til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
SALUŠ [SHEATH] wr. SAL.UŠ "sheath (of a dagger)"
badara [DAGGER] wr. ba-da-ra; ba-dar "dagger, weapon" Akk. pattaru
ĝiri [DAGGER] wr. ĝiri2; urudĝiri2; me2-er; me-er; me-ri "razor; sword, dagger" Akk. naglabu; patru
šukurud [RATION] wr. šukur2-ud "daily ration"
udšuš [DAILY] wr. u4-šu2-uš; ud-šu2-uš "daily" Akk. ūmišamma
daily ration
šukurud [RATION] wr. šukur2-ud "daily ration"
EŠtenuGIRgunu [SURCHARGE] wr. |EŠ2@t.GIR2@g| "a dairy surcharge"
dimna [DAIRY] wr. dimna "a milk product" Akk. itirtu
e'igara [DAIRY] wr. e2-i3-gara2 "dairy"
ga'argazi [~DAIRY] wr. ga-ar3-gazi; ga-gazi "a dairy product"
gašea [~DAIRY] wr. ga-še-a; ga-šex(|IGI@g|)-a "a dairy product"
itirda [~DAIRY] wr. i3-ti-ir-da; gai3-te-er-da "a dairy product" Akk. ?
nunuzte [~DAIRY] wr. nunuz-te "dairy designation"
ŠUGIRgunu [SURCHARGE] wr. |ŠU.GIR2@g| "a dairy surcharge"
dairy designation
nunuzte [~DAIRY] wr. nunuz-te "dairy designation"
dairy product
ga'argazi [~DAIRY] wr. ga-ar3-gazi; ga-gazi "a dairy product"
gašea [~DAIRY] wr. ga-še-a; ga-šex(|IGI@g|)-a "a dairy product"
itirda [~DAIRY] wr. i3-ti-ir-da; gai3-te-er-da "a dairy product" Akk. ?
dairy surcharge
EŠtenuGIRgunu [SURCHARGE] wr. |EŠ2@t.GIR2@g| "a dairy surcharge"
ŠUGIRgunu [SURCHARGE] wr. |ŠU.GIR2@g| "a dairy surcharge"
barag [DAIS] wr. barag; bara10; bara6; bara7; bara8 "ruler, king; dais, seat" Akk. parakku; šarru; šubtu
a'eĝir [WEIR] wr. a-eĝir; a-egir4 "a weir or dam"
a'igi [WEIR] wr. a-igi "a weir or dam"
ĝeškakešda [DAM] wr. giĝeš-ka-keš2-da "dam"
ĝeškešda [DAM] wr. ĝeš-keš2-da; ĝeš-keš2-ra2 "dam" Akk. erretu; mehru
dam AHw
ĝeškešda [DAM] wr. ĝeš-keš2-da; ĝeš-keš2-ra2 "dam" Akk. erretu; mehru
luĝa [DAMAGE] wr. luĝa; luĝ2 "damage; sin; shamelessness" Akk. hiţītu; šillatu
namtagtag [DAMNATION] wr. nam-tag-tag "damnation"
duru [WET] wr. duru5; duru5ru "(to be) soft; (to be) wet, irrigated, damp, fresh" Akk. labāku; raţbu
kiduru [LAND] wr. ki-duru5; ki-du-ru "damp ground, irrigable land" Akk. ruţibtu
damp ground
kiduru [LAND] wr. ki-duru5; ki-du-ru "damp ground, irrigable land" Akk. ruţibtu
kiduru [LAND] wr. ki-duru5; ki-du-ru "damp ground, irrigable land" Akk. ruţibtu
gud [JUMP] wr. gu4-ud; gud2 "to jump (on); to attack; to escape; to dance; hero, warrior" Akk. qarrādu; šahāţu
hubi [ACROBAT] wr. hub2 "acrobat" Akk. huppû
igikal [SCOWLING] wr. igi-kal "scowling" Akk. akşu; šakşu
mušĝiri [SNAKE] wr. muš-ĝiri2 "fanged snake; dangerous animals; reptile"
dangerous animals
mušĝiri [SNAKE] wr. muš-ĝiri2 "fanged snake; dangerous animals; reptile"
abbununnu [DARK DAY] wr. abbununnu "dark day" Akk. ūmu da'mu
dara [RED] wr. dara4 "(to be) red; (to be) brown; blood" Akk. dāmu
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
heši [DARKEN] wr. he2-ši "to become dark"
kana [DARK] wr. kana6; kana5; kana3 "(to be) dark, gloomy; gloom" Akk. adāru
kukku [DARK PLACES] wr. kukku2 "dark places" Akk. eklētu
kukku [DARK] wr. ku10-ku10; kukku5 "(to be) dark" Akk. da'āmu
kurun [BEER] wr. kurun; kurun2; kurun3 "a beer; blood; (to be) good; (to be) sweet" Akk. dāmu; kurunnu; ţābu
mud [BLOOD] wr. mud; mud2 "blood" Akk. dāmu
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
ud šuš [DARKEN] wr. ud šu2 "to become dark" Akk. erēpu ša ūmi
umun [BLOOD] wr. u3-mun; u3-mu-un; umun "blood" Akk. dāmu
uš [BLOOD] wr. uš2 "blood, gore" Akk. dāmu
uš [DIE] wr. uš2 "to die; to be dead; to kill; death" Akk. dāmu; mâtu; mūtu; uššu
udnua [MOON] wr. ud-nu2-a "the astronomical New Moon or Dark Moon" Akk. bubbulu
dark day
abbununnu [DARK DAY] wr. abbununnu "dark day" Akk. ūmu da'mu
dark places
kukku [DARK PLACES] wr. kukku2 "dark places" Akk. eklētu
adama [DISCHARGE] wr. adama "a dark-colored bodily discharge" Akk. adamatu
dark-colored bodily discharge
adama [DISCHARGE] wr. adama "a dark-colored bodily discharge" Akk. adamatu
heši [DARKEN] wr. he2-ši "to become dark"
ud šuš [DARKEN] wr. ud šu2 "to become dark" Akk. erēpu ša ūmi
udra [DARKENED] wr. udra "(to be) darkened" Akk. udduru
etutum [DARKNESS] wr. etutumx(|GA2×BAD|) "darkness" Akk. eţûtu
gansis [DARKNESS] wr. gansis "darkness" Akk. ekletu; eţûtu
itima [DARKNESS] wr. itima2; utima2 "darkness" Akk. eţûtu
mulsig [DARKNESS] wr. mul-sig7 "darkness" Akk. ekletu
sumug [DARKNESS] wr. su-mu-ug; su2-mu-ug "darkness; calamity, fear" Akk. idirtu
udmud [DARKNESS] wr. ud-mud "darkness"
a'ansur [SPADIX] wr. a2-an-sur; a2-an-zur; an-sur "spadix; broom of date spadices" Akk. sissinnu
an [SPADIX] wr. a2-an; an "date spadix" Akk. sissinnu
bana [~PALM] wr. ĝešba-na "part of a date palm"
bubu'I [PALM] wr. bu-bu-I "wild date palm" Akk. alamittu
ĝešnimbar [PALM] wr. ĝešĝešnimbar; ĝešnimbar; mu-nim-mar "date palm" Akk. gišimmaru
mangaga [FIBERS] wr. mangaga; man-ga-ga "date palm fibers" Akk. mangagu
santanak [GARDENER] wr. santana "gardener" Akk. sandanaku
suhuš [OFFSHOOT] wr. suhušx(TUR); suhuš2 "date palm offshoot"
šidšid [PALM] wr. šid-šid "a wild date palm" Akk. alamittu
uhin [DATE] wr. u4-hi-in; u3-hu-in; u2-hi-in "fresh date" Akk. uhinnu
zulum [DATE] wr. zu2-lum "the fruit of the date-palm" Akk. suluppu
date palm
ĝešnimbar [PALM] wr. ĝešĝešnimbar; ĝešnimbar; mu-nim-mar "date palm" Akk. gišimmaru
date palm fibers
mangaga [FIBERS] wr. mangaga; man-ga-ga "date palm fibers" Akk. mangagu
date palm offshoot
suhuš [OFFSHOOT] wr. suhušx(TUR); suhuš2 "date palm offshoot"
date spadix
an [SPADIX] wr. a2-an; an "date spadix" Akk. sissinnu
nukirik [GARDENER] wr. nu-kiri6; nu-ĝeškiri6; nu-ĝeškikiri6; lu2nu-kiri6 "gardener, horticulturalist" Akk. nukaribbu
a'ansur [SPADIX] wr. a2-an-sur; a2-an-zur; an-sur "spadix; broom of date spadices" Akk. sissinnu
an [SPADIX] wr. a2-an; an "date spadix" Akk. sissinnu
su [FIBERS] wr. su11; su6 "date-palm fibers" Akk. sû
zulum [DATE] wr. zu2-lum "the fruit of the date-palm" Akk. suluppu
ŠATUR [DATE-PALM] wr. ŠA6.TUR "date-palm sapling"
date-palm fibers
su [FIBERS] wr. su11; su6 "date-palm fibers" Akk. sû
date-palm sapling
ŠATUR [DATE-PALM] wr. ŠA6.TUR "date-palm sapling"
date-palm spadix
a'ansur [SPADIX] wr. a2-an-sur; a2-an-zur; an-sur "spadix; broom of date spadices" Akk. sissinnu
an [SPADIX] wr. a2-an; an "date spadix" Akk. sissinnu
ulušin [BEER] wr. ulušin3; ulušin; ul-u3-šu-in; ulušin2 "date-sweetened emmer-beer" Akk. ulušinnu
date-sweetened emmer-beer
ulušin [BEER] wr. ulušin3; ulušin; ul-u3-šu-in; ulušin2 "date-sweetened emmer-beer" Akk. ulušinnu
zena [MIDRIB] wr. ze2-na "midrib of datepalm frond" Akk. zinû
barUD [~DATES] wr. bar-UD "a designation of dates"
egara [STORE] wr. egara "a building for storing dates" Akk. bīt kumurrê
šagsud [~DATES] wr. šag4-sud "a designation or quality of dates" Akk. šuşû, šişūtu
šuguru [CONTAINER?] wr. šu-guru5 "a container?" Akk. šugurrû
dumu [CHILD] wr. dumu; du5-mu "child, son, daughter" Akk. māru
dumumunus [DAUGHTER] wr. dumu-munus "daughter" Akk. mārtu
namdumumunus [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu-munus "status as daughter"
egia [BRIDE] wr. e2-gi4-a "bride" Akk. kallatu
aguziga [DAWN] wr. a2-gu2-zig3-ga "dawn"
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
abbununnu [DARK DAY] wr. abbununnu "dark day" Akk. ūmu da'mu
ud [SUN] wr. ud "day; heat; a fever; summer; sun" Akk. immu; ummedu; umšu; šamšu; ūmu
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
udbita [FORMER] wr. ud-bi-ta "former (lit. from those days)"
ud [SUN] wr. ud "day; heat; a fever; summer; sun" Akk. immu; ummedu; umšu; šamšu; ūmu
lib [DAZED] wr. lib "dazed silence; (to be) dazed" Akk. šaqummatu
udi [DAZED] wr. u3-di "(to be) dazed; sleep" Akk. kâru; šittu
dazed silence
lib [DAZED] wr. lib "dazed silence; (to be) dazed" Akk. šaqummatu
lah [BRING] wr. lah5; lah4 "plural stem of de [to bring]"
tum [BRING] wr. tum3; tum2 "imperfect singular stem of de[to bring]"
dugdugurhi [DEAD] wr. dug3-dug3-ur-hi "(to be) dead"
ĝešanaĝ [LOCUS] wr. ĝeš-a-naĝ; ĝešĝeš-a-naĝ "a place of libation to the dead"
ki'anaĝ [LOCUS] wr. ki-a-naĝ "a place of libations to the dead" Akk. ?
uš [DIE] wr. uš2 "to die; to be dead; to kill; death" Akk. dāmu; mâtu; mūtu; uššu
uš [REED] wr. uš2 "dead reed"
dead reed
uš [REED] wr. uš2 "dead reed"
ĝeštug la [DEAF] wr. ĝeštug2 la2 "(to be) deaf; (to be) difficult, obstinate" Akk. sakāku
idim [BLOCKED] wr. idim "(to be) blocked, stilted; (to be) obtuse, deaf; simple person, imbecile; weak, helpless (person)" Akk. sakku; saklu; ulālu
u hub [DEAF] wr. u2 hub; u2 hub2 "to be deaf; to be difficult, obstinate" Akk. sukkuku
u'ug [DEAF] wr. u2-ug "deaf; (to be) difficult, obstinate"
upila [DEAF] wr. u2-pil7; u2-pil2-la2 "deaf" Akk. sukkuku
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
deal out
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
dugaĝu [DEAR] wr. dug3-ga-ĝu10 "one dear to me"
giru [DEAR] wr. gi-ru "an affectionate epithet"
labi [DEAR] wr. la-bi "a term of endearment, dear"
lubi [DEAR] wr. lu-bi "a term of endearment"
lulal [DEAR] wr. lu2-lal3 "a term of endearment"
me'am [DEAR] wr. me-a-am; me-am "term of endearment, dear"
gaz [KILL] wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 "to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break" Akk. dâku; habātu; hašālu; kaşāşu; pa'āşu; šagāšu
namuš [DEATH] wr. nam-uš2 "death; epidemic" Akk. mūtānu; mūtu
uš [DIE] wr. uš2 "to die; to be dead; to kill; death" Akk. dāmu; mâtu; mūtu; uššu
ilim [RADIANCE] wr. i-lim "radiance; deathly silence" Akk. šalummatu; šaqummatu
išiu [SILENCE] wr. i-ši-u5 "deathly silence" Akk. šaqummatu
lib [DAZED] wr. lib "dazed silence; (to be) dazed" Akk. šaqummatu
sig [SILENT] wr. si-ig; šeg5 "(deathly) hush; (to be) silent" Akk. šaqummatu
deathly silence
ilim [RADIANCE] wr. i-lim "radiance; deathly silence" Akk. šalummatu; šaqummatu
išiu [SILENCE] wr. i-ši-u5 "deathly silence" Akk. šaqummatu
adamin [CONTEST] wr. a-da-min3; a-da-min; adaminx(|LU2.LU2|); adamin; adamin2; adamin3; adamin4; adamin5; adaminx(|EN@EN|) "contest, dispute, debate" Akk. teşētu
urra [LOAN] wr. ur5-ra; ur5 "interest-bearing loan; debt; requital, favour" Akk. gimillu; hubullu
zizda [INDEMNITY] wr. ziz2-da; zi-iš-da "indemnity for a lost object; debt servitude" Akk. kiššātu
debt servitude
zizda [INDEMNITY] wr. ziz2-da; zi-iš-da "indemnity for a lost object; debt servitude" Akk. kiššātu
lagab [DEBT-NOTE] wr. lagab "debt-note" Akk. hišû
haš [DEBT-SLAVERY] wr. haš3 "debt-slavery; distraint" Akk. kiššātu
šargad [WORLD] wr. šargad "world, totality" Akk. kiššātu
ziz [EMMER] wr. ziz2 "emmer wheat" Akk. kiššātu; kunšu
zizda [INDEMNITY] wr. ziz2-da; zi-iš-da "indemnity for a lost object; debt servitude" Akk. kiššātu
sugin [ROT] wr. ĝešsugin "rot; decayed matter" Akk. sumkīnu; nutāpu
sumun [OLD] wr. sumun "(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter" Akk. labāru; nutāpu; sumkīnu
decayed matter
sugin [ROT] wr. ĝešsugin "rot; decayed matter" Akk. sumkīnu; nutāpu
sumun [OLD] wr. sumun "(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter" Akk. labāru; nutāpu; sumkīnu
ašangar [DECEPTION] wr. a-ša-an-gar3 "deception" Akk. tašgertu
niĝaĝar [DECEPTION] wr. niĝ2-a2-ĝar "deception"
ešbar kiĝ [DECIDE] wr. eš-bar kiĝ2 "to make a decision"
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
šag de [DECIDE] wr. šag4 de6 "to decide" Akk. ?
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
did [LAWSUIT] wr. di "lawsuit, trial; legal decision" Akk. dīnu
ešbar kiĝ [DECIDE] wr. eš-bar kiĝ2 "to make a decision"
ešbar [DECISION] wr. eš-bar; eš5-bar "decision" Akk. purussûm
kaš bar [MAKE A DECISION] wr. ka-aš bar "to make a decision" Akk. ?
kaš [DECISION] wr. ka-aš; ga-eš8 "decision"
nukaš [DECISION] wr. nu-ka-aš "decision maker?"
decision maker
nukaš [DECISION] wr. nu-ka-aš "decision maker?"
ki'ešbar [PLACE] wr. ki-eš-bar "place of (divine) decisions"
aya [CRY] wr. a; u3 "a cry of woe; to cry, groan" Akk. ahulap; nâqu
rig [BOIL] wr. RIG7; rig10 "to boil down; concoction, infusion" Akk. rabāku; ribku
su [SPRINKLE] wr. su3; su13 "to sprinkle, strew; to adorn, decorate" Akk. elēhu; zarāqu
šu tag [DECORATE] wr. šu tag "to decorate" Akk. za'ānu
šarahum [DECORATION] wr. ša-ra-hum "decoration"
ugunu [DECORATION] wr. u3-gun3; ugunu; ugunu2; u3-gun; ugu-nu "decorative inlay; ointment" Akk. ihzētu; tēqītu
asilala [JOY] wr. asila; asil-la2; asil3-la2; asila3; si11-le2; sila; asilax(|EZEN×KASKAL|); asilx(EZEN)-la2; asilx(EZEN)-le2 "joy; to rejoice; decorative fancy work" Akk. ašilalû; ebēru; riāšu; rīšātu
ugunu [DECORATION] wr. u3-gun3; ugunu; ugunu2; u3-gun; ugu-nu "decorative inlay; ointment" Akk. ihzētu; tēqītu
decorative fancy work
asilala [JOY] wr. asila; asil-la2; asil3-la2; asila3; si11-le2; sila; asilax(|EZEN×KASKAL|); asilx(EZEN)-la2; asilx(EZEN)-le2 "joy; to rejoice; decorative fancy work" Akk. ašilalû; ebēru; riāšu; rīšātu
decorative fancy work as a gift
asilala [JOY] wr. asila; asil-la2; asil3-la2; asila3; si11-le2; sila; asilax(|EZEN×KASKAL|); asilx(EZEN)-la2; asilx(EZEN)-le2 "joy; to rejoice; decorative fancy work" Akk. ašilalû; ebēru; riāšu; rīšātu
decorative inlay
ugunu [DECORATION] wr. u3-gun3; ugunu; ugunu2; u3-gun; ugu-nu "decorative inlay; ointment" Akk. ihzētu; tēqītu
nam tar [DECREE FATE] wr. nam tar "to decree fate" Akk. šīmta šâmu
decree fate
nam tar [DECREE FATE] wr. nam tar "to decree fate" Akk. šīmta šâmu
a ru [DEDICATE] wr. a ru "to dedicate" Akk. šarāku
šita [PRIEST] wr. šita "a priest; ~ figurine" Akk. ellu; ikribu; ramku
šud [PRAYER] wr. šud3; šu-tu; šudx(|KA.ŠU|) "prayer, dedication; blessing" Akk. ikribu
be [DIMINISH] wr. be4; be6 "to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an allotment)" Akk. našāru
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
burud [PERFORATE] wr. burudx(U) "breach, hole; depression, low-lying area, depth; to perforate; (to be) deep" Akk. palāšu; šapālu; pilšu; šupālu; šuplu
dul [LOWER] wr. dul2 "to lower; (to be) deep"
ĝi'eden [SHADE] wr. ĝi6-eden "deep shade"
deep shade
ĝi'eden [SHADE] wr. ĝi6-eden "deep shade"
masu [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-su; ĝešma2-su3 "deep-draught boat"
deep-draught boat
masu [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-su; ĝešma2-su3 "deep-draught boat"
umun [KNOWLEDGE] wr. umun2 "knowledge; workshop" Akk. mummu; ummatu; ummuqu
eššeb [LANDSCAPE] wr. eššeb "a deeply incised landscape" Akk. huddudu
hud [RUB?] wr. hud4 "to rub in?" Akk. hadādu
uštuh [LANDSCAPE] wr. uštuh "a type of landscape" Akk. huddudu
deeply incised
eššeb [LANDSCAPE] wr. eššeb "a deeply incised landscape" Akk. huddudu
uštuh [LANDSCAPE] wr. uštuh "a type of landscape" Akk. huddudu
deeply incised landscape
eššeb [LANDSCAPE] wr. eššeb "a deeply incised landscape" Akk. huddudu
ayalum [STAG] wr. aya-lum "stag, deer" Akk. ayyalu
lulim [STAG] wr. lulim; lu-lim "stag" Akk. aĝĝalu; lulīmu
simul [STAG] wr. si-mul "stag, deer" Akk. ayyalu
šeg [ANIMAL] wr. šeg9 "a deer or mountain goat" Akk. atūdu
šegbar [ANIMAL] wr. šeg9-bar "a deer or mountain goat" Akk. šapparu
deer or mountain goat
šeg [ANIMAL] wr. šeg9 "a deer or mountain goat" Akk. atūdu
šegbar [ANIMAL] wr. šeg9-bar "a deer or mountain goat" Akk. šapparu
ašangar [DECEPTION] wr. a-ša-an-gar3 "deception" Akk. tašgertu
a ĝar [DEFEAT] wr. a2 ĝar; a2 ĝa2-ĝa2; a2 ĝal2 "to defeat" Akk. dâşu
aga kar [DEFEAT] wr. aga kar2; aga3 kar2 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. kalû; kaşāru
agakar sig [DEFEAT] wr. aga-kar2 sig10 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. nītu lawû
badbad [DEFEAT] wr. bad5-bad5 "defeat in battle" Akk. dabdû
daparu [DEFEAT] wr. daparu "defeat, annihilation; (to be) resistant, obstinate" Akk. kamāru; karašû; šapşu
saĝDUDU [DEFEAT] wr. saĝdudux(|LAGAB׊ITA@t|) "to defeat in battle" Akk. mahāşu ša dabdê
tub [SMITE] wr. tu11; tu10 "to heap up; to strike down" Akk. hatû; kamāru
u [DEFEAT] wr. u8; u2 "defeat" Akk. tuqumtu
defeat in battle
badbad [DEFEAT] wr. bad5-bad5 "defeat in battle" Akk. dabdû
saĝDUDU [DEFEAT] wr. saĝdudux(|LAGAB׊ITA@t|) "to defeat in battle" Akk. mahāşu ša dabdê
bed [DEFECATE] wr. bed3 "to defecate; excrement" Akk. teşû; zû
suh [DEFECATE] wr. suh5 "to defecate; to have diarrhea" Akk. ezû; našāhu
šed [DEFECATE] wr. šed6 "to defecate; excrement" Akk. teşû; zû
SIG7.abala [DEFECT] wr. SIG7-a-bal "a defect"
šiši [DEFECT] wr. ši-ši "defect"
zir [DEFECT] wr. zir2 "defect" Akk. šummānu
zir [DEFECT] wr. zir2 "defect" Akk. šummānu
imba [DEFICIT] wr. im-ba "deficit"
dur [BUTTOCKS] wr. dur2 "defile, cleft; buttocks, rump" Akk. pūqu; šuburru
pel [DEFILE] wr. pe-el-la2; pe-el "to defile; to be thin, light" Akk. lu''û; qalālu
saĝ tum [REDUCE] wr. saĝ tum2 "to reduce" Akk. qalālu
šu la [DEFILE] wr. šu la2 "to defile" Akk. lu'û; lupputu
šu pela [DEFILE] wr. šu pe-el-la2; šu pel-la2; šu pel2-la2 "to defile; to reduce" Akk. lu'û; qullulu
a gi [DEFLOWER] wr. a gi; a gi4 "to deflower" Akk. naqābu
lukur [PRIESTESS] wr. lukur "a priestess; (junior) wife of a deified king" Akk. nadītu; qadištu
alad [SPIRIT] wr. alad; alad2 "a spirit" Akk. šēdu
anguba [DEITY] wr. an-gub-ba "tutelary deity" Akk. angubbû
diĝir [DEITY] wr. diĝir; dim3-me-er; dim3-me8-er; dim3-mi-ir; di-me2-er "deity, god, goddess" Akk. iltu; ilu
du [PLATFORM] wr. du6 "throne platform for a deity" Akk. di'u
ilu [GOD] wr. ilu "god" Akk. ilu
kitila [DEITY] wr. ki-ti-il-la "deity"
lammar [DEITY] wr. dlamma; dlammazabar; lamma "(female) tutelary deity; ~ figurine" Akk. lamassu
šedu [SPIRIT] wr. šedu; šedu2; šedu3 "spirit" Akk. šēdu
ura [DEJECTION?] wr. ur5-ra "dejection?"
ura [DEJECTION?] wr. ur5-ra "dejection?"
in dub [DELIMIT] wr. in dub "to delimit, fix a boundary" Akk. palāku
muDU [DELIVERY] wr. mu-DU "delivery" Akk. šūrubtu
niĝDU [DELIVERY] wr. niĝ2-DU "delivery"
sadug [OFFERINGS] wr. sa2-dug4; sa2-di "regular temple offerings; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. sattukku
eh [INSECT] wr. eh "insect(s), bug(s); moth; head-louse; to have lice" Akk. kalmatu; sāsu; uplu; uppulu
uru [FLOOD] wr. uru2; uru18; uru5 "flood, deluge" Akk. abūbu
niĝaldi [REQUEST] wr. niĝ2-al-di "request" Akk. erištu
in dub [DELIMIT] wr. in dub "to delimit, fix a boundary" Akk. palāku
in [SECTOR] wr. in "sector" Akk. pilku
induba [BOUNDARY] wr. in-dub-ba; im-dub-ba "boundary; demarcated zone" Akk. pilku
demarcated zone
in [SECTOR] wr. in "sector" Akk. pilku
induba [BOUNDARY] wr. in-dub-ba; im-dub-ba "boundary; demarcated zone" Akk. pilku
dag [DEMOLISH] wr. dag "to demolish; to scratch; overthrow, military repulse" Akk. naqāru; sukuptu
ed [ASCEND] wr. ed3; |UD×U+U+U.DU| "to go up or down; to demolish; to scratch; to rage, be rabid" Akk. arādu; elû; naqāru; šegû
gul [DESTROY] wr. gul; gu-ul "to destroy; to break; to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave" Akk. abātu; hepû; naqāru; sapānu
kid [DEMOLISH] wr. kid7 "to demolish; to scratch" Akk. naqāru
suhur [SCRATCH] wr. suhur "to scratch; to incise" Akk. ekēku; naqāru
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
ala [DEMON] wr. a-la2 "a demon" Akk. alû
asag [DEMON] wr. a2-sag3 "a demon; a disease" Akk. asakku
dimme [DEMON] wr. ddim3-me "demon" Akk. lamaštu
dimmea [DEMON] wr. ddim3-a; ddim3-me-a "demon" Akk. labāşu
galla [POLICEMAN] wr. galla; gallax(TE) "policeman; a demon" Akk. gallû
lillaen [DEMON] wr. lil2-la2-en "type of demon"
lillilgi [DEMON] wr. |LIL2.LIL2|-gi4 "demon" Akk. lilû
lillilgia [DEMON] wr. |LIL2.LIL2|-gi4-a "demon" Akk. lilîtu
maškim [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. maškim "an administrative position; a demon" Akk. rābişu
namtar [FATE] wr. nam-tar "sickness; fate, destiny; a demon" Akk. murşu; namtaru; šīmtu
šarrabdu [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. šar2-ra-ab-du; ša-ra-ab-du; šar2-ra-ab-du8 "an administrator; a demon" Akk. šarrabtû
ud [STORM] wr. ud "storm; storm demon" Akk. ūmu
udug [DEMON] wr. dudug; u2-dug4; udug "a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb); ~ figurine" Akk. utukku
ulu [WIND] wr. ulu3lu; tumuulu3lu; tumuulu3; u18-lu; tumuulu2 "south wind; south; a demon" Akk. alû; mehê šūti; šūtu; mehû
demon of desert
udug [DEMON] wr. dudug; u2-dug4; udug "a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb); ~ figurine" Akk. utukku
ul [PRONOUN] wr. ul-la; ul "a demonstrative pronoun" Akk. annû; ullû
demonstrative pronoun
ul [PRONOUN] wr. ul-la; ul "a demonstrative pronoun" Akk. annû; ullû
šu kar [DENIGRATE] wr. šu kar2 "to denigrate" Akk. ţapālu
emesiggugu [DENOUNCER] wr. eme-sig-gu7-gu7; lu2me-sig; lu2eme-sig-gu7-gu7 "denouncer" Akk. ākil karşi
sir [DENSE] wr. sir2 "(to be) dense" Akk. šapû
gaba zig [DEPART] wr. gaba zig3 "to depart" Akk. ?
mašga'en [STATUS] wr. MAŠ.EN.KAK; MAŠ.KAK "a social status or profession" Akk. muškēnu
luduna [WARD] wr. lu2-dun-a "ward, dependent" Akk. amēl qatāti
nisku [RETAINER] wr. ni-is-ku "a type of retainer or dependent person"
aĝarak [FLUID] wr. a-ĝar; ĝa2-ar; ĝar "depilation fluid"
depilation fluid
aĝarak [FLUID] wr. a-ĝar; ĝa2-ar; ĝar "depilation fluid"
kisahar [SOIL] wr. ki-sahar "soil deposit"
eniĝGA [DEPOT] wr. e2-niĝ2-GA "depot"
marsa [DEPOT] wr. mar-sa; mar-sa3 "military depot"
burud [PERFORATE] wr. burudx(U) "breach, hole; depression, low-lying area, depth; to perforate; (to be) deep" Akk. palāšu; šapālu; pilšu; šupālu; šuplu
dula [DEPTH] wr. du5-la2 "depth; part of a door (lower pivot?)" Akk. šuplu; mušpalu
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
šilum [DEPRESSION?] wr. ši-lu-um "depression?" Akk. šīlu
u [HOLE] wr. u "hole" Akk. šīlu
šilum [DEPRESSION?] wr. ši-lu-um "depression?" Akk. šīlu
kar [FLEE] wr. kar "to flee; to take away (by force), remove; to deprive; to save" Akk. ekēmu; eţēru; mašā'u; nērubu
GAM [DEPTH] wr. GAM "depth (math.)" Akk. šuplu
burud [PERFORATE] wr. burudx(U) "breach, hole; depression, low-lying area, depth; to perforate; (to be) deep" Akk. palāšu; šapālu; pilšu; šupālu; šuplu
dula [DEPTH] wr. du5-la2 "depth; part of a door (lower pivot?)" Akk. šuplu; mušpalu
pu [WELL] wr. pu2 "lower course, footing; cistern, well; fish pond; source (of river); hole, pit; depth" Akk. asurrû; būrtu; šuplu
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
depth math.
GAM [DEPTH] wr. GAM "depth (math.)" Akk. šuplu
asura [WATER] wr. a-sur-ra "water from the depths" Akk. mê šuri?
arre [JEST] wr. ar2-re "jest, mockery" Akk. namūtum
atar [DERISION] wr. a-tar "derision" Akk. namūtu
amar [YOUNG] wr. amar "calf; young, youngster, chick; son, descendant" Akk. būru; māru
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
pešturzi [DESCENDANTS] wr. peš-tur-zi "descendants" Akk. liblibbu
šabalbal [DESCENDENT] wr. šag4-bal-bal; šabalbal "descendent" Akk. liblibbi
pešturzi [DESCENDANTS] wr. peš-tur-zi "descendants" Akk. liblibbu
šabalbal [DESCENDENT] wr. šag4-bal-bal; šabalbal "descendent" Akk. liblibbi
kungid [DESCRIPTION OF SHEEP] wr. kun-gid2 "a description of sheep"
description of sheep
kungid [DESCRIPTION OF SHEEP] wr. kun-gid2 "a description of sheep"
aria [STEPPE] wr. a-ri-a "steppe" Akk. harbu; namû
eden [PLAIN] wr. eden "plain, steppe, open country" Akk. edinu
edenlil [DESERT] wr. eden-lil2 "haunted desert"
eria [WASTELAND] wr. e2-ri-a; e2-ri "wasteland" Akk. harbu
gara [DESERTED] wr. gar4 "(to be) deserted" Akk. harbu
halubba [ANIMALS?] wr. halubba "desert animals?; partridge?" Akk. [ ] DAR.MUŠEN; bulim şehhertu
udug [DEMON] wr. dudug; u2-dug4; udug "a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb); ~ figurine" Akk. utukku
desert animals
halubba [ANIMALS?] wr. halubba "desert animals?; partridge?" Akk. [ ] DAR.MUŠEN; bulim şehhertu
aria [STEPPE] wr. a-ri-a "steppe" Akk. harbu; namû
eria [WASTELAND] wr. e2-ri-a; e2-ri "wasteland" Akk. harbu
gara [DESERTED] wr. gar4 "(to be) deserted" Akk. harbu
ĝeš hur [DRAW] wr. ĝeš hur "to draw" Akk. eşēru
hur [SCRATCH] wr. hur "to scratch, draw" Akk. eşēru
murgu [DRAW] wr. murgu "to draw, design" Akk. eşēru
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
ELLES316 [~WOOL] wr. ELLES316 "a designation of wools"
GAMGAM [~AROMATICS] wr. GAM-GAM "a designation of aromatics"
GARNE [~COW] wr. GAR.NE "designation of cow"
GUL [~CHARIOT] wr. ĝešGUL "a designation of chariots" Akk. halmadru
HAGUNU [COW] wr. |HA@g| "a designation of a cow or a heifer"
IGIESIR [~BITUMEN] wr. IGI.ESIR2 "designation of bitumen"
KADUBŠEŠ [~BIRD] wr. KA.DUB.ŠEŠ "designation of bird"
KAusan [~WHIP] wr. kušKA-usan3 "a designation of whips" Akk. tamšarul; dirratum
NE [~SILVER] wr. NE "designation of silver"
NE [~TREE] wr. ĝešNE "a designation of trees"
NI [~NET] wr. NI "a designation of nets"
SIG [~COW] wr. SIG7 "a designation of cows"
ULMA [~MOUND] wr. |U.GUD|.MA "designation of mound"
agaGINma [~AX] wr. ĝešaga-GIN2-ma "a designation of axes"
alala [~STICK] wr. a-la-la "designation of stick"
amargaba [~CHILD] wr. amar-gaba "a designation of children of female workers"
ara [~MILK] wr. ara3 "designation of milk"
ara [~OIL] wr. a-ra2 "designation of oil"
asag [~FLOUR] wr. a-sag "a designation of flour"
ašur [~SHEEP] wr. aš-ur4 "a designation of sheep" Akk. iltennû baqnu
barUD [~DATES] wr. bar-UD "a designation of dates"
barĝal [~SHEEP] wr. bar-ĝal2 "a designation of sheep: with fleece" Akk. bargallu
barsal [~SHEEP] wr. bar-sal "a designation of sheep"
barsuga [~SHEEP] wr. bar-su-ga; bar-sug4-a "a designation of sheep: without fleece; plucked fleece" Akk. ?
baršuĝal [~COW] wr. bar-šu-ĝal2 "designation of cows"
daranšub [~WORKER] wr. da-ra-an-šub "a designation of workers"
dimma [~SHEEP] wr. dimx(BALAĜ)-ma "a designation of sheep" Akk. takmīsu
du [PLANT] wr. du3 "to plant; to fix upright, erect; to impregnate; to drive in, fix; a designation of grain" Akk. retû; zaqāpu
dubdub [~FLOUR] wr. dub-dub "flour designation"
ensik [RULER] wr. ensi2; u3-mu-un-si; ensix(|PA.TE.SI.GAR|); ensix(|GAR.PA.TE.SI|) "a ruler, governor; a quality designation" Akk. iššakku
ereš [LADY] wr. ereš "lady, queen; a quality designation" Akk. bēltu; šarratum
gaba [~SHEEP] wr. gaba "a designation of sheep"
gar [~BREAD] wr. gar3 "a designation of breads"
gi'izi'ešta [~BREAD] wr. gi-izi-eš-ta; gi-ze-eš-ta "a designation of bread"
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
gub [~SHEEP] wr. gub "a designation of sheep or goats"
gur [~ANIMAL] wr. gur8 "a designation of animals"
gurgur [~ANIMAL] wr. gur8-gur8 "a designation of animals"
gurgur [~SHEEP] wr. gur4-gur4 "a designation of sheep" Akk. kurkurrānu
ĝiri'uš [QUALITY] wr. giri3-uš "a designation of quality"
haz [~EYES] wr. ha-az "a designation of eyes"
hib [~AROMATIC] wr. hi-ib "a designation of aromatics"
hibza [~BREAD] wr. hi-ib-za; hi-ib-sa2 "a designation of breads" Akk. hibşu
hurum [~POT] wr. hu-ru-um "a designation of a pot"
igiĝal [~PLOW] wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "a designation of plows" Akk. nabrītu
irir [BIRD] wr. ir-irmušen; ri6-ri6mušen; RImušen "a bird" Akk. zibû
kakkala [~PLANT] wr. kakkala(KU7); kakkala "a designation of plants"
kiĝgia [~ANIMAL] wr. kiĝ2-gi4-a "a designation of an animal sutiable for extispicy"
kura [~LOOM] wr. ĝeškur-ra; ĝeškur4-ra; ĝešku-ra "a designation of looms" Akk. işi kura
lugal [KING] wr. lugal; lu2-gal "lord; master; owner; king; a quality designation" Akk. bēlu; šarru
madĝa [~FLOUR] wr. ma-ad-ĝa2 "a designation of flours" Akk. maşhatu
namuruna [~HERD] wr. nam-urunx(EN)-na "a designation of a herd"
niĝĝeštug [~PLOW] wr. ĝešniĝ2-ĝeštug "a designation of plows" Akk. uzuntu
niĝmenbulug [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-menbulug2(|BULUG&BULUG|); ĝešme-bulug2 "a designation of looms" Akk. pallukku
niĝzu [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-zu "a designation of looms" Akk. haţţu
nikid [~FOOD] wr. ni2-kid2 "a designation of foods" Akk. puttû
nua [~ANIMAL] wr. nu2-a; nu-a "a designation of ewes or nanny goats"
nunuzte [~DAIRY] wr. nunuz-te "dairy designation"
saĝpap [~FISH] wr. saĝ-pap "a designation of fish"
sala [~PLOW] wr. ĝešsal-la; sal-la "a designation of plows" Akk. musirru
siki [~BREAD] wr. siki2; sig15? "a designation of bread" Akk. sīku
šabar [~FISH] wr. ša3-bar "a designation of fish"
šadug [~GOAT] wr. ša3-dug3 "a designation of goats"
šagan [~PIG] wr. šaganx(|GA2×AN|)gan; šagan; šaganx(AMA)ša "a designation of pigs; pregnant?"
šagsud [~DATES] wr. šag4-sud "a designation or quality of dates" Akk. šuşû, šişūtu
šar [~CLOTH] wr. šar3 "cloth designation"
šar [~COW] wr. šarx(NE) "a designation of cows"
šarumium [~SHEEP] wr. ša-ru-mi-um "a designation of sheep"
šimaški [~SHEEP] wr. šimaški; šimaški2 "a designation of sheep and goats (lit. Šimaškian)"
šugid [~ANIMAL] wr. šu-gid2 "designation of animals, unfit for work?"
tugtug [~LOOM] wr. ĝeštug2-tug2 "a designation of looms" Akk. mukānu
tutuba [~VEGETABLE] wr. tu-tu-basar "a designation of vegetables"
ubu [~OX] wr. u2-bu4 "a designation of oxen"
urri [~SHEEP] wr. ur2-ri-a "a designation of sheep"
uzubal [~SOUP] wr. uzu-bal "a designation of soups"
zageš [~COW] wr. zag-eš "a designation of cows" Akk. ?
zaza [~BOVID] wr. za-za "bovid designation"
zilqum [~SHEEP] wr. zi-il-qum "a designation of sheep"
zinhur [~SHIP] wr. ĝešzi-in-hur "a designation of ships"
zusiga [~SHEEP] wr. zu2-si-ga "a designation of sheep"
ŠU.ZID [~FLOUR] wr. |ŠU2+ZID2| "a designation of flours"
designation of a cow or a heifer
HAGUNU [COW] wr. |HA@g| "a designation of a cow or a heifer"
designation of a herd
namuruna [~HERD] wr. nam-urunx(EN)-na "a designation of a herd"
designation of a pot
hurum [~POT] wr. hu-ru-um "a designation of a pot"
designation of an animal sutiable for extispicy
kiĝgia [~ANIMAL] wr. kiĝ2-gi4-a "a designation of an animal sutiable for extispicy"
designation of animals
gur [~ANIMAL] wr. gur8 "a designation of animals"
gurgur [~ANIMAL] wr. gur8-gur8 "a designation of animals"
šugid [~ANIMAL] wr. šu-gid2 "designation of animals, unfit for work?"
designation of aromatics
GAMGAM [~AROMATICS] wr. GAM-GAM "a designation of aromatics"
hib [~AROMATIC] wr. hi-ib "a designation of aromatics"
designation of axes
agaGINma [~AX] wr. ĝešaga-GIN2-ma "a designation of axes"
designation of bird
KADUBŠEŠ [~BIRD] wr. KA.DUB.ŠEŠ "designation of bird"
designation of bitumen
IGIESIR [~BITUMEN] wr. IGI.ESIR2 "designation of bitumen"
designation of bread
gi'izi'ešta [~BREAD] wr. gi-izi-eš-ta; gi-ze-eš-ta "a designation of bread"
siki [~BREAD] wr. siki2; sig15? "a designation of bread" Akk. sīku
designation of breads
gar [~BREAD] wr. gar3 "a designation of breads"
hibza [~BREAD] wr. hi-ib-za; hi-ib-sa2 "a designation of breads" Akk. hibşu
designation of chariots
GUL [~CHARIOT] wr. ĝešGUL "a designation of chariots" Akk. halmadru
designation of children of female workers
amargaba [~CHILD] wr. amar-gaba "a designation of children of female workers"
designation of cow
GARNE [~COW] wr. GAR.NE "designation of cow"
designation of cows
SIG [~COW] wr. SIG7 "a designation of cows"
baršuĝal [~COW] wr. bar-šu-ĝal2 "designation of cows"
šar [~COW] wr. šarx(NE) "a designation of cows"
zageš [~COW] wr. zag-eš "a designation of cows" Akk. ?
designation of dates
barUD [~DATES] wr. bar-UD "a designation of dates"
designation of ewes or nanny goats
nua [~ANIMAL] wr. nu2-a; nu-a "a designation of ewes or nanny goats"
designation of eyes
haz [~EYES] wr. ha-az "a designation of eyes"
designation of fish
saĝpap [~FISH] wr. saĝ-pap "a designation of fish"
šabar [~FISH] wr. ša3-bar "a designation of fish"
designation of flour
asag [~FLOUR] wr. a-sag "a designation of flour"
designation of flours
madĝa [~FLOUR] wr. ma-ad-ĝa2 "a designation of flours" Akk. maşhatu
ŠU.ZID [~FLOUR] wr. |ŠU2+ZID2| "a designation of flours"
designation of foods
nikid [~FOOD] wr. ni2-kid2 "a designation of foods" Akk. puttû
designation of goats
šadug [~GOAT] wr. ša3-dug3 "a designation of goats"
designation of grain
du [PLANT] wr. du3 "to plant; to fix upright, erect; to impregnate; to drive in, fix; a designation of grain" Akk. retû; zaqāpu
designation of looms
kura [~LOOM] wr. ĝeškur-ra; ĝeškur4-ra; ĝešku-ra "a designation of looms" Akk. işi kura
niĝmenbulug [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-menbulug2(|BULUG&BULUG|); ĝešme-bulug2 "a designation of looms" Akk. pallukku
niĝzu [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-zu "a designation of looms" Akk. haţţu
tugtug [~LOOM] wr. ĝeštug2-tug2 "a designation of looms" Akk. mukānu
designation of milk
ara [~MILK] wr. ara3 "designation of milk"
designation of mound
ULMA [~MOUND] wr. |U.GUD|.MA "designation of mound"
designation of nets
NI [~NET] wr. NI "a designation of nets"
designation of oil
ara [~OIL] wr. a-ra2 "designation of oil"
designation of oxen
ubu [~OX] wr. u2-bu4 "a designation of oxen"
designation of pigs
šagan [~PIG] wr. šaganx(|GA2×AN|)gan; šagan; šaganx(AMA)ša "a designation of pigs; pregnant?"
designation of plants
kakkala [~PLANT] wr. kakkala(KU7); kakkala "a designation of plants"
designation of plows
igiĝal [~PLOW] wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "a designation of plows" Akk. nabrītu
niĝĝeštug [~PLOW] wr. ĝešniĝ2-ĝeštug "a designation of plows" Akk. uzuntu
sala [~PLOW] wr. ĝešsal-la; sal-la "a designation of plows" Akk. musirru
designation of quality
ĝiri'uš [QUALITY] wr. giri3-uš "a designation of quality"
designation of sheep
ašur [~SHEEP] wr. aš-ur4 "a designation of sheep" Akk. iltennû baqnu
barsal [~SHEEP] wr. bar-sal "a designation of sheep"
dimma [~SHEEP] wr. dimx(BALAĜ)-ma "a designation of sheep" Akk. takmīsu
gaba [~SHEEP] wr. gaba "a designation of sheep"
gurgur [~SHEEP] wr. gur4-gur4 "a designation of sheep" Akk. kurkurrānu
šarumium [~SHEEP] wr. ša-ru-mi-um "a designation of sheep"
urri [~SHEEP] wr. ur2-ri-a "a designation of sheep"
zilqum [~SHEEP] wr. zi-il-qum "a designation of sheep"
zusiga [~SHEEP] wr. zu2-si-ga "a designation of sheep"
designation of sheep and goats lit. Šimaškian
šimaški [~SHEEP] wr. šimaški; šimaški2 "a designation of sheep and goats (lit. Šimaškian)"
designation of sheep or goats
gub [~SHEEP] wr. gub "a designation of sheep or goats"
designation of sheep: with fleece
barĝal [~SHEEP] wr. bar-ĝal2 "a designation of sheep: with fleece" Akk. bargallu
designation of sheep: without fleece
barsuga [~SHEEP] wr. bar-su-ga; bar-sug4-a "a designation of sheep: without fleece; plucked fleece" Akk. ?
designation of ships
zinhur [~SHIP] wr. ĝešzi-in-hur "a designation of ships"
designation of silver
NE [~SILVER] wr. NE "designation of silver"
designation of soups
uzubal [~SOUP] wr. uzu-bal "a designation of soups"
designation of stick
alala [~STICK] wr. a-la-la "designation of stick"
designation of trees
NE [~TREE] wr. ĝešNE "a designation of trees"
designation of vegetables
tutuba [~VEGETABLE] wr. tu-tu-basar "a designation of vegetables"
designation of whips
KAusan [~WHIP] wr. kušKA-usan3 "a designation of whips" Akk. tamšarul; dirratum
designation of wools
ELLES316 [~WOOL] wr. ELLES316 "a designation of wools"
designation of workers
daranšub [~WORKER] wr. da-ra-an-šub "a designation of workers"
designation or quality of dates
šagsud [~DATES] wr. šag4-sud "a designation or quality of dates" Akk. šuşû, šişūtu
a'aš [WISH] wr. a2-aš2; aš2 "wish, desire; curse" Akk. arratu
al dug [DESIRE] wr. al dug4 "to desire" Akk. erēšu
aš [CURSE] wr. aš2 "curse" Akk. arratu; şibûtu
inim sig [EXPRESS] wr. inim sig10 "to express an idea, desire" Akk. ?
kurku [WISH] wr. kurku2; kur-ku; ku-kur; gu-kur; kur-gi4 "wish" Akk. nizmatu
me [DESIRE] wr. me "desire" Akk. lalû
ni sig [PLOT] wr. ni2 sig10 "to plot" Akk. şummuru
šag sig [PLOT] wr. šag4 sig10 "to plot" Akk. şummuru
iginiĝin [DEVASTATION] wr. igi-niĝin2 "devastation, ruin" Akk. arbūtu
gabarahum [DESPAIR] wr. ga-ba-ra-hum "despair"
ur ug [DESPAIR] wr. ur5 ug7 "to despair" Akk. ?
igi tur gid [DESPISE] wr. igi tur gid2 "to look contemptuously at someone" Akk. ?
kušum [HEIGHT] wr. kušum; kušum2 "height; to look down on, despise" Akk. nâşu; šûqu
šu pela [DEFILE] wr. šu pe-el-la2; šu pel-la2; šu pel2-la2 "to defile; to reduce" Akk. lu'û; qullulu
lu'umumak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-umum-ma "a profession" Akk. mummu
umun [BODY] wr. umun2 "life-giving force; main body, bulk" Akk. mummu; ummatu
umun [KNOWLEDGE] wr. umun2 "knowledge; workshop" Akk. mummu; ummatu; ummuqu
nam [FATE] wr. nam; na-aĝ2 "determined order; will, testament; fate, destiny" Akk. šīmtu
namtar [FATE] wr. nam-tar "sickness; fate, destiny; a demon" Akk. murşu; namtaru; šīmtu
humhum [DESTITUTE] wr. lu2hum-hum "a destitute, a very poor person" Akk. luppunu
kigula [DESTITUTE] wr. lu2ki-gul-la "destitute person"
lalanu [DESTITUTE] wr. la-la-nu-u "destitute person" Akk. lalānu
destitute person
kigula [DESTITUTE] wr. lu2ki-gul-la "destitute person"
lalanu [DESTITUTE] wr. la-la-nu-u "destitute person" Akk. lalānu
gul [DESTROY] wr. gul; gu-ul "to destroy; to break; to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave" Akk. abātu; hepû; naqāru; sapānu
ĝiri saga [TRAMPLE] wr. ĝiri3 saga11; ĝiri3 sa-ga; ĝiri3 sag2 "to trample, destroy"
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
sugzag gu [DESTROY] wr. sug-zag gu7 "to destroy completely" Akk. ?
šu hulu [DESTROY] wr. šu hul "to destroy" Akk. ?
zir [BREAK] wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er "to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase" Akk. ašāšu; pasāsu
destroy completely
sugzag gu [DESTROY] wr. sug-zag gu7 "to destroy completely" Akk. ?
halhala [DESTROYED] wr. hal-hal-la "completely destroyed"
namgilima [DESTRUCTION] wr. nam-gilim-ma "destruction"
niĝhalama [DESTRUCTION] wr. niĝ2-ha-lam-ma "destruction" Akk. šahluqtu
imhul [WIND] wr. im-hul "destructive wind" Akk. imhullu
kazazak [INSECT] wr. kazaza "a destructive insect" Akk. kazazakku
destructive insect
kazazak [INSECT] wr. kazaza "a destructive insect" Akk. kazazakku
destructive wind
imhul [WIND] wr. im-hul "destructive wind" Akk. imhullu
heše [OPPRESSED] wr. heš5še3; haš "(to be) oppressed; (to be) detained" Akk. habālu; kalû
heše [OPPRESSED] wr. heš5še3; haš "(to be) oppressed; (to be) detained" Akk. habālu; kalû
nam [FATE] wr. nam; na-aĝ2 "determined order; will, testament; fate, destiny" Akk. šīmtu
determined order
nam [FATE] wr. nam; na-aĝ2 "determined order; will, testament; fate, destiny" Akk. šīmtu
kuš su [LEVEL] wr. kuš7 su; kuš7 su3 "to level, to devastate" Akk. ?
sug gu [DEVASTATED] wr. sug gu7 "to be devastated" Akk. ?
iginiĝin [DEVASTATION] wr. igi-niĝin2 "devastation, ruin" Akk. arbūtu
kuš [DEVASTATION] wr. kuš7 "devastation" Akk. naspantu
IDIB [~IRRIGATION] wr. ĝešI.DIB "an irrigation device"
ILU [~IRRIGATION] wr. ĝešI.LU "an irrigation device"
agabal [HOIST] wr. a-ga-bal "a hoisting device (connected to a pole) for drawing water" Akk. dulûtu
ala [IRRIGATION DEVICE] wr. ĝeša2-la2; ĝešu5-la "an irrigation device"
gidim [IRRIGATOR] wr. ĝešgidim3; gi-di4 "an irrigation device" Akk. alallû
namnutare [~IRRIGATION] wr. ĝešnam-nu-tar-re "an irrigation device"
uttuku [ABACUS] wr. uttuku "abacus" Akk. mahişātu; uttuku
zirigum [IRRIGATION DEVICE] wr. zi-ri2-gum2; zi-ri2-gum "an irrigation device" Akk. zirīqu
imdu [DEW] wr. im-du8 "dew"
šeĝ [RAIN] wr. šeĝ3; šeĝx(|IM.A.A|); šeĝx(|IM.A.AN|) "to (fall as) dew; to rain; rain" Akk. nalāšu; zanānu
suhgir [DIADEM] wr. suh-gir11; suh10-gir11 "diadem"
barNUN [DIAGONAL] wr. bar-NUN "diagonal (math.)" Akk. siliptum
diagonal math.
barNUN [DIAGONAL] wr. bar-NUN "diagonal (math.)" Akk. siliptum
suh [DEFECATE] wr. suh5 "to defecate; to have diarrhea" Akk. ezû; našāhu
šag sur [HAVE DIARRHEA] wr. šag4 sur "to have diarrhea" Akk. şanāhu; şubburu
ug [DIE] wr. ug7; ug5; ugx(|BAD.BAD|) "plural and imperfect singular stem of uš[to die]" Akk. mâtu
uš [DIE] wr. uš2 "to die; to be dead; to kill; death" Akk. dāmu; mâtu; mūtu; uššu
KIKAL [GRASSES] wr. KI.KAL "a writing for different types of grasses"
KIKAL [LAND] wr. KI.KAL "a writing for different types of land"
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
kur [DIFFERENT] wr. kur2; gur "(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)" Akk. nakāru; šanû
niĝkur [HOSTILITY] wr. niĝ2-kur2 "hostility" Akk. nakāru
dada [HOSTILE] wr. da-da; da3-da3da "(to be) hostile; to be difficult" Akk. wašţum
gilim [CROSS] wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gil-gilil "to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block; (to be) difficult to understand" Akk. egēru; parāku
ĝeštug la [DEAF] wr. ĝeštug2 la2 "(to be) deaf; (to be) difficult, obstinate" Akk. sakāku
hulu [NARROW] wr. hul "narrow, difficult" Akk. pašqu
u hub [DEAF] wr. u2 hub; u2 hub2 "to be deaf; to be difficult, obstinate" Akk. sukkuku
u'ug [DEAF] wr. u2-ug "deaf; (to be) difficult, obstinate"
al du [HOE] wr. al du3 "to perform a type of hoeing; to dig"
bal [DIG] wr. ba-al; bal; bal3; bal4; pe-el "to dig, excavate; to unload (a boat)" Akk. herû
dun [DIG] wr. dun "to dig" Akk. herû
harra [DUG?] wr. har-ra "dug?" Akk. harāru
ki la [DIG] wr. ki la2 "to dig" Akk. ?
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
sig [BURN] wr. sig3 "to burn (of digestion)" Akk. şarāpu
namdun [DIGGING] wr. nam-dun "digging"
nu'ešak [PRIEST] wr. nu-eš3 "a priest" Akk. nešakku
teš [PRIDE] wr. teš2 "pride" Akk. bāštu
kašbir [BEER] wr. kašbir; kaškašbir; kašbirx(|A.SUD|) "diluted beer"
diluted beer
kašbir [BEER] wr. kašbir; kaškašbir; kašbirx(|A.SUD|) "diluted beer"
be [DIMINISH] wr. be4; be6 "to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an allotment)" Akk. našāru
tur [SMALL] wr. tur; tu "(to be) small; to reduce, diminish; to subtract; (to be) young" Akk. şehērum
lal [SMALL] wr. lal; lal2 "(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; dimunition" Akk. maţû; tamţâtu
u susu [DINE] wr. u2 su3-su3 "to dine" Akk. patānu
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
dining hall
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
esi [DIORITE] wr. na4esi "diorite, dolerite" Akk. ušû
larah [STRAITS] wr. la-ra-ah "dire straits, especially in childbirth" Akk. pušqu
paphal [SECRET] wr. pap-hal "secret; treasure; narrow place; dire straits" Akk. nişirtu; pušqu
dire straits
larah [STRAITS] wr. la-ra-ah "dire straits, especially in childbirth" Akk. pušqu
paphal [SECRET] wr. pap-hal "secret; treasure; narrow place; dire straits" Akk. nişirtu; pušqu
laga [SLAG] wr. la-ga; lag-ga "slag; a skin ailment" Akk. lagû
mudur [DIRT] wr. mu-dur7 "dirt"
ze [DIRT] wr. ze2 "dirt" Akk. erşetu
mudur [DIRTY] wr. mudra6 "(to be) dirty" Akk. (w)aršu
adlu [DISABLED PERSON] wr. ad4-lu2 "disabled person"
šeri [DISABLED] wr. še-ri "disabled"
disabled person
adlu [DISABLED PERSON] wr. ad4-lu2 "disabled person"
dirig [FALL] wr. dirig "to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to fall down, collapse" Akk. qâpu; šahāhu
peš [DISAPPEAR] wr. peš5 "to disappear" Akk. paşāşu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
ugu de [DISAPPEAR] wr. u2-gu de2; u2-gu3 de2; ugu de2 "to disappear" Akk. halāqu
zah [DISAPPEAR] wr. zah3; zah2 "to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive" Akk. duppuru; halāqu; nābutu; šerû
peš [DISAPPEAR] wr. peš5 "to disappear" Akk. paşāşu
uzahal [DISAPPEARANCE] wr. u4-za-hal; u4-za-ha-al "disappearance" Akk. halāqu
dalhamun [STORM] wr. dal-ha-mun; dalhamun; dalhamun6; dalhamun7; dalhamun5 "dust storm; disaster" Akk. ašamšûtu; hābu
daparu [DEFEAT] wr. daparu "defeat, annihilation; (to be) resistant, obstinate" Akk. kamāru; karašû; šapşu
pagra [DISASTER] wr. pagra3 "disaster" Akk. karāšu
banda [SAGACITY] wr. banda3 "sagacity" Akk. tašimtu
adama [DISCHARGE] wr. adama "a dark-colored bodily discharge" Akk. adamatu
ku [PLACE] wr. ku "to place, lay (down), lay eggs; to spread, discharge" Akk. nadû; uşşu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
dud [COMBAT] wr. du14; du17 "combat, strife, discord, quarrel" Akk. şāltu
pad [FIND] wr. pad3 "to find, discover; to name, nominate" Akk. atû; nabû
ad gi [ADVISE] wr. ad gi4 "to advise, give advice" Akk. malāku
inim šar [DISCUSS] wr. inim šar2-šar2 "to discuss" Akk. amātu šutābulu
šag kušu [SOOTHE] wr. šag4 kuš2-u3 "to soothe; to take counsel with" Akk. ?; malāku
ešdam [DISCUSSION] wr. eš2-dam "discussion" Akk. šitūltu
šebida [DISDAIN] wr. še-bi-da "to disdain"
KAmušigu'e [DISEASE] wr. KA-muš-i3-ku2-e "a disease"
TAR [DISEASE] wr. TAR "a disease" Akk. kettu
aganĝar [DISEASE] wr. a-ga-an-ĝar "a disease"
agantum [DISEASE] wr. a-ga-an-tum3 "skin disease" Akk. epqēnu
aĝizzal [DISEASE] wr. a-ĝizzalx(|GIŠ.TUG2.PI.ŠIR2t.SIL2|) "a disease" Akk. na'lu
ari [DISEASE] wr. ari2; uru4 "a disease" Akk. maškadu
aria [DISEASE] wr. a-ri-a "a disease"
asag [DEMON] wr. a2-sag3 "a demon; a disease" Akk. asakku
aš [BOIL] wr. aš "a boil (on skin)" Akk. şernettum
ašbur [DISEASE] wr. aš-bur2; aš-gar "a disease" Akk. di'u
buru [DISEASE] wr. buru8 "a disease" Akk. ašû
gag [POCK] wr. gag "a pock; a disease" Akk. sikkatu
gigĝar [DISEASE] wr. gig-ĝar "a disease" Akk. mangu
gula [DISEASE] wr. gu-la2 "a disease"
ĝešgisaĝkešed [DISEASE] wr. ĝiš-gi-saĝ-keš2 "disease"
hum [PARALYZE] wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig
hutul [STRIKE] wr. hu-tu-ul "to strike (of a disease)" Akk. hatû ša2 gig
igigig [DISEASE] wr. igi-gig "eye disease"
igigula [DISEASE] wr. igi-gu-la2-e "a disease"
iginimbarhuz [DISEASE] wr. igi-bar-huz; igi-bar-nim-huz "a disease"
igizag [DISEASE] wr. igi-zag3 "a disease"
iri [DISEASE] wr. iri8 "a disease" Akk. rapādu
kiduru [DISEASE] wr. ki-dur5 "a disease"
kirihaš [DISEASE] wr. kirix(|KA×IM|)-haš "a disease"
laban [UNMNG] wr. laban "?" Akk. pismu
lah [BEAT] wr. la7 "to beat; to full (cloth, wool)" Akk. mašādu
libin [DISEASE] wr. libin "a sheep disease, a diseased sheep" Akk. irdu
namtar [FATE] wr. nam-tar "sickness; fate, destiny; a demon" Akk. murşu; namtaru; šīmtu
nimbarhuz [DISEASE] wr. nim-bar-hu-uz "a disease"
rah [DISEASE] wr. ra-ah "a disease"
sa'adgal [DISEASE] wr. sa-ad-gal "a disease"
sa'adnim [DISEASE] wr. sa-ad-nim "a disease"
saĝniĝin [DISEASE] wr. saĝ-niĝin "a disease"
saĝnim [DISEASE] wr. saĝ-nim-nim "a disease"
saharšuba [DISEASE] wr. sahar-šub-ba "a disease"
šag.IM.bulu [DISEASE] wr. šag4-IM-bu-lu "a disease"
šagburšuna'a [DISEASE] wr. šag4-bur-šu-na2-a "a disease"
šagtahar [DISEASE] wr. šag4-ta-har "a disease"
šubura [PALSY] wr. šu-bur2-ra "palsy" Akk. mašādu
šuš [PALSY] wr. šu-uš "to strike with palsy" Akk. mašādu
tab [ILLNESS] wr. tab "illness, disease" Akk. murşu
tehi [DISEASE] wr. dih2 "disease"
tete [DISEASE] wr. te-te "a disease" Akk. suhumu
tur [ILL] wr. tur5 "illness, disease; (to be) ill" Akk. marāşu; murşu
tete [DISEASE] wr. te-te "a disease" Akk. suhumu
disease of the joints
iri [DISEASE] wr. iri8 "a disease" Akk. rapādu
libin [DISEASE] wr. libin "a sheep disease, a diseased sheep" Akk. irdu
diseased sheep
libin [DISEASE] wr. libin "a sheep disease, a diseased sheep" Akk. irdu
igi gid [LOOK WITH DISFAVOR] wr. igi gid2 "to look with disfavor" Akk. nekelmû
dilimgal [DISH] wr. ĝešdilim2-gal "dish, shallow bowl" Akk. mākaltu
šeria [DISH] wr. še-ri-a "dish" Akk. şirpētu
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
niĝlul [FALSEHOOD] wr. niĝ2-lul "falsehood" Akk. sartu
saĝlul [FALSEHOOD] wr. saĝ-lul "falsehood" Akk. sartu
zašda [CRIME] wr. za-aš2-da "crime" Akk. sartu
dirig [FALL] wr. dirig "to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to fall down, collapse" Akk. qâpu; šahāhu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
gu bar [DISLIKE] wr. gu2 bar "to dislike" Akk. zêru
gu du [NEGLECT] wr. gu2 du3 "to neglect" Akk. zêru
hulu gig [HATE] wr. hul gig "to hate" Akk. zêru
ig gub [OPEN?] wr. ĝešig gub "to let a door stand open?; to dislodge a door"
dislodge a door
ig gub [OPEN?] wr. ĝešig gub "to let a door stand open?; to dislodge a door"
di [HAVE A BOWEL DISORDER] wr. di5 "to have a bowel disorder" Akk. nâţu
bir [SCATTER] wr. bir; bi-bi-re; bir9 "to scatter, disperse" Akk. sapāhu
sag [SCATTER] wr. sag2; sag3; sag7 "to throw (down); to scatter, disperse; to kill, to beat" Akk. dâku; nasāku; nêru; sapāhu
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
susig [FLAYER] wr. su-si-ig "animal flayer" Akk. šusikkum
agam [POND] wr. a-ga-am; a-ga-am3; a-ga-mu-um; agam "an artificial pond for disposing of flood waters" Akk. agammu
adamin [CONTEST] wr. a-da-min3; a-da-min; adaminx(|LU2.LU2|); adamin; adamin2; adamin3; adamin4; adamin5; adaminx(|EN@EN|) "contest, dispute, debate" Akk. teşētu
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
a ĝar [DEFEAT] wr. a2 ĝar; a2 ĝa2-ĝa2; a2 ĝal2 "to defeat" Akk. dâşu
sig [FLATTEN] wr. sig10 "to flatten, lay flat; to disrespect" Akk. dâşu; sapānu
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
illu [WATER] wr. illu "water; source, spring; waterlogging?; flood waters" Akk. mû; mīlu; namba'u; zâbu
kid [SOFTEN] wr. kid7 "to soften, dissolve" Akk. narābu
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
dissolve in liquid
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
ur [ROAM] wr. ur4; ur-ru-ur "to roam around" Akk. parāru
dalbana [SPACE] wr. dal-ba-na "intermediate space; property held in common" Akk. birītu
dana [UNIT] wr. da-na; danna; dana2 "a unit of length, double-hour (distance), double-mile" Akk. bêru
ga'eš [TRADER] wr. ga-eš8; ga-eš "a long distance trader; tax collector, customs collector" Akk. ga'iššu
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
asilal [DISTANT] wr. asilal "to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) far away, distant" Akk. duppuru; nasû
bad [OPEN] wr. bad; ba; be2 "(to be) remote; to open, undo; to thresh grain with a threshing sledge" Akk. be'ēšû; nesû; petû
bul [BLOW] wr. bul4; bul; bun; bul5 "to blow; to winnow; to sift; to inflate" Akk. edēpu; našāpu; nesû
ri [DISTANT] wr. ri "(to be) distant" Akk. nesû
sil [SPLIT] wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 "(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit" Akk. nesû; šalātu
sud [DISTANT] wr. sud; su3-ud "(to be) distant; (to be) remote, long-lasting; (to be) profound" Akk. nesû; rêqu
ul [DISTANT] wr. ul; ul-li2; ul-li "(to be) distant (in time); distant time" Akk. şiātu
distant time
ul [DISTANT] wr. ul; ul-li2; ul-li "(to be) distant (in time); distant time" Akk. şiātu
ul [SWELL] wr. ul "to swell, (to be) distended; to love; attractiveness; pleasure; rejoicing" Akk. habāşu; menû; ulşu
haš [DEBT-SLAVERY] wr. haš3 "debt-slavery; distraint" Akk. kiššātu
anir [LAMENT] wr. a-nir; a-še-er "lament" Akk. tanēhu
šušru [DISTRESSED] wr. šu2-uš-ru "(to be) distressed"
zi ir [FEEL TROUBLED] wr. zi ir "to feel troubled" Akk. ašāšu
zir [BREAK] wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er "to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase" Akk. ašāšu; pasāsu
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
alal [CULTIVATION] wr. alal4; alal3 "cultivation; field; district, land" Akk. mēreštu; qerbetu
niĝin [DISTRICT] wr. niĝin5; niĝinx(|LAL2.SAR|); niĝin9 "irrigation district" Akk. nagû
zag [SIDE] wr. zag "arm; shoulder; side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right" Akk. ahu; idu; imittu; ishu; mişru; pāţu
lu [MIX] wr. lu; lu3 "to disturb, stir up; to cover completely; to mix" Akk. balālu; dalāhu; katāmu
adaga [DITCH] wr. a-da-ga "irrigation ditch"
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
eg [LEVEE] wr. eg2; iku2 "levee" Akk. īku
hirim [DITCH] wr. hirim "?; waste land; ditch" Akk. ittû; miţru; pitru
hiritum [DITCH] wr. hi-ri-tum2 "ditch"
par [CANAL] wr. pa5; pa6 "(small) canal, irrigation ditch" Akk. atappu; palgu; pattu
sur [DITCH] wr. sur3; sur6; sur7 "canal, ditch; foundation pit of a building" Akk. berûtu; sūru
tul [FOUNTAIN] wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| "public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench" Akk. būrtu; hirītu; kalakku
min [TWO] wr. min; min3; min6 "two; ditto" Akk. šina
gigri [DIVE] wr. gir5-gir5; gigri2 "to dive"
haš [BREAK] wr. haš "to break off; to break; to divert (water)" Akk. haşābu; šebēru
divert water
haš [BREAK] wr. haš "to break off; to break; to divert (water)" Akk. haşābu; šebēru
ba [ALLOT] wr. ba "to divide into shares, share, halve; to allot" Akk. qiāšu; zâzu
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
in dub [DELIMIT] wr. in dub "to delimit, fix a boundary" Akk. palāku
šu dag [ABANDON] wr. šu dag "to cut off, abandon" Akk. batāqu
divide into shares
ba [ALLOT] wr. ba "to divide into shares, share, halve; to allot" Akk. qiāšu; zâzu
divide off
in dub [DELIMIT] wr. in dub "to delimit, fix a boundary" Akk. palāku
dal [LINE] wr. dal "dividing line, transverse line" Akk. perku
ĝešdal [CROSSBAR] wr. ĝešdal "crossbar, beam, dividing line" Akk. gištallu
dividing line
dal [LINE] wr. dal "dividing line, transverse line" Akk. perku
ĝešdal [CROSSBAR] wr. ĝešdal "crossbar, beam, dividing line" Akk. gištallu
igid [DIVINATION?] wr. i3-gid2 "divination?"
igid [DIVINATION?] wr. i3-gid2 "divination?"
diĝir'ama [MOTHER] wr. diĝir-ama "divine mother"
diĝirdumu [SON] wr. diĝir-dumu "divine son"
dirida [INSTRUCTION] wr. di-ri-da; ti-ri-da; te-ri-ta "(divine) instruction, order" Akk. têrtu
inanna [ENTREATY] wr. i-nanna "a divine entreaty"
ki'ešbar [PLACE] wr. ki-eš-bar "place of (divine) decisions"
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
mitum [WEAPON] wr. mi-tum; ĝešmi-tum; ĝešmitum; ĝešmitum2; ĝešmi-i3-tum "a divine weapon" Akk. miţţu
nugig [PRIESTESS] wr. nu-gig; nu-u8-gig; mu-gi17-ib; mu-gib3 "a priestess; a divine epithet; a profession for women" Akk. qadištu
sudaĝ [METAL] wr. sud-ra2-aĝ2; sud-aĝ2; su3-ud-aĝ2 "a precious metal; (to be) shiny (a divine epithet)" Akk. elmēšu
šunir [EMBLEM] wr. šu-nir; ĝeššu-nir; šu-še-er "emblem" Akk. šurinnu
tukulšunir [EMBLEM] wr. ĝeštukul-šu-nir "a divine emblem" Akk. maşrahtu; maşrahu
ubara [PROTECTION] wr. ubara "divine protection" Akk. kidinnu
divine emblem
tukulšunir [EMBLEM] wr. ĝeštukul-šu-nir "a divine emblem" Akk. maşrahtu; maşrahu
divine entreaty
inanna [ENTREATY] wr. i-nanna "a divine entreaty"
divine epithet
nugig [PRIESTESS] wr. nu-gig; nu-u8-gig; mu-gi17-ib; mu-gib3 "a priestess; a divine epithet; a profession for women" Akk. qadištu
divine functions
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
divine mother
diĝir'ama [MOTHER] wr. diĝir-ama "divine mother"
divine protection
ubara [PROTECTION] wr. ubara "divine protection" Akk. kidinnu
divine son
diĝirdumu [SON] wr. diĝir-dumu "divine son"
divine weapon
mitum [WEAPON] wr. mi-tum; ĝešmi-tum; ĝešmitum; ĝešmitum2; ĝešmi-i3-tum "a divine weapon" Akk. miţţu
lusaĝDUa [STATUS] wr. lu2-saĝ-DU-a "a divinely punished person" Akk. mahşam ilim
divinely punished person
lusaĝDUa [STATUS] wr. lu2-saĝ-DU-a "a divinely punished person" Akk. mahşam ilim
maššugidgid [DIVINER] wr. maš-šu-gid2-gid2; maš2-šu-gid2-gid2 "diviner" Akk. bārû
maššugigi [DIVINER] wr. maš2-šu-gi4-gi4 "diviner"
uzu [DIVINER] wr. uzu2 "diviner" Akk. bārû
namdiĝir [DIVINITY] wr. nam-diĝir "divinity"
ennuĝ [IMPRISONMENT] wr. en-nu-ĝa2; en-nuĝx(NUN); en-nu-uĝ3; en-nu-uĝ5; en-uĝ3-ĝa2 "watch, guard; watch (as a division of night time); imprisonment; prison" Akk. maşşartum
sabarsud [NOTATION] wr. sa-bar-sud "composition division notation"
ak [DO] wr. ak; a "to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)" Akk. epēšu
du [BUILD] wr. du3 "to build, make; to do, perform" Akk. banû; epēšu
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
heše [OPPRESSED] wr. heš5še3; haš "(to be) oppressed; (to be) detained" Akk. habālu; kalû
peš [THREE] wr. peš "three; to do something three times" Akk. šalašti
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
šu gi [REPEAT] wr. šu gi4 "to repeat" Akk. šanû
šu ĝar [CARRY OUT] wr. šu ĝar; šu ĝa2-ĝa2 "to carry out (a task)" Akk. gamālu
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
do a favor
šu ĝar [CARRY OUT] wr. šu ĝar; šu ĝa2-ĝa2 "to carry out (a task)" Akk. gamālu
do for a second time
šu gi [REPEAT] wr. šu gi4 "to repeat" Akk. šanû
do something at daybreak
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
do something three times
peš [THREE] wr. peš "three; to do something three times" Akk. šalašti
do something to barley
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
do twice
šu gi [REPEAT] wr. šu gi4 "to repeat" Akk. šanû
do wrong
heše [OPPRESSED] wr. heš5še3; haš "(to be) oppressed; (to be) detained" Akk. habālu; kalû
azu [DOCTOR] wr. a-zu; a-zu5; azu "doctor" Akk. asû
azugal [DOCTOR] wr. a-zu-gal; azu-gal "chief doctor"
dub [TABLET] wr. dub "tablet" Akk. ţuppu
gug.SAR [DOG BITE] wr. gug6(|KA.KAK|)-SAR "dog bite"
gug [TOOTH] wr. gug; gug6 "tooth; blade; beak; dogbite" Akk. nišik kalbi; šinnu
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
nig [BITCH] wr. nig "female dog; lioness" Akk. kalbatu; nēštu
nig [PLOW] wr. ĝešnig; kušnig "a part of a plow" Akk. kalbatu; kurussu ša epinni
ur [DOG] wr. ur; ĝešur "dog; ~ figurine; ~ toy; lion" Akk. kalbu; labbu
urgir [DOG] wr. ur-gir15 "(domestic) dog" Akk. kalbu
uridim [DOG] wr. ur-idim "mad dog, rabid dog" Akk. uridimmu; kalbu šegû
urki [DOG] wr. ur-ki "dog" Akk. kalbu
dog bite
gug.SAR [DOG BITE] wr. gug6(|KA.KAK|)-SAR "dog bite"
dog pack
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
dog s bite
gug [TOOTH] wr. gug; gug6 "tooth; blade; beak; dogbite" Akk. nišik kalbi; šinnu
gug [TOOTH] wr. gug; gug6 "tooth; blade; beak; dogbite" Akk. nišik kalbi; šinnu
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
ĝala dag [CEASE] wr. ĝa2-la dag "to cease; (to be) idle, lax" Akk. naparkû
muš tum [STOP WORKING] wr. muš3 tum2 "to stop working" Akk. naparkû
esi [DIORITE] wr. na4esi "diorite, dolerite" Akk. ušû
biza [PUPPET] wr. bi-za "puppet, doll" Akk. passu
zana [DOLL] wr. za-na "doll" Akk. passu
urgir [DOG] wr. ur-gir15 "(domestic) dog" Akk. kalbu
tumgur [BIRD] wr. tum12-gur4mušen; tum12-gur8mušen; tum12mušen-gur8; tum12-kur2mušen; tum12-kurmušen "a domesticated dove" Akk. sukannīnu
domesticated dove
tumgur [BIRD] wr. tum12-gur4mušen; tum12-gur8mušen; tum12mušen-gur8; tum12-kur2mušen; tum12-kurmušen "a domesticated dove" Akk. sukannīnu
gurum [DWELLING] wr. gurum "dwelling" Akk. mūšabu
kituš [DWELLING] wr. ki-tuš "dwelling place" Akk. mūšabu; šubtu
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
uru [LITTER] wr. uru12 "bedding place; litter; lair, dwelling; dung" Akk. mūšabu; rubşu
zag kešed [TIE UP] wr. zag keš2 "to tie up; to don" Akk. ?
rig [DONATE] wr. rig7; rig9; rigx(|PA.TUK.DU|) "to donate"
akkanum [DONKEY] wr. ak-ka-nu-um "wild donkey" Akk. akkannu
anše [EQUID] wr. anše "donkey; equid" Akk. imēru
anšebala [DONKEY] wr. anše-bala "replacement donkey" Akk. tēnû
dibida [DONKEY] wr. di-bi-da "donkey"
dur [DONKEY] wr. dur3; dur9; dur3ur3 "young male donkey" Akk. mūru
dusu [EQUID] wr. dusu2; dusux(|ANŠE.IGI.DIB|) "donkey" Akk. agālu
eme [DONKEY] wr. eme3; eme6; eme5; eme7; emex(|SAL.EN|) "female donkey" Akk. atānu
igitab [BLINKERS] wr. kušigi-tab "(donkey) blinkers"
zib [DONKEY-BRIDLE] wr. zib2 "donkey-bridle" Akk. appat ša imēri
kunga [EQUID] wr. kunga2; kunga; anšekunga2; anše|BAR×AN|; anšekunga "an equid, probably a donkey-onager cross" Akk. parû
armatum [~DOOR] wr. urudar-ma-tum; ar-ma-tum "a door part" Akk. armatu
aškud [EXTREMITIES] wr. aškud2; aškud "extremities; elbows; horns" Akk. aškuttu
aškud [~DOOR] wr. aškud2; aškud "a part of a door" Akk. aškuttu
barda [CROSSBAR] wr. bar-da; bar-da3 "crossbar" Akk. mušelû
daggan [DOORWAY?] wr. daggan; da-gan2 "doorway or door part" Akk. dakkannu
dula [DEPTH] wr. du5-la2 "depth; part of a door (lower pivot?)" Akk. šuplu; mušpalu
gadu [JAMB?] wr. ga-du "door jamb?"
ganzer [EARTH] wr. ganzer; ganzer3 "earth, land; underworld, door to the underworld" Akk. erşetu; kanisurru
ĝešgan [DOOR] wr. ĝeš-gan "door bolt"
ĝeškanak [JAMB] wr. ĝeš-kan4-na; ni-iš-ka-an-ka-na-ak "a part of a door frame, door jamb" Akk. giškanakku; sippu
ig gub [OPEN?] wr. ĝešig gub "to let a door stand open?; to dislodge a door"
ig [DOOR] wr. ĝešig; ig "door" Akk. daltu
kan [GATE] wr. kan4; KA "gate, door" Akk. bābu
nukušu [~DOOR] wr. ĝešnu-kuš2-u3 "a door fitting" Akk. nukušu
suhub [BOLT] wr. ĝešsuhub4; ĝešsuhub3; suhub5 "door bolt, bar" Akk. mēdelu; napraku
šu us [PUSH OPEN] wr. šu us2 "to push open (a door)" Akk. se'û
šumin [BAR] wr. ĝeššu-min3 "(door) bar"
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
zadu [JAMB] wr. za3-du8 "door jamb" Akk. sippu
zara [PIVOT] wr. ĝešza-ra; za-ra; ĝešzarax(KUL)? "(door) pivot" Akk. şerru; zarû
door bolt
ĝešgan [DOOR] wr. ĝeš-gan "door bolt"
suhub [BOLT] wr. ĝešsuhub4; ĝešsuhub3; suhub5 "door bolt, bar" Akk. mēdelu; napraku
door fitting
nukušu [~DOOR] wr. ĝešnu-kuš2-u3 "a door fitting" Akk. nukušu
door jamb
ĝeškanak [JAMB] wr. ĝeš-kan4-na; ni-iš-ka-an-ka-na-ak "a part of a door frame, door jamb" Akk. giškanakku; sippu
zadu [JAMB] wr. za3-du8 "door jamb" Akk. sippu
door jamb
gadu [JAMB?] wr. ga-du "door jamb?"
door part
armatum [~DOOR] wr. urudar-ma-tum; ar-ma-tum "a door part" Akk. armatu
door to the underworld
ganzer [EARTH] wr. ganzer; ganzer3 "earth, land; underworld, door to the underworld" Akk. erşetu; kanisurru
ĝeškanak [JAMB] wr. ĝeš-kan4-na; ni-iš-ka-an-ka-na-ak "a part of a door frame, door jamb" Akk. giškanakku; sippu
zadu [JAMB] wr. za3-du8 "door jamb" Akk. sippu
ĝeškanak [JAMB] wr. ĝeš-kan4-na; ni-iš-ka-an-ka-na-ak "a part of a door frame, door jamb" Akk. giškanakku; sippu
ĝeššaganak [DOORFRAME] wr. ĝeš-ša3-gan; ĝeš-ša3-gan-na "a part of a doorframe" Akk. giššakanakku
šasi [RAIL] wr. ša3-su3; ša3-si "rail (of a doorframe); cross-beam (of a chariot)"
atu [DOORKEEPER?] wr. a-tu "doorkeeper?; a priest or cultic functionary"
idu [DOORKEEPER] wr. i3-du8 "doorkeeper" Akk. atû
luĝešed [DOORMAN] wr. lu2-ĝeš-ed2; lu2-ĝeš-ed3 "doorman" Akk. ša namzaqi
namidu [STATUS] wr. nam-i3-du8 "status as doorkeeper"
atu [DOORKEEPER?] wr. a-tu "doorkeeper?; a priest or cultic functionary"
luĝešed [DOORMAN] wr. lu2-ĝeš-ed2; lu2-ĝeš-ed3 "doorman" Akk. ša namzaqi
daggan [DOORWAY?] wr. daggan; da-gan2 "doorway or door part" Akk. dakkannu
daggan [DOORWAY?] wr. daggan; da-gan2 "doorway or door part" Akk. dakkannu
doorway or door part
daggan [DOORWAY?] wr. daggan; da-gan2 "doorway or door part" Akk. dakkannu
dana [UNIT] wr. da-na; danna; dana2 "a unit of length, double-hour (distance), double-mile" Akk. bêru
minbulug [PIN] wr. minbulug; minbulug2; minbulugx(|BAL&BAL|); minbulugx(|BULUG.NAGAR|) "double pin" Akk. pallukku; pulukku
niĝmenbulug [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-menbulug2(|BULUG&BULUG|); ĝešme-bulug2 "a designation of looms" Akk. pallukku
tab [DOUBLE] wr. tab; tab4 "to double; to repeat; companion, partner" Akk. eşēpu; tappû
double hour
dana [UNIT] wr. da-na; danna; dana2 "a unit of length, double-hour (distance), double-mile" Akk. bêru
double pin
minbulug [PIN] wr. minbulug; minbulug2; minbulugx(|BAL&BAL|); minbulugx(|BULUG.NAGAR|) "double pin" Akk. pallukku; pulukku
niĝmenbulug [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-menbulug2(|BULUG&BULUG|); ĝešme-bulug2 "a designation of looms" Akk. pallukku
dana [UNIT] wr. da-na; danna; dana2 "a unit of length, double-hour (distance), double-mile" Akk. bêru
double-hour distance
dana [UNIT] wr. da-na; danna; dana2 "a unit of length, double-hour (distance), double-mile" Akk. bêru
dana [UNIT] wr. da-na; danna; dana2 "a unit of length, double-hour (distance), double-mile" Akk. bêru
niĝsilaĝ [DOUGH] wr. niĝ2-silaĝ "dough"
šilig [DOUGH] wr. šilig "dough" Akk. līšu
amarsaĝ [DOVE] wr. amar-saĝ "a dove" Akk. amursānu
irsaĝ [PIGEON] wr. KASKALmušen; ir7-saĝmušen "pigeon" Akk. uršānu
tugulla [BIRD] wr. tu-gul-lamušen "a bird" Akk. urţû
tugur [DOVE] wr. tu-gur4mušen; tu-gur8mušen; tu-gur5mušen; tum12-gurmušen; tu-gan2mušen; tu-ganmušen "dove" Akk. sukannīnu
tum [DOVE] wr. tum12mušen "wild dove" Akk. summatu
tumgur [BIRD] wr. tum12-gur4mušen; tum12-gur8mušen; tum12mušen-gur8; tum12-kur2mušen; tum12-kurmušen "a domesticated dove" Akk. sukannīnu
tumšugur [RING?] wr. tum12-šu-gur4 "dove-shaped ring?"
dove-shaped ring
tumšugur [RING?] wr. tum12-šu-gur4 "dove-shaped ring?"
buršuma [DOWAGER] wr. bur-šu-ma; bur-šum2-ma; bur-šu; bur-šu-um "dowager, matriarch, matron; an official; senior; old" Akk. puršumu; šībtu
bar šed [COOL] wr. bar šed10 "to cool down" Akk. ?
dirig [FALL] wr. dirig "to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to fall down, collapse" Akk. qâpu; šahāhu
dub gurum [SIT DOWN] wr. dub3 gurum "to sit down, to take a rest" Akk. nâhu
dub ĝar [SIT DOWN] wr. dub3 ĝar "to sit down" Akk. ?
dub [TREMBLE] wr. dub2; dub "to tremble, make tremble; to push away, down; to smash, abolish" Akk. napāşu
dur ĝar [SIT] wr. dur2 ĝar "to sit" Akk. (w)ašābu
dur [SIT] wr. dur2 "imperfect singular stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
durun [SIT] wr. durunx(|KU.KU|); durun; dur2-ru-un "plural stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
ed [ASCEND] wr. ed3; |UD×U+U+U.DU| "to go up or down; to demolish; to scratch; to rage, be rabid" Akk. arādu; elû; naqāru; šegû
gu gid [LEAN] wr. gu2 gid2 "to lean, to bend; to lodge; to peer into" Akk. šurru
gu ĝal [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝal2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝar [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝar; gu2 ĝa2-ĝa2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝeš ĝal [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝeš ĝal2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝeš ĝar [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝeš ĝar; gu2 giš ga2-ga2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu la [LEAN OVER] wr. gu2 la2 "to lean over" Akk. šurru
guguru dug [TRIM] wr. gu2-gur5-ru dug4; gu2-gur5 dug4; gu2-gur5-ru-uš dug4 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
guguru [TRIM] wr. gu2 guru5; gu2-guru5-gu2; |URU×GU|gu2; gu2-gur5-ru; guru5-guru5; gu2|URU×GU|gu2 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
gurud [THROW] wr. gurud; gurud2 "to throw, place" Akk. nadû
gurum [BEND] wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) "to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over" Akk. kanāšu; kanānu; kapāpu; qadādu
ĝal [BE] wr. ĝal2; ma-al; ga2gal2 "to be (there, at hand, available); to exist; to put, place, lay down; to have" Akk. bašû; šakānu
ĝar [PLACE] wr. ĝar; ĝa2; ĝa2-ar; ĝa2ĝar; ĝarar; mar; ĝa2ĝarar "to put, place, lay down; to give in place of something, replace; to posit (math.)" Akk. šakānu
hutul [STRIKE] wr. hu-tu-ul "to strike (of a disease)" Akk. hatû ša2 gig
ki za [BOW DOWN] wr. ki za "to bow down" Akk. šukênu
ki [PLACE] wr. ki "place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below" Akk. ašru; erşetu; mātu; qaqqaru; šaplû
ku [PLACE] wr. ku "to place, lay (down), lay eggs; to spread, discharge" Akk. nadû; uşşu
kušum [HEIGHT] wr. kušum; kušum2 "height; to look down on, despise" Akk. nâşu; šûqu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
ni dub [RELAX] wr. ni2 dub2 "to relax" Akk. napāšu; pašāhu
nud [LIE] wr. nud; nux(|HU.NA2|) "to lie down (of people); to lay down; to be ill" Akk. utulu
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
rig [BOIL] wr. RIG7; rig10 "to boil down; concoction, infusion" Akk. rabāku; ribku
sag [SCATTER] wr. sag2; sag3; sag7 "to throw (down); to scatter, disperse; to kill, to beat" Akk. dâku; nasāku; nêru; sapāhu
sar [WRITE] wr. sar; sarar "to write" Akk. šaţāru
sig [PLACE] wr. sig9; sig10; si-ig "to place" Akk. šakānu
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
šed [LIE] wr. še21; šex(NA2) "to lie down (of animals); to rest, sleep (of animals)" Akk. itūlu; rabāşu
šu dub [PULL OUT] wr. šu dub2 "to pull out" Akk. napāşu
šub [FALL] wr. šub "to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)" Akk. habātu; maqātu; nadû
šukin dab [PROSTRATE] wr. šu-kin dab5 "to prostrate oneself" Akk. kamāsu
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
til [LIVE] wr. til3 "to live; to sit (down); to dwell" Akk. ašābu; balāţu
tub [SMITE] wr. tu11; tu10 "to heap up; to strike down" Akk. hatû; kamāru
tuš [SIT] wr. tuš "to sit (down); to dwell" Akk. ašābu
u ku [SLEEP] wr. u3 ku; u3 ku4 "to sleep" Akk. şalālu
ul [HASTEN] wr. ul4 "to hasten, (be) quick; (to be) early" Akk. arāhu; hamāţu; harāpu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
usala nud [LIE DOWN] wr. u2-sal-la nud "to lie down peacefully" Akk. aburriš rabāşu
usur [SUSPEND] wr. usur4; sur5 "to suspend" Akk. šuqallulu
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
zaza [BOW] wr. za-za "to bow down"
down below
ki [PLACE] wr. ki "place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below" Akk. ašru; erşetu; mātu; qaqqaru; šaplû
aĝar [RAINSHOWER] wr. aĝar5; aĝar6 "rainshower, downpour" Akk. rādu
gir [GIFT] wr. gigir "dowry; gift" Akk. šerku
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
gid [DRAG] wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk" Akk. šadādu
ur [DRAG] wr. ur3 "to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat" Akk. bâ'u; kapāru; šabāţu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
ušumgal [DRAGON] wr. ušumgal; u3-šu-gal "great dragon, snake" Akk. ušumgallu
zanzana [DRAGONFLY] wr. zanzana; za-za-na-bi "dragonfly" Akk. kallat šamaš
alal [TUBE] wr. alal; urudalal "tube, pipe" Akk. alallu
da [SIDE BOARD] wr. ĝešda "side board (of a chariot)" Akk. marhaşu
gidim [IRRIGATOR] wr. ĝešgidim3; gi-di4 "an irrigation device" Akk. alallû
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
drain away
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
drain pipe
da [SIDE BOARD] wr. ĝešda "side board (of a chariot)" Akk. marhaşu
maš [TILE] wr. dugmaš "a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū
zandara [OBJECT] wr. zandara "a clay object; a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū; zad(u)rû
drainage tile
maš [TILE] wr. dugmaš "a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū
zandara [OBJECT] wr. zandara "a clay object; a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū; zad(u)rû
gudĝeš [OX] wr. gud-ĝeš "a draught ox"
draught ox
gudĝeš [OX] wr. gud-ĝeš "a draught ox"
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
dubul [DRAW] wr. du-bu-ul "to draw (water or wine)" Akk. habû
ĝeš hur [DRAW] wr. ĝeš hur "to draw" Akk. eşēru
hur [SCRATCH] wr. hur "to scratch, draw" Akk. eşēru
murgu [DRAW] wr. murgu "to draw, design" Akk. eşēru
si [FILL] wr. si "to draw water; to brew beer; to fill, load up" Akk. mullû; sabû; sâbu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
draw water
si [FILL] wr. si "to draw water; to brew beer; to fill, load up" Akk. mullû; sabû; sâbu
draw water
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
si [FILL] wr. si "to draw water; to brew beer; to fill, load up" Akk. mullû; sabû; sâbu
draw water or wine
dubul [DRAW] wr. du-bu-ul "to draw (water or wine)" Akk. habû
abala [WATER DRAWER] wr. lu2a-bala; lu2ab-la2 "water drawer" Akk. dālû
agabal [HOIST] wr. a-ga-bal "a hoisting device (connected to a pole) for drawing water" Akk. dulûtu
ensi [INTERPRETER] wr. ensi; ensi3; |MAŠ+EN|.LI "dream interpreter" Akk. ensû; šā'ilu
mamud [DREAM] wr. ma-mu2; ma-mu "dream" Akk. šuttu
muraš [INTERPRETRESS] wr. mu-ra-aš "female dream interpreter" Akk. ša'īltu
dream interpreter
ensi [INTERPRETER] wr. ensi; ensi3; |MAŠ+EN|.LI "dream interpreter" Akk. ensû; šā'ilu
ĝešMUNUSBUR [DRESS] wr. ĝeš-MUNUS.BUR2 "dress ornament"
mur [DRESS] wr. mur10 "to get dressed, clothe oneself" Akk. labāšu
dress ornament
ĝešMUNUSBUR [DRESS] wr. ĝeš-MUNUS.BUR2 "dress ornament"
tuditum [TOGGLE PIN] wr. tu-di-da; urudtu3-di3-da; tu-di-tumzabar; urudtu3-di-da; urudtu-di3-da "toggle pin" Akk. tudittu
mur [DRESS] wr. mur10 "to get dressed, clothe oneself" Akk. labāšu
ah [DRY] wr. ah3 "(to be) dried (out), dry; to dry" Akk. abālu; šābulu
emešurug [FROND] wr. ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug-ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug; ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug; ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug-eme-šu-ru-ug "dried palm-frond"
lah [DRY] wr. lah2 "to dry" Akk. šābulu
šergu [STRING] wr. še-er-gu; šer7-gu; še3šer7-gu; še3-er-gu "a string of fruit" Akk. šerku
dried out
ah [DRY] wr. ah3 "(to be) dried (out), dry; to dry" Akk. abālu; šābulu
lah [DRY] wr. lah2 "to dry" Akk. šābulu
dried palm-frond
emešurug [FROND] wr. ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug-ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug; ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug; ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug-eme-šu-ru-ug "dried palm-frond"
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
drift clouds
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
saĝsibadbad [DRILL] wr. saĝ-si-bad-bad "a drill"
anaĝ [DRINK] wr. a-naĝ "drink" Akk. maštû
de [POUR] wr. de2 "to pour; to winnow" Akk. šapāku; šaqû
kaš [BEER] wr. kaš; kaš2 "beer; alcoholic drink" Akk. šikaru
naĝ [DRINK] wr. naĝ "to drink" Akk. šatû
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
šagia [CUP-BEARER] wr. šagiax(|SILA3.ŠU.GABA|); SILA3.ŠU.GABA.A; SILA3.GABA; SILA3.GABA.A "cup-bearer" Akk. šāqû
ŠEDIN [DRINK] wr. ŠE+DIN "an alcoholic drink"
KAŠSILA [VAT] wr. KAŠ.SILA3; GEŠTIN.SILA3; TIN.SILA3 "a vat for alchoholic liquids; a drinking party?"
anaĝ [DRINK] wr. a-naĝ "drink" Akk. maštû
anzam [VESSEL] wr. an-za-am "a drinking vessel" Akk. assammu
asig [VESSEL] wr. a-sig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
epig [VESSEL] wr. epig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
guNEsaĝa [CONTAINER] wr. gu2-NE-saĝ-ĝa2 "a cupboard or chest for drinking utensils"
lum [VESSEL] wr. duglum3; lum3; duglum "a small drinking vessel" Akk. lummu
tilima [CUP] wr. dugti-lim; dugti-li-ma "a cup" Akk. tilimatu
tilimda [VESSEL] wr. ti-lim-da "a water vessel" Akk. tilimdû
drinking party
KAŠSILA [VAT] wr. KAŠ.SILA3; GEŠTIN.SILA3; TIN.SILA3 "a vat for alchoholic liquids; a drinking party?"
drinking vessel
anaĝ [DRINK] wr. a-naĝ "drink" Akk. maštû
anzam [VESSEL] wr. an-za-am "a drinking vessel" Akk. assammu
asig [VESSEL] wr. a-sig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
epig [VESSEL] wr. epig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
tilima [CUP] wr. dugti-lim; dugti-li-ma "a cup" Akk. tilimatu
tilimda [VESSEL] wr. ti-lim-da "a water vessel" Akk. tilimdû
lum [VESSEL] wr. duglum3; lum3; duglum "a small drinking vessel" Akk. lummu
biz [TRICKLE] wr. bi-iz; biz "to trickle, drip" Akk. başāşu
dar [DRIP?] wr. dar "to drip?"
sur [PRESS] wr. sur; sur8 "to press, squeeze; to flash; to drip; to rain; to milk" Akk. natāku; zanānu; şahātu; şarāru
šu tahab dug [SOAK?] wr. šu ta-hab2 dug4 "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
tahab [SOAK?] wr. ta-hab2; ta-ta-hab2; ta-hab "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
dar [DRIP?] wr. dar "to drip?"
šu tahab dug [SOAK?] wr. šu ta-hab2 dug4 "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
tahab [SOAK?] wr. ta-hab2; ta-ta-hab2; ta-hab "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
du [PLANT] wr. du3 "to plant; to fix upright, erect; to impregnate; to drive in, fix; a designation of grain" Akk. retû; zaqāpu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
drive in
du [PLANT] wr. du3 "to plant; to fix upright, erect; to impregnate; to drive in, fix; a designation of grain" Akk. retû; zaqāpu
emezagabarbar [DRIVELING] wr. eme-zag-ga-bar-bar "driveling"
ušzaga [DRIVELING] wr. uš11-zag-ga "driveling"
adab [DRIVER?] wr. a2-dab5 "driver?"
gabkas [DRIVER] wr. gab2-kas4 "driver"
kiridab [DRIVER] wr. kiri3-dab5; giri17-dab "animal driver; (animal) driver" Akk. kartappu
šagud [DROVER] wr. ša3-gud; ša-gud "ox driver; plow ox" Akk. kullizu
adab [DRIVER?] wr. a2-dab5 "driver?"
muru [RAINSTORM] wr. muru9; muru3 "rainstorm; mist; drizzle" Akk. imbaru; murû
šub [FALL] wr. šub "to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)" Akk. habātu; maqātu; nadû
agargara [DROPPINGS] wr. agargara "sheep droppings; fish-spawn" Akk. agargarû; piqannu
eribura [DROPPINGS] wr. eribura "bird droppings"
šurum [LITTER] wr. šurum; šurum3; šurun2 "dung, droppings (of sheep, gazelle); litter, bedding" Akk. kabû; piqqannu; rubşu
droppings of sheep
agargara [DROPPINGS] wr. agargara "sheep droppings; fish-spawn" Akk. agargarû; piqannu
šurum [LITTER] wr. šurum; šurum3; šurun2 "dung, droppings (of sheep, gazelle); litter, bedding" Akk. kabû; piqqannu; rubşu
ašagasi [DROPSY] wr. a-ša-ga-si "dropsy" Akk. mala mê
agalatila [DROPSY] wr. a-ga-la-ti-la; a-ga-la-til-la "dropsy"
amudaseke [DROPSY] wr. a-mud-a-se3-ke "dropsy"
ašagasi [DROPSY] wr. a-ša-ga-si "dropsy" Akk. mala mê
gudaria [DROVER] wr. gud-da-ri-a "drover"
gude'usa [DROVER] wr. gud-e-us2-sa "drover, ox-driver"
gudrah [DROVER] wr. gud-rah2 "drover, ox-driver"
šagud [DROVER] wr. ša3-gud; ša-gud "ox driver; plow ox" Akk. kullizu
a rah [DROWN] wr. a ra-ah; a ra "to drown" Akk. ?
tigidlu [BIRD] wr. ti-gi4-lumušen; ti-lu; ti-gid2-lu2mušen; ti-gid2mušen-lu2-a; tigidla; tigidla3; tigidlax(|ŠA3.MIN.TAR|); ti-id-lu; da-gi4-lumx(|ZU&ZU.SAR|) "a bird" Akk. tigi(l)lû
adab [DRUM] wr. a-da-ab; a-da-ba "a drum; a song" Akk. adapu
ala [DRUM] wr. kuša2-la2; kuša-la; kušala "a wooden drum" Akk. alû
alĝar [INSTRUMENT] wr. ĝešal-ĝar; al-gar "a musical instrument" Akk. alû
balaĝ [INSTRUMENT] wr. balaĝ; ĝešbalaĝ "a large drum or harp" Akk. balangu
balaĝdi [INSTRUMENT] wr. balaĝ-di "a musical instrument" Akk. timbutu
meze [DRUM] wr. me-ze2; meze; mezem? "a drum" Akk. manzû
šem [DRUM] wr. šem3; šem5 "a drum" Akk. halhallatu
tigi [INSTRUMENT] wr. tigi "drum or other musical instrument; type of song" Akk. tigû
ub [DRUM] wr. ub3; ub6 "a drum" Akk. uppu
drum or other musical instrument
tigi [INSTRUMENT] wr. tigi "drum or other musical instrument; type of song" Akk. tigû
alĝarsur [DRUMSTICK] wr. ĝešal-ĝar-sur9 "drumstick"
ekema [MALLET] wr. ĝeše-kid-ma; ĝeše-kid3-ma "mallet" Akk. mekkû
ešla [TOOL] wr. ĝešeš2-la2 "a stick?; a tool" Akk. mekkû
ĝišellag [TOOL] wr. ĝiš-ellag "tool" Akk. mekkû
suhur [TOOL] wr. ĝešsuhur "a tool" Akk. mekkû
si [DRUNK] wr. si3 "(to be) drunk" Akk. šakāru
abal [DRY] wr. a-ba-al "to be dry"
abhir [DRY] wr. ab-hi-ir "dry, seasoned (of wood)" Akk. nahru
ah [DRY] wr. ah3 "(to be) dried (out), dry; to dry" Akk. abālu; šābulu
barim [LAND] wr. bar-rim4; barim "dry land" Akk. nābalu
gur [UNIT] wr. gur; gur9 "unit of capacity; a measuring vessel" Akk. kurru; namandu
lah [DRY] wr. lah2 "to dry" Akk. šābulu
šarag [DRY] wr. šarag; šu-ru-ug; šaragx(|UD.SAR|) "to dry out"
šeĝ [COOK] wr. šeĝ6 "to cook; to dry a field; to fire (pottery)" Akk. bašālu
zi tum [TAKE REFUGE] wr. zi tum2 "to take refuge" Akk. napištu abālu
dry a field
šeĝ [COOK] wr. šeĝ6 "to cook; to dry a field; to fire (pottery)" Akk. bašālu
dry land
barim [LAND] wr. bar-rim4; barim "dry land" Akk. nābalu
dry out
šarag [DRY] wr. šarag; šu-ru-ug; šaragx(|UD.SAR|) "to dry out"
dry the throat
zi tum [TAKE REFUGE] wr. zi tum2 "to take refuge" Akk. napištu abālu
dry up
ah [DRY] wr. ah3 "(to be) dried (out), dry; to dry" Akk. abālu; šābulu
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
kiri ur [FLARE THE NOSTRILS] wr. kiri3 ur5 "'to flare the nostrils'" Akk. ganāşu; šanāşu
Dt wrinkle o. s nose
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
kiri ur [FLARE THE NOSTRILS] wr. kiri3 ur5 "'to flare the nostrils'" Akk. ganāşu; šanāşu
TURUZZA [DUCK?] wr. TUR.UZ.ZA "type of duck?"
TURUZZA [DUCK?] wr. TUR.UZ.ZA "type of duck?"
UZTUR [DUCK] wr. UZ.TUR "type of duck"
bazbaz [BIRD] wr. bibadmušen; ba-ba-azmušen; ba-ba-zamušen; mušenba-ba-za; ba-ba-azbazbazx(|ŠE.HU|)mušen; ba-ba-zabazbazx(|ŠE.HU|)mušen "a bird" Akk. paspasu
uz [DUCK] wr. uz; uzmušen "wild duck" Akk. ūsu
niĝkud [DUE] wr. niĝ2-kud "a share of the yield of a field" Akk. miksu
gina [OFFERING] wr. gi-na "regular offering, dues" Akk. ginû
di [SPEAK] wr. di "non-finite imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
harra [DUG?] wr. har-ra "dug?" Akk. harāru
harra [DUG?] wr. har-ra "dug?" Akk. harāru
šurum [LITTER] wr. šurum; šurum3; šurun2 "dung, droppings (of sheep, gazelle); litter, bedding" Akk. kabû; piqqannu; rubşu
uru [LITTER] wr. uru12 "bedding place; litter; lair, dwelling; dung" Akk. mūšabu; rubşu
dalhamun [STORM] wr. dal-ha-mun; dalhamun; dalhamun6; dalhamun7; dalhamun5 "dust storm; disaster" Akk. ašamšûtu; hābu
mermer [STORM] wr. mermer3 "dust storm" Akk. ašamšūtu
sahar [DUST] wr. sahar "earth, soil; dust" Akk. eperu
ukum [STORM] wr. ukum "dust storm" Akk. turbutu
dust storm
dalhamun [STORM] wr. dal-ha-mun; dalhamun; dalhamun6; dalhamun7; dalhamun5 "dust storm; disaster" Akk. ašamšûtu; hābu
mermer [STORM] wr. mermer3 "dust storm" Akk. ašamšūtu
ukum [STORM] wr. ukum "dust storm" Akk. turbutu
dust storm
ukum [STORM] wr. ukum "dust storm" Akk. turbutu
sahargi [DUST-GUARD] wr. sahar-gi4 "dust-guard" Akk. sahargû
saharHUB [DUST-HEAP] wr. sahar-HUB2 "dust-heap"
dub [HEAP] wr. dub "to strew; to heap up, pile, pour; to whirl up (a duststorm)" Akk. sarāqu; šapāku
baza [DWARF] wr. ba-za; ba-an-za "dwarf; cripple, lame" Akk. kurû
ehehhe [CRIPPLE] wr. eh3; ehehhe "cripple, dwarf" Akk. pessû
lugud [SHORT] wr. lugud2; lugud3 "(to be) short; (to be) tight; (to be) short of breath" Akk. kurû
dur ĝar [SIT] wr. dur2 ĝar "to sit" Akk. (w)ašābu
dur [SIT] wr. dur2 "imperfect singular stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
durun [SIT] wr. durunx(|KU.KU|); durun; dur2-ru-un "plural stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
lug [DWELL] wr. lug; lugx(LUL) "to live, dwell (of animals), pasture"
se [DWELL] wr. se12; še; ze2 "plural stem of lug[to dwell]"
til [LIVE] wr. til3 "to live; to sit (down); to dwell" Akk. ašābu; balāţu
tuš [SIT] wr. tuš "to sit (down); to dwell" Akk. ašābu
dwell of animals
lug [DWELL] wr. lug; lugx(LUL) "to live, dwell (of animals), pasture"
ašte [CHAIR] wr. ašte2; ĝešaš-te; ĝešiš-de3 "chair, throne; seat, dwelling; shrine, chapel; a unit of area" Akk. kussû; sukku; šubtu
barag [DAIS] wr. barag; bara10; bara6; bara7; bara8 "ruler, king; dais, seat" Akk. parakku; šarru; šubtu
dag [DWELLING] wr. dag "dwelling" Akk. šubtu
gunu [DWELLING] wr. gunux(|SI@g|) "dwelling" Akk. šubtu
gurum [DWELLING] wr. gurum "dwelling" Akk. mūšabu
kituš [DWELLING] wr. ki-tuš "dwelling place" Akk. mūšabu; šubtu
šubtum [DWELLING] wr. šubtu6; šubtu3; šubtu5; šubtu4; šubtu7 "dwelling, encampment; ambush"
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
uru [LITTER] wr. uru12 "bedding place; litter; lair, dwelling; dung" Akk. mūšabu; rubşu
uru [SEAT] wr. uru5 "seat, dwelling" Akk. šubtu
dwelling place
kituš [DWELLING] wr. ki-tuš "dwelling place" Akk. mūšabu; šubtu
niktum [PLANT] wr. ni-ik-tum "a plant used as a dye" Akk. niqdu
sig [BURN] wr. sig3 "to burn (of digestion)" Akk. şarāpu
tab [BURN] wr. tab; tab2 "to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark" Akk. hamāţu; šamātu; şarāpu
dye red
sig [BURN] wr. sig3 "to burn (of digestion)" Akk. şarāpu
tab [BURN] wr. tab; tab2 "to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark" Akk. hamāţu; šamātu; şarāpu
hub [PLANT] wr. u2hub2 "a plant (used for dying leather)"
eg [LEVEE] wr. eg2; iku2 "levee" Akk. īku
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.