ama [CHAMBER] wr. e2-MI; ama5; a2-mi "chamber; cell; women's quarters" Akk. maštaku
anbad [HEIGHTS] wr. an-bad3 "heaven's heights"
ašte [TIP] wr. ašte "tip of an animal's horn" Akk. sappartu
ba [TOOL] wr. ĝešba "a cutting tool" Akk. suppīnu
bakirum [STRAP] wr. bakirum "a carrying strap" Akk. hišum ša nukaribbi
balla [HEADDRESS] wr. balla; balla2 "a headdress or wig" Akk. upur sinništi; upur zikari
barag [SACK] wr. barag; bar; bar2-ra; bara9; bur2 "sack; a part of an animal's body" Akk. bašamu
barudu [FLEECE] wr. bar-udu "sheep's fleece"
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
buru [SPARROW] wr. buru5mušen "bird(s), small birds, sparrow; flock of birds" Akk. işşūru
dubĝal [SCRIBE] wr. dub-ĝal2 "a scribe or scribe's assistant"
eburgul [WORKSHOP] wr. e2-bur-gul "stone-cutter's workshop"
eh [INSECT] wr. eh "insect(s), bug(s); moth; head-louse; to have lice" Akk. kalmatu; sāsu; uplu; uppulu
ema [CABIN] wr. ĝeše2-ma2 "boat cabin" Akk. hinnu
emedub [UNIT] wr. emedub; emedub2 "a measurement of capacity; a vessel" Akk. sûtu; širmu
emi [HOUSEHOLD] wr. e2-mi2 "queen's household"
enten [WINTER] wr. en-te-en; en-te-na; enten "winter" Akk. kuşşû
esir [FISH] wr. esirx(LAK173)ku6; esir3ku6; LAK173 "a fish" Akk. šēnu
esir [SHOE] wr. kuše-sir2; e-sir2; kušesir3; kušesir4; kušesir5; LAK173 "sandal(s), shoe(s)" Akk. šēnu
eš [COLD] wr. eš13 "(to be) cold" Akk. kuşşû
gabiri [MOUNTAIN] wr. ga-bi-ri "mountain" Akk. šadû
gam [CROOK] wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN "shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt" Akk. gamlu; šikru
gin [MOUNTAIN] wr. gin3 "mountain(s)" Akk. šadû
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
gug [TOOTH] wr. gug; gug6 "tooth; blade; beak; dogbite" Akk. nišik kalbi; šinnu
ĝešdubdim [TOOL] wr. ĝeš-dub-dim2 "a wooden tool for fashioning tablets; a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
ĝeššudim [TIMBER] wr. ĝeš-šu-dim2 "(ship's) timber"
halba [FROST] wr. halba2; halba6; halba; halpi "frost, ice, cold weather; (to be) cold" Akk. halpû; kuşşû; mammû; takşâtu; šurīpu
i'iz [SEED] wr. i-iz "seed" Akk. zēru
iš [MOUNTAIN] wr. iš "mountain(s)" Akk. šadû
kibšur [PLENTIFUL] wr. kibšur "what is present; goods, livestock, property, possession(s)" Akk. bāšītu; būšu; makkûru; maršītu
kiri ur [FLARE THE NOSTRILS] wr. kiri3 ur5 "'to flare the nostrils'" Akk. ganāşu; šanāşu
kur [MOUNTAIN] wr. kur; kir5 "underworld; land, country; mountain(s); east; easterner; east wind" Akk. erşetu; mātu; šadû; šadû
lu [PERSON] wr. lu2; mu-lu; mu-lu2; lu10; lu6 "who(m), which; man; (s)he who, that which; of; ruler; person" Akk. amēlu; ša
martu [WESTERNER] wr. mar-tu "westerner; west wind" Akk. amurru
mete [ONE'S OWN] wr. me-te; ni2-te "one's own" Akk. ramānu
mu lugalak pad [SWEAR] wr. mu lugal pad3 "to swear by the king's name" Akk. nīš šarrim tamû
mul [FOUNDATION] wr. mul2 "foundation(s)" Akk. uššu
mur [LUNG] wr. mur "lung" Akk. hašû
muštaptin [TOOL] wr. muštaptin "a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
niĝbarsur [TOOL] wr. ĝešniĝ2-bar-sur "a fuller's tool" Akk. mazūru
niĝdimdima [MAGIC] wr. niĝ2-dim2-dim2-ma "magical procedures" Akk. upšašû
niĝĝiri [FEE] wr. niĝ2-ĝiri3 "go-between's fee"
niĝhuša [PITFALL] wr. niĝ2-huš-a "pitfall, trap" Akk. šuttatu
niĝirsi [FRIEND] wr. niĝir-si; li-bi-ir-si "(bridegroom's) friend"
niĝsaha [FRUIT] wr. niĝ2-sa-ha "fruit" Akk. muthummu
niĝtuhum [FRUIT] wr. niĝ2-tu-hu-um "fruit" Akk. muthummu
niĝŠID [ACCOUNT] wr. niĝ2-ŠID; niĝ2-ŠID-ma "account" Akk. nikkassu
nisig [GREENERY] wr. nisig "greenery, vegetable(s)" Akk. arqu
numun [INSECT] wr. numun3 "insect(s), bug(s); caterpillar" Akk. kalmatu; nāpû
numun [SEED] wr. numun "seed" Akk. zēru
pala [GARMENT] wr. tug2pala3; tug2pala; tug2pala2 "a garment" Akk. tēdīq bēli; tēdīq bēlti; tēdīq šarri
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
siam [HORNS] wr. si-am "wild bull's horns"
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
sigba [TOOL] wr. sig4-ba "a brickmaker's tool"
siki [HAIR] wr. siki "wool, fleece; hair; (animal's) pelt" Akk. šārtu; šīpātu
suhub [BOOTS] wr. kušsuhub2; HUB2-HUB2; kušsuhub; su-hub2 "boots, shoes" Akk. šuhuppatu
šagniĝin [INTESTINES] wr. uzušag4-niĝin "intestines" Akk. erru; tiranu
šaĝan [MERCHANT] wr. šaĝan-la2; šaĝan "an apprentice merchant" Akk. šamallû
šenumun [SEED] wr. še-numun "seed" Akk. zēru
šibir [STAFF] wr. šibir; šibir2 "shepherd's staff; sceptre" Akk. šibirru
šu il [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu il2 "'to raise the hand'" Akk. qātu našû
šu zig [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu zig3 "'to raise the hand'; to rise; to plunder" Akk. nanduru; qātu našû; tebû
šurum [LITTER] wr. šurum; šurum3; šurun2 "dung, droppings (of sheep, gazelle); litter, bedding" Akk. kabû; piqqannu; rubşu
tuditum [TOGGLE PIN] wr. tu-di-da; urudtu3-di3-da; tu-di-tumzabar; urudtu3-di-da; urudtu-di3-da "toggle pin" Akk. tudittu
u [PITFALL] wr. u2 "pitfall" Akk. šuttatu
u [PLANTS] wr. u2 "bread, loaf; food; grass, herb; pasture; plant(s)" Akk. akalu; rîtu; šammu
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
uhin [DATE] wr. u4-hi-in; u3-hu-in; u2-hi-in "fresh date" Akk. uhinnu
uman [INSECT] wr. uman "insect(s), bug(s)" Akk. kalmatu
uru [LITTER] wr. uru12 "bedding place; litter; lair, dwelling; dung" Akk. mūšabu; rubşu
usud [STAFF] wr. usud "shepherd's staff; scepter" Akk. šibirru
ušbar [STAFF] wr. ušbar5 "ruler's staff" Akk. ušparu
zigan [RUDDER] wr. ĝešzi-gan "rudder" Akk. sikkānu
aš bala [CURSE] wr. aš2 bala "to curse, insult" Akk. arāru; nazāru
aš sar [CURSE] wr. aš2 sar "to curse, insult" Akk. arāru; nazāru
gu la [EMBRACE] wr. gu2 la2 "to embrace" Akk. edēru
nam kud [CURSE] wr. nam kud "to curse" Akk. arāru; nazāru
saĝentar [SUPERVISOR] wr. saĝ-en3-tar "supervisor" Akk. pāqidu
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
šitadu [ACCOUNTANT] wr. šita5-du3 "accountant" Akk. pāqidu
aĝala [SACK] wr. kuša-ĝa2-la2; kuša2-ĝa2-la2 "leather sack" Akk. naruqqu
barag [SACK] wr. barag; bar; bar2-ra; bara9; bur2 "sack; a part of an animal's body" Akk. bašamu
barag [SACK] wr. barag; bar; bar2-ra; bara9; bur2 "sack; a part of an animal's body" Akk. bašamu
giguna [TERRACE] wr. gi-gu3-na; gi-gun4-na; gi-gun4 "high sacred terrace" Akk. gigunû
unuRIbanda [LOCUS] wr. unu2-RI-banda3da "sacred area"
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
sacred area
unuRIbanda [LOCUS] wr. unu2-RI-banda3da "sacred area"
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
bur [BOWL] wr. bur; na4bur "(food) offering, sacrifice; meal(-time); (stone) bowl; a priest" Akk. abru; naptanu; nīqu; pūru
gug [CAKE] wr. gug2 "offering; cake" Akk. kukku; niqû
ĝeštaga [SACRIFICE] wr. ĝeš-tag-ga "sacrifice" Akk. gištaggû
siškur [PRAYER] wr. siškur2; siškur "prayer; blessing; offering, sacrifice, rites; to pour (a libation), sacrifice; to intercede" Akk. karābu; naqû; nīqu
maš [GOAT] wr. maš2; maš "goat; extispicy; sacrificial animal for omens" Akk. bīru; urīşu
sacrificial animal for omens
maš [GOAT] wr. maš2; maš "goat; extispicy; sacrificial animal for omens" Akk. bīru; urīşu
dagsi [HOOK] wr. dag-si "saddle hook"
saddle hook
dagsi [HOOK] wr. dag-si "saddle hook"
saĝĝal [SAFE] wr. saĝ-ĝal2 "safe"
namennuĝ [SAFE-KEEPING] wr. nam-en-nu-uĝ3 "safe-keeping"
azugna [VEGETABLE] wr. azugna; u2azugna "a vegetable; saffron?" Akk. azupīru
azugna [VEGETABLE] wr. azugna; u2azugna "a vegetable; saffron?" Akk. azupīru
unumun [SAFFRON] wr. u2-numunsar "saffron" Akk. azupīru
banda [SAGACITY] wr. banda3 "sagacity" Akk. tašimtu
umuš [PLANNING] wr. umuš "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction; consideration, sagacity" Akk. ţēmu
bariratum [PLANT] wr. ba-ri-ra-tum "a plant" Akk. barīrātu
abgal [SAGE] wr. abgal2; abgal "sage; priest" Akk. apkallu
pešgi [LINED] wr. peš-gi4 "(to be) lined (said of containers)"
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
a sud [SPREAD] wr. a2 sud "to spread,; to sail; to run" Akk. šadāhu
ma da [SAIL] wr. ma2 da "to sail a boat"
rugu [WITHSTAND] wr. ru-gu2 "to withstand; to sail upstream" Akk. mahāru
sail a boat
ma da [SAIL] wr. ma2 da "to sail a boat"
sail upstream
rugu [WITHSTAND] wr. ru-gu2 "to withstand; to sail upstream" Akk. mahāru
malah [SAILOR] wr. ma2-lah5; ma2-lah4; ma2-lah6; lu2ma2-lah5; lu2ma2-lah4; lu2ma2-lah6 "sailor" Akk. malahhu
malahgal [SAILOR] wr. ma2-lah5-gal; ma-lah4-gal "head boatman"
gabšum [TABLET] wr. imga-ab-šum2 "tablet of sale" Akk. luddin
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
badsi [PARAPET] wr. bad3-si "parapet" Akk. setu
ah [SPITTLE] wr. ah6; uh3; aah "a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum; saliva, spittle; poison" Akk. hahhu; hurhummatu; illātu; imtu; ru'tu; rupuštu; uhhu
arazum [CONTAINER] wr. duga-ra-zum "a container" Akk. arasu
dinig [SALT] wr. di-ni-ig "salt; potash" Akk. itrānu; ţabtu
mun [SALT] wr. mun; mun4; munu3 "(to be) brackish; salt" Akk. marru; ţabtu
nimur [ASHES] wr. ne-mur; nimur "alkali, potash; coal; ashes; charcoal" Akk. idrānu; tumru
lub [FISH] wr. lu-ub2ku6 "a salt-water fish"
salt-water fish
lub [FISH] wr. lu-ub2ku6 "a salt-water fish"
adkin [MEAT] wr. adkin "preserved meat" Akk. kirrētu; muddulu
mudulum [MEAT] wr. mu-du-lum; mu-du-li-a "preserved meat" Akk. muddulu
sul [MEAT] wr. su-la2; sul2 "salted, pickled meat" Akk. muddulu
salted meat
adkin [MEAT] wr. adkin "preserved meat" Akk. kirrētu; muddulu
mudulum [MEAT] wr. mu-du-lum; mu-du-li-a "preserved meat" Akk. muddulu
sul [MEAT] wr. su-la2; sul2 "salted, pickled meat" Akk. muddulu
ur [HE] wr. ur5; ur "he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another)" Akk. amtu; ištēn; mithāru; šû
agrun [CELLA] wr. agrun "cella; bedroom; a ritual building; the sanctuary of the goddess Ningal" Akk. agarunnu; kummu; šutukku
urinak [SANCTUARY] wr. uri3-na "a sanctuary" Akk. urnakku
urinak [SANCTUARY] wr. uri3-na "a sanctuary" Akk. urnakku
sanctuary of the goddess Ningal
agrun [CELLA] wr. agrun "cella; bedroom; a ritual building; the sanctuary of the goddess Ningal" Akk. agarunnu; kummu; šutukku
imanak [STONE] wr. na4im-ma-an "a stone; a type of sand" Akk. immanakku
esir [FISH] wr. esirx(LAK173)ku6; esir3ku6; LAK173 "a fish" Akk. šēnu
esir [SHOE] wr. kuše-sir2; e-sir2; kušesir3; kušesir4; kušesir5; LAK173 "sandal(s), shoe(s)" Akk. šēnu
niĝesir [SANDAL] wr. niĝ2-eLAK173 "sandal"
sandal s
esir [FISH] wr. esirx(LAK173)ku6; esir3ku6; LAK173 "a fish" Akk. šēnu
esir [SHOE] wr. kuše-sir2; e-sir2; kušesir3; kušesir4; kušesir5; LAK173 "sandal(s), shoe(s)" Akk. šēnu
niĝdara [RAG] wr. tug2nig2-dara2 "rag, sanitary towel" Akk. ulāpu
sanitary towel
niĝdara [RAG] wr. tug2nig2-dara2 "rag, sanitary towel" Akk. ulāpu
henbur [STALK] wr. gihenbur; gihenbur2; henburx(|IGI.KAK|) "stalk; growth of rushes" Akk. habburu; niplu; udittu
lam [SAPLING] wr. ĝešlam "sapling; a tree" Akk. lammu
ligima [SHOOT] wr. ĝešligima "shoot, sapling" Akk. ligimû; niplu; ziqpu
uluh [SAPLING] wr. u3-luh; u2-luh "sapling; offshoot; scepter" Akk. uluhhu
ŠATUR [DATE-PALM] wr. ŠA6.TUR "date-palm sapling"
aguhum [CLOTHING] wr. a2-gu4-hu-um "an item of clothing, sash?, blanket?" Akk. patinnu
dara [BELT] wr. tug2dara4; dara2; tug2dara2 "belt, sash, girdle; string" Akk. izhu; nēbettu
aguhum [CLOTHING] wr. a2-gu4-hu-um "an item of clothing, sash?, blanket?" Akk. patinnu
lum [FRUIT] wr. lum "(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine" Akk. enēbu; unnubu; namāru; šebû; šihu
satisfied with
lum [FRUIT] wr. lum "(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine" Akk. enēbu; unnubu; namāru; šebû; šihu
šu tahab dug [SOAK?] wr. šu ta-hab2 dug4 "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
tahab [SOAK?] wr. ta-hab2; ta-ta-hab2; ta-hab "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
šu tahab dug [SOAK?] wr. šu ta-hab2 dug4 "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
tahab [SOAK?] wr. ta-hab2; ta-ta-hab2; ta-hab "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
alusa [SAUCE] wr. al-us2-sa "sauce"
kar [FLEE] wr. kar "to flee; to take away (by force), remove; to deprive; to save" Akk. ekēmu; eţēru; mašā'u; nērubu
taka [ABANDON] wr. tak4 "to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back" Akk. ezēbu; uhhuru; šêtu
šu kar [SPARE] wr. šu kar "to spare" Akk. šūzubu
TABME [SAW] wr. TAB.ME "a saw"
šumgamme [SAW] wr. šum-gam-me; urudšum-gam-me "a saw" Akk. šaššāru
šumme [SAW] wr. urudšum; šumurudu; urudšum-me; šum-mezabar "saw" Akk. šaššāru
di [SPEAK] wr. di "non-finite imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
gu de [SAY] wr. gu3 de2 "to say (addressing someone),; to call; to read out" Akk. ?; nabû; šasû
say addressing someone ,
gu de [SAY] wr. gu3 de2 "to say (addressing someone),; to call; to read out" Akk. ?; nabû; šasû
ibilu [UTTERANCE] wr. i-bi-lu "utterance, saying; pronounciation" Akk. hittu; tēltu
ir [SAYING] wr. ir3 "saying" Akk. tēltu
gum [MANGE] wr. gan; gum2 "mange, scab, leprosy" Akk. garābu; epqēnu
hurdalal [SCABIES] wr. hur-da-lal3 "scabies"
niĝbilal [SCABIES] wr. niĝ2-bi-lal3 "scabies"
laga [SLAG] wr. la-ga; lag-ga "slag; a skin ailment" Akk. lagû
ĝešrin [SCALES] wr. ĝeš-rin2 "scales" Akk. gišrinnu
ugudili [SCALP] wr. ugu-dili2 "upper part of the skull or scalp"
ĝirizal [SCALPEL] wr. ĝiri2-zal; ĝiri2-KAK "scalpel"
emeEŠUŠ [LEAF] wr. ĝešeme-EŠ2.UŠ; ĝešeme-EŠ2.UŠ-eme-EŠ2.UŠ "scaly leaf"
scaly leaf
emeEŠUŠ [LEAF] wr. ĝešeme-EŠ2.UŠ; ĝešeme-EŠ2.UŠ-eme-EŠ2.UŠ "scaly leaf"
in [ABUSE] wr. in; e-mu "abuse" Akk. pištu
u [ABUSE] wr. u "abuse" Akk. pištu
mud [SCARED] wr. mud "(to be) scared, terrified" Akk. parādu
ni ur [SCARED] wr. ni2 ur4 "to be scared" Akk. arāru
utuplu [SHAWL] wr. u2-tup-lu "a shawl" Akk. utuplu
KAKA [AXLE] wr. ĝešKAK.A "axle" Akk. qarnu; zarû; mazzāzu
bir [SCATTER] wr. bir; bi-bi-re; bir9 "to scatter, disperse" Akk. sapāhu
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
mar [WINNOW] wr. mar "to winnow" Akk. zarû
sag [SCATTER] wr. sag2; sag3; sag7 "to throw (down); to scatter, disperse; to kill, to beat" Akk. dâku; nasāku; nêru; sapāhu
šurum [SPRINKLE] wr. šurumx(|URU×GU|) "to sprinkle oil" Akk. zarû
tar [CUT] wr. tar; tarar "to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide" Akk. harāşu; parāsu; paţāru; sapāhu
zara [PIVOT] wr. ĝešza-ra; za-ra; ĝešzarax(KUL)? "(door) pivot" Akk. şerru; zarû
ir [SCENT] wr. ir; ir7 "smell, scent; sweat, exudation" Akk. erešu; zūtu
irsim [FRAGRANCE] wr. ir-si-im; ir-sim "fragrance" Akk. erešu
i'ira [OIL] wr. i3-ir-a "scented oil"
scented oil
i'ira [OIL] wr. i3-ir-a "scented oil"
ĝidru [SCEPTER] wr. ĝidru; mumu-ud-ru "scepter" Akk. haţţu
niĝzu [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-zu "a designation of looms" Akk. haţţu
uluh [SAPLING] wr. u3-luh; u2-luh "sapling; offshoot; scepter" Akk. uluhhu
usud [STAFF] wr. usud "shepherd's staff; scepter" Akk. šibirru
šibir [STAFF] wr. šibir; šibir2 "shepherd's staff; sceptre" Akk. šibirru
umbisaĝ [SCRIBE] wr. umbisaĝ; umbisaĝ2; ubišaga "scribe; scholar" Akk. tupšarru
namdubsar [THE SCRIBAL ARTS] wr. nam-dub-sar "the scribal arts" Akk. ţupšarrūtu
edubba'a [SCRIBAL SCHOOL] wr. e2-dub-ba-a; e2-dub-ba "scribal school" Akk. bīt ţuppi
ligin [TABLET] wr. imli-gi4-in "tablet with excerpts, school text" Akk. liginnu
lulahtanak [FUNCTIONARY] wr. lu2-duglahtan "a functionary in a scribal school"
school text
ligin [TABLET] wr. imli-gi4-in "tablet with excerpts, school text" Akk. liginnu
kiri ur [FLARE THE NOSTRILS] wr. kiri3 ur5 "'to flare the nostrils'" Akk. ganāşu; šanāşu
scoff at
kiri ur [FLARE THE NOSTRILS] wr. kiri3 ur5 "'to flare the nostrils'" Akk. ganāşu; šanāşu
munu [SCORCHING] wr. munu2 "(to be) scorching" Akk. himţêtu
gu šub [NEGLECT] wr. gu2 šub "to neglect; to scorn" Akk. aham nadû
ĝir [SCORPION] wr. ĝir2 "scorpion" Akk. zuqaqīpu
ĝirtab [SCORPION] wr. ĝir2-tab "scorpion" Akk. zuqaqīpu
ašbaltum [STATUS] wr. lu2aš-bal-tum "a person of low social standing" Akk. ašpaltu; guzallu
guzal [SCOUNDREL] wr. gu2-zal; gu3-zal "scoundrel, rogue; (to be) coarse, rude" Akk. guzallu; ishappu; ahurrû; nû'u
hara [RUFFIAN] wr. hara3 "ruffian, scoundrel" Akk. guzallu; ishappu
igibarra [SCOUT] wr. igi-bar-ra "scout"
igikal [SCOWLING] wr. igi-kal "scowling" Akk. akşu; šakşu
liš [CRUMB] wr. liš "crumb, scrap" Akk. kusāpu
hu [SCRAPE] wr. hu "to scrape off, grub up" Akk. halāšu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šu sub [GATHER UP] wr. šu su-ub "to gather up, to collect, to scrape together" Akk. esēpu
scrape off
hu [SCRAPE] wr. hu "to scrape off, grub up" Akk. halāšu
scrape together
šu sub [GATHER UP] wr. šu su-ub "to gather up, to collect, to scrape together" Akk. esēpu
scrape up
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šu sub [GATHER UP] wr. šu su-ub "to gather up, to collect, to scrape together" Akk. esēpu
šauša [SCRAPER] wr. ša-u19(URU)-šazabar "scraper" Akk. makdadu
zagbar [SCRAPS] wr. zag-bar "scraps"
dag [DEMOLISH] wr. dag "to demolish; to scratch; overthrow, military repulse" Akk. naqāru; sukuptu
ed [ASCEND] wr. ed3; |UD×U+U+U.DU| "to go up or down; to demolish; to scratch; to rage, be rabid" Akk. arādu; elû; naqāru; šegû
haš gal hur [SCRATCH THE GROIN] wr. haš4 gal hur "to scratch the groin"
hur [SCRATCH] wr. hur "to scratch, draw" Akk. eşēru
kad [TIE] wr. kad5; kad4; kad6; kad8 "to tie, gather; to itch, scratch; to weave a mat?" Akk. harādu; harāsu; kaşāru
ki hur [SCRATCH] wr. ki hur "to scratch the earth" Akk. ?
kid [DEMOLISH] wr. kid7 "to demolish; to scratch" Akk. naqāru
suhur [SCRATCH] wr. suhur "to scratch; to incise" Akk. ekēku; naqāru
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
umbin la [SCRATCH] wr. umbin la2 "to scratch" Akk. ?
scratch the earth
ki hur [SCRATCH] wr. ki hur "to scratch the earth" Akk. ?
scratch the groin
haš gal hur [SCRATCH THE GROIN] wr. haš4 gal hur "to scratch the groin"
gisal [SCREEN] wr. gi-sal "reed screen" Akk. gisallû
marinum [SCREEN] wr. kušma-ri-nu-um "protective clothing; screen" Akk. marīnu
a'a [TEXT] wr. a; a-a "a text, the scribal exercise a-a"
edubba'a [SCRIBAL SCHOOL] wr. e2-dub-ba-a; e2-dub-ba "scribal school" Akk. bīt ţuppi
lulahtanak [FUNCTIONARY] wr. lu2-duglahtan "a functionary in a scribal school"
namdubsar [THE SCRIBAL ARTS] wr. nam-dub-sar "the scribal arts" Akk. ţupšarrūtu
namšešgal [STATUS] wr. nam-šeš-gal "status of elder brother; a scribal status"
scribal art
namdubsar [THE SCRIBAL ARTS] wr. nam-dub-sar "the scribal arts" Akk. ţupšarrūtu
scribal arts
namdubsar [THE SCRIBAL ARTS] wr. nam-dub-sar "the scribal arts" Akk. ţupšarrūtu
scribal exercise a-a
a'a [TEXT] wr. a; a-a "a text, the scribal exercise a-a"
scribal school
edubba'a [SCRIBAL SCHOOL] wr. e2-dub-ba-a; e2-dub-ba "scribal school" Akk. bīt ţuppi
scribal status
namšešgal [STATUS] wr. nam-šeš-gal "status of elder brother; a scribal status"
dubĝal [SCRIBE] wr. dub-ĝal2 "a scribe or scribe's assistant"
dubsar [SCRIBE] wr. dub-sar "scribe" Akk. ţupšarru
dubsargal [SCRIBE] wr. dub-sar-gal; dub-sar "senior scribe"
dubsartur [SCRIBE] wr. dub-sar-tur "junior scribe"
emeĝir [SUMERIAN] wr. eme-gi; eme-ĝir15 "the Sumerian language" Akk. šumeritum; šumerû
umbisaĝ [SCRIBE] wr. umbisaĝ; umbisaĝ2; ubišaga "scribe; scholar" Akk. tupšarru
scribe or scribe s assistant
dubĝal [SCRIBE] wr. dub-ĝal2 "a scribe or scribe's assistant"
tibira [SCULPTOR] wr. tibira "sculptor" Akk. qurqurru
namtibira [SCULPTURE] wr. nam-tibira "sculpture" Akk. ?
ah [SPITTLE] wr. ah6; uh3; aah "a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum; saliva, spittle; poison" Akk. hahhu; hurhummatu; illātu; imtu; ru'tu; rupuštu; uhhu
imhur [FOAM] wr. imhur4; imhur2; imhur3 "foam on water; foam on beer; foam on milk" Akk. hurhummat mê; hurhummat šikāri; hurhummat šizbi
laga [SLAG] wr. la-ga; lag-ga "slag; a skin ailment" Akk. lagû
buluggur [SCYTHE?] wr. urudbulug-gur10 "scythe?"
buluggur [SCYTHE?] wr. urudbulug-gur10 "scythe?"
a'abak [SEA] wr. a-ab-ba "sea(water)"
ab [SEA] wr. ab; a-ab-ta "sea" Akk. tâmtu
abšag [SEA-MIDST] wr. ab-šag4 "center of the sea"
ku'abak [FISH] wr. ku6-ab-baku6 "sea fish"
namga'eš [TRADE] wr. nam-ga-eš8 "sea trade"
udug [DEMON] wr. dudug; u2-dug4; udug "a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb); ~ figurine" Akk. utukku
sea fish
ku'abak [FISH] wr. ku6-ab-baku6 "sea fish"
sea trade
namga'eš [TRADE] wr. nam-ga-eš8 "sea trade"
sea water
a'abak [SEA] wr. a-ab-ba "sea(water)"
sumaš [FISH] wr. sumašku6 "an oceanic fish" Akk. sumāsu
abšag [SEA-MIDST] wr. ab-šag4 "center of the sea"
banmin [VESSEL] wr. dugbanmin "a vessel of two seah capacity"
bulug [NEEDLE] wr. bulug; urudbulug; mu-lu-ug; bu-lu-ug "needle; stake; boundary; seal pin" Akk. pulukku
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
gug [SEAL] wr. gug6 "to seal" Akk. kanāku
henzer [BLOCK] wr. henzir "to block" Akk. pehû
kišib rah [SEAL] wr. kišib rah2 "to seal" Akk. kanāku
kišib [SEAL] wr. kišib3; kišib; na4kišib "cylinder seal, sealed tablet" Akk. kunukku
kišibĝal [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-ĝal2; kišib3-ĝal2 "seal bearer" Akk. kanniku
kišibla [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-la2 "seal bearer" Akk. ?
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
seal bearer
kišibĝal [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-ĝal2; kišib3-ĝal2 "seal bearer" Akk. kanniku
kišibla [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-la2 "seal bearer" Akk. ?
seal pin
bulug [NEEDLE] wr. bulug; urudbulug; mu-lu-ug; bu-lu-ug "needle; stake; boundary; seal pin" Akk. pulukku
burgul [STONE-CUTTER] wr. bur-gul "stone-cutter" Akk. purkullu
ekišibak [STOREROOM] wr. e2-kišib3-ba; e2-kišib-ba "storeroom for sealed commodities"
kišib [SEAL] wr. kišib3; kišib; na4kišib "cylinder seal, sealed tablet" Akk. kunukku
šab [SEALING] wr. šab "clay sealing, sealed bulla" Akk. šipassu
sealed bulla
šab [SEALING] wr. šab "clay sealing, sealed bulla" Akk. šipassu
sealed tablet
kišib [SEAL] wr. kišib3; kišib; na4kišib "cylinder seal, sealed tablet" Akk. kunukku
kišibĝal [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-ĝal2; kišib3-ĝal2 "seal bearer" Akk. kanniku
imdumu [SEALING] wr. kušim-du5-mu "leather sealing"
šab [SEALING] wr. šab "clay sealing, sealed bulla" Akk. šipassu
kišibĝal [SEAL BEARER] wr. kišib-ĝal2; kišib3-ĝal2 "seal bearer" Akk. kanniku
dub [GO AROUND] wr. dab6; dub "to go around, encircle, turn; to search; to tarry" Akk. lawû; sahāru
niĝin [ENCIRCLE] wr. niĝin2; niĝin "to prowl, roam; to enclose, confine; to encircle; to search; to turn; to return; to go around; to tarry" Akk. esēru; lawû; sahāru; târu; târu; sahāru; şâdu
šu šanšaša [SEARCH] wr. šu ša-an-ša-ša "to search" Akk. ?
adea [FLOODING] wr. a-de2; a-de2-a "flooding; flood season"
abhir [DRY] wr. ab-hi-ir "dry, seasoned (of wood)" Akk. nahru
seasoned of wood
abhir [DRY] wr. ab-hi-ir "dry, seasoned (of wood)" Akk. nahru
ašte [CHAIR] wr. ašte2; ĝešaš-te; ĝešiš-de3 "chair, throne; seat, dwelling; shrine, chapel; a unit of area" Akk. kussû; sukku; šubtu
barag [DAIS] wr. barag; bara10; bara6; bara7; bara8 "ruler, king; dais, seat" Akk. parakku; šarru; šubtu
dag [DWELLING] wr. dag "dwelling" Akk. šubtu
giri [SEAT] wr. girix(|GIŠ.LU2|); girix(|GIŠ.ŠU.LU2|) "a seat" Akk. nēmedu
gunu [DWELLING] wr. gunux(|SI@g|) "dwelling" Akk. šubtu
kituš [DWELLING] wr. ki-tuš "dwelling place" Akk. mūšabu; šubtu
saĝdur [SEAT] wr. ĝešsaĝ-dur2 "seat"
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
uru [SEAT] wr. uru5 "seat, dwelling" Akk. šubtu
paphal [SECRET] wr. pap-hal "secret; treasure; narrow place; dire straits" Akk. nişirtu; pušqu
secluded place
paphal [SECRET] wr. pap-hal "secret; treasure; narrow place; dire straits" Akk. nişirtu; pušqu
dubus [SECOND] wr. dub-us2 "second, second-in-rank"
šu gi [REPEAT] wr. šu gi4 "to repeat" Akk. šanû
dubus [SECOND] wr. dub-us2 "second, second-in-rank"
malag [NEIGHBOR] wr. ma-la "female neighbor; secondary wife" Akk. ši'ītu
usar [NEIGHBOR] wr. usar; u5-šu-ur2; u3-šu-ru; u3-šu-ur2 "(female) neighbor; secondary wife" Akk. ši'ītu
secondary wife
malag [NEIGHBOR] wr. ma-la "female neighbor; secondary wife" Akk. ši'ītu
usar [NEIGHBOR] wr. usar; u5-šu-ur2; u3-šu-ru; u3-šu-ur2 "(female) neighbor; secondary wife" Akk. ši'ītu
LIL [KNOWLEDGE] wr. LIL2 "secret knowledge" Akk. kitimtu
adhal [SECRET] wr. ad-hal "secret"
bu [SECRET] wr. bu-u2bu-u2 "secret"
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
kiši [SECRET] wr. kiši12 "secret" Akk. pirištu
paphal [SECRET] wr. pap-hal "secret; treasure; narrow place; dire straits" Akk. nişirtu; pušqu
puzur [SECRET] wr. puzur4; puzur5; puzur; puzur2 "secret, shelter; protection, aegis, shadow, shelter" Akk. puzru
uraš [SECRET] wr. uraš "secret" Akk. pirištu
secret knowledge
LIL [KNOWLEDGE] wr. LIL2 "secret knowledge" Akk. kitimtu
sukkal [SECRETARY] wr. sukkal "secretary, civil servant" Akk. sukkallu
niĝsura [~TABLET] wr. niĝ2-sur-ra "a section of a tablet" Akk. mišlu
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
section of a tablet
niĝsura [~TABLET] wr. niĝ2-sur-ra "a section of a tablet" Akk. mišlu
in [SECTOR] wr. in "sector" Akk. pilku
induba [BOUNDARY] wr. in-dub-ba; im-dub-ba "boundary; demarcated zone" Akk. pilku
u [PEACE] wr. u2 "peace" Akk. ţubtu
gug [GRASS] wr. u2gug4; gug4; gug; u2|ZI&ZI|; u2|A.ZI&ZI|; u2|ZI&ZI.A|; u2|ZI&ZI.EŠ2.ŠE| "a grass; rush, sedge" Akk. šišnu; šuppatu
sub [SEDGE] wr. sub5 "rush, sedge" Akk. šuppatu
šub [RUSH] wr. šub5; šubx(|ZI&ZI.EŠ2|) "rush, sedge" Akk. šuppatu
gug [GRASS] wr. u2gug4; gug4; gug; u2|ZI&ZI|; u2|A.ZI&ZI|; u2|ZI&ZI.A|; u2|ZI&ZI.EŠ2.ŠE| "a grass; rush, sedge" Akk. šišnu; šuppatu
sub [SEDGE] wr. sub5 "rush, sedge" Akk. šuppatu
šub [RUSH] wr. šub5; šubx(|ZI&ZI.EŠ2|) "rush, sedge" Akk. šuppatu
gu'ena [SILT] wr. gu2-en-na "river sediment, silt" Akk. qadūtu
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
igi bar [LOOK AT] wr. igi bar "to look at" Akk. amāru; barû; naplusu
igi duh [SEE] wr. igi duh "to see" Akk. amāru; naplusu; naţālu
igi gub [SEE] wr. igi gub "to see" Akk. ?
igi ĝal [LOOK AT] wr. igi gal2 "to look at" Akk. dagālu
igi kar [EXAMINE] wr. igi kar2 "to examine" Akk. barû
igi sig [SEE] wr. igi sig10 "to see" Akk. amāru; naplusu
igi tab [LOOK AT] wr. igi tab "to look at" Akk. barû
iginudu [BLIND] wr. igi-nu-du8 "a type of worker; blind" Akk. lā naţālu
šu gid [EXAMINE] wr. šu gid2 "to examine (extispicy)" Akk. barû
u dug [ADMIRE] wr. u6 dug4 "to admire; to regard, observe" Akk. amāru; barû
apin [PLOW] wr. apin; ĝešapin "(seed) plow" Akk. epinnu
gazi [CONDIMENT] wr. gazi; gazi2 "mustard seed or licorice" Akk. kasû
i'iz [SEED] wr. i-iz "seed" Akk. zēru
niĝkiluha [STONE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-ki-luh-ha "stone or seed of a plant" Akk. abnu
numun [SEED] wr. numun "seed" Akk. zēru
silaĝ [FUNNEL] wr. silaĝ "a seed funnel" Akk. nuttû
šenumun [SEED] wr. še-numun "seed" Akk. zēru
šunumun [SEED] wr. šu-numun "seed"
zahili [PLANT] wr. za3-hi-li; za3-hi-lisar; ša3-hi-lisar; hi-lisar?; za-hi-li; za-ha-e "a plant; an edible seed" Akk. sahlû
zibatum [PLANT] wr. zi-ba-tum; zi-ib-ba-tumsar "an aromatic seed; a garden plant" Akk. zibnatu; zibītu
zibitum [SEED] wr. šezi-bi2-tum "an aromatic seed"
seed funnel
silaĝ [FUNNEL] wr. silaĝ "a seed funnel" Akk. nuttû
seed funnel
silaĝ [FUNNEL] wr. silaĝ "a seed funnel" Akk. nuttû
seed s
i'iz [SEED] wr. i-iz "seed" Akk. zēru
numun [SEED] wr. numun "seed" Akk. zēru
šenumun [SEED] wr. še-numun "seed" Akk. zēru
hirim [DITCH] wr. hirim "?; waste land; ditch" Akk. ittû; miţru; pitru
ninda [SEED-FUNNEL] wr. ninda2 "seed-funnel" Akk. ittû
bandudu [BASKET] wr. ba-an-du5; giba-an-du8-du8 "seeding basket of a plow" Akk. banduddû
gabatab [POLE] wr. ĝešgaba-tab; gaba-tab "a wooden pole used for manual seeding"
seeding basket of a plow
bandudu [BASKET] wr. ba-an-du5; giba-an-du8-du8 "seeding basket of a plow" Akk. banduddû
ki kiĝ [SEEK] wr. ki kiĝ2 "to seek; to look after" Akk. ašra še'û
kiĝ [SEEK] wr. kiĝ2 "to seek" Akk. pâru
meteĝal [SEEMLY] wr. me-te-ĝal2 "seemly"
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
dab [SEIZE] wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) "to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of" Akk. sahāpu; tamāhu; kamû; şabātu
ĝiri dab [TAKE TO THE ROAD] wr. ĝiri3 dab5 "to take to the road" Akk. girram/harrānam şabātu
šeg [SEIZE] wr. še3 "to take away, seize"
seize illegally
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
seize the road
ĝiri dab [TAKE TO THE ROAD] wr. ĝiri3 dab5 "to take to the road" Akk. girram/harrānam şabātu
igi saĝ [CHOOSE] wr. igi saĝ5; igi saĝ; igi zag; igi sig5? "to choose; to sort" Akk. bêru; nasāqu
igi suh [CHOOSE] wr. igi suh "to choose" Akk. nasāqu
ligtum [SELECTION] wr. li2-ig-tum "selection, gathered material" Akk. liqtu
mete [ONE'S OWN] wr. me-te; ni2-te "one's own" Akk. ramānu
ni [SELF] wr. ni2 "self" Akk. ramānu
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
sa [PAY FOR] wr. sa10 "to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell" Akk. šâmu
gabšum [SELLER] wr. ga-ab-šum2 "seller" Akk. nādinānu
luniĝsamgu [SELLER] wr. lu2-niĝ2-sa10-gu7 "seller"
a [WATER] wr. a "water; semen; progeny" Akk. mû; rihûtu
usakar [MOON] wr. u4-sakar "crescent moon; moon; crescent-shaped object; semi-circular line; half wheel" Akk. uskāru; warhu
semi-circular line
usakar [MOON] wr. u4-sakar "crescent moon; moon; crescent-shaped object; semi-circular line; half wheel" Akk. uskāru; warhu
ĝuruš [MALE] wr. ĝuruš "young adult male; able-bodied male worker; semi-free male worker" Akk. eţlu
semi-free male worker
ĝuruš [MALE] wr. ĝuruš "young adult male; able-bodied male worker; semi-free male worker" Akk. eţlu
mušĝiri [STONE] wr. na4muš-ĝiri2 "a stone" Akk. muššāru
šuba [STONE] wr. šuba3; na4šuba; šuba4; šubax(MUŠ); šubax(|MUŠ.ŠA|) "a precious stone" Akk. šubû
semiprecious stone
šuba [STONE] wr. šuba3; na4šuba; šuba4; šubax(MUŠ); šubax(|MUŠ.ŠA|) "a precious stone" Akk. šubû
dabin [SEMOLINA] wr. dabin "semolina, barley grits" Akk. tappinnu
kag tum [BRING NEWS] wr. ka tum2 "to bring news" Akk. bussuru
šu taka [SEND] wr. šu taka4; šu takax(BALAG) "to send" Akk. ?
šu us [SEND] wr. šu us2 "to send; to lead away; to fetch" Akk. abāku
send a message
kag tum [BRING NEWS] wr. ka tum2 "to bring news" Akk. bussuru
gašam [WISE] wr. gašam "(to be) knowing, wise; sending, mission; work; craftsman, specialist" Akk. mūdū; ummiānu; šipru
amatuku [WEAVER] wr. ama-tuku5 "senior weaver"
buršuma [DOWAGER] wr. bur-šu-ma; bur-šum2-ma; bur-šu; bur-šu-um "dowager, matriarch, matron; an official; senior; old" Akk. puršumu; šībtu
dubsargal [SCRIBE] wr. dub-sar-gal; dub-sar "senior scribe"
kar [SENIOR] wr. kar "senior"
saĝĝamah [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa-mah "an official, the senior chief administrator of a temple household"
šugi [SENIOR] wr. šu-gi4; šu-gi "senior, elder, old person; old" Akk. šību
senior chief administrator of a temple household
saĝĝamah [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa-mah "an official, the senior chief administrator of a temple household"
senior scribe
dubsargal [SCRIBE] wr. dub-sar-gal; dub-sar "senior scribe"
senior weaver
amatuku [WEAVER] wr. ama-tuku5 "senior weaver"
gaz [KILL] wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 "to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break" Akk. dâku; habātu; hašālu; kaşāşu; pa'āşu; šagāšu
kud [CUT] wr. kud; gur5 "to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear" Akk. harāşu; napādu; parāsu; harāşu; parāsu; harāşu
na deg [CLEAR] wr. na degx(RI); ša di; ša di-di; ša di-di5; ša di5 "to make clear, explain; to consecrate, purify; to separate; to clear out, cut out" Akk. ašāru; elēlu; hasāsu
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
šag dab [THINK] wr. šag4 dab; šag4 dab5 "to think, conceive an idea; to take seriously"
mušgal [SERPENT] wr. muš-gal "type of serpent" Akk. mušgallu
mušmah [CREATURE] wr. muš-mah "a mythical creature" Akk. mušmahhu
mušhuš [MONSTER] wr. muš-huš "a monster" Akk. mušhuššu
ama'atud [SLAVE] wr. ama-a-tud; ama-tu "house-born slave" Akk. dušmû; wardu
arad [SLAVE] wr. arad2; arad; ar3-tu; e-re "slave, servant" Akk. ardu
bursaĝ [SERVANT] wr. bur-saĝ "a servant" Akk. buršanu
subur [SLAVE] wr. subur "slave, servant" Akk. ardu
sukkal [SECRETARY] wr. sukkal "secretary, civil servant" Akk. sukkallu
ur [SERVANT] wr. ur "servant"
ušga [YOUTH] wr. uš-ga "attendant; youth" Akk. gerseqqû; uškû
ĝiri sig [PERFORM SERVICE] wr. ĝiri3 sig9 "to serve someone/something, perform service"
serve someone/something
ĝiri sig [PERFORM SERVICE] wr. ĝiri3 sig9 "to serve someone/something, perform service"
ĝiri sig [PERFORM SERVICE] wr. ĝiri3 sig9 "to serve someone/something, perform service"
zizda [INDEMNITY] wr. ziz2-da; zi-iš-da "indemnity for a lost object; debt servitude" Akk. kiššātu
ĝeši [SESAME] wr. ĝeš-i3; šeĝeš-i3; še-i3-ĝeš "sesame" Akk. šamaššammū
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
izi dab [LIGHT] wr. izi dab5 "to light, set alight"
ki us [SET ON THE GROUND] wr. ki us2 "to set on the ground" Akk. šuršudu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
šu zig [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu zig3 "'to raise the hand'; to rise; to plunder" Akk. nanduru; qātu našû; tebû
taka [ABANDON] wr. tak4 "to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back" Akk. ezēbu; uhhuru; šêtu
zig [RISE] wr. zig3 "to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise" Akk. dekû; gapāšu; tebû; şītu
set alight
izi dab [LIGHT] wr. izi dab5 "to light, set alight"
set aside
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
taka [ABANDON] wr. tak4 "to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back" Akk. ezēbu; uhhuru; šêtu
set in place
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
set on the ground
ki us [SET ON THE GROUND] wr. ki us2 "to set on the ground" Akk. šuršudu
set out
šu zig [RAISE THE HAND] wr. šu zig3 "'to raise the hand'; to rise; to plunder" Akk. nanduru; qātu našû; tebû
zig [RISE] wr. zig3 "to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise" Akk. dekû; gapāšu; tebû; şītu
šu gi [REPAY] wr. šu gi4 "to repay; to return something to someone, settle an account" Akk. gimillu turru; šullumu
settle an account
šu gi [REPAY] wr. šu gi4 "to repay; to return something to someone, settle an account" Akk. gimillu turru; šullumu
situm [BALANCE] wr. si-i3-tum "balance (of a settled account)" Akk. šittum
alal [CULTIVATION] wr. alal4; alal3 "cultivation; field; district, land" Akk. mēreštu; qerbetu
mašgana [SETTLEMENT] wr. maš-gana2 "settlement; threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
šagtum [LAND] wr. šag4-tum2; šag4-tum3 "pasture land" Akk. qerbetu
ul [UNMNG] wr. ul4; ul2; ulul; ulul2 "; " Akk. qerbetu
gukin [TOTALITY] wr. gu2-kiĝ2; gukin; gukin2; gu3-kin; gu3-kin5 "villages, settlements; the inhabited world; totality, world" Akk. dadmū; kiššatu
imin [SEVEN] wr. imin "seven"
didli [SEVERAL] wr. didli "several, various" Akk. mādūtu
bulug [SEW] wr. bulug "to sew"
haš dug [HAVE SEX] wr. haš4 dug4 "to have sex" Akk. ?
hili [LUXURIANT] wr. hi-li; hilib2 "sex appeal; (to be) luxuriant; to have pleasure" Akk. kuzbu; šamhu
sex appeal
hili [LUXURIANT] wr. hi-li; hilib2 "sex appeal; (to be) luxuriant; to have pleasure" Akk. kuzbu; šamhu
a ri [IMPREGNATE] wr. a ri "to impregnate" Akk. rehû
gurun [FRUIT] wr. gurun "fruit, flower; ~ figurine; sexual appeal" Akk. inbu
ĝeš dug [COPULATE] wr. ĝeš3 dug4 "to copulate" Akk. rehû
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
šagziga [AROUSAL] wr. ša3-zig3-ga "(sexual) arousal"
sexual appeal
gurun [FRUIT] wr. gurun "fruit, flower; ~ figurine; sexual appeal" Akk. inbu
a gi [DEFLOWER] wr. a gi; a gi4 "to deflower" Akk. naqābu
gana [SHACKLES] wr. ĝešgana2 "shackles"
andul [SHADE] wr. an-dul3; an-dul7 "shade" Akk. şulūlu
ĝešandul [SHADE] wr. ĝeš-an-dul3 "tree shade"
ĝi'eden [SHADE] wr. ĝi6-eden "deep shade"
ĝissu [SHADE] wr. ĝissu; aĝ2-ze2 "shade, shadow; protection, aegis" Akk. şillu
ĝissu [SHADE] wr. ĝissu; aĝ2-ze2 "shade, shadow; protection, aegis" Akk. şillu
puzur [SECRET] wr. puzur4; puzur5; puzur; puzur2 "secret, shelter; protection, aegis, shadow, shelter" Akk. puzru
zirigum [IRRIGATION DEVICE] wr. zi-ri2-gum2; zi-ri2-gum "an irrigation device" Akk. zirīqu
gida [SPEAR] wr. gid2-da; ĝešgid2-da; urudgid2-da "lance, spear" Akk. ariktu; mašaddu
madal [POLE] wr. ĝešmadal; ĝešmamadal; ma-ad-li-um "a pole" Akk. mašaddu; makkû; mudulu; muttû
bul [SHAKE] wr. bul; i3-bul5-bul5 "to shake"
saĝ bala [SHAKE] wr. saĝ bala "to shake the head" Akk. a-da-ru?
shake the head
saĝ bala [SHAKE] wr. saĝ bala "to shake the head" Akk. a-da-ru?
dilimgal [DISH] wr. ĝešdilim2-gal "dish, shallow bowl" Akk. mākaltu
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
shallow bowl
dilimgal [DISH] wr. ĝešdilim2-gal "dish, shallow bowl" Akk. mākaltu
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
luĝa [DAMAGE] wr. luĝa; luĝ2 "damage; sin; shamelessness" Akk. hiţītu; šillatu
SALI [INSTRUMENT] wr. SA.LI "a musical instrument; a geometric shape" Akk. pagû
budug [MOLD] wr. bu-du-ug "to mold bricks" Akk. patāqu
de [SHAPE] wr. de2 "to shape, create" Akk. patāqu
egar [FORM] wr. e2-gar8 "form, shape" Akk. lānu
ge [SHAPE] wr. ge16 "a geometric shape; an architectural term?" Akk. qaštu
ĝeštugzaminak [SHAPE] wr. ĝeštug2-za3-min2 "a geometric shape"
igigudak [SHAPE] wr. igi-gud "a geometric shape" Akk. īn alpi
niĝdimdim [FORM] wr. urudniĝ2-dim2-dim2 "manufactured object; physical form, shape" Akk. ni(g)dimdimmû
saĝkigudak [TRAPEZIUM] wr. saĝ-ki-gud "a geometric shape; trapezium (math.)" Akk. pūt alpi
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
še [SHAPE] wr. še "a geometric shape"
zizna [WOMB] wr. zizna "early childhood; creation; shape, appearance, structure; womb" Akk. binītu; šassūru; şehrūtu
PA.LU.TA [PREFERENTIAL SHARE] wr. |PA.LU.TA| "preferential share"
ba [ALLOT] wr. ba "to divide into shares, share, halve; to allot" Akk. qiāšu; zâzu
ĝeššub [LOT] wr. ĝeš-šub "lot, share" Akk. isqu
hala [SHARE] wr. ha-la; hal "inheritance share" Akk. zittu
niĝkud [DUE] wr. niĝ2-kud "a share of the yield of a field" Akk. miksu
sibta [SHARE] wr. sib2-ta "additional share" Akk. elâtu
šubarra [HALF] wr. šu-bar-ra "half share" Akk. mišlānū
šuria [HALF] wr. šu-ri-a "half share" Akk. mišlānū
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
share of the yield of a field
niĝkud [DUE] wr. niĝ2-kud "a share of the yield of a field" Akk. miksu
ba [ALLOT] wr. ba "to divide into shares, share, halve; to allot" Akk. qiāšu; zâzu
šid [COUNT] wr. šid "count(ing); number; half (shares); to count" Akk. minûtu; mišlānū
šuria [HALF] wr. šu-ri-a "half share" Akk. mišlānū
kibir [IMPLEMENT] wr. ĝeškibir2; urudkibir2 "a sharp implement" Akk. makaddu
kizurra [SHARP] wr. ki-zu2-ur5-ra "sharp edge"
sharp edge
kizurra [SHARP] wr. ki-zu2-ur5-ra "sharp edge"
sharp implement
kibir [IMPLEMENT] wr. ĝeškibir2; urudkibir2 "a sharp implement" Akk. makaddu
usar ak [SHARPEN] wr. u3-sar ak; u3-sa-ar ak; u4-sar ak "to sharpen"
alkina [SHARPENED] wr. al-kin-a "sharpened"
sar [SHAVE] wr. sar "to shave"
umbin TAR [SHAVE] wr. ĝešumbin TAR "to shave" Akk. gullubu
ĝiri [DAGGER] wr. ĝiri2; urudĝiri2; me2-er; me-er; me-ri "razor; sword, dagger" Akk. naglabu; patru
sumki [WOOD] wr. sum-ki "wood shaving?"
shaving blade
ĝiri [DAGGER] wr. ĝiri2; urudĝiri2; me2-er; me-er; me-ri "razor; sword, dagger" Akk. naglabu; patru
utuplu [SHAWL] wr. u2-tup-lu "a shawl" Akk. utuplu
utuplu [SHAWL] wr. u2-tup-lu "a shawl" Akk. utuplu
ane [HE] wr. e-ne; a-ne "he, she"
eme [DONKEY] wr. eme3; eme6; eme5; eme7; emex(|SAL.EN|) "female donkey" Akk. atānu
garadin [BUNDLE] wr. garadin; garadin4 "bundle (of reeds), stack of sheaves" Akk. kiššu; kurullu
gula [SHEAF] wr. gu-la2 "sheaf of reeds"
zar [SHEAF] wr. zar3; zar "sheaf (of barley); stack of sheaves" Akk. zarru
sheaf of barley
zar [SHEAF] wr. zar3; zar "sheaf (of barley); stack of sheaves" Akk. zarru
sheaf of reeds
gula [SHEAF] wr. gu-la2 "sheaf of reeds"
tukur [CHEW] wr. tukur2; tukur; tukur3 "to chew, gnaw; to shear, pluck wool" Akk. gaşaşu; kasāsu; sepû siki
umbin TAR [SHAVE] wr. ĝešumbin TAR "to shave" Akk. gullubu
umbin kiĝ [SHEAR] wr. umbin kiĝ2 "to shear" Akk. ?
SALUŠ [SHEATH] wr. SAL.UŠ "sheath (of a dagger)"
sheath of a dagger
SALUŠ [SHEATH] wr. SAL.UŠ "sheath (of a dagger)"
garadin [BUNDLE] wr. garadin; garadin4 "bundle (of reeds), stack of sheaves" Akk. kiššu; kurullu
zar [SHEAF] wr. zar3; zar "sheaf (of barley); stack of sheaves" Akk. zarru
wadaltum [SHED?] wr. wa-da-al-tum "a shed where animals are born?" Akk. ?
ĝa'udu'ur [~SHEEP] wr. ĝa2-udu-ur4 "sheep-shearing shed"
wadaltum [SHED?] wr. wa-da-al-tum "a shed where animals are born?" Akk. ?
shed where animals are born
wadaltum [SHED?] wr. wa-da-al-tum "a shed where animals are born?" Akk. ?
TU [SHEEP] wr. TU "sheep"
UHUL [SHEEP] wr. |U8+HUL2| "a type of sheep, fat-tailed ewe"
agargara [DROPPINGS] wr. agargara "sheep droppings; fish-spawn" Akk. agargarû; piqannu
aslum [SHEEP] wr. aslumx(|A.LUM|); as4-lum "a type of sheep" Akk. aslu; pasillu
ašur [~SHEEP] wr. aš-ur4 "a designation of sheep" Akk. iltennû baqnu
barĝal [~SHEEP] wr. bar-ĝal2 "a designation of sheep: with fleece" Akk. bargallu
barsal [SHEEP] wr. bar-sal "a sheep" Akk. barsallu
barsal [~SHEEP] wr. bar-sal "a designation of sheep"
barudu [FLEECE] wr. bar-udu "sheep's fleece"
dimma [~SHEEP] wr. dimx(BALAĜ)-ma "a designation of sheep" Akk. takmīsu
dur [BUTTOCKS] wr. dur2 "defile, cleft; buttocks, rump" Akk. pūqu; šuburru
eli [SHEEP] wr. e3-li "a description of ewes or lambs"
gaba [~SHEEP] wr. gaba "a designation of sheep"
galtabum [SHEEP] wr. gal-tab-bu-um "a sheep"
ganam [EWE] wr. ganam4; ganam5 "ewe" Akk. immertu; lahru
gub [~SHEEP] wr. gub "a designation of sheep or goats"
gukkal [SHEEP] wr. gukkal "fat-tailed sheep" Akk. gukkallu
gukkalibla [SHEEP] wr. udugukkal-ib2-la2 "long-and-fat-tailed sheep"
gurgur [~SHEEP] wr. gur4-gur4 "a designation of sheep" Akk. kurkurrānu
i'udu [FAT] wr. i3-udu "sheep fat"
kungid [DESCRIPTION OF SHEEP] wr. kun-gid2 "a description of sheep"
lahar [EWE] wr. lahar; lahar2 "ewe; sheep" Akk. lahru
lib [FAT] wr. libx(|NI.LU|) "sheep fat"
libin [DISEASE] wr. libin "a sheep disease, a diseased sheep" Akk. irdu
suluhu [FLEECE] wr. suluhu; suluhu3 "a long haired sheep; a ceremonial garment; fleece" Akk. itqu; kitītu; lamahuššû; raqqatu; sulumhû
šarumium [~SHEEP] wr. ša-ru-mi-um "a designation of sheep"
šeg [ANIMAL] wr. šeg9 "a deer or mountain goat" Akk. atūdu
šimaški [~SHEEP] wr. šimaški; šimaški2 "a designation of sheep and goats (lit. Šimaškian)"
šurum [LITTER] wr. šurum; šurum3; šurun2 "dung, droppings (of sheep, gazelle); litter, bedding" Akk. kabû; piqqannu; rubşu
u [EWE] wr. u8; u8munus; u10 "sheep, ewe" Akk. immertu; lahru
udu'emeĝir [SHEEP] wr. udu-eme-gi "a breed of sheep"
udu'i [SHEEP] wr. udu-i3 "fat sheep"
udu-til [WILD SHEEP] wr. udu-til "wild sheep" Akk. bibbu
udu [SHEEP] wr. udu; e-ze2 "sheep" Akk. immeru
udugal [SHEEP] wr. udu-gal "adult male sheep capable of reproduction" Akk. immeru rabû
udukurak [SHEEP] wr. udu-kur-ra "a breed of sheep" Akk. immeri šadî
urri [~SHEEP] wr. ur2-ri-a "a designation of sheep"
us [SHEEP] wr. us5 "sheep" Akk. lahru
zilqum [~SHEEP] wr. zi-il-qum "a designation of sheep"
zulumhi [SHEEP] wr. zulumhi "a long-haired breed of sheep; a type of fleece; a garment"
zusiga [~SHEEP] wr. zu2-si-ga "a designation of sheep"
sheep disease
libin [DISEASE] wr. libin "a sheep disease, a diseased sheep" Akk. irdu
sheep droppings
agargara [DROPPINGS] wr. agargara "sheep droppings; fish-spawn" Akk. agargarû; piqannu
sheep fat
i'udu [FAT] wr. i3-udu "sheep fat"
lib [FAT] wr. libx(|NI.LU|) "sheep fat"
sheep s fleece
barudu [FLEECE] wr. bar-udu "sheep's fleece"
ĝa'udu'ur [~SHEEP] wr. ĝa2-udu-ur4 "sheep-shearing shed"
sheep-shearing shed
ĝa'udu'ur [~SHEEP] wr. ĝa2-udu-ur4 "sheep-shearing shed"
barĝal [~SHEEP] wr. bar-ĝal2 "a designation of sheep: with fleece" Akk. bargallu
barsuga [~SHEEP] wr. bar-su-ga; bar-sug4-a "a designation of sheep: without fleece; plucked fleece" Akk. ?
amaš [SHEEPFOLD] wr. amaš; e2-maš; a-maš; e2amaš "sheepfold" Akk. supūru
rig [SHEEPFOLD] wr. rig10 "sheepfold, animal stall" Akk. isru; tarbaşu
e'udu [SHEEPHOUSE] wr. e2-udu "sheephouse"
suluhu [FLEECE] wr. suluhu; suluhu3 "a long haired sheep; a ceremonial garment; fleece" Akk. itqu; kitītu; lamahuššû; raqqatu; sulumhû
sheepskin garment
suluhu [FLEECE] wr. suluhu; suluhu3 "a long haired sheep; a ceremonial garment; fleece" Akk. itqu; kitītu; lamahuššû; raqqatu; sulumhû
armatum [~DOOR] wr. urudar-ma-tum; ar-ma-tum "a door part" Akk. armatu
giĝ [UNIT] wr. giĝ4 "a unit of weight, shekel; a unit of area; a unit of volume" Akk. šiqlu
iškila [PEBBLE] wr. iškila "pebble; a container" Akk. išqillatu
murguba [SHELL] wr. murgu2-ba; murgu-ba; ba-murgu; ba-murgu2 "shell of a marine creature"
šu [PESTLE] wr. na4šu-u "a stone or shell" Akk. šû
šuhum [STONE?] wr. na4šu-hu-um "a stone or shell"
shell of a marine creature
murguba [SHELL] wr. murgu2-ba; murgu-ba; ba-murgu; ba-murgu2 "shell of a marine creature"
abad [SHELTER] wr. a2-bad3; an-bad "shelter" Akk. tabinu
agrun [CELLA] wr. agrun "cella; bedroom; a ritual building; the sanctuary of the goddess Ningal" Akk. agarunnu; kummu; šutukku
andul [SHADE] wr. an-dul3; an-dul7 "shade" Akk. şulūlu
azad [SHELTER] wr. azad2; azadx(|A.LAGAB×HAL.ŠU2|) "reed shelter" Akk. ašāšu
dimuš [SHELTER] wr. dimuš "reed shelter, nest; reed stalk" Akk. kumāşu; kušāru
gilsa [TREASURE] wr. gil-sa; gi16-gi16-sa "treasure" Akk. šutukku
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
puzur [SECRET] wr. puzur4; puzur5; puzur; puzur2 "secret, shelter; protection, aegis, shadow, shelter" Akk. puzru
saĝtab [PROTECTION] wr. saĝ-tab; sag-tab-ba "helper, ally; protection" Akk. rēşu; şulūlu
šutug [REED-HUT] wr. šutug; šutug2 "reed-hut, reed shelter" Akk. šutukku
gabus [SHEPHERD] wr. ga-ab-us2 "a shepherd" Akk. rē û
gam [CROOK] wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN "shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt" Akk. gamlu; šikru
munsub [SHEPHERD] wr. mu6-sub3; munsubx(|PA.GU2@g|) "shepherd, herdsman; an official" Akk. rē'û
sipad [SHEPHERD] wr. sipad; su8-ba; lu2sipad; šuba "shepherd; herder" Akk. rē'û
sipadtur [SHEPHERD] wr. sipad-tur "junior shepherd"
šibir [STAFF] wr. šibir; šibir2 "shepherd's staff; sceptre" Akk. šibirru
u [SHEPHERD] wr. u5 "shepherd" Akk. rē'û
usud [STAFF] wr. usud "shepherd's staff; scepter" Akk. šibirru
shepherd s crook
gam [CROOK] wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN "shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt" Akk. gamlu; šikru
shepherd s staff
šibir [STAFF] wr. šibir; šibir2 "shepherd's staff; sceptre" Akk. šibirru
usud [STAFF] wr. usud "shepherd's staff; scepter" Akk. šibirru
gabar [HERDER] wr. gab2-ra; gab2-bar; gabar "herder, shepherd-boy" Akk. kaparru
namsipad [SHEPHERDSHIP] wr. nam-sipad "shepherdship"
šika [SHERD] wr. šika "(pot)sherd" Akk. išhilşu
duksium [SHIELD] wr. kušdu10-uk-si-um; kušdu-uk-si-um; kušdu8-uk-ši-um; kušdu2-uk-si-um "a shield" Akk. tukšu
gababum [SHIELD] wr. ga-ba-bu-um "shield" Akk. kabābu
gur [SHIELD] wr. gur21; kušburu4mušen; eur2 "shield"
kababum [SHIELD] wr. kuška-ba-bu-um "shield" Akk. kabābu
tuku [ROCK] wr. tuku4; tu-ku "to rock, shift" Akk. nâšu
zig [RISE] wr. zig3 "to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise" Akk. dekû; gapāšu; tebû; şītu
niĝus [SHIN] wr. niĝ2-us2 "shin" Akk. kimşu
bur [GLOW] wr. bur2; bu7 "light; to glow, shine" Akk. napāhu; nūru
dalla e [APPEAR] wr. dalla e2 "to appear, shine" Akk. šūpû
di [SHINE] wr. di5 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
had [BRIGHT] wr. ha-ad; had2 "(to be) bright; to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear" Akk. ebbu; nabāţu; ellu
kar [BLOW] wr. kar2-kar2; kar2 "to blow; to light up, shine; to rise" Akk. napāhu
kun [SHINE] wr. kun2 "to shine brightly" Akk. nabâtu
lum [FRUIT] wr. lum "(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine" Akk. enēbu; unnubu; namāru; šebû; šihu
mul [SHINE] wr. mul; mul2; mul4 "star; to shine, radiate (light); arrow; to radiate (branches)" Akk. kakkabu; mulmullu; nabāţu
nim ĝir [FLASH] wr. nim ĝir2 "to flash like lightning" Akk. barāqu
saĝ mu [SHINE] wr. saĝ mu2-mu2 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
šun [SHINE] wr. šun2 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
ul [BRIGHT] wr. ul4; ul6 "to become bright, shine" Akk. namru; nabāţu
zaham [SHINE?] wr. za-ha-am; za-ha-an "to shine?" Akk. ?
zal [SHINE] wr. zal "shine"
zalag [SHINE] wr. zalag; zalag2; su-lu-ug; sulug "(to be) pure; (fire) light; (to be) bright, to shine" Akk. ebbu; namāru; nûru
zaham [SHINE?] wr. za-ha-am; za-ha-an "to shine?" Akk. ?
shine brightly
kun [SHINE] wr. kun2 "to shine brightly" Akk. nabâtu
dadag [BRIGHT] wr. dadag; dag2 "(to be) bright; to clean" Akk. ebbu; ellu; namru
dilibad [SHINING] wr. dili-bad "shining" Akk. nebû
pirig [BRIGHT] wr. pirig2; pirig3 "bright" Akk. namru
ul [BRIGHT] wr. ul4; ul6 "to become bright, shine" Akk. namru; nabāţu
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
zagin [LAPIS] wr. za-gin3; na4za-gin3 "lapis lazuli; shining" Akk. uqnû
kug [METAL] wr. kug "metal, silver; (to be) bright, shiny"
sudaĝ [METAL] wr. sud-ra2-aĝ2; sud-aĝ2; su3-ud-aĝ2 "a precious metal; (to be) shiny (a divine epithet)" Akk. elmēšu
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
zalag [STONE] wr. na4zalag2 "a stone" Akk. zalaqu
shiny stone
zalag [STONE] wr. na4zalag2 "a stone" Akk. zalaqu
ema [CABIN] wr. ĝeše2-ma2 "boat cabin" Akk. hinnu
ĝeššudim [TIMBER] wr. ĝeš-šu-dim2 "(ship's) timber"
ma [SHIP] wr. ma2; ĝešma2 "ship, boat" Akk. eleppu
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
ship s cabin
ema [CABIN] wr. ĝeše2-ma2 "boat cabin" Akk. hinnu
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
niĝšutaka'a [GIFT] wr. niĝ2-šu-taka4-a; ŠU+TAG4 "gift; shipment, consignment" Akk. šūbultu
zinhur [~SHIP] wr. ĝešzi-in-hur "a designation of ships"
ašru [SHIVERING] wr. aš-ru "shivering" Akk. šuruppû
imbasur [SHIVERING] wr. im-ba-sur "shivering, cramp" Akk. ra'ību
miršeš [SHIVERS] wr. mir-šeš "shivers" Akk. hurbāšu
šeg [FROST] wr. šeg9; šeg4 "snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers" Akk. šalgu; šurpu; šuruppû; šurīpu
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
aburuma [SHOE] wr. a2-bu-ru-ma "a shoe"
esir [FISH] wr. esirx(LAK173)ku6; esir3ku6; LAK173 "a fish" Akk. šēnu
esir [SHOE] wr. kuše-sir2; e-sir2; kušesir3; kušesir4; kušesir5; LAK173 "sandal(s), shoe(s)" Akk. šēnu
šaglatum [GARMENT] wr. tug2šag4-la2-tum "a garment or part of a shoe" Akk. šallatu
zahirum [STRAPS?] wr. za-hi-ru-um "shoe straps?" Akk. šāhiru
shoe s
esir [FISH] wr. esirx(LAK173)ku6; esir3ku6; LAK173 "a fish" Akk. šēnu
esir [SHOE] wr. kuše-sir2; e-sir2; kušesir3; kušesir4; kušesir5; LAK173 "sandal(s), shoe(s)" Akk. šēnu
shoe straps
zahirum [STRAPS?] wr. za-hi-ru-um "shoe straps?" Akk. šāhiru
sig [TIE] wr. sa2; sig9 "to tie (shoes)" Akk. šênu
suhub [BOOTS] wr. kušsuhub2; HUB2-HUB2; kušsuhub; su-hub2 "boots, shoes" Akk. šuhuppatu
hara [SHOOT] wr. ĝešha-ra "palm shoot" Akk. harû
henbur [STALK] wr. gihenbur; gihenbur2; henburx(|IGI.KAK|) "stalk; growth of rushes" Akk. habburu; niplu; udittu
isimu [SPROUT] wr. isimu2mu2; isimu3mu2 "stalk, sprout, shoot" Akk. isimû; per'um
ligima [SHOOT] wr. ĝešligima "shoot, sapling" Akk. ligimû; niplu; ziqpu
sun [REED SHOOT] wr. gisun(BAD) "reed shoot" Akk. habasillatu
ti rah [SHOOT] wr. ti rah2 "to shoot an arrow" Akk. ?
shoot an arrow
ti rah [SHOOT] wr. ti rah2 "to shoot an arrow" Akk. ?
piš [BANK] wr. piš10 "quay, port; bank, shore, rim; stream, wadi, gorge" Akk. kibru; kāru; nahallu
baza [DWARF] wr. ba-za; ba-an-za "dwarf; cripple, lame" Akk. kurû
lugud [SHORT] wr. lugud2; lugud3 "(to be) short; (to be) tight; (to be) short of breath" Akk. kurû
short person
baza [DWARF] wr. ba-za; ba-an-za "dwarf; cripple, lame" Akk. kurû
lugud [SHORT] wr. lugud2; lugud3 "(to be) short; (to be) tight; (to be) short of breath" Akk. kurû
sugu [NEED] wr. su-gu7 "need, shortage, famine" Akk. hušahhu
luĝa [DAMAGE] wr. luĝa; luĝ2 "damage; sin; shamelessness" Akk. hiţītu; šillatu
imdug [SHOT] wr. im-dug; im-du-ug; im-tak4 "clay sling shot"
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
imittum [JEWELRY] wr. na4i-mit-tum "an item of jewelry" Akk. imittu
murgu [SHOULDER] wr. murgu2; murgu "shoulder; back" Akk. pūdu; warkatu
zag [SIDE] wr. zag "arm; shoulder; side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right" Akk. ahu; idu; imittu; ishu; mişru; pāţu
zagše [SHOULDER] wr. zag-še "shoulder" Akk. būdu
imittum [JEWELRY] wr. na4i-mit-tum "an item of jewelry" Akk. imittu
shoulder of liver
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
gu de [SAY] wr. gu3 de2 "to say (addressing someone),; to call; to read out" Akk. ?; nabû; šasû
gu dub [SHOUT] wr. gu3 dub2 "to shout" Akk. nagāgu
gu rah [SHOUT] wr. gu3 ra-ah; gu3 ra "to shout" Akk. šasû
gu šum [ECHO] wr. gu3 šum2 "to echo" Akk. šagāmu
inim ĝar [SUE] wr. inim ĝar; inim ga2-ga2 "to sue, to make a legal claim" Akk. baqāru; ragāmu
šeg gi [MAKE NOISE] wr. šeg10 gi4; šeg11 gi4; šegx(|KA×KID2|) gi4; šegx(|KA×LI|) gi4 "to make noise" Akk. šagāmu
namgurah [SHOUTING] wr. nam-gu3-rah2 "shouting"
mar [SHOVEL] wr. ĝešmar; urudmar "shovel" Akk. marru
maršebad [WINNOWING SHOVEL] wr. ĝešmar-še-bad "winnowing shovel" Akk. pīsu
maršu [SPADE] wr. ĝešmar-šu "a spade" Akk. nashiptu; šaqû
marum [SHOVEL] wr. mar-ru-um "shovel"
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
SAG.TAG [TEAR OUT] wr. |SAG×TAG4| "tear out" Akk. šarāţu
bir [SHRED] wr. bir7; bir6; bir9 "to shred" Akk. šarāţu
agrun [CELLA] wr. agrun "cella; bedroom; a ritual building; the sanctuary of the goddess Ningal" Akk. agarunnu; kummu; šutukku
ašte [CHAIR] wr. ašte2; ĝešaš-te; ĝešiš-de3 "chair, throne; seat, dwelling; shrine, chapel; a unit of area" Akk. kussû; sukku; šubtu
baragsiga [SHRINE] wr. barag-sig9-ga "type of shrine"
enun [ROOM] wr. e2-nun "innermost room" Akk. kummu
epapah [CELLA] wr. e2pa-pah "cella, shrine" Akk. papāhu
eš [SHRINE] wr. eš3 "shrine; an establishment" Akk. bītu; eššu
itima [SHRINE] wr. itima "shrine, chapel" Akk. kişşu
kišupeš [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-peš; ki-šu-peš5 "a cultic place" Akk. māhāzu
niĝar [CELLA] wr. niĝar; niĝarĝar "cella, shrine" Akk. kummu
papah [CELLA] wr. pa-pah "cella" Akk. papāhu
sug [SHRINE] wr. sug "shrine, chapel" Akk. sukku
ublilla [SHRINE] wr. ub-lil2-la2 "outdoor shrine"
uzga [TREASURE] wr. uz-ga; uz-ga-še3; uzugx(KA); uz-ga-ta; uzug; uz3-ga; us-ga-ne; us-ga; uz-ga-ne; uzugx(|AN.ZAG|); usagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|)ki "cella, shrine; goods, treasure; treasury" Akk. sagû; sukku
zagĝarra [SHRINE] wr. zag-ĝar-ra "shrine"
zig [TOWN] wr. zigx(|PA.GI|) "town, center" Akk. māhāzu
duga'ak [SHRIVELED] wr. dug3-a-ak "(to be) shriveled"
ĝešbir [SHRIVELED] wr. ĝeš3-bir2; ĝeš3-bir2-ra "shriveled"
ligidba [PLANT] wr. ligidba "a medicinal plant" Akk. nikiptu
nigib [RESIN] wr. ni-gi4-ib2 "a resin, perhaps spurge" Akk. nikiptu
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
ur [SHUT] wr. ur3 "to shut; protection" Akk. edēlu; kidinnu
uš [BLOCK] wr. uš2 "to shut off, block up" Akk. sekēru
shut away
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
shut off
uš [BLOCK] wr. uš2 "to shut off, block up" Akk. sekēru
barbar [SHUTTLE] wr. ĝešbar-bar "shuttle" Akk. ukû
šerim [~LOOM] wr. šerim; šerim2; šerimx(|TAG.TUG2|) "a part of the loom" Akk. şīşītu
mah [SICK?] wr. al-mah-mah "(to be) sick?"
gig [SICK] wr. gig "(to be) sick; (to be) troublesome" Akk. marāşu; marşu
mah [SICK?] wr. al-mah-mah "(to be) sick?"
kin [SICKLE] wr. urudkin; gin; kinx(|ŠE.KIN|); urudŠU.KIN "sickle" Akk. niggallu
umul [CREATURE] wr. u4-mu-ul "sickly creature"
sickly creature
umul [CREATURE] wr. u4-mu-ul "sickly creature"
namtar [FATE] wr. nam-tar "sickness; fate, destiny; a demon" Akk. murşu; namtaru; šīmtu
a [ARM] wr. a2 "arm; labor; wing; horn; side; strength; wage; power" Akk. ahu; idu
anbar [SIDE] wr. an-bar "side of heaven"
balare [OTHER SIDE] wr. bal-a-re "other side"
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
da [LINE] wr. da "line, edge, side"
da [SIDE BOARD] wr. ĝešda "side board (of a chariot)" Akk. marhaşu
dag [SIDE] wr. da "side; vicinity" Akk. idu
dubsaĝ [BEFORE] wr. dub-saĝ "first; before" Akk. mahrû; qudmu
eden [BACK] wr. eden "back, upper side" Akk. şēru
gu'e [THIS SIDE] wr. gu2-e "this side" Akk. annânum
gu [NECK] wr. gu2 "bank, side; neck" Akk. ahu; kišādu; tikku
gure [THAT SIDE] wr. gu2-re "that side"
ibsi [SQUARE] wr. ib2-si8; ib2-si; ib-si2 "square (math.); square root (math.)" Akk. mithartum
kinamesira [TEMPLES] wr. ki-nam-TUG2-ra "side of the forehead, temples"
kita [LOWER] wr. ki-ta "lower; lower side" Akk. šaplû
saĝ [FRONT] wr. saĝ "front side (math.)"
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
us [SIDE] wr. us2 "side, edge; path" Akk. šiddu
zag [SIDE] wr. zag "arm; shoulder; side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right" Akk. ahu; idu; imittu; ishu; mişru; pāţu
side board
da [SIDE BOARD] wr. ĝešda "side board (of a chariot)" Akk. marhaşu
side board of a chariot
da [SIDE BOARD] wr. ĝešda "side board (of a chariot)" Akk. marhaşu
side of heaven
anbar [SIDE] wr. an-bar "side of heaven"
side of the forehead
kinamesira [TEMPLES] wr. ki-nam-TUG2-ra "side of the forehead, temples"
izidda [SIDE-WALL] wr. iz-zi-da "side-wall"
lagab [RAIL] wr. lagab "rail, fence, side-wall" Akk. kutlu
ti bala [TURN SIDEWAYS] wr. ti bala "to turn sideways" Akk. ?
GIŠEMA [WEAPON] wr. GIŠ.E2.MA2; GIŠ.MA2 "siege weapon" Akk. mekû
igiĝal [WEAPON] wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "siege weapon" Akk. mekû
ma [WEAPON?] wr. ĝešma2 "a siege engine?" Akk. mekû
zena [WEAPON] wr. ze2-na "a siege weapon" Akk. kalbanatu
zurah [WEAPON] wr. ĝešzu2-ra-ah; ZU2.RU? "siege weapon" Akk. mekû
siege engine
ma [WEAPON?] wr. ĝešma2 "a siege engine?" Akk. mekû
siege instrument
zurah [WEAPON] wr. ĝešzu2-ra-ah; ZU2.RU? "siege weapon" Akk. mekû
siege weapon
GIŠEMA [WEAPON] wr. GIŠ.E2.MA2; GIŠ.MA2 "siege weapon" Akk. mekû
igiĝal [WEAPON] wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "siege weapon" Akk. mekû
zena [WEAPON] wr. ze2-na "a siege weapon" Akk. kalbanatu
zurah [WEAPON] wr. ĝešzu2-ra-ah; ZU2.RU? "siege weapon" Akk. mekû
anbar [MID-DAY] wr. an-bar7 "mid-day" Akk. kararû; muşlālu
anbarkar [MID-DAY] wr. an-bar7-kar2 "mid-day" Akk. kararû; muşlālu
siesta -time
anbar [MID-DAY] wr. an-bar7 "mid-day" Akk. kararû; muşlālu
anbarkar [MID-DAY] wr. an-bar7-kar2 "mid-day" Akk. kararû; muşlālu
ekema [MALLET] wr. ĝeše-kid-ma; ĝeše-kid3-ma "mallet" Akk. mekkû
ešla [TOOL] wr. ĝešeš2-la2 "a stick?; a tool" Akk. mekkû
ĝišellag [TOOL] wr. ĝiš-ellag "tool" Akk. mekkû
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
mansim [SIEVE] wr. gima-an-sim; gima-sim "sieve" Akk. nappītu
mašhalum [SIEVE] wr. dugmaš-ha-lum "sieve" Akk. mašhalu
sim [SIEVE] wr. sim; si-im "to sieve, filter" Akk. napû; šahālu
suhur [TOOL] wr. ĝešsuhur "a tool" Akk. mekkû
šagsur [SIEVE] wr. šag4-sur "sieve"
zansur [INSECT] wr. zansur "an insect" Akk. nappû; šassûru
zansur [INSECT] wr. zansur "an insect" Akk. nappû; šassûru
bul [BLOW] wr. bul4; bul; bun; bul5 "to blow; to winnow; to sift; to inflate" Akk. edēpu; našāpu; nesû
sim [SIEVE] wr. sim; si-im "to sieve, filter" Akk. napû; šahālu
numun [INSECT] wr. numun3 "insect(s), bug(s); caterpillar" Akk. kalmatu; nāpû
sifter desig. of a caterpillar
numun [INSECT] wr. numun3 "insect(s), bug(s); caterpillar" Akk. kalmatu; nāpû
udi [ADMIRATION] wr. u6-di "admiration, (astonished) gaze" Akk. tabrītu
a'aš [SIGN] wr. a2-aš2 "sign" Akk. īttu
antibal [SIGN] wr. ĝešan-ti-bal "sign" Akk. şaddu
gunu [SPECKLED] wr. gun3; gu2-un-gu2; gu2-nu; gun5 "(to be) speckled, multicolored; (to be) hatched (in sign names); to anoint, smear on, apply makeup" Akk. barmu; eqû
ĝiškim [SIGN] wr. ĝiškim "sign, omen; trust, aid" Akk. giskimmu; ittu; tukultu
igiĝal [SIGN] wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "sign, signal" Akk. şaddu
ikimar [SIGN] wr. i-ki-mar "sign, signal" Akk. şaddu
lal [SMALL] wr. lal; lal2 "(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; dimunition" Akk. maţû; tamţâtu
nir [TRUST] wr. nir "trust; sign" Akk. tukultu
šušer [SIGN] wr. šu-še-er "sign" Akk. ittu
tab [BURN] wr. tab; tab2 "to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark" Akk. hamāţu; šamātu; şarāpu
tibala [SIGN] wr. ĝešti-bal; uruduti-bal "sign" Akk. şaddu
uludin [FORM] wr. uludin2; uludin "sign, mark; form" Akk. ittu; nabnītu
antibal [SIGN] wr. ĝešan-ti-bal "sign" Akk. şaddu
igiĝal [SIGN] wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "sign, signal" Akk. şaddu
ikimar [SIGN] wr. i-ki-mar "sign, signal" Akk. şaddu
tibala [SIGN] wr. ĝešti-bal; uruduti-bal "sign" Akk. şaddu
sila [UNIT] wr. sila3 "a unit of capacity; a vessel" Akk. mīšertu; qû
ĝešlabi [SILENCE] wr. ĝeš-la2-bi; mu-uš-la2-bi "silence"
ilim [RADIANCE] wr. i-lim "radiance; deathly silence" Akk. šalummatu; šaqummatu
išiu [SILENCE] wr. i-ši-u5 "deathly silence" Akk. šaqummatu
lib [DAZED] wr. lib "dazed silence; (to be) dazed" Akk. šaqummatu
me [SILENCE] wr. me "silence" Akk. qūlu
niĝmeĝar [SILENCE] wr. niĝ2-me-ĝar "silence; stupor" Akk. qūlu
ĝeš la [SILENT] wr. ĝeš la2 "(to be) silent" Akk. ?
me ĝar [MAKE SILENT] wr. me ĝar "to make silent" Akk. qâlu
sig [SILENT] wr. si-ig; šeg5 "(deathly) hush; (to be) silent" Akk. šaqummatu
ala [SILT] wr. a-la2 "silt"
gu'ena [SILT] wr. gu2-en-na "river sediment, silt" Akk. qadūtu
saharĝar [SILT] wr. sahar-ĝar "silt"
tir [FOREST] wr. tir; ĝeštir "mud; forest, wood" Akk. luhummû; qištu
NE [~SILVER] wr. NE "designation of silver"
kalag [~SILVER] wr. kalag-ga "a process involving silver"
kug [METAL] wr. kug "metal, silver; (to be) bright, shiny"
kugbabbar [SILVER] wr. kug-babbar; kug-babbar2 "silver" Akk. kaspu
kugdim [SMITH] wr. kug-dim2 "gold or silver smith" Akk. kutīmu
kugla [SILVER WEIGHER] wr. kug-la2 "silver weigher"
šerhulum [ORNAMENT] wr. še-er-hu-lum "an ornament" Akk. šerhullu
silver weigher
kugla [SILVER WEIGHER] wr. kug-la2 "silver weigher"
kugbabbardim [SILVERSMITH] wr. kug-babbar-dim2 "silversmith"
kugdim [SMITH] wr. kug-dim2 "gold or silver smith" Akk. kutīmu
idim [BLOCKED] wr. idim "(to be) blocked, stilted; (to be) obtuse, deaf; simple person, imbecile; weak, helpless (person)" Akk. sakku; saklu; ulālu
luNERUdu [ENEMY] wr. lu2-NE.RU-du "enemy; imbecile" Akk. ayyābu; saklu
simple person
idim [BLOCKED] wr. idim "(to be) blocked, stilted; (to be) obtuse, deaf; simple person, imbecile; weak, helpless (person)" Akk. sakku; saklu; ulālu
luĝa [DAMAGE] wr. luĝa; luĝ2 "damage; sin; shamelessness" Akk. hiţītu; šillatu
namtaga [SIN] wr. nam-tag; nam-tag-ga; nam-tag2; nam-tag2-ga "sin"
šulalum [PUNISHMENT] wr. šul-a-lum "punishment" Akk. ennittu
menata [SINCE WHEN?] wr. me-na-ta "since when?"
meta [WHENCE?] wr. me-ta "whence?; (since) when?" Akk. ayyānu; mati
since when
menata [SINCE WHEN?] wr. me-na-ta "since when?"
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
šir [SING] wr. šir3 "a song; to sing" Akk. zamāru; zamāru ša pitni
sing of
šir [SING] wr. šir3 "a song; to sing" Akk. zamāru; zamāru ša pitni
eštalu [SINGER] wr. eš3-ta-lu2; aš-ta-lu2 "a type of singer" Akk. aštalû
gala [SINGER] wr. gala; gala10 "lamentation singer" Akk. kalû
galamah [SINGER] wr. gala-mah "chief lament singer" Akk. galamahhu
lušira [SINGER] wr. lu2-šir3-ra "a singer" Akk. ?
nar [MUSICIAN] wr. nar "musician; singer" Akk. nāru
ušela [SINGER] wr. u3-še3-la2 "female lament singer" Akk. zammertu
namgala [~LITURGY] wr. nam-gala "the art of lamentation singing" Akk. kalûtu
dili [SINGLE] wr. dili; di-il5 "(to be) single, unique, sole; (to be) alone" Akk. dēlu; ēdu
saĝdili [LONE] wr. saĝ-dil "lone, single; batchelor; noble" Akk. gitmalu; ēdēnû
šen [BATTLE] wr. šen "battle; (single) combat" Akk. qablu; šašmu
du [GO] wr. du "imperfect singular stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
dur [SIT] wr. dur2 "imperfect singular stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
tum [BRING] wr. tum3; tum2 "imperfect singular stem of de[to bring]"
ug [DIE] wr. ug7; ug5; ugx(|BAD.BAD|) "plural and imperfect singular stem of uš[to die]" Akk. mâtu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
su [SINK] wr. su; su3 "to submerge; to sink" Akk. ţebû
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
sink down
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
nin [SISTER] wr. nin9 "sister" Akk. ahātu
erib [IN-LAW] wr. e-ri-ib; e-rib; erib "father-in-law; sister-in-law" Akk. emum; mārti emi
dub gurum [SIT DOWN] wr. dub3 gurum "to sit down, to take a rest" Akk. nâhu
dub ĝar [SIT DOWN] wr. dub3 ĝar "to sit down" Akk. ?
dur ĝar [SIT] wr. dur2 ĝar "to sit" Akk. (w)ašābu
dur [SIT] wr. dur2 "imperfect singular stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
durun [SIT] wr. durunx(|KU.KU|); durun; dur2-ru-un "plural stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
šed [LIE] wr. še21; šex(NA2) "to lie down (of animals); to rest, sleep (of animals)" Akk. itūlu; rabāşu
til [LIVE] wr. til3 "to live; to sit (down); to dwell" Akk. ašābu; balāţu
tuš [SIT] wr. tuš "to sit (down); to dwell" Akk. ašābu
sit down
dur ĝar [SIT] wr. dur2 ĝar "to sit" Akk. (w)ašābu
dur [SIT] wr. dur2 "imperfect singular stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
durun [SIT] wr. durunx(|KU.KU|); durun; dur2-ru-un "plural stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
til [LIVE] wr. til3 "to live; to sit (down); to dwell" Akk. ašābu; balāţu
tuš [SIT] wr. tuš "to sit (down); to dwell" Akk. ašābu
sit down
dub gurum [SIT DOWN] wr. dub3 gurum "to sit down, to take a rest" Akk. nâhu
dub ĝar [SIT DOWN] wr. dub3 ĝar "to sit down" Akk. ?
ki [PLACE] wr. ki "place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below" Akk. ašru; erşetu; mātu; qaqqaru; šaplû
aš [SIX] wr. aš3 "six"
šuš [SIXTH] wr. šuš "one sixth" Akk. šuššu
ĝeš [SIXTY] wr. geš2; mu-uš "sixty"
kur [UNIT] wr. kur2; gur2 "unit of capacity based on a vessel size"
galam [SKILFUL] wr. galam "(to be) skilful, elaborate, clever; to make artfully" Akk. naklu
urun [CLEVER] wr. urunx(EN) "(to be) clever" Akk. naklu
niĝgalam [SKILL] wr. niĝ2-galam "skill" Akk. nikiltu
namgalam [SKILLFULLNESS] wr. nam-galam "skillfullness"
agantum [DISEASE] wr. a-ga-an-tum3 "skin disease" Akk. epqēnu
aš [BOIL] wr. aš "a boil (on skin)" Akk. şernettum
gug [MOLE] wr. gug "mole, black spot; birthmark" Akk. halû; pendu
gum [MANGE] wr. gan; gum2 "mange, scab, leprosy" Akk. garābu; epqēnu
hi [MIX] wr. hi "to mix (up); process (skin; wool, in the latter possibly a stage between combing and spinning); alloy" Akk. balālu
kuš [SKIN] wr. kuš "skin; leather; body; person" Akk. mašku; zumru
laga [SLAG] wr. la-ga; lag-ga "slag; a skin ailment" Akk. lagû
nadum [WATERSKIN] wr. kušna-a-du-um "a waterskin" Akk. nādu
sim [CARBUNCLE] wr. simx "carbuncle, skin sore" Akk. simmu
te [MEMBRANE] wr. te "membrane" Akk. šišītu
ummud [WATERSKIN] wr. kušummud; ummud; ummudx(|A.U.EDIN.LAL|) "waterskin" Akk. nādu
skin ailment
laga [SLAG] wr. la-ga; lag-ga "slag; a skin ailment" Akk. lagû
skin complaint
agantum [DISEASE] wr. a-ga-an-tum3 "skin disease" Akk. epqēnu
gum [MANGE] wr. gan; gum2 "mange, scab, leprosy" Akk. garābu; epqēnu
skin disease
agantum [DISEASE] wr. a-ga-an-tum3 "skin disease" Akk. epqēnu
skin sore
sim [CARBUNCLE] wr. simx "carbuncle, skin sore" Akk. simmu
ešemen [ROPE] wr. ešemen; ešemen2; e-šen; ešemen3; ešemen5 "game, play; skipping rope" Akk. keppû; mēlultu
skipping rope
ešemen [ROPE] wr. ešemen; ešemen2; e-šen; ešemen3; ešemen5 "game, play; skipping rope" Akk. keppû; mēlultu
saga [SKIRT] wr. tug2sa-ga "skirt, kilt" Akk. sāgu
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
ugudili [SCALP] wr. ugu-dili2 "upper part of the skull or scalp"
an [SKY] wr. an "sky, heaven; upper; crown (of a tree)" Akk. šamû
gira [CONCEALMENT] wr. gira "concealment; sky, heaven" Akk. puzru; šamû
ĝešhe [FIRMAMENT] wr. ĝeš-he2; ĝeš-he "firmament, vault of the sky" Akk. šupuk šamê
ulhe [FIRMAMENT] wr. ul4-he2 "firmament, vault of the sky" Akk. šupuk šamê
un [HIGH] wr. un3 "to arise; sky; (to be) high" Akk. elû; šamû; šaqû
utah [HEAVEN] wr. utah "heaven" Akk. šamû
zigara [HEAVENS] wr. zigara "the heavens" Akk. šamû
zikum [HEAVENS] wr. zikum "the heavens" Akk. šamû
idib [THRESHOLD] wr. i-dib; i-dub "threshold" Akk. askuppu
a tulu [SLACKEN] wr. a2 tu-lu "'to slacken the arm'" Akk. ida ramû
tulu [SLACKEN] wr. tu-lu; tu-ul "to slacken" Akk. ramû
laga [SLAG] wr. la-ga; lag-ga "slag; a skin ailment" Akk. lagû
šaĝar [OPPRESSED] wr. šaĝa; ša-ĝa2; šaĝax(LU2) "a wronged person; (to be) slain; (to be) afflicted, oppressed" Akk. hablu; šagšu
KAegal [SLANDER] wr. KA-e2-gal "slander"
eme sig gu [LIE] wr. eme sig gu7 "to speak falsely" Akk. karşī akālu
kar [INSULT] wr. kar2 "to insult, slander" Akk. ţapālu
sulum mar [SLANDER] wr. su-lum mar; su11-lum mar; sulummar "to slander, treat with contempt; slander" Akk. ţupullû
šara [SLANDER] wr. šara2; šara "to slander" Akk. šâru
šu kar [DENIGRATE] wr. šu kar2 "to denigrate" Akk. ţapālu
bangi [TAPER] wr. ba-an-gi4 "taper, bevel, slant, incline"
haš rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
haš tibir rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 tibir rah2; haš2 tibir2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
slap the thigh
haš rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
haš tibir rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 tibir rah2; haš2 tibir2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
gaz [KILL] wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 "to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break" Akk. dâku; habātu; hašālu; kaşāşu; pa'āşu; šagāšu
kilul [MURDER] wr. ki-lul-la; ki-lul "murder" Akk. šagaštu
šar [SLAUGHTER] wr. šar2 "to slaughter"
šum [SLAUGHTER] wr. šum "to slaughter" Akk. ţabāhu
egudgaz [ABATTOIR] wr. e2-gud-gaz "abattoir, slaughter-house"
niĝšuma [MEAT] wr. niĝ2-šum-ma "meat" Akk. ţabhu
magaz [BENCH] wr. ĝešma2-gaz; nam-gaz "slaughtering bench" Akk. makāşu
slaughtering bench
magaz [BENCH] wr. ĝešma2-gaz; nam-gaz "slaughtering bench" Akk. makāşu
slaughtering block
magaz [BENCH] wr. ĝešma2-gaz; nam-gaz "slaughtering bench" Akk. makāşu
ama'atud [SLAVE] wr. ama-a-tud; ama-tu "house-born slave" Akk. dušmû; wardu
arad [SLAVE] wr. arad2; arad; ar3-tu; e-re "slave, servant" Akk. ardu
emedu [SLAVE] wr. ama-a-tu "house-born slave"
geme [WORKER] wr. geme2; gi4-in "female worker" Akk. amtu
namgeme [~WORKER] wr. nam-geme2 "status as slave woman"
subur [SLAVE] wr. subur "slave, servant" Akk. ardu
ur [HE] wr. ur5; ur "he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another)" Akk. amtu; ištēn; mithāru; šû
slave born in the house
ama'atud [SLAVE] wr. ama-a-tud; ama-tu "house-born slave" Akk. dušmû; wardu
namarad [SLAVERY] wr. nam-arad; nam-arad2 "slavery"
baršuĝal [OFFICIAL] wr. bar-šu-ĝal2 "an official" Akk. muwassû
kindagal [OFFICIAL] wr. kindagal "leader, expert; inspector of slaves" Akk. massû; muwassû
ĝešbadra [SLED] wr. ĝeš-bad-ra2 "threshing sled" Akk. gisappu
harhada [SLED] wr. har-ha-da "threshing sled"
bad [OPEN] wr. bad; ba; be2 "(to be) remote; to open, undo; to thresh grain with a threshing sledge" Akk. be'ēšû; nesû; petû
mayaltum [SLEDGE] wr. ĝešma-a-a-al-tum "type of sledge"
šed [LIE] wr. še21; šex(NA2) "to lie down (of animals); to rest, sleep (of animals)" Akk. itūlu; rabāşu
u ku [SLEEP] wr. u3 ku; u3 ku4 "to sleep" Akk. şalālu
u [SLEEP] wr. u3 "sleep" Akk. šittu
udi [DAZED] wr. u3-di "(to be) dazed; sleep" Akk. kâru; šittu
usag [SLEEP] wr. u3-sa2; u3-di5; u3-sa-ga "sleep" Akk. šittu
sleep of animals
šed [LIE] wr. še21; šex(NA2) "to lie down (of animals); to rest, sleep (of animals)" Akk. itūlu; rabāşu
daggan [CHAMBER] wr. da-gan2 "(sleeping) chamber?"
kinud [BEDROOM] wr. ki-nud "sleeping quarter, bed" Akk. mayyaltu; mayyālu
sleeping quarter
kinud [BEDROOM] wr. ki-nud "sleeping quarter, bed" Akk. mayyaltu; mayyālu
igi lib [AWAKE] wr. igi lib; igi lib4 "to be awake" Akk. dalāpu
šeg [FROST] wr. šeg9; šeg4 "snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers" Akk. šalgu; šurpu; šuruppû; šurīpu
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
peš [SLICE] wr. peš6 "to slice" Akk. paşādu
peš [SLICE] wr. peš6 "to slice" Akk. paşādu
slice through
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
ĝiri zer [SLIP] wr. ĝiri3 ze2-er "to slip" Akk. nehelşû
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
pel [DEFILE] wr. pe-el-la2; pe-el "to defile; to be thin, light" Akk. lu''û; qalālu
saĝ tum [REDUCE] wr. saĝ tum2 "to reduce" Akk. qalālu
imdug [SHOT] wr. im-dug; im-du-ug; im-tak4 "clay sling shot"
asig [SLINGSTONE] wr. a2-sig3 "slingstone" Akk. assukku
hal [DIVIDE] wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain" Akk. barû; halālu; nazālu; petû; pirištu; zâzu; šahālu
gir [SLIP] wr. gir5 "to slip (in or through), glide"
gu e [COVERED WITH] wr. gu2 e3 "to be covered with" Akk. halāpu
ĝiri zer [SLIP] wr. ĝiri3 ze2-er "to slip" Akk. nehelşû
zir [SLIP] wr. zi-ir; urudzi-ir "slip"
slip in or through
gir [SLIP] wr. gir5 "to slip (in or through), glide"
slip into
gu e [COVERED WITH] wr. gu2 e3 "to be covered with" Akk. halāpu
kimanzer [LOCUS] wr. ki-ma-an-ze2-er "slippery place" Akk. mušhalşītu
slippery place
kimanzer [LOCUS] wr. ki-ma-an-ze2-er "slippery place" Akk. mušhalşītu
slippery place
kimanzer [LOCUS] wr. ki-ma-an-ze2-er "slippery place" Akk. mušhalşītu
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
sil [SPLIT] wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 "(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit" Akk. nesû; šalātu
sul [SLITHER] wr. sul "to slither"
sur [SPIN] wr. sur "to spin; to twist; to slither" Akk. ţawû; šalālu
ahaš [CHANNEL] wr. a-haš "sluice channel" Akk. butuqtu
gadam [SLUICE] wr. ga-dam "sluice, waterfall" Akk. natbaktu
sluice channel
ahaš [CHANNEL] wr. a-haš "sluice channel" Akk. butuqtu
banda [JUNIOR] wr. banda3da "(to be) junior; small; (to be) wild, fierce" Akk. ekdu; şehru
buru [SPARROW] wr. buru5mušen "bird(s), small birds, sparrow; flock of birds" Akk. işşūru
didila [SMALLER] wr. di4-di4-la2; di4-di4-la; di4-di4 "(to be) small(er)" Akk. daqqu
dima [OBJECT] wr. dim3; dim3-ma "small object, figurine"
esaĝtur [GRANARY] wr. esaĝtur "a granary" Akk. esru
genna [CHILD] wr. genna "(to be) small; (young) child" Akk. şehru; šerru
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
imšuk [TABLET] wr. im-šu "a small tablet" Akk. qātu
kinkin [MILLSTONE] wr. na4kinkin "a small millstone"
kinkinšu [GRINDSTONE] wr. kinkin-šu "small grindstone"
lal [SMALL] wr. lal; lal2 "(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; dimunition" Akk. maţû; tamţâtu
lum [VESSEL] wr. duglum3; lum3; duglum "a small drinking vessel" Akk. lummu
mušenburu [FLOCK] wr. mušen-buru5 "flock of small birds"
nu [FLY] wr. nu "(small) fly, mosquito" Akk. baqqu
par [CANAL] wr. pa5; pa6 "(small) canal, irrigation ditch" Akk. atappu; palgu; pattu
sa'ur [NET] wr. kušsa-ur3 "a net" Akk. šēšû
sadu [NET] wr. sa-du3 "a net" Akk. šēšû
tur [SMALL] wr. tur; tu "(to be) small; to reduce, diminish; to subtract; (to be) young" Akk. şehērum
ug [TINY] wr. ug2 "tiny, very small" Akk. daqqiqi
urnum [CEDAR] wr. ĝešur-nu-um "a cedar" Akk. urnu
ziddubdub [FLOUR HEAP] wr. zid2-dub-dub "a flour heap" Akk. zidubdubbû
small birds
buru [SPARROW] wr. buru5mušen "bird(s), small birds, sparrow; flock of birds" Akk. işşūru
small child
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
small drinking vessel
lum [VESSEL] wr. duglum3; lum3; duglum "a small drinking vessel" Akk. lummu
small drinking-vessel
lum [VESSEL] wr. duglum3; lum3; duglum "a small drinking vessel" Akk. lummu
small granary
esaĝtur [GRANARY] wr. esaĝtur "a granary" Akk. esru
small grindstone
kinkinšu [GRINDSTONE] wr. kinkin-šu "small grindstone"
small heap of flour
ziddubdub [FLOUR HEAP] wr. zid2-dub-dub "a flour heap" Akk. zidubdubbû
small millstone
kinkin [MILLSTONE] wr. na4kinkin "a small millstone"
small net
sa'ur [NET] wr. kušsa-ur3 "a net" Akk. šēšû
sadu [NET] wr. sa-du3 "a net" Akk. šēšû
small object
dima [OBJECT] wr. dim3; dim3-ma "small object, figurine"
small tablet
imšuk [TABLET] wr. im-šu "a small tablet" Akk. qātu
didila [SMALLER] wr. di4-di4-la2; di4-di4-la; di4-di4 "(to be) small(er)" Akk. daqqu
namdidila [SMALLNESS] wr. nam-di4-di4-la2 "smallness"
dub [TREMBLE] wr. dub2; dub "to tremble, make tremble; to push away, down; to smash, abolish" Akk. napāşu
saĝ dub [SMASH] wr. saĝ dub2 "to smash (heads)" Akk. nekelmû; şummuru ?
smash heads
saĝ dub [SMASH] wr. saĝ dub2 "to smash (heads)" Akk. nekelmû; şummuru ?
zala [SMASHED] wr. za3-la2-la2 "smashed"
gunu [SPECKLED] wr. gun3; gu2-un-gu2; gu2-nu; gun5 "(to be) speckled, multicolored; (to be) hatched (in sign names); to anoint, smear on, apply makeup" Akk. barmu; eqû
mar [SMEAR] wr. mar "to smear" Akk. eqû
šembizida [KOHL] wr. šembi; šem-bi-zid; šembizi "kohl, eye makeup, antimony paste; to anoint, smear on" Akk. egû; eqû; šimbizidû
šu saga [RUB] wr. šu saga11; šu sa2; šu si-qa; šu si-iq-qa "to rub" Akk. sêru
šu sub ak [RUB] wr. šu su-ub ak "to rub" Akk. sêru
ur [DRAG] wr. ur3 "to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat" Akk. bâ'u; kapāru; šabāţu
smear on
gunu [SPECKLED] wr. gun3; gu2-un-gu2; gu2-nu; gun5 "(to be) speckled, multicolored; (to be) hatched (in sign names); to anoint, smear on, apply makeup" Akk. barmu; eqû
mar [SMEAR] wr. mar "to smear" Akk. eqû
šembizida [KOHL] wr. šembi; šem-bi-zid; šembizi "kohl, eye makeup, antimony paste; to anoint, smear on" Akk. egû; eqû; šimbizidû
ir [SCENT] wr. ir; ir7 "smell, scent; sweat, exudation" Akk. erešu; zūtu
sim [SMELL] wr. si-im; sim "to smell, sniff"
ur [SMELL] wr. ur5 "to smell" Akk. eşēnu
igizalsur [SMILE] wr. igi-zal-sur "smile"
sur [SMILE] wr. sur "to smile"
tub [SMITE] wr. tu11; tu10 "to heap up; to strike down" Akk. hatû; kamāru
dinig [KILN] wr. dinig; dinig3; di-ni-ig "smith, metalworker; kiln, furnace; air vent" Akk. kūru; nappašu; nappāhu
kugdim [SMITH] wr. kug-dim2 "gold or silver smith" Akk. kutīmu
namsimug [SMITH] wr. nam-simug "the craft of the smith"
saĝĝasimug [SMITH] wr. saĝĝa-simug "chief smith"
simug [SMITH] wr. simug "smith, metalworker" Akk. nappāhu
simuggal [SMITH] "chief smith"
simuggal [SMITH] wr. simug-gal; simuggalx(|GAL.UMUM|); simug "head smith"
zermušku [WORKER] wr. zermuškux(|TAK4.ALAN|); urudzermušku "metal worker, copper smith" Akk. qurqurru
saĝDU [SMITTEN PERSON] wr. saĝ-DU "smitten person"
šatuku [MATTRESS] wr. tug2ša3-tuku5; tug2ša-tuku2; ša3-da-ga "mattress" Akk. mahşu; šê'u
smitten person
saĝDU [SMITTEN PERSON] wr. saĝ-DU "smitten person"
ibi [SMOKE] wr. i-bi2; i3-bi2; ibbi; ibbix(NE) "smoke" Akk. qutru
sar [SMOKE] wr. sar "to smoke"
lum [ANIMAL] wr. lum3 "a spider or snail" Akk. lummû
si [SPIDER?] wr. si14 "spider?, snail?" Akk. lummû
si [SPIDER?] wr. si14 "spider?, snail?" Akk. lummû
ah [SPITTLE] wr. ah6; uh3; aah "a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum; saliva, spittle; poison" Akk. hahhu; hurhummatu; illātu; imtu; ru'tu; rupuštu; uhhu
mir [SNAKE] wr. mir "a mythical snake; a snake-like weapon" Akk. šibbu
mirša [SNAKE] wr. mir-ša4 "snake" Akk. šibbu
muš [SNAKE] wr. muš "snake" Akk. şēru
mušĝiri [SNAKE] wr. muš-ĝiri2 "fanged snake; dangerous animals; reptile"
mušlah [CHARMER] wr. lu2muš-lah4; lu2muš-lah5 "snake charmer" Akk. muš(la)lahhu
mušsaĝkal [SNAKE] wr. muš-saĝ-kal "a snake"
muššatur [SNAKE] wr. muš-ša3-tur3; muš-ša3-tur "a (mythical) snake; horned viper" Akk. bašmu
nigru [CHARMER] wr. nigru "snake charmer" Akk. mušlahhu
uš [POISON] wr. uš11 "poison" Akk. imtu
ušum [SNAKE] wr. ušum "first and foremost; noble; snake" Akk. ašaredu; bašmu; gitmālu
ušumgal [DRAGON] wr. ušumgal; u3-šu-gal "great dragon, snake" Akk. ušumgallu
snake charmer
mušlah [CHARMER] wr. lu2muš-lah4; lu2muš-lah5 "snake charmer" Akk. muš(la)lahhu
nigru [CHARMER] wr. nigru "snake charmer" Akk. mušlahhu
mušlahgal [CHARMER] wr. muš-lah5-gal "head snake-charmer"
mir [SNAKE] wr. mir "a mythical snake; a snake-like weapon" Akk. šibbu
snake-like weapon
mir [SNAKE] wr. mir "a mythical snake; a snake-like weapon" Akk. šibbu
hum [SNAP] wr. hum "to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion" Akk. hamāšu; rahāšu
ša [SNAP] wr. ša5 "to snap off" Akk. haşāşu
snap off
hum [SNAP] wr. hum "to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion" Akk. hamāšu; rahāšu
ša [SNAP] wr. ša5 "to snap off" Akk. haşāşu
kušu [CREATURE] wr. kušu2; kušu2ku6 "crab or a snapping turtle" Akk. kušû
ĝešpar [TRAP] wr. ĝeš-bur2; ĝeš-par3; ĝeš-bur? "trap, snare" Akk. gišparru
harmušen [SNARE] wr. har-mušen "bird snare"
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
kiri ur [FLARE THE NOSTRILS] wr. kiri3 ur5 "'to flare the nostrils'" Akk. ganāşu; šanāşu
sneer at
birig [CONTRACT] wr. bi-ri-ig; bir2 "to sneer at, lift (nose, lip), contract oneself, roll up" Akk. ganāşu; kalāşu
sim [SMELL] wr. si-im; sim "to smell, sniff"
ugudu [BIRD] wr. ugu-du3mušen "a bird" Akk. nahīru
šeg [FROST] wr. šeg9; šeg4 "snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers" Akk. šalgu; šurpu; šuruppû; šurīpu
he'am [SO BE IT] wr. he2-am3 "so be it!"
luname [SOMEONE] wr. lu2-na-me "someone, anyone" Akk. mammān
name [SOMEBODY] wr. na-me "somebody" Akk. mamma
nenam [SO] wr. ne-nam "so; thus" Akk. kīam
so be it
he'am [SO BE IT] wr. he2-am3 "so be it!"
so be it!
he'am [SO BE IT] wr. he2-am3 "so be it!"
šu tahab dug [SOAK?] wr. šu ta-hab2 dug4 "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
tahab [SOAK?] wr. ta-hab2; ta-ta-hab2; ta-hab "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
šu tahab dug [SOAK?] wr. šu ta-hab2 dug4 "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
tahab [SOAK?] wr. ta-hab2; ta-ta-hab2; ta-hab "to ooze, drip?; to soak, saturate?"
sumun [VESSEL] wr. sumun2; u3-sun2 "soaking vessel; beer mash" Akk. narţabu
soaking vessel
sumun [VESSEL] wr. sumun2; u3-sun2 "soaking vessel; beer mash" Akk. narţabu
naĝa dub [RUB] wr. naĝa dub2 "to rub with soap"
naĝa sub [RUB WITH SOAP] wr. naĝa su-ub; naĝa sub6? "to rub with soap" Akk. ?
naĝa [POTASH] wr. naĝa; na-ma "potash, soap" Akk. uhūlu
ašbaltum [STATUS] wr. lu2aš-bal-tum "a person of low social standing" Akk. ašpaltu; guzallu
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
huduš [STATUS] wr. huduš "a social status, bridegroom?" Akk. huduššu
hurum [CHILD] wr. hu-ru-um; hu-ru; a-hur-rum; hu-rum; huru "junior, social inferior; children" Akk. ahurrû; lillidu
mašga'en [STATUS] wr. MAŠ.EN.KAK; MAŠ.KAK "a social status or profession" Akk. muškēnu
miqtum [SOCIAL CLASS] wr. mi-iq-tum "social class"
social class
miqtum [SOCIAL CLASS] wr. mi-iq-tum "social class"
social inferior
ašbaltum [STATUS] wr. lu2aš-bal-tum "a person of low social standing" Akk. ašpaltu; guzallu
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
hurum [CHILD] wr. hu-ru-um; hu-ru; a-hur-rum; hu-rum; huru "junior, social inferior; children" Akk. ahurrû; lillidu
social status
huduš [STATUS] wr. huduš "a social status, bridegroom?" Akk. huduššu
social status or profession
mašga'en [STATUS] wr. MAŠ.EN.KAK; MAŠ.KAK "a social status or profession" Akk. muškēnu
dur [BOND] wr. dur; gidur "binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope" Akk. abunnatu; markasu; ţurru
e [TUBE] wr. ĝeše11 "tube, socket" Akk. uppu
endur [NAVEL?] wr. ĝešen3-dur; gien3-dur; u2en3-dur "navel, belly button?" Akk. abunnatu
mud [TUBE] wr. mud "tube, socket" Akk. uppu
socket etc.
e [TUBE] wr. ĝeše11 "tube, socket" Akk. uppu
mud [TUBE] wr. mud "tube, socket" Akk. uppu
socket of chariot
dur [BOND] wr. dur; gidur "binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope" Akk. abunnatu; markasu; ţurru
endur [NAVEL?] wr. ĝešen3-dur; gien3-dur; u2en3-dur "navel, belly button?" Akk. abunnatu
kigal [PLATFORM] wr. ki-gal "platform, pedestal" Akk. kigallu
kigalum [PEDESTAL] wr. ki-gal-lum "pedestal, base of a statue" Akk. kigallu
dig [SOFT] wr. dig "(to be) soft; to soften" Akk. labāku; narbu
duru [WET] wr. duru5; duru5ru "(to be) soft; (to be) wet, irrigated, damp, fresh" Akk. labāku; raţbu
haš [SOFT] wr. haš3 "(to be) soft" Akk. narbu
dig [SOFT] wr. dig "(to be) soft; to soften" Akk. labāku; narbu
kid [SOFTEN] wr. kid7 "to soften, dissolve" Akk. narābu
tuk [BREAK] wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) "to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve" Akk. karāşu; nakāsu; naqāru; narābu
kisahar [SOIL] wr. ki-sahar "soil deposit"
sahar [DUST] wr. sahar "earth, soil; dust" Akk. eperu
soil deposit
kisahar [SOIL] wr. ki-sahar "soil deposit"
šu la [DEFILE] wr. šu la2 "to defile" Akk. lu'û; lupputu
samsatum [EMBLEM] wr. sa-am-sa-tum "a solar emblem"
solar emblem
samsatum [EMBLEM] wr. sa-am-sa-tum "a solar emblem"
aga'us [SOLDIER] wr. aga-us2; aga3-us2 "a soldier" Akk. rēdû
ganbar [SOLDIER] wr. ga-an-bar "a soldier" Akk. šabbiţu
gardu [SOLDIER] wr. gar3-du "soldier" Akk. qardu
mandum [SOLDIER] wr. ma-an-du-um "a soldier" Akk. *mandu
namaga'us [STATUS] wr. nam-aga-us2; nam-aga3-us2 "status as soldier"
šublugal [SOLDIER] wr. šub-lugal "a soldier; a worker"
ganbar [SOLDIER] wr. ga-an-bar "a soldier" Akk. šabbiţu
kizrum [BAND] wr. ki-iz-ru-um "band of soldiers"
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
dili [SINGLE] wr. dili; di-il5 "(to be) single, unique, sole; (to be) alone" Akk. dēlu; ēdu
sole of a shoe
KIKAL [BOTTOM] wr. KI.KAL "chariot platform; bottom of a leather bag; sole of a shoe" Akk. sassu
gur [THICK] wr. gur4; gur14; gur13 "(to be) thick; (to be) big, to feel big" Akk. ebû; rabû; kabru
mur [FODDER] wr. mur "fodder; (to be) fat" Akk. imrû; kabāru
rib [SURPASSING] wr. rib; ri-ba "(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive" Akk. ešqu; šūtuqu
solid of grain
mur [FODDER] wr. mur "fodder; (to be) fat" Akk. imrû; kabāru
ašegin [~GLUE] wr. a-še-gin2 "a solution of glue in water?"
solution of glue in water
ašegin [~GLUE] wr. a-še-gin2 "a solution of glue in water?"
a šum [EMPOWER] wr. a2 šum2 "to give power (to somebody)" Akk. ?
luname [SOMEONE] wr. lu2-na-me "someone, anyone" Akk. mammān
name [SOMEBODY] wr. na-me "somebody" Akk. mamma
ni [FEAR] wr. ni2; e; ne4 "fear, aura" Akk. puluhtu
gu de [SAY] wr. gu3 de2 "to say (addressing someone),; to call; to read out" Akk. ?; nabû; šasû
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
ĝiri [FOOT] wr. ĝiri3; me-ri; ĝiri16 "via, by means of, under the authority of someone; foot; path" Akk. šēpu
igi tur gid [DESPISE] wr. igi tur gid2 "to look contemptuously at someone" Akk. ?
kunu [APPROACH] wr. ku-nu "to approach" Akk. qerēbu; sanāqu ša nakri
luname [SOMEONE] wr. lu2-na-me "someone, anyone" Akk. mammān
šu gi [REPAY] wr. šu gi4 "to repay; to return something to someone, settle an account" Akk. gimillu turru; šullumu
ĝiri sig [PERFORM SERVICE] wr. ĝiri3 sig9 "to serve someone/something, perform service"
a us [LEAN] wr. a2 us2 "'to lean the arm against something'" Akk. ?
ĝar [PLACE] wr. ĝar; ĝa2; ĝa2-ar; ĝa2ĝar; ĝarar; mar; ĝa2ĝarar "to put, place, lay down; to give in place of something, replace; to posit (math.)" Akk. šakānu
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
niĝ [THING] wr. niĝ2; aĝ2 "thing, possesion; something" Akk. bušu; mimma
niĝgua [EDIBLE] wr. niĝ2-gu7-a "something which is edible"
niĝnam [ANYTHING] wr. niĝ2-nam "anything" Akk. mimma
niĝnugua [INEDIBLE] wr. niĝ2-nu-gu7-a "something which is inedible"
peš [THREE] wr. peš "three; to do something three times" Akk. šalašti
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
saĝ kešed [TAKE CARE] wr. saĝ keš2 "to take care, attend carefully (to something)"
šu dug [TRANSFORM] wr. šu dug4 "to turn into something" Akk. ?
šu gi [REPAY] wr. šu gi4 "to repay; to return something to someone, settle an account" Akk. gimillu turru; šullumu
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
ul [ANYTHING] wr. ul4 "anything, something" Akk. mimma
something which is edible
niĝgua [EDIBLE] wr. niĝ2-gu7-a "something which is edible"
something which is inedible
niĝnugua [INEDIBLE] wr. niĝ2-nu-gu7-a "something which is inedible"
amar [YOUNG] wr. amar "calf; young, youngster, chick; son, descendant" Akk. būru; māru
diĝirdumu [SON] wr. diĝir-dumu "divine son"
dumu [CHILD] wr. dumu; du5-mu "child, son, daughter" Akk. māru
dumunita [SON] wr. dumu-nita "son" Akk. māru
eduru [HEIR] wr. eduru "heir" Akk. aplu
esaĝ [HEIR] wr. a-sag; esaĝ; asag "heir" Akk. aplu
hibira [SON] wr. hibira "son" Akk. māru
hibiz [HEIR] wr. hibiz2 "heir" Akk. aplu
ibila [HEIR] wr. ibila; i3-bi2-la; ibila2; i3-bi-lu "heir" Akk. aplu
mu [NAME] wr. mu "name; line of text; son" Akk. šumu
namdumu [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu "status as son"
namdumununa [~PRINCE] wr. nam-dumu-nun-na "the status of being son of the prince"
tiru [COURTIER] wr. tiru; TE.GAL? "courtier" Akk. māri ekallim
son of the palace
tiru [COURTIER] wr. tiru; TE.GAL? "courtier" Akk. māri ekallim
mussa [IN-LAW] wr. mussa; mi2-us2-sa; mi2-sa2 "son-in-law" Akk. emu şehru
mussatur [IN-LAW] wr. mussa-tur "son-in-law"
adab [DRUM] wr. a-da-ab; a-da-ba "a drum; a song" Akk. adapu
e'urruKU [SONG] wr. e-ur11-ru-KU "a song" Akk. zamāru
elel [SONG] wr. e-le-el "a work song"
elil [SONG] wr. e-lil2 "a song" Akk. elilu
elilla [SONG] wr. e-lil2-la2 "a work song" Akk. mekû
elilum [SONG] wr. e-li-lum "a song" Akk. zamāru
ellulillum [SONG] wr. e-el-lu-lil2-lum "type of song" Akk. alālima
ellum [SONG] wr. e-el-lu; e-el-lum "a work song" Akk. alālu
elulam [SONG] wr. e-lu-lam "a song"
endu [SONG] wr. en3-du; en-du "a song"
enduana [SONG] wr. en3-du-an-na "song"
eršaneša [SONG] wr. er2-ša3-ne-ša4 "a type of song"
eršemak [SONG] wr. er2-šem3; er2-šem3-ma "a type of song" Akk. eršemmakku
ilalum [SONG] wr. i3-la-lum "a song"
illalum [SONG] wr. il-la-lum "a song"
illu [SONG] wr. il-lu "a song"
ilu [SONG] wr. i-lu "joyful song; lament" Akk. niûtu; qubû
ilulamma [SONG] wr. i-lu-lam-ma; i3-lu-lam-ma "a song"
ilulu [SONG] wr. i-lu-lu "a song"
ilum [SONG] wr. i3-lum "a song"
malgatum [INSTRUMENT] wr. ma-al-ga-tum "a musical instrument; a type of song" Akk. malgâtu
šir [SING] wr. šir3 "a song; to sing" Akk. zamāru; zamāru ša pitni
šumunša [SONG] wr. šumun-ša4 "a type of song"
tigi [INSTRUMENT] wr. tigi "drum or other musical instrument; type of song" Akk. tigû
zamzam [INSTRUMENT] wr. za-am-za-am; urudza-am-za-am "a musical instrument; a type of song"
ŠIRNAR [SONG] wr. ŠIR3.NAR "a type of song"
entukumše [AS LONG AS] wr. en3-tukum-še3 "as long as" Akk. adi surri
tukum [IF] wr. tukum "soon, perhaps; if" Akk. surri; šumma
šag huĝ [SOOTHE] wr. šag4 huĝ "to soothe" Akk. nâhu ša libbi
šag kušu [SOOTHE] wr. šag4 kuš2-u3 "to soothe; to take counsel with" Akk. ?; malāku
šag šed [SOOTHE] wr. šag4 šed10 "to soothe the heart" Akk. ?
soothe the heart
šag šed [SOOTHE] wr. šag4 šed10 "to soothe the heart" Akk. ?
a'u'a [EXPRESSION] wr. a-u3-a; a-u3-am3-ma "soothing expression"
alala [EXPRESSION] wr. e-la-lu; a-la-la "soothing expression"
alliliamma [EXPRESSION] wr. al-li-li-am3-ma "soothing expression"
ua [OH] wr. u5-a; u8; u3 "(a soothing expression); oh"
soothing expression
a'u'a [EXPRESSION] wr. a-u3-a; a-u3-am3-ma "soothing expression"
alala [EXPRESSION] wr. e-la-lu; a-la-la "soothing expression"
alliliamma [EXPRESSION] wr. al-li-li-am3-ma "soothing expression"
irhandi [SORCERER] wr. irhandi "sorcerer" Akk. āšipu
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
luKA'inima [EXPERT] wr. lu2-KA-inim-ma "magical expert" Akk. āšipu
mašmaš [SORCERER] wr. maš-maš "sorcerer, incantation priest" Akk. ašīpu; mašmaš(š)u
mumunĝal [EXORCIST] wr. mumun-ĝal2 "exorcist" Akk. (w)āsipu
šimmu [PRIEST] wr. šim-mu2 "a priest" Akk. ašīpu
sibsib [SORCERESS] wr. sibsib "sorceress" Akk. kaššaptu
nammašmaš [SORCERY] wr. nam-maš-maš "sorcery"
niĝak [MAGIC] wr. niĝ2-ak; niĝ2-ak-ak "magic" Akk. kišpu
sim [CARBUNCLE] wr. simx "carbuncle, skin sore" Akk. simmu
isiš [SORROW] wr. i-si-iš; isiš3 "to laugh; laughter; wailing, lamentation, sorrow; to whisper" Akk. dimmatu; nissatu; ratāmu; tassistu; şiāhu; şīhu
igi saĝ [CHOOSE] wr. igi saĝ5; igi saĝ; igi zag; igi sig5? "to choose; to sort" Akk. bêru; nasāqu
ad ĝar [RESOUND?] wr. ad ĝa2-ĝa2 "to (re)sound?" Akk. ?
budbad [SOUND] wr. bu-ud-ba-ad "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
bulbal [SOUND] wr. bul3-bal "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
dubuldabal za [SOUND] wr. du-bu-ul-da-ba-al za "to make noise"
dubuldabal [SOUND] wr. du-bu-ul-da-ba-al "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
dumdam [SOUND] wr. dum-dam "to make noise"
gumgam za [SOUND] wr. gum2-ga-am3 za; gum2-ga za; gu2-uĝ3-gu2-uĝ3-ĝa2 za; gu2-uĝ3-gu2-uĝ3 za; gum2-gum2 za; gum2-gum2-am3 za "to make noise"
gumgam [SOUND] wr. gum2-ga-am3 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
kunkan [SOUND] wr. kun-ka3-an "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
mu [SOUND] wr. mu7 "to make a sound"
mulmal [SOUND] wr. mul-ma-al "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
pudpad [SOUND] wr. pu-ud-pa-ad "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
pugpag [SOUND] wr. pu-ug-pa-ag "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
suhsah [SOUND] wr. suh3-sah4 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
urar [SOUND] wr. ur5-ar3 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
wuwa [SOUND] wr. wu-wa "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
zigzag [SOUND] wr. zi-ig-za-ag "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
zurzar [SOUND] wr. zur-za-ar "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
sound onomatopoeic
budbad [SOUND] wr. bu-ud-ba-ad "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
bulbal [SOUND] wr. bul3-bal "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
dubuldabal [SOUND] wr. du-bu-ul-da-ba-al "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
gumgam [SOUND] wr. gum2-ga-am3 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
kunkan [SOUND] wr. kun-ka3-an "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
mulmal [SOUND] wr. mul-ma-al "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
pudpad [SOUND] wr. pu-ud-pa-ad "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
pugpag [SOUND] wr. pu-ug-pa-ag "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
suhsah [SOUND] wr. suh3-sah4 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
urar [SOUND] wr. ur5-ar3 "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
wuwa [SOUND] wr. wu-wa "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
zigzag [SOUND] wr. zi-ig-za-ag "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
zurzar [SOUND] wr. zur-za-ar "a sound (onomatopoeic)"
šagdubul [PART OF AN INSTRUMENT] wr. šag4-du-bu-ul "part of an instrument, soundbox?"
dubula [SOUNDBOX] wr. du-bu-la "soundbox"
šagdubul [PART OF AN INSTRUMENT] wr. šag4-du-bu-ul "part of an instrument, soundbox?"
edakua [SOUP] wr. edakua; edakua2 "fish bone; fish soup" Akk. sihil nunu
tu [SOUP] wr. tu7 "soup, broth" Akk. ummaru
uzubal [~SOUP] wr. uzu-bal "a designation of soups"
bil [SOUR] wr. bil2 "(to be)sour" Akk. emşu
kisim [MILK] wr. kisim; kisim3; kisim5; kisim7 "sour milk" Akk. kisimmu
zag ĝar [SOUR] wr. zag ĝar "(to be) sour" Akk. emiştu
sour milk
kisim [MILK] wr. kisim; kisim3; kisim5; kisim7 "sour milk" Akk. kisimmu
LAGAB×Uĝ [~WATER] "a cistern or other source of water"
akita [SOURCE] wr. a-ki-ta "source"
illu [WATER] wr. illu "water; source, spring; waterlogging?; flood waters" Akk. mû; mīlu; namba'u; zâbu
pu [WELL] wr. pu2 "lower course, footing; cistern, well; fish pond; source (of river); hole, pit; depth" Akk. asurrû; būrtu; šuplu
source of river
pu [WELL] wr. pu2 "lower course, footing; cistern, well; fish pond; source (of river); hole, pit; depth" Akk. asurrû; būrtu; šuplu
nagbu [WATER] wr. nag-bu "waters; sources"
kisima [MILK] wr. ki-si-im-ma "soured milk"
soured milk
kisima [MILK] wr. ki-si-im-ma "soured milk"
GAN.AH.ME.U [WIND] wr. GAN2.|HI×NUN|.ME.U "violent south wind"
ulu [WIND] wr. ulu3lu; tumuulu3lu; tumuulu3; u18-lu; tumuulu2 "south wind; south; a demon" Akk. alû; mehê šūti; šūtu; mehû
ulumaš [WIND] wr. ulumaš; ulumaš2 "south wind" Akk. šār meh šūti
south wind
ulu [WIND] wr. ulu3lu; tumuulu3lu; tumuulu3; u18-lu; tumuulu2 "south wind; south; a demon" Akk. alû; mehê šūti; šūtu; mehû
ulumaš [WIND] wr. ulumaš; ulumaš2 "south wind" Akk. šār meh šūti
namenlil [SOVEREIGNTY] wr. nam-den-lil2 "cosmic sovereignty"
SALŠAH [SOW] wr. SAL.ŠAH "sow"
al dug [DESIRE] wr. al dug4 "to desire" Akk. erēšu
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
megida [SOW] wr. megidax(KUN); megida; munusmegida2 "sow" Akk. šahītu
uru [SOW] wr. uru4; uru11ru; i-ru "to sow; to cultivate" Akk. erēšu
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
dalbana [SPACE] wr. dal-ba-na "intermediate space; property held in common" Akk. birītu
hirim [DITCH] wr. hirim "?; waste land; ditch" Akk. ittû; miţru; pitru
mim [SPACE] wr. mim2 "flat space" Akk. mātu
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
muš [SPACE] wr. muš3 "flat space; a holy area" Akk. mātu
space between
dalbana [SPACE] wr. dal-ba-na "intermediate space; property held in common" Akk. birītu
murub [MIDDLE] wr. murub6; murub4; murub2; murub; murub3 "middle; female genitals, vulva; buttocks, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips" Akk. abullu; birītu; bişşūru; pinku; pû; qablu; qinnatu; ûru
šalambi [BROAD] wr. šalambi "(to be) broad, spacious" Akk. šadlu
maršu [SPADE] wr. ĝešmar-šu "a spade" Akk. nashiptu; šaqû
a'ansur [SPADIX] wr. a2-an-sur; a2-an-zur; an-sur "spadix; broom of date spadices" Akk. sissinnu
a'ansur [SPADIX] wr. a2-an-sur; a2-an-zur; an-sur "spadix; broom of date spadices" Akk. sissinnu
an [SPADIX] wr. a2-an; an "date spadix" Akk. sissinnu
šubad [UNIT] wr. šu-bad "a unit of length" Akk. ūţu
zapah [SPAN] wr. zapah "span, half-cubit" Akk. ûţu
zipah [UNIT] wr. zipah2; zipah; zipahx(|ŠU2.BAD|); šu-pah "a unit of length, hand-span, half-cubit" Akk. ūţu
šu kar [SPARE] wr. šu kar "to spare" Akk. šūzubu
uš gu [SPARE] wr. uš gu7; uš2 gu7 "to spare; to release" Akk. padû
zagga [TWITTER] wr. zagga2 "to twitter, mutter; to sparkle" Akk. şabāru
TAR [BIRD] wr. TARmušen "a bird" Akk. şibāru
bizazagubalaĝdikargirzana [BIRD] wr. bi-za-za-gu3-balaĝ-di-kar-gir5-za-namušen; bi2-za-za-gu3-balaĝ-di-kar-gir5-za-namušen; bi2-za-za-gu3-balaĝ-ĝa2-kar-gir5-za-namušen "a bird" Akk. kur tibni
buru [SPARROW] wr. buru5mušen "bird(s), small birds, sparrow; flock of birds" Akk. işşūru
ursaĝsim [SPARROW] wr. u2|BU%BU|.DA; u2ursaĝsimx(TAR) "sparrow" Akk. şibāru
gibil [FIREWOOD] wr. gigibil2; gigibil; gigibil3; ĝešgibil2 "firewood tinder, taper, kindling" Akk. gibillû; kibirru; makaddu; qilûtu
kibir [IMPLEMENT] wr. ĝeškibir2; urudkibir2 "a sharp implement" Akk. makaddu
uru [FISH] wr. uru6ku6; uru7ku6 "a fish" Akk. āru
di [SPEAK] wr. di "non-finite imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
eme sig gu [LIE] wr. eme sig gu7 "to speak falsely" Akk. karşī akālu
inim bala [CONVERSE] wr. inim bala "to converse; to translate; to speak; to twitter" Akk. ?; awûm
speak falsely
eme sig gu [LIE] wr. eme sig gu7 "to speak falsely" Akk. karşī akālu
agida [SPEAR] wr. a2-gid2-da "spear" Akk. ariktu
gida [SPEAR] wr. gid2-da; ĝešgid2-da; urudgid2-da "lance, spear" Akk. ariktu; mašaddu
imittu [SPEAR] wr. i-mi-tum; urudi-mit-tu2; urudi-mi-it-tum "a spear" Akk. imittu
šukur [LANCE] wr. urudšukur; ĝeššukur "lance, spear" Akk. šukurru
ubri [LANCE] wr. ubri; ubri2 "lance, spear" Akk. šukurru
eše [LENGTH UNIT] wr. eše2; eše3 "a unit of length" Akk. aslu
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
gašam [WISE] wr. gašam "(to be) knowing, wise; sending, mission; work; craftsman, specialist" Akk. mūdū; ummiānu; šipru
saĝimla [CRAFTSMAN] wr. saĝ-im "craftsman" Akk. ummiānu
ummia [EXPERT] wr. um-mi-a; um-me-a "expert, master craftsman" Akk. ummānu
babbarhi [PLANT] wr. babbar-hi "a plant" Akk. parparhû
bubu'I [PALM] wr. bu-bu-I "wild date palm" Akk. alamittu
šidšid [PALM] wr. šid-šid "a wild date palm" Akk. alamittu
gunu [SPECKLED] wr. gun3; gu2-un-gu2; gu2-nu; gun5 "(to be) speckled, multicolored; (to be) hatched (in sign names); to anoint, smear on, apply makeup" Akk. barmu; eqû
di [SPEAK] wr. di "non-finite imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
namemesig [FALSE SPEECH] wr. nam-eme-sig "false speech" Akk. ?
niĝduga [SPEECH] wr. niĝ2-dug4-ga "speech"
niĝdugdug [SPEECH] wr. niĝ2-dug4-dug4 "speech"
en [INCANTATION] wr. en2 "incantation, spell" Akk. šiptu
išib [PRIEST] wr. išib "sorcerer, magician; incantation priest, exorcist; (to be) pure; (to be) clear; a purification priest; incantation, spell" Akk. ellu; išippu; pašīšu; ramku; āšipu; šiptu
mu [INCANTATION] wr. mu7 "incantation, spell" Akk. šiptu
namšub [INCANTATION] wr. nam-šub "incantation" Akk. šiptu
niĝak [MAGIC] wr. niĝ2-ak; niĝ2-ak-ak "magic" Akk. kišpu
tu [INCANTATION] wr. tu6 "incantation, spell" Akk. šiptu
ĝi sa [SPEND THE NIGHT] wr. ĝi6 sa2 "to spend the night" Akk. šumšû
spend the night
ĝi sa [SPEND THE NIGHT] wr. ĝi6 sa2 "to spend the night" Akk. šumšû
a [WATER] wr. a "water; semen; progeny" Akk. mû; rihûtu
nu [GENITALIA] wr. nu "male genitalia; sperm; offspring" Akk. lipištu
abzaza [ZEBU] wr. ab2-za-za "zebu; ~ figurine" Akk. apsasû
gazi [CONDIMENT] wr. gazi; gazi2 "mustard seed or licorice" Akk. kasû
lu'urak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-ur3-ra "type of profession, spice miller"
sullim [SPICE] wr. u2sullimsar; sullim "a spice" Akk. šambaliltu
sullimšuguba [SPICE] wr. u2sullim-šu-gub-basar "spice"
zazaga [SPICE] wr. za-za-ga "a spice"
zibatum [PLANT] wr. zi-ba-tum; zi-ib-ba-tumsar "an aromatic seed; a garden plant" Akk. zibnatu; zibītu
spice miller
lu'urak [PROFESSION] wr. lu2-ur3-ra "type of profession, spice miller"
spice plant
zibatum [PLANT] wr. zi-ba-tum; zi-ib-ba-tumsar "an aromatic seed; a garden plant" Akk. zibnatu; zibītu
spice seed
zibatum [PLANT] wr. zi-ba-tum; zi-ib-ba-tumsar "an aromatic seed; a garden plant" Akk. zibnatu; zibītu
aš [SPIDER] wr. aš5 "spider" Akk. ettuttu
lum [ANIMAL] wr. lum3 "a spider or snail" Akk. lummû
si [SPIDER?] wr. si14 "spider?, snail?" Akk. lummû
si [SPIDER?] wr. si14 "spider?, snail?" Akk. lummû
spider or snail
lum [ANIMAL] wr. lum3 "a spider or snail" Akk. lummû
si [SPIDER?] wr. si14 "spider?, snail?" Akk. lummû
DUB.KAK [SPIKE?] wr. DUB.KAK "spike?"
DUB.KAK [SPIKE?] wr. DUB.KAK "spike?"
NU [SPIN] wr. NU "to spin (thread)"
sur [SPIN] wr. sur "to spin; to twist; to slither" Akk. ţawû; šalālu
spin thread
NU [SPIN] wr. NU "to spin (thread)"
balak [SPINDLE] wr. ĝešbalak "spindle" Akk. pilaqqu
kiri hur [PIERCE WITH A SPINDLE] wr. kiri3 hur "to pierce with a spindle" Akk. parāşu
gumur [SPINE] wr. gu2-mur7 "spine"
lubalak [SPINNER] wr. lu2-ĝešbal-a "spinner"
lusura [SPINNER] wr. lu2-sur-ra "spinner"
hi [MIX] wr. hi "to mix (up); process (skin; wool, in the latter possibly a stage between combing and spinning); alloy" Akk. balālu
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
dih [WEED] wr. ĝešdih3; dih3; ĝeštehi "a weed with thorns" Akk. baltu
kišig [ACACIA] wr. u2kišig2; kišig2; ĝeškišig2; ĝeškišig; u2kiši10; u2kišig; u2kiši5; kišix(|KI.SAG@n|) "an acacia" Akk. ašāgu
ušeg [PLANT] wr. u2-šegx(|HA@g|) "a plant" Akk. ašāgu
alad [SPIRIT] wr. alad; alad2 "a spirit" Akk. šēdu
šedu [SPIRIT] wr. šedu; šedu2; šedu3 "spirit" Akk. šēdu
ah [SPITTLE] wr. ah6; uh3; aah "a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum; saliva, spittle; poison" Akk. hahhu; hurhummatu; illātu; imtu; ru'tu; rupuštu; uhhu
uš [SPITTLE] wr. uš7; aš "spittle" Akk. rutû
ĝir [PRIDE] wr. ĝir3 "to take pride in; to make splendid" Akk. šarāhu
mah [GREAT] wr. mah; mah2 "(to be) great" Akk. kabtu; mādu; rabû; şīru
saĝtuku [SPLENDID] wr. saĝ-tuku "proud; splendid; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; šarhu
šar [MAKE SPLENDID] wr. šar "to make splendid" Akk. šarāhu
umuš [EXALTED] wr. u2-muš "exalted" Akk. şīru
urun [EXALTED] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru; uru; uru15 "(to be) exalted; (to be) strong" Akk. dannu; šapsu; şīru
melim [SPLENDOR] wr. me-lim4 "frightening splendor" Akk. melammu
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
ki dar [SPLIT] wr. ki dar "'to split the earth'" Akk. ?
sil [SPLIT] wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 "(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit" Akk. nesû; šalātu
split apart
sil [SPLIT] wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 "(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit" Akk. nesû; šalātu
split up
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
sul [SPOIL] wr. sul "to spoil"
dilim [SPOON] wr. dilim2; dilim; zabardilim2 "spoon; balance pan" Akk. itqūru
idgurum [LADLE?] wr. id-gurum; urudid-gurum "ladle?" Akk. itqūru
angal [SPOT] wr. an-gal; an-gal5 "spot, marking" Akk. ?
gug [MOLE] wr. gug "mole, black spot; birthmark" Akk. halû; pendu
mes [BLACKNESS] wr. mes; ĝešmes "blackness, black spot; black wood" Akk. şulmu
pendu [SPOT] wr. pe-en-du "spot"
dam [SPOUSE] wr. dam "spouse" Akk. aššatu; mutu
ĝidlam [SPOUSE] wr. ĝidlam; ĝidlam2; ĝidlam3 "(equal ranking) spouse" Akk. hā'iru; hīrtu
mudna [SPOUSE] wr. mudnax(|SAL.UŠ.DAM|); mu-ud-da-na; mu-ud-na "spouse"
a bad [SPREAD] wr. a2 bad "'to spread the arms'" Akk. ?
a sud [SPREAD] wr. a2 sud "to spread,; to sail; to run" Akk. šadāhu
a tal [SPREAD] wr. a2 tal2 "'to spread the arms'" Akk. ?
barag [SPREAD] wr. BAD; ba-ra-ge; ba-ra-ga; babarag2; KISALra "to spread out" Akk. uşşû; šuparruru
bur [SPREAD] wr. bur2; bur "to release, free; to reveal; to spread out, cover" Akk. pašāru; šuparruru
daĝal tag [SPREAD] wr. daĝal tag "to spread wide; to give lavishly" Akk. ?
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
dub bad [GO SWIFTLY] wr. dub3 bad "to spread the knees, to go swiftly" Akk. pīt puridim
ĝiri bad [MOVE] wr. ĝiri3 bad "to spread the legs, to move" Akk. ?
ku [PLACE] wr. ku "to place, lay (down), lay eggs; to spread, discharge" Akk. nadû; uşşu
sal [THIN] wr. sal "(to be) thin, fine; to spread" Akk. raqāqu
šu daĝal tag [SPREAD WIDE] wr. šu dagal tag "to spread wide; to give lavishly" Akk. ?
šu peš [EXPAND] wr. šu peš "to expand" Akk. qātum wuşşûm
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
a sud [SPREAD] wr. a2 sud "to spread,; to sail; to run" Akk. šadāhu
spread out
barag [SPREAD] wr. BAD; ba-ra-ge; ba-ra-ga; babarag2; KISALra "to spread out" Akk. uşşû; šuparruru
bur [SPREAD] wr. bur2; bur "to release, free; to reveal; to spread out, cover" Akk. pašāru; šuparruru
šu peš [EXPAND] wr. šu peš "to expand" Akk. qātum wuşşûm
spread out mud to make bricks
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
spread over
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
spread the knees
dub bad [GO SWIFTLY] wr. dub3 bad "to spread the knees, to go swiftly" Akk. pīt puridim
spread the legs
ĝiri bad [MOVE] wr. ĝiri3 bad "to spread the legs, to move" Akk. ?
spread wide
daĝal tag [SPREAD] wr. daĝal tag "to spread wide; to give lavishly" Akk. ?
šu daĝal tag [SPREAD WIDE] wr. šu dagal tag "to spread wide; to give lavishly" Akk. ?
pamul [SPREADING] wr. pa-mul "spreading branch"
spreading branch
pamul [SPREADING] wr. pa-mul "spreading branch"
idim [SPRING] wr. idim "spring, underground water" Akk. nagbu
illu [WATER] wr. illu "water; source, spring; waterlogging?; flood waters" Akk. mû; mīlu; namba'u; zâbu
silanim [LAMB] wr. sila4-nim "spring lamb" Akk. hurāpu
še'eštub [BARLEY] wr. še-eštub "spring barley" Akk. arsuppu
šunim [SPRING] wr. šu-nim "spring time"
spring barley
še'eštub [BARLEY] wr. še-eštub "spring barley" Akk. arsuppu
spring lamb
silanim [LAMB] wr. sila4-nim "spring lamb" Akk. hurāpu
spring time
šunim [SPRING] wr. šu-nim "spring time"
dub [HEAP] wr. dub "to strew; to heap up, pile, pour; to whirl up (a duststorm)" Akk. sarāqu; šapāku
su [SPRINKLE] wr. su3; su13 "to sprinkle, strew; to adorn, decorate" Akk. elēhu; zarāqu
šurum [SPRINKLE] wr. šurumx(|URU×GU|) "to sprinkle oil" Akk. zarû
sprinkle oil
šurum [SPRINKLE] wr. šurumx(|URU×GU|) "to sprinkle oil" Akk. zarû
asig [VESSEL] wr. a-sig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
epig [VESSEL] wr. epig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
sprinkling vessel
asig [VESSEL] wr. a-sig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
epig [VESSEL] wr. epig "a drinking vessel" Akk. mašqû
dubul [SPROUT] wr. dubul "to sprout, grow" Akk. elēpu
gibil [SPROUT] wr. ĝešgibil "sprout, offshoot" Akk. pirʾu
gu mer [THRIVE] wr. gu2 mar-mar; gu2 me-er-me-er "to grow abundantly, thrive" Akk. hanābu
henbur [STALK] wr. gihenbur; gihenbur2; henburx(|IGI.KAK|) "stalk; growth of rushes" Akk. habburu; niplu; udittu
isimu [SPROUT] wr. isimu2mu2; isimu3mu2 "stalk, sprout, shoot" Akk. isimû; per'um
ligima [SHOOT] wr. ĝešligima "shoot, sapling" Akk. ligimû; niplu; ziqpu
lu [ABUNDANT] wr. lu "(to be) abundant; to heap up" Akk. dêšu; kamāru
si e [SPROUT] wr. si e3 "to sprout roots (malted barley)"
si mu [SPROUT] wr. si mu2 "to sprout roots (malted barley)"
sprout roots malted barley
si e [SPROUT] wr. si e3 "to sprout roots (malted barley)"
si mu [SPROUT] wr. si mu2 "to sprout roots (malted barley)"
zara [OVERLAP] wr. zara6 "(to be) braided; to overlap" Akk. nentû; ţamû
ligidba [PLANT] wr. ligidba "a medicinal plant" Akk. nikiptu
nigib [RESIN] wr. ni-gi4-ib2 "a resin, perhaps spurge" Akk. nikiptu
ah [SPITTLE] wr. ah6; uh3; aah "a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum; saliva, spittle; poison" Akk. hahhu; hurhummatu; illātu; imtu; ru'tu; rupuštu; uhhu
ahan [VOMIT] wr. a-ha-an "vomit" Akk. nušû
ahan [VOMIT] wr. a-ha-an "vomit" Akk. nušû
igi tum la [SPY] wr. igi tum3 la2 "to spy" Akk. šapātu
igi tum [SPY] wr. igi tum3 "to spy" Akk. šapātu
barah [FIGHTING] wr. ba-ra-ah "fighting" Akk. puhpuhhu
basi [SQUARE] wr. ba-si8; ba-si "square (math.)"
du [SQUARE] wr. du7 "to square"
gu [SQUARE] wr. gu7 "to square (math.)"
ibsi [SQUARE] wr. ib2-si8; ib2-si; ib-si2 "square (math.); square root (math.)" Akk. mithartum
siladaĝal [SQUARE] wr. sila-daĝal "(public) square" Akk. rebītu
square math.
basi [SQUARE] wr. ba-si8; ba-si "square (math.)"
gu [SQUARE] wr. gu7 "to square (math.)"
ibsi [SQUARE] wr. ib2-si8; ib2-si; ib-si2 "square (math.); square root (math.)" Akk. mithartum
square root math.
ibsi [SQUARE] wr. ib2-si8; ib2-si; ib-si2 "square (math.); square root (math.)" Akk. mithartum
ki la [FALL TO THE GROUND] wr. ki la2 "to fall to the ground" Akk. napalsuhu
šukin dab [PROSTRATE] wr. šu-kin dab5 "to prostrate oneself" Akk. kamāsu
squat down
šukin dab [PROSTRATE] wr. šu-kin dab5 "to prostrate oneself" Akk. kamāsu
hehezer [SQUEEZE] wr. he-he-ze2-er "to squeeze" Akk. mazû
hir [SQUEEZE] wr. hi-ir; hir "to squeeze, tighten"
sur [PRESS] wr. sur; sur8 "to press, squeeze; to flash; to drip; to rain; to milk" Akk. natāku; zanānu; şahātu; şarāru
be [DIMINISH] wr. be4; be6 "to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an allotment)" Akk. našāru
bul [BLOW] wr. bul4; bul; bun; bul5 "to blow; to winnow; to sift; to inflate" Akk. edēpu; našāpu; nesû
gar [HEAP] wr. gar "to heap up" Akk. garānu
garadin [BUNDLE] wr. garadin; garadin4 "bundle (of reeds), stack of sheaves" Akk. kiššu; kurullu
gu gur [PILE UP] wr. gu2 gur "to pile up" Akk. garānu
zar [SHEAF] wr. zar3; zar "sheaf (of barley); stack of sheaves" Akk. zarru
stack of sheaves
garadin [BUNDLE] wr. garadin; garadin4 "bundle (of reeds), stack of sheaves" Akk. kiššu; kurullu
zar [SHEAF] wr. zar3; zar "sheaf (of barley); stack of sheaves" Akk. zarru
stack up
gar [HEAP] wr. gar "to heap up" Akk. garānu
gu gur [PILE UP] wr. gu2 gur "to pile up" Akk. garānu
dim [POST] wr. dim; dim3; ĝešdim "post, pillar, pole; binding, knot, bond" Akk. mahrašu; makūtu; riksu; timmu
ešgiri [STAFF] wr. ešgiri2; ĝešešgiri2 "staff"
ĝišgiri [STAFF] wr. ĝiš-giri19(|ŠU.LU2|) "staff" Akk. nemettu
šibir [STAFF] wr. šibir; šibir2 "shepherd's staff; sceptre" Akk. šibirru
usud [STAFF] wr. usud "shepherd's staff; scepter" Akk. šibirru
ušbar [STAFF] wr. ušbar5 "ruler's staff" Akk. ušparu
ayalum [STAG] wr. aya-lum "stag, deer" Akk. ayyalu
lulim [STAG] wr. lulim; lu-lim "stag" Akk. aĝĝalu; lulīmu
simul [STAG] wr. si-mul "stag, deer" Akk. ayyalu
hi [MIX] wr. hi "to mix (up); process (skin; wool, in the latter possibly a stage between combing and spinning); alloy" Akk. balālu
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
galam [STAIRCASE] wr. ĝešgalam "staircase, ladder" Akk. simmiltu
kuĝ [STAIR] wr. ĝeškuĝ5; kun4; ĝeškuĝ4; kun5; ĝeškuĝx(LUM) "stair(case); ladder; threshold" Akk. askuppu; simmiltu
uAŠKU [STAIRCASE] wr. ĝešu3-AŠ.KU "staircase" Akk. simmiltu
stair case
galam [STAIRCASE] wr. ĝešgalam "staircase, ladder" Akk. simmiltu
kuĝ [STAIR] wr. ĝeškuĝ5; kun4; ĝeškuĝ4; kun5; ĝeškuĝx(LUM) "stair(case); ladder; threshold" Akk. askuppu; simmiltu
uAŠKU [STAIRCASE] wr. ĝešu3-AŠ.KU "staircase" Akk. simmiltu
galam [STAIRCASE] wr. ĝešgalam "staircase, ladder" Akk. simmiltu
uAŠKU [STAIRCASE] wr. ĝešu3-AŠ.KU "staircase" Akk. simmiltu
bulug [NEEDLE] wr. bulug; urudbulug; mu-lu-ug; bu-lu-ug "needle; stake; boundary; seal pin" Akk. pulukku
gazinbu [POLE] wr. ga-zi-in-bu; gazinbu; gu4-zi-in-bu; ga-šim-bu "a pole, post; stick, club" Akk. gazamānu; gašīšu; nappaşu; timmu
abahšin [GRAIN] wr. a-ba-ah-šin "early harvested grain" Akk. abahšinnu
dimuš [SHELTER] wr. dimuš "reed shelter, nest; reed stalk" Akk. kumāşu; kušāru
habazin [CEREAL] wr. ha-ba-zi; ha-ba-zi-in; ha-ba-zi-il "cereal" Akk. abahšinnu
henbur [STALK] wr. gihenbur; gihenbur2; henburx(|IGI.KAK|) "stalk; growth of rushes" Akk. habburu; niplu; udittu
isimu [SPROUT] wr. isimu2mu2; isimu3mu2 "stalk, sprout, shoot" Akk. isimû; per'um
isin [STALK] wr. išin; i3-si-na; e-si-na; isinx(|ŠE.IGI.TUR|); isim2; isim3 "culm, grain stalk, stem" Akk. išīnu
lillan [GRAIN] wr. lillan; šelillan "ripe grain" Akk. lilliannu
sug [~GRAIN] wr. sug4; sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|); sugx(|PA.SUD.EL|) "a ripe stalk of grain or part of a stalk of grain"
zaginduru [GRAIN] wr. za-gin2-duru5 "early harvested grain" Akk. abahšinnu
stalk with ripe ears
lillan [GRAIN] wr. lillan; šelillan "ripe grain" Akk. lilliannu
gu [CORD] wr. gu "cord, net; unretted flax stalks" Akk. qû
abad [SHELTER] wr. a2-bad3; an-bad "shelter" Akk. tabinu
kisim [STALL] wr. kisim2 "animal stall" Akk. tarbaşu
rig [SHEEPFOLD] wr. rig10 "sheepfold, animal stall" Akk. isru; tarbaşu
tur [STALL] wr. tur3; e2tur3 "animal stall" Akk. tarbaşu
banda [STANCHION] wr. ban3-da; banda5; banda4 "stanchion, support" Akk. takšīru
dehi [SUPPORT] wr. de-hi; dehi "support, stanchion; tax" Akk. imdu
ebir [VESSEL-STAND] wr. ĝešepir2; ebir; ĝešebir3; ĝešebir4 "(vessel-)stand; a large vessel" Akk. kannu
ganum [STAND] wr. gan; ga-an-nu; ĝešgan-nu-um "(vessel-)stand; a large vessel" Akk. kannu
gub [STAND] wr. gub "to stand; (to be) assigned (to a task)" Akk. izuzzu
ig gub [OPEN?] wr. ĝešig gub "to let a door stand open?; to dislodge a door"
lalamu [BUTTOCKS] wr. la; la-la; a-la; la-la-mu "a stand, buttocks" Akk. šuhhu
sug [STAND] wr. sug2 "plural stem of gub[to stand]" Akk. uzuzzu
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
udda [STAND] wr. ud-da "a stand" Akk. manzaltu
stand up
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
sila [UNIT] wr. sila3 "a unit of capacity; a vessel" Akk. mīšertu; qû
urin [STANDARD] wr. urin; ĝešurin "standard" Akk. urinnu
standard q^u-measure
sila [UNIT] wr. sila3 "a unit of capacity; a vessel" Akk. mīšertu; qû
ašbaltum [STATUS] wr. lu2aš-bal-tum "a person of low social standing" Akk. ašpaltu; guzallu
uhpu [WATER] wr. uh2-pu2 "standing water" Akk. lâ'irānu
standing water
uhpu [WATER] wr. uh2-pu2 "standing water" Akk. lâ'irānu
mul [SHINE] wr. mul; mul2; mul4 "star; to shine, radiate (light); arrow; to radiate (branches)" Akk. kakkabu; mulmullu; nabāţu
mulan [STAR] wr. mul-an "heavenly star"
dud ĝar [START A FIGHT] wr. du14 ĝar "to start a fight" Akk. şaltu šakānu
dud mu [START A QUARREL] wr. du14 mu2 "to start a quarrel" Akk. şâlu
tab [BEGIN] wr. tab "to begin" Akk. šurrû
start a fight
dud ĝar [START A FIGHT] wr. du14 ĝar "to start a fight" Akk. şaltu šakānu
start a quarrel
dud mu [START A QUARREL] wr. du14 mu2 "to start a quarrel" Akk. şâlu
šaĝar [STARVATION] wr. ša3-ĝar; še-ĝar; šaĝar; ša3-mar "starvation" Akk. būru
amargi [REVERSION] wr. ama-ar-gi4; ama-gi4 "reversion to a previous state" Akk. anduraāru
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
sur [LOCUS] wr. su7 "threshing floor; abandonment" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu
inimtil [STATEMENT] wr. inim-til "concluding statement" Akk. kušurrā'um
LUGAL.BI.GUB [STATION?] wr. LUGAL.BI.GUB "royal station?"
LUGAL.BI.GUB [STATION?] wr. LUGAL.BI.GUB "royal station?"
e [HOUSE] wr. e2; ĝa2; e4 "house; temple; (temple) household; station (of the moon)?; room; house-lot; estate" Akk. bītu
ĝišgal [STATION] wr. ĝišgal "station, attendant" Akk. manzazu
kigub [STATION] wr. ki-gub "station" Akk. mazzāzu
station of the moon
e [HOUSE] wr. e2; ĝa2; e4 "house; temple; (temple) household; station (of the moon)?; room; house-lot; estate" Akk. bītu
alan [STATUE] wr. alan; urudalan "statue; form" Akk. şalmu
kigalum [PEDESTAL] wr. ki-gal-lum "pedestal, base of a statue" Akk. kigallu
urmah [LION] wr. ur-mah "lion" Akk. nēšu; urmahhu
igi [EYE] wr. igi; i-bi2; i-gi "eye; carved eye (for statues)" Akk. īnu
sigigi [EYEBROW] wr. sig7-igi "eyebrow, arch; carved eyebrow (for statues)"
sum [BEARD] wr. sum4 "beard; carved beard (for statues)" Akk. ziqnu
egar [FORM] wr. e2-gar8 "form, shape" Akk. lānu
ašbaltum [STATUS] wr. lu2aš-bal-tum "a person of low social standing" Akk. ašpaltu; guzallu
gi [TURN] wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)" Akk. lamû; târu
huduš [STATUS] wr. huduš "a social status, bridegroom?" Akk. huduššu
lusaĝDUa [STATUS] wr. lu2-saĝ-DU-a "a divinely punished person" Akk. mahşam ilim
mašga'en [STATUS] wr. MAŠ.EN.KAK; MAŠ.KAK "a social status or profession" Akk. muškēnu
namaga'us [STATUS] wr. nam-aga-us2; nam-aga3-us2 "status as soldier"
namdumu [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu "status as son"
namdumuĝir [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu-ĝir15 "citizen status"
namdumumunus [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu-munus "status as daughter"
namdumununa [~PRINCE] wr. nam-dumu-nun-na "the status of being son of the prince"
namenlilbanda [STATUS] wr. nam-den-lil2-banda3da "a cosmic status"
namgeme [~WORKER] wr. nam-geme2 "status as slave woman"
namgimeš [COLLEAGUE] wr. nam-gi4-me-eš3; nam-gi4-me-a-aš; nam-gi4-me-aš "status of colleague"
namgir [STRANGER] wr. nam-gir5 "status as stranger"
namĝitlam [MARRIAGE] wr. nam-ĝitlamx(|SAL.UŠ.DAM|) "marriage status, status as husband"
namibila [HEIR] wr. nam-ibila "the status of heir"
namidu [STATUS] wr. nam-i3-du8 "status as doorkeeper"
namkisikil [WOMAN] wr. nam-ki-sikil "status as a young woman"
namkugsig [GOLD] wr. nam-kug-sig17 "status of gold"
namlu'inimak [WITNESS] wr. nam-lu2-inim-ma "status of witness"
namlu [PERSON] wr. nam-lu2 "status as a person"
namlutur [CHILD] wr. nam-lu2-tur "the status of child"
namšešgal [STATUS] wr. nam-šeš-gal "status of elder brother; a scribal status"
namugula'ek [~OVERSEER] wr. nam-ugula-e2 "status of estate-overseer"
namugula [~OVERSEER] wr. nam-ugula "status of overseer"
namumma [AGEDNESS] wr. nam-um-ma "status as old woman"
namušbar [IN-LAW STATUS] wr. nam-ušbar "status of father-in-law"
status as a person
namlu [PERSON] wr. nam-lu2 "status as a person"
status as a young woman
namkisikil [WOMAN] wr. nam-ki-sikil "status as a young woman"
status as daughter
namdumumunus [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu-munus "status as daughter"
status as doorkeeper
namidu [STATUS] wr. nam-i3-du8 "status as doorkeeper"
status as husband
namĝitlam [MARRIAGE] wr. nam-ĝitlamx(|SAL.UŠ.DAM|) "marriage status, status as husband"
status as old woman
namumma [AGEDNESS] wr. nam-um-ma "status as old woman"
status as slave woman
namgeme [~WORKER] wr. nam-geme2 "status as slave woman"
status as soldier
namaga'us [STATUS] wr. nam-aga-us2; nam-aga3-us2 "status as soldier"
status as son
namdumu [STATUS] wr. nam-dumu "status as son"
status as stranger
namgir [STRANGER] wr. nam-gir5 "status as stranger"
status of being son of the prince
namdumununa [~PRINCE] wr. nam-dumu-nun-na "the status of being son of the prince"
status of child
namlutur [CHILD] wr. nam-lu2-tur "the status of child"
status of colleague
namgimeš [COLLEAGUE] wr. nam-gi4-me-eš3; nam-gi4-me-a-aš; nam-gi4-me-aš "status of colleague"
status of elder brother
namšešgal [STATUS] wr. nam-šeš-gal "status of elder brother; a scribal status"
status of estate-overseer
namugula'ek [~OVERSEER] wr. nam-ugula-e2 "status of estate-overseer"
status of father-in-law
namušbar [IN-LAW STATUS] wr. nam-ušbar "status of father-in-law"
status of gold
namkugsig [GOLD] wr. nam-kug-sig17 "status of gold"
status of heir
namibila [HEIR] wr. nam-ibila "the status of heir"
status of overseer
namugula [~OVERSEER] wr. nam-ugula "status of overseer"
status of witness
namlu'inimak [WITNESS] wr. nam-lu2-inim-ma "status of witness"
manu [WOOD] wr. ĝešma-nu; ma-nu "a wood, perhaps willow" Akk. ēru
pakud [~TREE] wr. pa-kud "stave; a trimmed part of a tree" Akk. pakuttu
asilal [DISTANT] wr. asilal "to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) far away, distant" Akk. duppuru; nasû
zah [DISAPPEAR] wr. zah3; zah2 "to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive" Akk. duppuru; halāqu; nābutu; šerû
stay away
asilal [DISTANT] wr. asilal "to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) far away, distant" Akk. duppuru; nasû
zah [DISAPPEAR] wr. zah3; zah2 "to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive" Akk. duppuru; halāqu; nābutu; šerû
niĝzid [RIGHTEOUSNESS] wr. niĝ2-zid "righteousness" Akk. kittu
zuh [STEAL] wr. zuh "to steal" Akk. šarāqu
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
steep in liquid
dirig [FLOAT] wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid" Akk. alāku; mahāhu; mahāru; neqelpû
zigan [RUDDER] wr. ĝešzi-gan "rudder" Akk. sikkānu
ĝešnaruak [~STELE] wr. ĝešna-ru2-a "a wooden stele?; a wooden part of a stele?" Akk. işşi narê
narua [STELE] wr. na-ru2-a; na-ru "stele" Akk. narû
di [SPEAK] wr. di "non-finite imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
du [GO] wr. du "imperfect singular stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
dur [SIT] wr. dur2 "imperfect singular stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
durun [SIT] wr. durunx(|KU.KU|); durun; dur2-ru-un "plural stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
ere [GO] wr. re; er; e-ra; erx(|DU.DU|); re6; re7; er-re; i-ri "perfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
isin [STALK] wr. išin; i3-si-na; e-si-na; isinx(|ŠE.IGI.TUR|); isim2; isim3 "culm, grain stalk, stem" Akk. išīnu
lah [BRING] wr. lah5; lah4 "plural stem of de [to bring]"
se [DWELL] wr. se12; še; ze2 "plural stem of lug[to dwell]"
se [LIVE] wr. se12; ze2; še "plural stem of til[to live]"
sub [GO] wr. sub2 "imperfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
sug [STAND] wr. sug2 "plural stem of gub[to stand]" Akk. uzuzzu
sun [ENTER] wr. sun5 "plural stem of kur[to enter]"
tum [BRING] wr. tum3; tum2 "imperfect singular stem of de[to bring]"
ug [DIE] wr. ug7; ug5; ugx(|BAD.BAD|) "plural and imperfect singular stem of uš[to die]" Akk. mâtu
zeda [STENCH] wr. ze2-da "stench"
ara [TIMES] wr. a-ra2 "times (with numbers); ways; way; omen; step (math.)"
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
ĝiri gub [STEP] wr. ĝiri3 gub "to step in/on/out" Akk. kabāsu
ĝiri us [STEP UPON] wr. ĝiri3 us2 "to step upon" Akk. kabāsu
kuĝ [STAIR] wr. ĝeškuĝ5; kun4; ĝeškuĝ4; kun5; ĝeškuĝx(LUM) "stair(case); ladder; threshold" Akk. askuppu; simmiltu
step in/on/out
ĝiri gub [STEP] wr. ĝiri3 gub "to step in/on/out" Akk. kabāsu
step math.
ara [TIMES] wr. a-ra2 "times (with numbers); ways; way; omen; step (math.)"
step of a wagon CAD
kuĝ [STAIR] wr. ĝeškuĝ5; kun4; ĝeškuĝ4; kun5; ĝeškuĝx(LUM) "stair(case); ladder; threshold" Akk. askuppu; simmiltu
step upon
ĝiri us [STEP UPON] wr. ĝiri3 us2 "to step upon" Akk. kabāsu
guzibira [STEPLADDER] wr. gu2-zi-bi-ir-ra "stepladder" Akk. merdētu
adam [HABITATION] wr. a2-dam "habitation" Akk. namû
aneden [STEPPE] wr. an-eden "the high steppe" Akk. şēru
aria [STEPPE] wr. a-ri-a "steppe" Akk. harbu; namû
eden [PLAIN] wr. eden "plain, steppe, open country" Akk. edinu
hursaĝ [MOUNTAIN] wr. hur-saĝ; PA.DUN3 "mountain, foothills; steppe" Akk. hursānu
sug [BACK] wr. sug "steppe, open country; back, upperside, upper part" Akk. elītu; şēru
adam [HABITATION] wr. a2-dam "habitation" Akk. namû
aria [STEPPE] wr. a-ri-a "steppe" Akk. harbu; namû
ma'eĝir [STERN] wr. ma2-eĝir "stern (lit. boat back)"
stern lit. boat back
ma'eĝir [STERN] wr. ma2-eĝir "stern (lit. boat back)"
abrig [FUNCTIONARY] wr. abrig; abrig2; ab2-ri-ig "a cultic functionary" Akk. abriqqu
agrig [STEWARD] wr. agrig "steward, housekeeper" Akk. abarakku
alala [~STICK] wr. a-la-la "designation of stick"
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
ekema [MALLET] wr. ĝeše-kid-ma; ĝeše-kid3-ma "mallet" Akk. mekkû
ešla [TOOL] wr. ĝešeš2-la2 "a stick?; a tool" Akk. mekkû
gam [CROOK] wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN "shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt" Akk. gamlu; šikru
gazinbu [POLE] wr. ga-zi-in-bu; gazinbu; gu4-zi-in-bu; ga-šim-bu "a pole, post; stick, club" Akk. gazamānu; gašīšu; nappaşu; timmu
gibil [FIREWOOD] wr. gigibil2; gigibil; gigibil3; ĝešgibil2 "firewood tinder, taper, kindling" Akk. gibillû; kibirru; makaddu; qilûtu
gug [STICK] wr. gug6 "stick; weapon" Akk. kakku
ĝeš bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš bala "to pass someone or something over the wooden stick', to conclude a sale"
ĝešhaš [WEAPON] wr. ĝeš-haš "a weapon" Akk. gamlu; gišhaššu
ĝeššudumak [TALLY] wr. ĝeš-šudum-ma "tally stick"
ĝidru [SCEPTER] wr. ĝidru; mumu-ud-ru "scepter" Akk. haţţu
ĝišellag [TOOL] wr. ĝiš-ellag "tool" Akk. mekkû
hal [STICK] wr. hal "a stick" Akk. pukku
kibir [IMPLEMENT] wr. ĝeškibir2; urudkibir2 "a sharp implement" Akk. makaddu
manu [WOOD] wr. ĝešma-nu; ma-nu "a wood, perhaps willow" Akk. ēru
niĝbarsur [TOOL] wr. ĝešniĝ2-bar-sur "a fuller's tool" Akk. mazūru
niĝzu [~LOOM] wr. ĝešniĝ2-zu "a designation of looms" Akk. haţţu
rig [STICK] wr. rig3 "stick; weapon" Akk. kakku
suhur [TOOL] wr. ĝešsuhur "a tool" Akk. mekkû
šita [WEAPON] wr. šita2; ĝeššita2; ĝeššita4; ĝeššitax(|KAK.GIŠ|) "a weapon" Akk. kakku
tukul [WEAPON] wr. ĝeštukul; tukul "stick; weapon" Akk. kakku
udug [WEAPON] wr. udug2; u3-dug4; u2-tu-ug "stick; a weapon" Akk. kakku
unu [STICK] wr. unu10; unu8 "(wooden) stick" Akk. udugu
zabar [BRONZE] wr. zabar; zabar3 "(to be) bright, pure; arrowhead; weapon; metal mirror; (to be) shiny; measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl; bronze" Akk. ebbu; hutpu; kakku; mušālu; namru; qû; sappu; siparru
zub [STICK] wr. zub "bent stick (for throwing), throwing-stick" Akk. gamlu
ešla [TOOL] wr. ĝešeš2-la2 "a stick?; a tool" Akk. mekkû
stick up
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
dada [HOSTILE] wr. da-da; da3-da3da "(to be) hostile; to be difficult" Akk. wašţum
me [STIFFNESS] wr. me "stiffness" Akk. luʾtu
niĝinĝar [STILLBIRTH] wr. niĝin3-ĝar; niĝin3-ĝar-ra "stillborn baby"
niĝinĝar [STILLBIRTH] wr. niĝin3-ĝar; niĝin3-ĝar-ra "stillborn baby"
stillborn baby
niĝinĝar [STILLBIRTH] wr. niĝin3-ĝar; niĝin3-ĝar-ra "stillborn baby"
idim [BLOCKED] wr. idim "(to be) blocked, stilted; (to be) obtuse, deaf; simple person, imbecile; weak, helpless (person)" Akk. sakku; saklu; ulālu
sa [STING] wr. sa-sa "to sting"
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
da [STIR] wr. da9 "to stir into a liquid" Akk. marāsu
igi lib [AWAKE] wr. igi lib; igi lib4 "to be awake" Akk. dalāpu
lu [MIX] wr. lu; lu3 "to disturb, stir up; to cover completely; to mix" Akk. balālu; dalāhu; katāmu
stir into a liquid
da [STIR] wr. da9 "to stir into a liquid" Akk. marāsu
stir up
igi lib [AWAKE] wr. igi lib; igi lib4 "to be awake" Akk. dalāpu
lu [MIX] wr. lu; lu3 "to disturb, stir up; to cover completely; to mix" Akk. balālu; dalāhu; katāmu
ĝešdu [BREEDER] wr. ĝeš-du3; ĝeš-du3-a "breeding stock" Akk. ša ana rakābu uššuru
ĝešgu [STOCK] wr. ĝeš-gu2 "neck stock"
ĝeštinguruma [~VINE] wr. ĝešĝeštin-gurum-ma "stock of the vine" Akk. karān lāni; kippat karāni; tillat karāni
ĝušur [STOCK] wr. ĝešĝušur2; ĝešĝušurx(|RAB.TUR.TUR|); ĝešĝušurx(|RAB.MAH|) "stock; clasp" Akk. nardappu; maluţţu; malāţu
raba [CLAMP] wr. ĝešrab3; ĝešraba; raba; rab-ba "clamp; neck stock; hoop" Akk. rappu
stock of the vine
ĝeštinguruma [~VINE] wr. ĝešĝeštin-gurum-ma "stock of the vine" Akk. karān lāni; kippat karāni; tillat karāni
nagada [HERDSMAN] wr. na-gada "herdsman" Akk. naqidu
nakabtum [STOCKYARD?] wr. na-kab-tum; na-ga-ab-tum; na-kab2-tum "a place for fattening livestock?"
nakabtum [STOCKYARD?] wr. na-kab-tum; na-ga-ab-tum; na-kab2-tum "a place for fattening livestock?"
niĝzuha [STOLEN GOODS] wr. niĝ2-zuh-a "stolen goods" Akk. šurqu
stolen goods
niĝzuha [STOLEN GOODS] wr. niĝ2-zuh-a "stolen goods" Akk. šurqu
mutuna [STOMACH?] wr. mu-tun3-na "stomach?"
dalu [BAG] wr. ĝešda-lu "bag, stomach" Akk. tākaltu
mutuna [STOMACH?] wr. mu-tun3-na "stomach?"
tun [CONTAINER] wr. ĝeštun3; tun3 "bag; stomach; a container" Akk. tākaltu
HARsuhur [STONE] wr. na4HAR-suhur "a stone"
TAba [STONE] wr. na4TA-ba "a stone"
TUM [STONE?] wr. na4TUM "a stone?"
U [STONE] wr. na4U "type of stone"
a'ura [STONE] wr. na4a-ur4-a "a stone"
abala'e [STONE] wr. na4a-bal-e "a stone"
abiza [CHIP] wr. a-bi-za "stone chip"
alal [WOOD?] wr. a-lal3; e-le-el "a type of wood or a stone" Akk. elallu
algameš [STONE] wr. algameš "a stone; a jug, can" Akk. algamišu; kûtu
alliga [STONE] wr. na4al-li2-ga "stone"
amargu [STONE] wr. na4amar-gu2 "a stone"
amašpa'ed [STONE] wr. na4amaš-pa-ed2 "type of stone"
antasura [METAL] wr. an-ta-sur-ra "a metal" Akk. antasurrû
anzugulme [STONE] wr. na4an-zu2-gul-me "type of stone"
ašgigi [STONE] wr. na4aš-gi4-gi4 "type of stone" Akk. ašgigû
ašnan [MOLE] wr. ašnan "mole" Akk. pendû
ašuba [STONE] wr. a2-šuba; na4a2-šuba "a stone"
babbardili [STONE] wr. na4nir2babbar-dili "a stone"
babbareš [STONE] wr. na4nir2babbar-eš16 "a stone"
babbarmin [STONE] wr. na4nir2babbar-min5 "a stone"
bal [STONE] wr. na4bal "type of stone"
bibra [VESSEL] wr. bibra "a bird; a stone vessel" Akk. bibrû
bur [BOWL] wr. bur; na4bur "(food) offering, sacrifice; meal(-time); (stone) bowl; a priest" Akk. abru; naptanu; nīqu; pūru
buzhili [STONE] wr. bu-uz-hi-li "a stone"
daggaz [BLOCK] wr. na4da-gaz "a stone block"
dubban [STONE] wr. na4dub-ba-an "a type of stone"
durmina [BRECCIA] wr. na4dur-mi-na; na4dur2-mi-na "breccia, mottled stone" Akk. turminû
durminabanda [STONE] wr. na4dur-ĝi6-ban3-da "a stone"
durminabanda [STONE] wr. na4dur-ĝi6-ban3-da "a stone"
durul [STONE] wr. na4dur-ul3 "stone"
dušia [STONE] wr. na4du8-ši-a "a stone, turquoise?, quartz?; turquoise green" Akk. dušû
egizaga [STONE] wr. na4e-gi-zag-ga "type of stone"
egu'ensag [STONE] wr. na4e-gu2-en-sag9 "a stone"
elammakum [STONE] wr. na4e-lam-ma-kum "a stone"
eleli [STONE] wr. na4e-le-li "a stone" Akk. alallum
engen [STONE] wr. na4en-ge-en "type of stone"
ezim [STONE] wr. na4dezim2 "type of stone"
gasura [STONE] wr. na4ga-sur-ra "a type of stone"
gazimusud [STONE] wr. na4gazi-mu-su3-ud "type of stone"
girimhiliba [STONE] wr. na4gi-rim-hi-li-e "a stone"
girinhiliba [STONE] wr. na4gi-rin-hi-li-ba "type of stone"
guggazi [STONE] wr. na4gug-gazi "type of stone"
gulgul [STONE] wr. na4gul-gul "a stone"
haš [STONE] wr. na4haš2 "a stone"
hašbar [STONE] wr. na4haš2-bar "a stone"
haštum [STONE] wr. haš2-tum "a stone"
hem [STONE] wr. na4he2-em "type of stone"
hiliba [STONE] wr. na4hi-li-ba "a stone" Akk. hilibû
huduš [STONE] wr. na4huduš(TU) "a stone"
hurizum [STONE] wr. na4hu-ri2-zum "a stone" Akk. hurīzu
imanak [STONE] wr. na4im-ma-an "a stone; a type of sand" Akk. immanakku
išme [STONE] wr. urudiš-me "a stone" Akk. ešmekku
izi [FIRE] wr. izi; izi2 "fire; brazier" Akk. išātu; pendû
kagina [STONE] wr. na4ka-gin6-na "a stone"
kalaga [STONE] wr. na4kalag-ga "type of stone"
kapazum [STONE] wr. na4ka-pa-zum "a stone"
kim [STONE] wr. kim3 "a stone" Akk. alallu
kimaš [STONE] wr. na4ki-maš "a stone"
kurgaranum [STONE] wr. na4kur-ga-ra-nu-um "type of stone"
madanum [STONE] wr. na4ma-da-nu-um "type of stone"
marhali [STONE] wr. na4mar-ha-li "type of stone"
marhuša [STONE] wr. na4mar-hu-ša; mar-hu-ša "a stone" Akk. marhušu
mašda [STONE] wr. na4maš-da "stone"
mursuh [STONE] wr. mur-suh3 "a stone"
mušĝiri [STONE] wr. na4muš-ĝiri2 "a stone" Akk. muššāru
na [PESTLE] wr. na4na "pestle; a stone" Akk. na'u
na [STONE] wr. na4; na; na4na "stone; stone weight" Akk. abnu
niĝkiluha [STONE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-ki-luh-ha "stone or seed of a plant" Akk. abnu
nir [STONE] wr. na4nir7; na4nir2; na4nir3; na4nir4; na4nir5 "a valuable stone" Akk. hulālu
nirigi [STONE] wr. na4nir7-igi "type of stone"
nirmušĝir [STONE] wr. na4nir2-muš-ĝir2 "type of stone"
nirudsud [STONE] wr. na4nir2-ud-sud "a stone"
pešpeša [STONE] wr. na4peš6-peš6-a "type of stone"
piriĝgunu [STONE] wr. na4piriĝ-gun3 "a stone"
saĝdu [STONE] wr. na4saĝ-du "a stone"
saĝgirmud [STONE] wr. na4saĝ-gir11-mud "type of stone"
saĝĝar [STONE] wr. na4saĝ-ĝar "a type of stone"
saĝkal [STONE] wr. saĝ-kal "a stone"
sikil [STONE] wr. na4sikil "a stone" Akk. sikillu
sudaĝ [METAL] wr. sud-ra2-aĝ2; sud-aĝ2; su3-ud-aĝ2 "a precious metal; (to be) shiny (a divine epithet)" Akk. elmēšu
šaba [STONE] wr. na4ša-ba "type of stone"
šagara [STONE] wr. na4ša-ga-ra "a stone"
šegšeg [STONE] wr. na4šegx(|URU×GU|)-šegx(|URU×GU|) "a stone"
šu [PESTLE] wr. na4šu-u "a stone or shell" Akk. šû
šuba [STONE] wr. šuba3; na4šuba; šuba4; šubax(MUŠ); šubax(|MUŠ.ŠA|) "a precious stone" Akk. šubû
šuhum [STONE?] wr. na4šu-hu-um "a stone or shell"
šumin [STONE] wr. na4šu-min3 "a stone or mineral used in medicine" Akk. šumēnu
u'u [STONE] wr. na4u2-u2 "a stone" Akk. šamnu
uggun [STONE] wr. na4ug-gun3 "type of stone"
unitum [STONE] wr. na4u2-ni-tum "a stone" Akk. unītu
urbitum [STONE] wr. na4ur-bi2-tum "a stone" Akk. urbītu
urutu [STONE] wr. na4u2-ru-tum; na4u2-ru-tu "a stone" Akk. uruttu
usium [STONE] wr. na4u2-si-um "type of stone"
utulla [STONE] wr. u4-tul2-la2 "a precious stone" Akk. illuku
za'am [STONE] wr. za-am "a piece of stone?"
za [BEAD] wr. za; za2 "bead, gem" Akk. abnu
zadim [STONE-CUTTER] wr. zadim; za-dim2 "bow maker; stone cutter" Akk. sasinu; zadimmu
zalag [STONE] wr. na4zalag2 "a stone" Akk. zalaqu
zi'ummud [STONE] wr. na4zi-ummud(|KUŠ.A.EDIN.LA2|) "a stone"
zibtum [STONE?] wr. zi-ib-tum "a stone?" Akk. zibtu
TUM [STONE?] wr. na4TUM "a stone?"
algameš [STONE] wr. algameš "a stone; a jug, can" Akk. algamišu; kûtu
šuhum [STONE?] wr. na4šu-hu-um "a stone or shell"
zibtum [STONE?] wr. zi-ib-tum "a stone?" Akk. zibtu
stone block
daggaz [BLOCK] wr. na4da-gaz "a stone block"
stone chip
abiza [CHIP] wr. a-bi-za "stone chip"
stone cutter
zadim [STONE-CUTTER] wr. zadim; za-dim2 "bow maker; stone cutter" Akk. sasinu; zadimmu
stone or mineral used in medicine
šumin [STONE] wr. na4šu-min3 "a stone or mineral used in medicine" Akk. šumēnu
stone or seed of a plant
niĝkiluha [STONE] wr. ĝešniĝ2-ki-luh-ha "stone or seed of a plant" Akk. abnu
stone or shell
šu [PESTLE] wr. na4šu-u "a stone or shell" Akk. šû
šuhum [STONE?] wr. na4šu-hu-um "a stone or shell"
stone vessel
bibra [VESSEL] wr. bibra "a bird; a stone vessel" Akk. bibrû
stone weight
na [STONE] wr. na4; na; na4na "stone; stone weight" Akk. abnu
gabsar [ENGRAVER] wr. gab2-sar "engraver" Akk. kabšarru
burgul [STONE-CUTTER] wr. bur-gul "stone-cutter" Akk. purkullu
eburgul [WORKSHOP] wr. e2-bur-gul "stone-cutter's workshop"
zadim [STONE-CUTTER] wr. zadim; za-dim2 "bow maker; stone cutter" Akk. sasinu; zadimmu
stone-cutter s workshop
eburgul [WORKSHOP] wr. e2-bur-gul "stone-cutter's workshop"
nisku [~EQUID] wr. ni-is-ku; ni-is-kum; ni-is-ku-um; nisku "a description of equids" Akk. nisqu
garadin [BUNDLE] wr. garadin; garadin4 "bundle (of reeds), stack of sheaves" Akk. kiššu; kurullu
ašte [CHAIR] wr. ašte2; ĝešaš-te; ĝešiš-de3 "chair, throne; seat, dwelling; shrine, chapel; a unit of area" Akk. kussû; sukku; šubtu
durĝar [CHAIR] wr. ĝešdur2-ĝar; dur2-gar; dur2-garurudu "chair" Akk. kussû
guza [CHAIR] wr. ĝešgu-za; gu-za; gu2-za; ĝešguza; ĝešaš-te "chair, stool, throne" Akk. kussû
guzanimala [STOOL] wr. ĝešgu-za-ni2-ma-la2; ĝešgu-za-nim-ma-la2 "stool" Akk. šūšubtu
kidur [STOOL] wr. ki-dur2 "stool" Akk. kiturru
šua [STOOL] wr. ĝeššu2-a "stool"
ĝala dag [CEASE] wr. ĝa2-la dag "to cease; (to be) idle, lax" Akk. naparkû
muš tum [STOP WORKING] wr. muš3 tum2 "to stop working" Akk. naparkû
stop doing
ĝala dag [CEASE] wr. ĝa2-la dag "to cease; (to be) idle, lax" Akk. naparkû
muš tum [STOP WORKING] wr. muš3 tum2 "to stop working" Akk. naparkû
stop working
muš tum [STOP WORKING] wr. muš3 tum2 "to stop working" Akk. naparkû
abrum [STORAGE] wr. ab2-ru-um "storage facility"
arah [STOREHOUSE] wr. arah4; arah3; arahx(|UŠ.BU.DA|) "storehouse, granary, storeroom; storage vessel" Akk. arahhu; našpaku
idub [GRANARY] wr. i3-dub "granary" Akk. našpaku
kimu [STORAGE] wr. ki-mu "storage, a store house"
namerim [STORAGE] wr. nam-erim3 "storage"
namĝanun [STORAGE] wr. nam-ĝa2-nun "storage"
nesaĝ [OFFERING] wr. nesaĝ2; ne-saĝ; nesaĝ; niĝ2-saĝ "first-fruit offering; a storage place" Akk. nisakku; nisannu
umu [STORAGE] wr. u3-mu2u2-mu11; u-mu2 "a place for storing fish"
storage facility
abrum [STORAGE] wr. ab2-ru-um "storage facility"
storage place
nesaĝ [OFFERING] wr. nesaĝ2; ne-saĝ; nesaĝ; niĝ2-saĝ "first-fruit offering; a storage place" Akk. nisakku; nisannu
storage vessel
arah [STOREHOUSE] wr. arah4; arah3; arahx(|UŠ.BU.DA|) "storehouse, granary, storeroom; storage vessel" Akk. arahhu; našpaku
idub [GRANARY] wr. i3-dub "granary" Akk. našpaku
egara [STORE] wr. egara "a building for storing dates" Akk. bīt kumurrê
esaĝ [STORE] wr. e2-saĝ; esaĝ2 "grain-store" Akk. qarītu
guru [STORE] wr. guru7 "grain heap, grain store; unit of capacity" Akk. karû
kimu [STORAGE] wr. ki-mu "storage, a store house"
store house
kimu [STORAGE] wr. ki-mu "storage, a store house"
EUŠGIDDA [STOREHOUSE] wr. E2-UŠ-GID2-DA "storehouse"
arah [STOREHOUSE] wr. arah4; arah3; arahx(|UŠ.BU.DA|) "storehouse, granary, storeroom; storage vessel" Akk. arahhu; našpaku
ašlug [STOREHOUSE] wr. ašlug "storehouse"
eduba [STOREHOUSE] wr. e2-dub; e2-dub-ba "storehouse, magazine"
egara [STORE] wr. egara "a building for storing dates" Akk. bīt kumurrê
eniĝak [STOREHOUSE] wr. e2-niĝ2 "storehouse"
ĝanun [STOREHOUSE] wr. ĝa2-nun; ĝanun; e2ĝa2-nun "storehouse"
lagaš [STOREHOUSE] wr. lagaš "storehouse" Akk. nakamtu
nakamtum [STOREHOUSE] wr. na-kam-tum "storehouse" Akk. nakkamtu
šutum [STOREHOUSE] wr. e2šu-tum; šu-tum; šutum2; šudum; šutumx(|E2.GI.NA.AB.HI|) "storehouse" Akk. šutummu
arah [STOREHOUSE] wr. arah4; arah3; arahx(|UŠ.BU.DA|) "storehouse, granary, storeroom; storage vessel" Akk. arahhu; našpaku
ašlug [STOREROOM] wr. ašlug(|E2.UŠ.BU.DA|) "storeroom" Akk. ašlukkatu
egun [STOREROOM] wr. e2-gun2 "storeroom"
ekišibak [STOREROOM] wr. e2-kišib3-ba; e2-kišib-ba "storeroom for sealed commodities"
erim [STOREROOM] wr. erim3; erim6; erim4; erim5 "storeroom, treasury" Akk. išittu
idub [GRANARY] wr. i3-dub "granary" Akk. našpaku
kalak [TRENCH] wr. gala3; gala4; gala5; kala3; ki-la2 "excavation, trench; storeroom" Akk. kalakku
usi [STOREROOM] wr. usi "storeroom" Akk. qarītu
storeroom for sealed commodities
ekišibak [STOREROOM] wr. e2-kišib3-ba; e2-kišib-ba "storeroom for sealed commodities"
egara [STORE] wr. egara "a building for storing dates" Akk. bīt kumurrê
umu [STORAGE] wr. u3-mu2u2-mu11; u-mu2 "a place for storing fish"
arak [BIRD] wr. a-ra-akmušen; a-rakmušen; a-rig2mušen "a bird" Akk. laqlaqqu
laga [VULVA] wr. la-ga "vulva" Akk. gurištu; laqlaqqu
lilibisig [STORK] wr. li-li-bi-sigmušen; lib-lib-bi-sigmušen; li-li-gi-sig7-sig7mušen "stork"
zarah [STORK] wr. za-ra-ahmušen "stork, heron" Akk. igirû; laqlaqqu
dalhamun [STORM] wr. dal-ha-mun; dalhamun; dalhamun6; dalhamun7; dalhamun5 "dust storm; disaster" Akk. ašamšûtu; hābu
im [RAIN] wr. im; me-er "rain, rain storm" Akk. zunnu; šāru
ima [STORM?] wr. im-a "storm?"
mermer [STORM] wr. mermer3 "dust storm" Akk. ašamšūtu
mir [WIND] wr. mir; tumumir "north wind; north; storm" Akk. ištānu; mehû
sisig [BREEZE] wr. sig-sig; tumusi-si-ig; si-si-ga; sig3-sig3 "ghost?; storm; breeze, wind" Akk. mehû; zīqīqu?; šāru
tumudal [WIND] wr. tumu-dal "storm wind"
ud [STORM] wr. ud "storm; storm demon" Akk. ūmu
ukum [STORM] wr. ukum "dust storm" Akk. turbutu
ulu [WIND] wr. ulu3lu; tumuulu3lu; tumuulu3; u18-lu; tumuulu2 "south wind; south; a demon" Akk. alû; mehê šūti; šūtu; mehû
ima [STORM?] wr. im-a "storm?"
storm demon
ud [STORM] wr. ud "storm; storm demon" Akk. ūmu
storm wind
tumudal [WIND] wr. tumu-dal "storm wind"
marru [STORMWIND] wr. mar-ru10 "stormwind"
kešda [ROOFING] wr. ĝeškeš2-da "roofing, top story" Akk. taşliltu
si sa [STRAIGHTEN] wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 "to make straight; to make vertical" Akk. ešēru; šutēšuru
adal [EXCLAMATION] wr. a-da-al; a-da-lam; i-da-al; i-da-lam; i-da-al-la; i-da-la; i-da-la2; i-dal; i-dal-am3; i-dal-la "an exclamation, "now", "right now"" Akk. ašarma; inanna
si sa [STRAIGHTEN] wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 "to make straight; to make vertical" Akk. ešēru; šutēšuru
innuri [STRAINER] wr. in-nu-ri "strainer"
larah [STRAITS] wr. la-ra-ah "dire straits, especially in childbirth" Akk. pušqu
paphal [SECRET] wr. pap-hal "secret; treasure; narrow place; dire straits" Akk. nişirtu; pušqu
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
kur [DIFFERENT] wr. kur2; gur "(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)" Akk. nakāru; šanû
lukur [STRANGER] wr. lu2-kur2 "stranger, foreigner" Akk. nakru
lukurkura [PERSON] wr. lu2-kur2-kur2-ra "very strange person"
niĝkur [HOSTILITY] wr. niĝ2-kur2 "hostility" Akk. nakāru
gir [STRANGER] wr. gir5 "stranger" Akk. ubāru[foreigner]
lukur [STRANGER] wr. lu2-kur2 "stranger, foreigner" Akk. nakru
namgir [STRANGER] wr. nam-gir5 "status as stranger"
gilim [CLASP] wr. gigilim "type of clasp" Akk. hannāqu
absaĝ [STRAP] wr. ab2-saĝ "top strap"
asi [STRAP] wr. kuša2-si; uruda2-si; kuša-si "whip; hinge; strap"
bakirum [STRAP] wr. bakirum "a carrying strap" Akk. hišum ša nukaribbi
bareda [STRAP] wr. kušbar-ed3-de3; kušbar-ed3-da-bar-ed3-da; kušbar-ed3-da "a type of strap"
daba [STRAP] wr. kušda-ba "strap"
gud [NEST] wr. gud3; gigud3 "coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest" Akk. hīšu; kumāşu; qinnu
lal [STRAP] wr. lal "strap" Akk. kurussu
saĝkešed [STRAP] wr. saĝ-keš2; kušsaĝ-keš2 "a strap; loop, string" Akk. ?
zahirum [STRAPS?] wr. za-hi-ru-um "shoe straps?" Akk. šāhiru
zahirum [STRAPS?] wr. za-hi-ru-um "shoe straps?" Akk. šāhiru
inbulbul [CHAFF?] wr. in-bul5-bul5 "an agricultural product, chaff?, hay?, straw?"
innu [STRAW] wr. in; in-nu; in-u-da "straw" Akk. tibnu
innušugura [CHOPPER] wr. ĝešin-nu-šu-gur10-a "straw chopper"
sagir [STRAW NET] wr. sa-gir11; sa-gir11(KEŠ2)-ra "straw net" Akk. sakrikku
sahir [NET] wr. sa-hir "a net" Akk. sahirru
inbulbul [CHAFF?] wr. in-bul5-bul5 "an agricultural product, chaff?, hay?, straw?"
straw chopper
innušugura [CHOPPER] wr. ĝešin-nu-šu-gur10-a "straw chopper"
straw net
sagir [STRAW NET] wr. sa-gir11; sa-gir11(KEŠ2)-ra "straw net" Akk. sakrikku
aruba [PITFALL] wr. a-ru-ub; a-ru-ub-ba "pitfall, trap" Akk. nahallu
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
piš [BANK] wr. piš10 "quay, port; bank, shore, rim; stream, wadi, gorge" Akk. kibru; kāru; nahallu
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
uhrum [STREAM] wr. uh-ru-um "stream, wadi" Akk. nahallu
esir [STREET] wr. e-sir2; e-sir "street" Akk. sūqu
sila [BAIT] wr. sila "bait" Akk. sulû
sila [STREET] wr. sila; sila3 "street" Akk. sūqu
tilla [STREET] wr. tilla2; tilla3; tilla; tilla4; tilla5; tillax(|AN&AN|) "street" Akk. sūqu
ublia [STREET] wr. ub-li-a "street" Akk. sulû
a [ARM] wr. a2 "arm; labor; wing; horn; side; strength; wage; power" Akk. ahu; idu
anungia [STRENGTH] wr. a2-nun-gi4-a; a-nun-gi4-a; a-nu-gi-a "great strength" Akk. ?
gu [FORCE] wr. gu2 "force" Akk. emūqu
ĝešba [FIST] wr. ĝešpax(|ŠU.PAP.PAP|); gešbax(|ŠU.BULUG3|)ba; gešbax(|ŠU.BULUG3|); ĝešpax(|ŠU.PAP.PAP|)ba "fist; boxer" Akk. umāšu
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
namaĝal [STRENGTH] wr. nam-a2-ĝal2 "strength"
ne [STRENGTH] wr. ne3 "strength; force" Akk. emūqu
usu [STRENGTH] wr. usu "strength; force" Akk. emûqu
KU [STRENGTHEN] wr. KU "to strengthen" Akk. asāqu
a mah [STRENGTHEN] wr. a2 mah "to strengthen" Akk. ?
ed [STRENGTHEN] wr. e11 "strengthen"
strengthen or raise up
KU [STRENGTHEN] wr. KU "to strengthen" Akk. asāqu
la [STRETCH] wr. la2 "to stretch out; to be in order" Akk. tarāşu
ni gid [STRETCH] wr. ni2 gid2 "to stretch oneself?" Akk. ?
sa la [STRETCH A NET] wr. sa la2 "to stretch a net out" Akk. ?
šu sud [EXTEND THE HAND] wr. šu sud "'to stretch the hand out'" Akk. ?
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
stretch a net
sa la [STRETCH A NET] wr. sa la2 "to stretch a net out" Akk. ?
stretch a net out
sa la [STRETCH A NET] wr. sa la2 "to stretch a net out" Akk. ?
stretch oneself
ni gid [STRETCH] wr. ni2 gid2 "to stretch oneself?" Akk. ?
stretch out
la [STRETCH] wr. la2 "to stretch out; to be in order" Akk. tarāşu
dub [HEAP] wr. dub "to strew; to heap up, pile, pour; to whirl up (a duststorm)" Akk. sarāqu; šapāku
su [SPRINKLE] wr. su3; su13 "to sprinkle, strew; to adorn, decorate" Akk. elēhu; zarāqu
šuš [BEDDING] wr. šuš5 "bedding or feed for animals" Akk. zirqu
strewn plants
šuš [BEDDING] wr. šuš5 "bedding or feed for animals" Akk. zirqu
a sud [SPREAD] wr. a2 sud "to spread,; to sail; to run" Akk. šadāhu
dub bad [GO SWIFTLY] wr. dub3 bad "to spread the knees, to go swiftly" Akk. pīt puridim
u susu [UNMNG] wr. u2 su3-su3 "" Akk. šadāhu
dud ĝar [START A FIGHT] wr. du14 ĝar "to start a fight" Akk. şaltu šakānu
dud [COMBAT] wr. du14; du17 "combat, strife, discord, quarrel" Akk. şāltu
erimhuš [BATTLE] wr. erim-huš "battle" Akk. anantu
ĝešla [BATTLE] wr. ĝeš-la2 "battle" Akk. anantu; tuqumtu
ge [BLOW] wr. ge14; ge15; ge3; ge22; ge23 "blow; wound; stroke of the stylus; (piece of) writing, copy, exemplar, written" Akk. mihiştu; mihiştu; šaţāru
haš rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
haš tibir rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 tibir rah2; haš2 tibir2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
hutul [STRIKE] wr. hu-tu-ul "to strike (of a disease)" Akk. hatû ša2 gig
lah [BEAT] wr. la7 "to beat; to full (cloth, wool)" Akk. mašādu
sag [BEAT] wr. sag3; sag2 "to strike, beat; weave" Akk. mahāşu
sag [SCATTER] wr. sag2; sag3; sag7 "to throw (down); to scatter, disperse; to kill, to beat" Akk. dâku; nasāku; nêru; sapāhu
saĝ ĝeš ra [KILL] wr. saĝ ĝeš ra "to kill" Akk. nêru
šubura [PALSY] wr. šu-bur2-ra "palsy" Akk. mašādu
šuš [PALSY] wr. šu-uš "to strike with palsy" Akk. mašādu
tub [SMITE] wr. tu11; tu10 "to heap up; to strike down" Akk. hatû; kamāru
tuku [BEAT] wr. tuku5 "to beat, strike of cloth; to weave" Akk. mahāşu
strike down
hutul [STRIKE] wr. hu-tu-ul "to strike (of a disease)" Akk. hatû ša2 gig
tub [SMITE] wr. tu11; tu10 "to heap up; to strike down" Akk. hatû; kamāru
strike of a disease
hutul [STRIKE] wr. hu-tu-ul "to strike (of a disease)" Akk. hatû ša2 gig
strike of cloth
tuku [BEAT] wr. tuku5 "to beat, strike of cloth; to weave" Akk. mahāşu
strike the eyes
hulu [BAD] wr. hul; hul3 "to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems" Akk. abātu ša īni; bēšu; lapātu ša īni; şabru; lemnu; masku; qallu; sarru; zāmânû
strike the thigh
haš rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
haš tibir rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 tibir rah2; haš2 tibir2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
strike with disease
lah [BEAT] wr. la7 "to beat; to full (cloth, wool)" Akk. mašādu
šubura [PALSY] wr. šu-bur2-ra "palsy" Akk. mašādu
šuš [PALSY] wr. šu-uš "to strike with palsy" Akk. mašādu
strike with palsy
šuš [PALSY] wr. šu-uš "to strike with palsy" Akk. mašādu
dara [BELT] wr. tug2dara4; dara2; tug2dara2 "belt, sash, girdle; string" Akk. izhu; nēbettu
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
eš [ROPE] wr. eš2 "rope, thong, string" Akk. eblu
eše [AREA UNIT] wr. eše3; eše2 "a unit of area; a unit of volume" Akk. eblu
gu [CORD] wr. gu "cord, net; unretted flax stalks" Akk. qû
gugĝešdili [BEADS] wr. na4gug-ĝeš-dili "string of carnelian beads"
gunu [FLAX] wr. gu-nu "flax" Akk. qû
ishu [ALLOCATION] wr. is-hu "allocation? string?" Akk. ishu
niĝdu [STRING] wr. niĝ2-du3 "string (of fruit)"
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
saĝkešed [STRAP] wr. saĝ-keš2; kušsaĝ-keš2 "a strap; loop, string" Akk. ?
šergu [STRING] wr. še-er-gu; šer7-gu; še3šer7-gu; še3-er-gu "a string of fruit" Akk. šerku
šusar [STRING] wr. šu-sar; urudšu-sar "string, cord, wire" Akk. pitiltu
zaginĝešdili [BEADS] wr. na4za-gin3-ĝeš-dili "string of lapis lazuli beads"
string of a bow
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
string of carnelian beads
gugĝešdili [BEADS] wr. na4gug-ĝeš-dili "string of carnelian beads"
string of dried fruit
šergu [STRING] wr. še-er-gu; šer7-gu; še3šer7-gu; še3-er-gu "a string of fruit" Akk. šerku
string of fruit
niĝdu [STRING] wr. niĝ2-du3 "string (of fruit)"
string of fruit
šergu [STRING] wr. še-er-gu; šer7-gu; še3šer7-gu; še3-er-gu "a string of fruit" Akk. šerku
string of lapis lazuli beads
zaginĝešdili [BEADS] wr. na4za-gin3-ĝeš-dili "string of lapis lazuli beads"
sagida [NOTATION] wr. sa-gid2-da "a musical instrument; a musical notation" Akk. sagiddû
tungal [INSTRUMENT] wr. tungal; tungal2 "a stringed instrument" Akk. tungallu
stringed instrument
sagida [NOTATION] wr. sa-gid2-da "a musical instrument; a musical notation" Akk. sagiddû
stringed instrument
tungal [INSTRUMENT] wr. tungal; tungal2 "a stringed instrument" Akk. tungallu
si ak [TUNE] wr. si ak "to adjust the strings on a lute, to tune"
e [LEATHER] wr. e; e6 "strip or piece of leather; leather bearing" Akk. ya'u
guguru dug [TRIM] wr. gu2-gur5-ru dug4; gu2-gur5 dug4; gu2-gur5-ru-uš dug4 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
guguru [TRIM] wr. gu2 guru5; gu2-guru5-gu2; |URU×GU|gu2; gu2-gur5-ru; guru5-guru5; gu2|URU×GU|gu2 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
sug [EMPTY] wr. sug4 "(to be) empty; (to be) naked; to cut clear, strip" Akk. erû; urrû; riāqu
šerti [STRIP] wr. tug2še-er-ti "strip of cloth"
šu gur [WIPE] wr. šu gur; šu gur10 "to wipe clean; to erase" Akk. kapāru
tug sig [STRIP] wr. tug2 sig9 "to strip" Akk. šahāţu
strip of cloth
šerti [STRIP] wr. tug2še-er-ti "strip of cloth"
strip or piece of leather
e [LEATHER] wr. e; e6 "strip or piece of leather; leather bearing" Akk. ya'u
du [SPREAD] wr. du8 "to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk" Akk. epû; labānu; pehû
ge [BLOW] wr. ge14; ge15; ge3; ge22; ge23 "blow; wound; stroke of the stylus; (piece of) writing, copy, exemplar, written" Akk. mihiştu; mihiştu; šaţāru
hum [PARALYZE] wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig
kiri du [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 du3 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu ĝal [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu ĝal2 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu tag [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu tag "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
stroke of the stylus
ge [BLOW] wr. ge14; ge15; ge3; ge22; ge23 "blow; wound; stroke of the stylus; (piece of) writing, copy, exemplar, written" Akk. mihiştu; mihiştu; šaţāru
stroke the nose
kiri du [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 du3 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu ĝal [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu ĝal2 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu tag [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu tag "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
a ĝal [STRONG] wr. a2 ĝal2 "to be strong" Akk. lē'û
anunĝal [STRONG] wr. a2-nun-ĝal2 "(to be) strong, mighty" Akk. ?
ir [MIGHTY] wr. ir9; ir3 "mighty" Akk. gašru
kalag [STRONG] wr. kal-ga; kalag; kal-la "(to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for" Akk. dannu; kubbû
lirum [STRENGTH] wr. lirum; lirum3; lirum2; lirum6; lirum7; lirum8 "strength; force; (to be) strong, powerful, mighty, great; (to be) resistant, obstinate, combative, quarrelsome; a noble; (crook of the) arm; wrestler" Akk. abaru; dannu; emûqu; gāmiru; kamiru; kirimmu; umašu; šapşu; šitnunu; šitpuşu
niĝkalaga [STRONG] wr. niĝ2-kalag-ga "strong"
rib [SURPASSING] wr. rib; ri-ba "(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive" Akk. ešqu; šūtuqu
urun [EXALTED] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru; uru; uru15 "(to be) exalted; (to be) strong" Akk. dannu; šapsu; şīru
usutuku [STRONG] wr. usu-tuku "strong"
ENASA [STRONGHOLD?] wr. E2.NA.SA "stronghold?"
harrankalag [STRONGHOLD] wr. har-ra-an-kalag "stronghold"
kisaĝĝala [STRONGHOLD] wr. ki-saĝ-ĝal2-la "stronghold" Akk. ašar dimāti; ašar samāti
ENASA [STRONGHOLD?] wr. E2.NA.SA "stronghold?"
argibil [STRUCTURE] wr. ĝešar-gibil2; ĝešar-gibil; ar-gi-bil-luzabar; ar-ga-bi-nu "a wooden or bronze structure"
zizna [WOMB] wr. zizna "early childhood; creation; shape, appearance, structure; womb" Akk. binītu; šassūru; şehrūtu
guruš [CUT] wr. guruš3; guruš4 "to cut, fell, trim, peel off; a cutting; stubble" Akk. kismu; nakāsu; šarāmu
udu'utuwa [RAM] wr. udu-utuwa2 "ram" Akk. puhālu
utuwa [STUD] wr. utuwa; utuwa2 "stud" Akk. puhālu
ugunu [DECORATION] wr. u3-gun3; ugunu; ugunu2; u3-gun; ugu-nu "decorative inlay; ointment" Akk. ihzētu; tēqītu
abri [STUFF] wr. ab2-ri "a raw material"
girah [STUFF] wr. girah "a raw material"
lagab [BLOCK] wr. lagab; na4lagab "block; stump (of tree)" Akk. upqu
mud [STUMP] wr. ĝešmud; mud "stump"
stump of tree
lagab [BLOCK] wr. lagab; na4lagab "block; stump (of tree)" Akk. upqu
allib [STUPOR] wr. al-lib "stupor"
niĝmeĝar [SILENCE] wr. niĝ2-me-ĝar "silence; stupor" Akk. qūlu
gar [HAIRSTYLE] wr. kar; gar3 "a hairstyle" Akk. abbuttu
ugudu [TUFT] wr. ugu-du3 "tuft of hair" Akk. abbuttu
ge [BLOW] wr. ge14; ge15; ge3; ge22; ge23 "blow; wound; stroke of the stylus; (piece of) writing, copy, exemplar, written" Akk. mihiştu; mihiştu; šaţāru
gidub [STYLUS] wr. gi-dub "stylus" Akk. qan ţuppi
luĝa [SUBMERGE] wr. luĝ2 "to submerge oneself in water" Akk. šalû ša mê
su [SINK] wr. su; su3 "to submerge; to sink" Akk. ţebû
submerge oneself in water
luĝa [SUBMERGE] wr. luĝ2 "to submerge oneself in water" Akk. šalû ša mê
kiri du [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 du3 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu ĝal [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu ĝal2 "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
kiri šu tag [PAY HOMAGE TO] wr. kiri3 šu tag "to pay homage to" Akk. labānu ša appi
namgukak [SUBMISSION] wr. nam-gu2-ga; nam-gu2-ka; nam-gu2-|KA×X| "submission"
gu ĝal [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝal2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝar [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝar; gu2 ĝa2-ĝa2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝeš ĝal [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝeš ĝal2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gu ĝeš ĝar [SUBMIT] wr. gu2 ĝeš ĝar; gu2 giš ga2-ga2 "to submit" Akk. kanāšu
gurum [BEND] wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) "to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over" Akk. kanāšu; kanānu; kapāpu; qadādu
balbale [SUBSCRIPT] wr. bal-bal-e "a literary subscript"
kunĝar [SUBSCRIPT] wr. kun-ĝar "a literary subscript"
širRIgud [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-RI-gud "subscript"
širamagan [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-ama-gan "subscript"
širbanda [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-ban3-da "subscript"
širgida [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-gid2-da; šir3-gid2-du "a literary subscript"
širhamun [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-ha-mun "subscript"
širkalkal [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-kal-kal "a literary subscript"
širkug [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-kug "subscript"
širmagure [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-ma2-gur8-re "subscript"
širnamerimak [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-nam-erim2-ma "subscript"
širnamgalak [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-nam-gala "a literary subscript"
širnamnar [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-nam-nar "subscript"
širnamsipadak [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-nam-sipad "subscript"
širnamšubak [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-nam-šub; šir3-nam-šu-ub "a literary subscript"
širnamursaĝak [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-nam-ur-saĝ-ĝa2 "a literary subscript"
širsaĝ [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-saĝ "subscript"
širsud [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-sud "a literary subscript"
širšaghulak [SUBSCRIPT] wr. šir3-ša3-hul2-la "a literary subscript"
šu'ila [PRAYER] wr. šu-il2-la2 "a kind of prayer; a subscript"
uru [SUBSCRIPT] wr. uruuru16; u18-ru "a literary subscript"
bubu'I [RATION] wr. bu-bu-I "food ration" Akk. ipru
šaggal [FOOD] wr. šag4-gal "food, fodder" Akk. ukullû
subsistence allowance
bubu'I [RATION] wr. bu-bu-I "food ration" Akk. ipru
isim [AROMATIC] wr. isim3 "an aromatic substance" Akk. riqū
kubulum [FOODSTUFF] wr. ku-bu-ul-lum "an edible substance" Akk. ?
mug [AROMATIC] wr. šimmug "an aromatic substance" Akk. ballukku
šembulug [RESIN] wr. šembulug2; šembulug3; šembulug5; šembulugx(|ŠIM.BAL|); šembulugx(|ŠIM×KUŠU2|) "a resin; a tree" Akk. ballukku
šim [AROMATICS] wr. šim "aromatic substance; beer malt" Akk. rīqu
abal [SUBSTITUTE?] wr. a2-bal "substitute?" Akk. enû
kiĝara [SUBSTITUTE] wr. ki-ĝar-ra "substitute"
šuzigu [SUBSTITUTE] wr. šu-zi3-gu "substitute" Akk. puhtu
abal [SUBSTITUTE?] wr. a2-bal "substitute?" Akk. enû
engur [WATERS] wr. engur; im-gu-ra "(cosmic) underground waters" Akk. apsû; engurru
lalHAR [WATERS] wr. lal3-|HI×AŠ2|; lal3-gar "subterranean waters"
subterranean waters
engur [WATERS] wr. engur; im-gu-ra "(cosmic) underground waters" Akk. apsû; engurru
lalHAR [WATERS] wr. lal3-|HI×AŠ2|; lal3-gar "subterranean waters"
tur [SMALL] wr. tur; tu "(to be) small; to reduce, diminish; to subtract; (to be) young" Akk. şehērum
kušer [PROFIT] wr. ki-še-er; ku-še-er "profit" Akk. kušīru
ušub [~REED] wr. ušub "a part of a reed" Akk. adattu
succulent part of reed
ušub [~REED] wr. ušub "a part of a reed" Akk. adattu
sub [RUB] wr. su-ub; sub; sub6 "to suck; to rub" Akk. naşābu
abga [CALF] wr. ab2-ga "suckling female calf"
amarga [CALF] wr. amar-ga "suckling calf"
bunga [CHILD] wr. bunga "child, suckling" Akk. lagu; lakû; šerru
ga [MILK] wr. ga "milk; suckling" Akk. šizbu
henzer [CHILD] wr. henzer "a low social class; small child; baby; (to be) babyish; weak" Akk. ašpaltu; la'û; lakû; šerru
kirga [LAMB] wr. kir11-ga "suckling lamb"
silaga [LAMB] wr. sila4-ga "suckling lamb"
suckling calf
amarga [CALF] wr. amar-ga "suckling calf"
suckling female calf
abga [CALF] wr. ab2-ga "suckling female calf"
suckling lamb
kirga [LAMB] wr. kir11-ga "suckling lamb"
silaga [LAMB] wr. sila4-ga "suckling lamb"
KUKU [SUE] wr. |KU.KU| "to sue"
di ĝar [SUE] wr. di ĝar "to sue, make a legal claim"
inim ĝal [SUE] wr. inim ĝal2 "to sue, make a claim" Akk. baqāru
inim ĝar [SUE] wr. inim ĝar; inim ga2-ga2 "to sue, to make a legal claim" Akk. baqāru; ragāmu
zirru [PRIESTESS] wr. zirru "a priestess" Akk. ēnu ša Sîn
dig [PARALYZED] wr. dig "(to be) paralyzed, to suffer paralysis" Akk. rimûtu
šag sur [HAVE DIARRHEA] wr. šag4 sur "to have diarrhea" Akk. şanāhu; şubburu
ur tab [SUFFER] wr. ur5 tab "to suffer" Akk. ?
suffer contractions of intestines
šag sur [HAVE DIARRHEA] wr. šag4 sur "to have diarrhea" Akk. şanāhu; şubburu
suffer paralysis
dig [PARALYZED] wr. dig "(to be) paralyzed, to suffer paralysis" Akk. rimûtu
du [SUITABLE] wr. du7 "(to be) fitting, suitable" Akk. asāmu; naţû
tum [SUITABLE] wr. tum2 "to be suitable"
namsukkal [OFFICE] wr. nam-sukkal "office of sukkal"
namsukkalmah [OFFICE] wr. nam-sukkal-mah "office of sukkalmah"
gu [ENTIRETY] wr. gu2 "entirety, sum, total" Akk. nagbu; napharu
kilib [TOTAL] wr. kilib; kilib3 "total, sum; (the) whole, entirety; assembly" Akk. napharu; puhru
niĝin [TOTAL] wr. niĝin2; niĝin "total, sum; (the) whole, entirety" Akk. napharu
šuniĝin [TOTAL] wr. šu-niĝin2; šu-niĝin; |ŠU "total, sum" Akk. napharu
gabiri [MOUNTAIN] wr. ga-bi-ri "mountain" Akk. šadû
gin [MOUNTAIN] wr. gin3 "mountain(s)" Akk. šadû
iš [MOUNTAIN] wr. iš "mountain(s)" Akk. šadû
kur [MOUNTAIN] wr. kur; kir5 "underworld; land, country; mountain(s); east; easterner; east wind" Akk. erşetu; mātu; šadû; šadû
tigi [INSTRUMENT] wr. tigi "drum or other musical instrument; type of song" Akk. tigû
kalam [LAND] wr. kalam; ka-na-aĝ2; ka-naĝ "the Land (of Sumer)" Akk. mātu
emeĝir [SUMERIAN] wr. eme-gi; eme-ĝir15 "the Sumerian language" Akk. šumeritum; šumerû
Sumerian language
emeĝir [SUMERIAN] wr. eme-gi; eme-ĝir15 "the Sumerian language" Akk. šumeritum; šumerû
buru [HARVEST] wr. buru14; gur7; gur16 "harvest, summer" Akk. ebûru
emeš [SUMMER] wr. e2-me-eš; emeš2 "summer" Akk. ummu
kuš [SUMMER] wr. kuš7 "summer" Akk. qēşu
ud [SUN] wr. ud "day; heat; a fever; summer; sun" Akk. immu; ummedu; umšu; šamšu; ūmu
ud [SUN] wr. ud "day; heat; a fever; summer; sun" Akk. immu; ummedu; umšu; šamšu; ūmu
urun [EXALTED] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru; uru; uru15 "(to be) exalted; (to be) strong" Akk. dannu; šapsu; şīru
urun [EXALTED] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru; uru; uru15 "(to be) exalted; (to be) strong" Akk. dannu; šapsu; şīru
zig [RISE] wr. zig3 "to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise" Akk. dekû; gapāšu; tebû; şītu
ziga [EXPENDITURE] wr. zi-ga "expenditure" Akk. şītu
ašme [RADIANCE] wr. aš-me; aš-mezabar "radiance; sun-disk ornament" Akk. barīru; šamšatu
sun-disk ornament
ašme [RADIANCE] wr. aš-me; aš-mezabar "radiance; sun-disk ornament" Akk. barīru; šamšatu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
šer [BRIGHT] wr. sir2; še-er "reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray" Akk. namāru; šarûru; şiriptu
utu'e [SUNRISE] wr. utu-e3 "sunrise" Akk. şīt šamši
utušuš [SUNSET] wr. utu-šu2-uš; utu-šuš2 "sunset; the West" Akk. ereb šamši
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
u [RIDE] wr. u5 "to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control" Akk. hinnu; kašāšu; rakābu; rikbu; šagammu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
kaguruk [SUPERVISOR] wr. ka-guru7 "granary supervisor" Akk. kagurrû
namnubanda [SUPERVISORSHIP] wr. nam-nu-banda3 "supervisorship, position as supervisor"
saĝentar [SUPERVISOR] wr. saĝ-en3-tar "supervisor" Akk. pāqidu
namnubanda [SUPERVISORSHIP] wr. nam-nu-banda3 "supervisorship, position as supervisor"
arazu [SUPPLICATION] wr. a-ra-zu; ra2-zu; ra-zu "supplication"
šaneša [SUPPLICATION] wr. ša3-ne-ša4; ša-ne-ša4; šag4-ne-za "supplication, compassion" Akk. unnīnu
a'aš [SUPPLIES] wr. a2-aš2 "supplies" Akk. hišihtu
igikar [PROVISIONS] wr. igi-kar2 "provisions, supplies" Akk. aširtu
banda [STANCHION] wr. ban3-da; banda5; banda4 "stanchion, support" Akk. takšīru
dari [SUPPORT] wr. da-ri "to support"
dehi [SUPPORT] wr. de-hi; dehi "support, stanchion; tax" Akk. imdu
imittum [JEWELRY] wr. na4i-mit-tum "an item of jewelry" Akk. imittu
uru [SUPPORT] wr. uru9 "support; imposition; repair" Akk. imdu; takšīru
kisa [PLATFORM] wr. ki-sa2; kissa "platform; supporting wall, abutment" Akk. kisû
supporting wall
kisa [PLATFORM] wr. ki-sa2; kissa "platform; supporting wall, abutment" Akk. kisû
alla [OAK] wr. alla "oak; acorn; a suppository" Akk. allānu
lugud [PUS] wr. lugud "pus, suppuration" Akk. šarku
namnir [SUPREMACY] wr. nam-nir "supremacy"
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
mah [GREAT] wr. mah; mah2 "(to be) great" Akk. kabtu; mādu; rabû; şīru
umuš [EXALTED] wr. u2-muš "exalted" Akk. şīru
urun [EXALTED] wr. urunx(EN); u18-ru; uru; uru15 "(to be) exalted; (to be) strong" Akk. dannu; šapsu; şīru
EŠtenuGIRgunu [SURCHARGE] wr. |EŠ2@t.GIR2@g| "a dairy surcharge"
ŠUGIRgunu [SURCHARGE] wr. |ŠU.GIR2@g| "a dairy surcharge"
niĝura [SURFACE?] wr. niĝ2-ur5-ra "surface?"
ašag [FIELD] wr. a-šag4; ašag; a-šag4ašag "field; surface (math.)" Akk. eqlu
bur [UNIT] wr. bur; bur3 "a unit of area; a unit of volume" Akk. būru
niĝura [SURFACE?] wr. niĝ2-ur5-ra "surface?"
šuš [COVER] wr. šuš2; šuš; šuš5 "to sink down; to cloud over; to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; surface; to raise (clothes)" Akk. ašāru; erēpu; katāmu; sahāpu; sehpu; šaqû ša lubši
upu [UNIT] wr. upux(|AŠ@z|) "a unit of surface measurement" Akk. ubû
surface math.
ašag [FIELD] wr. a-šag4; ašag; a-šag4ašag "field; surface (math.)" Akk. eqlu
zag dib [PASS] wr. zag dib "to pass, to surpass" Akk. šūtuqu
rib [SURPASSING] wr. rib; ri-ba "(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive" Akk. ešqu; šūtuqu
zag dib [PASS] wr. zag dib "to pass, to surpass" Akk. šūtuqu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
kugdiri [SURPLUS] wr. kug-diri "surplus" Akk. tattūru
la'u [ARREARS] wr. la'u; la'u3; la'u4; la'u5; la'ux(|LAL2.U|); la2-a; la2-ux(NI); la2-u5 "arrears; surplus" Akk. ribbatu
aya [SURROUND?] wr. aya4 "to surround?"
aga kar [DEFEAT] wr. aga kar2; aga3 kar2 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. kalû; kaşāru
agakar sig [DEFEAT] wr. aga-kar2 sig10 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. nītu lawû
aya [SURROUND?] wr. aya4 "to surround?"
dub [GO AROUND] wr. dab6; dub "to go around, encircle, turn; to search; to tarry" Akk. lawû; sahāru
gi [TURN] wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)" Akk. lamû; târu
ganagid [SURVEYOR] wr. lu2gana2-gid2 "field surveyor" Akk. abi ašli; šētum ašlim
gid [LONG] wr. gid2 "(to be) long; to tighten; to survey, measure out a field" Akk. arāku
mulu [SURVEYOR] wr. mulu4 "field surveyor" Akk. abi ašli
survey team
ganagid [SURVEYOR] wr. lu2gana2-gid2 "field surveyor" Akk. abi ašli; šētum ašlim
mulu [SURVEYOR] wr. mulu4 "field surveyor" Akk. abi ašli
šu ur [ERASE] wr. šu ur3 "to erase; to level off (surveying); to clip (a bird)" Akk. kapāru; pašāţu; šêqu ša madādi
ganagid [SURVEYOR] wr. lu2gana2-gid2 "field surveyor" Akk. abi ašli; šētum ašlim
lu'ešgid [SURVEYOR] wr. lu2-eš2-gid2 "surveyor"
luše'ilkešed [SURVEYOR] wr. lu2-še-il2-keš2 "surveyor"
mulu [SURVEYOR] wr. mulu4 "field surveyor" Akk. abi ašli
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
usur [SUSPEND] wr. usur4; sur5 "to suspend" Akk. šuqallulu
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
sulum mar [SLANDER] wr. su-lum mar; su11-lum mar; sulummar "to slander, treat with contempt; slander" Akk. ţupullû
kiĝgia [~ANIMAL] wr. kiĝ2-gi4-a "a designation of an animal sutiable for extispicy"
šugurgur [SWABBINGS] wr. šu-gur-gur "swabbings" Akk. kupīrātu
giguru [SWALLOW] wr. giguru3 "to swallow" Akk. alātu
saĝgi'ura [BIRD] wr. saĝ-gi4-ur3-ramušen; saĝ-gi4mušen; saĝ-ki-ur3-ramušen; saĝ-kimušen "a bird" Akk. işşūr ša kubši
sim [SWALLOW] wr. simmušen; še-enmušen; še-namušen "swallow" Akk. sinuntu
simgid [SWALLOW] wr. sim-gid2mušen "a swallow"
swallow up
giguru [SWALLOW] wr. giguru3 "to swallow" Akk. alātu
mu lugalak pad [SWEAR] wr. mu lugal pad3 "to swear by the king's name" Akk. nīš šarrim tamû
namNERU kud [SWEAR] wr. nam-NE.RU kud "to swear" Akk. tamû
swear by the king s name
mu lugalak pad [SWEAR] wr. mu lugal pad3 "to swear by the king's name" Akk. nīš šarrim tamû
swear by the life of the king
mu lugalak pad [SWEAR] wr. mu lugal pad3 "to swear by the king's name" Akk. nīš šarrim tamû
abara [SWEAT] wr. a-bar-ra "sweat" Akk. zūtu
ir [SCENT] wr. ir; ir7 "smell, scent; sweat, exudation" Akk. erešu; zūtu
sa la [SWEEP] wr. sa la2 "to sweep" Akk. ?
ur [DRAG] wr. ur3 "to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat" Akk. bâ'u; kapāru; šabāţu
sweep away
ur [DRAG] wr. ur3 "to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat" Akk. bâ'u; kapāru; šabāţu
sweep away
ur [DRAG] wr. ur3 "to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat" Akk. bâ'u; kapāru; šabāţu
erida [SWEEPER] wr. erida2 "courtyard sweeper" Akk. kisalluhhu
kisalluh [SWEEPER] wr. kisal-luh "courtyard sweeper" Akk. kisaluhhu
namkisalluh [~SWEEPER] wr. nam-kisal-luh "position as courtyard sweeper"
imĝaĝa [EMMER] wr. imĝaĝa3; imĝaĝa; imĝaĝa2; imĝaĝax(|AŠ2.A|) "emmer beer; emmer" Akk. dišiptuhhu; kunāšu
sweer beer
imĝaĝa [EMMER] wr. imĝaĝa3; imĝaĝa; imĝaĝa2; imĝaĝax(|AŠ2.A|) "emmer beer; emmer" Akk. dišiptuhhu; kunāšu
dida'imĝaĝa [BEER] wr. dida imĝaĝa; kašdida imĝaĝa "sweet beer" Akk. dišiptuhhu
dida [WORT] wr. dida; didax(|U2.SA|) "sweet wort, an ingredient for beer making; beer for transport" Akk. billatu
dug [GOOD] wr. dug3; ze2-eb; du-uq "(to be) good; (to be) sweet; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. ţābu
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
kiraši [BEER] wr. kiraši "bitter-sweet taste; emmer beer" Akk. alappānu
kiraši [EMMER] wr. ki-ra-ši "a type of emmer" Akk. alappānu
kud [SWEET] wr. ku7 "(to be) good; (to be ) (honey-)sweet" Akk. dašpu; matqu; ţābu
kurun [BEER] wr. kurun; kurun2; kurun3 "a beer; blood; (to be) good; (to be) sweet" Akk. dāmu; kurunnu; ţābu
lal [SWEET] wr. lal3 "(to be) sweet; (to be) good"
lal [SYRUP] wr. lal3 "syrup; honey" Akk. dišpu; matqu; ţābu
niĝdug [GOOD THING] wr. niĝ2-dug3 "that which is good, well-being; sweet"
niĝkukuda [SWEET THING] wr. niĝ2-ku7-ku7-da "that which is sweet, sweet(ness)"
sag [GOOD] wr. sag8; sag9; sag10; šeg10; sag12 "(to be) good, sweet, beautiful; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. banû; damāqu; dumqu; ţābu
šimlal [AROMATICS] wr. šim-lal3 "sweet aromatics"
zag [SWEET] wr. zag "(to be) sweet" Akk. dašpu
sweet aromatics
šimlal [AROMATICS] wr. šim-lal3 "sweet aromatics"
sweet beer
dida'imĝaĝa [BEER] wr. dida imĝaĝa; kašdida imĝaĝa "sweet beer" Akk. dišiptuhhu
sweet ness
niĝkukuda [SWEET THING] wr. niĝ2-ku7-ku7-da "that which is sweet, sweet(ness)"
sweet pomegranate
hab [MALODOROUS] wr. hab2; hab "(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent; (to be) dark or stained; (to be) bittersweet" Akk. alappānu; bīšu; ekēlu; happu
kiraši [BEER] wr. kiraši "bitter-sweet taste; emmer beer" Akk. alappānu
kiraši [EMMER] wr. ki-ra-ši "a type of emmer" Akk. alappānu
sweet thing
niĝkukuda [SWEET THING] wr. niĝ2-ku7-ku7-da "that which is sweet, sweet(ness)"
sweet wort
dida [WORT] wr. dida; didax(|U2.SA|) "sweet wort, an ingredient for beer making; beer for transport" Akk. billatu
gidešta [LOAF] wr. gidešta "a type of loaf; a sweetened cake" Akk. kamānu
sweetened cake
gidešta [LOAF] wr. gidešta "a type of loaf; a sweetened cake" Akk. kamānu
mudgi [SWEETNESS] wr. mu-ud-gi "sweetness"
dibida [SWELL] wr. di-bi-da "to swell, to have colic" Akk. emēru
maz [SWELL] wr. ma-az "to swell, rejoice" Akk. eleşu
ul [SWELL] wr. ul "to swell, (to be) distended; to love; attractiveness; pleasure; rejoicing" Akk. habāşu; menû; ulşu
zig [RISE] wr. zig3 "to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise" Akk. dekû; gapāšu; tebû; şītu
lukaš [RUNNER] wr. lu2-kaš4 "runner" Akk. lāsimu
dub bad [GO SWIFTLY] wr. dub3 bad "to spread the knees, to go swiftly" Akk. pīt puridim
dibiri [SWINDLER] wr. di-bi-ri "con artist"
hub [SWING?] wr. hu-ub "to swing?"
hub [SWING?] wr. hu-ub "to swing?"
ĝiri [DAGGER] wr. ĝiri2; urudĝiri2; me2-er; me-er; me-ri "razor; sword, dagger" Akk. naglabu; patru
ugur [SWORD] wr. ugur "sword" Akk. namşāru
mete [APPROPRIATE THING] wr. me-te; te "appropriate thing, ornament" Akk. simtu
mete [IMAGE] wr. me-te "image" Akk. simtu
martu [WESTERNER] wr. mar-tu "westerner; west wind" Akk. amurru
lal [SYRUP] wr. lal3 "syrup; honey" Akk. dišpu; matqu; ţābu
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.