sila [UNIT] wr. sila3 "a unit of capacity; a vessel" Akk. mīšertu; qû
šenšenbal [BIRD] wr. šen-šen-balmušen "a bird, quail?" Akk. urballu
šenšenbal [BIRD] wr. šen-šen-balmušen "a bird, quail?" Akk. urballu
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
AMUŠDU [LAND] wr. A.MUŠ.DU "a qualification of land"
GARUD [~COW] wr. GAR.UD "a qualification of cows"
LULLULna [~LEAD] wr. LUL.LUL-na "a qualification of lead"
NIle [WATER] wr. NI-le "a qualification of water"
SUD [~LAND] wr. SUD "a qualification of land"
abbun [GRAIN] wr. ab-bu-na; ab-bu-um "a qualification of grain"
ašudab [OIL] wr. a-šu-dab6 "a qualification of oil?; an oil producing plant?"
ea [~BITUMEN] wr. e3-a; e2-a "a qualification of bitumen"
ĝirgul [~WOOL] wr. ĝir2-gul "a qualification of wool"
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
sula [~LAND] wr. su3-la "a qualification of land"
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
zah [~JEWELRY] wr. za-ah "a part or qualification of a piece of jewelry"
ziDU [QUALIFICATION] wr. zi-DU "qualification of a levee"
qualification of a levee
ziDU [QUALIFICATION] wr. zi-DU "qualification of a levee"
qualification of bitumen
ea [~BITUMEN] wr. e3-a; e2-a "a qualification of bitumen"
qualification of cows
GARUD [~COW] wr. GAR.UD "a qualification of cows"
qualification of grain
abbun [GRAIN] wr. ab-bu-na; ab-bu-um "a qualification of grain"
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
qualification of land
AMUŠDU [LAND] wr. A.MUŠ.DU "a qualification of land"
SUD [~LAND] wr. SUD "a qualification of land"
sula [~LAND] wr. su3-la "a qualification of land"
qualification of lead
LULLULna [~LEAD] wr. LUL.LUL-na "a qualification of lead"
qualification of oil
ašudab [OIL] wr. a-šu-dab6 "a qualification of oil?; an oil producing plant?"
qualification of water
NIle [WATER] wr. NI-le "a qualification of water"
qualification of wool
ĝirgul [~WOOL] wr. ĝir2-gul "a qualification of wool"
širdili [~GARLIC] wr. šir-dili "a qualifier of garlic"
qualifier of garlic
širdili [~GARLIC] wr. šir-dili "a qualifier of garlic"
ensik [RULER] wr. ensi2; u3-mu-un-si; ensix(|PA.TE.SI.GAR|); ensix(|GAR.PA.TE.SI|) "a ruler, governor; a quality designation" Akk. iššakku
ereš [LADY] wr. ereš "lady, queen; a quality designation" Akk. bēltu; šarratum
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
gudeanandu [ANIMAL] wr. gud-de3-a-na-an-DU "low quality animal"
ĝiri'uš [QUALITY] wr. giri3-uš "a designation of quality"
igi [QUALITY] wr. i-gi8 "a quality of a vessel or a tablet"
inunHA [GHEE] wr. i3-nun-HA "good quality ghee"
inunduga [GHEE] wr. i3-nun-dug3-ga "good quality ghee"
lib [RICH] "(to be) rich, well-off; high quality; (to be) happy" Akk. hadû; hidiātu; râšu; rāšû; rīšātu
lugal [KING] wr. lugal; lu2-gal "lord; master; owner; king; a quality designation" Akk. bēlu; šarru
mug [WOOL] wr. mug "low quality wool" Akk. mukku
nisku [~EQUID] wr. ni-is-ku; ni-is-kum; ni-is-ku-um; nisku "a description of equids" Akk. nisqu
sag [RARE] wr. sag10; sag8 "(to be) high quality; (to be) rare, precious" Akk. aqru; aqāru
šagsud [~DATES] wr. šag4-sud "a designation or quality of dates" Akk. šuşû, šişūtu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
yarahi [FINE] wr. yax(|A.A|)-ra-hi "fine quality (of barley)" Akk. yarahhu
zarin [LOW QUALITY] wr. za-ri2-in "low quality, of metals, bricks, wool" Akk. zarinnu
quality designation
ensik [RULER] wr. ensi2; u3-mu-un-si; ensix(|PA.TE.SI.GAR|); ensix(|GAR.PA.TE.SI|) "a ruler, governor; a quality designation" Akk. iššakku
ereš [LADY] wr. ereš "lady, queen; a quality designation" Akk. bēltu; šarratum
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
lugal [KING] wr. lugal; lu2-gal "lord; master; owner; king; a quality designation" Akk. bēlu; šarru
quality of a vessel or a tablet
igi [QUALITY] wr. i-gi8 "a quality of a vessel or a tablet"
adamin [CONTEST] wr. a-da-min3; a-da-min; adaminx(|LU2.LU2|); adamin; adamin2; adamin3; adamin4; adamin5; adaminx(|EN@EN|) "contest, dispute, debate" Akk. teşētu
dud mu [START A QUARREL] wr. du14 mu2 "to start a quarrel" Akk. şâlu
dud [COMBAT] wr. du14; du17 "combat, strife, discord, quarrel" Akk. şāltu
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
anubda [QUARTER] wr. an-ub-da; ub-da "a cosmographic or geographic term; quarter (of the universe)" Akk. kibrat arbatu
daggi [QUARTER] wr. dag-gi4 "city quarter"
kinud [BEDROOM] wr. ki-nud "sleeping quarter, bed" Akk. mayyaltu; mayyālu
quarter of the universe
anubda [QUARTER] wr. an-ub-da; ub-da "a cosmographic or geographic term; quarter (of the universe)" Akk. kibrat arbatu
ama [CHAMBER] wr. e2-MI; ama5; a2-mi "chamber; cell; women's quarters" Akk. maštaku
dušia [STONE] wr. na4du8-ši-a "a stone, turquoise?, quartz?; turquoise green" Akk. dušû
dušia [STONE] wr. na4du8-ši-a "a stone, turquoise?, quartz?; turquoise green" Akk. dušû
addir [FORD] wr. addir; dir; addirx(|PA.GISAL.SI.A|); addirx(|PA.GISAL.SI.A.PAD|) "quay, port; crossing, ford" Akk. kāru; nēberu
kar [HARBOR] wr. kar "harbor, quay" Akk. kāru
piš [BANK] wr. piš10 "quay, port; bank, shore, rim; stream, wadi, gorge" Akk. kibru; kāru; nahallu
UNgal [RULER] wr. UN-gal "ruler" Akk. šarru; šarratu
emi [HOUSEHOLD] wr. e2-mi2 "queen's household"
ereš [LADY] wr. ereš "lady, queen; a quality designation" Akk. bēltu; šarratum
queen s household
emi [HOUSEHOLD] wr. e2-mi2 "queen's household"
ĝiri ul [RUSH] wr. ĝiri3 ul4 "to rush" Akk. hamāţu
sar [RUN] wr. sar "to run, hasten" Akk. hamāţu; lasāmu
ul [HASTEN] wr. ul4 "to hasten, (be) quick; (to be) early" Akk. arāhu; hamāţu; harāpu
ula'ulla [QUICK!] wr. u2-la-ul4-la ""quick!""
ahiaš [QUICKLY] wr. a-hi-aš "quickly" Akk. zamar
subur [QUICKSAND] wr. su-bur2 "quicksand"
niĝbarag [QUILT] wr. niĝ2-barag2 "quilt"
barutum [OBJECT] wr. ba-ru-tum "a quiver or other leather item" Akk. parūtu?
emarru [QUIVER] wr. mar-ru10; e2-mar-ru10; a-ma-ru; a-ma2-ru "quiver" Akk. išpatu
epana [QUIVER] wr. ĝeše2-pan "quiver"
esulumak [BOX] wr. ĝeše2-su-lum; ĝeše2-su-lum-ma "a box" Akk. laharuhšu
išpatu [QUIVER] wr. iš-pa-tu; iš-pa-tum "quiver" Akk. išpatu
kakpana [ARROW] wr. ĝeškak-pana "arrow; arrow head" Akk. sikkat išpati
quiver on chariot
esulumak [BOX] wr. ĝeše2-su-lum; ĝeše2-su-lum-ma "a box" Akk. laharuhšu
quiver or other leather item
barutum [OBJECT] wr. ba-ru-tum "a quiver or other leather item" Akk. parūtu?
banda [QUOTIENT] wr. banda3 "quotient" Akk. bandû
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.