birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
kiri ur [FLARE THE NOSTRILS] wr. kiri3 ur5 "'to flare the nostrils'" Akk. ganāşu; šanāşu
šu il [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu il2 "'to raise the hand'" Akk. qātu našû
šu zig [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu zig3 "'to raise the hand'; to rise; to plunder" Akk. nanduru; qātu našû; tebû
alla [OAK] wr. alla "oak; acorn; a suppository" Akk. allānu
allanum [OAK] wr. al-la-num2; ĝešal-la-nu-um; al-la-an "oak; acorn; acorn-shaped bead" Akk. allānu
ĝisal [RUDDER] wr. ĝešĝisal "rudder, oar; a roof part" Akk. gišallu
namNERU [OATH] wr. nam-NE.RU "oath" Akk. māmītu
saĝba [OATH] wr. saĝ-ba; saĝ-ba-a "oath" Akk. māmītu
šeg [AGREE] wr. še "to agree, be in agreement; to obey" Akk. magāru
DUNGUNU [OBJECT] wr. zabar|DUN3@g| "a bronze item"
EKIDma [OBJECT] wr. ĝešE.KID-ma "a wooden object used in a game"
GIRum [OBJECT] wr. GIR-um "a metal item" Akk. ?
HIla [OBJECT] wr. HI-la2zabar "a metal object; an item made of hides"
IBUM [OBJECT] wr. IB2.UM "a metal object?"
KUA [OBJECT] wr. ĝešKU-A "a wooden item"
UŠLAGABU [OBJECT] wr. uruduUŠ.|LAGAB×U| "a copper object"
adama [OBJECT] wr. ĝeša-da-ma2 "a wooden object"
agugPI [OBJECT] wr. a-gug2-PI "a metal item"
ala [OBJECT] wr. uruda-la2; a-la2 "a metal object"
ana [OBJECT] wr. ĝeša2-na "a wooden object"
ašrinna [WOODEN OBJECT] wr. aš-rin-na "a wooden object" Akk. ašrinnu
barutum [OBJECT] wr. ba-ru-tum "a quiver or other leather item" Akk. parūtu?
bulugKINgur [LANCET] wr. bulug-KIN-gur4 "lancet" Akk. marşadu
dabašin [OBJECT] wr. kušdabašin "a leather object" Akk. dabašinnu
dalu [OBJECT] wr. kušda-lu-uš2; kušda-lu "a leather object" Akk. anuššu
dibdib [WATERCLOCK] wr. ĝešdib-dib "waterclock, mathematical term; ?" Akk. dibdibbu; maštaqtu
dima [OBJECT] wr. dim3; dim3-ma "small object, figurine"
dinetum [OBJECT] wr. ĝešdi-ne-tum "a wooden object"
gabla [OBJECT] wr. urudagab2-la2 "an object"
guru [OBJECT] wr. ĝešgur8-u6 "wooden object"
hallul [OBJECT] wr. hal-lul "a metal object"
hatum [OBJECT] wr. ha-tum "a bronze object" Akk. hattu
hirin [OBJECT] wr. hirin2; hurin "a leather object" Akk. zinbuharu
hubdum [OBJECT] wr. hub2-du-um "a metal item"
hululum [OBJECT] wr. kušhu-lu-lu-um; hu-lu-lu-um "leather object" Akk. hulūlu
hušba [OBJECT] wr. huš-ba "an object, part of a chariot"
katab [LID] wr. kuška-tab; ĝeška-ta-pu-um "a lid, covering; an object" Akk. katammu; katappu
kib [OBJECT] wr. kib "an object" Akk. kibbu
kida [MAT] wr. ĝeškid-da "a type of reed mat or woven object"
lilibu [OBJECT] wr. kušli-li-bu "a leather object" Akk. lilibu
luguda [OBJECT] wr. ĝešlugud2-da "a wooden object"
maqtarum [OBJECT] wr. ma-aq-ta-ru-um "a metal item, perhaps censer" Akk. maqtaru
maštakda [WOODEN OBJECT] wr. ĝešmaš-tak-da "wooden object"
mašum [OBJECT] wr. urudma-šum "metal object"
murzanum [WOODEN OBJECT] wr. ĝešmuru5-za-nu-um "wooden object"
niĝdim [OBJECT] wr. niĝ2-dim2 "object"
niĝdimdim [FORM] wr. urudniĝ2-dim2-dim2 "manufactured object; physical form, shape" Akk. ni(g)dimdimmû
niĝsua [OBJECT] wr. niĝ2-su3-a; niĝ2-su13-a "a metal object"
nun [OBJECT] wr. nun "a metal object" Akk. nunnu
pizirium [OBJECT] wr. pi-zi-ri2-um "a gold object?" Akk. pizzerium
riĝir [OBJECT] wr. ri2-gir2 "a metal object"
šagaru [OBJECT] wr. urudša-ga-ru "a metal object"
šašurum [OBJECT] wr. ša-šu-ru-um "a reed object"
šendani [OBJECT] wr. šen-da-ni "a bronze object"
šer [OBJECT] wr. še3šer7; ĝeššer7 "a part of a wooden item"
šeš [OBJECT] wr. ĝeššeš "a metal or reed object" Akk. šušû
šikum [LEATHER OBJECT] wr. kušši-kum "leather object" Akk. šipku?
šua [OBJECT] wr. ĝeššu4-a "a wooden item"
šusi [OBJECT] wr. kuššu-si "a leather object"
te [BOAT] wr. ĝešte; ĝešti "a part of a boat, cart or chariot" Akk. dapānu
til [POLE] wr. til "a pole, part of a wooden object"
usakar [MOON] wr. u4-sakar "crescent moon; moon; crescent-shaped object; semi-circular line; half wheel" Akk. uskāru; warhu
zandara [OBJECT] wr. zandara "a clay object; a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū; zad(u)rû
zimaharu [LEATHER OBJECT] wr. kušzi-ma-ha-ru "leather object" Akk. zinbuharu
zizda [INDEMNITY] wr. ziz2-da; zi-iš-da "indemnity for a lost object; debt servitude" Akk. kiššātu
ŠENdala [OBJECT] wr. ŠEN.da-la2 "an object"
object of gold
kib [OBJECT] wr. kib "an object" Akk. kibbu
kurku [WISH] wr. kurku2; kur-ku; ku-kur; gu-kur; kur-gi4 "wish" Akk. nizmatu
uma [TRIUMPH] wr. u3-ma; u2-ma "triumph, victory" Akk. ernittu
adKID [WEAVER] wr. ad-KID; ad-kup5 "basket weaver; reed worker" Akk. atkuppu
eban [PAIR] wr. e2-ba-an; e2-ba; e-ba-an; e-pa-na; e2-pa-na "pair" Akk. tāpalu
nabhatum [CONTAINER] wr. kušna-ah-ba-tum; kušna-ab-ha-tum "a case for precious objects" Akk. nahbatu
ennuĝ [IMPRISONMENT] wr. en-nu-ĝa2; en-nuĝx(NUN); en-nu-uĝ3; en-nu-uĝ5; en-uĝ3-ĝa2 "watch, guard; watch (as a division of night time); imprisonment; prison" Akk. maşşartum
kurku [OBSERVE?] wr. kur-ku; kur-ku-ku "to observe?"
kurku [OBSERVE?] wr. kur-ku; kur-ku-ku "to observe?"
u dug [ADMIRE] wr. u6 dug4 "to admire; to regard, observe" Akk. amāru; barû
daparu [DEFEAT] wr. daparu "defeat, annihilation; (to be) resistant, obstinate" Akk. kamāru; karašû; šapşu
dinig [RESISTANT] wr. dinig2 "(to be) resistant, obstinate" Akk. šapşu
ĝeštug la [DEAF] wr. ĝeštug2 la2 "(to be) deaf; (to be) difficult, obstinate" Akk. sakāku
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
u hub [DEAF] wr. u2 hub; u2 hub2 "to be deaf; to be difficult, obstinate" Akk. sukkuku
u'ug [DEAF] wr. u2-ug "deaf; (to be) difficult, obstinate"
gilim [CROSS] wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gil-gilil "to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block; (to be) difficult to understand" Akk. egēru; parāku
idim [BLOCKED] wr. idim "(to be) blocked, stilted; (to be) obtuse, deaf; simple person, imbecile; weak, helpless (person)" Akk. sakku; saklu; ulālu
sumaš [FISH] wr. sumašku6 "an oceanic fish" Akk. sumāsu
oceanic fish
sumaš [FISH] wr. sumašku6 "an oceanic fish" Akk. sumāsu
of animals
nisku [~EQUID] wr. ni-is-ku; ni-is-kum; ni-is-ku-um; nisku "a description of equids" Akk. nisqu
of metals
zarin [LOW QUALITY] wr. za-ri2-in "low quality, of metals, bricks, wool" Akk. zarinnu
of pig
pel [DEFILE] wr. pe-el-la2; pe-el "to defile; to be thin, light" Akk. lu''û; qalālu
saĝ tum [REDUCE] wr. saĝ tum2 "to reduce" Akk. qalālu
of sheep
dur [BUTTOCKS] wr. dur2 "defile, cleft; buttocks, rump" Akk. pūqu; šuburru
of vessel
malgatum [INSTRUMENT] wr. ma-al-ga-tum "a musical instrument; a type of song" Akk. malgâtu
dagan [TOTALITY] wr. da-gan "totality; assembly; band" Akk. kullatu; puhru; riksu
dur [TOTALITY] wr. dur "totality" Akk. kullatu
gal [BIG] wr. gal; gu-la; gu-ul; gal-gal; ku-ul "(to be) big, great; (to be) retired, former; (to be) mature (of male animals)" Akk. rabû
kingal [OFFICIAL] wr. kingal; kin-gal "grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter" Akk. mu'erru; rabû
aya [CRY] wr. a; u3 "a cry of woe; to cry, groan" Akk. ahulap; nâqu
HIHI [PINCH] wr. HI.HI "to pinch off bitumen" Akk. karāsu ša esir
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
guruš [CUT] wr. guruš3; guruš4 "to cut, fell, trim, peel off; a cutting; stubble" Akk. kismu; nakāsu; šarāmu
haš [BREAK] wr. haš "to break off; to break; to divert (water)" Akk. haşābu; šebēru
hu [SCRAPE] wr. hu "to scrape off, grub up" Akk. halāšu
hum [SNAP] wr. hum "to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion" Akk. hamāšu; rahāšu
in dub [DELIMIT] wr. in dub "to delimit, fix a boundary" Akk. palāku
ir [PLUNDER] wr. ir "to plunder" Akk. šalālu
kid [BREAK] wr. kid2; gir8; kid4; kid7 "to break off, pinch off" Akk. karāşu
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
ni ten [COOL] wr. ni2 te-en "to cool off" Akk. ?
sud [DISTANT] wr. sud; su3-ud "(to be) distant; (to be) remote, long-lasting; (to be) profound" Akk. nesû; rêqu
sur [SPIN] wr. sur "to spin; to twist; to slither" Akk. ţawû; šalālu
ša [SNAP] wr. ša5 "to snap off" Akk. haşāşu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šu dag [ABANDON] wr. šu dag "to cut off, abandon" Akk. batāqu
šu gi [REPAY] wr. šu gi4 "to repay; to return something to someone, settle an account" Akk. gimillu turru; šullumu
šu gur [ROLL UP] wr. šu gur "to wipe off; to roll up" Akk. qarāru; qebēru
šu sub [RUB] wr. šu su-ub "to wipe off, clean, rub" Akk. mašāšu
šu ur [ERASE] wr. šu ur3 "to erase; to level off (surveying); to clip (a bird)" Akk. kapāru; pašāţu; šêqu ša madādi
šuš [CUT] wr. šuš4 "to cut, fell; to trim, peel off" Akk. nakāsu; šarāmu
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
uš [BLOCK] wr. uš2 "to shut off, block up" Akk. sekēru
zu kud [BITE] wr. zu2 kud "to bite" Akk. başāru; našāku
zukura [TEAR] wr. zukura; zukurax(|KA×X|) "to tear off" Akk. başāru
arua [OFFERING] wr. a-ru-a "votive offering"
bur [BOWL] wr. bur; na4bur "(food) offering, sacrifice; meal(-time); (stone) bowl; a priest" Akk. abru; naptanu; nīqu; pūru
burgia [OFFERING] wr. bur-gi4-a; bur-ra-gi4-a "an offering" Akk. burgû
burzi [BOWL] wr. bur-zi "a bowl" Akk. pursû
dimuš [SHELTER] wr. dimuš "reed shelter, nest; reed stalk" Akk. kumāşu; kušāru
edadi [FLOUR] wr. zid2e2-da-di "a type of flour" Akk. edadû
gabaria [OFFERING] wr. gaba-ri-a "an offering"
gatil [VOW] wr. ga-til3 "vow; an offering"
gina [OFFERING] wr. gi-na "regular offering, dues" Akk. ginû
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
gug [CAKE] wr. gug2 "offering; cake" Akk. kukku; niqû
kisiga [OFFERINGS] wr. ki-sig10-ga; ki-sig9-ga; ki-sig3 "funerary offerings" Akk. kispu
nabrium [OFFERING] wr. na-ab-ri2-um "an offering; a festival" Akk. nabriu
nadeg [INCENSE] wr. na-de3; na-degx(RI) "incense" Akk. qutrēnu
nesaĝ [OFFERING] wr. nesaĝ2; ne-saĝ; nesaĝ; niĝ2-saĝ "first-fruit offering; a storage place" Akk. nisakku; nisannu
niĝdirig [EXTRA] wr. niĝ2-dirig "extra, additional things; a type of offering" Akk. ?
niĝkizah [OFFERING] wr. niĝ2-ki-zah "a type of offering"
niĝsiškur [OFFERING] wr. niĝ2-siškur2; niĝ2-siškur "an offering"
niĝtahab [VESSEL] wr. dugniĝ2-ta-hab "a vessel" Akk. gugguru; kukkubu
nindaba [OFFERING] wr. nindaba; nindabax(|PAD.AN.MUŠ2|); niĝ2-dab-ba "(food) offering" Akk. nindabû
sadug [OFFERINGS] wr. sa2-dug4; sa2-di "regular temple offerings; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. sattukku
siškur [PRAYER] wr. siškur2; siškur "prayer; blessing; offering, sacrifice, rites; to pour (a libation), sacrifice; to intercede" Akk. karābu; naqû; nīqu
šageguru [OFFERING] wr. šag4-ge-guru7; šag4-ge8-guru6 "a type of offering" Akk. šagigurrû
šuagina [OFFERING] wr. šu-a-gi-na; šu-gi-na "a type of offering" Akk. šuginû
offering of first fruits
nesaĝ [OFFERING] wr. nesaĝ2; ne-saĝ; nesaĝ; niĝ2-saĝ "first-fruit offering; a storage place" Akk. nisakku; nisannu
ĝeš tag [MAKE OFFERINGS] wr. ĝeš tag "to make offerings" Akk. ?
kisiga [OFFERINGS] wr. ki-sig10-ga; ki-sig9-ga; ki-sig3 "funerary offerings" Akk. kispu
sadug [OFFERINGS] wr. sa2-dug4; sa2-di "regular temple offerings; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. sattukku
šarrabdu [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. šar2-ra-ab-du; ša-ra-ab-du; šar2-ra-ab-du8 "an administrator; a demon" Akk. šarrabtû
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
biluda [RITUALS] wr. biluda; bi3-lu5-da; bi-lu-da10; pi-lu8-da "rituals, rites" Akk. parşu; pilludû
ĝarza [RITES] wr. ĝarza; mar-za; ĝarza2 "rites; cultic or cosmic ordinance" Akk. parşu
huĝ [HIRE] wr. huĝ; hux(KU)-un "to hire, rent; to install in office" Akk. agāru
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
namegirzid [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-egir3-zid "the office of egirzid-priest"
namen [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-en "the office of en-priest; kingship" Akk. enūtu; bēlūtu
namensik [OFFICE OF RULER] wr. nam-ensi2 "office of ruler"
namerešdiĝir [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-ereš-diĝir "office of the erešdiĝir-priestess" Akk. ?
namgudug [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-gudug "office of gudug-priest"
namguzala [THRONE-BEARER] wr. nam-gu-za-la2 "office of throne-bearer"
namĝarza [OFFICE] wr. nam-ĝarza2 "office"
namišib [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-išib "office of išib-priest"
namlagar [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lagar "office of lagar-Priest"
namlukur [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lukur "office of lukur-priestess"
namlumah [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lu2-mah "office of lumah"
nammaškim [OFFICE] wr. nam-maškim "office of maškim"
namniĝir [HERALD] wr. nam-niĝir "office of herald"
namnugig [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-nu-u8-gig "office of the nugig" Akk. ?
namsaĝDUN [RECORDER] wr. nam-saĝ-DUN3 "office of land recorder"
namsukkal [OFFICE] wr. nam-sukkal "office of sukkal"
namsukkalmah [OFFICE] wr. nam-sukkal-mah "office of sukkalmah"
namšabra [ADMINISTRATION] wr. nam-šabra "office of household administration"
unugi [RITES] wr. unugi "office; rites, (cultic) ordinance" Akk. parşu
office of egirzid-priest
namegirzid [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-egir3-zid "the office of egirzid-priest"
office of en-priest
namen [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-en "the office of en-priest; kingship" Akk. enūtu; bēlūtu
office of gudug-priest
namgudug [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-gudug "office of gudug-priest"
office of herald
namniĝir [HERALD] wr. nam-niĝir "office of herald"
office of household administration
namšabra [ADMINISTRATION] wr. nam-šabra "office of household administration"
office of išib-priest
namišib [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-išib "office of išib-priest"
office of lagar-Priest
namlagar [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lagar "office of lagar-Priest"
office of land recorder
namsaĝDUN [RECORDER] wr. nam-saĝ-DUN3 "office of land recorder"
office of lukur-priestess
namlukur [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lukur "office of lukur-priestess"
office of lumah
namlumah [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lu2-mah "office of lumah"
office of maškim
nammaškim [OFFICE] wr. nam-maškim "office of maškim"
office of priest ess
namen [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-en "the office of en-priest; kingship" Akk. enūtu; bēlūtu
office of ruler
namensik [OFFICE OF RULER] wr. nam-ensi2 "office of ruler"
office of sukkal
namsukkal [OFFICE] wr. nam-sukkal "office of sukkal"
office of sukkalmah
namsukkalmah [OFFICE] wr. nam-sukkal-mah "office of sukkalmah"
office of the erešdiĝir-priestess
namerešdiĝir [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-ereš-diĝir "office of the erešdiĝir-priestess" Akk. ?
office of the nugig
namnugig [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-nu-u8-gig "office of the nugig" Akk. ?
office of throne-bearer
namguzala [THRONE-BEARER] wr. nam-gu-za-la2 "office of throne-bearer"
lusaĝlugal [OFFICER] wr. lu2-saĝ-lugal "a royal officer"
APINUŠ [OFFICIAL] wr. APIN.UŠ "an official"
DIM [OFFICIAL] wr. DIM4 "an official"
PAPGAR [OFFICIAL] wr. PAP-GAR "an official"
abba [FATHER] wr. ab; ab-ba; abba2 "old (person); witness; father; elder; an official" Akk. abu; šību
agarniĝin [OFFICIAL] wr. agar4-niĝin2 "an official"
agrigbar [OFFICIAL] wr. |IGI.DUB|-bar "an official"
antibal [OFFICIAL] wr. an-ti-bal "an official"
ara [OFFICIAL] wr. ara "an official" Akk. ušmû
baršuĝal [OFFICIAL] wr. bar-šu-ĝal2 "an official" Akk. muwassû
buršuma [DOWAGER] wr. bur-šu-ma; bur-šum2-ma; bur-šu; bur-šu-um "dowager, matriarch, matron; an official; senior; old" Akk. puršumu; šībtu
damkas [OFFICIAL] wr. dam-kas4 "an official"
dubsarmah [OFFICIAL] wr. dub-sar-mah "an official"
dubsarzaga [REGISTRY OFFICIAL] wr. dub-sar-zag-ga "registry official" Akk. zazzakku
dumusaĝĝa [OFFICIAL] wr. dumu-saĝĝa "an official"
engar [FARMER] wr. engar; mu-un-gar3; mu-un-ga-ar "farmer; an official" Akk. ikkaru
ennam [OFFICIAL] wr. en-nam "an official" Akk. bēl pihāti
gabdudu [OFFICIAL] wr. ga-ab-du11-du11 "an official; informant?" Akk. qabbā u
galuĝak [OFFICIAL] wr. gal-uĝ3 "an official"
galzu'unkenak [OFFICIAL] wr. gal-zu-unken-na "an official title"
gu'enak [OFFICIAL] wr. gu2-en-na "an official" Akk. guennakku
guNEsaĝak [OFFICIAL] wr. gu2-NE-saĝ-ĝa2; lu2gu2-NE-saĝ-ĝa2 "an official"
guzala [OFFICIAL] wr. gu-za-la2 "an official" Akk. guzalû
kindagal [OFFICIAL] wr. kindagal "leader, expert; inspector of slaves" Akk. massû; muwassû
kingal [OFFICIAL] wr. kingal; kin-gal "grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter" Akk. mu'erru; rabû
kuš [OFFICIAL] wr. kuš7 "a high official" Akk. kizû
lu'ad [OFFICIAL] wr. lu2-ad "an official"
ludag [OFFICIAL] wr. lu2-dag "an official"
ludubšenak [OFFICIAL] wr. lu2-dub-šenurudu "an official"
luĝarza [OFFICIAL] wr. lu2-ĝarza2 "an official"
munsub [SHEPHERD] wr. mu6-sub3; munsubx(|PA.GU2@g|) "shepherd, herdsman; an official" Akk. rē'û
namdi [OFFICIAL] wr. nam2-di "an official"
namengar [OFFICIAL] wr. nam2-engar "an official"
namiri [OFFICIAL] wr. nam2-iri "an official"
namšeš [OFFICIAL] wr. nam2-šeš2 "an official"
namtuku [OFFICIAL] wr. nam2-tuku "an official"
namumuš [OFFICIAL] wr. nam2-umuš "an official"
nenkum [OFFICIAL] wr. nenkum "a temple official" Akk. ninkummu
rabianum [COMMANDER] wr. ra-bi-a-nu-um "commander, a high official" Akk. rabiānu
rabizigatum [OFFICIAL] wr. ra-bi-zi-ga-tum "a military official" Akk. rabi sikkati
saĝAŠ [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝ-AŠ "an official"
saĝĝa [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa; |GAR.ŠID|; |ŠID.GAR| "an official, the chief administrator of a temple household" Akk. šangû
saĝĝamah [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa-mah "an official, the senior chief administrator of a temple household"
sukkal [SECRETARY] wr. sukkal "secretary, civil servant" Akk. sukkallu
sukkalgal [OFFICIAL] wr. sukkalgalx(|GAL.LUH|) "an official"
sukkalmah [OFFICIAL] wr. sukal-mah "an official" Akk. sukkalmahu
susig [FLAYER] wr. su-si-ig "animal flayer" Akk. šusikkum
šabra [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. šabra; šabra2; ša3-ab-ra "chief administrator of a temple or other household" Akk. šabrû
šaĝankeš [OFFICIAL] wr. šagan-keš2 "an official"
šatam [OFFICIAL] wr. ša3-tam; šatam "government auditor, an administrative official" Akk. šatammu
zabardab [OFFICIAL] wr. zabar-dab5 "an official"
official responsible for disposal of animal carcasses
susig [FLAYER] wr. su-si-ig "animal flayer" Akk. šusikkum
official title
galzu'unkenak [OFFICIAL] wr. gal-zu-unken-na "an official title"
gibil [SPROUT] wr. ĝešgibil "sprout, offshoot" Akk. pirʾu
pešbandazi [OFFSHOOT] wr. ĝešpeš-banda3-zi "offshoot"
pešturzi [OFFSHOOT] wr. ĝešpeš-tur-zi "offshoot"
suhuš [OFFSHOOT] wr. suhušx(TUR); suhuš2 "date palm offshoot"
uluh [SAPLING] wr. u3-luh; u2-luh "sapling; offshoot; scepter" Akk. uluhhu
ešlug [OFFSPRING] wr. ešlug "offspring" Akk. atmu
hurum [CHILD] wr. hu-ru-um; hu-ru; a-hur-rum; hu-rum; huru "junior, social inferior; children" Akk. ahurrû; lillidu
lilia [OFFSPRING] wr. li-li-a "offspring" Akk. nannābu[offspring]
lulubuna [OFFSPRING] wr. lu-lu-bu-na; lu-li-gu2-na; lu-lu-gu-na; li2-in-li2-bu-na "offspring"
nu [GENITALIA] wr. nu "male genitalia; sperm; offspring" Akk. lipištu
šag bala [PROCREATE] wr. šag4 bala "to produce offspring" Akk. ?
ua [OH] wr. u5-a; u8; u3 "(a soothing expression); oh"
ia [OH!] wr. i3-a; i-a; ia4 "(an exclamation), oh!"
ara [~OIL] wr. a-ra2 "designation of oil"
ašudab [OIL] wr. a-šu-dab6 "a qualification of oil?; an oil producing plant?"
i sur [MAKE OIL] wr. i3 sur "to make oil"
i'ira [OIL] wr. i3-ir-a "scented oil"
i [OIL] wr. i3; u5; u2 "oil; butter; container for oil" Akk. tallum; šamnu
iĝeš [OIL] wr. i3-ĝeš "oil"
ihenunak [OIL] wr. i3-he-nun-na; i3-he-nun "precious oil" Akk. ihenunnakku
izaga [OIL] wr. i3-zag-ga "oil"
kašakanak [OIL-MAKER] wr. ka-šakan3; ka-šakan "chief oil maker"
li [OIL] wr. li2 "oil; fat; cream" Akk. šamnu
li [PRESS] wr. li2; li9 "to press (oil)" Akk. ruqqû
sab [JAR] wr. dugsab; sa2-ab "an oil jar" Akk. šappu
šurum [SPRINKLE] wr. šurumx(|URU×GU|) "to sprinkle oil" Akk. zarû
u'u [STONE] wr. na4u2-u2 "a stone" Akk. šamnu
zaĝa [PRESS] wr. zaĝa(NI) "to press out oil; exudation (of oil)" Akk. za'u; şahātu ša šamni
oil jar
sab [JAR] wr. dugsab; sa2-ab "an oil jar" Akk. šappu
oil of plenty
ihenunak [OIL] wr. i3-he-nun-na; i3-he-nun "precious oil" Akk. ihenunnakku
oil producing plant
ašudab [OIL] wr. a-šu-dab6 "a qualification of oil?; an oil producing plant?"
kašakanak [OIL-MAKER] wr. ka-šakan3; ka-šakan "chief oil maker"
irara [OIL-PRESSER] wr. i3-ra2-ra2 "oil-presser"
isur [PRESSER] wr. i3-sur "oil-presser" Akk. şāhitu
kankal [OIL-PROCESSING] wr. kankal "oil-processing, perfume-making" Akk. tarqītu
GARbanda [CONTAINER] wr. GAR-banda3da "type of container; a unit of measurement for oils and fats"
sadu [FLASK] wr. sa-du3 "a flask" Akk. šikinnu
sikin [CONTAINER] wr. sikin; šikin2 "a container for oils" Akk. šikinnu
niĝataka [OINTMENT] wr. niĝ2-a2-tak4-a "ointment" Akk. tēqītu
ugunu [DECORATION] wr. u3-gun3; ugunu; ugunu2; u3-gun; ugu-nu "decorative inlay; ointment" Akk. ihzētu; tēqītu
abba [FATHER] wr. ab; ab-ba; abba2 "old (person); witness; father; elder; an official" Akk. abu; šību
babaya [OLD MAN] wr. ba-ba-ya10 "old man" Akk. paršumu
buršuma [DOWAGER] wr. bur-šu-ma; bur-šum2-ma; bur-šu; bur-šu-um "dowager, matriarch, matron; an official; senior; old" Akk. puršumu; šībtu
libir [OLD] wr. libir "(to be) old, long-lasting" Akk. labāru
luki'inimak [WITNESS] wr. lu2-ki-inim-ma "witness" Akk. šību
namabba [AGE] wr. nam-ab-ba "old age" Akk. abbūtu; šībūtu; puršumu
namsumun [OLD] wr. nam-sumun "old age"
namumma [AGEDNESS] wr. nam-um-ma "status as old woman"
sugin [ROT] wr. ĝešsugin "rot; decayed matter" Akk. sumkīnu; nutāpu
sumun [OLD] wr. sumun "(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter" Akk. labāru; nutāpu; sumkīnu
šugi [SENIOR] wr. šu-gi4; šu-gi "senior, elder, old person; old" Akk. šību
til [COMPLETE] wr. til; til3 "(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end" Akk. gamāru; labāru; qatû
umma [OLD WOMAN] wr. um-ma "old woman" Akk. šībtu
old age
namabba [AGE] wr. nam-ab-ba "old age" Akk. abbūtu; šībūtu; puršumu
namsumun [OLD] wr. nam-sumun "old age"
old man
babaya [OLD MAN] wr. ba-ba-ya10 "old man" Akk. paršumu
old man
babaya [OLD MAN] wr. ba-ba-ya10 "old man" Akk. paršumu
old man/woman
buršuma [DOWAGER] wr. bur-šu-ma; bur-šum2-ma; bur-šu; bur-šu-um "dowager, matriarch, matron; an official; senior; old" Akk. puršumu; šībtu
namabba [AGE] wr. nam-ab-ba "old age" Akk. abbūtu; šībūtu; puršumu
old person
abba [FATHER] wr. ab; ab-ba; abba2 "old (person); witness; father; elder; an official" Akk. abu; šību
luki'inimak [WITNESS] wr. lu2-ki-inim-ma "witness" Akk. šību
šugi [SENIOR] wr. šu-gi4; šu-gi "senior, elder, old person; old" Akk. šību
old person
šugi [SENIOR] wr. šu-gi4; šu-gi "senior, elder, old person; old" Akk. šību
old woman
buršuma [DOWAGER] wr. bur-šu-ma; bur-šum2-ma; bur-šu; bur-šu-um "dowager, matriarch, matron; an official; senior; old" Akk. puršumu; šībtu
umma [OLD WOMAN] wr. um-ma "old woman" Akk. šībtu
old wood
sugin [ROT] wr. ĝešsugin "rot; decayed matter" Akk. sumkīnu; nutāpu
sumun [OLD] wr. sumun "(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter" Akk. labāru; nutāpu; sumkīnu
girim [FLOWER] wr. gi-rin; gi4-rin; girim; ĝešgi-rim "(to be) pure; (to be) clear; a fruit; a tree; a flower; olive" Akk. ellu; girimmu; hulamīsu; illūru; serdu
zirdum [OLIVE] wr. ĝešzi2-ir-dum "olive" Akk. serdu
olive tree
girim [FLOWER] wr. gi-rin; gi4-rin; girim; ĝešgi-rim "(to be) pure; (to be) clear; a fruit; a tree; a flower; olive" Akk. ellu; girimmu; hulamīsu; illūru; serdu
zirdum [OLIVE] wr. ĝešzi2-ir-dum "olive" Akk. serdu
ara [TIMES] wr. a-ra2 "times (with numbers); ways; way; omen; step (math.)"
ĝiškim [SIGN] wr. ĝiškim "sign, omen; trust, aid" Akk. giskimmu; ittu; tukultu
su [FLESH] wr. su "flesh; body; entrails (omen); body" Akk. zumru; šīru
uzu [FLESH] wr. uzu; uzu(LAK350) "flesh; body; entrails; omen" Akk. šīru
uzuga [ENTRAIL] wr. uzu-ga "entrail omen"
maš [GOAT] wr. maš2; maš "goat; extispicy; sacrificial animal for omens" Akk. bīru; urīşu
iĝar [ORACLE] wr. i5-ĝar "oracular utterance" Akk. egirrû
gana [COME ON!] wr. ga-na; gana "come on!" Akk. gana
on good terms
zi gi [ON GOOD TERMS] wr. zi gi4 "to be on good terms" Akk. ?
on seal
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
anše'edenak [EQUID] wr. anše-eden-na "onager" Akk. serrēmu
aš [ONE] wr. aš "one" Akk. išten
diš [ONE] wr. diš; de-eš-šu2; di-id; di-t- "one" Akk. ištēn
dugaĝu [DEAR] wr. dug3-ga-ĝu10 "one dear to me"
ešda [ONE] wr. eš3-da "one" Akk. ištēn
gabzi [REMOVER] wr. ga-ab-zi "remover" Akk. nāsihu
gadala [PRIEST] wr. gada-la2 "a priest" Akk. labiš kitê
giri [SEAT] wr. girix(|GIŠ.LU2|); girix(|GIŠ.ŠU.LU2|) "a seat" Akk. nēmedu
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
kišibĝal [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-ĝal2; kišib3-ĝal2 "seal bearer" Akk. kanniku
limum [THOUSAND] wr. li-mu-um; li-im "one thousand" Akk. limu
merga [FIRST] wr. me-er-ga "first one"
mete [ONE'S OWN] wr. me-te; ni2-te "one's own" Akk. ramānu
namšita [PRAYER] wr. nam-šita; nam-šita2 "prayer; entreaty" Akk. kāribu
šaggadala [PRIEST] wr. šag4-gada-la2 "a priest" Akk. labiš kitê
šuš [SIXTH] wr. šuš "one sixth" Akk. šuššu
šušana [FRACTION] wr. šušana "one third" Akk. šalšu
ur [HE] wr. ur5; ur "he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another)" Akk. amtu; ištēn; mithāru; šû
zahirum [STRAPS?] wr. za-hi-ru-um "shoe straps?" Akk. šāhiru
one dear to me
dugaĝu [DEAR] wr. dug3-ga-ĝu10 "one dear to me"
one entitled to wear linen
gadala [PRIEST] wr. gada-la2 "a priest" Akk. labiš kitê
šaggadala [PRIEST] wr. šag4-gada-la2 "a priest" Akk. labiš kitê
one s own
mete [ONE'S OWN] wr. me-te; ni2-te "one's own" Akk. ramānu
one sixth
šuš [SIXTH] wr. šuš "one sixth" Akk. šuššu
one third
šušana [FRACTION] wr. šušana "one third" Akk. šalšu
one thousand
limum [THOUSAND] wr. li-mu-um; li-im "one thousand" Akk. limu
one who blesses
namšita [PRAYER] wr. nam-šita; nam-šita2 "prayer; entreaty" Akk. kāribu
one who removes
gabzi [REMOVER] wr. ga-ab-zi "remover" Akk. nāsihu
one who seals
kišibĝal [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-ĝal2; kišib3-ĝal2 "seal bearer" Akk. kanniku
one with vision problems
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
šuš [SIXTH] wr. šuš "one sixth" Akk. šuššu
šudua [UNIT] wr. šu-du3-a "a unit of length" Akk. šīzu
one-third cubit
šudua [UNIT] wr. šu-du3-a "a unit of length" Akk. šīzu
saĝgiga [HUMANKIND] wr. saĝ-gig2-ga "humankind" Akk. şalmat qaqqadi
a šu du [EQUIP] wr. a2 šu du7 "'to equip oneself perfectly'" Akk. ?
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
gub [BATHE] wr. gub2 "to bathe, wash oneself; (to be) pure" Akk. ramāku
ki sub [PROSTRATE ONESELF] wr. ki su-ub "to prostrate oneself" Akk. šukênu
kiri ki sub [PROSTRATE ONESELF] wr. kiri3 ki su-ub "to prostrate oneself" Akk. ?
luĝa [SUBMERGE] wr. luĝ2 "to submerge oneself in water" Akk. šalû ša mê
mur [DRESS] wr. mur10 "to get dressed, clothe oneself" Akk. labāšu
ni gid [STRETCH] wr. ni2 gid2 "to stretch oneself?" Akk. ?
šu de [CARRY] wr. šu de6; šu tum3 "to carry; to apply oneself to a task; to touch" Akk. ?
šukin dab [PROSTRATE] wr. šu-kin dab5 "to prostrate oneself" Akk. kamāsu
kišumak [GARDEN] wr. ki-šum2-ma; ki-šum2sar "garlic or onion plot" Akk. šikin šumi
šum [GARLIC] wr. šum2; šum2sar "garlic; onion" Akk. šūmū
šumsikil [VEGETABLE] wr. šum2-sikil; šum2-sikil-lum "an alliaceous vegetable" Akk. šamaškilu
zahadin [VEGETABLE] wr. za-ha-din; za-ha-dinsar; šum2za-ha-din; za-ha-tisar; zu-ha-ti-nu; sum-ha-dinsar "a plant, a leek?" Akk. nušû; šuhatinnu
budbad [SOUND] wr. bu-ud-ba-ad "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
bulbal [SOUND] wr. bul3-bal "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
dubuldabal [SOUND] wr. du-bu-ul-da-ba-al "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
gumgam [SOUND] wr. gum2-ga-am3 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
kunkan [SOUND] wr. kun-ka3-an "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
mulmal [SOUND] wr. mul-ma-al "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
pudpad [SOUND] wr. pu-ud-pa-ad "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
pugpag [SOUND] wr. pu-ug-pa-ag "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
suhsah [SOUND] wr. suh3-sah4 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
urar [SOUND] wr. ur5-ar3 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
wuwa [SOUND] wr. wu-wa "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
zigzag [SOUND] wr. zi-ig-za-ag "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
zurzar [SOUND] wr. zur-za-ar "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
šu tahab dug [SOAK?] wr. šu ta-hab2 dug4 "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
tahab [SOAK?] wr. ta-hab2; ta-ta-hab2; ta-hab "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
bad [OPEN] wr. bad; ba; be2 "(to be) remote; to open, undo; to thresh grain with a threshing sledge" Akk. be'ēšû; nesû; petû
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
barag [SPREAD] wr. BAD; ba-ra-ge; ba-ra-ga; babarag2; KISALra "to spread out" Akk. uşşû; šuparruru
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
duh [LOOSEN] wr. duh; ze2-eb "to loosen, release; to open" Akk. paţāru
eden [PLAIN] wr. eden "plain, steppe, open country" Akk. edinu
ĝal taka [OPEN] wr. ĝal2 taka4; ĝal2 takax(BALAG) "to open" Akk. petû
ĝal [OPEN] wr. ĝal2 "to open" Akk. petû
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
ig gub [OPEN?] wr. ĝešig gub "to let a door stand open?; to dislodge a door"
igi bad [OPEN THE EYES] wr. igi bad "'to open the eyes'" Akk. ?
kad [OPEN] wr. kad-kad-ni "open"
kag bad [TALK] wr. ka bad; ka ba; ka bar "to open the mouth; to talk" Akk. petû ša pī; pûm ša ana atwî
kag duh [OPEN THE MOUTH] wr. ka duh "'to open the mouth'" Akk. pû petû
sug [BACK] wr. sug "steppe, open country; back, upperside, upper part" Akk. elītu; şēru
šu us [PUSH OPEN] wr. šu us2 "to push open (a door)" Akk. se'û
taka la [OPEN] wr. taka4 la2 "to open"
ig gub [OPEN?] wr. ĝešig gub "to let a door stand open?; to dislodge a door"
open country
eden [PLAIN] wr. eden "plain, steppe, open country" Akk. edinu
sug [BACK] wr. sug "steppe, open country; back, upperside, upper part" Akk. elītu; şēru
open the eyes
igi bad [OPEN THE EYES] wr. igi bad "'to open the eyes'" Akk. ?
open the mouth
kag bad [TALK] wr. ka bad; ka ba; ka bar "to open the mouth; to talk" Akk. petû ša pī; pûm ša ana atwî
kag duh [OPEN THE MOUTH] wr. ka duh "'to open the mouth'" Akk. pû petû
open wide
barag [SPREAD] wr. BAD; ba-ra-ge; ba-ra-ga; babarag2; KISALra "to spread out" Akk. uşşû; šuparruru
ab [WINDOW] wr. ab "window, window opening" Akk. aptu
abum [FUNERARY MOUND] wr. a-bu-um "a festival; mound for funerary use" Akk. apu
opening in the ground
abum [FUNERARY MOUND] wr. a-bu-um "a festival; mound for funerary use" Akk. apu
gabašuĝar [RIVAL] wr. gaba-šu-ĝar "rival" Akk. māhiru
BU'I [FACE] wr. BU-I "to face" Akk. mahāru
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
gaba ri [CONFRONT] wr. gaba ri "to confront" Akk. mahāru
gaba rugu [OPPOSE] wr. gaba ru-gu2 "to oppose" Akk. mahāru
igi rugu [OPPOSE] wr. igi ru-gu2 "to oppose" Akk. ?
rugu [WITHSTAND] wr. ru-gu2 "to withstand; to sail upstream" Akk. mahāru
saĝ gi [BLOCK] wr. saĝ gi4 "to block" Akk. hašû?; mahāru
saĝ ĝal [ADVANCE] wr. saĝ ĝal2; saĝ ĝa2-ĝa2 "to advance against, to oppose, to attack" Akk. (w)âru
saĝ šum [OPPOSE] wr. saĝ šum2 "to go against" Akk. hiāšu
šu gid [ACCEPT] wr. šu gid2 "to accept" Akk. mahāru
šu rugu [OPPOSE] wr. šu ru-gu2 "to oppose" Akk. ?
šu teĝ [ACCEPT] wr. šu teĝ4; šu teĝ3 "to accept" Akk. leqû; mahāru
šu tutu [WITHSTAND] wr. šu tu-tu "to withstand, approach" Akk. mahāru
heše [OPPRESSED] wr. heš5še3; haš "(to be) oppressed; (to be) detained" Akk. habālu; kalû
šaĝar [OPPRESSED] wr. šaĝa; ša-ĝa2; šaĝax(LU2) "a wronged person; (to be) slain; (to be) afflicted, oppressed" Akk. hablu; šagšu
namgu [OPPRESSION] wr. nam-gu2 "oppression"
niĝheše [OPPRESSION] wr. niĝ2-heš5(|LU2×KAR2|)-še3 "oppression"
iĝar [ORACLE] wr. i5-ĝar "oracular utterance" Akk. egirrû
iĝar [ORACLE] wr. i5-ĝar "oracular utterance" Akk. egirrû
oracular utterance
iĝar [ORACLE] wr. i5-ĝar "oracular utterance" Akk. egirrû
kiri [ORCHARD] wr. ĝeškiri6; kiri6 "(fruit) plantation, orchard" Akk. kirû
pu [ORCHARD] wr. pu2 "fruit orchard" Akk. şippatu
pukiri [ORCHARD] wr. pu2-ĝeškiri6 "irrigated orchard" Akk. ?
santanak [GARDENER] wr. santana "gardener" Akk. sandanaku
idlurugu [ORDEAL RIVER] wr. id2-lu2-ru-gu2 "ordeal river"
ordeal river
idlurugu [ORDEAL RIVER] wr. id2-lu2-ru-gu2 "ordeal river"
dirida [INSTRUCTION] wr. di-ri-da; ti-ri-da; te-ri-ta "(divine) instruction, order" Akk. têrtu
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
la [STRETCH] wr. la2 "to stretch out; to be in order" Akk. tarāşu
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
nam [FATE] wr. nam; na-aĝ2 "determined order; will, testament; fate, destiny" Akk. šīmtu
si sa [STRAIGHTEN] wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 "to make straight; to make vertical" Akk. ešēru; šutēšuru
šu du [COMPLETE] wr. šu du7 "to complete, perfect; to be in working order (of tools)" Akk. šuklulu
šu si sa [PUT IN ORDER] wr. šu si sa2 "to put in order" Akk. šutēšuru
šudu [EQUIPPED] wr. šu-du7; šita4 "fully equipped, in full working order" Akk. šuklulu
šušur [CORRECT] wr. šušur; šušur2 "(to be) in order, correct" Akk. šûšuru
urig [HEADBAND] wr. u4-ri-ig "headband" Akk. tuqnu
biluda [RITUALS] wr. biluda; bi3-lu5-da; bi-lu-da10; pi-lu8-da "rituals, rites" Akk. parşu; pilludû
ĝarza [RITES] wr. ĝarza; mar-za; ĝarza2 "rites; cultic or cosmic ordinance" Akk. parşu
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
unugi [RITES] wr. unugi "office; rites, (cultic) ordinance" Akk. parşu
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
hašum [ORE?] wr. ha-šum "ore?"
hašum [ORE?] wr. ha-šum "ore?"
zu kešed [GATHER] wr. zu2 keš2 "to gather, to assemble; to organize; to bind" Akk. kaşāru; rakāsu
tulubum [TREE] wr. gešgul-bu; ĝeštu-lu-bu-um; ĝešdili-bu-um; gul-bu; ĝešdal-bu-um "Oriental plane tree" Akk. dulbu
Oriental plane tree
tulubum [TREE] wr. gešgul-bu; ĝeštu-lu-bu-um; ĝešdili-bu-um; gul-bu; ĝešdal-bu-um "Oriental plane tree" Akk. dulbu
ašme [RADIANCE] wr. aš-me; aš-mezabar "radiance; sun-disk ornament" Akk. barīru; šamšatu
ĝešMUNUSBUR [DRESS] wr. ĝeš-MUNUS.BUR2 "dress ornament"
ĝešbur [ORNAMENT] wr. ĝeš-bur2 "architectural ornament"
hara [ORNAMENT] wr. na4hara5 "an ornament" Akk. harû
hedu [ORNAMENT] wr. he2-du7 "ornament"
hiriatum [ORNAMENT] wr. na4hi-ri-a-tum "an ornament" Akk. hirītu
mete [APPROPRIATE THING] wr. me-te; te "appropriate thing, ornament" Akk. simtu
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
nabihum [ORNAMENT] wr. na-bi2-hu-um "an ornament" Akk. nabihu
šerhulum [ORNAMENT] wr. še-er-hu-lum "an ornament" Akk. šerhullu
šerkan [ORNAMENT] wr. še-er-ha-an; še-er-ka-an; še-er-kan2; še-er-ga-an; še-er-kan "ornament"
nusiki [ORPHAN] wr. nu-siki "orphan" Akk. ekû
nusiki [ORPHAN] wr. nu-siki "orphan" Akk. ekû
a tu [WASH] wr. a tu15; a tu17; a tu5 "to wash, bathe" Akk. ramāku
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
gu gid [LEAN] wr. gu2 gid2 "to lean, to bend; to lodge; to peer into" Akk. šurru
gu la [LEAN OVER] wr. gu2 la2 "to lean over" Akk. šurru
gub [BATHE] wr. gub2 "to bathe, wash oneself; (to be) pure" Akk. ramāku
ki sub [PROSTRATE ONESELF] wr. ki su-ub "to prostrate oneself" Akk. šukênu
ki za [BOW DOWN] wr. ki za "to bow down" Akk. šukênu
šukin [PROSTRATION] wr. šu-kin "prostration" Akk. šukênu
ganu [BIRD] wr. ga-nu11mušen "a bird, ostrich"
LAGAB×Uĝ [~WATER] "a cistern or other source of water"
balare [OTHER SIDE] wr. bal-a-re "other side"
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
barutum [OBJECT] wr. ba-ru-tum "a quiver or other leather item" Akk. parūtu?
šabra [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. šabra; šabra2; ša3-ab-ra "chief administrator of a temple or other household" Akk. šabrû
tigi [INSTRUMENT] wr. tigi "drum or other musical instrument; type of song" Akk. tigû
other side
balare [OTHER SIDE] wr. bal-a-re "other side"
RI [CRY] wr. RI "to cry out" Akk. şarāhu
SAG.TAG [TEAR OUT] wr. |SAG×TAG4| "tear out" Akk. šarāţu
a ri [IMPREGNATE] wr. a ri "to impregnate" Akk. rehû
aĝ [MEASURE] wr. aĝ2 "to measure" Akk. madādu
ah [DRY] wr. ah3 "(to be) dried (out), dry; to dry" Akk. abālu; šābulu
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
barag [SPREAD] wr. BAD; ba-ra-ge; ba-ra-ga; babarag2; KISALra "to spread out" Akk. uşşû; šuparruru
bur [SPREAD] wr. bur2; bur "to release, free; to reveal; to spread out, cover" Akk. pašāru; šuparruru
bur [TEAR] wr. bur12; bu7 "to tear out" Akk. nasāhu
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
dirig [FALL] wr. dirig "to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to fall down, collapse" Akk. qâpu; šahāhu
dirig [TEAR] wr. dirig "to tear out" Akk. nasāhu
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
gagig [CRY] wr. gagig "to cry (out), wail" Akk. nâqu
gid [LONG] wr. gid2 "(to be) long; to tighten; to survey, measure out a field" Akk. arāku
gu de [SAY] wr. gu3 de2 "to say (addressing someone),; to call; to read out" Akk. ?; nabû; šasû
gu mur [BRAY] wr. gu3 mur "to bray; to cry out"
gu rah [SHOUT] wr. gu3 ra-ah; gu3 ra "to shout" Akk. šasû
ĝeš dug [COPULATE] wr. ĝeš3 dug4 "to copulate" Akk. rehû
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
harra [DUG?] wr. har-ra "dug?" Akk. harāru
kušum [CRY] wr. kušum "to cry (out), wail" Akk. nâqu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
la [STRETCH] wr. la2 "to stretch out; to be in order" Akk. tarāşu
lah [DRY] wr. lah2 "to dry" Akk. šābulu
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
sa la [STRETCH A NET] wr. sa la2 "to stretch a net out" Akk. ?
saĝ ĝal [MEASURED] wr. saĝ ĝal2 "(to be) measured out as a heaped amount; to measure out a heaped amount"
suh [EXTRACT] wr. suh5; suh "to tear out; to extract; to choose" Akk. nasāhu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šarag [DRY] wr. šarag; šu-ru-ug; šaragx(|UD.SAR|) "to dry out"
šu dub [PULL OUT] wr. šu dub2 "to pull out" Akk. napāşu
šu e [BLESS] wr. šu e3 "to bless; to go out?; to terrify?" Akk. waşû; palāhu; karābu
šu ĝar [CARRY OUT] wr. šu ĝar; šu ĝa2-ĝa2 "to carry out (a task)" Akk. gamālu
šu peš [EXPAND] wr. šu peš "to expand" Akk. qātum wuşşûm
šu sud [EXTEND THE HAND] wr. šu sud "'to stretch the hand out'" Akk. ?
šu zig [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu zig3 "'to raise the hand'; to rise; to plunder" Akk. nanduru; qātu našû; tebû
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
zaĝa [PRESS] wr. zaĝa(NI) "to press out oil; exudation (of oil)" Akk. za'u; şahātu ša šamni
zi [CUT] wr. zi2; zi; zix(|IGI@g|) "to cut, remove; to erase" Akk. baqāmu; barāšu; naţāpu; nasāhu
zig [RISE] wr. zig3 "to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise" Akk. dekû; gapāšu; tebû; şītu
zir [BREAK] wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er "to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase" Akk. ašāšu; pasāsu
ublilla [SHRINE] wr. ub-lil2-la2 "outdoor shrine"
outdoor shrine
ublilla [SHRINE] wr. ub-lil2-la2 "outdoor shrine"
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
šulhi [WALL] wr. šul-hi "outer wall" Akk. šalhû
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
outer corner
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
outer form
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
outer wall
šulhi [WALL] wr. šul-hi "outer wall" Akk. šalhû
ebara [OUTHOUSE] wr. e2-bar-ra "outhouse"
a'ea [BREACH] wr. a-e3-a "breach, water outlet; gushing water"
kun [TAIL] wr. kun "tail; canal outlet" Akk. zibbatu
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
mah [GREAT] wr. mah; mah2 "(to be) great" Akk. kabtu; mādu; rabû; şīru
rib [SURPASSING] wr. rib; ri-ba "(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive" Akk. ešqu; šūtuqu
umuš [EXALTED] wr. u2-muš "exalted" Akk. şīru
urun [EXALTED] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru; uru; uru15 "(to be) exalted; (to be) strong" Akk. dannu; šapsu; şīru
zag dib [PASS] wr. zag dib "to pass, to surpass" Akk. šūtuqu
eb [OVAL] wr. eb "oval"
ebgal [OVAL] wr. eb-gal "temple oval" Akk. ?
ebmuhaldim [~KITCHEN] wr. eb-muhaldim "food preparation area (lit. "oval of the cooks")"
dilim [OVEN] wr. dilim3 "oven" Akk. tinūru
dinig [KILN] wr. dinig; dinig3; di-ni-ig "smith, metalworker; kiln, furnace; air vent" Akk. kūru; nappašu; nappāhu
duruna [OVEN] wr. imduruna2; imti-nu-ur; durunax(|KU.KU|) "oven, tannour" Akk. tinûru
gir [OVEN] wr. gir4 "oven, kiln" Akk. kīru
girmah [KILN] wr. gir4-mah "kiln" Akk. kirmahhu
giršesa [OVEN] wr. gir4-še-sa "an oven for roasting barley"
guNE [PLACE] wr. gu2-NE; imgu2-NE "a place; cult centre?; oven?"
immindu [OVEN] wr. immindu; immindu2; im-tu-na "oven" Akk. tinūru
niĝsasa [BURNING] wr. niĝ2-sa-sa "burning; brazier, oven" Akk. qalqallu; maqlû; qalû
šurin [OVEN] wr. šu-rin "oven"
udunmah [OVEN] wr. udun-mah "oven, brick-kiln" Akk. udunmāhu
ulal [OVEN] wr. ulal "oven" Akk. tinūru
guNE [PLACE] wr. gu2-NE; imgu2-NE "a place; cult centre?; oven?"
oven for roasting barley
giršesa [OVEN] wr. gir4-še-sa "an oven for roasting barley"
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
dib [PASS] wr. dib; dib2; di-ib "to pass, go along; to go past; to go through; to cross over; to audit; to transfer" Akk. bâ'u; etēqu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
dub bala [GO OVER AN ACCOUNT] wr. dub bala "to go over an account" Akk. ?
gu la [LEAN OVER] wr. gu2 la2 "to lean over" Akk. šurru
gurum [BEND] wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) "to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over" Akk. kanāšu; kanānu; kapāpu; qadādu
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
kingal [OFFICIAL] wr. kingal; kin-gal "grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter" Akk. mu'erru; rabû
šu teĝ [ACCEPT] wr. šu teĝ4; šu teĝ3 "to accept" Akk. leqû; mahāru
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
zara [OVERLAP] wr. zara6 "(to be) braided; to overlap" Akk. nentû; ţamû
a šum [OVERPOWER?] wr. a2 šum2 "to overpower?" Akk. ?
a šum [OVERPOWER?] wr. a2 šum2 "to overpower?" Akk. ?
kanšaša [OVERPOWERING] wr. ka-an-ša-ša; ga-an-ša-ša "overpowering" Akk. muktaššaššu
kurbal [COUNTRY] wr. kur-bal "overseas country"
overseas country
kurbal [COUNTRY] wr. kur-bal "overseas country"
namugula [~OVERSEER] wr. nam-ugula "status of overseer"
nubanda [OVERSEER] wr. nu-banda3; nu-banda3da "overseer, captain" Akk. laputtû
ugula'ek [OVERSEER] wr. ugula-e2 "estate-overseer"
ugula [OVERSEER] wr. ugula "instructor; overseer, foreman" Akk. aklu; šāpiru
dag [DEMOLISH] wr. dag "to demolish; to scratch; overthrow, military repulse" Akk. naqāru; sukuptu
šu bala [CHANGE] wr. šu bal "to change" Akk. šupêlu
zag saga [OVERTURN] wr. zag saga11 "to trample" Akk. sakāpu; darāšu
dab [SEIZE] wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) "to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of" Akk. sahāpu; tamāhu; kamû; şabātu
šu šuš [OVERWHELM] wr. šu šu2 "to overwhelm" Akk. ?
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
laban [UNMNG] wr. laban "?" Akk. pismu
libin [DISEASE] wr. libin "a sheep disease, a diseased sheep" Akk. irdu
ovine disease
libin [DISEASE] wr. libin "a sheep disease, a diseased sheep" Akk. irdu
nunuz [EGG] wr. nunuz; na4nunuz "ovoid bead; egg" Akk. erimmatu; pelû
ovoid bead
nunuz [EGG] wr. nunuz; na4nunuz "ovoid bead; egg" Akk. erimmatu; pelû
aBU [OWL] wr. a-BUmušen "an owl" Akk. eššebu
irihulua [BIRD] wr. iri-hulu-amušen; iri-gulmušen; mušeniri-gul "a bird" Akk. qadû
lalari [OWL] wr. la-la-rimušen "owl" Akk. qadû
ninninnata [BIRD] wr. dnin-ninna2mušen-ta; dnin-ninna2mušen; dnin-ninnamušen; dnin-immax(|LAGAB×IGI@g|)mušen; dnin-niĝin2mušen "a bird of prey, harrier?" Akk. eššebu
ua [OWL] wr. u5mušen; u3-amušen; u8-amušen "a bird" Akk. hū'a
ukukuba'uš [BIRD] wr. u3-ku-ku-ba-uš2mušen "a bird" Akk. ittīl imūt
mete [ONE'S OWN] wr. me-te; ni2-te "one's own" Akk. ramānu
lugal [KING] wr. lugal; lu2-gal "lord; master; owner; king; a quality designation" Akk. bēlu; šarru
nin [LADY] wr. nin; ga-ša-an; ga-ša2-an; ka-ša-an "lady; mistress, owner; lord" Akk. bēltu; bēlu
tab [BURN] wr. tab; tab2 "to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark" Akk. hamāţu; šamātu; şarāpu
agud [OX] wr. a2-gud "an ox"
gud [OX] wr. gud; gu3-ra "bull, ox; cattle; calf; lion" Akk. alpu; lī'um
gudapin [OX] wr. gud-apin "plow ox"
gudeĝir [OX] wr. gud-eĝir "rear ox of a plow team"
gudĝeš [OX] wr. gud-ĝeš "a draught ox"
gudnumun [OX] wr. gud-numun "an ox"
gudura [OX] wr. gud-ur3-ra "rear ox of a plow team"
šagud [DROVER] wr. ša3-gud; ša-gud "ox driver; plow ox" Akk. kullizu
ox driver
šagud [DROVER] wr. ša3-gud; ša-gud "ox driver; plow ox" Akk. kullizu
egud [OX-BARN] wr. e2-gud "ox-barn"
gude'usa [DROVER] wr. gud-e-us2-sa "drover, ox-driver"
gudrah [DROVER] wr. gud-rah2 "drover, ox-driver"
šagud [DROVER] wr. ša3-gud; ša-gud "ox driver; plow ox" Akk. kullizu
suhub [~OXEN] wr. suhub2; suhub "a description of oxen"
ubu [~OX] wr. u2-bu4 "a designation of oxen"
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.