig10 "to boil down; concoction, infusion" Akk. rabāku; ribku
utu [~CEREAL] wr. LAK384; utu2; utu5 "a cereal concoction" Akk. diktu
namlukur [CONCUBINAGE] wr. nam-lukur "concubinage"
gazi [CONDIMENT] wr. gazi; gazi2 "mustard seed or licorice" Akk. kasû
še [CONE] wr. ĝešše "(conifer) cone"
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
niĝin [ENCIRCLE] wr. niĝin2; niĝin "to prowl, roam; to enclose, confine; to encircle; to search; to turn; to return; to go around; to tarry" Akk. esēru; lawû; sahāru; târu; târu; sahāru; şâdu
pag [ENCLOSE] wr. pag "to enclose, confine, cage (a bird)" Akk. esēru; šutanuhu
ur [COLLECT] wr. ur5 "to confine, imprison" Akk. pâdu
rig [SHEEPFOLD] wr. rig10 "sheepfold, animal stall" Akk. isru; tarbaşu
harištum [WOMAN] wr. ha-ri-iš-ta; ha-ri-iš-tum "woman in childbirth" Akk. harištu
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
inim gin [CONFIRM] wr. inim ge-en "to confirm"
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
gigam [CONFLICT] wr. gigam "conflict, war" Akk. ippīru
inbir [CONFLICT] wr. inbir "conflict, war" Akk. ippīru
BU'I [FACE] wr. BU-I "to face" Akk. mahāru
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
gaba ri [CONFRONT] wr. gaba ri "to confront" Akk. mahāru
gaba rugu [OPPOSE] wr. gaba ru-gu2 "to oppose" Akk. mahāru
rugu [WITHSTAND] wr. ru-gu2 "to withstand; to sail upstream" Akk. mahāru
saĝ gi [BLOCK] wr. saĝ gi4 "to block" Akk. hašû?; mahāru
šu gid [ACCEPT] wr. šu gid2 "to accept" Akk. mahāru
šu teĝ [ACCEPT] wr. šu teĝ4; šu teĝ3 "to accept" Akk. leqû; mahāru
šu tutu [WITHSTAND] wr. šu tu-tu "to withstand, approach" Akk. mahāru
suh [CONFUSE] wr. suh3 "to confuse; confusion" Akk. ešītu
suh [CONFUSE] wr. suh3 "to confuse; confusion" Akk. ešītu
arganum [CONIFER] wr. ar-ga-nu-um; ĝešhašhurar-ga-nu "a conifer" Akk. argānu
še [CONE] wr. ĝešše "(conifer) cone"
niĝtukum [CONJECTURE] wr. niĝ2-tukum "conjecture"
agabal [HOIST] wr. a-ga-bal "a hoisting device (connected to a pole) for drawing water" Akk. dulûtu
aga kar [DEFEAT] wr. aga kar2; aga3 kar2 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. kalû; kaşāru
agakar sig [DEFEAT] wr. aga-kar2 sig10 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. nītu lawû
agakar [CONQUEROR] wr. aga3-kar2; aga-kar2 "conqueror"
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
si [REMEMBER] wr. si "to remember" Akk. hasāsu
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
anna [APPROVAL] wr. an-na "approval, "indeed"" Akk. annu
nanam [CONSENT] wr. na-nam "consent, assent; to consent" Akk. annu
šeg [AGREE] wr. še "to agree, be in agreement; to obey" Akk. magāru
u'ul [CONSENT] wr. u4-ul "consent" Akk. annu
angam [CONSEQUENTLY] wr. an-ga-am3 "consequently"
umuš [PLANNING] wr. umuš "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction; consideration, sagacity" Akk. ţēmu
niĝšutaka'a [GIFT] wr. niĝ2-šu-taka4-a; ŠU+TAG4 "gift; shipment, consignment" Akk. šūbultu
šula'a [CONSIGNMENT] wr. šu-la2-a "a type of consignment" Akk. qīptu
šušuma [CONSIGNMENT] wr. šu-šum2-ma "a type of consignment" Akk. puquddû
galla [POLICEMAN] wr. galla; gallax(TE) "policeman; a demon" Akk. gallû
saĝus [CONSTANT] wr. saguš "(to be) constant, regular; an attendant" Akk. kayyānu; mukīl rēši
constant attendant
saĝus [CONSTANT] wr. saguš "(to be) constant, regular; an attendant" Akk. kayyānu; mukīl rēši
lidda [CONSTRICTION] wr. lidda2 "constriction" Akk. maštaqtu
lubun [CONSTRICTION] wr. lubun "constriction" Akk. hinqu
ešdam [DISCUSSION] wr. eš2-dam "discussion" Akk. šitūltu
gu [EAT] wr. gu7 "to eat, consume" Akk. akālu
DANAGAR [CONTAINER] wr. DA.NAGAR "a container"
GARbanda [CONTAINER] wr. GAR-banda3da "type of container; a unit of measurement for oils and fats"
KAGABA [CONTAINER] wr. KA.GABA "a container"
abzu [WATER] wr. abzu; abzux(|UMUM×KASKAL|) "(cosmic) underground water; a ritual water container in a temple" Akk. apsû
adagir [CONTAINER] wr. gia-da-gir5 "container" Akk. adaguru
arazum [CONTAINER] wr. duga-ra-zum "a container" Akk. arasu
baneš [CONTAINER] wr. baneš "a container"
bariga [UNIT] wr. ba-ri2-ga "a unit of capacity; a measuring container" Akk. parsiktu
batium [CONTAINER] wr. ba-ti-um "a container"
bisaĝšukama [CONTAINER] wr. gibisaĝ-šu-kam-ma "a container"
bur [CONTAINER?] wr. bur2 "a container?"
dubšen [CHEST] wr. dub-šen "treasure chest" Akk. tupšinnu
dubšendilim [CONTAINER] wr. dub-šen-dilim2 "a container"
eda [CONTAINER] wr. e2-da "a container"
giKAŠE [CONTAINER] wr. gi-|KA׊E|; gi-|KA׊E|-ra "a container"
gigur [CONTAINER] wr. gi-gur "a measuring container" Akk. gigurru; pānu
guNEsaĝa [CONTAINER] wr. gu2-NE-saĝ-ĝa2 "a cupboard or chest for drinking utensils"
gubar [INGOT] wr. gu2-bar "metal ingot; a container; a unit of measurement" Akk. gubāru; miriqtu
guhšu [ALTAR] wr. guhšu; guhšu2 "a reed altar; (a part of) a container" Akk. guhšû; šubat diqāri
haX [CONTAINER] wr. ha-X "type of container"
halzig [CONTAINER] wr. gihal-zi-ig "container" Akk. halziqqu
hara [CONTAINER] wr. dughara4; dughara5; dugha-ra "a large container" Akk. harû
hara [WAGON] wr. harax(|NUNUZ.AB2×BI|) "a part of a wagon" Akk. harû; namharû
hubhub [CONTAINER] wr. hubhub; hubhub2 "a container or tube" Akk. huphuppu
i [OIL] wr. i3; u5; u2 "oil; butter; container for oil" Akk. tallum; šamnu
iškila [PEBBLE] wr. iškila "pebble; a container" Akk. išqillatu
kabduga [MEASURE] wr. kab-dug4-ga "capacity measure (container)"
kabkul [CONTAINER] wr. ĝeškab2-kul; ĝeškab2-ku; kab2-ku; kuškab2-kul; kab2-kulx(BAL); ĝeškab2-kulx(BAL); ĝeškab2-ku5 "a container" Akk. kabkūru
kurKUDU [CONTAINER] wr. kur-KU.DU3 "a container"
kurkudu [CONTAINER] wr. kur-ku-du3; ku-kur-du3; kur-du3 "a container"
malalum [CONTAINER] wr. ma-la-lum; ĝešmalla "a container" Akk. mālalu
manhara [VESSEL] wr. ma-an-hara4; ma-hara4; ma-an-harax(|DAG.KISIM5×GA|); nam-hara4 "a beer vessel; a part of a chariot" Akk. harû; namharu
nabhatum [CONTAINER] wr. kušna-ah-ba-tum; kušna-ab-ha-tum "a case for precious objects" Akk. nahbatu
negipum [TOOL] wr. ne-gi-pu-um "a tool or container" Akk. nēkepu
niĝtug [GARMENT] wr. niĝ2-tug2 "garment container"
nushu [CONTAINER] wr. nu-us-hu "a container" Akk. nushu
sadu [FLASK] wr. sa-du3 "a flask" Akk. šikinnu
sanumun [CONTAINER] wr. sa-numunx(|(ZI&ZI).A|); sa-numunx(|ZI&ZI.A|) "container for fish"
sikin [CONTAINER] wr. sikin; šikin2 "a container for oils" Akk. šikinnu
šaggub [CONTAINER] wr. šag4-gub "type of container"
šuguru [CONTAINER?] wr. šu-guru5 "a container?" Akk. šugurrû
tun [CONTAINER] wr. ĝeštun3; tun3 "bag; stomach; a container" Akk. tākaltu
bur [CONTAINER?] wr. bur2 "a container?"
šuguru [CONTAINER?] wr. šu-guru5 "a container?" Akk. šugurrû
container for fish
sanumun [CONTAINER] wr. sa-numunx(|(ZI&ZI).A|); sa-numunx(|ZI&ZI.A|) "container for fish"
container for oil
i [OIL] wr. i3; u5; u2 "oil; butter; container for oil" Akk. tallum; šamnu
container for oils
sikin [CONTAINER] wr. sikin; šikin2 "a container for oils" Akk. šikinnu
container for oils etc.
sadu [FLASK] wr. sa-du3 "a flask" Akk. šikinnu
sikin [CONTAINER] wr. sikin; šikin2 "a container for oils" Akk. šikinnu
container on cart
hara [WAGON] wr. harax(|NUNUZ.AB2×BI|) "a part of a wagon" Akk. harû; namharû
container or tube
hubhub [CONTAINER] wr. hubhub; hubhub2 "a container or tube" Akk. huphuppu
pešgi [LINED] wr. peš-gi4 "(to be) lined (said of containers)"
sulum mar [SLANDER] wr. su-lum mar; su11-lum mar; sulummar "to slander, treat with contempt; slander" Akk. ţupullû
sulum [CONTEMPT] wr. su-lum; su11-lum "contempt"
igi tur gid [DESPISE] wr. igi tur gid2 "to look contemptuously at someone" Akk. ?
ada [CONTEST?] wr. a-da "riddle?; fight, contest?"
ada [CONTEST?] wr. a-da "riddle?; fight, contest?"
adamin [CONTEST] wr. a-da-min3; a-da-min; adaminx(|LU2.LU2|); adamin; adamin2; adamin3; adamin4; adamin5; adaminx(|EN@EN|) "contest, dispute, debate" Akk. teşētu
inim gi [ANSWER] wr. inim gi4 "to answer; to contest" Akk. ?
inim ĝal [SUE] wr. inim ĝal2 "to sue, make a claim" Akk. baqāru
inim ĝar [SUE] wr. inim ĝar; inim ga2-ga2 "to sue, to make a legal claim" Akk. baqāru; ragāmu
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
contract oneself
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
contract os,.
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
šag sur [HAVE DIARRHEA] wr. šag4 sur "to have diarrhea" Akk. şanāhu; şubburu
naĝkud [RESERVOIR] wr. naĝ-kud "a reservoir for flood control" Akk. butuqtu
namkuĝal [IRRIGATION CONTROL] wr. nam-ku3-ĝal2; nam-ku5-ĝal2 "irrigation control"
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
agar [MEADOW] wr. a-gar3; agar4; agar2; agar3; a-da-ar "meadow" Akk. ugāru
gugal [INSPECTOR] wr. ku3-gal2; gu2-gal; ku6-gal2 "canal inspector" Akk. gugallu
hamun [HARMONY] wr. ha-mun "harmony" Akk. mithurtu
inim bala [CONVERSE] wr. inim bala "to converse; to translate; to speak; to twitter" Akk. ?; awûm
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
conversion math.
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
ĝiriĝena [CONVEYOR] wr. lu2ĝiri3-ĝen-na "conveyor"
ni ur [SCARED] wr. ni2 ur4 "to be scared" Akk. arāru
ur [CONVULSED] wr. ur4 "to be convulsed" Akk. arāru
endib [COOK] wr. endib "cook" Akk. nuhatimmu
engiz [COOK] wr. engiz "temple cook" Akk. engişu; engû; nuhatimmu
kullum [COOK] wr. kul-lum "cook; brewer" Akk. nuhatimmu; siraāšu
muhaldim [COOK] wr. muhaldim "cook" Akk. nuhatimmu
muhaldimgal [COOK] wr. muhaldim-gal "head cook"
šeĝ [COOK] wr. šeĝ6 "to cook; to dry a field; to fire (pottery)" Akk. bašālu
šeĝ [COOK] wr. šeĝ6 "to cook; to dry a field; to fire (pottery)" Akk. bašālu
ebmuhaldim [~KITCHEN] wr. eb-muhaldim "food preparation area (lit. "oval of the cooks")"
bar šed [COOL] wr. bar šed10 "to cool down" Akk. ?
ni dub [RELAX] wr. ni2 dub2 "to relax" Akk. napāšu; pašāhu
ni ten [COOL] wr. ni2 te-en "to cool off" Akk. ?
niĝšate [COOL] wr. niĝ2-ša3-te "cool; a ritual" Akk. ?
sed [COLD] wr. sed4; sed; sed6; še12; še18; še11; še15; še5; šed5 "(to be) cold; to cool; winter" Akk. kāşû; kuşu; kuşşu
ten [COOL] wr. te-na; te-en "to be cool, become cool"
cool down
bar šed [COOL] wr. bar šed10 "to cool down" Akk. ?
ni dub [RELAX] wr. ni2 dub2 "to relax" Akk. napāšu; pašāhu
cool off
ni ten [COOL] wr. ni2 te-en "to cool off" Akk. ?
gutuku [PERFECT] wr. gu2-tuku "perfect; rich" Akk. gitmalu; šarû
luniĝtuku [RICH] wr. lu2-niĝ2-tuku "rich man" Akk. šarû
niĝtuku [RICH] wr. niĝ2-tuku "rich" Akk. šarû
šedu [ABUNDANT] wr. šedu3 "abundant, copious" Akk. duššû
UŠLAGABU [OBJECT] wr. uruduUŠ.|LAGAB×U| "a copper object"
adhal [COPPER] wr. ad-hal "copper" Akk. erû
armatum [~DOOR] wr. urudar-ma-tum; ar-ma-tum "a door part" Akk. armatu
bulugKINgur [LANCET] wr. bulug-KIN-gur4 "lancet" Akk. marşadu
nun [OBJECT] wr. nun "a metal object" Akk. nunnu
urud [COPPER] wr. urud; urud2 "copper" Akk. erû
uš [VESSEL] wr. uš15 "a copper vessel" Akk. uššu
zermušku [WORKER] wr. zermuškux(|TAK4.ALAN|); urudzermušku "metal worker, copper smith" Akk. qurqurru
copper object
UŠLAGABU [OBJECT] wr. uruduUŠ.|LAGAB×U| "a copper object"
nun [OBJECT] wr. nun "a metal object" Akk. nunnu
copper smith
zermušku [WORKER] wr. zermuškux(|TAK4.ALAN|); urudzermušku "metal worker, copper smith" Akk. qurqurru
copper vessel
uš [VESSEL] wr. uš15 "a copper vessel" Akk. uššu
tibira [SCULPTOR] wr. tibira "sculptor" Akk. qurqurru
zermušku [WORKER] wr. zermuškux(|TAK4.ALAN|); urudzermušku "metal worker, copper smith" Akk. qurqurru
ĝeš du [COPULATE] wr. ĝeš3 du3 "to copulate" Akk. rakābu?
ĝeš dug [COPULATE] wr. ĝeš3 dug4 "to copulate" Akk. rehû
gabari [COPY] wr. gaba-ri; gaba "copy; equal"
ge [BLOW] wr. ge14; ge15; ge3; ge22; ge23 "blow; wound; stroke of the stylus; (piece of) writing, copy, exemplar, written" Akk. mihiştu; mihiştu; šaţāru
ayartum [COWRIE?] wr. aya2-ar-tum "cowrie?, coral?" Akk. ayartu
ayartum [COWRIE?] wr. aya2-ar-tum "cowrie?, coral?" Akk. ayartu
dur [BOND] wr. dur; gidur "binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope" Akk. abunnatu; markasu; ţurru
endur [NAVEL?] wr. ĝešen3-dur; gien3-dur; u2en3-dur "navel, belly button?" Akk. abunnatu
gu [CORD] wr. gu "cord, net; unretted flax stalks" Akk. qû
gudu [CORD] wr. gu-du "a type of cord"
šusar [STRING] wr. šu-sar; urudšu-sar "string, cord, wire" Akk. pitiltu
zipatum [CORD] wr. zi-pa-tum "cord"
šelu [CORIANDER] wr. še-lu2 "coriander" Akk. kisibirru
ki'ub [CORNER] wr. ki-ub "corner of earth"
ub [CORNER] wr. ub; ib; ib-bi "corner, recess" Akk. tubqu
urig [CORNER] wr. u4-ri-ig "corner" Akk. tubqu
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
corner of earth
ki'ub [CORNER] wr. ki-ub "corner of earth"
corner pillar
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
adda [CORPSE] wr. adda; adda2; adx(|LU2@s×BAD|); adx(|BAD.LU2|); adx(|LU2×GAM|); adx(|LU2@s|); a-daaddax(|LU2@g.UŠ2|) "corpse; wreck (of a boat)" Akk. pagru; šalamtu
dim [CORPSE] wr. dim3 "corpse"
šušur [CORRECT] wr. šušur; šušur2 "(to be) in order, correct" Akk. šûšuru
gabiri [MOUNTAIN] wr. ga-bi-ri "mountain" Akk. šadû
gin [MOUNTAIN] wr. gin3 "mountain(s)" Akk. šadû
iš [MOUNTAIN] wr. iš "mountain(s)" Akk. šadû
kur [MOUNTAIN] wr. kur; kir5 "underworld; land, country; mountain(s); east; easterner; east wind" Akk. erşetu; mātu; šadû; šadû
ur [HE] wr. ur5; ur "he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another)" Akk. amtu; ištēn; mithāru; šû
corresponding to one another
ur [HE] wr. ur5; ur "he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another)" Akk. amtu; ištēn; mithāru; šû
abzu [WATER] wr. abzu; abzux(|UMUM×KASKAL|) "(cosmic) underground water; a ritual water container in a temple" Akk. apsû
dukug [LOCUS] wr. du6-kug "a cultic and cosmic place" Akk. ?
engur [WATERS] wr. engur; im-gu-ra "(cosmic) underground waters" Akk. apsû; engurru
ĝarza [RITES] wr. ĝarza; mar-za; ĝarza2 "rites; cultic or cosmic ordinance" Akk. parşu
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
namenlil [SOVEREIGNTY] wr. nam-den-lil2 "cosmic sovereignty"
namenlilbanda [STATUS] wr. nam-den-lil2-banda3da "a cosmic status"
ussaĝ [BOND] wr. us2-saĝ "(cosmic) bond"
cosmic order
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
cosmic ordinances
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
cosmic sovereignty
namenlil [SOVEREIGNTY] wr. nam-den-lil2 "cosmic sovereignty"
cosmic status
namenlilbanda [STATUS] wr. nam-den-lil2-banda3da "a cosmic status"
anubda [QUARTER] wr. an-ub-da; ub-da "a cosmographic or geographic term; quarter (of the universe)" Akk. kibrat arbatu
cosmographic or geographic term
anubda [QUARTER] wr. an-ub-da; ub-da "a cosmographic or geographic term; quarter (of the universe)" Akk. kibrat arbatu
pala [GARMENT] wr. tug2pala3; tug2pala; tug2pala2 "a garment" Akk. tēdīq bēli; tēdīq bēlti; tēdīq šarri
ĝalga [FORETHOUGHT] wr. ĝalga; ma-al-ga "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction, advice" Akk. milku; ţēmu
sa [ADVICE] wr. sa2 "advice, counsel; resolution, intelligence" Akk. milku
šag kušu [SOOTHE] wr. šag4 kuš2-u3 "to soothe; to take counsel with" Akk. ?; malāku
saĝar [COUNSELOR] wr. sa2-ĝar "counselor" Akk. māliku
saĝar [COUNSELOR] wr. sa2-ĝar "counselor" Akk. māliku
šid [COUNT] wr. šid "count(ing); number; half (shares); to count" Akk. minûtu; mišlānū
uttu [COUNT] wr. uttu2 "count, number" Akk. minûtu
count ing
šid [COUNT] wr. šid "count(ing); number; half (shares); to count" Akk. minûtu; mišlānū
uttu [COUNT] wr. uttu2 "count, number" Akk. minûtu
eden [PLAIN] wr. eden "plain, steppe, open country" Akk. edinu
kalam [LAND] wr. kalam; ka-na-aĝ2; ka-naĝ "the Land (of Sumer)" Akk. mātu
ki [PLACE] wr. ki "place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below" Akk. ašru; erşetu; mātu; qaqqaru; šaplû
kibala [REBEL LAND] wr. ki-bala "rebel land" Akk. māt nukurti
kur [MOUNTAIN] wr. kur; kir5 "underworld; land, country; mountain(s); east; easterner; east wind" Akk. erşetu; mātu; šadû; šadû
kurbal [COUNTRY] wr. kur-bal "overseas country"
mada [LAND] wr. ma-da; ma "land, country; earth, land" Akk. erşetu; mātu
mim [SPACE] wr. mim2 "flat space" Akk. mātu
muš [SPACE] wr. muš3 "flat space; a holy area" Akk. mātu
sug [BACK] wr. sug "steppe, open country; back, upperside, upper part" Akk. elītu; şēru
gaba'aš [COURIER] wr. gaba-aš "a type of courier"
lukaš [RUNNER] wr. lu2-kaš4 "runner" Akk. lāsimu
inti [WAY] wr. in-ti; en-ti "way, path" Akk. alaktu
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
pu [WELL] wr. pu2 "lower course, footing; cistern, well; fish pond; source (of river); hole, pit; depth" Akk. asurrû; būrtu; šuplu
ditila [CASE] wr. di-til-la "completed court case" Akk. dīnu gamru; ditillû
igi ĝar [APPEAR] wr. igi ĝar "to appear (in court)" Akk. ?
kisalmah [COURTYARD] wr. kisal-mah "main court of a temple" Akk. kisalmāhu
lumarza [FUNCTIONARY] wr. lu2-mar-za "a functionary in a law court"
sukkal [SECRETARY] wr. sukkal "secretary, civil servant" Akk. sukkallu
ubšu'unkinak [COURT] wr. ub-šu-unkin-na "the court of the assembly"
court of the assembly
ubšu'unkinak [COURT] wr. ub-šu-unkin-na "the court of the assembly"
court official
sukkal [SECRETARY] wr. sukkal "secretary, civil servant" Akk. sukkallu
tiru [COURTIER] wr. tiru; TE.GAL? "courtier" Akk. māri ekallim
erida [SWEEPER] wr. erida2 "courtyard sweeper" Akk. kisalluhhu
kisal [COURTYARD] wr. kisal; ki-sa2-al "courtyard" Akk. kisallu
kisalluh [SWEEPER] wr. kisal-luh "courtyard sweeper" Akk. kisaluhhu
kisalmah [COURTYARD] wr. kisal-mah "main court of a temple" Akk. kisalmāhu
namkisalluh [~SWEEPER] wr. nam-kisal-luh "position as courtyard sweeper"
courtyard sweeper
erida [SWEEPER] wr. erida2 "courtyard sweeper" Akk. kisalluhhu
kisalluh [SWEEPER] wr. kisal-luh "courtyard sweeper" Akk. kisaluhhu
HI la [COVER] wr. HI la2 "to cover (with hides)"
bur [SPREAD] wr. bur2; bur "to release, free; to reveal; to spread out, cover" Akk. pašāru; šuparruru
dul [COVER] wr. dul; dul9; dul5; dulx(DUN3) "to cover" Akk. katāmu
haz [COVER] wr. ha-az "cover"
kadu [COVER] wr. ka-du3 "cover" Akk. ermu
katab [LID] wr. kuška-tab; ĝeška-ta-pu-um "a lid, covering; an object" Akk. katammu; katappu
lu [MIX] wr. lu; lu3 "to disturb, stir up; to cover completely; to mix" Akk. balālu; dalāhu; katāmu
muru [MAT] wr. gimurux "a reed mat used as a cover" Akk. burû
saĝšu [TURBAN] wr. tug2saĝšu "turban; cover of a pot" Akk. kubšu
sul [COVER] wr. su-ul "to cover" Akk. katāmu
šag sag [AFFLICTED] wr. šag4 sag3 "to be afflicted" Akk. şurup libbi; katāmu
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
cover completely
lu [MIX] wr. lu; lu3 "to disturb, stir up; to cover completely; to mix" Akk. balālu; dalāhu; katāmu
cover of a pot
saĝšu [TURBAN] wr. tug2saĝšu "turban; cover of a pot" Akk. kubšu
cover with hides
HI la [COVER] wr. HI la2 "to cover (with hides)"
gu e [COVERED WITH] wr. gu2 e3 "to be covered with" Akk. halāpu
covered with
gu e [COVERED WITH] wr. gu2 e3 "to be covered with" Akk. halāpu
imšuk [COVERING?] wr. im-si; im-šu; im-šu2 "clay covering?" Akk. imšukku
katab [LID] wr. kuška-tab; ĝeška-ta-pu-um "a lid, covering; an object" Akk. katammu; katappu
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
imšuk [COVERING?] wr. im-si; im-šu; im-šu2 "clay covering?" Akk. imšukku
GARNE [~COW] wr. GAR.NE "designation of cow"
HAGUNU [COW] wr. |HA@g| "a designation of a cow or a heifer"
ab [COW] wr. ab2 "cow" Akk. arhu; littu
abga [MILK] wr. ab2-ga "milk cow"
abšar [COW] wr. ab2-šarx(NE) "a type of cow"
abšilam [COW] "cow"
abur [COW] wr. ab2-ur2; ab2-ur3 "rear cow"
abzagešzageš [COW] wr. ab2-zag-eš-zag-eš "type of cow"
abzaza [ZEBU] wr. ab2-za-za "zebu; ~ figurine" Akk. apsasû
gudsumun [COW] wr. gud-sumun2 "wild cow"
immal [COW] wr. immal2; im-ma-al; immal; immalx(|NUN.LAGAR|) "wild cow; cow" Akk. arhu; littu
mah [COW] wr. mah2 "(to be) mature, milk producing (of cows)"
sumun [COW] wr. sumun2; u3-sumun2 "wild cow" Akk. rīmtu
šilam [COW] wr. šilam; ab2šilam; ab2šilam2; ša3-lam; šallam2; ab2NUN.LAGAR "cow; bovine" Akk. arhu; littû
gudus [COWHERD] wr. gud-us2 "cowherd"
unud [COWHERD] wr. unud; mu-nu10; unu12; unu9 "cattle herder"
ayartum [COWRIE?] wr. aya2-ar-tum "cowrie?, coral?" Akk. ayartu
ayartum [COWRIE?] wr. aya2-ar-tum "cowrie?, coral?" Akk. ayartu
GARUD [~COW] wr. GAR.UD "a qualification of cows"
SIG [~COW] wr. SIG7 "a designation of cows"
baršuĝal [~COW] wr. bar-šu-ĝal2 "designation of cows"
mah [COW] wr. mah2 "(to be) mature, milk producing (of cows)"
šar [~COW] wr. šarx(NE) "a designation of cows"
zageš [~COW] wr. zag-eš "a designation of cows" Akk. ?
allub [CRAB] wr. al-lub; a-lu "crab" Akk. alluttu
kuda [ANIMAL] wr. kud-da "an animal" Akk. kušû
kušu [CREATURE] wr. kušu2; kušu2ku6 "crab or a snapping turtle" Akk. kušû
crab or a snapping turtle
kušu [CREATURE] wr. kušu2; kušu2ku6 "crab or a snapping turtle" Akk. kušû
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
kindar [HOLE] wr. ki-in-dar "hole, crevice" Akk. nigişşu
crack off
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
eĝeškiĝti [WORKSHOP] wr. e2-ĝeš-kiĝ2-ti "craft workshop" Akk. bīt kiškattî
ĝeškiĝti [WORKSHOP] wr. ĝeš-kiĝ2-ti "craft workshop; collective of craft workers" Akk. kiškattu
namadKID [BASKET-WEAVING] wr. nam-ad-KID "the craft of the basket-weaver"
namašgab [LEATHERWORKING] wr. nam-ašgab "the craft of the leather-worker"
namazlag [CRAFT] wr. nam-azlag "the craft of the fuller"
namazu [CRAFT] wr. nam-a-zu "the craft of the physicians"
namlukurunak [BREWER] wr. nam-lu2-kurun-na "craft of the brewer"
namsimug [SMITH] wr. nam-simug "the craft of the smith"
namšidim [BUILDING] wr. nam-šidim "the craft of the builder"
craft of the basket-weaver
namadKID [BASKET-WEAVING] wr. nam-ad-KID "the craft of the basket-weaver"
craft of the brewer
namlukurunak [BREWER] wr. nam-lu2-kurun-na "craft of the brewer"
craft of the builder
namšidim [BUILDING] wr. nam-šidim "the craft of the builder"
craft of the fuller
namazlag [CRAFT] wr. nam-azlag "the craft of the fuller"
craft of the leather-worker
namašgab [LEATHERWORKING] wr. nam-ašgab "the craft of the leather-worker"
craft of the physicians
namazu [CRAFT] wr. nam-a-zu "the craft of the physicians"
craft of the smith
namsimug [SMITH] wr. nam-simug "the craft of the smith"
craft workshop
eĝeškiĝti [WORKSHOP] wr. e2-ĝeš-kiĝ2-ti "craft workshop" Akk. bīt kiškattî
ĝeškiĝti [WORKSHOP] wr. ĝeš-kiĝ2-ti "craft workshop; collective of craft workers" Akk. kiškattu
TAK.ALAN [CRAFTSMAN] wr. |TAK4.ALAN| "craftsman"
adKID [WEAVER] wr. ad-KID; ad-kup5 "basket weaver; reed worker" Akk. atkuppu
andimdim [CRAFTSMAN] wr. an-dim2-dim2 "a craftsman" Akk. ?
gašam [WISE] wr. gašam "(to be) knowing, wise; sending, mission; work; craftsman, specialist" Akk. mūdū; ummiānu; šipru
ĝeškiĝti [CRAFTSMAN] wr. ĝeš-kiĝ2-ti "craftsman; kiln" Akk. kiškattû
ĝeškiĝti [WORKSHOP] wr. ĝeš-kiĝ2-ti "craft workshop; collective of craft workers" Akk. kiškattu
saĝimla [CRAFTSMAN] wr. saĝ-im "craftsman" Akk. ummiānu
ummia [EXPERT] wr. um-mi-a; um-me-a "expert, master craftsman" Akk. ummānu
craftsman making objects of reeds
adKID [WEAVER] wr. ad-KID; ad-kup5 "basket weaver; reed worker" Akk. atkuppu
namgašam [CRAFTSMANSHIP] wr. nam-gašam "craftsmanship"
imbasur [SHIVERING] wr. im-ba-sur "shivering, cramp" Akk. ra'ību
dadara [TIED] wr. da-da-ra "(to be) tied, cramped up" Akk. ebēţu
tidil [CRAMPED] wr. ti-di-il "(to be) cramped"
cramped up
dadara [TIED] wr. da-da-ra "(to be) tied, cramped up" Akk. ebēţu
gambi [CRANE] wr. gambimušen; mušengambi; ga-imušen "crane"
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
kušum ki tag [CRAWL] wr. kušumx(U2) ki tag "to crawl" Akk. pašālu
crawl away
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
gara [CREAM] wr. gara2; ga-ar3; ga-ar3-ra; gar10; gar11; gar12; gar9; garx(|GA.GA|) "cream" Akk. garû; lišdu
li [OIL] wr. li2 "oil; fat; cream" Akk. šamnu
budug [MOLD] wr. bu-du-ug "to mold bricks" Akk. patāqu
de [SHAPE] wr. de2 "to shape, create" Akk. patāqu
dim [CREATE] wr. dim2 "to create, make, manufacture; to replace?; to bring forth?" Akk. banû
du [BUILD] wr. du3 "to build, make; to do, perform" Akk. banû; epēšu
mud [CREATE] wr. mud "to create" Akk. banû
saĝ du [BEGET] wr. saĝ du; saĝ du11; saĝ du3 "to beget" Akk. banû
ki'ulutim [PLACE OF CREATION] wr. ki-ulutim2 "place of creation"
uludin [FORM] wr. uludin2; uludin "sign, mark; form" Akk. ittu; nabnītu
zizna [WOMB] wr. zizna "early childhood; creation; shape, appearance, structure; womb" Akk. binītu; šassūru; şehrūtu
mudĝal [CREATIVE] wr. mud-ĝal2 "creative"
nu [CREATOR] wr. nu7 "creator, begetter" Akk. bānû
ba [ANIMAL] wr. ba "a marine creature?"
kušu [CREATURE] wr. kušu2; kušu2ku6 "crab or a snapping turtle" Akk. kušû
murguba [SHELL] wr. murgu2-ba; murgu-ba; ba-murgu; ba-murgu2 "shell of a marine creature"
mušmah [CREATURE] wr. muš-mah "a mythical creature" Akk. mušmahhu
niĝurlimmu [CREATURE] wr. niĝ2-ur2-limmu2; niĝ-ur2-limmu4 "four legged creature" Akk. būlu
niĝziĝal [LIVING CREATURE] wr. niĝ2-zi-ĝal2 "living creature" Akk. šiknat napišti
umul [CREATURE] wr. u4-mu-ul "sickly creature"
usakar [MOON] wr. u4-sakar "crescent moon; moon; crescent-shaped object; semi-circular line; half wheel" Akk. uskāru; warhu
crescent moon
usakar [MOON] wr. u4-sakar "crescent moon; moon; crescent-shaped object; semi-circular line; half wheel" Akk. uskāru; warhu
crescent moon
usakar [MOON] wr. u4-sakar "crescent moon; moon; crescent-shaped object; semi-circular line; half wheel" Akk. uskāru; warhu
sigug [CAKE] wr. si-gug2 "crescent-shaped cake"
usakar [MOON] wr. u4-sakar "crescent moon; moon; crescent-shaped object; semi-circular line; half wheel" Akk. uskāru; warhu
crescent-shaped cake
sigug [CAKE] wr. si-gug2 "crescent-shaped cake"
crescent-shaped object
usakar [MOON] wr. u4-sakar "crescent moon; moon; crescent-shaped object; semi-circular line; half wheel" Akk. uskāru; warhu
zahili [PLANT] wr. za3-hi-li; za3-hi-lisar; ša3-hi-lisar; hi-lisar?; za-hi-li; za-ha-e "a plant; an edible seed" Akk. sahlû
cress seed
zahili [PLANT] wr. za3-hi-li; za3-hi-lisar; ša3-hi-lisar; hi-lisar?; za-hi-li; za-ha-e "a plant; an edible seed" Akk. sahlû
kunrim [BIRD] wr. kun-rimmušen "a crested bird" Akk. işşur kubši
crested bird
kunrim [BIRD] wr. kun-rimmušen "a crested bird" Akk. işşur kubši
hudadu [CREVICE] wr. hu-da-du-um "crevice" Akk. hudadu
kindar [HOLE] wr. ki-in-dar "hole, crevice" Akk. nigişşu
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
crew of ship
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
šurin [CRICKET] wr. |DAG.KISIM5xSI| "cricket"
šurun [CRICKET] wr. šurun4 "cricket, grasshopper" Akk. şāşiru
zizanu [CRICKET] wr. zizanu "cricket" Akk. zizānu
zizanu [CRICKET] wr. zizanu "cricket" Akk. zizānu
niĝir [HERALD] wr. niĝir; li-bi-ir "herald" Akk. nagiru
niĝlul [FALSEHOOD] wr. niĝ2-lul "falsehood" Akk. sartu
saĝlul [FALSEHOOD] wr. saĝ-lul "falsehood" Akk. sartu
šerda [CRIME] wr. šer7-da; šer3-da "crime; punishment" Akk. šērtu
zašda [CRIME] wr. za-aš2-da "crime" Akk. sartu
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
lu'IM [CRIMINAL] wr. lu2-IM "criminal; false, fraudulent" Akk. sarru
lul [FALSE] wr. lul "(to be) false; (to be) criminal" Akk. sarru
lulul [LIAR] wr. lu2-lul "liar" Akk. sarru
akud [CRIPPLE] wr. a2-kud "cripple" Akk. akû
ašuĝirikud [CRIPPLE] wr. a2-šu-ĝiri3-kud "cripple" Akk. kuşşudu
baza [DWARF] wr. ba-za; ba-an-za "dwarf; cripple, lame" Akk. kurû
ehehhe [CRIPPLE] wr. eh3; ehehhe "cripple, dwarf" Akk. pessû
ĝirikud [CRIPPLE] wr. ĝiri3-kud "cripple"
huba [WEAK] wr. hu-ba "weak" Akk. makkannû
ibkud [CRIPPLE] wr. ib2-kud "cripple"
kudkudra [CRIPPLE] wr. kud-kud-ra2 "a cripple"
lu'alhuhunu [CRIPPLE] wr. lu2-al-hu-hu-nu "cripple" Akk. haššā'u
lukud [CRIPPLE] wr. lu2-kud "a cripple"
tuhulkud [CRIPPLE] wr. tuhul-kud "cripple"
ad [CRIPPLED] wr. ad4 "(to be) crippled" Akk. kubbulu
hunu [WEAK] wr. hu-nu; hu-hu-nu "to be weak (of animals); to be crippled; to be helpless" Akk. enšu; hašāru
irgi [FEET] wr. irgi "lamed feet" Akk. šēpā kubbulātu
sul [CRIPPLED] wr. su-ul-su-ul "to be crippled"
crippled feet
irgi [FEET] wr. irgi "lamed feet" Akk. šēpā kubbulātu
šulu [BIRD] wr. šu-lu2mušen; šu-numušen "a bird" Akk. huqu; hāzû
zeza [CROAKER?] wr. ze2-za "croaker?"
zeza [CROAKER?] wr. ze2-za "croaker?"
damšah [ANIMAL] wr. dam-šah "crocodile?, hippopotamus?" Akk. dabû
damšah [ANIMAL] wr. dam-šah "crocodile?, hippopotamus?" Akk. dabû
gam [CROOK] wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN "shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt" Akk. gamlu; šikru
ĝešbur [TOOL] wr. ĝeš-bur2 "a ritual tool, crook" Akk. gišburu; gamlu
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
uraš [EARTH] wr. uraš "earth; crooked furrow" Akk. erşetu; ligittu
crooked furrow
uraš [EARTH] wr. uraš "earth; crooked furrow" Akk. erşetu; ligittu
gigzid [CROP] wr. gig-zid2 "a crop"
sazid [CROP] wr. sa-zid2 "a crop"
usaĝ [EARLY] wr. u2-saĝ "early crop"
šeniĝturtur [CROPS] wr. še-niĝ2-tur-tur "minor crops"
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
dib [PASS] wr. dib; dib2; di-ib "to pass, go along; to go past; to go through; to cross over; to audit; to transfer" Akk. bâ'u; etēqu
gilim [BARRIER] wr. ĝešgilim "barrier, bolt" Akk. napraku
gilim [CROSS] wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gil-gilil "to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block; (to be) difficult to understand" Akk. egēru; parāku
kunga [EQUID] wr. kunga2; kunga; anšekunga2; anše|BAR×AN|; anšekunga "an equid, probably a donkey-onager cross" Akk. parû
suhub [BOLT] wr. ĝešsuhub4; ĝešsuhub3; suhub5 "door bolt, bar" Akk. mēdelu; napraku
šugi [BOLT] wr. ĝeššu-ga; šu-gi; šu-gi4; šu-gilim "bolt" Akk. napraku
cross over
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
dib [PASS] wr. dib; dib2; di-ib "to pass, go along; to go past; to go through; to cross over; to audit; to transfer" Akk. bâ'u; etēqu
šasi [RAIL] wr. ša3-su3; ša3-si "rail (of a doorframe); cross-beam (of a chariot)"
tum [CROSS-BEAM] wr. tum "cross-beam" Akk. hurdatu
cross-beam of a chariot
šasi [RAIL] wr. ša3-su3; ša3-si "rail (of a doorframe); cross-beam (of a chariot)"
barda [CROSSBAR] wr. bar-da; bar-da3 "crossbar" Akk. mušelû
ĝešdal [CROSSBAR] wr. ĝešdal "crossbar, beam, dividing line" Akk. gištallu
šudul [YOKE] wr. ša2-dul5; šu4-dul4; ĝeššu4-dul5; ĝeššu-dul9; ĝeššu2-dul4; šu-dul4; ĝeššu-dulx(|UR×A|); ša2-dulx(|UR×A|) "yoke, crossbeam" Akk. nīru
addir [FORD] wr. addir; dir; addirx(|PA.GISAL.SI.A|); addirx(|PA.GISAL.SI.A.PAD|) "quay, port; crossing, ford" Akk. kāru; nēberu
ma'addir [FERRYBOAT] wr. ma2-addir; ma2-addirx(|PAD.DUG.GIŠ.SI|) "ferryboat; boat for hire" Akk. nēberu; elep igri
niĝbalbal [CROSSING] wr. niĝ2-bal-bal "crossing"
bur [CROTCH] wr. bur8 "crotch"
buru [BIRD] wr. buru4mušen; gu-ur2mušen; buru15mušen; buru16mušen; buru6mušen "crow; a bird of prey or a vulture" Akk. erēbu[rook]
uga [RAVEN] wr. ugamušen; u2-gamušen; ugax(|U2.NAGA|)mušen "raven" Akk. āribu
aga [TIARA] wr. aga; aga3 "tiara, crown" Akk. agû
an [SKY] wr. an "sky, heaven; upper; crown (of a tree)" Akk. šamû
dalla [RING] wr. dalla "ring; crown" Akk. kamkammatu
kingal [OFFICIAL] wr. kingal; kin-gal "grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter" Akk. mu'erru; rabû
men [TIARA] wr. men; men4 "tiara, type of crown" Akk. agû
saĝmen [CROWN] wr. saĝ-men "a crown"
suh [CROWN] wr. suh10; suh "crown"
suhur [TUFT] wr. suhur "tuft, plume; crown (of a tree)" Akk. qimmatu
sukud [HEADDRESS] wr. sukud "a crown or headdress"
crown authority over land
kingal [OFFICIAL] wr. kingal; kin-gal "grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter" Akk. mu'erru; rabû
crown of a tree
an [SKY] wr. an "sky, heaven; upper; crown (of a tree)" Akk. šamû
suhur [TUFT] wr. suhur "tuft, plume; crown (of a tree)" Akk. qimmatu
crown or headdress
sukud [HEADDRESS] wr. sukud "a crown or headdress"
burudugud [FLOCK] wr. buru4-dugud "flock of crows"
NEDUDU [CRUCIBLE] wr. NE-DU-DU "crucible" Akk. muttalliku
abni [CRUCIBLE] wr. abni2 "a melting pot, crucible" Akk. maşādu
aĝarin [MATRIX] wr. aĝarin4; aĝarin3; aĝarin5; a-ĝa2-ri-in; aĝa3-ri2; aĝarin; aĝarin2; aĝarinx(|AB×HA|); aĝarinx(|LAGAB×HAL|); a-ĝa2-ri-im "matrix, mother-creator; beer mash, beer bread; crucible" Akk. agarinnu; bappiru; ummu
liš [CRUMB] wr. liš "crumb, scrap" Akk. kusāpu
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
gum [CRUSH] wr. gum; gum2 "to crush"
mu [CRUSH] wr. mu11; ma5; mu7 "to crush, mangle" Akk. hašû
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
lug [TWIST] wr. lu-gu2; lug; lum "to twist; (to be) crushed" Akk. zâru
zidsig [FLOUR] wr. zid2-sig15 "a kind of flour" Akk. hišlētu
RI [CRY] wr. RI "to cry out" Akk. şarāhu
ad [VOICE] wr. ad "voice; cry; noise" Akk. rigmu
akkil [NOISE] wr. akkil; akkil2 "noise, cry, clamor, uproar; battle cry; lamentation" Akk. ikkillu; rigmu; tanūqātu; šīsu
ašša [LAMENTATION] wr. ašša2 "lamentation; clamor, uproar, voice, cry, noise" Akk. ikkillu; rigmu
aya [CRY] wr. a; u3 "a cry of woe; to cry, groan" Akk. ahulap; nâqu
gagig [CRY] wr. gagig "to cry (out), wail" Akk. nâqu
giri'ilu [BIRD-CRY] wr. giri16-i-lu "the cry of the girigilu bird"
giri [CRY] wr. giri16 "a cry"
gu mur [BRAY] wr. gu3 mur "to bray; to cry out"
gu [VOICE] wr. gu3 "voice, cry, noise" Akk. rigmu
gukiri [CRY] wr. gu3-ĝeškiri6; gu3-kiri6 "battle cry" Akk. ikkillu
guria [CRY] wr. gu3-ri-a "cry"
haya [PEACOCK] wr. dha-ia3mušen "peacock; the cry of the peacock"
isiš [SORROW] wr. i-si-iš; isiš3 "to laugh; laughter; wailing, lamentation, sorrow; to whisper" Akk. dimmatu; nissatu; ratāmu; tassistu; şiāhu; şīhu
kušum [CRY] wr. kušum "to cry (out), wail" Akk. nâqu
mumun [NOISE] wr. mu7-mu7 "noise" Akk. ramīmu; rigmu
suham [CRY] wr. suh-am3-bi; suh-am3 "cry"
šeg [VOICE] wr. še; šeg10; šegx(|KA×KID2|); šegx(|KA×LI|); šed15; šeg12 "voice, cry, noise" Akk. rigmu
tal [CLAMOR] wr. tal3; ti-il; tal; tal4; tal5; ta-il; til "cry, clamour; battle cry" Akk. ikkillu; tanūqātu; šīsu
teš [VOICE] wr. te-eš "voice" Akk. rigmu
u [BELLOW] wr. u4 "to bray, bellow, bawl; voice, cry, noise" Akk. nagāgu; rigmu
zipaĝ [BREATH] wr. za-pa-aĝ2; zi-pa-aĝ2 "voice, noise; breath" Akk. napištu; rigmu
cry of the girigilu bird
giri'ilu [BIRD-CRY] wr. giri16-i-lu "the cry of the girigilu bird"
cry of the peacock
haya [PEACOCK] wr. dha-ia3mušen "peacock; the cry of the peacock"
cry of woe
aya [CRY] wr. a; u3 "a cry of woe; to cry, groan" Akk. ahulap; nâqu
cry out
gagig [CRY] wr. gagig "to cry (out), wail" Akk. nâqu
kušum [CRY] wr. kušum "to cry (out), wail" Akk. nâqu
cry out
RI [CRY] wr. RI "to cry out" Akk. şarāhu
gu mur [BRAY] wr. gu3 mur "to bray; to cry out"
er gul [RESTRAIN CRYING] wr. er2 gul "to restrain crying" Akk. ?
piriĝtur [LION] wr. piriĝ-tur "lion cub"
urdib [CUB] wr. ur-dib "cub" Akk. gerru
akuš [FOREARM] wr. a2-kuš3; a2-1(diš)-kuš3 "forearm; cubit" Akk. ammatu
eše [LENGTH UNIT] wr. eše2; eše3 "a unit of length" Akk. aslu
kuš [UNIT] wr. kuš3 "a unit of length" Akk. ammatu
šudua [UNIT] wr. šu-du3-a "a unit of length" Akk. šīzu
nindan [POLE] wr. nindan; nindan-DU "pole; a unit of length" Akk. nindanu
damšelum [PLANT] wr. dam-še-lum; ĝešhašhurdam-šil-lum "a plant" Akk. damšillu
dimšilum [WOOD] wr. ĝešdim-ši-lum; ĝešdim3 "a type of wood" Akk. damšillu
ukuš [CUCUMBER] wr. ukuš2 "cucumber" Akk. qiššû
liligi [PLANT] wr. li-li-gi; li-li-gi4; u2-li-gu2sar; u2li-li-ga "a cucumber-like plant" Akk. liligû
cucumber-like plant
liligi [PLANT] wr. li-li-gi; li-li-gi4; u2-li-gu2sar; u2li-li-ga "a cucumber-like plant" Akk. liligû
isin [STALK] wr. išin; i3-si-na; e-si-na; isinx(|ŠE.IGI.TUR|); isim2; isim3 "culm, grain stalk, stem" Akk. išīnu
ansala [CULT] wr. lu2an-sal-la; MU.AN.SAL.LA "a cultic performer" Akk. mahhû; ahurrû; kurgarrû; assinnu
barag [DAIS] wr. barag; bara10; bara6; bara7; bara8 "ruler, king; dais, seat" Akk. parakku; šarru; šubtu
biluda [RITUALS] wr. biluda; bi3-lu5-da; bi-lu-da10; pi-lu8-da "rituals, rites" Akk. parşu; pilludû
eršemak [SONG] wr. er2-šem3; er2-šem3-ma "a type of song" Akk. eršemmakku
guNE [PLACE] wr. gu2-NE; imgu2-NE "a place; cult centre?; oven?"
luĝešgisaĝkeš [PERFORMER] wr. lu2-ĝeš-gi-saĝ-keš2 "type of cult performer" Akk. nakmu
munusĝešgi [PERFORMER] wr. munus-ĝeš-gi "type of cult performer"
cult centre
guNE [PLACE] wr. gu2-NE; imgu2-NE "a place; cult centre?; oven?"
cult dais
barag [DAIS] wr. barag; bara10; bara6; bara7; bara8 "ruler, king; dais, seat" Akk. parakku; šarru; šubtu
cult ic rites
biluda [RITUALS] wr. biluda; bi3-lu5-da; bi-lu-da10; pi-lu8-da "rituals, rites" Akk. parşu; pilludû
cult performer
luĝešgisaĝkeš [PERFORMER] wr. lu2-ĝeš-gi-saĝ-keš2 "type of cult performer" Akk. nakmu
munusĝešgi [PERFORMER] wr. munus-ĝeš-gi "type of cult performer"
KILUGALDU [LOCUS] wr. KI.LUGAL.DU "a cultic place" Akk. mazzāz šarri
a'ua [MUSICIAN?] wr. a-u3-a "a cultic musician?"
abrig [FUNCTIONARY] wr. abrig; abrig2; ab2-ri-ig "a cultic functionary" Akk. abriqqu
aguba [VESSEL] wr. duga-gub2-ba "a cultic vessel for water" Akk. agubbû
akiti [FESTIVAL] wr. a2-ki-ti; a2-ki-te; a2-ki-tum "a festival at new year; month name" Akk. akītu
amalug [GODDESS] wr. amalug "a priestess; goddess" Akk. amalītu; ištaru
ansala [CULT] wr. lu2an-sal-la; MU.AN.SAL.LA "a cultic performer" Akk. mahhû; ahurrû; kurgarrû; assinnu
atu [DOORKEEPER?] wr. a-tu "doorkeeper?; a priest or cultic functionary"
banšurzaggula [TABLE] wr. ĝešbanšur-zag-gu-la; ĝešbanšur-zag-gu2-la2 "a cultic table" Akk. paššūr sakkî
banšurzagĝara [TABLE] wr. ĝešbanšur-zag-ĝar-ra "a cultic table" Akk. paššūr aširti
biluda [RITUALS] wr. biluda; bi3-lu5-da; bi-lu-da10; pi-lu8-da "rituals, rites" Akk. parşu; pilludû
bur [LOCUS] wr. bur11 "a cultic location" Akk. manzâz êni
dukug [LOCUS] wr. du6-kug "a cultic and cosmic place" Akk. ?
dus [BATHROOM] wr. du10-us2 "bathroom" Akk. narmaku
ešda [VESSEL] wr. eš2-da; dugeš-da "a metal cultic vessel"
ešgiNI [LOCUS] wr. eš3-gi6-NI "a cultic place"
galatura [PERFORMER] wr. gala-tur; gala-tur-ra "a cultic performer"
ganda [LOCUS] wr. gan2-da "a cultic place"
ĝarza [RITES] wr. ĝarza; mar-za; ĝarza2 "rites; cultic or cosmic ordinance" Akk. parşu
ĝešbun [MEAL] wr. ĝešbun2; ĝešbun "(cultic) meal" Akk. tākultu
hubi [ACROBAT] wr. hub2 "acrobat" Akk. huppû
idu [LOCUS] wr. i3-du7 "a cultic room" Akk. tā'u
ki'ana [LOCUS] wr. ki-an-na "a cultic location"
ki'utu [LOCUS] wr. ki-dutu "a cultic location; a ritual"
kimah [GRAVE] wr. ki-mah "grave; a cultic place" Akk. kimahhu
kišuk [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu "a cultic place" Akk. ?
kišupeš [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-peš; ki-šu-peš5 "a cultic place" Akk. māhāzu
kišutag [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-tag "a cultic place"
kizah [LOCUS] wr. ki-zah3 "a cultic place"
kunsaĝ [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. kun-saĝ "an architectural term" Akk. muhru
kurĝara [PERFORMER] wr. kur-ĝar-ra "a cultic performer"
lalešaga [PRIEST] wr. lal3-e-šag4-ga "a priest or cultic functionary"
lunindaba [FUNCTIONARY] wr. lu2-nindaba; lu2-niĝ2-dab-ba "a cultic functionary"
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
namlunindaba [FUNCTION] wr. nam-lu2-niĝ2-dab-ba "a cultic function"
nubar [PROFESSION] wr. nu-bar "a profession for women" Akk. kulmašītu
pilipili [TRANSVESTITE] wr. pi-li-pi-li "homosexual lover; transvestite" Akk. assinnu; parrû
saĝki [RITES] wr. saĝ-ki "rites" Akk. sakkû
saĝursaĝ [PERFORMER] wr. saĝ-ur-saĝ "a cultic performer"
unugi [RITES] wr. unugi "office; rites, (cultic) ordinance" Akk. parşu
urur [FUNCTIONARY] wr. ur-ur "cultic person; jackal; caterpillar" Akk. ākilu
zig [TOWN] wr. zigx(|PA.GI|) "town, center" Akk. māhāzu
cultic and cosmic place
dukug [LOCUS] wr. du6-kug "a cultic and cosmic place" Akk. ?
cultic building
kunsaĝ [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. kun-saĝ "an architectural term" Akk. muhru
cultic center
kišupeš [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-peš; ki-šu-peš5 "a cultic place" Akk. māhāzu
zig [TOWN] wr. zigx(|PA.GI|) "town, center" Akk. māhāzu
cultic dancer
hubi [ACROBAT] wr. hub2 "acrobat" Akk. huppû
cultic festival
akiti [FESTIVAL] wr. a2-ki-ti; a2-ki-te; a2-ki-tum "a festival at new year; month name" Akk. akītu
cultic function
namlunindaba [FUNCTION] wr. nam-lu2-niĝ2-dab-ba "a cultic function"
cultic functionary
abrig [FUNCTIONARY] wr. abrig; abrig2; ab2-ri-ig "a cultic functionary" Akk. abriqqu
lunindaba [FUNCTIONARY] wr. lu2-nindaba; lu2-niĝ2-dab-ba "a cultic functionary"
cultic location
bur [LOCUS] wr. bur11 "a cultic location" Akk. manzâz êni
ki'ana [LOCUS] wr. ki-an-na "a cultic location"
ki'utu [LOCUS] wr. ki-dutu "a cultic location; a ritual"
cultic musician
a'ua [MUSICIAN?] wr. a-u3-a "a cultic musician?"
cultic or cosmic ordinance
ĝarza [RITES] wr. ĝarza; mar-za; ĝarza2 "rites; cultic or cosmic ordinance" Akk. parşu
cultic performer
ansala [CULT] wr. lu2an-sal-la; MU.AN.SAL.LA "a cultic performer" Akk. mahhû; ahurrû; kurgarrû; assinnu
galatura [PERFORMER] wr. gala-tur; gala-tur-ra "a cultic performer"
kurĝara [PERFORMER] wr. kur-ĝar-ra "a cultic performer"
saĝursaĝ [PERFORMER] wr. saĝ-ur-saĝ "a cultic performer"
urur [FUNCTIONARY] wr. ur-ur "cultic person; jackal; caterpillar" Akk. ākilu
cultic person
urur [FUNCTIONARY] wr. ur-ur "cultic person; jackal; caterpillar" Akk. ākilu
cultic place
KILUGALDU [LOCUS] wr. KI.LUGAL.DU "a cultic place" Akk. mazzāz šarri
ešgiNI [LOCUS] wr. eš3-gi6-NI "a cultic place"
ganda [LOCUS] wr. gan2-da "a cultic place"
kimah [GRAVE] wr. ki-mah "grave; a cultic place" Akk. kimahhu
kišuk [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu "a cultic place" Akk. ?
kišupeš [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-peš; ki-šu-peš5 "a cultic place" Akk. māhāzu
kišutag [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-tag "a cultic place"
kizah [LOCUS] wr. ki-zah3 "a cultic place"
cultic prostitute
nubar [PROFESSION] wr. nu-bar "a profession for women" Akk. kulmašītu
cultic room
idu [LOCUS] wr. i3-du7 "a cultic room" Akk. tā'u
cultic table
banšurzaggula [TABLE] wr. ĝešbanšur-zag-gu-la; ĝešbanšur-zag-gu2-la2 "a cultic table" Akk. paššūr sakkî
banšurzagĝara [TABLE] wr. ĝešbanšur-zag-ĝar-ra "a cultic table" Akk. paššūr aširti
cultic vessel for water
aguba [VESSEL] wr. duga-gub2-ba "a cultic vessel for water" Akk. agubbû
uru [SOW] wr. uru4; uru11ru; i-ru "to sow; to cultivate" Akk. erēšu
alal [CULTIVATION] wr. alal4; alal3 "cultivation; field; district, land" Akk. mēreštu; qerbetu
ulul [CULTIVATION] wr. ulul2 "cultivation"
apinla [TILLER] wr. apin-la2 "planter, tiller" Akk. errēšu
ereš [CULTIVATOR] wr. ereš4 "cultivator" Akk. errēšum
gamun [CUMIN] wr. gamun; u2gamunsar; ga-mun; gamun2 "cumin" Akk. kamûnu
kumul [CUMIN] wr. ku-mul; ga-mul "cumin" Akk. kamunu
zibum [CUMIN] wr. zi-bi "cumin"
zibum [CUMIN] wr. zi-bi "cumin"
gušum [WEDGE] wr. gu-šum2 "(cuneiform) wedge" Akk. mihiştu
lud [TABLEWARE] wr. lud "an item of tableware, a cup or bowl; a metal tool" Akk. luţţu; nalpatu
muh [CUP] wr. muh3 "a cup or bowl"
tilima [CUP] wr. dugti-lim; dugti-li-ma "a cup" Akk. tilimatu
cup or bowl
lud [TABLEWARE] wr. lud "an item of tableware, a cup or bowl; a metal tool" Akk. luţţu; nalpatu
muh [CUP] wr. muh3 "a cup or bowl"
šagia [CUP-BEARER] wr. šagiax(|SILA3.ŠU.GABA|); SILA3.ŠU.GABA.A; SILA3.GABA; SILA3.GABA.A "cup-bearer" Akk. šāqû
šagiagal [CUP-BEARER] wr. sagi-gal; sagi "head cup-bearer"
šagiamah [CUP-BEARER] wr. šagiax(|SILA3.ŠU.GABA|)-mah "chief cup-bearer"
MUŠKA'UL [CUPBEARER] wr. MUŠ3.KA.|U.GUD| "cupbearer"
guNEsaĝa [CONTAINER] wr. gu2-NE-saĝ-ĝa2 "a cupboard or chest for drinking utensils"
gunesaĝa [CUPBOARD] wr. gu2-ne-saĝ-ĝa2 "cupboard" Akk. ?
cupboard or chest for drinking utensils
guNEsaĝa [CONTAINER] wr. gu2-NE-saĝ-ĝa2 "a cupboard or chest for drinking utensils"
silig [HAND] wr. silig2; silig4 "hand; (cupped) hand" Akk. lupnu; qātu; rittu
tibir [HAND] wr. tibir; tibir2; tibir4; tibir3 "hand; fist" Akk. qātu; rittu; upnu
gurum [BEND] wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) "to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over" Akk. kanāšu; kanānu; kapāpu; qadādu
muš [CURDLE?] wr. muš3 "to curdle?"
muš [CURDLE?] wr. muš3 "to curdle?"
a'aš [WISH] wr. a2-aš2; aš2 "wish, desire; curse" Akk. arratu
aš bala [CURSE] wr. aš2 bala "to curse, insult" Akk. arāru; nazāru
aš sar [CURSE] wr. aš2 sar "to curse, insult" Akk. arāru; nazāru
aš [CURSE] wr. aš2 "curse" Akk. arratu; şibûtu
ib [ANGRY] wr. ib2 "(to be) angry; to curse" Akk. agāgu; arāru
nam kud [CURSE] wr. nam kud "to curse" Akk. arāru; nazāru
curse s.o.
aš bala [CURSE] wr. aš2 bala "to curse, insult" Akk. arāru; nazāru
aš sar [CURSE] wr. aš2 sar "to curse, insult" Akk. arāru; nazāru
nam kud [CURSE] wr. nam kud "to curse" Akk. arāru; nazāru
lal [SMALL] wr. lal; lal2 "(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; dimunition" Akk. maţû; tamţâtu
gurum [BEND] wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) "to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over" Akk. kanāšu; kanānu; kapāpu; qadādu
du [HOLD] wr. du3 "to hold, keep in custody"
ga'eš [TRADER] wr. ga-eš8; ga-eš "a long distance trader; tax collector, customs collector" Akk. ga'iššu
customs collector
ga'eš [TRADER] wr. ga-eš8; ga-eš "a long distance trader; tax collector, customs collector" Akk. ga'iššu
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
bur [CUT] wr. burx(|KA׊U|) "to cut"
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
gul [DESTROY] wr. gul; gu-ul "to destroy; to break; to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave" Akk. abātu; hepû; naqāru; sapānu
guru [GRIND] wr. gur5 "to grind, grate; to cut up, chop; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. kasāmu; kaşāşu; urrû
guruš [CUT] wr. guruš3; guruš4 "to cut, fell, trim, peel off; a cutting; stubble" Akk. kismu; nakāsu; šarāmu
kid [CUT] wr. kid7 "to cut, fell" Akk. nakāsu
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
malaku [~MEAT] wr. ma-la-ku "a cut of meat" Akk. mālaku
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
niĝtag [CUT] wr. na4niĝ2-tag-ga "cut"
peš [SLICE] wr. peš6 "to slice" Akk. paşādu
sil [SPLIT] wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 "(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit" Akk. nesû; šalātu
sila [CUT] wr. sila3 "cut (of meat)"
sug [EMPTY] wr. sug4 "(to be) empty; (to be) naked; to cut clear, strip" Akk. erû; urrû; riāqu
sur [CUT] wr. sur4 "to cut cloth" Akk. nakāsu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šu dag [ABANDON] wr. šu dag "to cut off, abandon" Akk. batāqu
šuš [CUT] wr. šuš4 "to cut, fell; to trim, peel off" Akk. nakāsu; šarāmu
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
zi [CUT] wr. zi2; zi; zix(|IGI@g|) "to cut, remove; to erase" Akk. baqāmu; barāšu; naţāpu; nasāhu
cut clear
sug [EMPTY] wr. sug4 "(to be) empty; (to be) naked; to cut clear, strip" Akk. erû; urrû; riāqu
cut cloth
sur [CUT] wr. sur4 "to cut cloth" Akk. nakāsu
cut down
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
cut into
peš [SLICE] wr. peš6 "to slice" Akk. paşādu
cut into
sil [SPLIT] wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 "(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit" Akk. nesû; šalātu
cut of meat
malaku [~MEAT] wr. ma-la-ku "a cut of meat" Akk. mālaku
cut of meat
sila [CUT] wr. sila3 "cut (of meat)"
cut off
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
šu dag [ABANDON] wr. šu dag "to cut off, abandon" Akk. batāqu
cut off
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
cut open
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
cut out
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
cut up
guru [GRIND] wr. gur5 "to grind, grate; to cut up, chop; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. kasāmu; kaşāşu; urrû
barhuda [TOOL] wr. bar-hu-da "a tool; a reed cutter" Akk. par hudû
zadim [STONE-CUTTER] wr. zadim; za-dim2 "bow maker; stone cutter" Akk. sasinu; zadimmu
zagindim [LAPIS-CUTTER] wr. za-gin3-dim2 "lapis-lazuli cutter"
ahaš [CHANNEL] wr. a-haš "sluice channel" Akk. butuqtu
ba [TOOL] wr. ĝešba "a cutting tool" Akk. suppīnu
guruš [CUT] wr. guruš3; guruš4 "to cut, fell, trim, peel off; a cutting; stubble" Akk. kismu; nakāsu; šarāmu
lam [CUTTING] wr. gilam "cutting" Akk. hisru?
naĝkud [RESERVOIR] wr. naĝ-kud "a reservoir for flood control" Akk. butuqtu
umbin [CUTTING] wr. umbin "type of cutting implement"
cutting implement
umbin [CUTTING] wr. umbin "type of cutting implement"
cutting tool
ba [TOOL] wr. ĝešba "a cutting tool" Akk. suppīnu
HI [CVNE] wr. HI "(compound verb nominal element)"
al [CVNE] wr. al "(compound verb nominal element)"
en [CVNE] wr. en3 "(compound verb nominal element)"
ene [CVNE] wr. e-ne "(compound verb nominal element)"
gagdag [CVNE] wr. gag-dag2 "(compound verb nominal element)"
guruš [CVNE] wr. guru5-uš; gur5-ru-uš "(compound verb nominal element)"
ĝal [CVNE] wr. ĝal2 "(compound verb nominal element)"
ĝala [CVNE] wr. ĝal2-la; ĝa2-la; ĝa3-la "(compound verb nominal element)"
katar [CVNE] wr. ka-tar "(compound verb nominal element)"
kušum [CVNE] wr. kušumx(U2) "(compound verb nominal element)"
kušum [CVNE] wr. kušum4 "(compound verb nominal element)"
mi [CVNE] wr. mi2 "(compound verb nominal element)"
na [CVNE] wr. na "(compound verb nominal element)"
ne [CVNE] wr. ne "(compound verb nominal element)"
si [CVNE] wr. si "(compound verb nominal element)"
sugzag [CVNE] wr. sug-zag "(compound verb nominal element)"
še [CVNE] wr. še "(compound verb nominal element)"
u [CVNE] wr. u2 "(compound verb nominal element)"
ugu [CVNE] wr. u2-gu "(compound verb nominal element)"
ugul [CVNE] wr. u3-gul "(compound verb nominal element)"
ŠEKIN [CVNE] wr. ŠE.KIN "(compound verb nominal element)"
KA [CVVE] wr. KA "(compound verb verbal element)"
bar [CVVE] wr. bar "(compound verb verbal element)"
bir [CVVE] wr. bir9 "(compound verb verbal element)"
da [CVVE] wr. da "(compound verb verbal element)"
hub [CVVE] wr. hub2; hub "(compound verb verbal element)"
huz [CVVE] wr. hu-uz "(compound verb verbal element)"
ir [CVVE] wr. ir "(compound verb verbal element)"
mer [CVVE] wr. me-er-me-er; mar-mar "(compound verb verbal element)"
mur [CVVE] wr. mur "(compound verb verbal element)"
ra [CVVE] wr. ra2 "(compound verb verbal element)"
saĝ [CVVE] wr. saĝ5; saĝ; zag "(compound verb verbal element)"
su [CVVE] wr. su "(compound verb verbal element)"
ša [CVVE] wr. ša4 "(compound verb verbal element)"
šanšaša [CVVE] wr. ša-an-ša-ša "(compound verb verbal element)"
taka [CVVE] wr. taka4; takax(BALAG) "(compound verb verbal element)"
tu [CVVE] wr. tu5; tu17; tu15 "(compound verb verbal element)"
tubul [CVVE] wr. tu-bu-ul "(compound verb verbal element)"
tutu [CVVE] wr. tu-tu "(compound verb verbal element)"
za [CVVE] wr. za "(compound verb verbal element)"
zagmuk [NEW YEAR] wr. zag-mu "new year; beginning of a cycle?" Akk. zagmukku
kišib [SEAL] wr. kišib3; kišib; na4kišib "cylinder seal, sealed tablet" Akk. kunukku
cylinder seal
kišib [SEAL] wr. kišib3; kišib; na4kišib "cylinder seal, sealed tablet" Akk. kunukku
ĝešta'e [CYPRESS] wr. ĝeštae "cypress" Akk. šurmēnu
šurmen [CYPRESS] wr. ĝeššu-ur2-me; šu-me; ĝeššu-ur2-min3; ĝeššu-me; šurmen(|ŠU.ME.EREN|); šurmenx(|ŠU.EREN.ME|); šurmenx(|EREN.ŠU.ME|) "cypress" Akk. šurmīnu
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.