urun [PACIFICATION] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru "pacification (of waves)" Akk. tanīhu ša agî
pacification of waves
urun [PACIFICATION] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru "pacification (of waves)" Akk. tanīhu ša agî
pacification of waves
urun [PACIFICATION] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru "pacification (of waves)" Akk. tanīhu ša agî
huĝ [PACIFY] wr. huĝ "to pacify"
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
sur [PRESS] wr. sur; sur8 "to press, squeeze; to flash; to drip; to rain; to milk" Akk. natāku; zanānu; şahātu; şarāru
pack of dogs
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
zigan [RUDDER] wr. ĝešzi-gan "rudder" Akk. sikkānu
sa [PAY FOR] wr. sa10 "to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell" Akk. šâmu
paid for
sa [PAY FOR] wr. sa10 "to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell" Akk. šâmu
zib [MARK] wr. za3; zib "a mark; mark, token; colour, paint" Akk. šimtu; şibbu
eban [PAIR] wr. e2-ba-an; e2-ba; e-ba-an; e-pa-na; e2-pa-na "pair" Akk. tāpalu
pair of objects
eban [PAIR] wr. e2-ba-an; e2-ba; e-ba-an; e-pa-na; e2-pa-na "pair" Akk. tāpalu
egal [PALACE] wr. e2-gal "palace; temple" Akk. ekallu
ĝirsiga [ATTENDANT] wr. ĝir3-sig10-ga "an attendant" Akk. gerseqqû
mašga'en [STATUS] wr. MAŠ.EN.KAK; MAŠ.KAK "a social status or profession" Akk. muškēnu
tiru [COURTIER] wr. tiru; TE.GAL? "courtier" Akk. māri ekallim
ušga [YOUTH] wr. uš-ga "attendant; youth" Akk. gerseqqû; uškû
sissi [GREEN] wr. si12-si12; sissix(GI) "(to be) green-yellow, pale" Akk. arqu; arāqu
badšulhi [PALISADE?] wr. bad3-šul-hi "palisade?"
badšulhi [PALISADE?] wr. bad3-šul-hi "palisade?"
bana [~PALM] wr. ĝešba-na "part of a date palm"
bubu'I [PALM] wr. bu-bu-I "wild date palm" Akk. alamittu
ĝešnimbar [PALM] wr. ĝešĝešnimbar; ĝešnimbar; mu-nim-mar "date palm" Akk. gišimmaru
hara [SHOOT] wr. ĝešha-ra "palm shoot" Akk. harû
mangaga [FIBERS] wr. mangaga; man-ga-ga "date palm fibers" Akk. mangagu
suhuš [OFFSHOOT] wr. suhušx(TUR); suhuš2 "date palm offshoot"
šidšid [PALM] wr. šid-šid "a wild date palm" Akk. alamittu
palm shoot
hara [SHOOT] wr. ĝešha-ra "palm shoot" Akk. harû
emešurug [FROND] wr. ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug-ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug; ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug; ĝešeme-šu-ru-ug-eme-šu-ru-ug "dried palm-frond"
zena [MIDRIB] wr. ze2-na "midrib of datepalm frond" Akk. zinû
šagĝešnimbar [PALMHEART] wr. šag4-ĝešnimbar "palmheart"
šubura [PALSY] wr. šu-bur2-ra "palsy" Akk. mašādu
šuš [PALSY] wr. šu-uš "to strike with palsy" Akk. mašādu
dilim [SPOON] wr. dilim2; dilim; zabardilim2 "spoon; balance pan" Akk. itqūru
muššagana [PANGS] wr. muššagana "hunger pangs, ravenous hunger" Akk. karurtu ša barbaru
dubul [PARALYZE?] wr. du-bu-ul "to paralyse?" Akk. hamû
dubul [PARALYZE?] wr. du-bu-ul "to paralyse?" Akk. hamû
dig [PARALYZED] wr. dig "(to be) paralyzed, to suffer paralysis" Akk. rimûtu
dubul [PARALYZE?] wr. du-bu-ul "to paralyse?" Akk. hamû
hum [PARALYZE] wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig
šu la [PARALYZE] wr. šu la2 "to paralyze" Akk. eşēlu; kasû
dubul [PARALYZE?] wr. du-bu-ul "to paralyse?" Akk. hamû
paralyze bodies
hum [PARALYZE] wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig
dig [PARALYZED] wr. dig "(to be) paralyzed, to suffer paralysis" Akk. rimûtu
badsi [PARAPET] wr. bad3-si "parapet" Akk. setu
mar [PARASITE] wr. mar "louse; worm; parasite" Akk. miqqanu; tūltu
sa [ROAST] wr. sa "to roast; to parch" Akk. qalû
kirimah [GARDEN] wr. ĝeškiri6-mah "pleasure garden, park"
AGARKA [TEMPLE] wr. A.GAR.KA "part of temple"
DUBdu [VEHICLE] wr. ĝešŠID-du3; ĝešDUB; DUB-du3; ĝešŠID-du10 "a part of a vehicle"
IGIX [BOAT-PART] wr. ĝešIGI.X "part of boat"
NEŠE [~BODY] wr. NE.ŠE3 "a part of the body"
abdu [VEGETABLE] wr. ab-du3 "a part of a vegetable" Akk. elītu
adtab [~HARNESS] wr. ad-tab "a part of a harness"
aga [REAR] wr. a-ga; a-ba "rear; a building or a part of a building" Akk. arkatu
aĝar [GARMENT] wr. a2-ĝar "part of garment"
aĝar [ROOF] wr. a2-ĝar "part of roof"
alal [~TEMPLE] wr. a-lal3 "a part of a temple"
amam'usan [~WHIP] wr. kušama-usan3 "a part of the whip"
ara [~BOAT] wr. ĝeša-ra "a boat part"
armatum [~DOOR] wr. urudar-ma-tum; ar-ma-tum "a door part" Akk. armatu
aškud [~DOOR] wr. aškud2; aškud "a part of a door" Akk. aškuttu
atur [FURROW] wr. a-tur3 "a part of a furrow" Akk. ?
bana [~PALM] wr. ĝešba-na "part of a date palm"
barag [SACK] wr. barag; bar; bar2-ra; bara9; bur2 "sack; a part of an animal's body" Akk. bašamu
barda [CROSSBAR] wr. bar-da; bar-da3 "crossbar" Akk. mušelû
daban [HARNESS] wr. daban "a part of a harness" Akk. šardappu
daggan [DOORWAY?] wr. daggan; da-gan2 "doorway or door part" Akk. dakkannu
damga [~PLOW] wr. ĝešdam; ĝešda-an-ga; ĝešdam-ga; kušdam-ga "a part of a plow" Akk. puqdu
dula [DEPTH] wr. du5-la2 "depth; part of a door (lower pivot?)" Akk. šuplu; mušpalu
ekema [MALLET] wr. ĝeše-kid-ma; ĝeše-kid3-ma "mallet" Akk. mekkû
eme [~PLOW] wr. ĝešeme "a part of a plow; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. emû
erinsaĝ [YOKE] wr. erin2-saĝ "front part of a yoke"
esuhur [~TEMPLE] wr. e2-suhur "a part of a temple" Akk. šahurru
ešla [TOOL] wr. ĝešeš2-la2 "a stick?; a tool" Akk. mekkû
gabaĝal [GUARD] wr. gaba-ĝal2 "front guard of a chariot" Akk. gabagallu
gabil [BEAM] wr. gab2-il2 "main beam of a chariot" Akk. kabbillu
gir [GIFT] wr. gigir "dowry; gift" Akk. šerku
guhšu [ALTAR] wr. guhšu; guhšu2 "a reed altar; (a part of) a container" Akk. guhšû; šubat diqāri
guš [INSTRUMENT] wr. ĝešgu2-uš "a musical instrument?; a part of a musical instrumen?"
ĝešgina [~LOOM] wr. ĝeš-gi-na "a part of the loom" Akk. gišginû
ĝeškanak [JAMB] wr. ĝeš-kan4-na; ni-iš-ka-an-ka-na-ak "a part of a door frame, door jamb" Akk. giškanakku; sippu
ĝešnaruak [~STELE] wr. ĝešna-ru2-a "a wooden stele?; a wooden part of a stele?" Akk. işşi narê
ĝeššaganak [DOORFRAME] wr. ĝeš-ša3-gan; ĝeš-ša3-gan-na "a part of a doorframe" Akk. giššakanakku
ĝešusala [BOAT-PART] wr. ĝeš-u3-sal4-la "part of boat"
ĝisal [RUDDER] wr. ĝešĝisal "rudder, oar; a roof part" Akk. gišallu
ĝišellag [TOOL] wr. ĝiš-ellag "tool" Akk. mekkû
hara [WAGON] wr. harax(|NUNUZ.AB2×BI|) "a part of a wagon" Akk. harû; namharû
hušba [OBJECT] wr. huš-ba "an object, part of a chariot"
ilila [LEVER] wr. ĝešil2-il2; ĝešil2-la2; ĝešil2 "lever" Akk. habbiru; naššû
kab [BIT PART] wr. kab "wing of a horse bit; noserope" Akk. kappu; şerretu
kamma [INSTRUMENT] wr. kam-ma "a part of a musical instrument?; tuning?"
kašu [PART] wr. ĝeška-šu2 "part of plough"
kinamesira [FOREHEAD] wr. ki-nam-esir-ra; ki-nam-TUG2-ra "forehead; a part of the foot" Akk. nakkaptu; nakkapu
laban [UNMNG] wr. laban "?" Akk. pismu
lilibu [OBJECT] wr. kušli-li-bu "a leather object" Akk. lilibu
madu [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-du3 "a part of a boat"
manhara [VESSEL] wr. ma-an-hara4; ma-hara4; ma-an-harax(|DAG.KISIM5×GA|); nam-hara4 "a beer vessel; a part of a chariot" Akk. harû; namharu
nig [PLOW] wr. ĝešnig; kušnig "a part of a plow" Akk. kalbatu; kurussu ša epinni
niĝkud [~PLOWSHARE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-kud "a part of a plowshare" Akk. kissu
pakud [~TREE] wr. pa-kud "stave; a trimmed part of a tree" Akk. pakuttu
silaĝ [~BODY] wr. silaĝ "a body part" Akk. lašû
sudin [CHARIOT] wr. su-din "a part of a chariot" Akk. šuttinnu
sug [BACK] wr. sug "steppe, open country; back, upperside, upper part" Akk. elītu; şēru
sug [~GRAIN] wr. sug4; sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|); sugx(|PA.SUD.EL|) "a ripe stalk of grain or part of a stalk of grain"
suhur [TOOL] wr. ĝešsuhur "a tool" Akk. mekkû
šagdubul [PART OF AN INSTRUMENT] wr. šag4-du-bu-ul "part of an instrument, soundbox?"
šaglatum [GARMENT] wr. tug2šag4-la2-tum "a garment or part of a shoe" Akk. šallatu
šer [OBJECT] wr. še3šer7; ĝeššer7 "a part of a wooden item"
šerim [~LOOM] wr. šerim; šerim2; šerimx(|TAG.TUG2|) "a part of the loom" Akk. şīşītu
te [BOAT] wr. ĝešte; ĝešti "a part of a boat, cart or chariot" Akk. dapānu
til [POLE] wr. til "a pole, part of a wooden object"
tugul [BOAT] wr. ĝeštu-gul "a part of a boat?"
udšuš [~HEAD] wr. ud-šu2-uš "a part of the head"
ugudili [SCALP] wr. ugu-dili2 "upper part of the skull or scalp"
umbin [~BOAT] wr. ĝešumbin "a part of a boat"
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
ušub [PART OF REED] wr. giu3-šub "part of reed"
ušub [~REED] wr. ušub "a part of a reed" Akk. adattu
zah [~JEWELRY] wr. za-ah "a part or qualification of a piece of jewelry"
zahirum [STRAPS?] wr. za-hi-ru-um "shoe straps?" Akk. šāhiru
zardu [~WAGON] wr. ĝešzar-du3 "a wagon part" Akk. zardû
part of a boat
madu [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-du3 "a part of a boat"
te [BOAT] wr. ĝešte; ĝešti "a part of a boat, cart or chariot" Akk. dapānu
umbin [~BOAT] wr. ĝešumbin "a part of a boat"
part of a boat
tugul [BOAT] wr. ĝeštu-gul "a part of a boat?"
part of a chariot
hušba [OBJECT] wr. huš-ba "an object, part of a chariot"
manhara [VESSEL] wr. ma-an-hara4; ma-hara4; ma-an-harax(|DAG.KISIM5×GA|); nam-hara4 "a beer vessel; a part of a chariot" Akk. harû; namharu
sudin [CHARIOT] wr. su-din "a part of a chariot" Akk. šuttinnu
part of a date palm
bana [~PALM] wr. ĝešba-na "part of a date palm"
part of a door
aškud [~DOOR] wr. aškud2; aškud "a part of a door" Akk. aškuttu
part of a door frame
ĝeškanak [JAMB] wr. ĝeš-kan4-na; ni-iš-ka-an-ka-na-ak "a part of a door frame, door jamb" Akk. giškanakku; sippu
part of a door lower pivot
dula [DEPTH] wr. du5-la2 "depth; part of a door (lower pivot?)" Akk. šuplu; mušpalu
part of a doorframe
ĝeššaganak [DOORFRAME] wr. ĝeš-ša3-gan; ĝeš-ša3-gan-na "a part of a doorframe" Akk. giššakanakku
part of a furrow
atur [FURROW] wr. a-tur3 "a part of a furrow" Akk. ?
part of a harness
adtab [~HARNESS] wr. ad-tab "a part of a harness"
daban [HARNESS] wr. daban "a part of a harness" Akk. šardappu
part of a musical instrumen
guš [INSTRUMENT] wr. ĝešgu2-uš "a musical instrument?; a part of a musical instrumen?"
part of a musical instrument
kamma [INSTRUMENT] wr. kam-ma "a part of a musical instrument?; tuning?"
part of a plough and a chariot
niĝkud [~PLOWSHARE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-kud "a part of a plowshare" Akk. kissu
part of a plow
damga [~PLOW] wr. ĝešdam; ĝešda-an-ga; ĝešdam-ga; kušdam-ga "a part of a plow" Akk. puqdu
eme [~PLOW] wr. ĝešeme "a part of a plow; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. emû
nig [PLOW] wr. ĝešnig; kušnig "a part of a plow" Akk. kalbatu; kurussu ša epinni
part of a plowshare
niĝkud [~PLOWSHARE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-kud "a part of a plowshare" Akk. kissu
part of a reed
ušub [~REED] wr. ušub "a part of a reed" Akk. adattu
part of a temple
alal [~TEMPLE] wr. a-lal3 "a part of a temple"
esuhur [~TEMPLE] wr. e2-suhur "a part of a temple" Akk. šahurru
part of a vegetable
abdu [VEGETABLE] wr. ab-du3 "a part of a vegetable" Akk. elītu
part of a vehicle
DUBdu [VEHICLE] wr. ĝešŠID-du3; ĝešDUB; DUB-du3; ĝešŠID-du10 "a part of a vehicle"
part of a wagon
zardu [~WAGON] wr. ĝešzar-du3 "a wagon part" Akk. zardû
part of a wagon
hara [WAGON] wr. harax(|NUNUZ.AB2×BI|) "a part of a wagon" Akk. harû; namharû
part of a wooden item
šer [OBJECT] wr. še3šer7; ĝeššer7 "a part of a wooden item"
part of a wooden object
til [POLE] wr. til "a pole, part of a wooden object"
part of an animal s body
barag [SACK] wr. barag; bar; bar2-ra; bara9; bur2 "sack; a part of an animal's body" Akk. bašamu
part of an instrument
šagdubul [PART OF AN INSTRUMENT] wr. šag4-du-bu-ul "part of an instrument, soundbox?"
part of boat
IGIX [BOAT-PART] wr. ĝešIGI.X "part of boat"
ĝešusala [BOAT-PART] wr. ĝeš-u3-sal4-la "part of boat"
part of body
silaĝ [~BODY] wr. silaĝ "a body part" Akk. lašû
part of door closure
barda [CROSSBAR] wr. bar-da; bar-da3 "crossbar" Akk. mušelû
part of doorframe
ĝeškanak [JAMB] wr. ĝeš-kan4-na; ni-iš-ka-an-ka-na-ak "a part of a door frame, door jamb" Akk. giškanakku; sippu
ĝeššaganak [DOORFRAME] wr. ĝeš-ša3-gan; ĝeš-ša3-gan-na "a part of a doorframe" Akk. giššakanakku
part of garment
aĝar [GARMENT] wr. a2-ĝar "part of garment"
part of harness
kab [BIT PART] wr. kab "wing of a horse bit; noserope" Akk. kappu; şerretu
part of plough
kašu [PART] wr. ĝeška-šu2 "part of plough"
part of reed
ušub [PART OF REED] wr. giu3-šub "part of reed"
part of roof
aĝar [ROOF] wr. a2-ĝar "part of roof"
part of temple
AGARKA [TEMPLE] wr. A.GAR.KA "part of temple"
part of the body
NEŠE [~BODY] wr. NE.ŠE3 "a part of the body"
part of the foot
kinamesira [FOREHEAD] wr. ki-nam-esir-ra; ki-nam-TUG2-ra "forehead; a part of the foot" Akk. nakkaptu; nakkapu
part of the head
udšuš [~HEAD] wr. ud-šu2-uš "a part of the head"
part of the loom
ĝešgina [~LOOM] wr. ĝeš-gi-na "a part of the loom" Akk. gišginû
šerim [~LOOM] wr. šerim; šerim2; šerimx(|TAG.TUG2|) "a part of the loom" Akk. şīşītu
part of the whip
amam'usan [~WHIP] wr. kušama-usan3 "a part of the whip"
part or qualification of a piece of jewelry
zah [~JEWELRY] wr. za-ah "a part or qualification of a piece of jewelry"
luigizeze [PERSON] wr. lu2-igi-ze2-ze2 "partially-sighted person"
partially-sighted person
luigizeze [PERSON] wr. lu2-igi-ze2-ze2 "partially-sighted person"
anta [COMPANION] wr. lu2an-ta "companion, comrade" Akk. tappûm
man [COMPANION] wr. man "companion, partner" Akk. tappû
tab [COMPANION] wr. tab; tab4 "companion, partner"
tab [DOUBLE] wr. tab; tab4 "to double; to repeat; companion, partner" Akk. eşēpu; tappû
namtab [PARTNERSHIP] wr. nam-tab "partnership"
tab [DOUBLE] wr. tab; tab4 "to double; to repeat; companion, partner" Akk. eşēpu; tappû
halubba [ANIMALS?] wr. halubba "desert animals?; partridge?" Akk. [ ] DAR.MUŠEN; bulim şehhertu
halubba [ANIMALS?] wr. halubba "desert animals?; partridge?" Akk. [ ] DAR.MUŠEN; bulim şehhertu
KAŠSILA [VAT] wr. KAŠ.SILA3; GEŠTIN.SILA3; TIN.SILA3 "a vat for alchoholic liquids; a drinking party?"
di kud [JUDGE] wr. di kud "to judge" Akk. dīnu dânu
dib [PASS] wr. dib; dib2; di-ib "to pass, go along; to go past; to go through; to cross over; to audit; to transfer" Akk. bâ'u; etēqu
gid [DRAG] wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk" Akk. šadādu
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
zag dib [PASS] wr. zag dib "to pass, to surpass" Akk. šūtuqu
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
pass along
gid [DRAG] wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk" Akk. šadādu
pass said of time
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
pass someone or something over the wooden stick
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
pass time
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
pass verdict
di kud [JUDGE] wr. di kud "to judge" Akk. dīnu dânu
harran [ROUTE] wr. har-ra-an "route, passage; path" Akk. mētequ; urhu
šiten [MARCH] wr. šiten "march, passage" Akk. mâlaku
henzer [UNMNG] wr. henzer "?" Akk. ētiqu
dib [PASS] wr. dib; dib2; di-ib "to pass, go along; to go past; to go through; to cross over; to audit; to transfer" Akk. bâ'u; etēqu
ah [SPITTLE] wr. ah6; uh3; aah "a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum; saliva, spittle; poison" Akk. hahhu; hurhummatu; illātu; imtu; ru'tu; rupuštu; uhhu
niĝataka [OINTMENT] wr. niĝ2-a2-tak4-a "ointment" Akk. tēqītu
šembizida [KOHL] wr. šembi; šem-bi-zid; šembizi "kohl, eye makeup, antimony paste; to anoint, smear on" Akk. egû; eqû; šimbizidû
ugunu [DECORATION] wr. u3-gun3; ugunu; ugunu2; u3-gun; ugu-nu "decorative inlay; ointment" Akk. ihzētu; tēqītu
uh [~PASTE] wr. uh; ah3 "to make paste"
paste for inlay work etc.
niĝataka [OINTMENT] wr. niĝ2-a2-tak4-a "ointment" Akk. tēqītu
ugunu [DECORATION] wr. u3-gun3; ugunu; ugunu2; u3-gun; ugu-nu "decorative inlay; ointment" Akk. ihzētu; tēqītu
gargar [BREAD] wr. gar3-gar3 "a bread or pastry"
ninda'i [BREAD] wr. ninda-i3 "a bread or pastry"
ninda'idea [BREAD] wr. ninda-i3-de2-a "a pastry or a bread" Akk. pannigu
ninda'iziHARa [BREAD] wr. ninda-izi-|HI×AŠ2|-ra "a bread or pastry"
pastry or a bread
ninda'idea [BREAD] wr. ninda-i3-de2-a "a pastry or a bread" Akk. pannigu
pastry or bread
ninda'idea [BREAD] wr. ninda-i3-de2-a "a pastry or a bread" Akk. pannigu
lug [DWELL] wr. lug; lugx(LUL) "to live, dwell (of animals), pasture"
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
šagtum [LAND] wr. šag4-tum2; šag4-tum3 "pasture land" Akk. qerbetu
u [PLANTS] wr. u2 "bread, loaf; food; grass, herb; pasture; plant(s)" Akk. akalu; rîtu; šammu
ugu [PASTURE] wr. u2-gu7 "pasture" Akk. merītu
usal [MEADOW] wr. u2-sal; u8-sal; SAL.|LAGAB×(GUD+GUD)|.DI?; |LAGAB×(GUD+GUD)|.DI.UD.SAL? "meadow, pasture" Akk. aburriš; ušallu
pasture land
šagtum [LAND] wr. šag4-tum2; šag4-tum3 "pasture land" Akk. qerbetu
marmah [PRIEST] wr. mar-mah "a priest" Akk. pasīšu
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
e'addak [PATRIMONY] wr. e2-ad-da "patrimony" Akk. bīt abīšu
paternal house
e'addak [PATRIMONY] wr. e2-ad-da "patrimony" Akk. bīt abīšu
dus [PATH] wr. du10-us2; du-us2 "path" Akk. kibsu
ganagur [PATH] wr. gana2-gur4; gana2-gur10; gana2-gur15 "a path" Akk. kanagurru
ĝiri kur dab [TAKE AN UNFAMILIAR PATH] wr. ĝiri3 kur2 dab5 "to take an unfamiliar path" Akk. ?
ĝiri [FOOT] wr. ĝiri3; me-ri; ĝiri16 "via, by means of, under the authority of someone; foot; path" Akk. šēpu
ĝiriĝena [PATH] wr. ĝiri3-ĝen-na "path" Akk. tallaktu
harran [ROUTE] wr. har-ra-an "route, passage; path" Akk. mētequ; urhu
harrangur [PATH] wr. har-ra-an-gur "a path" Akk. kanagurru
hendu [PATH] wr. he-en-du; he2-en-du "path"
inti [WAY] wr. in-ti; en-ti "way, path" Akk. alaktu
kiĝiri [ROAD] wr. ka-giri3; ki-giri3 "road, path" Akk. padānu
kindu [PATH] wr. ki-in-du "path" Akk. ?
us [SIDE] wr. us2 "side, edge; path" Akk. šiddu
šamanur [VERDIGRIS] wr. šamanur "verdigris, patina" Akk. šuhtu
šeknu [VERDIGRIS] wr. šeknux(|URUDA.IŠ.URUDA|) "verdigris, patina" Akk. šuhtu
šen [VERDIGRIS] wr. šen4 "verdigris, patina, rust" Akk. šuhtu
e'addak [PATRIMONY] wr. e2-ad-da "patrimony" Akk. bīt abīšu
sum [POOR] wr. sum5 "(to be) poor; pauper" Akk. lapnu
ukur [POOR] wr. ukur3 "(to be) poor; pauper" Akk. lapnu
eš [TENT] wr. kušeš3 "tent, pavilion"
biza [PUPPET] wr. bi-za "puppet, doll" Akk. passu
zana [DOLL] wr. za-na "doll" Akk. passu
ĝeštug gub [PLAN] wr. ĝeštug2 gub "to pay attention, to plan" Akk. uzna šakānu
ĝeštug ĝar [LISTEN] wr. ĝeštug2 ĝar; geštu2 ga2-ga2 "to pay attention, to listen" Akk. (w)âru ?
kiri du [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 du3 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu ĝal [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu ĝal2 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu tag [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu tag "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
me ĝar [MAKE SILENT] wr. me ĝar "to make silent" Akk. qâlu
sa [PAY FOR] wr. sa10 "to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell" Akk. šâmu
sug [REPLACE] wr. sug6 "to repay a loan; to replace" Akk. apālu; riābu
šu gi [REPAY] wr. šu gi4 "to repay; to return something to someone, settle an account" Akk. gimillu turru; šullumu
pay attention
ĝeštug gub [PLAN] wr. ĝeštug2 gub "to pay attention, to plan" Akk. uzna šakānu
ĝeštug ĝar [LISTEN] wr. ĝeštug2 ĝar; geštu2 ga2-ga2 "to pay attention, to listen" Akk. (w)âru ?
me ĝar [MAKE SILENT] wr. me ĝar "to make silent" Akk. qâlu
pay for
sa [PAY FOR] wr. sa10 "to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell" Akk. šâmu
pay homage to
kiri du [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 du3 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu ĝal [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu ĝal2 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu tag [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu tag "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
pay off in full
šu gi [REPAY] wr. šu gi4 "to repay; to return something to someone, settle an account" Akk. gimillu turru; šullumu
muDU [DELIVERY] wr. mu-DU "delivery" Akk. šūrubtu
paying in
muDU [DELIVERY] wr. mu-DU "delivery" Akk. šūrubtu
NIZAG [PAYMENT] wr. NI.ZAG "a type of additional payment"
išgana [PAYMENT] wr. iš-gana2 "an extra payment"
mašdarea [PAYMENT] wr. maš-da-re-a; maš2-da-re-a; maš2-da-re6-a; maš-da-re6-a "a type of payment" Akk. irbu
nambura [PAYMENT] wr. nam-bur2-a "payment" Akk. nipiltu
niĝmussa [GIFT] wr. nig2-mi2-us2-sa2; niĝ2-mussa; niĝ2-mi2-us2-sa "a betrothal gift" Akk. terhātu
la'u [ARREARS] wr. la'u; la'u3; la'u4; la'u5; la'ux(|LAL2.U|); la2-a; la2-ux(NI); la2-u5 "arrears; surplus" Akk. ribbatu
inimdug [PEACE] wr. inim-dug3 "peace, reconciliation with the gods" Akk. salīmu
neha [CALM] wr. ne-ha "calm, peace" Akk. nēhtu
u [PEACE] wr. u2 "peace" Akk. ţubtu
usala nud [LIE DOWN] wr. u2-sal-la nud "to lie down peacefully" Akk. aburriš rabāşu
haya [PEACOCK] wr. dha-ia3mušen "peacock; the cry of the peacock"
hašhurmada [PEAR] wr. ĝešhašhur-ma-da "pear-tree; pear" Akk. kamiššaru
hašhurmada [PEAR] wr. ĝešhašhur-ma-da "pear-tree; pear" Akk. kamiššaru
imna [PEBBLE] wr. im-na4na; na4im-na "clay pebble"
iškila [PEBBLE] wr. iškila "pebble; a container" Akk. išqillatu
ki deg [PECK] wr. ki degx(RI) "to peck the ground, to glean" Akk. uţţita ulaqqit
kul [COLLECT] wr. kul "to collect; to collect; to glean; to remove, take away; to peck" Akk. laqātu
peck the ground
ki deg [PECK] wr. ki degx(RI) "to peck the ground, to glean" Akk. uţţita ulaqqit
gabšam [PEDDLAR] wr. gab2-šam2 "peddlar"
zilulu [PEDDLAR] wr. zilulu "peddlar, peripatetic" Akk. sahhiru
zagniĝinni [BIRD] wr. zag-niĝin2-ni "a bird" Akk. şā'idu; sahhiru
zilulu [PEDDLAR] wr. zilulu "peddlar, peripatetic" Akk. sahhiru
kigal [PLATFORM] wr. ki-gal "platform, pedestal" Akk. kigallu
kigalum [PEDESTAL] wr. ki-gal-lum "pedestal, base of a statue" Akk. kigallu
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
guguru dug [TRIM] wr. gu2-gur5-ru dug4; gu2-gur5 dug4; gu2-gur5-ru-uš dug4 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
guguru [TRIM] wr. gu2 guru5; gu2-guru5-gu2; |URU×GU|gu2; gu2-gur5-ru; guru5-guru5; gu2|URU×GU|gu2 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
guruš [CUT] wr. guruš3; guruš4 "to cut, fell, trim, peel off; a cutting; stubble" Akk. kismu; nakāsu; šarāmu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šu gur [WIPE] wr. šu gur; šu gur10 "to wipe clean; to erase" Akk. kapāru
šuš [CUT] wr. šuš4 "to cut, fell; to trim, peel off" Akk. nakāsu; šarāmu
zil [BOIL] wr. zil "to boil; to peel" Akk. qalāpu; salāqu
peel off
guruš [CUT] wr. guruš3; guruš4 "to cut, fell, trim, peel off; a cutting; stubble" Akk. kismu; nakāsu; šarāmu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šuš [CUT] wr. šuš4 "to cut, fell; to trim, peel off" Akk. nakāsu; šarāmu
gu gid [LEAN] wr. gu2 gid2 "to lean, to bend; to lodge; to peer into" Akk. šurru
peer into
gu gid [LEAN] wr. gu2 gid2 "to lean, to bend; to lodge; to peer into" Akk. šurru
gag [NAIL] wr. ĝešgag; gag; urudgag "arrowhead; peg, nail" Akk. sikkatu; ūşu
gag [POCK] wr. gag "a pock; a disease" Akk. sikkatu
ir [PEG] wr. ĝešir "peg" Akk. irru
sahin [PEG] wr. sa-hi-in "peg" Akk. sikkatu
sahindu [YEAST] wr. sa-hi-in-du3; sa-hi-in; šemsah7-hi-in "yeast" Akk. sahindu; sikkatu
imlag [PELLET] wr. im-lag "pellet"
siki [HAIR] wr. siki "wool, fleece; hair; (animal's) pelt" Akk. šārtu; šīpātu
azal [PELVIS] wr. a-zal "pelvis"
e'uburak [ANIMAL PEN] wr. e2-ubur-ra; e2-bu-ra "animal pen"
ĝarig [PEN] wr. ĝa2-rig7 "animal pen" Akk. ?
a gi [DEFLOWER] wr. a gi; a gi4 "to deflower" Akk. naqābu
penetrate sexually
a gi [DEFLOWER] wr. a gi; a gi4 "to deflower" Akk. naqābu
ĝeš [PENIS] wr. ĝeš3; mu "penis; male" Akk. išaru; zikaru
erin [PEOPLE] wr. erin2; eri-na; erin9 "people; troops" Akk. şābu
nud [LIE] wr. nud; nux(|HU.NA2|) "to lie down (of people); to lay down; to be ill" Akk. utulu
uĝ [PEOPLE] wr. uĝ3 "people" Akk. nišu
umia [PEOPLE] wr. u2-mi-a "people" Akk. nišū
ašša [PERFECT] wr. aš-ša4; aš-ša "perfect" Akk. gitmalu?
bu [PERFECT] wr. bu; bu2 "perfect" Akk. gitmalu
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
ere [GO] wr. re; er; e-ra; erx(|DU.DU|); re6; re7; er-re; i-ri "perfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
gutuku [PERFECT] wr. gu2-tuku "perfect; rich" Akk. gitmalu; šarû
rum [PERFECT] wr. rum "perfect, ideal" Akk. gitmālu
saĝdili [LONE] wr. saĝ-dil "lone, single; batchelor; noble" Akk. gitmalu; ēdēnû
sub [COAT] wr. sub6 "to complete, perfect; to coat" Akk. šuklulu
šaggan [PERFECT] wr. šag4-gan "perfect" Akk. gitmalu
šar [PERFECT?] wr. šar2 "to be perfect?" Akk. gitmālu
šu du [COMPLETE] wr. šu du7 "to complete, perfect; to be in working order (of tools)" Akk. šuklulu
ušum [SNAKE] wr. ušum "first and foremost; noble; snake" Akk. ašaredu; bašmu; gitmālu
šar [PERFECT?] wr. šar2 "to be perfect?" Akk. gitmālu
perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug to speak
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
perfect plural stem of ĝen to go
ere [GO] wr. re; er; e-ra; erx(|DU.DU|); re6; re7; er-re; i-ri "perfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
a šu du [EQUIP] wr. a2 šu du7 "'to equip oneself perfectly'" Akk. ?
burud [PERFORATE] wr. burudx(U) "breach, hole; depression, low-lying area, depth; to perforate; (to be) deep" Akk. palāšu; šapālu; pilšu; šupālu; šuplu
ak [DO] wr. ak; a "to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)" Akk. epēšu
al ak [HOE] wr. al ak "to perform a type of hoeing"
al du [HOE] wr. al du3 "to perform a type of hoeing; to dig"
du [BUILD] wr. du3 "to build, make; to do, perform" Akk. banû; epēšu
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
ĝiri sig [PERFORM SERVICE] wr. ĝiri3 sig9 "to serve someone/something, perform service"
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
perform a type of hoeing
al ak [HOE] wr. al ak "to perform a type of hoeing"
al du [HOE] wr. al du3 "to perform a type of hoeing; to dig"
perform an extispicy
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
perform service
ĝiri sig [PERFORM SERVICE] wr. ĝiri3 sig9 "to serve someone/something, perform service"
ansala [CULT] wr. lu2an-sal-la; MU.AN.SAL.LA "a cultic performer" Akk. mahhû; ahurrû; kurgarrû; assinnu
galatura [PERFORMER] wr. gala-tur; gala-tur-ra "a cultic performer"
kurĝara [PERFORMER] wr. kur-ĝar-ra "a cultic performer"
luĝešgisaĝkeš [PERFORMER] wr. lu2-ĝeš-gi-saĝ-keš2 "type of cult performer" Akk. nakmu
munusĝešgi [PERFORMER] wr. munus-ĝeš-gi "type of cult performer"
saĝursaĝ [PERFORMER] wr. saĝ-ur-saĝ "a cultic performer"
urur [FUNCTIONARY] wr. ur-ur "cultic person; jackal; caterpillar" Akk. ākilu
uruh [PRIEST] wr. UH3.MUŠ3; UH3.AN.MUŠ3; ŠITA.AN.MUŠ3; AN.MUŠ3.KUŠU2 "a priest who performs funerary rites"
kankal [OIL-PROCESSING] wr. kankal "oil-processing, perfume-making" Akk. tarqītu
šimmu [PERFUMER] wr. šim-mu2 "perfumer"
perhaps censer
maqtarum [OBJECT] wr. ma-aq-ta-ru-um "a metal item, perhaps censer" Akk. maqtaru
perhaps spurge
nigib [RESIN] wr. ni-gi4-ib2 "a resin, perhaps spurge" Akk. nikiptu
perhaps willow
manu [WOOD] wr. ĝešma-nu; ma-nu "a wood, perhaps willow" Akk. ēru
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
period of office
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
zagniĝinni [BIRD] wr. zag-niĝin2-ni "a bird" Akk. şā'idu; sahhiru
zilulu [PEDDLAR] wr. zilulu "peddlar, peripatetic" Akk. sahhiru
duri [FOREVER] wr. du-ri2 "forever" Akk. dūru
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
illur [TREE] wr. ĝešil-lu-ur "a tree" Akk. zanzaliqqu
abba [FATHER] wr. ab; ab-ba; abba2 "old (person); witness; father; elder; an official" Akk. abu; šību
abigal [FUNCTIONARY] wr. a-bi-gal; a-bi2-a-gal; a-bi-ĝal2; a2-bi-ĝal2 "person associated with funerals" Akk. abigallu; qabbiru
adlu [DISABLED PERSON] wr. ad4-lu2 "disabled person"
ašbaltum [STATUS] wr. lu2aš-bal-tum "a person of low social standing" Akk. ašpaltu; guzallu
baza [DWARF] wr. ba-za; ba-an-za "dwarf; cripple, lame" Akk. kurû
dilmun [IMPORTANT] wr. dilmun "(to be) made manifest; (to be) heavy; (to be) important; ritually unclean, impure person; instruction" Akk. kabtu; musukku; têrtu; šûpû
dubsadara [LAME] wr. dub3-sa-dar-a "lame person"
gabzuzu [EXPERT] wr. gab2-zu-zu "expert" Akk. kabzuzû
humhum [DESTITUTE] wr. lu2hum-hum "a destitute, a very poor person" Akk. luppunu
idim [BLOCKED] wr. idim "(to be) blocked, stilted; (to be) obtuse, deaf; simple person, imbecile; weak, helpless (person)" Akk. sakku; saklu; ulālu
ishab [ROGUE] wr. lu2is-hab2; lu2aš-hab "rogue, rude person" Akk. ishappu
kigula [DESTITUTE] wr. lu2ki-gul-la "destitute person"
kugtuku [RICH PERSON] wr. kug-tuku "rich person"
kul [HEAVY] wr. kul "(to be) heavy; to honor a person" Akk. kabātu
kuš [SKIN] wr. kuš "skin; leather; body; person" Akk. mašku; zumru
lalanu [DESTITUTE] wr. la-la-nu-u "destitute person" Akk. lalānu
luGIAN [PERSON] wr. lu2-GI.AN "type of person"
lu [PERSON] wr. lu2; mu-lu; mu-lu2; lu10; lu6 "who(m), which; man; (s)he who, that which; of; ruler; person" Akk. amēlu; ša
lugud [SHORT] wr. lugud2; lugud3 "(to be) short; (to be) tight; (to be) short of breath" Akk. kurû
luĝešed [DOORMAN] wr. lu2-ĝeš-ed2; lu2-ĝeš-ed3 "doorman" Akk. ša namzaqi
luigizeze [PERSON] wr. lu2-igi-ze2-ze2 "partially-sighted person"
luki'inimak [WITNESS] wr. lu2-ki-inim-ma "witness" Akk. šību
lukur [STRANGER] wr. lu2-kur2 "stranger, foreigner" Akk. nakru
lukurkura [PERSON] wr. lu2-kur2-kur2-ra "very strange person"
luniĝnutuku [POOR] wr. lu2-niĝ2-nu-tuku "poor person"
lusaĝDUa [STATUS] wr. lu2-saĝ-DU-a "a divinely punished person" Akk. mahşam ilim
lusiga [WEAK] wr. lu2-sig-ga "weak person" Akk. enšu
muzug [PERSON] wr. u2-zug4; muzug; muzug2 "a ritually unclean, impure person" Akk. musukku
namlu [PERSON] wr. nam-lu2 "status as a person"
nisku [RETAINER] wr. ni-is-ku "a type of retainer or dependent person"
saĝDU [SMITTEN PERSON] wr. saĝ-DU "smitten person"
saĝ [HEAD] wr. saĝ "head; person; capital" Akk. qaqqadu; rēšu
šaĝar [OPPRESSED] wr. šaĝa; ša-ĝa2; šaĝax(LU2) "a wronged person; (to be) slain; (to be) afflicted, oppressed" Akk. hablu; šagšu
šugi [SENIOR] wr. šu-gi4; šu-gi "senior, elder, old person; old" Akk. šību
urur [FUNCTIONARY] wr. ur-ur "cultic person; jackal; caterpillar" Akk. ākilu
person associated with funerals
abigal [FUNCTIONARY] wr. a-bi-gal; a-bi2-a-gal; a-bi-ĝal2; a2-bi-ĝal2 "person associated with funerals" Akk. abigallu; qabbiru
person in charge of keys
luĝešed [DOORMAN] wr. lu2-ĝeš-ed2; lu2-ĝeš-ed3 "doorman" Akk. ša namzaqi
person of low social standing
ašbaltum [STATUS] wr. lu2aš-bal-tum "a person of low social standing" Akk. ašpaltu; guzallu
aru [~ADMINISTRATION] wr. a-ru "an administrative category of persons"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
ĝešgana [PESTLE] wr. ĝeš-gan-na; ĝeš-gin7-na; ĝeš-gana2; ĝeš-gi-na; ĝeš-gin7; ĝeš-TAG "pestle" Akk. bukānu
ĝešgaz [PESTLE] wr. ĝeš-gaz "pestle"
ĝeškim [PESTLE] wr. ĝeš-kim3; mu-gim7 "(wooden) pestle" Akk. bukānu
kinkin [GRINDER] wr. ĝeškinkin2 "(wooden) grinder?, pestle?"
na [PESTLE] wr. na4na "pestle; a stone" Akk. na'u
naĝasikaz [PESTLE] wr. ĝešnaĝa3-si3-gaz; ĝešnaĝa3-zi3-gaz "pestle" Akk. madakku
šaran [PESTLE BOTTOM] wr. šaran "bottom of a pestle" Akk. išid bukānni
šu [PESTLE] wr. na4šu-u "a stone or shell" Akk. šû
kinkin [GRINDER] wr. ĝeškinkin2 "(wooden) grinder?, pestle?"
pestle bottom
šaran [PESTLE BOTTOM] wr. šaran "bottom of a pestle" Akk. išid bukānni
šaneša [SUPPLICATION] wr. ša3-ne-ša4; ša-ne-ša4; šag4-ne-za "supplication, compassion" Akk. unnīnu
lil [GHOST] wr. lil2 "wind, breeze; ghost" Akk. zīqīqu
gigirdala [MOON?] wr. ĝešgigir-da-la2 "a phase of the moon?"
phase of the moon
gigirdala [MOON?] wr. ĝešgigir-da-la2 "a phase of the moon?"
iziĝi'edena [ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENON] wr. izi-ĝi6-eden-na "an atmospheric phenomenon" Akk. anqullu
ah [SPITTLE] wr. ah6; uh3; aah "a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum; saliva, spittle; poison" Akk. hahhu; hurhummatu; illātu; imtu; ru'tu; rupuštu; uhhu
phps. abacus
uttuku [ABACUS] wr. uttuku "abacus" Akk. mahişātu; uttuku
phps. also a bird
tigidlu [BIRD] wr. ti-gi4-lumušen; ti-lu; ti-gid2-lu2mušen; ti-gid2mušen-lu2-a; tigidla; tigidla3; tigidlax(|ŠA3.MIN.TAR|); ti-id-lu; da-gi4-lumx(|ZU&ZU.SAR|) "a bird" Akk. tigi(l)lû
phps. amber
sudaĝ [METAL] wr. sud-ra2-aĝ2; sud-aĝ2; su3-ud-aĝ2 "a precious metal; (to be) shiny (a divine epithet)" Akk. elmēšu
phps. arsenic
ašgigi [STONE] wr. na4aš-gi4-gi4 "type of stone" Akk. ašgigû
phps. beetroot
sumundar [BEETROOT] wr. u2šumundasar; u2sumun-dar; u2-man-du "beetroot" Akk. šumuttu
phps. box
gabaĝal [GUARD] wr. gaba-ĝal2 "front guard of a chariot" Akk. gabagallu
phps. camelthorn
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
kišig [ACACIA] wr. u2kišig2; kišig2; ĝeškišig2; ĝeškišig; u2kiši10; u2kišig; u2kiši5; kišix(|KI.SAG@n|) "an acacia" Akk. ašāgu
ušeg [PLANT] wr. u2-šegx(|HA@g|) "a plant" Akk. ašāgu
phps. centaury
lilibizida [PLANT] wr. u2li-li-bi-zi-da "a thorny plant" Akk. dadaru
phps. drum
balaĝdi [INSTRUMENT] wr. balaĝ-di "a musical instrument" Akk. timbutu
phps. francolin
dar [BIRD] wr. darmušen "a bird, black francolin" Akk. ittidû; tarru
phps. malachite
išme [STONE] wr. urudiš-me "a stone" Akk. ešmekku
phps. mandragora
billum [MANDRAKE] wr. ĝešbil2-lum "mandrake" Akk. pilû
phps. meteoric iron
kugan [METAL] wr. kug-an "a metal" Akk. amūtu
phps. moth
mar [PARASITE] wr. mar "louse; worm; parasite" Akk. miqqanu; tūltu
phps. mustard
gazi [CONDIMENT] wr. gazi; gazi2 "mustard seed or licorice" Akk. kasû
phps. Persian lilac
illur [TREE] wr. ĝešil-lu-ur "a tree" Akk. zanzaliqqu
phps. pipe
gisu [INSTRUMENT] wr. gi-su13; gi-su3 "a musical instrument" Akk. malīlu
phps. plum
šennur [PLUM] wr. šennur "plum" Akk. šallūru
phps. purslane
babbarhi [PLANT] wr. babbar-hi "a plant" Akk. parparhû
phps. roller
argugu [IMPLEMENT] wr. ar-gu-gu "an agricultural implement" Akk. argukku
phps. sagapenum
bariratum [PLANT] wr. ba-ri-ra-tum "a plant" Akk. barīrātu
phps. tiger or cheetah
ug [LION] wr. ug; ugx(|PIRIG×ZA|) "lion; a mythical lion; a large cat" Akk. mindinu; nešu; ūmu
phps. wild ram
šegbar [ANIMAL] wr. šeg9-bar "a deer or mountain goat" Akk. šapparu
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
niĝdimdim [FORM] wr. urudniĝ2-dim2-dim2 "manufactured object; physical form, shape" Akk. ni(g)dimdimmû
physical form
niĝdimdim [FORM] wr. urudniĝ2-dim2-dim2 "manufactured object; physical form, shape" Akk. ni(g)dimdimmû
physical strength
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
azu [DOCTOR] wr. a-zu; a-zu5; azu "doctor" Akk. asû
namazu [CRAFT] wr. nam-a-zu "the craft of the physicians"
imma [PHYSIOGNOMY] wr. imma3 "physiognomy, (facial) features" Akk. bunnannu
uktin [PHYSIOGNOMY] wr. uktin "physiognomy, (facial) features" Akk. bunnannu
siladaĝal [SQUARE] wr. sila-daĝal "(public) square" Akk. rebītu
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
niĝgul [HATCHET] wr. ĝešniĝ2-gul; ĝešniĝ2-gul-gul "hatchet" Akk. akkullu
šu gur [PICK] wr. šu gur "to pick grapes" Akk. qatāpu ša karāni
pick axe
niĝgul [HATCHET] wr. ĝešniĝ2-gul; ĝešniĝ2-gul-gul "hatchet" Akk. akkullu
pick grapes
šu gur [PICK] wr. šu gur "to pick grapes" Akk. qatāpu ša karāni
pick up
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
al [HOE] wr. al; ĝešal; urudal "hoe, pickax; hoeing" Akk. allu
al [HOE] wr. al; ĝešal; urudal "hoe, pickax; hoeing" Akk. allu
sul [MEAT] wr. su-la2; sul2 "salted, pickled meat" Akk. muddulu
pickled meat
sul [MEAT] wr. su-la2; sul2 "salted, pickled meat" Akk. muddulu
bad [LEG] wr. ĝešbad "leg or foot of a piece of furniture" Akk. kablu
biza [PUPPET] wr. bi-za "puppet, doll" Akk. passu
e [LEATHER] wr. e; e6 "strip or piece of leather; leather bearing" Akk. ya'u
ge [BLOW] wr. ge14; ge15; ge3; ge22; ge23 "blow; wound; stroke of the stylus; (piece of) writing, copy, exemplar, written" Akk. mihiştu; mihiştu; šaţāru
gigilum [JEWELRY] wr. gi4-gi4-lum "a piece of jewelry"
imkid [PIECE] wr. im-kid2 "piece" Akk. kirşu
madala [BUNDLE] wr. ma2-da-la2; ĝešma2-da-la2; gima2-da-la2 "bundle of reeds; raft" Akk. tillatu
šil [EQUIPMENT] wr. šil3 "a piece of equipment" Akk. šēlu ša nukarribu
tunpad [PIECE] wr. tun3-pad "piece"
za'am [STONE] wr. za-am "a piece of stone?"
zah [~JEWELRY] wr. za-ah "a part or qualification of a piece of jewelry"
zana [DOLL] wr. za-na "doll" Akk. passu
ziš [ARMOR] wr. zi-sa; ezi-eš; zi-iš-sa; zi-iš-aš2 "a leather piece of armor"
piece of boat equipment
madala [BUNDLE] wr. ma2-da-la2; ĝešma2-da-la2; gima2-da-la2 "bundle of reeds; raft" Akk. tillatu
piece of equipment
šil [EQUIPMENT] wr. šil3 "a piece of equipment" Akk. šēlu ša nukarribu
piece of jewelry
gigilum [JEWELRY] wr. gi4-gi4-lum "a piece of jewelry"
piece of stone
za'am [STONE] wr. za-am "a piece of stone?"
ed [PIERCE] wr. e11 "pierce"
kiri hur [PIERCE WITH A SPINDLE] wr. kiri3 hur "to pierce with a spindle" Akk. parāşu
te [PIERCE] wr. te "to pierce" Akk. sahālu
zuhul [PIERCE] wr. zu-hu-ul "to pierce"
pierce with a spindle
kiri hur [PIERCE WITH A SPINDLE] wr. kiri3 hur "to pierce with a spindle" Akk. parāşu
megida [SOW] wr. megidax(KUN); megida; munusmegida2 "sow" Akk. šahītu
pel [DEFILE] wr. pe-el-la2; pe-el "to defile; to be thin, light" Akk. lu''û; qalālu
saĝ tum [REDUCE] wr. saĝ tum2 "to reduce" Akk. qalālu
šah [PIG] wr. šah2; šah "pig" Akk. šāhû
zeh [PIGLET] wr. ze2-eh; zah; zaheh "piglet" Akk. šahû
ŠAHZEDA [PIG] wr. ŠAH.ZE2.DA; ŠEŠ.DA "a pig" Akk. šahû api
lušahšum [PIG-BUTCHER] wr. lu2-šah2-šum "pig-butcher"
irdam [PIG-STY] wr. ir-dam "pig-sty" Akk. irritu
amarsaĝ [DOVE] wr. amar-saĝ "a dove" Akk. amursānu
irsaĝ [PIGEON] wr. KASKALmušen; ir7-saĝmušen "pigeon" Akk. uršānu
tugur [DOVE] wr. tu-gur4mušen; tu-gur8mušen; tu-gur5mušen; tum12-gurmušen; tu-gan2mušen; tu-ganmušen "dove" Akk. sukannīnu
tum [DOVE] wr. tum12mušen "wild dove" Akk. summatu
tumgur [BIRD] wr. tum12-gur4mušen; tum12-gur8mušen; tum12mušen-gur8; tum12-kur2mušen; tum12-kurmušen "a domesticated dove" Akk. sukannīnu
zeda [PIGLET] wr. ze2-da "piglet"
zeh [PIGLET] wr. ze2-eh; zah; zaheh "piglet" Akk. šahû
šagan [~PIG] wr. šaganx(|GA2×AN|)gan; šagan; šaganx(AMA)ša "a designation of pigs; pregnant?"
e'irda [PIGSTY] wr. e2-ir-da "pigsty"
irdam [PIG-STY] wr. ir-dam "pig-sty" Akk. irritu
pigsty of reeds
irdam [PIG-STY] wr. ir-dam "pig-sty" Akk. irritu
du [HEAP] wr. du8 "to heap up, pile up" Akk. kamāru
dub [HEAP] wr. dub "to strew; to heap up, pile, pour; to whirl up (a duststorm)" Akk. sarāqu; šapāku
gar [HEAP] wr. gar "to heap up" Akk. garānu
gu gar [PILE UP] wr. gu2 gar; gu2 gar-gar "to pile up" Akk. gurrunu
gu gur [PILE UP] wr. gu2 gur "to pile up" Akk. garānu
guru [HEAP] wr. guru7; gur11 "to heap up" Akk. kamāru; karû
gurum [PILE] wr. gu-ru-um; gu-ru-ma; gu2-ru-ma "pile"
lu [ABUNDANT] wr. lu "(to be) abundant; to heap up" Akk. dêšu; kamāru
u [PILE] wr. u5 "earth pile" Akk. šipku
pile on
gar [HEAP] wr. gar "to heap up" Akk. garānu
gu gur [PILE UP] wr. gu2 gur "to pile up" Akk. garānu
pile up
du [HEAP] wr. du8 "to heap up, pile up" Akk. kamāru
gu gar [PILE UP] wr. gu2 gar; gu2 gar-gar "to pile up" Akk. gurrunu
gu gur [PILE UP] wr. gu2 gur "to pile up" Akk. garānu
guru [HEAP] wr. guru7; gur11 "to heap up" Akk. kamāru; karû
lu [ABUNDANT] wr. lu "(to be) abundant; to heap up" Akk. dêšu; kamāru
niĝĝar [ADDITION] wr. niĝ2-ĝar "addition; piling up" Akk. kumurrû
piling up
niĝĝar [ADDITION] wr. niĝ2-ĝar "addition; piling up" Akk. kumurrû
dim [POST] wr. dim; dim3; ĝešdim "post, pillar, pole; binding, knot, bond" Akk. mahrašu; makūtu; riksu; timmu
gazinbu [POLE] wr. ga-zi-in-bu; gazinbu; gu4-zi-in-bu; ga-šim-bu "a pole, post; stick, club" Akk. gazamānu; gašīšu; nappaşu; timmu
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
zig [THRESHOLD] wr. zig "threshold" Akk. ziqqu
zig [THRESHOLD] wr. zig "threshold" Akk. ziqqu
arab [PIN] wr. a-ra-ab "a metal pin"
bulug [NEEDLE] wr. bulug; urudbulug; mu-lu-ug; bu-lu-ug "needle; stake; boundary; seal pin" Akk. pulukku
dala [THORN] wr. ĝešdala2; dalla2; kušdala2 "thorn, pin, needle; a lance" Akk. dalû; şillû; gubru
henzer [PIN?] wr. urudhenzer "pin?"
kišgag [POLE] wr. kiš-gag "pole pin?"
minbulug [PIN] wr. minbulug; minbulug2; minbulugx(|BAL&BAL|); minbulugx(|BULUG.NAGAR|) "double pin" Akk. pallukku; pulukku
niĝmenbulug [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-menbulug2(|BULUG&BULUG|); ĝešme-bulug2 "a designation of looms" Akk. pallukku
tuditum [TOGGLE PIN] wr. tu-di-da; urudtu3-di3-da; tu-di-tumzabar; urudtu3-di-da; urudtu-di3-da "toggle pin" Akk. tudittu
henzer [PIN?] wr. urudhenzer "pin?"
pin gubru a kind of lance
dala [THORN] wr. ĝešdala2; dalla2; kušdala2 "thorn, pin, needle; a lance" Akk. dalû; şillû; gubru
HIHI [PINCH] wr. HI.HI "to pinch off bitumen" Akk. karāsu ša esir
kid [BREAK] wr. kid2; gir8; kid4; kid7 "to break off, pinch off" Akk. karāşu
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
pinch off
HIHI [PINCH] wr. HI.HI "to pinch off bitumen" Akk. karāsu ša esir
kid [BREAK] wr. kid2; gir8; kid4; kid7 "to break off, pinch off" Akk. karāşu
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
pinch off bitumen
HIHI [PINCH] wr. HI.HI "to pinch off bitumen" Akk. karāsu ša esir
usuh [TREE] wr. ĝešu3-suh5; ĝešu2-suh5 "a tree" Akk. ašūhu
nituku [PIOUS] wr. ni2-tuku "pious, attentive" Akk. na'du
alal [TUBE] wr. alal; urudalal "tube, pipe" Akk. alallu
apap [PIPE] wr. a-pap "birth canal; clay pipe; interment, burial; funerary ceremony" Akk. arutu; hiršu
arandu [PIPE] wr. duga-ra-an-du7 "a clay pipe" Akk. ?
arutum [PIPE] wr. duga-ru-tum "(clay) pipe" Akk. arūtu
da [SIDE BOARD] wr. ĝešda "side board (of a chariot)" Akk. marhaşu
gisu [INSTRUMENT] wr. gi-su13; gi-su3 "a musical instrument" Akk. malīlu
kuš [CHANNEL] wr. kuš3 "water channel; pipe; mold" Akk. rāţu
lugididak [MUSICIAN] wr. lu2-gi-di-da "a type of musician" Akk. ša malīlu
paršita [CHANNEL] wr. pa5-šita3 "water channel" Akk. rāţu
saĝkud [REED PIPE] wr. gisaĝ-kud "reed pipe" Akk. sakkuttu
šitan [WATER-CHANNEL] wr. šita3 "water-channel, pipe" Akk. rāţu
pipe player
lugididak [MUSICIAN] wr. lu2-gi-di-da "a type of musician" Akk. ša malīlu
budnu [TEREBINTH] wr. bu-ud-nu "terebinth or pistachio"
pu [WELL] wr. pu2 "lower course, footing; cistern, well; fish pond; source (of river); hole, pit; depth" Akk. asurrû; būrtu; šuplu
pusaĝ [PIT] wr. pu2-saĝ "pit, hollow" Akk. šatpu
puzur [CAVITY] wr. puzur3 "cavity, cave" Akk. huppu
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
sur [DITCH] wr. sur3; sur6; sur7 "canal, ditch; foundation pit of a building" Akk. berûtu; sūru
tul [FOUNTAIN] wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| "public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench" Akk. būrtu; hirītu; kalakku
ub [CAVITY] wr. ub4 "cavity" Akk. huppu
umun [PIT] wr. umun10; umun11; umun12; umun5; umun6 "a pit; pond, puddle" Akk. habbu; hammu
puzur [CAVITY] wr. puzur3 "cavity, cave" Akk. huppu
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
ub [CAVITY] wr. ub4 "cavity" Akk. huppu
umun [PIT] wr. umun10; umun11; umun12; umun5; umun6 "a pit; pond, puddle" Akk. habbu; hammu
esir [BITUMEN] wr. esir2; esir; esir2(|LAGABxHAL|) "bitumen, pitch" Akk. iţţû; kupru
esirhia [BITUMEN] wr. esirhia "bitumen, pitch" Akk. kupru
aruba [PITFALL] wr. a-ru-ub; a-ru-ub-ba "pitfall, trap" Akk. nahallu
niĝhuša [PITFALL] wr. niĝ2-huš-a "pitfall, trap" Akk. šuttatu
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
u [PITFALL] wr. u2 "pitfall" Akk. šuttatu
anzalub [PITH] wr. anzalub "reed pith" Akk. handû
šala [PITY] wr. ša3-la2 "pity"
dula [DEPTH] wr. du5-la2 "depth; part of a door (lower pivot?)" Akk. šuplu; mušpalu
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
zara [PIVOT] wr. ĝešza-ra; za-ra; ĝešzarax(KUL)? "(door) pivot" Akk. şerru; zarû
KILUGALDU [LOCUS] wr. KI.LUGAL.DU "a cultic place" Akk. mazzāz šarri
a'ur [ARMPIT] wr. a2-ur2 "hidden place; armpit" Akk. puzru
asig [VESSEL] wr. a-sig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
bad [GROUND] wr. bad4 "hard ground" Akk. apītu; dannatu
digbir [UNMNG] wr. digbir "?" Akk. amar usandî; ašar usandî; aşur pindi
dukug [LOCUS] wr. du6-kug "a cultic and cosmic place" Akk. ?
e'urre [GRAVE] wr. eurre "grave" Akk. qubūru
epig [VESSEL] wr. epig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
ešgiNI [LOCUS] wr. eš3-gi6-NI "a cultic place"
ganda [LOCUS] wr. gan2-da "a cultic place"
guNE [PLACE] wr. gu2-NE; imgu2-NE "a place; cult centre?; oven?"
gurud [THROW] wr. gurud; gurud2 "to throw, place" Akk. nadû
ĝal [BE] wr. ĝal2; ma-al; ga2gal2 "to be (there, at hand, available); to exist; to put, place, lay down; to have" Akk. bašû; šakānu
ĝar [PLACE] wr. ĝar; ĝa2; ĝa2-ar; ĝa2ĝar; ĝarar; mar; ĝa2ĝarar "to put, place, lay down; to give in place of something, replace; to posit (math.)" Akk. šakānu
ĝešanaĝ [LOCUS] wr. ĝeš-a-naĝ; ĝešĝeš-a-naĝ "a place of libation to the dead"
ki'anaĝ [LOCUS] wr. ki-a-naĝ "a place of libations to the dead" Akk. ?
ki'ešbar [PLACE] wr. ki-eš-bar "place of (divine) decisions"
ki'ezem [LOCUS] wr. ki-ezen "festival place" Akk. ?
ki'ulutim [PLACE OF CREATION] wr. ki-ulutim2 "place of creation"
ki'umun [PLACE OF LEARNING] wr. ki-umun2 "place of learning" Akk. ?
ki [PLACE] wr. ki "place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below" Akk. ašru; erşetu; mātu; qaqqaru; šaplû
kiĝal [LAND] wr. ki-ĝal2; kankal "threshing floor; uncultivated land" Akk. maškanu
kikid [PLACE] wr. ki-kid "matted place"
kimah [GRAVE] wr. ki-mah "grave; a cultic place" Akk. kimahhu
kimanzer [LOCUS] wr. ki-ma-an-ze2-er "slippery place" Akk. mušhalşītu
kinaĝ [PLACE] wr. ki-naĝ "libation place"
kinud [BEDROOM] wr. ki-nud "sleeping quarter, bed" Akk. mayyaltu; mayyālu
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
kisur [LOCUS] wr. ki-su7; ki-|LAGAR@g| "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
kišuk [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu "a cultic place" Akk. ?
kišupeš [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-peš; ki-šu-peš5 "a cultic place" Akk. māhāzu
kišur [GRAVE] wr. ki-šur2 "grave; hole" Akk. qubūru
kišutag [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-tag "a cultic place"
kituš [DWELLING] wr. ki-tuš "dwelling place" Akk. mūšabu; šubtu
kizah [LOCUS] wr. ki-zah3 "a cultic place"
ku [PLACE] wr. ku "to place, lay (down), lay eggs; to spread, discharge" Akk. nadû; uşşu
lugud [LOCUS] wr. lugud4 "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu; rahīşu
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
mašgana [SETTLEMENT] wr. maš-gana2 "settlement; threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
nakabtum [STOCKYARD?] wr. na-kab-tum; na-ga-ab-tum; na-kab2-tum "a place for fattening livestock?"
nesaĝ [OFFERING] wr. nesaĝ2; ne-saĝ; nesaĝ; niĝ2-saĝ "first-fruit offering; a storage place" Akk. nisakku; nisannu
paphal [SECRET] wr. pap-hal "secret; treasure; narrow place; dire straits" Akk. nişirtu; pušqu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
sig [PLACE] wr. sig9; sig10; si-ig "to place" Akk. šakānu
sur [LOCUS] wr. su7 "threshing floor; abandonment" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu
ugu [WATERING PLACE] wr. ugu2 "watering place; irrigation; irrigated land" Akk. mašqītu; mikru
umu [STORAGE] wr. u3-mu2u2-mu11; u-mu2 "a place for storing fish"
uru [LITTER] wr. uru12 "bedding place; litter; lair, dwelling; dung" Akk. mūšabu; rubşu
uru [VICINITY] wr. uru9 "immediate vicinity, adjacent (place)" Akk. ţēhu
zig [TOWN] wr. zigx(|PA.GI|) "town, center" Akk. māhāzu
place for fattening livestock
nakabtum [STOCKYARD?] wr. na-kab-tum; na-ga-ab-tum; na-kab2-tum "a place for fattening livestock?"
place for storing fish
umu [STORAGE] wr. u3-mu2u2-mu11; u-mu2 "a place for storing fish"
place of a bird-catcher
digbir [UNMNG] wr. digbir "?" Akk. amar usandî; ašar usandî; aşur pindi
place of creation
ki'ulutim [PLACE OF CREATION] wr. ki-ulutim2 "place of creation"
place of divine decisions
ki'ešbar [PLACE] wr. ki-eš-bar "place of (divine) decisions"
place of learning
ki'umun [PLACE OF LEARNING] wr. ki-umun2 "place of learning" Akk. ?
place of libation to the dead
ĝešanaĝ [LOCUS] wr. ĝeš-a-naĝ; ĝešĝeš-a-naĝ "a place of libation to the dead"
place of libations to the dead
ki'anaĝ [LOCUS] wr. ki-a-naĝ "a place of libations to the dead" Akk. ?
place of putting
kiĝal [LAND] wr. ki-ĝal2; kankal "threshing floor; uncultivated land" Akk. maškanu
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
kisur [LOCUS] wr. ki-su7; ki-|LAGAR@g| "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
lugud [LOCUS] wr. lugud4 "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu; rahīşu
mašgana [SETTLEMENT] wr. maš-gana2 "settlement; threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
sur [LOCUS] wr. su7 "threshing floor; abandonment" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu
place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
kukku [DARK PLACES] wr. kukku2 "dark places" Akk. eklētu
LIL [PLAIN] wr. LIL2 "plain" Akk. şeru
eden [PLAIN] wr. eden "plain, steppe, open country" Akk. edinu
zara [OVERLAP] wr. zara6 "(to be) braided; to overlap" Akk. nentû; ţamû
aš [CURSE] wr. aš2 "curse" Akk. arratu; şibûtu
dimma [THOUGHT] wr. dim2-ma; dimma "thought, planning; instruction" Akk. ţēmu
ĝalga [FORETHOUGHT] wr. ĝalga; ma-al-ga "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction, advice" Akk. milku; ţēmu
ĝešhur [PLAN] wr. ĝeš-hur "plan"
ĝeštug gub [PLAN] wr. ĝeštug2 gub "to pay attention, to plan" Akk. uzna šakānu
ĝeštug [EAR] wr. ĝeštug2; ĝešĝeštug; ĝeštug; ĝeštug3; muštug2; mu-uš-tug2; mu-uš-tug "reason, plan; (to be) wise; wisdom, understanding; ear" Akk. hassu; uznu; uznu; ţēmu
nam [THOUGHT] wr. nam2 "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction" Akk. ţēmu
umuš [PLANNING] wr. umuš "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction; consideration, sagacity" Akk. ţēmu
plan ning
dimma [THOUGHT] wr. dim2-ma; dimma "thought, planning; instruction" Akk. ţēmu
ĝalga [FORETHOUGHT] wr. ĝalga; ma-al-ga "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction, advice" Akk. milku; ţēmu
ĝeštug [EAR] wr. ĝeštug2; ĝešĝeštug; ĝeštug; ĝeštug3; muštug2; mu-uš-tug2; mu-uš-tug "reason, plan; (to be) wise; wisdom, understanding; ear" Akk. hassu; uznu; uznu; ţēmu
nam [THOUGHT] wr. nam2 "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction" Akk. ţēmu
umuš [PLANNING] wr. umuš "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction; consideration, sagacity" Akk. ţēmu
tulubum [TREE] wr. gešgul-bu; ĝeštu-lu-bu-um; ĝešdili-bu-um; gul-bu; ĝešdal-bu-um "Oriental plane tree" Akk. dulbu
ad [LOG] wr. ad; ĝešad "log; plank; raft"
ad [RAFT] wr. ĝeša-ta; ĝešAD "wooden raft; plank of a boat" Akk. uddi elippi
adus [PLANK] wr. ad-us2 "plank, beam" Akk. amatu; aduššu
emesig [PLANK] wr. ĝešeme-sig "plank"
miriza [PLANK] wr. mi-ri2-za "plank, board; boat pole" Akk. parīsu
plank of a boat
ad [RAFT] wr. ĝeša-ta; ĝešAD "wooden raft; plank of a boat" Akk. uddi elippi
u [PLANKING] wr. ĝešu3 "planking"
dimma [THOUGHT] wr. dim2-ma; dimma "thought, planning; instruction" Akk. ţēmu
umuš [PLANNING] wr. umuš "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction; consideration, sagacity" Akk. ţēmu
ANIŠ [PLANT] wr. AN.IŠ "a plant?"
IGIgi [PLANT] wr. IGI-gi4; IGI-gi4sar "a plant"
LAK175na [PLANT] wr. u2LAK175-na "a plant"
NIa [PLANT] wr. NI-asar "a plant"
UDGIŠGIŠNUN [PLANT] wr. ĝešhašhurUD.GIŠ%GIŠ.NUN "a plant" Akk. sippirû
UDSAR [PLANT] wr. u2UDsar "a plant" Akk. ?
abrušum [PLANT] wr. ab2-ru-šum "medicinal plant" Akk. aprušu
abušu [PLANT] wr. u2a-bu4-šu2 "plant" Akk. amuššu
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
adar [PLANT] wr. ĝeša-dar "a type of wood; a plant" Akk. atartu; na-ba-zu-um
amani [PLANT] wr. u2ama-ni "a plant"
amharu [PLANT] wr. am-ha-ru "a plant" Akk. alamû; amhara
amsihara [PLANT] wr. u2am-si-ha-ra; am-si-ha-ra "a plant"
amsiharranak [PLANT] wr. u2am-si-har-ra-an-na "a plant"
andahšum [PLANT] wr. an-dah-šum "a plant" Akk. andahšu
aštaltal [PLANT] wr. aš-tal2-tal2 "a plant" Akk. ardadillu
ašudab [OIL] wr. a-šu-dab6 "a qualification of oil?; an oil producing plant?"
atutu [PLANT] wr. u2a-tu-tu "a type of plant"
azalla [PLANT] wr. a-zal-la2 "a medicinal plant" Akk. azallû
babbarhi [PLANT] wr. babbar-hi "a plant" Akk. parparhû
barbar [PLANT] wr. bar-barsar "a plant"
bariratum [PLANT] wr. ba-ri-ra-tum "a plant" Akk. barīrātu
billum [MANDRAKE] wr. ĝešbil2-lum "mandrake" Akk. pilû
bulug [PLANT] wr. u2bulug "a plant"
buzin [PLANT] wr. bu-zi2-in "a plant" Akk. buşinnu
damšelum [PLANT] wr. dam-še-lum; ĝešhašhurdam-šil-lum "a plant" Akk. damšillu
dih [WEED] wr. ĝešdih3; dih3; ĝeštehi "a weed with thorns" Akk. baltu
dim [PLANT] wr. dim "plant"
dimgi [PLANT] wr. dim3-gi4 "a plant"
dimšilum [WOOD] wr. ĝešdim-ši-lum; ĝešdim3 "a type of wood" Akk. damšillu
du [PLANT] wr. du3 "to plant; to fix upright, erect; to impregnate; to drive in, fix; a designation of grain" Akk. retû; zaqāpu
dumuni [PLANT] wr. u2dumu-ni "a plant"
eme'urgirak [PLANT] wr. u2eme-ur-gir15-ra "a plant"
gakkul [HEART] wr. gakkul; gakkul3; gakkul3sar "heart (of a plant)"
ganazi [PLANT] wr. gana2-zisar "a plant" Akk. kanašû; kanašuttu
ganše [PLANT] wr. gana2-šesar; gana2-še; gan2-šesar "plant"
gazi [CONDIMENT] wr. gazi; gazi2 "mustard seed or licorice" Akk. kasû
girinum [PLANT] wr. ĝešgi-ri-num2 "a plant" Akk. girinnu
gu'ira [PLANT] wr. gu3-i3-ra "a plant"
gugutum [PLANT] wr. gu-gu-tum "a plant" Akk. gugutum
ĝešarina [PLANT] wr. ĝeš-arinax(|A.LU2@s.NA|) "a plant" Akk. šinbiltu
ĝiri'uga [PLANT] wr. u2ĝir3-ugamušen "a plant"
ĝiri'urgira [PLANT] wr. u2ĝir3-ur-gi7-ra "a plant"
ĝirimua [PLANT] wr. u2ĝir3-mu2-a "a plant"
ĝisalen [PLANT] wr. ĝisal-ensar "a plant"
hab [PLANT] wr. u2hab2 "a plant"
haran [PLANT] wr. u2har-an "a plant"
hazanum [PLANT] wr. ha-za-nu-umsar "a plant"
hub [PLANT] wr. u2hub2 "a plant (used for dying leather)"
hurium [PLANT] wr. u2hu-ri2-um "a plant"
huš [PLANT] wr. ĝešhuš "a plant" Akk. kalbānu
hušmesmes [PLANT] wr. huš-mes-messar "a plant"
inana [PLANT] wr. dinanasar "a plant"
ingi [PLANT] wr. in-gi4sar; in-gi4 "a plant"
innuš [PLANT] wr. in-nu-uš2 "a plant" Akk. maštakal
kamkammatum [PLANT] wr. kam-kam-ma-tumsar "a plant"
kamušegu'e [PLANT] wr. u2ka-muš-e-gu7-e "a plant"
kazal [PLANT] wr. u2ka-zal "a plant"
kišig [ACACIA] wr. u2kišig2; kišig2; ĝeškišig2; ĝeškišig; u2kiši10; u2kišig; u2kiši5; kišix(|KI.SAG@n|) "an acacia" Akk. ašāgu
kul [PLANT] wr. u2kul; u2kul-la; u2kukul2 "a plant, weed" Akk. išbabtu
kurdillum [PLANT] wr. ĝešhašhurkur-dil-lum "a plant"
ligi [PLANT] wr. u2li-gi4 "a plant"
ligidba [PLANT] wr. ligidba "a medicinal plant" Akk. nikiptu
lilangi [PLANT] wr. u2li-la-an-gi4; ĝešla-la-an-gi4; li-la-gi; x-li-gi "a plant"
lili [PLANT] wr. u2li-li "a plant"
lilibizida [PLANT] wr. u2li-li-bi-zi-da "a thorny plant" Akk. dadaru
liligi [PLANT] wr. li-li-gi; li-li-gi4; u2-li-gu2sar; u2li-li-ga "a cucumber-like plant" Akk. liligû
lugal [PLANT] wr. gilugal "a plant"
maš [PLANT] wr. ĝešmaš "plant"
mašgurum [PLANT] wr. ĝešmaš-gurum "a plant"
mulgana [PLANT] wr. mul-gana2 "type of plant"
munzer [LICORICE] wr. munzer "licorice?" Akk. aşuşimtu; supālu
nagar [PLANT] wr. nagarsar "a plant"
naĝa [POTASH] wr. naĝa; na-ma "potash, soap" Akk. uhūlu
naĝasi'e [PLANT] wr. naĝa-si-e3 ; naĝa-si "a plant" Akk. uhūlu
niĝamani [PLANT] wr. u2niĝ2-ama-ni "a plant"
niĝburuburude [PLANT] wr. u2niĝ2-buru3-buru3-de3 "type of plant"
niĝkiluha [STONE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-ki-luh-ha "stone or seed of a plant" Akk. abnu
niĝnagar [PLANT] wr. niĝ2-nagarsar "a plant"
niĝurum [PLANT] wr. u2niĝ2-u2-rum "a plant"
niktum [PLANT] wr. ni-ik-tum "a plant used as a dye" Akk. niqdu
nim [PLANT] wr. u2nim "a plant"
nug [PLANT] wr. nug; nug2 "an aromatic plant" Akk. nukkatu
nugi [PLANT] wr. u2nu-gi "a thorny plant" Akk. ša'tu
nugig [PLANT] wr. u2nu-gig "a plant"
piriĝGI [PLANT] wr. piriĝ-GI "a plant"
ribba [PLANT] wr. u2rib-ba "type of plant"
sikil [PLANT] wr. u2sikil "a medicinal plant" Akk. sikillu
sud [PLANT] wr. su-ud "plant" Akk. hahinnu
sudin [PLANT] wr. u2su-din "a plant"
šagi [PLANT] wr. ša3-gisar "a plant" Akk. pukuli
šakira [PLANT] wr. u2šakira3; u2šakira; u2šakirax(|URU×MIN+NI+GA|) "a plant" Akk. šakirû
še [PLANT] wr. šesar "a plant"
šemar [PLANT] wr. še-mar "a plant; a type of barley"
šena [PLANT] wr. u2še-na2 "a plant"
šimbirida [PLANT] wr. šimbiridasar; |U2.KUR|? "a medicinal plant" Akk. nīnû
teme [PLANT] wr. teme; teme2 "a plant" Akk. šāmitu
tir [PLANT] wr. u2tir "a plant"
uDULDINka [PLANT] wr. u2-DUL.DIN-ka "type of plant"
uURUua [PLANT] wr. u2-URU-u3-a "type of plant"
u [PLANT] wr. u6sar "a plant"
u [PLANTS] wr. u2 "bread, loaf; food; grass, herb; pasture; plant(s)" Akk. akalu; rîtu; šammu
ug [PLANT] wr. ug "a plant"
uĝeš [PLANT] wr. u2-ĝeš "type of plant"
uhašhurak [PLANT] wr. u2-ĝešhašhur "a plant" Akk. hašhurakku
ulal [PLANT] wr. u2-lal3 "a plant" Akk. ?
uli'a [PLANT] wr. u2-li-asar "a plant" Akk. dišu
ulullumtum [PLANT] wr. u2-lu-ul-lum-tum "a plant"
unin [PLANT] wr. u2-nin9 "a plant"
urNENE [PLANT] wr. ur2-NE-NEsar "a plant"
uranna [PLANT] wr. u2u2-ra-an-na "a plant" Akk. urantu
urur [PLANT] wr. ur-ursar "a plant"
usaga [PLANT] wr. u2-saga11 "plant bundle"
usarra [PLANT] wr. u2-sar-ra "type of plant"
ušeg [PLANT] wr. u2-šegx(|HA@g|) "a plant" Akk. ašāgu
ušumunda [PLANT] wr. u2-šumunda "a plant"
zahadin [VEGETABLE] wr. za-ha-din; za-ha-dinsar; šum2za-ha-din; za-ha-tisar; zu-ha-ti-nu; sum-ha-dinsar "a plant, a leek?" Akk. nušû; šuhatinnu
zahan [PLANT] wr. zahan2; zahan "a garden plant" Akk. zahannu
zahili [PLANT] wr. za3-hi-li; za3-hi-lisar; ša3-hi-lisar; hi-lisar?; za-hi-li; za-ha-e "a plant; an edible seed" Akk. sahlû
zarraštum [PLANT] wr. ĝešzar-raš-tum; ĝešza-ri3-aš-tum "a plant" Akk. zarraštu
zarsi [PLANT] wr. ĝešzar-si; ĝešzar3-si "a plant" Akk. zarraštu
zibatum [PLANT] wr. zi-ba-tum; zi-ib-ba-tumsar "an aromatic seed; a garden plant" Akk. zibnatu; zibītu
ŠIMga [PLANT] wr. u2ŠIM-ga "a plant"
ANIŠ [PLANT] wr. AN.IŠ "a plant?"
plant bundle
usaga [PLANT] wr. u2-saga11 "plant bundle"
plant name
damšelum [PLANT] wr. dam-še-lum; ĝešhašhurdam-šil-lum "a plant" Akk. damšillu
dimšilum [WOOD] wr. ĝešdim-ši-lum; ĝešdim3 "a type of wood" Akk. damšillu
plant s
u [PLANTS] wr. u2 "bread, loaf; food; grass, herb; pasture; plant(s)" Akk. akalu; rîtu; šammu
plant used as a dye
niktum [PLANT] wr. ni-ik-tum "a plant used as a dye" Akk. niqdu
plant used for dying leather
hub [PLANT] wr. u2hub2 "a plant (used for dying leather)"
kiri [ORCHARD] wr. ĝeškiri6; kiri6 "(fruit) plantation, orchard" Akk. kirû
apinla [TILLER] wr. apin-la2 "planter, tiller" Akk. errēšu
alal [CULTIVATION] wr. alal4; alal3 "cultivation; field; district, land" Akk. mēreštu; qerbetu
kakkala [~PLANT] wr. kakkala(KU7); kakkala "a designation of plants"
šuš [BEDDING] wr. šuš5 "bedding or feed for animals" Akk. zirqu
u [PLANTS] wr. u2 "bread, loaf; food; grass, herb; pasture; plant(s)" Akk. akalu; rîtu; šammu
kam [BOARD] wr. kam3 "board, plaque" Akk. kammu
šu saga [RUB] wr. šu saga11; šu sa2; šu si-qa; šu si-iq-qa "to rub" Akk. sêru
šu sub ak [RUB] wr. šu su-ub ak "to rub" Akk. sêru
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
du [PLATFORM] wr. du6 "throne platform for a deity" Akk. di'u
kigal [PLATFORM] wr. ki-gal "platform, pedestal" Akk. kigallu
kisa [PLATFORM] wr. ki-sa2; kissa "platform; supporting wall, abutment" Akk. kisû
armatum [~DOOR] wr. urudar-ma-tum; ar-ma-tum "a door part" Akk. armatu
du [PLAY] wr. du12-du12; du12 "to play (a musical instrument)" Akk. lapātu; zamāru
ene dug [PLAY] wr. e-ne dug4 "to play"
enedi [GAME] wr. e-ne-di "game, play" Akk. mēlultu
ešemen [ROPE] wr. ešemen; ešemen2; e-šen; ešemen3; ešemen5 "game, play; skipping rope" Akk. keppû; mēlultu
ki'enedi [LOCUS] wr. ki-a-ne-di; ki-e-ne-de3; ki-e-ne-di "play area"
šir [SING] wr. šir3 "a song; to sing" Akk. zamāru; zamāru ša pitni
šu gid [PLAY] wr. šu gid2 "to play (a musical instrument)"
play a musical instrument
du [PLAY] wr. du12-du12; du12 "to play (a musical instrument)" Akk. lapātu; zamāru
šu gid [PLAY] wr. šu gid2 "to play (a musical instrument)"
play an instrument
šir [SING] wr. šir3 "a song; to sing" Akk. zamāru; zamāru ša pitni
play area
ki'enedi [LOCUS] wr. ki-a-ne-di; ki-e-ne-de3; ki-e-ne-di "play area"
lugididak [MUSICIAN] wr. lu2-gi-di-da "a type of musician" Akk. ša malīlu
sah [PLAYFUL] wr. sah4 "playful"
namzilzil [PLEASANTNESS] wr. nam-zil-zil "pleasantness"
bar sag [PLEASE] wr. bar sag9 "to please" Akk. ?
ene [PLEASURE?] wr. a-ne; e-ne "pleasure?"
hili [LUXURIANT] wr. hi-li; hilib2 "sex appeal; (to be) luxuriant; to have pleasure" Akk. kuzbu; šamhu
kirimah [GARDEN] wr. ĝeškiri6-mah "pleasure garden, park"
namsag [PLEASURE] wr. nam-sag9 "pleasure"
ul [SWELL] wr. ul "to swell, (to be) distended; to love; attractiveness; pleasure; rejoicing" Akk. habāşu; menû; ulşu
ene [PLEASURE?] wr. a-ne; e-ne "pleasure?"
pleasure garden
kirimah [GARDEN] wr. ĝeškiri6-mah "pleasure garden, park"
agašusi [PLECTRUM?] wr. aga-šu-si; aga-si-sa2; aga-šu-zi; aga3-šu-si "plectrum?, fingertip?"
sur [PLECTRUM?] wr. ĝešsur9 "plectrum?; a musical instrument?" Akk. zannaru
agašusi [PLECTRUM?] wr. aga-šu-si; aga-si-sa2; aga-šu-zi; aga3-šu-si "plectrum?, fingertip?"
sur [PLECTRUM?] wr. ĝešsur9 "plectrum?; a musical instrument?" Akk. zannaru
immal [PROPERTY] wr. immal3 "(to be) very plentiful; goods, property, possessions, livestock" Akk. būšu; makkûru; maršītu; ţuhhudu
kibšur [BOUNTEOUS] wr. kibšur "very plentiful" Akk. ţuhhudu
kibšur [PLENTIFUL] wr. kibšur "what is present; goods, livestock, property, possession(s)" Akk. bāšītu; būšu; makkûru; maršītu
madam [BOUNTEOUS] wr. ma-dam "very plentiful" Akk. ţuhhudu
heĝal [PLENTY] wr. he2-ĝal2 "plenty" Akk. hengallu
henun [PLENTY] wr. he-nun; he2-nun "plenty"
ihenunak [OIL] wr. i3-he-nun-na; i3-he-nun "precious oil" Akk. ihenunnakku
lala [PLENTY] wr. la-la; a-la; la "plenty, happiness, lust" Akk. lalû
me [DESIRE] wr. me "desire" Akk. lalû
gabsig [HERDER] wr. ga-ab-sig3 "a herder" Akk. kisû
kisa [PLATFORM] wr. ki-sa2; kissa "platform; supporting wall, abutment" Akk. kisû
hirim [DITCH] wr. hirim "?; waste land; ditch" Akk. ittû; miţru; pitru
irpag [PLOT] wr. ir-pag "plot"
kiSAR [~LAND] wr. ki-SAR "vegetable plot"
kigu [~LAND] wr. ki-gu2 "legume plot"
kimungazi [~LAND] wr. ki-mun-gazi "a type of agricultural plot"
kišumak [GARDEN] wr. ki-šum2-ma; ki-šum2sar "garlic or onion plot" Akk. šikin šumi
ni sig [PLOT] wr. ni2 sig10 "to plot" Akk. şummuru
sa sig [PLOT] wr. sa2 sig10 "to plot" Akk. ?
šag sig [PLOT] wr. šag4 sig10 "to plot" Akk. şummuru
plot of garlic
kišumak [GARDEN] wr. ki-šum2-ma; ki-šum2sar "garlic or onion plot" Akk. šikin šumi
KU [PLOUGH?] wr. ĝešKU "plough?"
KU [PLOUGH?] wr. ĝešKU "plough?"
apin [PLOW] wr. apin; ĝešapin "(seed) plow" Akk. epinnu
apintugsigak [PLOW] wr. apin-tug2-saga11 "type of plough"
bar [PLOW] wr. ĝešbar "a type of plow" Akk. mayāru
bardili [PLOW] wr. bar-dili "a plow" Akk. mayyaru
kašu [PART] wr. ĝeška-šu2 "part of plough"
niĝkud [~PLOWSHARE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-kud "a part of a plowshare" Akk. kissu
apin [PLOW] wr. apin; ĝešapin "(seed) plow" Akk. epinnu
apintugsigak [PLOW] wr. apin-tug2-saga11 "type of plough"
bandudu [BASKET] wr. ba-an-du5; giba-an-du8-du8 "seeding basket of a plow" Akk. banduddû
bar [PLOW] wr. ĝešbar "a type of plow" Akk. mayāru
bardili [PLOW] wr. bar-dili "a plow" Akk. mayyaru
damga [~PLOW] wr. ĝešdam; ĝešda-an-ga; ĝešdam-ga; kušdam-ga "a part of a plow" Akk. puqdu
eme [~PLOW] wr. ĝešeme "a part of a plow; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. emû
erin [YOKE] wr. erin2; ĝešerin2 "to yoke; yoke; plow team" Akk. şamādu; şimittu
gaba [PLOW] wr. ĝešgaba "a plow"
gudapin [OX] wr. gud-apin "plow ox"
gudapin [TEAM] wr. gud-apin "plow team"
gudeĝir [OX] wr. gud-eĝir "rear ox of a plow team"
gudura [OX] wr. gud-ur3-ra "rear ox of a plow team"
le'um [BOARD] wr. le-um; ĝešle-um; ĝešle; ĝešle-u5; ĝešle-u5-um "writing board; board (of a plow)" Akk. le'u
nig [PLOW] wr. ĝešnig; kušnig "a part of a plow" Akk. kalbatu; kurussu ša epinni
niĝkud [WEDGE] wr. niĝ2-kud "a wedge in a plow"
šagud [DROVER] wr. ša3-gud; ša-gud "ox driver; plow ox" Akk. kullizu
tug sig [PLOW?] wr. tugx(LAK483) sig9 "to plow, to apply a certain type of plow"
tug tag [PLOW?] wr. tug2 tag "to plow, to apply a certain type of plow?" Akk. mahāşu ša [...]
tug [PLOW?] wr. tugx(LAK483) "a kind of plow?"
tuggur [PLOW] wr. tug2-gur10; tug2-gurx(|ŠE.KIN|); ĝeštug2-gur10; tug2-gur; ĝeštug2-gur8; tukurx(|LAGAB×U|) "a plow; to plow, to apply a tuggur-plow"
tugsaga [PLOW] wr. tug2-saga11; ĝeštug2-sig18; ĝeštug2-sa-ga; šu-saga11; ĝeštug2-sigx(|ŠE.KIN|); tugx(LAK483)-sig9 "a plow"
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
tug sig [PLOW?] wr. tugx(LAK483) sig9 "to plow, to apply a certain type of plow"
tug tag [PLOW?] wr. tug2 tag "to plow, to apply a certain type of plow?" Akk. mahāşu ša [...]
tug [PLOW?] wr. tugx(LAK483) "a kind of plow?"
plow ox
gudapin [OX] wr. gud-apin "plow ox"
šagud [DROVER] wr. ša3-gud; ša-gud "ox driver; plow ox" Akk. kullizu
plow share
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
plow team
erin [YOKE] wr. erin2; ĝešerin2 "to yoke; yoke; plow team" Akk. şamādu; şimittu
gudapin [TEAM] wr. gud-apin "plow team"
engar [FARMER] wr. engar; mu-un-gar3; mu-un-ga-ar "farmer; an official" Akk. ikkaru
saĝapin [PLOWMAN] wr. saĝ-apin "plowman" Akk. ?
igiĝal [~PLOW] wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "a designation of plows" Akk. nabrītu
niĝĝeštug [~PLOW] wr. ĝešniĝ2-ĝeštug "a designation of plows" Akk. uzuntu
sala [~PLOW] wr. ĝešsal-la; sal-la "a designation of plows" Akk. musirru
eme'apinak [PLOWSHARE] wr. eme-apin-na "plowshare"
niĝkud [~PLOWSHARE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-kud "a part of a plowshare" Akk. kissu
sig [PLUCK] wr. sig7; sig8 "to pluck hair or wool; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. sepû ša šarti; urrû
šu gur [PICK] wr. šu gur "to pick grapes" Akk. qatāpu ša karāni
tukur [CHEW] wr. tukur2; tukur; tukur3 "to chew, gnaw; to shear, pluck wool" Akk. gaşaşu; kasāsu; sepû siki
ur [PLUCK] wr. ur4; ur5 "to pluck; to gather, collect; to harvest" Akk. baqāmu; eşēdu; hamāmu; kapātu
zi [CUT] wr. zi2; zi; zix(|IGI@g|) "to cut, remove; to erase" Akk. baqāmu; barāšu; naţāpu; nasāhu
pluck hair
sig [PLUCK] wr. sig7; sig8 "to pluck hair or wool; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. sepû ša šarti; urrû
pluck hair or wool
sig [PLUCK] wr. sig7; sig8 "to pluck hair or wool; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. sepû ša šarti; urrû
pluck out
zi [CUT] wr. zi2; zi; zix(|IGI@g|) "to cut, remove; to erase" Akk. baqāmu; barāšu; naţāpu; nasāhu
pluck wool
tukur [CHEW] wr. tukur2; tukur; tukur3 "to chew, gnaw; to shear, pluck wool" Akk. gaşaşu; kasāsu; sepû siki
barsuga [~SHEEP] wr. bar-su-ga; bar-sug4-a "a designation of sheep: without fleece; plucked fleece" Akk. ?
plucked fleece
barsuga [~SHEEP] wr. bar-su-ga; bar-sug4-a "a designation of sheep: without fleece; plucked fleece" Akk. ?
zusik [PLUCKING] wr. zu2-si "plucking; plucking time"
plucking time
zusik [PLUCKING] wr. zu2-si "plucking; plucking time"
šennur [PLUM] wr. šennur "plum" Akk. šallūru
suhur [TUFT] wr. suhur "tuft, plume; crown (of a tree)" Akk. qimmatu
gaz [KILL] wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 "to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break" Akk. dâku; habātu; hašālu; kaşāşu; pa'āşu; šagāšu
ir [PLUNDER] wr. ir "to plunder" Akk. šalālu
sur [SPIN] wr. sur "to spin; to twist; to slither" Akk. ţawû; šalālu
šu bad [PLUNDER?] wr. šu bad "to plunder?" Akk. ūţānum
šu zig [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu zig3 "'to raise the hand'; to rise; to plunder" Akk. nanduru; qātu našû; tebû
šub [FALL] wr. šub "to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)" Akk. habātu; maqātu; nadû
šu bad [PLUNDER?] wr. šu bad "to plunder?" Akk. ūţānum
laga [THIEF] wr. lu2la-ga "thief" Akk. habbatu
liblib [PLUNDERER] wr. lib4-lib4 "plunderer"
lusagaz [BRIGAND] wr. lu2-sa-gaz "brigand" Akk. habbātu
sagaz [ROBBER] wr. sa-gaz; sag-gaz "robber; murderer; robbery" Akk. habbātu; šaggāšu
durun [SIT] wr. durunx(|KU.KU|); durun; dur2-ru-un "plural stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
ere [GO] wr. re; er; e-ra; erx(|DU.DU|); re6; re7; er-re; i-ri "perfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
lah [BRING] wr. lah5; lah4 "plural stem of de [to bring]"
menzen [YOU] wr. me-en-ze2-en; za-e-me-en-ze2-en; za-e-en-ze2-en "you (plural)"
se [DWELL] wr. se12; še; ze2 "plural stem of lug[to dwell]"
se [LIVE] wr. se12; ze2; še "plural stem of til[to live]"
sub [GO] wr. sub2 "imperfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
sug [STAND] wr. sug2 "plural stem of gub[to stand]" Akk. uzuzzu
sun [ENTER] wr. sun5 "plural stem of kur[to enter]"
ug [DIE] wr. ug7; ug5; ugx(|BAD.BAD|) "plural and imperfect singular stem of uš[to die]" Akk. mâtu
plural and imperfect singular stem of uš to die
ug [DIE] wr. ug7; ug5; ugx(|BAD.BAD|) "plural and imperfect singular stem of uš[to die]" Akk. mâtu
plural stem of de to bring
lah [BRING] wr. lah5; lah4 "plural stem of de [to bring]"
plural stem of gub to stand
sug [STAND] wr. sug2 "plural stem of gub[to stand]" Akk. uzuzzu
plural stem of kur to enter
sun [ENTER] wr. sun5 "plural stem of kur[to enter]"
plural stem of lug to dwell
se [DWELL] wr. se12; še; ze2 "plural stem of lug[to dwell]"
plural stem of til to live
se [LIVE] wr. se12; ze2; še "plural stem of til[to live]"
plural stem of tuš to sit down
durun [SIT] wr. durunx(|KU.KU|); durun; dur2-ru-un "plural stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
gag [POCK] wr. gag "a pock; a disease" Akk. sikkatu
samag [BIRTHMARK] wr. samag3; samag2; samag4; samag6; samag "wart; mole, birthmark" Akk. umşatu; šullu
samag [BIRTHMARK] wr. samag3; samag2; samag4; samag6; samag "wart; mole, birthmark" Akk. umşatu; šullu
ašte [TIP] wr. ašte "tip of an animal's horn" Akk. sappartu
eme [~PLOW] wr. ĝešeme "a part of a plow; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. emû
hubhub [POINTED] wr. hub2-hu-ub "(to be) pointed" Akk. zaqtu
kunsaĝa [~ASTRONOMICAL] wr. kun-saĝ-ĝa2 "an astronomical term" Akk. kunsaggû
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
point of a battering ram
eme [~PLOW] wr. ĝešeme "a part of a plow; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. emû
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
gigag [REED] wr. gi-gag "pointed reed"
hubhub [POINTED] wr. hub2-hu-ub "(to be) pointed" Akk. zaqtu
kiĝ [POINTED] wr. kiĝ2 "(to be) pointed" Akk. zaqātu
sir [POINTED] wr. sir5 "(to be) pointed" Akk. eddu
tikil [POINTED] wr. ti-ki-il "(to be) pointed"
pointed reed
gigag [REED] wr. gi-gag "pointed reed"
ah [SPITTLE] wr. ah6; uh3; aah "a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum; saliva, spittle; poison" Akk. hahhu; hurhummatu; illātu; imtu; ru'tu; rupuštu; uhhu
uš [POISON] wr. uš11 "poison" Akk. imtu
muššatur [SNAKE] wr. muš-ša3-tur3; muš-ša3-tur "a (mythical) snake; horned viper" Akk. bašmu
ušum [SNAKE] wr. ušum "first and foremost; noble; snake" Akk. ašaredu; bašmu; gitmālu
agabal [HOIST] wr. a-ga-bal "a hoisting device (connected to a pole) for drawing water" Akk. dulûtu
akud [CRIPPLE] wr. a2-kud "cripple" Akk. akû
dilur [POLE] wr. dilurx(|MA2.KAK|); dilur "mast" Akk. akû
dim [POST] wr. dim; dim3; ĝešdim "post, pillar, pole; binding, knot, bond" Akk. mahrašu; makūtu; riksu; timmu
dimgal [POLE] wr. dim-gal; di-im-gu-ul "a pole" Akk. mahrašu; markasu; ushamu
gabatab [POLE] wr. ĝešgaba-tab; gaba-tab "a wooden pole used for manual seeding"
gazinbu [POLE] wr. ga-zi-in-bu; gazinbu; gu4-zi-in-bu; ga-šim-bu "a pole, post; stick, club" Akk. gazamānu; gašīšu; nappaşu; timmu
gimuš [POLE] wr. gi-muš; ĝešgi-muš "a boat pole" Akk. parīsu
kišgag [POLE] wr. kiš-gag "pole pin?"
madal [POLE] wr. ĝešmadal; ĝešmamadal; ma-ad-li-um "a pole" Akk. mašaddu; makkû; mudulu; muttû
magid [POLE] wr. ĝešma-gid2 "type of pole"
miritum [POLE] wr. mi-ri2-tum "punting pole"
miriza [PLANK] wr. mi-ri2-za "plank, board; boat pole" Akk. parīsu
nindan [POLE] wr. nindan; nindan-DU "pole; a unit of length" Akk. nindanu
sal [POLE] wr. sal3 "a pole" Akk. mudulu
suku [POLE] wr. suku5 "pole" Akk. šukû
šašku [POLE] wr. šašku "a pole" Akk. giššaškû
širda [POLE] wr. šir3-da "pole"
tarKAK [POLE] wr. tar2-KAK "mooring pole"
targul [POLE] wr. targul; targulx(|MA2.KAK|) "a wooden tool used in weaving; mooring pole; mooring rope; mast" Akk. tarkullu
til [POLE] wr. til "a pole, part of a wooden object"
madal [POLE] wr. ĝešmadal; ĝešmamadal; ma-ad-li-um "a pole" Akk. mašaddu; makkû; mudulu; muttû
sal [POLE] wr. sal3 "a pole" Akk. mudulu
pole pin
kišgag [POLE] wr. kiš-gag "pole pin?"
DUB [POLE-PIN] wr. DUB "pole-pin"
galla [POLICEMAN] wr. galla; gallax(TE) "policeman; a demon" Akk. gallû
gallagal [POLICEMAN] wr. galla-gal; gal5-la-gal; gallax(TE)-gal; gallagalx(|GAL.TE.LAL|) "chief policeman"
niĝsub [POLISHED] wr. niĝ2-su-ub "polished"
namuzug [POLLUTEDNESS] wr. nam-u2-zug4 "pollutedness"
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
kiraši [BEER] wr. kiraši "bitter-sweet taste; emmer beer" Akk. alappānu
kiraši [EMMER] wr. ki-ra-ši "a type of emmer" Akk. alappānu
laldar [POMEGRANATE] wr. ĝešlal3-dar "pomegranate" Akk. nurmû
nurma [POMEGRANATE] wr. ĝešnu-ur2-ma; gešnu-ur2 "pomegranate" Akk. nurmû
agam [POND] wr. a-ga-am; a-ga-am3; a-ga-mu-um; agam "an artificial pond for disposing of flood waters" Akk. agammu
pu [WELL] wr. pu2 "lower course, footing; cistern, well; fish pond; source (of river); hole, pit; depth" Akk. asurrû; būrtu; šuplu
tul [FOUNTAIN] wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| "public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench" Akk. būrtu; hirītu; kalakku
umun [PIT] wr. umun10; umun11; umun12; umun5; umun6 "a pit; pond, puddle" Akk. habbu; hammu
ĝeštug deg [PONDER] wr. geštu2 degx(RI) "to listen, to ponder"
šag bala [PONDER] wr. šag4 bala "to ponder" Akk. ?
humhum [DESTITUTE] wr. lu2hum-hum "a destitute, a very poor person" Akk. luppunu
luniĝnutuku [POOR] wr. lu2-niĝ2-nu-tuku "poor person"
mug [WOOL] wr. mug "low quality wool" Akk. mukku
sum [POOR] wr. sum5 "(to be) poor; pauper" Akk. lapnu
ukur [POOR] wr. ukur3 "(to be) poor; pauper" Akk. lapnu
poor person
luniĝnutuku [POOR] wr. lu2-niĝ2-nu-tuku "poor person"
poor quality
mug [WOOL] wr. mug "low quality wool" Akk. mukku
asal [POPLAR] wr. ĝešasal2; ĝešasalx(|A.TU.NUN&NUN|); ĝešasalx(ASAL2~a); ĝešasalx(|A.TU|); ĝešasalx(|A.TU.GABA.SIG.GAR|) "poplar" Akk. şarbatu
ildag [POPLAR] wr. ĝešildag2; ĝešildag4; ildag2; ĝešildag3; ĝešildag; ĝešildagx "a poplar" Akk. adāru; ildakku
irituš [CITY] wr. iri-tuš "populated city" Akk. ?
populated city
irituš [CITY] wr. iri-tuš "populated city" Akk. ?
zedaniĝbarbarsurra [PORCUPINE?] wr. ze2-da-niĝ2-bar-bar-sur-ra; ze2-da "porcupine?"
zedaniĝbarbarsurra [PORCUPINE?] wr. ze2-da-niĝ2-bar-bar-sur-ra; ze2-da "porcupine?"
sadua [NET] wr. sa-du3-a "net" Akk. šaharru
sahar [POROUS?] wr. sahar2 "(to be) porous?" Akk. šaharru
sahar [VESSEL] wr. dugsahar; dugsahar2 "a vessel" Akk. šaharru
sadua [NET] wr. sa-du3-a "net" Akk. šaharru
sahar [POROUS?] wr. sahar2 "(to be) porous?" Akk. šaharru
sahar [VESSEL] wr. dugsahar; dugsahar2 "a vessel" Akk. šaharru
baba [PORRIDGE] wr. zid2ba-ba "porridge"
addir [FORD] wr. addir; dir; addirx(|PA.GISAL.SI.A|); addirx(|PA.GISAL.SI.A.PAD|) "quay, port; crossing, ford" Akk. kāru; nēberu
kar [HARBOR] wr. kar "harbor, quay" Akk. kāru
piš [BANK] wr. piš10 "quay, port; bank, shore, rim; stream, wadi, gorge" Akk. kibru; kāru; nahallu
antibal [SIGN] wr. ĝešan-ti-bal "sign" Akk. şaddu
igiĝal [SIGN] wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "sign, signal" Akk. şaddu
ikimar [SIGN] wr. i-ki-mar "sign, signal" Akk. şaddu
tibala [SIGN] wr. ĝešti-bal; uruduti-bal "sign" Akk. şaddu
gabilil [PORTER] wr. gab2-il2-il2 "porter" Akk. zabbilu
idu [DOORKEEPER] wr. i3-du8 "doorkeeper" Akk. atû
uĝĝaĝa [PORTER] wr. uĝ3-ĝaĝx(IL2); uĝ3-ĝa6-ĝa6 "porter"
babbarhi [PLANT] wr. babbar-hi "a plant" Akk. parparhû
Portulaca species
babbarhi [PLANT] wr. babbar-hi "a plant" Akk. parparhû
ĝar [PLACE] wr. ĝar; ĝa2; ĝa2-ar; ĝa2ĝar; ĝarar; mar; ĝa2ĝarar "to put, place, lay down; to give in place of something, replace; to posit (math.)" Akk. šakānu
posit math.
ĝar [PLACE] wr. ĝar; ĝa2; ĝa2-ar; ĝa2ĝar; ĝarar; mar; ĝa2ĝarar "to put, place, lay down; to give in place of something, replace; to posit (math.)" Akk. šakānu
KAKA [AXLE] wr. ĝešKAK.A "axle" Akk. qarnu; zarû; mazzāzu
edadi [~POSITION] wr. nam-e2-da-di "a prebendary position"
gandu [RESPONSIBILITY] wr. ga-an-du8 "a position of responsibility" Akk. napţaru
ĝišgal [STATION] wr. ĝišgal "station, attendant" Akk. manzazu
kigub [STATION] wr. ki-gub "station" Akk. mazzāzu
lug [POSITION] wr. ĝešlug "position" Akk. mazzāzu
maškim [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. maškim "an administrative position; a demon" Akk. rābişu
namapinla [~TILLER] wr. nam-apin-la2 "position as tiller"
namburšuma [~OFFICIAL] wr. nam-bur-šu-ma "position as buršuma-official"
namkisalluh [~SWEEPER] wr. nam-kisal-luh "position as courtyard sweeper"
namlubappir [~BREWER] wr. nam-lu2-bappir "position as brewer"
namnubanda [SUPERVISORSHIP] wr. nam-nu-banda3 "supervisorship, position as supervisor"
udda [STAND] wr. ud-da "a stand" Akk. manzaltu
position as brewer
namlubappir [~BREWER] wr. nam-lu2-bappir "position as brewer"
position as buršuma-official
namburšuma [~OFFICIAL] wr. nam-bur-šu-ma "position as buršuma-official"
position as courtyard sweeper
namkisalluh [~SWEEPER] wr. nam-kisal-luh "position as courtyard sweeper"
position as supervisor
namnubanda [SUPERVISORSHIP] wr. nam-nu-banda3 "supervisorship, position as supervisor"
position as tiller
namapinla [~TILLER] wr. nam-apin-la2 "position as tiller"
position of responsibility
gandu [RESPONSIBILITY] wr. ga-an-du8 "a position of responsibility" Akk. napţaru
niĝ [THING] wr. niĝ2; aĝ2 "thing, possesion; something" Akk. bušu; mimma
kibšur [PLENTIFUL] wr. kibšur "what is present; goods, livestock, property, possession(s)" Akk. bāšītu; būšu; makkûru; maršītu
šu bad [TAKE] wr. šu bad "to take (possession of)" Akk. ?
šubaršuĝal [POSSESSION] wr. šu-bar-šu-ĝal2 "possession" Akk. sikiltu
possession s
kibšur [PLENTIFUL] wr. kibšur "what is present; goods, livestock, property, possession(s)" Akk. bāšītu; būšu; makkûru; maršītu
immal [PROPERTY] wr. immal3 "(to be) very plentiful; goods, property, possessions, livestock" Akk. būšu; makkûru; maršītu; ţuhhudu
kibšur [PLENTIFUL] wr. kibšur "what is present; goods, livestock, property, possession(s)" Akk. bāšītu; būšu; makkûru; maršītu
niĝĝala [POSSESSIONS] wr. niĝ2-gal2-la "possessions" Akk. maršītu
hi [MIX] wr. hi "to mix (up); process (skin; wool, in the latter possibly a stage between combing and spinning); alloy" Akk. balālu
dim [POST] wr. dim; dim3; ĝešdim "post, pillar, pole; binding, knot, bond" Akk. mahrašu; makūtu; riksu; timmu
dimgal [POLE] wr. dim-gal; di-im-gu-ul "a pole" Akk. mahrašu; markasu; ushamu
gazinbu [POLE] wr. ga-zi-in-bu; gazinbu; gu4-zi-in-bu; ga-šim-bu "a pole, post; stick, club" Akk. gazamānu; gašīšu; nappaşu; timmu
targul [POLE] wr. targul; targulx(|MA2.KAK|) "a wooden tool used in weaving; mooring pole; mooring rope; mast" Akk. tarkullu
BAHAR [POT] wr. BAHAR2 "a pot"
abni [CRUCIBLE] wr. abni2 "a melting pot, crucible" Akk. maşādu
adagur [POT] wr. a-da-gur4; a-da-gur5; a-da-kur "a libation pot" Akk. adagurru
amamdadu [POT] wr. am-am-da-du3 "a pot"
barsud [POT] wr. dugbar-sud "a pot"
dabiltum [POT] wr. dugda-bil2-tum "a pot" Akk. tabiltu
dug [POT] wr. dug; dugx(BI) "(clay) pot; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. karpatu
hab [POT] wr. hab "a pot"
hal [POT] wr. dughal "a pot" Akk. hallu
hurum [~POT] wr. hu-ru-um "a designation of a pot"
lahhušu [BASE] wr. lahhušu; lahhušux(|SIG4.SIG4.ŠU2|) "base of a pot" Akk. šupat karpati
maruLUM [POT?] wr. dugma2-ru-LUM "a pot?" Akk. ?
muš [POT] wr. dugmuš "a pot" Akk. karpat şerri
niĝdaĝal [POT] wr. dugniĝ2-daĝal "a pot" Akk. rību
saĝšu [TURBAN] wr. tug2saĝšu "turban; cover of a pot" Akk. kubšu
šika [SHERD] wr. šika "(pot)sherd" Akk. išhilşu
tigul [POT] wr. dugti-gul "a pot" Akk. karpatu
tišub [POT] wr. dugti-šub "a pot" Akk. karpatu
ugur [POT] wr. ugur2 "a pot"
zallilda [POT] wr. dugzal-lil2-da "type of pot"
ŠID [POT] wr. ŠID; dugŠID "a pot"
maruLUM [POT?] wr. dugma2-ru-LUM "a pot?" Akk. ?
dinig [SALT] wr. di-ni-ig "salt; potash" Akk. itrānu; ţabtu
naĝa [POTASH] wr. naĝa; na-ma "potash, soap" Akk. uhūlu
naĝasi'e [PLANT] wr. naĝa-si-e3 ; naĝa-si "a plant" Akk. uhūlu
nimur [ASHES] wr. ne-mur; nimur "alkali, potash; coal; ashes; charcoal" Akk. idrānu; tumru
dagdug [POTSTANDS] wr. dag-dug "potstands" Akk. ?
NINDAMEKAR [UNMNG] wr. |NINDA2×ME+GAN2@t| "?" Akk. pahāru; redû ša kiškattê
bahar [POTTER] wr. bahar2; bahar3; bahar; bahar4; LAK742; LAK747 "potter" Akk. pahāru
bahargal [POTTER] wr. bahargalx(|GAL.BAR.EDIN|) "chief potter"
ĝešdubdim [TOOL] wr. ĝeš-dub-dim2 "a wooden tool for fashioning tablets; a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
muštaptin [TOOL] wr. muštaptin "a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
šugalanzu [POTTER] wr. šu-gal-an-zu "potter" Akk. pahāru
potter s tool
ĝešdubdim [TOOL] wr. ĝeš-dub-dim2 "a wooden tool for fashioning tablets; a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
muštaptin [TOOL] wr. muštaptin "a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
bar [BURN] wr. bar7 "to burn; to fire (pottery)" Akk. napāhu
dabiltum [POT] wr. dugda-bil2-tum "a pot" Akk. tabiltu
šaman [VESSEL] wr. dugšaman2 "a vessel" Akk. šappatu
šeĝ [COOK] wr. šeĝ6 "to cook; to dry a field; to fire (pottery)" Akk. bašālu
tugguza [TEXTILE] wr. tug2-guz-za; tug2-gu-za "a textile" Akk. haşbu
pottery vessel
šaman [VESSEL] wr. dugšaman2 "a vessel" Akk. šappatu
PA [POUCH] wr. PA5 "pouch"
dagaltum [POUCH] wr. da-gal-tum-ma "pouch"
duggan [BAG] wr. kušdug3-gan; dug3-gan; kušdu10 "leather bag" Akk. tukkannu
saĝPA [POUCH] wr. saĝ-PA "a pouch" Akk. nēpeštu
šerimsur [COCOON] wr. šerimsur "a cocoon of a caterpillar" Akk. tušaru
a ri [IMPREGNATE] wr. a ri "to impregnate" Akk. rehû
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
de [POUR] wr. de2 "to pour; to winnow" Akk. šapāku; šaqû
dub [HEAP] wr. dub "to strew; to heap up, pile, pour; to whirl up (a duststorm)" Akk. sarāqu; šapāku
ĝeš dug [COPULATE] wr. ĝeš3 dug4 "to copulate" Akk. rehû
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
sig [CAST] wr. sig10 "to cast; to fashion" Akk. šapāku
siškur [PRAYER] wr. siškur2; siškur "prayer; blessing; offering, sacrifice, rites; to pour (a libation), sacrifice; to intercede" Akk. karābu; naqû; nīqu
pour a libation
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
siškur [PRAYER] wr. siškur2; siškur "prayer; blessing; offering, sacrifice, rites; to pour (a libation), sacrifice; to intercede" Akk. karābu; naqû; nīqu
pour away
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
pour on
de [POUR] wr. de2 "to pour; to winnow" Akk. šapāku; šaqû
dub [HEAP] wr. dub "to strew; to heap up, pile, pour; to whirl up (a duststorm)" Akk. sarāqu; šapāku
sig [CAST] wr. sig10 "to cast; to fashion" Akk. šapāku
pour out
a ri [IMPREGNATE] wr. a ri "to impregnate" Akk. rehû
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
ĝeš dug [COPULATE] wr. ĝeš3 dug4 "to copulate" Akk. rehû
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
pour out
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
gadam [SLUICE] wr. ga-dam "sluice, waterfall" Akk. natbaktu
namukur [POVERTY] wr. nam-ukur3 "poverty"
silig [HAND] wr. silig2; silig4 "hand; (cupped) hand" Akk. lupnu; qātu; rittu
a šum [EMPOWER] wr. a2 šum2 "to give power (to somebody)" Akk. ?
a [ARM] wr. a2 "arm; labor; wing; horn; side; strength; wage; power" Akk. ahu; idu
atuku [POWERFUL] wr. a2-tuku "powerful, able-bodied" Akk. igigallu; lē'û
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
ir [MIGHTY] wr. ir9; ir3 "mighty" Akk. gašru
kalag [STRONG] wr. kal-ga; kalag; kal-la "(to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for" Akk. dannu; kubbû
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
urun [EXALTED] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru; uru; uru15 "(to be) exalted; (to be) strong" Akk. dannu; šapsu; şīru
zulun [HAVE A POWERFUL VOICE] wr. zu-lu-un "to have a powerful voice" Akk. raşānu
powerful of voice
zulun [HAVE A POWERFUL VOICE] wr. zu-lu-un "to have a powerful voice" Akk. raşānu
lalanu [DESTITUTE] wr. la-la-nu-u "destitute person" Akk. lalānu
ar [PRAISE] wr. ar2; a-ar2; a-ar; a-ar3 "(hymn of) praise; fame" Akk. tanittu
aratta [IMPORTANT] wr. aratta "heavy; important; praise, glory" Akk. kabtu; tanattu
katar sil [PRAISE] wr. ka-tar si-il "to praise" Akk. dalīlī dalālu
me-teš e [PRAISE] wr. me-teš2 i-i "to praise" Akk. nâdu
meteš [PRAISE] wr. me-teš2 "praise"
mi [PRAISE] wr. mi2 "praise"
zamin [LYRE] wr. za3-mi2; ĝešza3-mi2; zamin "praise; lyre; a geometric figure" Akk. sammû; tanittu
šu mu [PRAY] wr. šu mu2 "to pray" Akk. karābu
šud ša [PRAY] wr. šud3 ša4 "to pray"
ugul ĝar [PRAY] wr. u3-gul ĝar "to pray" Akk. utnēnu
namšita [PRAYER] wr. nam-šita; nam-šita2 "prayer; entreaty" Akk. kāribu
siškur [PRAYER] wr. siškur2; siškur "prayer; blessing; offering, sacrifice, rites; to pour (a libation), sacrifice; to intercede" Akk. karābu; naqû; nīqu
šita [PRAYER] wr. šita "prayer" Akk. riksu
šita [PRIEST] wr. šita "a priest; ~ figurine" Akk. ellu; ikribu; ramku
šu il [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu il2 "'to raise the hand'" Akk. qātu našû
šu zig [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu zig3 "'to raise the hand'; to rise; to plunder" Akk. nanduru; qātu našû; tebû
šu'ila [PRAYER] wr. šu-il2-la2 "a kind of prayer; a subscript"
šud [PRAYER] wr. šud3; šu-tu; šudx(|KA.ŠU|) "prayer, dedication; blessing" Akk. ikribu
agazi [LEADER] wr. a-ga-zi "leader" Akk. ašarēdu
enzid [ANIMAL] wr. en-zid "lead animal" Akk. ašarēdu
igištu [FOREMOST] wr. igištu "first and foremost, pre-eminent" Akk. ašarēdu
lu'igidu [LEADER] wr. lu2-igi-du "leader" Akk. ašarēdu; ālik pāni
mašsaĝ [LEADER] wr. maš2-saĝ "leader" Akk. ašarēdu
nir [LORDLY] wr. nir "lord(ly)" Akk. etellu
palil [FOREMOST] wr. palil; palil2 "first and foremost, pre-eminent" Akk. ašarēdu
pap [RELATION] wr. pap "first and foremost, pre-eminent; father; male, virile; brother" Akk. abu; ahu; ašarēdu; zikaru
pašeš [FOREMOST] wr. pa4-šeš; pa5-šeš "foremost" Akk. ašarēdu
saĝmaš [FOREMOST] wr. saĝmaš; sagmaš "first and foremost, pre-eminent" Akk. ašarēdu
saĝtuku [SPLENDID] wr. saĝ-tuku "proud; splendid; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; šarhu
šušmaš [PRE-EMINENT] wr. šušmaš "pre-eminent" Akk. ašarēdu
udsaĝ [LEADER] wr. ud5-saĝ "leader" Akk. ašarēdu
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
edadi [~POSITION] wr. nam-e2-da-di "a prebendary position"
prebendary position
edadi [~POSITION] wr. nam-e2-da-di "a prebendary position"
saĝ e [TAKE PRECEDENCE] wr. saĝ e3 "to take precedence"
antasura [METAL] wr. an-ta-sur-ra "a metal" Akk. antasurrû
ihenunak [OIL] wr. i3-he-nun-na; i3-he-nun "precious oil" Akk. ihenunnakku
kal [RARE] wr. kal "(to be) rare, valuable" Akk. aqāru
kugan [METAL] wr. kug-an "a metal" Akk. amūtu
nabhatum [CONTAINER] wr. kušna-ah-ba-tum; kušna-ab-ha-tum "a case for precious objects" Akk. nahbatu
sag [RARE] wr. sag10; sag8 "(to be) high quality; (to be) rare, precious" Akk. aqru; aqāru
sudaĝ [METAL] wr. sud-ra2-aĝ2; sud-aĝ2; su3-ud-aĝ2 "a precious metal; (to be) shiny (a divine epithet)" Akk. elmēšu
šuba [STONE] wr. šuba3; na4šuba; šuba4; šubax(MUŠ); šubax(|MUŠ.ŠA|) "a precious stone" Akk. šubû
utulla [STONE] wr. u4-tul2-la2 "a precious stone" Akk. illuku
precious metal
sudaĝ [METAL] wr. sud-ra2-aĝ2; sud-aĝ2; su3-ud-aĝ2 "a precious metal; (to be) shiny (a divine epithet)" Akk. elmēšu
precious oil
ihenunak [OIL] wr. i3-he-nun-na; i3-he-nun "precious oil" Akk. ihenunnakku
precious stone
šuba [STONE] wr. šuba3; na4šuba; šuba4; šubax(MUŠ); šubax(|MUŠ.ŠA|) "a precious stone" Akk. šubû
utulla [STONE] wr. u4-tul2-la2 "a precious stone" Akk. illuku
una [WILD] wr. u3-na "wild, proud; a wild animal" Akk. kadrum; kattilu
predatory animal
una [WILD] wr. u3-na "wild, proud; a wild animal" Akk. kadrum; kattilu
PA.LU.TA [PREFERENTIAL SHARE] wr. |PA.LU.TA| "preferential share"
preferential share
PA.LU.TA [PREFERENTIAL SHARE] wr. |PA.LU.TA| "preferential share"
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
šagan [~PIG] wr. šaganx(|GA2×AN|)gan; šagan; šaganx(AMA)ša "a designation of pigs; pregnant?"
šagba [PREGNANT] wr. šag4-ba "pregnant"
šagpeš [PREGNANT] wr. šag4-peš4 "pregnant"
šagan [~PIG] wr. šaganx(|GA2×AN|)gan; šagan; šaganx(AMA)ša "a designation of pigs; pregnant?"
ebmuhaldim [~KITCHEN] wr. eb-muhaldim "food preparation area (lit. "oval of the cooks")"
sa gi [PREPARE] wr. sa gi4 "to prepare" Akk. šutērusû
igi [FACE] wr. igi; i-bi2; igi3; i-gi "first, earlier; front; face" Akk. mahrum; pānû
a ru [DEDICATE] wr. a ru "to dedicate" Akk. šarāku
ba [ALLOT] wr. ba "to divide into shares, share, halve; to allot" Akk. qiāšu; zâzu
kadra [GIFT] wr. kadra "bribe; greeting gift, presents" Akk. irbu; kadrû; ţātu
kibšur [PLENTIFUL] wr. kibšur "what is present; goods, livestock, property, possession(s)" Akk. bāšītu; būšu; makkûru; maršītu
niĝba [GIFT] wr. niĝ2-ba "gift" Akk. qīštu
sag rig [BESTOW] wr. sag rig7 "to bestow" Akk. šarāku
šubarzi [PRESENT] wr. šu-bar-zi "present" Akk. qiāšu
u [GIFT] wr. u "gift" Akk. qīštu
umbara [AID] wr. umbara "aid, help; gift, present" Akk. nērarūtu; rīmūtu
terzum [PRESENTATION] wr. te-er-zum "presentation"
kadra [GIFT] wr. kadra "bribe; greeting gift, presents" Akk. irbu; kadrû; ţātu
adkin [MEAT] wr. adkin "preserved meat" Akk. kirrētu; muddulu
mudulum [MEAT] wr. mu-du-lum; mu-du-li-a "preserved meat" Akk. muddulu
preserved meat
adkin [MEAT] wr. adkin "preserved meat" Akk. kirrētu; muddulu
mudulum [MEAT] wr. mu-du-lum; mu-du-li-a "preserved meat" Akk. muddulu
ere [THROTTLE] wr. er13 "to press, throttle" Akk. hanāqum
ešela [BOUND] wr. ešela "(to be) bound" Akk. hanāqu; kalû; kamû
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
li [PRESS] wr. li2; li9 "to press (oil)" Akk. ruqqû
saga [PRESS?] wr. sa-ga; saga11; sig11 "to press?"
sur [PRESS] wr. sur; sur8 "to press, squeeze; to flash; to drip; to rain; to milk" Akk. natāku; zanānu; şahātu; şarāru
zaĝa [PRESS] wr. zaĝa(NI) "to press out oil; exudation (of oil)" Akk. za'u; şahātu ša šamni
saga [PRESS?] wr. sa-ga; saga11; sig11 "to press?"
press oil
li [PRESS] wr. li2; li9 "to press (oil)" Akk. ruqqû
press out oil
zaĝa [PRESS] wr. zaĝa(NI) "to press out oil; exudation (of oil)" Akk. za'u; şahātu ša šamni
isur [PRESSER] wr. i3-sur "oil-presser" Akk. şāhitu
amargi [REVERSION] wr. ama-ar-gi4; ama-gi4 "reversion to a previous state" Akk. anduraāru
buru [BIRD] wr. buru4mušen; gu-ur2mušen; buru15mušen; buru16mušen; buru6mušen "crow; a bird of prey or a vulture" Akk. erēbu[rook]
ninninnata [BIRD] wr. dnin-ninna2mušen-ta; dnin-ninna2mušen; dnin-ninnamušen; dnin-immax(|LAGAB×IGI@g|)mušen; dnin-niĝin2mušen "a bird of prey, harrier?" Akk. eššebu
ti [BIRD] wr. ti8mušen "a bird of prey" Akk. erû
ganba [PRICE] wr. ganba "market price" Akk. mahīru
niĝsam [PRICE] wr. niĝ2-sa10; niĝ2-sa10-am3 "price"
sam [PRICE] wr. sam2 "purchase price" Akk. šīmu
šakanka [MARKET] wr. šakanka "market; market-price" Akk. mahīru
te [PIERCE] wr. te "to pierce" Akk. sahālu
ĝir [PRIDE] wr. ĝir3 "to take pride in; to make splendid" Akk. šarāhu
šar [MAKE SPLENDID] wr. šar "to make splendid" Akk. šarāhu
teš [PRIDE] wr. teš2 "pride" Akk. bāštu
TU [PRIEST] wr. TU "type of priest"
abgal [SAGE] wr. abgal2; abgal "sage; priest" Akk. apkallu
abigal [FUNCTIONARY] wr. a-bi-gal; a-bi2-a-gal; a-bi-ĝal2; a2-bi-ĝal2 "person associated with funerals" Akk. abigallu; qabbiru
atu [DOORKEEPER?] wr. a-tu "doorkeeper?; a priest or cultic functionary"
atua [PRIEST] wr. a-tu5; a-tu5-a-tu5; lu2a-tu5-a "a type of priest"
bur [BOWL] wr. bur; na4bur "(food) offering, sacrifice; meal(-time); (stone) bowl; a priest" Akk. abru; naptanu; nīqu; pūru
bur [PRIEST] wr. burur2 "priest"
emeš [PRIEST] wr. emeš(|SAL+LAGAR|) "priest"
emezi [PRIEST] wr. emezi(|SAL+LAGAR|) "priest"
en [PRIEST] wr. en "a priest" Akk. entu; enu
ennigi [PRIEST] wr. ennigi2 "a priest" Akk. ennigû
ennun [PRIEST] wr. en-nun "a type of priest"
enzid [PRIEST] wr. en-zid "a priest"
ezi [PRIEST] wr. ezix(|SAL.LAGAR|) "en-priest of Ea" Akk. ēnu ša Ea
gadala [PRIEST] wr. gada-la2 "a priest" Akk. labiš kitê
guda'abzu [PRIEST] wr. guda2-abzu "a priest" Akk. gudapsû
gudug [PRIEST] wr. gudug; gudux(|HI×NUN|) "a priest" Akk. pašīšu
irhandi [SORCERER] wr. irhandi "sorcerer" Akk. āšipu
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
kamuĝal [INCANTATION] wr. ka-mu7-ĝal2 "incantation priest" Akk. wāšipu
kurku [PRIEST] wr. kurku "a purification priest" Akk. išippu
kušla [GARMENT] wr. kuš-la2 "a garment; a functionary" Akk. aguhhu; nahlaptu; ramku; ša šibirri
lagar [PRIEST] wr. lagar; lagar3; la-bar "a priest" Akk. lagaru
lal [PRIEST] wr. lal3 "type of priest"
lalešaga [PRIEST] wr. lal3-e-šag4-ga "a priest or cultic functionary"
luKA'inima [EXPERT] wr. lu2-KA-inim-ma "magical expert" Akk. āšipu
lumah [PRIEST] wr. lu2-mah "a priest"
lumumun [PRIEST] wr. lu2-mu13-mu13; mu13-mu13; lu2-mumun; mux(|KA×GAN2@t|)-mux(|KA×GAN2@t|) "incantation priest"
marmah [PRIEST] wr. mar-mah "a priest" Akk. pasīšu
mašmaš [SORCERER] wr. maš-maš "sorcerer, incantation priest" Akk. ašīpu; mašmaš(š)u
murub [PRIEST] wr. murub; murub3 "a priest" Akk. ēnu
namen [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-en "the office of en-priest; kingship" Akk. enūtu; bēlūtu
namšita [PRIEST] wr. nam-šita4 "a priest"
nu'ešak [PRIEST] wr. nu-eš3 "a priest" Akk. nešakku
nusaĝ [PRIEST] wr. nu-saĝ "a priest"
pašeš [PRIEST] wr. pa4-šeš "a priest" Akk. pašīšu
saĝa [PRIEST] wr. saĝa2; saĝa4; saĝa3; saĝa5; saĝa6; saĝax(|GA.UZ3|); saĝax(|GA.UZ3.HI|); saĝax(|GA.UZ.IGI@g|); saĝax(|LAGAB×LAK175|) "a priest" Akk. mullilu
saĝbur [PRIEST] wr. saĝ-bur "priest"
saĝĝa [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa; |GAR.ŠID|; |ŠID.GAR| "an official, the chief administrator of a temple household" Akk. šangû
sigbar [PRIEST] wr. sig2-bar "a priest" Akk. luhšû; sigbarû
surru [PRIEST] wr. surru "a priest" Akk. surrû
susbu [PRIEST] wr. susbu; susbu2 "a priest" Akk. ramku
šaggadala [PRIEST] wr. šag4-gada-la2 "a priest" Akk. labiš kitê
šagtubala [PRIEST] wr. šag4-tu9-ba13-la2 "priest"
šennu [PRIEST] wr. šennu "a priest" Akk. ēnu
šimmu [PRIEST] wr. šim-mu2 "a priest" Akk. ašīpu
šimmumah [PRIEST] wr. šim2-mu2-mah "high priest"
šita'aba [PRIEST] wr. šita-ab-ba "a priest"
šita'eša [PRIEST] wr. šita-eš3-a "a priest"
šita'inana [PRIEST] wr. šita-dinana "a funerary priest" Akk. uruhhu
šita [PRIEST] wr. šita "a priest; ~ figurine" Akk. ellu; ikribu; ramku
šuba [MULTICOLOURED] wr. šuba; šuba2 "(to be) multicoloured; (to be) manly; young man; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; (to be) bathed" Akk. bitrāmu; ellu; eţlu; ramku
šuš [PRIEST] wr. šušx(|ŠE+NAM2|) "priest"
tu [PRIEST] wr. tu "priest"
ukurrim [PRIEST] wr. ukurrim "a priest of Inanna" Akk. ēnû
ulmaše [PRIEST] wr. lu2ul-maš2-e3 "a priest"
uruh [PRIEST] wr. UH3.MUŠ3; UH3.AN.MUŠ3; ŠITA.AN.MUŠ3; AN.MUŠ3.KUŠU2 "a priest who performs funerary rites"
usuh [PRIEST] wr. usuh "en-priest of Enki" Akk. ēnû
uzga [PRIEST] wr. uz-ga; uzug5; u2-si18-gi; uz3-ga; uzug; uzug2; uzug3; uzug4; uzugx; u2-zug4 "a type of priest"
priest AHw
šennu [PRIEST] wr. šennu "a priest" Akk. ēnu
priest CAD
ukurrim [PRIEST] wr. ukurrim "a priest of Inanna" Akk. ēnû
usuh [PRIEST] wr. usuh "en-priest of Enki" Akk. ēnû
priest of Inanna
ukurrim [PRIEST] wr. ukurrim "a priest of Inanna" Akk. ēnû
priest or cultic functionary
atu [DOORKEEPER?] wr. a-tu "doorkeeper?; a priest or cultic functionary"
lalešaga [PRIEST] wr. lal3-e-šag4-ga "a priest or cultic functionary"
priest who performs funerary rites
uruh [PRIEST] wr. UH3.MUŠ3; UH3.AN.MUŠ3; ŠITA.AN.MUŠ3; AN.MUŠ3.KUŠU2 "a priest who performs funerary rites"
SALLAGARME [PRIESTESS] wr. SAL.LAGAR.ME "type of priestess"
amagal [GRANDMOTHER] wr. ama-gal "grandmother; a priestess"
amalug [GODDESS] wr. amalug "a priestess; goddess" Akk. amalītu; ištaru
egizid [PRIESTESS] wr. egi-zid; egi2-zid; igi-zid "a priestess" Akk. igişītu
en [PRIEST] wr. en "a priest" Akk. entu; enu
erešdiĝir [PRIESTESS] wr. ereš-diĝir "a priestess" Akk. ēntu
igidua [PRIESTESS] wr. igi-du8-a "a priestess"
lukur [PRIESTESS] wr. lukur "a priestess; (junior) wife of a deified king" Akk. nadītu; qadištu
nugig [PRIESTESS] wr. nu-gig; nu-u8-gig; mu-gi17-ib; mu-gib3 "a priestess; a divine epithet; a profession for women" Akk. qadištu
nunuzzi [PRIESTESS] wr. nunuzzi; nunuzzix(|EN.NU.NUNUZ.ZI.AN.UD|); nunusx(SAL)nu-nus-zi; nunusx(SAL)-zi "a priestess"
zirru [PRIESTESS] wr. zirru "a priestess" Akk. ēnu ša Sîn
namegirzid [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-egir3-zid "the office of egirzid-priest"
namen [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-en "the office of en-priest; kingship" Akk. enūtu; bēlūtu
namerešdiĝir [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-ereš-diĝir "office of the erešdiĝir-priestess" Akk. ?
namgudug [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-gudug "office of gudug-priest"
namišib [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-išib "office of išib-priest"
namlagar [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lagar "office of lagar-Priest"
namlukur [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lukur "office of lukur-priestess"
namlumah [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-lu2-mah "office of lumah"
namnugig [PRIESTHOOD] wr. nam-nu-u8-gig "office of the nugig" Akk. ?
ĝipar [CLOISTER] wr. ĝi6-par4; ĝi6-par3; gešgiparx(KISAL); ĝiparx(KISAL) "cloister" Akk. gipāru
priestly residence
ĝipar [CLOISTER] wr. ĝi6-par4; ĝi6-par3; gešgiparx(KISAL); ĝiparx(KISAL) "cloister" Akk. gipāru
lulu [MAN] wr. lu2-lu7; lu2-lu7lu "man; humanity" Akk. amēlu; lullû
primeval man
lulu [MAN] wr. lu2-lu7; lu2-lu7lu "man; humanity" Akk. amēlu; lullû
namdumununa [~PRINCE] wr. nam-dumu-nun-na "the status of being son of the prince"
nun [PRINCE] wr. nun "prince; (as attribute) foremost, best" Akk. rubû
e [PRINCELY?] wr. e; e5 "princely?"
e [PRINCELY?] wr. e; e5 "princely?"
niĝnamnun [PRINCESHIP] wr. niĝ2-nam-nun "princeship" Akk. ?
egir [PRINCESS] wr. egir2; egir3; egi3 "princess" Akk. rubātu
e'EŠ [PRISON] wr. e2-EŠ2 "prison"
e'urra [PRISON] wr. e2-ur5-ra "prison"
egal [PRISON] wr. e2-gal "prison"
egula [PRISON] wr. e2-gu-la "prison"
ekur [PRISON] wr. e2-kur "prison" Akk. şibittu
enamarad [PRISON] wr. e2-nam-arad2 "prison"
ennuĝ [IMPRISONMENT] wr. en-nu-ĝa2; en-nuĝx(NUN); en-nu-uĝ3; en-nu-uĝ5; en-uĝ3-ĝa2 "watch, guard; watch (as a division of night time); imprisonment; prison" Akk. maşşartum
asiri [PRISONER] wr. a-si-ri "prisoner of war" Akk. asiru
prisoner of war
asiri [PRISONER] wr. a-si-ri "prisoner of war" Akk. asiru
aga'us [SOLDIER] wr. aga-us2; aga3-us2 "a soldier" Akk. rēdû
namsaĝ [PRIVILEGE] wr. nam-saĝ "privilege"
niĝkalkal [PRIZED] wr. niĝ2-kal-kal "prized, valuable" Akk. šūquru
prob. bowl
sab [JAR] wr. dugsab; sa2-ab "an oil jar" Akk. šappu
prob. shaduf
zirigum [IRRIGATION DEVICE] wr. zi-ri2-gum2; zi-ri2-gum "an irrigation device" Akk. zirīqu
kunga [EQUID] wr. kunga2; kunga; anšekunga2; anše|BAR×AN|; anšekunga "an equid, probably a donkey-onager cross" Akk. parû
probably a donkey-onager cross
kunga [EQUID] wr. kunga2; kunga; anšekunga2; anše|BAR×AN|; anšekunga "an equid, probably a donkey-onager cross" Akk. parû
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
niĝdimdima [MAGIC] wr. niĝ2-dim2-dim2-ma "magical procedures" Akk. upšašû
niĝdimdima [MAGIC] wr. niĝ2-dim2-dim2-ma "magical procedures" Akk. upšašû
ak [DO] wr. ak; a "to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)" Akk. epēšu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
ak [DO] wr. ak; a "to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)" Akk. epēšu
proceeding math.
ak [DO] wr. ak; a "to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)" Akk. epēšu
hi [MIX] wr. hi "to mix (up); process (skin; wool, in the latter possibly a stage between combing and spinning); alloy" Akk. balālu
kalag [~SILVER] wr. kalag-ga "a process involving silver"
li [PRESS] wr. li2; li9 "to press (oil)" Akk. ruqqû
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
process involving silver
kalag [~SILVER] wr. kalag-ga "a process involving silver"
process oil
li [PRESS] wr. li2; li9 "to press (oil)" Akk. ruqqû
process skin
hi [MIX] wr. hi "to mix (up); process (skin; wool, in the latter possibly a stage between combing and spinning); alloy" Akk. balālu
šuguru [CONTAINER?] wr. šu-guru5 "a container?" Akk. šugurrû
processed form of dates
šuguru [CONTAINER?] wr. šu-guru5 "a container?" Akk. šugurrû
bala [WASTAGE] wr. bala "wastage (in processing grain)"
magid [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-gid2 "a towed boat" Akk. makkītu
šag bala [PROCREATE] wr. šag4 bala "to produce offspring" Akk. ?
kaš sur [FERMENT] wr. kaš sur "to ferment and filter beer; to produce beer" Akk. mazû
niĝkud [DUE] wr. niĝ2-kud "a share of the yield of a field" Akk. miksu
šag bala [PROCREATE] wr. šag4 bala "to produce offspring" Akk. ?
ukiri [GARDEN] wr. u2-ĝeškiri6 "garden produce"
produce beer
kaš sur [FERMENT] wr. kaš sur "to ferment and filter beer; to produce beer" Akk. mazû
produce offspring
šag bala [PROCREATE] wr. šag4 bala "to produce offspring" Akk. ?
ašudab [OIL] wr. a-šu-dab6 "a qualification of oil?; an oil producing plant?"
mah [COW] wr. mah2 "(to be) mature, milk producing (of cows)"
LAK384 [FOOD] wr. LAK384; NI-na-al "a food product"
dimna [DAIRY] wr. dimna "a milk product" Akk. itirtu
duh [BRAN] wr. duh; dah-hu "bran" Akk. tuhhu
ga'argazi [~DAIRY] wr. ga-ar3-gazi; ga-gazi "a dairy product"
gar [CAKE] wr. gar3 "a cake or a baked product"
gašea [~DAIRY] wr. ga-še-a; ga-šex(|IGI@g|)-a "a dairy product"
gurina [~FISH] wr. gu2-rin5-naku6 "a fish product"
inbulbul [CHAFF?] wr. in-bul5-bul5 "an agricultural product, chaff?, hay?, straw?"
itirda [~DAIRY] wr. i3-ti-ir-da; gai3-te-er-da "a dairy product" Akk. ?
kimun [PRODUCT] wr. ki-mun "an agricultural product"
niĝsaha [FRUIT] wr. niĝ2-sa-ha "fruit" Akk. muthummu
niĝtuhum [FRUIT] wr. niĝ2-tu-hu-um "fruit" Akk. muthummu
zizibianum [PRODUCT] wr. zi-zi-bi2-a-num2 "an agricultural product"
product s of a garden
niĝsaha [FRUIT] wr. niĝ2-sa-ha "fruit" Akk. muthummu
niĝtuhum [FRUIT] wr. niĝ2-tu-hu-um "fruit" Akk. muthummu
aĝešĝara [NORM] wr. a2-ĝeš-ĝar-ra; a2-ĝeš-ĝa2-ra "production norm" Akk. iškāru
production norm
aĝešĝara [NORM] wr. a2-ĝeš-ĝar-ra; a2-ĝeš-ĝa2-ra "production norm" Akk. iškāru
mungazi [~AGRICULTURE] wr. mun-gazi "a class of agricultural products"
IB [PROFESSION] wr. IB "a profession"
LUKATAR [PROFESSION] wr. LU2.KA.TAR "a profession"
NINAGAR [A PROFESSION] wr. NI.NAGAR "a profession?"
SIGa [PROFESSION?] wr. SIG7-a "a type of profession?"
abgal [PROFESSION] wr. ab2-gal "a profession" Akk. ?
adNE [PROFESSION] wr. ad-NE; lu2ĝešad-NE "a profession"
addir [PROFESSION] wr. |LAK589.SI.A|; |LAK589.A.SI|; |A.LAK589.SI|; |LAK589.SI|; |LAK590.SI|; |LAK589.PAD.SI| "a profession"
agam [PROFESSION] wr. a-ga-am "a profession"
anir [PROFESSION] wr. a-nir "a profession"
anšeKUr [PROFESSION] wr. anše-KU "a profession"
anšedaba [PROFESSION] wr. anše-dab5-ba; anše-dab5? "a profession"
asikil [PROFESSION] wr. a2-sikil "a profession"
damkaš [PROFESSION] wr. dam-kaš4 "a profession"
engartur [PROFESSION] wr. engar-tur "a profession"
ešabdu [PROFESSION] wr. eš3-a-ab-du; eš3-sa2-ab-du "a profession"
gaguru [PROFESSION] wr. ga-gur3-ru "a profession, milk carrier" Akk. nāš šizbu
girbil [PROFESSION] wr. gir4-bil "a profession"
gudKUr [PROFESSION] wr. gud-KU "a profession"
guddaba [PROFESSION] wr. gud-dab5-ba "a profession"
gusur [PROFESSION] wr. gu-šur; SUR.GU.NUN; NUN.SUR.GU; NUN.GU.SUR "a profession" Akk. ?
ka'usa [FUNCTION] wr. ka-us2-sa "a function or profession"
kakaku [PROFESSION] wr. kak-a-ku5; lu2kak-a-ku5 "a professional term" Akk. mupettû
lu'eniĝakak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-e2-niĝ2-ka "a profession"
lu'umumak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-umum-ma "a profession" Akk. mummu
lu'urak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-ur3-ra "type of profession, spice miller"
luHIĝara [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-HI-ĝar-ra "a profession"
ludumdamza [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-dum-dam-za; lu2-dam-dam-sa2 "a profession"
lugag [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-ĝešgag "a profession"
lugušudu [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-gu2-šu-du8 "a profession" Akk. ?
luĝeštinsura [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-ĝeštin-sur-ra "a profession" Akk. şāhit karāni
luhu [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-hux(SI); lu2-huhux(SI); lu2-hux(MA2)hu "a profession"
lukaba [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-kabx(|SAG×A|)-ba "a profession"
lukešedtugra [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-keš2-tug2-ra "a profession"
lusagsag [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-sag3-sag3 "a profession"
lusagula [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-sa-gu2-la2 "a profession"
lusura [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-sur-ra "a profession"
lušesaĝĝarak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-še-saĝ-ĝar-ak "a profession"
lušezarsala [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-še-zar-sal-la "a profession"
lušumsikil.SAL.a [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-sum-sikil-SAL-la "a profession"
lušutaga [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-šu-tag-ga; lu2-šu-tag "a profession"
lutugzukešed [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-tug2-zu2-keš2 "a profession" Akk. kāşiru
luŠEDIN [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-ŠE+DIN "a profession"
magalgal [PROFESSION] wr. ma2-gal-gal; lu2ma2-gal-gal "a profession"
magursi [PROFESSION] wr. ma2-gur8-si "a profession"
mašga'en [STATUS] wr. MAŠ.EN.KAK; MAŠ.KAK "a social status or profession" Akk. muškēnu
maŠUDUN [PROFESSION] wr. ma2-|ŠU2+DUN3| "profession"
muSAR [PROFESSION] wr. mu-SAR "a profession"
munu [PROFESSION] wr. munu4 "a profession"
munukaz [PROFESSION] wr. munu4-gaz "a profession"
niĝgusur [PROFESSION] wr. niĝ2-gu-sur; GAR.GU.NUN; gu-sur; |GAR.GU.SUR.NUN|; |GU.SUR.NUN| "a profession"
nuDAR [PROFESSION] wr. nu-DAR "a profession"
nuKA [PROFESSION] wr. nu-KA "a profession"
nubar [PROFESSION] wr. nu-bar "a profession for women" Akk. kulmašītu
nugig [PRIESTESS] wr. nu-gig; nu-u8-gig; mu-gi17-ib; mu-gib3 "a priestess; a divine epithet; a profession for women" Akk. qadištu
sa'a [PROFESSION] wr. sa7-a "a profession"
sahur [PROFESSION] wr. sa-hur "a profession"
sigĝeš [PROFESSION] wr. sig7-ĝeš "a profession"
šešbalagal [PROFESSION] wr. šeš-bala-gal "a profession"
tarluh [PROFESSION] wr. tar-luh "a profession"
tuggilima [PROFESSION] wr. tug2-gilim-ma "a profession"
tugšukarak [PROFESSION] wr. tug2-šu-kar2-ak "a profession"
tugšukura [PROFESSION] wr. tug2-šukur-ra "a profession"
tugšukurura [PROFESSION] wr. tug2-šukur-ur3-ra "a profession"
ubila [PROFESSION] wr. u2-bil "charcoal burner" Akk. upillû
uduKUr [PROFESSION] wr. udu-KU "a profession"
NINAGAR [A PROFESSION] wr. NI.NAGAR "a profession?"
SIGa [PROFESSION?] wr. SIG7-a "a type of profession?"
profession for women
nubar [PROFESSION] wr. nu-bar "a profession for women" Akk. kulmašītu
nugig [PRIESTESS] wr. nu-gig; nu-u8-gig; mu-gi17-ib; mu-gib3 "a priestess; a divine epithet; a profession for women" Akk. qadištu
iluali [MOURNER] wr. i-lu-a-li "mourner" Akk. lallāru
kakaku [PROFESSION] wr. kak-a-ku5; lu2kak-a-ku5 "a professional term" Akk. mupettû
uali [MOURNER] wr. u3-a-li "mourner" Akk. lallāru
professional term
kakaku [PROFESSION] wr. kak-a-ku5; lu2kak-a-ku5 "a professional term" Akk. mupettû
dun [PROFIT] wr. dun "profit"
kugdun [PROFIT] wr. kug-dun "profit" Akk. takšītu
kušer [PROFIT] wr. ki-še-er; ku-še-er "profit" Akk. kušīru
niĝmeĝar [JUBILATION] wr. niĝ2-me-ĝar "jubilation; prosperity" Akk. išdihu; rišātu
šid [COUNT] wr. šid "count(ing); number; half (shares); to count" Akk. minûtu; mišlānū
šuria [HALF] wr. šu-ri-a "half share" Akk. mišlānū
udra [EXCESS] wr. udra "excess, profit" Akk. utrû
profit able business
niĝmeĝar [JUBILATION] wr. niĝ2-me-ĝar "jubilation; prosperity" Akk. išdihu; rišātu
sud [DISTANT] wr. sud; su3-ud "(to be) distant; (to be) remote, long-lasting; (to be) profound" Akk. nesû; rêqu
a [WATER] wr. a "water; semen; progeny" Akk. mû; rihûtu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
badsi [PARAPET] wr. bad3-si "parapet" Akk. setu
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
galdi [EXALTED] wr. gal-di "exalted" Akk. tizqāru
mahdi [EXALTED] wr. mah-di "exalted, prominent" Akk. tizqāru
ul [PRONOUN] wr. ul-la; ul "a demonstrative pronoun" Akk. annû; ullû
ub [ENUNCIATE] wr. ub "to enunciate" Akk. têlu
pronounce exactly
ub [ENUNCIATE] wr. ub "to enunciate" Akk. têlu
ibilu [UTTERANCE] wr. i-bi-lu "utterance, saying; pronounciation" Akk. hittu; tēltu
kišer tuku [FENCE] wr. ki-še-er tuku "to reach the proper limit; to fence"
me [BEING] wr. me "Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance" Akk. mû; parşu
bal [RECOVER] wr. ba-al "to recover (goods, property)"
baršuĝal [PROPERTY] wr. bar-šu-ĝal2 "property"
dalbana [SPACE] wr. dal-ba-na "intermediate space; property held in common" Akk. birītu
eniĝguĝaĝa [PROPERTY] wr. e2-niĝ2-gu2-ĝa2-ĝa2 "property"
immal [PROPERTY] wr. immal3 "(to be) very plentiful; goods, property, possessions, livestock" Akk. būšu; makkûru; maršītu; ţuhhudu
kibšur [PLENTIFUL] wr. kibšur "what is present; goods, livestock, property, possession(s)" Akk. bāšītu; būšu; makkûru; maršītu
niĝGA [PROPERTY] wr. niĝ2-GA; mu-un-gur11; mu-un-gar3 "property" Akk. makkuru
niĝena [PROPERTY] wr. niĝ2-en-na "a type of (landed) property" Akk. ?
niĝĝala [POSSESSIONS] wr. niĝ2-gal2-la "possessions" Akk. maršītu
niĝšu [GOODS] wr. niĝ2-šu "goods" Akk. būšu
niĝurum [PROPERTY] wr. niĝ2-u2-rum "property"
urum [PROPERTY] wr. u2-rum "property"
za [PROPERTY] wr. zax(|U.ŠA|) "property, estate"
bal [RECOVER] wr. ba-al "to recover (goods, property)"
property held in common
dalbana [SPACE] wr. dal-ba-na "intermediate space; property held in common" Akk. birītu
annibatu [ECSTATIC] wr. an-ni-ba-tu "an ecstatic" Akk. mahhû
ansala [CULT] wr. lu2an-sal-la; MU.AN.SAL.LA "a cultic performer" Akk. mahhû; ahurrû; kurgarrû; assinnu
lu'ede [ECSTATIC] wr. lu2-ed3-de3; lu2-al-ed2-de3 "ecstatic" Akk. mahhû
luguba [ECSTATIC] wr. lu2-gub-ba "ecstatic" Akk. mahhû
lunisub [ECSTATIC] wr. lu2-ni2-su-ub "an ecstatic" Akk. mahhû; zabbu
igiten [FRACTION] wr. igi-te-en; i-gi4-te "fraction (math.); proportion" Akk. igitennum
en [LORD] wr. en; u3-mu-un; umun "lord; master; ruler" Akk. bēlu
lugal [KING] wr. lugal; lu2-gal "lord; master; owner; king; a quality designation" Akk. bēlu; šarru
nin [LADY] wr. nin; ga-ša-an; ga-ša2-an; ka-ša-an "lady; mistress, owner; lord" Akk. bēltu; bēlu
ugunu [LADY] wr. ugunu2 "lady; mistress, proprietress (of)" Akk. bēltu
proprietress of
ugunu [LADY] wr. ugunu2 "lady; mistress, proprietress (of)" Akk. bēltu
inim ĝar [SUE] wr. inim ĝar; inim ga2-ga2 "to sue, to make a legal claim" Akk. baqāru; ragāmu
niĝmeĝar [JUBILATION] wr. niĝ2-me-ĝar "jubilation; prosperity" Akk. išdihu; rišātu
niĝsilim [PROSPERITY] wr. niĝ2-silim "prosperity"
ansala [CULT] wr. lu2an-sal-la; MU.AN.SAL.LA "a cultic performer" Akk. mahhû; ahurrû; kurgarrû; assinnu
karkid [PROSTITUTE] wr. kar-kid; geme2kar-kid3; kar-kid3; geme2kar-kid3kid; geme2kar-kidkid3; geme2kar-kid; geme2karkidx(|SAL.UŠ|)kar-kid3; karkidx(|SAL.UŠ|) "prostitute" Akk. harīmtu
nubar [PROFESSION] wr. nu-bar "a profession for women" Akk. kulmašītu
pilipili [TRANSVESTITE] wr. pi-li-pi-li "homosexual lover; transvestite" Akk. assinnu; parrû
suhurla [HAIRSTYLE] wr. suhur-la2 "hairstyle; a functionary; prostitute" Akk. kezertu
namkarkid [PROSTITUTION] wr. nam-kar-kid "prostitution"
ki sub [PROSTRATE ONESELF] wr. ki su-ub "to prostrate oneself" Akk. šukênu
ki za [BOW DOWN] wr. ki za "to bow down" Akk. šukênu
kiri ki sub [PROSTRATE ONESELF] wr. kiri3 ki su-ub "to prostrate oneself" Akk. ?
šukin dab [PROSTRATE] wr. šu-kin dab5 "to prostrate oneself" Akk. kamāsu
šukin [PROSTRATION] wr. šu-kin "prostration" Akk. šukênu
prostrate oneself
ki sub [PROSTRATE ONESELF] wr. ki su-ub "to prostrate oneself" Akk. šukênu
kiri ki sub [PROSTRATE ONESELF] wr. kiri3 ki su-ub "to prostrate oneself" Akk. ?
šukin dab [PROSTRATE] wr. šu-kin dab5 "to prostrate oneself" Akk. kamāsu
prostrate os,.
ki sub [PROSTRATE ONESELF] wr. ki su-ub "to prostrate oneself" Akk. šukênu
ki za [BOW DOWN] wr. ki za "to bow down" Akk. šukênu
šukin [PROSTRATION] wr. šu-kin "prostration" Akk. šukênu
niĝdun [PROSTRATION] wr. niĝ2-dun "prostration"
šukin [PROSTRATION] wr. šu-kin "prostration" Akk. šukênu
ennuĝ ak [GUARD] wr. en-nu-uĝ3 ak "to guard, to watch" Akk. naşāru
ennuĝ du [GUARD] wr. en-nu-uĝ3 du3 "to guard, to watch" Akk. naşāru
ĝal [GUARD] wr. ĝal2 "to guard, protect" Akk. naşāru
urin [GUARD] wr. urin "to guard" Akk. naşāru
andul [SHADE] wr. an-dul3; an-dul7 "shade" Akk. şulūlu
ĝissu [SHADE] wr. ĝissu; aĝ2-ze2 "shade, shadow; protection, aegis" Akk. şillu
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
puzur [SECRET] wr. puzur4; puzur5; puzur; puzur2 "secret, shelter; protection, aegis, shadow, shelter" Akk. puzru
saĝtab [PROTECTION] wr. saĝ-tab; sag-tab-ba "helper, ally; protection" Akk. rēşu; şulūlu
šudul [PROTECTION] wr. šu-dul3 "protection"
ubara [PROTECTION] wr. ubara "divine protection" Akk. kidinnu
ur [SHUT] wr. ur3 "to shut; protection" Akk. edēlu; kidinnu
abadĝal [PROTECTIVE] wr. a2-bad-ĝal2 "protective"
alad [SPIRIT] wr. alad; alad2 "a spirit" Akk. šēdu
marinum [SCREEN] wr. kušma-ri-nu-um "protective clothing; screen" Akk. marīnu
šedu [SPIRIT] wr. šedu; šedu2; šedu3 "spirit" Akk. šēdu
protective clothing
marinum [SCREEN] wr. kušma-ri-nu-um "protective clothing; screen" Akk. marīnu
protective deity
alad [SPIRIT] wr. alad; alad2 "a spirit" Akk. šēdu
šedu [SPIRIT] wr. šedu; šedu2; šedu3 "spirit" Akk. šēdu
al.DI.dugdug [PROUD] wr. al-sa2-dug4-dug4 "proud"
ni gur [PROUD] wr. ni2 gur4 "to feel proud" Akk. ?
saĝguĝal [PROUD] wr. saĝ-ku3-ĝal2; saĝ-gu2-ĝal2 "proud"
saĝkuĝal [PROUD] wr. saĝ-gu4-ĝal2; saĝ-ku3-ĝal2; saĝ-gu2-ĝal2 "proud"
saĝtuku [SPLENDID] wr. saĝ-tuku "proud; splendid; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; šarhu
teštuku [PROUD] wr. teš2-tuku "proud"
una [WILD] wr. u3-na "wild, proud; a wild animal" Akk. kadrum; kattilu
ibilu [UTTERANCE] wr. i-bi-lu "utterance, saying; pronounciation" Akk. hittu; tēltu
ir [SAYING] wr. ir3 "saying" Akk. tēltu
kalag [STRONG] wr. kal-ga; kalag; kal-la "(to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for" Akk. dannu; kubbû
zi šag ĝal [PROVIDE WITH LIFE] wr. zi ša3 gal2 "to provide with life" Akk. ?
provide for
kalag [STRONG] wr. kal-ga; kalag; kal-la "(to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for" Akk. dannu; kubbû
provide with life
zi šag ĝal [PROVIDE WITH LIFE] wr. zi ša3 gal2 "to provide with life" Akk. ?
ua [PROVISIONER] wr. u2-a; ux(PA)-a "provisioner" Akk. zāninu
gurum [INSPECTION] wr. gurum2; gurumx(|IGI.GAR|) "inspection, provisions" Akk. piqittu
igikar [PROVISIONS] wr. igi-kar2 "provisions, supplies" Akk. aširtu
niĝsi [PROVISIONS] wr. niĝ2-si "provisions"
šaggal [FOOD] wr. šag4-gal "food, fodder" Akk. ukullû
zidše [PROVISIONS] wr. zid2-še "(travel) provisions"
masaĝ [PROW] wr. ma2-saĝ "prow (lit. boat head)"
prow lit. boat head
masaĝ [PROW] wr. ma2-saĝ "prow (lit. boat head)"
niĝin [ENCIRCLE] wr. niĝin2; niĝin "to prowl, roam; to enclose, confine; to encircle; to search; to turn; to return; to go around; to tarry" Akk. esēru; lawû; sahāru; târu; târu; sahāru; şâdu
šu dim [PRUDENT] wr. šu dim4 "to be prudent"
guru [GRIND] wr. gur5 "to grind, grate; to cut up, chop; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. kasāmu; kaşāşu; urrû
sig [PLUCK] wr. sig7; sig8 "to pluck hair or wool; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. sepû ša šarti; urrû
siki'ur [HAIR] wr. siki-ur2 "pubic hair"
pubic hair
siki'ur [HAIR] wr. siki-ur2 "pubic hair"
siladaĝal [SQUARE] wr. sila-daĝal "(public) square" Akk. rebītu
tul [FOUNTAIN] wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| "public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench" Akk. būrtu; hirītu; kalakku
public fountain
tul [FOUNTAIN] wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| "public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench" Akk. būrtu; hirītu; kalakku
umun [PIT] wr. umun10; umun11; umun12; umun5; umun6 "a pit; pond, puddle" Akk. habbu; hammu
GAM [VULVA] wr. GAM "vulva" Akk. hurdatu
mug [GENITALS] wr. mug2 "female genitals, vulva" Akk. bişşūru; ūru
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
haš gid [PULL THE REINS] wr. haš2 gid2 "to pull the reins" Akk. ?
šu dub [PULL OUT] wr. šu dub2 "to pull out" Akk. napāşu
pull out
šu dub [PULL OUT] wr. šu dub2 "to pull out" Akk. napāşu
pull the reins
haš gid [PULL THE REINS] wr. haš2 gid2 "to pull the reins" Akk. ?
gu [PULSE] wr. gu2 "pulse, bean"
lusaĝDUa [STATUS] wr. lu2-saĝ-DU-a "a divinely punished person" Akk. mahşam ilim
šerda [CRIME] wr. šer7-da; šer3-da "crime; punishment" Akk. šērtu
šulalum [PUNISHMENT] wr. šul-a-lum "punishment" Akk. ennittu
miritum [POLE] wr. mi-ri2-tum "punting pole"
punting pole
miritum [POLE] wr. mi-ri2-tum "punting pole"
biza [PUPPET] wr. bi-za "puppet, doll" Akk. passu
urtur [PUPPY] wr. ur-tur "puppy"
niĝšama [PURCHASE] wr. niĝ2-šam2-ma "purchase"
sa [PAY FOR] wr. sa10 "to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell" Akk. šâmu
sam [PRICE] wr. sam2 "purchase price" Akk. šīmu
purchase price
sam [PRICE] wr. sam2 "purchase price" Akk. šīmu
purchase price
sam [PRICE] wr. sam2 "purchase price" Akk. šīmu
dadag [BRIGHT] wr. dadag; dag2 "(to be) bright; to clean" Akk. ebbu; ellu; namru
dalla [BRIGHT] wr. dalla "(to be ) bright; (to be) impetuous, fierce" Akk. ellu
dan [PURE] wr. dan6; dan3; dan4; dan2 "(to be) pure, clear; to clean" Akk. zakû
girim [FLOWER] wr. gi-rin; gi4-rin; girim; ĝešgi-rim "(to be) pure; (to be) clear; a fruit; a tree; a flower; olive" Akk. ellu; girimmu; hulamīsu; illūru; serdu
gub [BATHE] wr. gub2 "to bathe, wash oneself; (to be) pure" Akk. ramāku
had [BRIGHT] wr. ha-ad; had2 "(to be) bright; to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ebbu; nabāţu; ellu
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
kug [PURE] wr. kug "(to be) pure" Akk. ellu
maš [PURE] wr. maš; maš3 "to be pure" Akk. ellu
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
nir [WINNOW] wr. nir "to winnow" Akk. zakû
ra [PURE] wr. ra3 "(to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ellu
sikil [PURE] wr. sikil "(to be) pure" Akk. ebbu; ellu
šen [PURE] wr. šen "(to be) pure, clear" Akk. ellu
šita [PRIEST] wr. šita "a priest; ~ figurine" Akk. ellu; ikribu; ramku
šuba [MULTICOLOURED] wr. šuba; šuba2 "(to be) multicoloured; (to be) manly; young man; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; (to be) bathed" Akk. bitrāmu; ellu; eţlu; ramku
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
taškarin [PURE] wr. ĝeštaskarin "pure"
urin [PURE] wr. urin; u2-ri-in "(to be) pure" Akk. zakû
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
zalag [SHINE] wr. zalag; zalag2; su-lu-ug; sulug "(to be) pure; (fire) light; (to be) bright, to shine" Akk. ebbu; namāru; nûru
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
kurku [PRIEST] wr. kurku "a purification priest" Akk. išippu
šugurgur [PURIFICATION] wr. šu-gur-gur "purification (ceremony)" Akk. takpertu
purification ceremony
šugurgur [PURIFICATION] wr. šu-gur-gur "purification (ceremony)" Akk. takpertu
purification priest
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
kurku [PRIEST] wr. kurku "a purification priest" Akk. išippu
saĝa [PRIEST] wr. saĝa2; saĝa4; saĝa3; saĝa5; saĝa6; saĝax(|GA.UZ3|); saĝax(|GA.UZ3.HI|); saĝax(|GA.UZ.IGI@g|); saĝax(|LAGAB×LAK175|) "a priest" Akk. mullilu
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
sud [PURIFY] wr. sud5 "to purify" Akk. ullulu
tam [CLEAN] wr. tam; tan2 "(to be) bright; (to be) pure; to purify; (to be) clean" Akk. ebbu; elēlu; zakû
namsikil [PURITY] wr. nam-sikil "purity"
hemeda [PURPLE] wr. he-me-da "purple" Akk. tabarru
lu'umumak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-umum-ma "a profession" Akk. mummu
umun [BODY] wr. umun2 "life-giving force; main body, bulk" Akk. mummu; ummatu
umun [KNOWLEDGE] wr. umun2 "knowledge; workshop" Akk. mummu; ummatu; ummuqu
lu'umumak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-umum-ma "a profession" Akk. mummu
ni sig [PLOT] wr. ni2 sig10 "to plot" Akk. şummuru
šag sig [PLOT] wr. šag4 sig10 "to plot" Akk. şummuru
umun [BODY] wr. umun2 "life-giving force; main body, bulk" Akk. mummu; ummatu
umun [KNOWLEDGE] wr. umun2 "knowledge; workshop" Akk. mummu; ummatu; ummuqu
šaĝan [MERCHANT] wr. šaĝan-la2; šaĝan "an apprentice merchant" Akk. šamallû
babbarhi [PLANT] wr. babbar-hi "a plant" Akk. parparhû
u [PURSLANE] wr. u4 "purslane" Akk. puhpuhu
lugud [PUS] wr. lugud "pus, suppuration" Akk. šarku
du [PUSH] wr. du7 "to push, thrust, gore; to make encounter (math.)" Akk. nakāpu
dub [TREMBLE] wr. dub2; dub "to tremble, make tremble; to push away, down; to smash, abolish" Akk. napāşu
saĝ sag [TREMBLE] wr. saĝ sag3 "to tremble" Akk. nakāpu
šu dub [PULL OUT] wr. šu dub2 "to pull out" Akk. napāşu
šu us [PUSH OPEN] wr. šu us2 "to push open (a door)" Akk. se'û
zag saga [OVERTURN] wr. zag saga11 "to trample" Akk. sakāpu; darāšu
zag tag [PUSH AWAY] wr. zag tag "to push away" Akk. ?
push away
dub [TREMBLE] wr. dub2; dub "to tremble, make tremble; to push away, down; to smash, abolish" Akk. napāşu
šu dub [PULL OUT] wr. šu dub2 "to pull out" Akk. napāşu
zag saga [OVERTURN] wr. zag saga11 "to trample" Akk. sakāpu; darāšu
zag tag [PUSH AWAY] wr. zag tag "to push away" Akk. ?
push open
šu us [PUSH OPEN] wr. šu us2 "to push open (a door)" Akk. se'û
push open a door
šu us [PUSH OPEN] wr. šu us2 "to push open (a door)" Akk. se'û
ububul [PUSTULE] wr. u3-bu-bu-ul; u-bu-bu-ul; u4-bu-bu-ul "a boil, pustule" Akk. bubu'tu
ĝal [BE] wr. ĝal2; ma-al; ga2gal2 "to be (there, at hand, available); to exist; to put, place, lay down; to have" Akk. bašû; šakānu
ĝar [PLACE] wr. ĝar; ĝa2; ĝa2-ar; ĝa2ĝar; ĝarar; mar; ĝa2ĝarar "to put, place, lay down; to give in place of something, replace; to posit (math.)" Akk. šakānu
sig [PLACE] wr. sig9; sig10; si-ig "to place" Akk. šakānu
sig [TIE] wr. sa2; sig9 "to tie (shoes)" Akk. šênu
šu si sa [PUT IN ORDER] wr. šu si sa2 "to put in order" Akk. šutēšuru
put in order
šu si sa [PUT IN ORDER] wr. šu si sa2 "to put in order" Akk. šutēšuru
put on shoes
sig [TIE] wr. sa2; sig9 "to tie (shoes)" Akk. šênu
kiĝal [LAND] wr. ki-ĝal2; kankal "threshing floor; uncultivated land" Akk. maškanu
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
kisur [LOCUS] wr. ki-su7; ki-|LAGAR@g| "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
lugud [LOCUS] wr. lugud4 "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu; rahīşu
mašgana [SETTLEMENT] wr. maš-gana2 "settlement; threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
sur [LOCUS] wr. su7 "threshing floor; abandonment" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.