banšur [TABLE] wr. banšur; ĝešbanšur; banšur2; ĝešbanšur2; banšur3; ĝešbanšur3; banšurx(|URU×IGI|) "table" Akk. paššūru
banšurzaggula [TABLE] wr. ĝešbanšur-zag-gu-la; ĝešbanšur-zag-gu2-la2 "a cultic table" Akk. paššūr sakkî
banšurzagĝara [TABLE] wr. ĝešbanšur-zag-ĝar-ra "a cultic table" Akk. paššūr aširti
kaĝeškarak [TABLE] wr. kaĝeškarax(|GIŠ.KA.KAD4|); kaĝeškarax(|GIŠ.KA.KAD5|) "a table" Akk. kannaškarakku
umbin [BASE] wr. ĝešumbin "base of a table" Akk. şupur paššūri
unu [MEAL] wr. unu2; unu6 "meal, food; meal(-time); table" Akk. mākālu; naptanu; paššūru
ur [BASE] wr. ur2; ĝešur2 "base, legs of a table"
dub [TABLET] wr. dub "tablet" Akk. ţuppu
dubšen [CHEST] wr. dub-šen "treasure chest" Akk. tupšinnu
gabšum [TABLET] wr. imga-ab-šum2 "tablet of sale" Akk. luddin
ĝešdubak [BOARD] wr. ĝeš-dub-ba "tablet board"
igi [QUALITY] wr. i-gi8 "a quality of a vessel or a tablet"
im [CLAY] wr. im "clay, mud; tablet" Akk. ţīdu; ţuppu
imšuk [COVERING?] wr. im-si; im-šu; im-šu2 "clay covering?" Akk. imšukku
imšuk [TABLET] wr. im-šu "a small tablet" Akk. qātu
kišib [SEAL] wr. kišib3; kišib; na4kišib "cylinder seal, sealed tablet" Akk. kunukku
ligin [TABLET] wr. imli-gi4-in "tablet with excerpts, school text" Akk. liginnu
niĝsura [~TABLET] wr. niĝ2-sur-ra "a section of a tablet" Akk. mišlu
tablet board
ĝešdubak [BOARD] wr. ĝeš-dub-ba "tablet board"
tablet container
dubšen [CHEST] wr. dub-šen "treasure chest" Akk. tupšinnu
tablet of sale
gabšum [TABLET] wr. imga-ab-šum2 "tablet of sale" Akk. luddin
tablet with excerpts
ligin [TABLET] wr. imli-gi4-in "tablet with excerpts, school text" Akk. liginnu
ĝešdubdim [TOOL] wr. ĝeš-dub-dim2 "a wooden tool for fashioning tablets; a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
lud [TABLEWARE] wr. lud "an item of tableware, a cup or bowl; a metal tool" Akk. luţţu; nalpatu
anzil [ABOMINATION] wr. an-zil "abomination" Akk. anzillu
azag [TABOO] wr. azag "taboo, forbidden thing" Akk. asakku
niĝgig [BAD THING] wr. niĝ2-gig "that which is bad, forbidden; evil" Akk. ikkibu; lemnūtu
kun [TAIL] wr. kun "tail; canal outlet" Akk. zibbatu
šu la [DEFILE] wr. šu la2 "to defile" Akk. lu'û; lupputu
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
a e [REAR] wr. a2 e3 "to rear, bring up (a child); to take care of" Akk. rubbû
a'ur dab [HIDE] wr. a2-ur2 dab5 "to hide" Akk. puzra ahāzu
be [DIMINISH] wr. be4; be6 "to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an allotment)" Akk. našāru
dab [SEIZE] wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) "to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of" Akk. sahāpu; tamāhu; kamû; şabātu
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
du [PLAY] wr. du12-du12; du12 "to play (a musical instrument)" Akk. lapātu; zamāru
dub gurum [SIT DOWN] wr. dub3 gurum "to sit down, to take a rest" Akk. nâhu
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
ĝir [PRIDE] wr. ĝir3 "to take pride in; to make splendid" Akk. šarāhu
ĝiri dab [TAKE TO THE ROAD] wr. ĝiri3 dab5 "to take to the road" Akk. girram/harrānam şabātu
ĝiri kur dab [TAKE AN UNFAMILIAR PATH] wr. ĝiri3 kur2 dab5 "to take an unfamiliar path" Akk. ?
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
kar [FLEE] wr. kar "to flee; to take away (by force), remove; to deprive; to save" Akk. ekēmu; eţēru; mašā'u; nērubu
kul [COLLECT] wr. kul "to collect; to collect; to glean; to remove, take away; to peck" Akk. laqātu
saĝ e [TAKE PRECEDENCE] wr. saĝ e3 "to take precedence"
saĝ il [RAISE] wr. saĝ il2 "'to raise the head'" Akk. rēšam našû; šaqû ša rēši
saĝ kešed [TAKE CARE] wr. saĝ keš2 "to take care, attend carefully (to something)"
saĝ sig [ENTRUST] wr. saĝ sig10 "to take care of; to entrust" Akk. paqādu
šag dab [THINK] wr. šag4 dab; šag4 dab5 "to think, conceive an idea; to take seriously"
šag kušu [SOOTHE] wr. šag4 kuš2-u3 "to soothe; to take counsel with" Akk. ?; malāku
šar [MAKE SPLENDID] wr. šar "to make splendid" Akk. šarāhu
šeg [SEIZE] wr. še3 "to take away, seize"
šu bad [TAKE] wr. šu bad "to take (possession of)" Akk. ?
šu dug [TOUCH] wr. šu dug4 "to touch" Akk. lapātu
šu tag [TOUCH] wr. šu tag "to touch" Akk. lapātu
šu teĝ [ACCEPT] wr. šu teĝ4; šu teĝ3 "to accept" Akk. leqû; mahāru
tag [TOUCH] wr. tag "to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack" Akk. lapātu; rakāsu
zah [DISAPPEAR] wr. zah3; zah2 "to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive" Akk. duppuru; halāqu; nābutu; šerû
zi tum [TAKE REFUGE] wr. zi tum2 "to take refuge" Akk. napištu abālu
zur [TAKE CARE OF] wr. zur "to take care of" Akk. kunnû
take a rest
dub gurum [SIT DOWN] wr. dub3 gurum "to sit down, to take a rest" Akk. nâhu
take an unfamiliar path
ĝiri kur dab [TAKE AN UNFAMILIAR PATH] wr. ĝiri3 kur2 dab5 "to take an unfamiliar path" Akk. ?
take away
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
kar [FLEE] wr. kar "to flee; to take away (by force), remove; to deprive; to save" Akk. ekēmu; eţēru; mašā'u; nērubu
kul [COLLECT] wr. kul "to collect; to collect; to glean; to remove, take away; to peck" Akk. laqātu
šeg [SEIZE] wr. še3 "to take away, seize"
take away by force
kar [FLEE] wr. kar "to flee; to take away (by force), remove; to deprive; to save" Akk. ekēmu; eţēru; mašā'u; nērubu
take care
saĝ kešed [TAKE CARE] wr. saĝ keš2 "to take care, attend carefully (to something)"
take care of
a e [REAR] wr. a2 e3 "to rear, bring up (a child); to take care of" Akk. rubbû
saĝ il [RAISE] wr. saĝ il2 "'to raise the head'" Akk. rēšam našû; šaqû ša rēši
saĝ sig [ENTRUST] wr. saĝ sig10 "to take care of; to entrust" Akk. paqādu
zur [TAKE CARE OF] wr. zur "to take care of" Akk. kunnû
take charge of
dab [SEIZE] wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) "to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of" Akk. sahāpu; tamāhu; kamû; şabātu
take counsel with
šag kušu [SOOTHE] wr. šag4 kuš2-u3 "to soothe; to take counsel with" Akk. ?; malāku
take hold of
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
du [PLAY] wr. du12-du12; du12 "to play (a musical instrument)" Akk. lapātu; zamāru
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
šu dug [TOUCH] wr. šu dug4 "to touch" Akk. lapātu
šu tag [TOUCH] wr. šu tag "to touch" Akk. lapātu
tag [TOUCH] wr. tag "to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack" Akk. lapātu; rakāsu
take over
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
šu teĝ [ACCEPT] wr. šu teĝ4; šu teĝ3 "to accept" Akk. leqû; mahāru
take possession of
šu bad [TAKE] wr. šu bad "to take (possession of)" Akk. ?
take precedence
saĝ e [TAKE PRECEDENCE] wr. saĝ e3 "to take precedence"
take pride in
ĝir [PRIDE] wr. ĝir3 "to take pride in; to make splendid" Akk. šarāhu
šar [MAKE SPLENDID] wr. šar "to make splendid" Akk. šarāhu
take refuge
a'ur dab [HIDE] wr. a2-ur2 dab5 "to hide" Akk. puzra ahāzu
zah [DISAPPEAR] wr. zah3; zah2 "to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive" Akk. duppuru; halāqu; nābutu; šerû
zi tum [TAKE REFUGE] wr. zi tum2 "to take refuge" Akk. napištu abālu
take seriously
šag dab [THINK] wr. šag4 dab; šag4 dab5 "to think, conceive an idea; to take seriously"
take st,h. from st,h
be [DIMINISH] wr. be4; be6 "to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an allotment)" Akk. našāru
take to the road
ĝiri dab [TAKE TO THE ROAD] wr. ĝiri3 dab5 "to take to the road" Akk. girram/harrānam şabātu
kišupeš [LOCUS] wr. ki-šu-peš; ki-šu-peš5 "a cultic place" Akk. māhāzu
zig [TOWN] wr. zigx(|PA.GI|) "town, center" Akk. māhāzu
gun [LOAD] wr. gun2; gu2-un "load; yield; rent, tax, tribute; a unit of weight" Akk. biltu
niĝguna [TRIBUTE] wr. niĝ2-gu2-na "tribute, rent, tax" Akk. biltu
u [LOAD] wr. u2 "load" Akk. biltu
di [SPEAK] wr. di "non-finite imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
dug [SPEAK] wr. dug4 "to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform; to negotiate" Akk. atwû; dabābu; epēšu; qabû
e [SPEAK] wr. e; na-be2-a; be2; ne; da-me; na-be2; e7 "perfect plural and imperfect stem of dug[to speak]" Akk. atwû; dabābu; qabû
kag bad [TALK] wr. ka bad; ka ba; ka bar "to open the mouth; to talk" Akk. petû ša pī; pûm ša ana atwî
kag bal [TALK] wr. ka bala "to talk" Akk. pûm ša ana atwî
andaĝal [EXALTED] wr. an-da-ĝal2 "exalted" Akk. elû; šaqû
lum [FRUIT] wr. lum "(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine" Akk. enēbu; unnubu; namāru; šebû; šihu
taškarin [TALL] wr. ĝeštaskarin "tall"
ĝeššudumak [TALLY] wr. ĝeš-šudum-ma "tally stick"
tally stick
ĝeššudumak [TALLY] wr. ĝeš-šudum-ma "tally stick"
binum [TAMARISK] wr. bi-nu-um "tamarisk" Akk. bīnu
šinig [TAMARISK] wr. ĝeššinig; šinig "tamarisk" Akk. bīnu
dilim [OVEN] wr. dilim3 "oven" Akk. tinūru
duruna [OVEN] wr. imduruna2; imti-nu-ur; durunax(|KU.KU|) "oven, tannour" Akk. tinûru
immindu [OVEN] wr. immindu; immindu2; im-tu-na "oven" Akk. tinūru
ulal [OVEN] wr. ulal "oven" Akk. tinūru
bangi [TAPER] wr. ba-an-gi4 "taper, bevel, slant, incline"
gibil [FIREWOOD] wr. gigibil2; gigibil; gigibil3; ĝešgibil2 "firewood tinder, taper, kindling" Akk. gibillû; kibirru; makaddu; qilûtu
dub [GO AROUND] wr. dab6; dub "to go around, encircle, turn; to search; to tarry" Akk. lawû; sahāru
niĝin [ENCIRCLE] wr. niĝin2; niĝin "to prowl, roam; to enclose, confine; to encircle; to search; to turn; to return; to go around; to tarry" Akk. esēru; lawû; sahāru; târu; târu; sahāru; şâdu
gub [STAND] wr. gub "to stand; (to be) assigned (to a task)" Akk. izuzzu
šagsahar [TASK] wr. šag4-sahar "an agricultural task" Akk. ?
šu de [CARRY] wr. šu de6; šu tum3 "to carry; to apply oneself to a task; to touch" Akk. ?
šu ĝar [CARRY OUT] wr. šu ĝar; šu ĝa2-ĝa2 "to carry out (a task)" Akk. gamālu
kiraši [BEER] wr. kiraši "bitter-sweet taste; emmer beer" Akk. alappānu
edam [TAVERN?] wr. e2-dam "tavern?"
edam [TAVERN?] wr. e2-dam "tavern?"
ešdam [TAVERN] wr. eš2-dam; e2-eš2-dam; e2ešdam "tavern" Akk. aštammu
dehi [SUPPORT] wr. de-hi; dehi "support, stanchion; tax" Akk. imdu
ga'eš [TRADER] wr. ga-eš8; ga-eš "a long distance trader; tax collector, customs collector" Akk. ga'iššu
gun [LOAD] wr. gun2; gu2-un "load; yield; rent, tax, tribute; a unit of weight" Akk. biltu
il [TAX] wr. il2 "a tax"
maš [INTEREST] wr. maš; maš2 "interest (on a loan); an irrigation tax" Akk. şibtu
niĝguna [TRIBUTE] wr. niĝ2-gu2-na "tribute, rent, tax" Akk. biltu
niĝkud [DUE] wr. niĝ2-kud "a share of the yield of a field" Akk. miksu
tax collector
ga'eš [TRADER] wr. ga-eš8; ga-eš "a long distance trader; tax collector, customs collector" Akk. ga'iššu
tax on produce
niĝkud [DUE] wr. niĝ2-kud "a share of the yield of a field" Akk. miksu
enkud [TAX-COLLECTOR] wr. en-ku3; en-ku4; enkud; mu-un-kud; en7-ku6 "tax-collector" Akk. mākisu
erin [YOKE] wr. erin2; ĝešerin2 "to yoke; yoke; plow team" Akk. şamādu; şimittu
ganagid [SURVEYOR] wr. lu2gana2-gid2 "field surveyor" Akk. abi ašli; šētum ašlim
gudapin [TEAM] wr. gud-apin "plow team"
gudeĝir [OX] wr. gud-eĝir "rear ox of a plow team"
gudura [OX] wr. gud-ur3-ra "rear ox of a plow team"
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
mulu [SURVEYOR] wr. mulu4 "field surveyor" Akk. abi ašli
niĝla [CLOTHING] wr. tug2niĝ2-la2; nig2-la2 "an item of clothing" Akk. şimdu
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
šukešed [CLOTHING] wr. šu-keš2 "clothing" Akk. şimdu
ur [HARNESS] wr. ur3 "harness; yoked team" Akk. naşmadu
ziz [TEAM] wr. ziz2 "work team" Akk. sablu
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
SAG.TAG [TEAR OUT] wr. |SAG×TAG4| "tear out" Akk. šarāţu
bir [SHRED] wr. bir7; bir6; bir9 "to shred" Akk. šarāţu
bur [TEAR] wr. bur12; bu7 "to tear out" Akk. nasāhu
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
dirig [TEAR] wr. dirig "to tear out" Akk. nasāhu
suh [EXTRACT] wr. suh5; suh "to tear out; to extract; to choose" Akk. nasāhu
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
še [TEAR] wr. šex(|IGI@g|) "tear"
šu dag [ABANDON] wr. šu dag "to cut off, abandon" Akk. batāqu
uKU [TEAR?] wr. u2-KU "tear?"
zi [CUT] wr. zi2; zi; zix(|IGI@g|) "to cut, remove; to erase" Akk. baqāmu; barāšu; naţāpu; nasāhu
zir [BREAK] wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er "to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase" Akk. ašāšu; pasāsu
zu kud [BITE] wr. zu2 kud "to bite" Akk. başāru; našāku
zu ur [TEAR WITH TEETH] wr. zu2 ur5 "to tear with teeth" Akk. ?
zukura [TEAR] wr. zukura; zukurax(|KA×X|) "to tear off" Akk. başāru
uKU [TEAR?] wr. u2-KU "tear?"
tear away
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
tear off
šu dag [ABANDON] wr. šu dag "to cut off, abandon" Akk. batāqu
zu kud [BITE] wr. zu2 kud "to bite" Akk. başāru; našāku
zukura [TEAR] wr. zukura; zukurax(|KA×X|) "to tear off" Akk. başāru
tear out
SAG.TAG [TEAR OUT] wr. |SAG×TAG4| "tear out" Akk. šarāţu
bur [TEAR] wr. bur12; bu7 "to tear out" Akk. nasāhu
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
dirig [TEAR] wr. dirig "to tear out" Akk. nasāhu
suh [EXTRACT] wr. suh5; suh "to tear out; to extract; to choose" Akk. nasāhu
zi [CUT] wr. zi2; zi; zix(|IGI@g|) "to cut, remove; to erase" Akk. baqāmu; barāšu; naţāpu; nasāhu
zir [BREAK] wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er "to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase" Akk. ašāšu; pasāsu
tear with teeth
zu ur [TEAR WITH TEETH] wr. zu2 ur5 "to tear with teeth" Akk. ?
er [TEARS] wr. er2; i-ra "weeping, mourning; tears; to weep" Akk. bikītu; dimtu
akan [NIPPLE] wr. akan; akkan3 "nipple, teat, udder" Akk. şertu
zu ur [TEAR WITH TEETH] wr. zu2 ur5 "to tear with teeth" Akk. ?
AGARKA [TEMPLE] wr. A.GAR.KA "part of temple"
abzu [WATER] wr. abzu; abzux(|UMUM×KASKAL|) "(cosmic) underground water; a ritual water container in a temple" Akk. apsû
alal [~TEMPLE] wr. a-lal3 "a part of a temple"
e [HOUSE] wr. e2; ĝa2; e4 "house; temple; (temple) household; station (of the moon)?; room; house-lot; estate" Akk. bītu
ebgal [OVAL] wr. eb-gal "temple oval" Akk. ?
egal [PALACE] wr. e2-gal "palace; temple" Akk. ekallu
engiz [COOK] wr. engiz "temple cook" Akk. engişu; engû; nuhatimmu
enkum [TREASURER] wr. enkum "temple treasurer" Akk. enkummu
esuhur [~TEMPLE] wr. e2-suhur "a part of a temple" Akk. šahurru
ešusiga [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. e2-šu-si3-ga "a temple room or building"
giguna [TERRACE] wr. gi-gu3-na; gi-gun4-na; gi-gun4 "high sacred terrace" Akk. gigunû
ĝirsiga [ATTENDANT] wr. ĝir3-sig10-ga "an attendant" Akk. gerseqqû
kadra [GIFT] wr. kadra "bribe; greeting gift, presents" Akk. irbu; kadrû; ţātu
kinamesira [FOREHEAD] wr. ki-nam-esir-ra; ki-nam-TUG2-ra "forehead; a part of the foot" Akk. nakkaptu; nakkapu
kisalmah [COURTYARD] wr. kisal-mah "main court of a temple" Akk. kisalmāhu
luhša [FUNCTIONARY] wr. luhša "a temple functionary" Akk. luhšû
mašdarea [PAYMENT] wr. maš-da-re-a; maš2-da-re-a; maš2-da-re6-a; maš-da-re6-a "a type of payment" Akk. irbu
nenkum [OFFICIAL] wr. nenkum "a temple official" Akk. ninkummu
sadug [OFFERINGS] wr. sa2-dug4; sa2-di "regular temple offerings; a unit of liquid capacity" Akk. sattukku
saĝĝa [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa; |GAR.ŠID|; |ŠID.GAR| "an official, the chief administrator of a temple household" Akk. šangû
saĝĝamah [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa-mah "an official, the senior chief administrator of a temple household"
sigbar [PRIEST] wr. sig2-bar "a priest" Akk. luhšû; sigbarû
šabra [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. šabra; šabra2; ša3-ab-ra "chief administrator of a temple or other household" Akk. šabrû
unu [CHEEK] wr. unu2 "upper cheek" Akk. usukku
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
ušga [YOUTH] wr. uš-ga "attendant; youth" Akk. gerseqqû; uškû
temple attendant
ĝirsiga [ATTENDANT] wr. ĝir3-sig10-ga "an attendant" Akk. gerseqqû
ušga [YOUTH] wr. uš-ga "attendant; youth" Akk. gerseqqû; uškû
temple cook
engiz [COOK] wr. engiz "temple cook" Akk. engişu; engû; nuhatimmu
temple functionary
luhša [FUNCTIONARY] wr. luhša "a temple functionary" Akk. luhšû
sigbar [PRIEST] wr. sig2-bar "a priest" Akk. luhšû; sigbarû
temple manager
saĝĝa [OFFICIAL] wr. saĝĝa; |GAR.ŠID|; |ŠID.GAR| "an official, the chief administrator of a temple household" Akk. šangû
temple official
nenkum [OFFICIAL] wr. nenkum "a temple official" Akk. ninkummu
šabra [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. šabra; šabra2; ša3-ab-ra "chief administrator of a temple or other household" Akk. šabrû
temple oval
ebgal [OVAL] wr. eb-gal "temple oval" Akk. ?
temple room or building
ešusiga [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. e2-šu-si3-ga "a temple room or building"
temple treasurer
enkum [TREASURER] wr. enkum "temple treasurer" Akk. enkummu
kinamesira [TEMPLES] wr. ki-nam-TUG2-ra "side of the forehead, temples"
u [TEN] wr. u9; u "ten"
udili [TEN] wr. u2-di-li; u2-du-li "ten"
ga'ur [INHABITANT] wr. ga-ur5 "inhabitant" Akk. aššābu
rig [EAT] wr. rig7 "to eat; to do something to barley; to pasture, tend; to drink; to sup" Akk. akālu; haţāpu; re'û; šatû; sarāpu
sa [SINEW] wr. sa "gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string" Akk. dāmu; erru; matnu; pitnu
eš [TENT] wr. kušeš3 "tent, pavilion"
zalam [TENT] wr. za-lam "tent" Akk. kuštāru
zalamĝar [TENT] wr. za-lam-ĝar "tent" Akk. kuštāru
budnu [TEREBINTH] wr. bu-ud-nu "terebinth or pistachio"
eš [TREE] wr. ĝešešx(LAM); ĝešeš22 "a tree; a terebinth; almond (tree)" Akk. lammu; lupānu; šiqdu; šiqittu
lamgal [NUT] wr. ĝešlam-gal; lam-gal; lam-gal-gal; ĝešlam-hal; lam-hal "a nut" Akk. buţumtu; lapānu
terebinth or pistachio
budnu [TEREBINTH] wr. bu-ud-nu "terebinth or pistachio"
UNTAR [~MILITARY] wr. UN.TAR "a military term"
abKI [~AGRICULTURAL] wr. ab2-KI "an agricultural term"
anubda [QUARTER] wr. an-ub-da; ub-da "a cosmographic or geographic term; quarter (of the universe)" Akk. kibrat arbatu
aragubba [~MATHEMATICS] wr. a-ra2-gub-ba "a mathematical term"
arahi [~MATHEMATICS] wr. a-ra-hi "a mathematical term (math.)" Akk. arahû
asalGAR [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. a-sal-GAR "an architectural term"
asal [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. a-sal "an architectural term"
asalbar [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. a-sal-bar; a-sal4-bar "an architectural term" Akk. artī kīsi
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
bara [~COLOR] wr. bara6 "a color term"
bitum [~ADMINISTRATION] wr. bi2-tum; bit-tum "an administrative term"
burrah [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. bur2-ra-ah "an architectural term"
dibdib [WATERCLOCK] wr. ĝešdib-dib "waterclock, mathematical term; ?" Akk. dibdibbu; maštaqtu
dumuKA [RELATION] wr. dumu-KA "a kinship term" Akk. ?
ge [SHAPE] wr. ge16 "a geometric shape; an architectural term?" Akk. qaštu
igi [~MATHEMATICS] wr. igi "a mathematical term (math.)"
igibi [~MATHEMATICS] wr. igi-bi "a mathematical term (math.)" Akk. igibû
kakaku [PROFESSION] wr. kak-a-ku5; lu2kak-a-ku5 "a professional term" Akk. mupettû
kunsaĝ [~ARCHITECTURE] wr. kun-saĝ "an architectural term" Akk. muhru
kunsaĝa [~ASTRONOMICAL] wr. kun-saĝ-ĝa2 "an astronomical term" Akk. kunsaggû
labi [DEAR] wr. la-bi "a term of endearment, dear"
lubi [DEAR] wr. lu-bi "a term of endearment"
lulal [DEAR] wr. lu2-lal3 "a term of endearment"
me'am [DEAR] wr. me-a-am; me-am "term of endearment, dear"
niĝgula [~ACCOUNTING] wr. niĝ2-gu-la "an accounting term" Akk. niggulû
pabilga [RELATION] wr. pa-bil2-ga; pa-bil3-ga; pa4-bil2-ga; pa-bil-ga; pa4-bil-ga; pa4-bi-ga "a kinship term" Akk. abu
šešbanda [RELATION] wr. šeš-ban3-da "a kinship term"
šešgal [RELATION] wr. šeš-gal "a kinship term; a foreman"
term of endearment
labi [DEAR] wr. la-bi "a term of endearment, dear"
lubi [DEAR] wr. lu-bi "a term of endearment"
lulal [DEAR] wr. lu2-lal3 "a term of endearment"
me'am [DEAR] wr. me-a-am; me-am "term of endearment, dear"
term of office
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
zi gi [ON GOOD TERMS] wr. zi gi4 "to be on good terms" Akk. ?
giguna [TERRACE] wr. gi-gu3-na; gi-gun4-na; gi-gun4 "high sacred terrace" Akk. gigunû
hazbum [TERRACOTTA] wr. dugha-az-bu-um "terracotta" Akk. haşbu?
mud [SCARED] wr. mud "(to be) scared, terrified" Akk. parādu
šu e [BLESS] wr. šu e3 "to bless; to go out?; to terrify?" Akk. waşû; palāhu; karābu
šu e [BLESS] wr. šu e3 "to bless; to go out?; to terrify?" Akk. waşû; palāhu; karābu
nihuš [APPEARANCE] wr. ni2-huš "terrifying appearance" Akk. rašubbatu
terrifying appearance
nihuš [APPEARANCE] wr. ni2-huš "terrifying appearance" Akk. rašubbatu
kiNERU [ENEMY TERRITORY] wr. ki-NE.RU "enemy territory"
kisura [BORDER] wr. ki-sur-ra "border; territory" Akk. kisurrû
miršeš [SHIVERS] wr. mir-šeš "shivers" Akk. hurbāšu
sahar [FROST] wr. sahar "frost; terror" Akk. hurbāšu
ul [TERROR] wr. ul4 "terror" Akk. pirittu
kab [TEST] wr. kab2; kabx(|SAG×A|) "to test; test" Akk. latāku; litiktu
lidga [VESSEL] wr. lid2-ga; lid2-da-ga; li-id-ga; lid2; lidda; lidda2 "measuring vessel; a unit of capacity" Akk. litiktu; namaddu; parsiktu
nam [FATE] wr. nam; na-aĝ2 "determined order; will, testament; fate, destiny" Akk. šīmtu
namtar [FATE] wr. nam-tar "sickness; fate, destiny; a demon" Akk. murşu; namtaru; šīmtu
šir [TESTICLE] wr. šir "testicle; bulb" Akk. išku
eškiri [ROPE] wr. eš2-kiri3; eškiri; ĝešeškiri2 "nose rope, tether" Akk. şerretu
saman [ROPE] wr. saman "tethering rope" Akk. šummanu
lukeškešda [TETHERER] wr. lu2-keš2-keš2-da "tetherer"
saman [ROPE] wr. saman "tethering rope" Akk. šummanu
sulummar [ROPE] wr. ĝešsu-lum-mar; ĝešsu11-lum-mar "tethering rope"
tethering rope
saman [ROPE] wr. saman "tethering rope" Akk. šummanu
sulummar [ROPE] wr. ĝešsu-lum-mar; ĝešsu11-lum-mar "tethering rope"
a'a [TEXT] wr. a; a-a "a text, the scribal exercise a-a"
ligin [TABLET] wr. imli-gi4-in "tablet with excerpts, school text" Akk. liginnu
mu [NAME] wr. mu "name; line of text; son" Akk. šumu
bardul [GARMENT] wr. bar-dul5; bar-SIK2tug2 "a garment" Akk. şubātu
bazihum [TEXTILE] wr. tug2ba-zi-hu-um "a textile"
dabatum [TEXTILE] wr. da-ba-tum "a textile" Akk. tapatu
dul [TEXTILE] wr. dul4 "a textile"
gu'e [TEXTILE] wr. tug2gu2-e3 "a textile"
šilibka [GARMENT] wr. tug2ši-li-ib-ka "a textile" Akk. šilipkā'u
tug [TEXTILE] wr. tug2 "textile, garment" Akk. şubātu
tugguza [TEXTILE] wr. tug2-guz-za; tug2-gu-za "a textile" Akk. haşbu
textile or garment
dabatum [TEXTILE] wr. da-ba-tum "a textile" Akk. tapatu
nisku [~EQUID] wr. ni-is-ku; ni-is-kum; ni-is-ku-um; nisku "a description of equids" Akk. nisqu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
abdu [VEGETABLE] wr. ab-du3 "a part of a vegetable" Akk. elītu
agin [THUS] wr. a-gin7 "thus" Akk. kī
giri [SEAT] wr. girix(|GIŠ.LU2|); girix(|GIŠ.ŠU.LU2|) "a seat" Akk. nēmedu
gure [THAT SIDE] wr. gu2-re "that side"
lu [PERSON] wr. lu2; mu-lu; mu-lu2; lu10; lu6 "who(m), which; man; (s)he who, that which; of; ruler; person" Akk. amēlu; ša
niĝdu [APPROPRIATE THING] wr. niĝ2-du7 "that which is appropriate"
niĝdug [GOOD THING] wr. niĝ2-dug3 "that which is good, well-being; sweet"
niĝgig [BAD THING] wr. niĝ2-gig "that which is bad, forbidden; evil" Akk. ikkibu; lemnūtu
niĝkukuda [SWEET THING] wr. niĝ2-ku7-ku7-da "that which is sweet, sweet(ness)"
re [THAT] wr. re "that"
še [THAT] wr. še "that"
ul [PRONOUN] wr. ul-la; ul "a demonstrative pronoun" Akk. annû; ullû
ur [HE] wr. ur5; ur "he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another)" Akk. amtu; ištēn; mithāru; šû
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
that on which one leans
giri [SEAT] wr. girix(|GIŠ.LU2|); girix(|GIŠ.ŠU.LU2|) "a seat" Akk. nēmedu
that side
gure [THAT SIDE] wr. gu2-re "that side"
that which
lu [PERSON] wr. lu2; mu-lu; mu-lu2; lu10; lu6 "who(m), which; man; (s)he who, that which; of; ruler; person" Akk. amēlu; ša
that which goes out
zage [FOREMOST] wr. zag-e3 "outer corner; corner pillar; projection; foremost" Akk. ašarēdu; zamû; āşītu
that which is above
abdu [VEGETABLE] wr. ab-du3 "a part of a vegetable" Akk. elītu
that which is appropriate
niĝdu [APPROPRIATE THING] wr. niĝ2-du7 "that which is appropriate"
that which is bad
niĝgig [BAD THING] wr. niĝ2-gig "that which is bad, forbidden; evil" Akk. ikkibu; lemnūtu
that which is good
niĝdug [GOOD THING] wr. niĝ2-dug3 "that which is good, well-being; sweet"
that which is sweet
niĝkukuda [SWEET THING] wr. niĝ2-ku7-ku7-da "that which is sweet, sweet(ness)"
niĝzuha [STOLEN GOODS] wr. niĝ2-zuh-a "stolen goods" Akk. šurqu
ki'udba [THERE AND THEN] wr. ki-ud-ba "'there and then'" Akk. ?
ĝal [BE] wr. ĝal2; ma-al; ga2gal2 "to be (there, at hand, available); to exist; to put, place, lay down; to have" Akk. bašû; šakānu
ki'udba [THERE AND THEN] wr. ki-ud-ba "'there and then'" Akk. ?
mala [AS MUCH AS] wr. ma-la "as much as there is" Akk. mala
there and then
ki'udba [THERE AND THEN] wr. ki-ud-ba "'there and then'" Akk. ?
mubeš [THEREFORE] wr. mu-bi2-eš2 "therefore"
anene [THEY] wr. e-ne-ne; a-ne-ne "they"
gur [THICK] wr. gur4; gur14; gur13 "(to be) thick; (to be) big, to feel big" Akk. ebû; rabû; kabru
mur [FODDER] wr. mur "fodder; (to be) fat" Akk. imrû; kabāru
peš [THICK] wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide" Akk. alādu; kabattu; līp līpi; mār māri; mērû; napāšu; šabāšu
gi [THICKET] wr. ĝešgi "reed thicket" Akk. ?
namgur [THICKNESS] wr. nam-gur4 "thickness" Akk. narbû
IGI.IGI [THIEF] wr. IGI-IGI "thief"
gabkar [THIEF] wr. ga-ab-kar "thief" Akk. ekkēmu
gabkare [THIEF] wr. gab2-kar-re "thief"
laga [THIEF] wr. lu2la-ga "thief" Akk. habbatu
luniĝzuha [THIEF] wr. lu2-niĝ2-zuh-a "thief" Akk. šarrāqu
luzuha [THIEF] wr. lu2-zuh-a; lu2-zuh "thief" Akk. šarrāqu
nizuh [THIEF] wr. ni2-zuh; lu2ni2-zuh "thief" Akk. šarrāqu
gabkar [THIEF] wr. ga-ab-kar "thief" Akk. ekkēmu
hal [THIGH] wr. hal; u2-lum "upper thigh" Akk. hallu
haš rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
haš tibir rah [SLAP THE THIGH] wr. haš2 tibir rah2; haš2 tibir2 rah2 "to slap the thigh" Akk. šapara mahāşu
haš [THIGH] wr. haš2; haš4 "lower body, abdomen; thigh" Akk. emšu; šapru
hašgal [THIGH] wr. haš4-gal; haš2-gal "thigh" Akk. pēmu
eblak [BEER] wr. kašebla "a beer" Akk. iblakku
pel [DEFILE] wr. pe-el-la2; pe-el "to defile; to be thin, light" Akk. lu''û; qalālu
sal [THIN] wr. sal "(to be) thin, fine; to spread" Akk. raqāqu
sig [WEAK] wr. sig "(to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin; (to be) narrow" Akk. enšu; qatnu
thin beer
eblak [BEER] wr. kašebla "a beer" Akk. iblakku
azag [TABOO] wr. azag "taboo, forbidden thing" Akk. asakku
dug [GOOD] wr. dug3; ze2-eb; du-uq "(to be) good; (to be) sweet; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. ţābu
mete [APPROPRIATE THING] wr. me-te; te "appropriate thing, ornament" Akk. simtu
niĝ [THING] wr. niĝ2; aĝ2 "thing, possesion; something" Akk. bušu; mimma
niĝdu [APPROPRIATE THING] wr. niĝ2-du7 "that which is appropriate"
niĝdug [GOOD THING] wr. niĝ2-dug3 "that which is good, well-being; sweet"
niĝgig [BAD THING] wr. niĝ2-gig "that which is bad, forbidden; evil" Akk. ikkibu; lemnūtu
niĝkukuda [SWEET THING] wr. niĝ2-ku7-ku7-da "that which is sweet, sweet(ness)"
niĝmuzug [IMPURITY] wr. niĝ2-u2-zug4; niĝ2-ussu-zug4; niĝ2-ussu "impure thing, unclean thing, impurity"
niĝsaga [GOODNESS] wr. niĝ2-sag9-ga "goodness, good (thing)" Akk. dumqu
niĝul [EVERLASTING] wr. niĝ2-ul "an everlasting thing"
sag [GOOD] wr. sag8; sag9; sag10; šeg10; sag12 "(to be) good, sweet, beautiful; goodness, good (thing)" Akk. banû; damāqu; dumqu; ţābu
azalulu [MULTITUDE] wr. a-za-lu-lu "a multitude of living things" Akk. tenēšētu
gilim [RODENT] wr. gilim2; gir12 "(wild) animals, moving things" Akk. nammaštû
niĝdea [GIFT] wr. niĝ2-de2-a "marriage gift" Akk. biblu
niĝdirig [EXTRA] wr. niĝ2-dirig "extra, additional things; a type of offering" Akk. ?
niĝki [HERD] wr. niĝ2-ki "herd of (wild) animals" Akk. nammaštû
niĝziĝal [LIVING CREATURE] wr. niĝ2-zi-ĝal2 "living creature" Akk. šiknat napišti
ziĝal [LIVING THINGS] wr. zi-ĝal2 "living things" Akk. šiknat napišti
things brought
niĝdea [GIFT] wr. niĝ2-de2-a "marriage gift" Akk. biblu
šag dab [THINK] wr. šag4 dab; šag4 dab5 "to think, conceive an idea; to take seriously"
šušana [FRACTION] wr. šušana "one third" Akk. šalšu
udzalla [THIRD] wr. ud-zal-la "third watch of night"
third watch of night
udzalla [THIRD] wr. ud-zal-la "third watch of night"
emengi [THIRST] wr. emengi "burning thirst" Akk. šurpītu
immen [THIRST] wr. immen; immen2 "to thirst; thirst" Akk. şamû; şūmu
imminte [THIRST] wr. immen2-ti; imminte "thirst" Akk. laplaptu
thirst for
immen [THIRST] wr. immen; immen2 "to thirst; thirst" Akk. şamû; şūmu
immen [THIRST] wr. immen; immen2 "to thirst; thirst" Akk. şamû; şūmu
ba [HALF] wr. ba3; ba7 "half; thirty" Akk. bāmtu; mišlu; šalāšā
ušu [THIRTY] wr. ušu3 "thirty"
bangaš [THIRTY-SIX] wr. ba-an-ga-aš2; ba-ga-ša2 "thirty-six"
gu'e [THIS SIDE] wr. gu2-e "this side" Akk. annânum
mu'ua [THIS YEAR] wr. mu-u2-a "this year"
nen [THIS] wr. ne; ne-en; ne-e "this"
ul [PRONOUN] wr. ul-la; ul "a demonstrative pronoun" Akk. annû; ullû
ur [HE] wr. ur5; ur "he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another)" Akk. amtu; ištēn; mithāru; šû
this same
ur [HE] wr. ur5; ur "he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another)" Akk. amtu; ištēn; mithāru; šû
this side
gu'e [THIS SIDE] wr. gu2-e "this side" Akk. annânum
this year
mu'ua [THIS YEAR] wr. mu-u2-a "this year"
eš [ROPE] wr. eš2 "rope, thong, string" Akk. eblu
eše [AREA UNIT] wr. eše3; eše2 "a unit of area; a unit of volume" Akk. eblu
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
dala [THORN] wr. ĝešdala2; dalla2; kušdala2 "thorn, pin, needle; a lance" Akk. dalû; şillû; gubru
thorn bush
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
ad [BUSH] wr. ad5; ad2 "a thorn bush" Akk. ašāgu; eddidu; eddittu
dih [WEED] wr. ĝešdih3; dih3; ĝeštehi "a weed with thorns" Akk. baltu
ĝeša'abak [TREE] wr. ĝeš-ab-ba; ĝeš-a-ab-ba; ĝeš-a-ab "a tree" Akk. kušabku
lilibizida [PLANT] wr. u2li-li-bi-zi-da "a thorny plant" Akk. dadaru
nugi [PLANT] wr. u2nu-gi "a thorny plant" Akk. ša'tu
sud [PLANT] wr. su-ud "plant" Akk. hahinnu
thorny plant
lilibizida [PLANT] wr. u2li-li-bi-zi-da "a thorny plant" Akk. dadaru
nugi [PLANT] wr. u2nu-gi "a thorny plant" Akk. ša'tu
sud [PLANT] wr. su-ud "plant" Akk. hahinnu
udbita [FORMER] wr. ud-bi-ta "former (lit. from those days)"
ul [PRONOUN] wr. ul-la; ul "a demonstrative pronoun" Akk. annû; ullû
dimma [THOUGHT] wr. dim2-ma; dimma "thought, planning; instruction" Akk. ţēmu
ĝalga [FORETHOUGHT] wr. ĝalga; ma-al-ga "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction, advice" Akk. milku; ţēmu
ĝeštug [EAR] wr. ĝeštug2; ĝešĝeštug; ĝeštug; ĝeštug3; muštug2; mu-uš-tug2; mu-uš-tug "reason, plan; (to be) wise; wisdom, understanding; ear" Akk. hassu; uznu; uznu; ţēmu
nam [THOUGHT] wr. nam2 "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction" Akk. ţēmu
umuš [PLANNING] wr. umuš "(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction; consideration, sagacity" Akk. ţēmu
limum [THOUSAND] wr. li-mu-um; li-im "one thousand" Akk. limu
dudu [BEATING] wr. dudux(|PA.UZU|) "thrashing, beating" Akk. niţûtu
NU [SPIN] wr. NU "to spin (thread)"
e [LEAVE] wr. e3; i; e "to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent" Akk. aşû; erēbu; mahû; rubbû; zarû; šakāku
gu [CORD] wr. gu "cord, net; unretted flax stalks" Akk. qû
gunu [FLAX] wr. gu-nu "flax" Akk. qû
niĝUNUa [THREAD] wr. niĝ2-U.NU-a "thread" Akk. ?
šaUNUa [THREAD] wr. ša3-U.NU-a "a type of thread"
eš [THREE] wr. eš5; eš-a-bi; eš10; am3-mu-uš "three; triplets" Akk. takšû; šalāš
peš [THREE] wr. peš "three; to do something three times" Akk. šalašti
bad [OPEN] wr. bad; ba; be2 "(to be) remote; to open, undo; to thresh grain with a threshing sledge" Akk. be'ēšû; nesû; petû
gaz [KILL] wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 "to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break" Akk. dâku; habātu; hašālu; kaşāşu; pa'āşu; šagāšu
ĝeš rah [BEAT] wr. ĝeš rah2 "to beat; to thresh" Akk. rapāsu
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
šub [FALL] wr. šub "to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)" Akk. habātu; maqātu; nadû
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
thresh grain
gaz [KILL] wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 "to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break" Akk. dâku; habātu; hašālu; kaşāşu; pa'āşu; šagāšu
šub [FALL] wr. šub "to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)" Akk. habātu; maqātu; nadû
thresh grain by treading
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
thresh grain with a flail
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
thresh grain with a threshing sledge
bad [OPEN] wr. bad; ba; be2 "(to be) remote; to open, undo; to thresh grain with a threshing sledge" Akk. be'ēšû; nesû; petû
bad [OPEN] wr. bad; ba; be2 "(to be) remote; to open, undo; to thresh grain with a threshing sledge" Akk. be'ēšû; nesû; petû
ĝešbadra [SLED] wr. ĝeš-bad-ra2 "threshing sled" Akk. gisappu
harhada [SLED] wr. har-ha-da "threshing sled"
kiĝal [LAND] wr. ki-ĝal2; kankal "threshing floor; uncultivated land" Akk. maškanu
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
kisur [LOCUS] wr. ki-su7; ki-|LAGAR@g| "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
lugud [LOCUS] wr. lugud4 "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu; rahīşu
mašgana [SETTLEMENT] wr. maš-gana2 "settlement; threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
sur [LOCUS] wr. su7 "threshing floor; abandonment" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu
šeĝešrah [THRESHING] wr. ĝešše-ĝeš-ra-ah "threshing tool"
threshing floor
kiĝal [LAND] wr. ki-ĝal2; kankal "threshing floor; uncultivated land" Akk. maškanu
kislah [LAND] wr. kislah; kislah2; kislah3 "threshing floor; uncultivated, uninhabited, cleared land; empty house lot" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu; terīqtu; turbalû
kisur [LOCUS] wr. ki-su7; ki-|LAGAR@g| "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
lugud [LOCUS] wr. lugud4 "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu; rahīşu
mašgana [SETTLEMENT] wr. maš-gana2 "settlement; threshing floor" Akk. maškanu
sur [LOCUS] wr. su7 "threshing floor; abandonment" Akk. maškanu; nidûtu
threshing sled
ĝešbadra [SLED] wr. ĝeš-bad-ra2 "threshing sled" Akk. gisappu
harhada [SLED] wr. har-ha-da "threshing sled"
threshing tool
šeĝešrah [THRESHING] wr. ĝešše-ĝeš-ra-ah "threshing tool"
birun [THRESHING-FLOOR?] wr. bir-un4 "threshing-floor?"
lugud [LOCUS] wr. lugud4 "threshing floor" Akk. maškanu; rahīşu
birun [THRESHING-FLOOR?] wr. bir-un4 "threshing-floor?"
idib [THRESHOLD] wr. i-dib; i-dub "threshold" Akk. askuppu
kuĝ [STAIR] wr. ĝeškuĝ5; kun4; ĝeškuĝ4; kun5; ĝeškuĝx(LUM) "stair(case); ladder; threshold" Akk. askuppu; simmiltu
zig [THRESHOLD] wr. zig "threshold" Akk. ziqqu
gu mer [THRIVE] wr. gu2 mar-mar; gu2 me-er-me-er "to grow abundantly, thrive" Akk. hanābu
meli [NECK] wr. mel3; melix(|KA×GAR+ŠA3+A|); meli2; melix(|KA×U2|) "neck" Akk. nemlû
guMUR [THROAT] wr. gu2-MUR "throat" Akk. urʾudu
ĝeli [THROAT] wr. ĝeli3 "throat; windpipe" Akk. ma'lātum; nimlû
meli [NECK] wr. mel3; melix(|KA×GAR+ŠA3+A|); meli2; melix(|KA×U2|) "neck" Akk. nemlû
zi tum [TAKE REFUGE] wr. zi tum2 "to take refuge" Akk. napištu abālu
zi [LIFE] wr. zi; ši; ši-i "life" Akk. napištu
zipaĝ [BREATH] wr. za-pa-aĝ2; zi-pa-aĝ2 "voice, noise; breath" Akk. napištu; rigmu
ašte [CHAIR] wr. ašte2; ĝešaš-te; ĝešiš-de3 "chair, throne; seat, dwelling; shrine, chapel; a unit of area" Akk. kussû; sukku; šubtu
du [PLATFORM] wr. du6 "throne platform for a deity" Akk. di'u
durĝar [CHAIR] wr. ĝešdur2-ĝar; dur2-gar; dur2-garurudu "chair" Akk. kussû
gu'en [THRONE ROOM] wr. gu2-en "assembly room, throne room"
guza [CHAIR] wr. ĝešgu-za; gu-za; gu2-za; ĝešguza; ĝešaš-te "chair, stool, throne" Akk. kussû
unu [DWELLING] wr. unu6; unu2; unu "banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple" Akk. mākalû; mūšabu; usukku; šubtu
throne platform for a deity
du [PLATFORM] wr. du6 "throne platform for a deity" Akk. di'u
throne room
gu'en [THRONE ROOM] wr. gu2-en "assembly room, throne room"
guzala [OFFICIAL] wr. gu-za-la2 "an official" Akk. guzalû
namguzala [THRONE-BEARER] wr. nam-gu-za-la2 "office of throne-bearer"
ere [THROTTLE] wr. er13 "to press, throttle" Akk. hanāqum
ešela [BOUND] wr. ešela "(to be) bound" Akk. hanāqu; kalû; kamû
la [HANG] wr. la2; la; lal2 "to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry" Akk. alālu; hanāqu; hiāţu; kamû; kasû; şimittu; kullumu; šaqālu; šuqalulu; zarû
bar [OUTSIDE] wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur "outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split" Akk. būdum; kabattu; kawûm; ahû; warkatu; qalāpu; salātu; šalāqu
dar [SPLIT] wr. dar "to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open" Akk. pênu; pêşu; salātu; šalāqu; šatāqu
dib [PASS] wr. dib; dib2; di-ib "to pass, go along; to go past; to go through; to cross over; to audit; to transfer" Akk. bâ'u; etēqu
gir [SLIP] wr. gir5 "to slip (in or through), glide"
gu e [COVERED WITH] wr. gu2 e3 "to be covered with" Akk. halāpu
gurud [THROW] wr. gurud; gurud2 "to throw, place" Akk. nadû
ku [PLACE] wr. ku "to place, lay (down), lay eggs; to spread, discharge" Akk. nadû; uşşu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
sag [SCATTER] wr. sag2; sag3; sag7 "to throw (down); to scatter, disperse; to kill, to beat" Akk. dâku; nasāku; nêru; sapāhu
šub [FALL] wr. šub "to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)" Akk. habātu; maqātu; nadû
throw down
gurud [THROW] wr. gurud; gurud2 "to throw, place" Akk. nadû
ku [PLACE] wr. ku "to place, lay (down), lay eggs; to spread, discharge" Akk. nadû; uşşu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
sag [SCATTER] wr. sag2; sag3; sag7 "to throw (down); to scatter, disperse; to kill, to beat" Akk. dâku; nasāku; nêru; sapāhu
šub [FALL] wr. šub "to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)" Akk. habātu; maqātu; nadû
throw down
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
zub [STICK] wr. zub "bent stick (for throwing), throwing-stick" Akk. gamlu
zub [STICK] wr. zub "bent stick (for throwing), throwing-stick" Akk. gamlu
ĝešbu [WEAPON] wr. ĝešgešbu "a weapon: bow? throwstick? javelin?" Akk. tilpānu
illar [WEAPON] wr. ĝešillar; illar "a weapon: bow? throwstick? javelin?; a geometric figure" Akk. tilpānu
du [PUSH] wr. du7 "to push, thrust, gore; to make encounter (math.)" Akk. nakāpu
saĝ sag [TREMBLE] wr. saĝ sag3 "to tremble" Akk. nakāpu
dun [WEAPON] wr. dun4 "a thrusting weapon" Akk. dēpu
thrusting weapon
dun [WEAPON] wr. dun4 "a thrusting weapon" Akk. dēpu
gu'anesi [THUNDER] wr. gu3-an-ne2-si "thunder"
agin [THUS] wr. a-gin7 "thus" Akk. kī
nenam [SO] wr. ne-nam "so; thus" Akk. kīam
aga [TIARA] wr. aga; aga3 "tiara, crown" Akk. agû
men [TIARA] wr. men; men4 "tiara, type of crown" Akk. agû
aga kar [DEFEAT] wr. aga kar2; aga3 kar2 "to defeat; to conquer; to surround; to besiege" Akk. kalû; kaşāru
dimgal [POLE] wr. dim-gal; di-im-gu-ul "a pole" Akk. mahrašu; markasu; ushamu
dur [BOND] wr. dur; gidur "binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope" Akk. abunnatu; markasu; ţurru
erin [YOKE] wr. erin2; ĝešerin2 "to yoke; yoke; plow team" Akk. şamādu; şimittu
ešla [BAND] wr. eš2-la2 "bond; band, belt" Akk. markasu; nēbehu
gir [YOKE] wr. gir11 "to yoke, harness" Akk. şamādu
kad [TIE] wr. kad5; kad4; kad6; kad8 "to tie, gather; to itch, scratch; to weave a mat?" Akk. harādu; harāsu; kaşāru
sa la [BIND] wr. sa la2 "to tie up" Akk. ?
sig [TIE] wr. sa2; sig9 "to tie (shoes)" Akk. šênu
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
udsaĝ [BAND] wr. ud5-saĝ "band" Akk. markasu; riksu
zag kešed [TIE UP] wr. zag keš2 "to tie up; to don" Akk. ?
zu kešed [GATHER] wr. zu2 keš2 "to gather, to assemble; to organize; to bind" Akk. kaşāru; rakāsu
tie shoes
sig [TIE] wr. sa2; sig9 "to tie (shoes)" Akk. šênu
tie up
erin [YOKE] wr. erin2; ĝešerin2 "to yoke; yoke; plow team" Akk. şamādu; şimittu
gir [YOKE] wr. gir11 "to yoke, harness" Akk. şamādu
sa la [BIND] wr. sa la2 "to tie up" Akk. ?
sur [HARNESS] wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) "to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers); member of a team, team-worker" Akk. šuqallulu
zag kešed [TIE UP] wr. zag keš2 "to tie up; to don" Akk. ?
dadara [TIED] wr. da-da-ra "(to be) tied, cramped up" Akk. ebēţu
dartar [TIED] wr. dar-tar "(to be) tied"
ug [LION] wr. ug; ugx(|PIRIG×ZA|) "lion; a mythical lion; a large cat" Akk. mindinu; nešu; ūmu
uršub [TIGER] wr. ur-šub5 "tiger"
lugud [SHORT] wr. lugud2; lugud3 "(to be) short; (to be) tight; (to be) short of breath" Akk. kurû
gid [LONG] wr. gid2 "(to be) long; to tighten; to survey, measure out a field" Akk. arāku
hir [SQUEEZE] wr. hi-ir; hir "to squeeze, tighten"
se [LIVE] wr. se12; ze2; še "plural stem of til[to live]"
maš [TILE] wr. dugmaš "a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū
zandara [OBJECT] wr. zandara "a clay object; a drainage tile" Akk. mišlānū; zad(u)rû
enbiše [UP TILL NOW] wr. en3-bi-še3 "up till now"
enše'am [UP TILL NOW] wr. en3-še3-am3 "up till now" Akk. adi matīma
enše [UP TILL NOW] wr. en3-še3 "up till now" Akk. adi matīma
apinla [TILLER] wr. apin-la2 "planter, tiller" Akk. errēšu
namapinla [~TILLER] wr. nam-apin-la2 "position as tiller"
amru [BEAM] wr. am-ra; am-ru; amra "beam, timber" Akk. amrû
ĝeššudim [TIMBER] wr. ĝeš-šu-dim2 "(ship's) timber"
a'udteĝiba [TIME] wr. a2-ud-te-gi6-ba "time"
a [TIME] wr. a2 "time"
ennuĝ [IMPRISONMENT] wr. en-nu-ĝa2; en-nuĝx(NUN); en-nu-uĝ3; en-nu-uĝ5; en-uĝ3-ĝa2 "watch, guard; watch (as a division of night time); imprisonment; prison" Akk. maşşartum
šu gi [REPEAT] wr. šu gi4 "to repeat" Akk. šanû
šunim [SPRING] wr. šu-nim "spring time"
ud zal [PASS] wr. ud zal "to pass (said of time); to dawn; to do something at daybreak" Akk. ?
ul [DISTANT] wr. ul; ul-li2; ul-li "(to be) distant (in time); distant time" Akk. şiātu
zal [PASS] wr. zal "to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time" Akk. naharmumu; naharmuţu; qatû; râbu
zizna [WOMB] wr. zizna "early childhood; creation; shape, appearance, structure; womb" Akk. binītu; šassūru; şehrūtu
zusik [PLUCKING] wr. zu2-si "plucking; plucking time"
ara [TIMES] wr. a-ra2 "times (with numbers); ways; way; omen; step (math.)"
peš [THREE] wr. peš "three; to do something three times" Akk. šalašti
times with numbers
ara [TIMES] wr. a-ra2 "times (with numbers); ways; way; omen; step (math.)"
anna [METAL] wr. an-na "tin or lead" Akk. annaku
tin or lead
anna [METAL] wr. an-na "tin or lead" Akk. annaku
gibil [FIREWOOD] wr. gigibil2; gigibil; gigibil3; ĝešgibil2 "firewood tinder, taper, kindling" Akk. gibillû; kibirru; makaddu; qilûtu
ug [TINY] wr. ug2 "tiny, very small" Akk. daqqiqi
ašte [TIP] wr. ašte "tip of an animal's horn" Akk. sappartu
kinamesira [FOREHEAD] wr. ki-nam-esir-ra; ki-nam-TUG2-ra "forehead; a part of the foot" Akk. nakkaptu; nakkapu
sullim [TIP] wr. sullim "rubbish tip" Akk. baliltu
tip of an animal s horn
ašte [TIP] wr. ašte "tip of an animal's horn" Akk. sappartu
tip of horn
ašte [TIP] wr. ašte "tip of an animal's horn" Akk. sappartu
suhub [TREAD] wr. suhub "to tread; rim of a wheel" Akk. kabāsu; šuhuppu
ši [TIRE] wr. ši "to become tired" Akk. egû
kušu [TIRED] wr. kuš2; kuš2-u3 "(to be) tired, troubled" Akk. anāhu
ši [TIRE] wr. ši "to become tired" Akk. egû
mehi [TISSUE] wr. me-hi "tissue" Akk. himşu
zagu [TITHE] wr. zag-u "tithe"
galzu'unkenak [OFFICIAL] wr. gal-zu-unken-na "an official title"
to be
me [BE] wr. me; em; am3 "to be"
kiĝtur [TOAD] wr. kiĝ2-turku6 "toad"
ĝirisi [TOE] wr. ĝiri3-si "toe"
si [HORN] wr. si "horn; finger; fret" Akk. qarnu; ubānu
šusi [FINGER] wr. šu-si "finger; a unit of length" Akk. ubānu
u [FINGER] wr. u "finger; toe" Akk. ubānu
umbin [NAIL] wr. umbin "(finger/toe-)nail; claw; hoof; finger, toe" Akk. ubānu; şupru
dun [WARP] wr. dun; DUB2 "to lay (the warp)" Akk. dêpu; kamādu; šatû
kad [TIE] wr. kad5; kad4; kad6; kad8 "to tie, gather; to itch, scratch; to weave a mat?" Akk. harādu; harāsu; kaşāru
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šu sub [GATHER UP] wr. šu su-ub "to gather up, to collect, to scrape together" Akk. esēpu
ur [PLUCK] wr. ur4; ur5 "to pluck; to gather, collect; to harvest" Akk. baqāmu; eşēdu; hamāmu; kapātu
tuditum [TOGGLE PIN] wr. tu-di-da; urudtu3-di3-da; tu-di-tumzabar; urudtu3-di-da; urudtu-di3-da "toggle pin" Akk. tudittu
toggle pin
tuditum [TOGGLE PIN] wr. tu-di-da; urudtu3-di3-da; tu-di-tumzabar; urudtu3-di-da; urudtu-di3-da "toggle pin" Akk. tudittu
akuš [TOIL] wr. a2-kuš2 "toil, labor" Akk. manahtu
dulum [TOIL] wr. du-lum; du2-lum "misery; toil"
zib [MARK] wr. za3; zib "a mark; mark, token; colour, paint" Akk. šimtu; şibbu
udug [DEMON] wr. dudug; u2-dug4; udug "a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb); ~ figurine" Akk. utukku
irigal [UNDERWORLD] wr. irigal; iri-gal; urugal2 "earth, land; underworld; grave" Akk. erşetu; qabru
kimah [GRAVE] wr. ki-mah "grave; a cultic place" Akk. kimahhu
udug [DEMON] wr. dudug; u2-dug4; udug "a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb); ~ figurine" Akk. utukku
unugal [TOMB] wr. unu-gal "tomb"
eme [TONGUE] wr. eme "tongue; language" Akk. lišānu
eme [~PLOW] wr. ĝešeme "a part of a plow; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. emû
tongue of a plow
eme [~PLOW] wr. ĝešeme "a part of a plow; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. emû
ma'ur [SHALLOWS] wr. ma2-ur3 "the place where a water course becomes too shallow to allow boats to pass"
DU.ŠU [TOOL] wr. DU3-ŠU "a tool"
aĝar [TOOL] wr. a2-ĝar "a tool"
akar [IMPLEMENT] wr. ĝeša2-kar2 "implement, tool, utensil" Akk. unūtu
allub [TOOL] wr. al-lub "a tool"
alšub [TOOL] wr. ĝešal-šub; ĝešal-u3-šub "a tool" Akk. šelliptu
ba [TOOL] wr. ĝešba "a cutting tool" Akk. suppīnu
barhuda [TOOL] wr. bar-hu-da "a tool; a reed cutter" Akk. par hudû
bazu [KNIFE] wr. ba-zu2; ĝešba-zu2? "a toothed knife" Akk. suppīn şurri
ekema [MALLET] wr. ĝeše-kid-ma; ĝeše-kid3-ma "mallet" Akk. mekkû
ešla [TOOL] wr. ĝešeš2-la2 "a stick?; a tool" Akk. mekkû
girah [TOOL] wr. ĝešgirah "a building tool, hammer?" Akk. suppīn itinni
gur [TOOL] wr. ĝešgur8 "a tool"
ĝešbur [TOOL] wr. ĝeš-bur2 "a ritual tool, crook" Akk. gišburu; gamlu
ĝešdubdim [TOOL] wr. ĝeš-dub-dim2 "a wooden tool for fashioning tablets; a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
ĝeššudumak [~ACCOUNTING] wr. ĝeš-šudum-ma "a wooden tool used for accounting" Akk. işşi minûti
ĝišellag [TOOL] wr. ĝiš-ellag "tool" Akk. mekkû
habuda [HOE] wr. urudha-bu3-da; ha-bu3-da; ha-bu3-daurud; ĝešha-bu-da; urudha-bu-da; ĝešha-bu3-da; ĝešha-bu6-da "hoe, ax" Akk. hapūtu
hulpad [TOOL?] wr. hulpad "a wood or a tool?" Akk. mitru
kuksu [TOOL] wr. kuksu2; kuksu "a garden tool" Akk. kuksu
lud [TABLEWARE] wr. lud "an item of tableware, a cup or bowl; a metal tool" Akk. luţţu; nalpatu
muštaptin [TOOL] wr. muštaptin "a potter's tool" Akk. muštaptinnu
negipum [TOOL] wr. ne-gi-pu-um "a tool or container" Akk. nēkepu
niĝbarsur [TOOL] wr. ĝešniĝ2-bar-sur "a fuller's tool" Akk. mazūru
niĝlala [TOOL] wr. niĝ2-la2-la2 "tool" Akk. išqarrurtu
niĝsakar [TOOL] wr. niĝ2-sakar "tool" Akk. išqarrurtu
nisakar [AGRICULTURAL TOOL] wr. ĝešni3-sakar; ĝešni2-sahar-ra "agricultural tool" Akk. išqarurtu
nisiki [COMB] wr. nisikix(|GIŠ.GAR.UMBIN|) "comb" Akk. mummarītu
sigba [TOOL] wr. sig4-ba "a brickmaker's tool"
suhur [TOOL] wr. ĝešsuhur "a tool" Akk. mekkû
sumungi [TOOL] wr. ĝešsumun-gi4 "type of tool"
šeĝešrah [THRESHING] wr. ĝešše-ĝeš-ra-ah "threshing tool"
šukara [TOOL] wr. ĝeššu-kara2 "tool, implement, utensil" Akk. unūtu
targul [POLE] wr. targul; targulx(|MA2.KAK|) "a wooden tool used in weaving; mooring pole; mooring rope; mast" Akk. tarkullu
uha [TOOL] wr. u3-ha2 "a tool"
hulpad [TOOL?] wr. hulpad "a wood or a tool?" Akk. mitru
tool or container
negipum [TOOL] wr. ne-gi-pu-um "a tool or container" Akk. nēkepu
akar [IMPLEMENT] wr. ĝeša2-kar2 "implement, tool, utensil" Akk. unūtu
niĝguna [UTENSILS] wr. niĝ2-gu2-na "utensils" Akk. unūtu
šu du [COMPLETE] wr. šu du7 "to complete, perfect; to be in working order (of tools)" Akk. šuklulu
šukara [TOOL] wr. ĝeššu-kara2 "tool, implement, utensil" Akk. unūtu
KAmuš [WORM] wr. KA-muš "tooth worm" Akk. tûltu
gug [TOOTH] wr. gug; gug6 "tooth; blade; beak; dogbite" Akk. nišik kalbi; šinnu
zu [SHARE] wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu
zu [TOOTH] wr. zu2 "tooth" Akk. šinnu
tooth worm
KAmuš [WORM] wr. KA-muš "tooth worm" Akk. tûltu
bazu [KNIFE] wr. ba-zu2; ĝešba-zu2? "a toothed knife" Akk. suppīn şurri
toothed knife
bazu [KNIFE] wr. ba-zu2; ĝešba-zu2? "a toothed knife" Akk. suppīn şurri
absaĝ [STRAP] wr. ab2-saĝ "top strap"
agrigmah [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. agrig-mah "top administrator"
ĝešil [TREETOP] wr. ĝeš-il2 "top of a tree" Akk. mēlû
kešda [ROOFING] wr. ĝeškeš2-da "roofing, top story" Akk. taşliltu
kurbad [MOUNTAIN TOP] wr. kur-bad3 "mountain top"
ugu [SKULL] wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) "skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top" Akk. eli; muhhu; qaqqadu
top administrator
agrigmah [ADMINISTRATOR] wr. agrig-mah "top administrator"
top of a tree
ĝešil [TREETOP] wr. ĝeš-il2 "top of a tree" Akk. mēlû
top story
kešda [ROOFING] wr. ĝeškeš2-da "roofing, top story" Akk. taşliltu
top strap
absaĝ [STRAP] wr. ab2-saĝ "top strap"
martu [WESTERNER] wr. mar-tu "westerner; west wind" Akk. amurru
toponym for Syria and the West
martu [WESTERNER] wr. mar-tu "westerner; west wind" Akk. amurru
hul [RING] wr. hul3 "ring; rein" Akk. hullu
gi'izila [TORCH] wr. gi-izi-la2 "torch" Akk. dipāru; gizillû
iziĝar [TORCH] wr. izi-ĝar "torch" Akk. dipāru
saĝizi [TORCH] wr. saĝ-izi "torch"
arabu [BIRD] wr. a12-ra2-bumušen; adabmušen; a2-tabmušen; udu-buadabmušen "a bird" Akk. arabû; usābu
balgi [TURTLE] wr. ba-gi; ba-al-gi4; ba-al-gu7; ba-al-gi; bal-gi "turtle" Akk. raqqu
gagara [TOTAL] wr. gar-gar-ra; ga-ga-ra "capital; total" Akk. kumurrû
gu'anše [TOTAL] wr. gu2-an-še3 "total"
gu [ENTIRETY] wr. gu2 "entirety, sum, total" Akk. nagbu; napharu
gudirig [TOTAL] wr. gu2-dirig "total"
kilib [TOTAL] wr. kilib; kilib3 "total, sum; (the) whole, entirety; assembly" Akk. napharu; puhru
niĝin [TOTAL] wr. niĝin2; niĝin "total, sum; (the) whole, entirety" Akk. napharu
šuniĝin [TOTAL] wr. šu-niĝin2; šu-niĝin; |ŠU "total, sum" Akk. napharu
dagan [TOTALITY] wr. da-gan "totality; assembly; band" Akk. kullatu; puhru; riksu
dur [TOTALITY] wr. dur "totality" Akk. kullatu
gukin [TOTALITY] wr. gu2-kiĝ2; gukin; gukin2; gu3-kin; gu3-kin5 "villages, settlements; the inhabited world; totality, world" Akk. dadmū; kiššatu
kiš [TOTALITY] wr. kiš "totality, world" Akk. kiššatu
kišar [EARTH] wr. ki-šar2 "totality; the whole earth; horizon" Akk. kiššat erşeti; kiššatu
niĝkišar [TOTALITY] wr. niĝ2-ki-šar2 "totality" Akk. ?
šar [3600] wr. šar2; šar; šar2-šar2 "totality, world; (to be) numerous; 3600" Akk. kiššatu; mâdu
šargad [WORLD] wr. šargad "world, totality" Akk. kiššātu
šu [TOTALITY] wr. šu4 "totality, world" Akk. kiššatu
u [TOTALITY] wr. u; u5 "totality, world" Akk. kiššatu
du [PLAY] wr. du12-du12; du12 "to play (a musical instrument)" Akk. lapātu; zamāru
halam [FORSAKE] wr. ha-lam; gel-le-eĝ3 "(to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy" Akk. halāqu; lapātu; lemnu; mašû
šu de [CARRY] wr. šu de6; šu tum3 "to carry; to apply oneself to a task; to touch" Akk. ?
šu dug [TOUCH] wr. šu dug4 "to touch" Akk. lapātu
šu tag [TOUCH] wr. šu tag "to touch" Akk. lapātu
tag [TOUCH] wr. tag "to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack" Akk. lapātu; rakāsu
gibil [FIREWOOD] wr. gigibil2; gigibil; gigibil3; ĝešgibil2 "firewood tinder, taper, kindling" Akk. gibillû; kibirru; makaddu; qilûtu
bur [GRASS] wr. u2bur2 "a grass" Akk. umşatu
tough grass
bur [GRASS] wr. u2bur2 "a grass" Akk. umşatu
gid [DRAG] wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk" Akk. šadādu
tow a boat upstream
gid [DRAG] wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk" Akk. šadādu
ki [PLACE] wr. ki "place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below" Akk. ašru; erşetu; mātu; qaqqaru; šaplû
magid [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-gid2 "a towed boat" Akk. makkītu
towed boat
magid [BOAT] wr. ĝešma2-gid2 "a towed boat" Akk. makkītu
niĝdara [RAG] wr. tug2nig2-dara2 "rag, sanitary towel" Akk. ulāpu
anzagar [TOWER] wr. an-za-gar3; an-gar3 "(fortified) tower" Akk. dimtu
dimdim [TOWER] wr. dim-dim "(fortified) tower"
dubla [TOWER] wr. dub-la2 "gate tower" Akk. išdu; tublu
a'u [TOWMAN] wr. au "towman of a boat" Akk. āgilu
towman of a boat
a'u [TOWMAN] wr. au "towman of a boat" Akk. āgilu
iri [CITY] wr. iri; iriki; uru2; uru11; iri11 "city" Akk. ālu
iribala [CITY] wr. iri-bala "rebel town"
niĝir [HERALD] wr. niĝir; li-bi-ir "herald" Akk. nagiru
zig [TOWN] wr. zigx(|PA.GI|) "town, center" Akk. māhāzu
ur [DOG] wr. ur; ĝešur "dog; ~ figurine; ~ toy; lion" Akk. kalbu; labbu
uh [TRACHEA] wr. uzuuh4 "trachea, uvula" Akk. ma'latu
dus [PATH] wr. du10-us2; du-us2 "path" Akk. kibsu
ĝiri'us [TRACK] wr. ĝiri3-us2 "track"
zukum [TREAD] wr. zukum "track, footprint; to tread" Akk. kabāsu; kibsu
namga'eš [TRADE] wr. nam-ga-eš8 "sea trade"
damgar [MERCHANT] wr. dam-gar3 "merchant, trader" Akk. tamkāru
ga'eš [TRADER] wr. ga-eš8; ga-eš "a long distance trader; tax collector, customs collector" Akk. ga'iššu
ĝiri gub [STEP] wr. ĝiri3 gub "to step in/on/out" Akk. kabāsu
ĝiri ĝar [TRAMPLE] wr. ĝiri3 ĝar "to trample" Akk. rahāşu
ĝiri saga [TRAMPLE] wr. ĝiri3 saga11; ĝiri3 sa-ga; ĝiri3 sag2 "to trample, destroy"
ĝiri zukum [TRAMPLE] wr. ĝiri3 zukum "to trample" Akk. kabāsu
suhub [TREAD] wr. suhub "to tread; rim of a wheel" Akk. kabāsu; šuhuppu
zag saga [OVERTURN] wr. zag saga11 "to trample" Akk. sakāpu; darāšu
zukum [TREAD] wr. zukum "track, footprint; to tread" Akk. kabāsu; kibsu
ĝešgana bala [SELL] wr. ĝeš-gana2 bala "'to pass someone or something over the pestle', to conclude a sale" Akk. bukannam šūtuqu
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
dib [PASS] wr. dib; dib2; di-ib "to pass, go along; to go past; to go through; to cross over; to audit; to transfer" Akk. bâ'u; etēqu
gid [DRAG] wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk" Akk. šadādu
transfer boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
šu dug [TRANSFORM] wr. šu dug4 "to turn into something" Akk. ?
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
transgress the terms of an agreement
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
eme bala [TRANSLATE] wr. eme bala "to translate" Akk. ?
inim bala [CONVERSE] wr. inim bala "to converse; to translate; to speak; to twitter" Akk. ?; awûm
emebala [TRANSLATOR] wr. eme-bala "translator"
dida [WORT] wr. dida; didax(|U2.SA|) "sweet wort, an ingredient for beer making; beer for transport" Akk. billatu
dal [LINE] wr. dal "dividing line, transverse line" Akk. perku
transverse line
dal [LINE] wr. dal "dividing line, transverse line" Akk. perku
gilim [CROSS] wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gil-gilil "to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block; (to be) difficult to understand" Akk. egēru; parāku
pilipili [TRANSVESTITE] wr. pi-li-pi-li "homosexual lover; transvestite" Akk. assinnu; parrû
aruba [PITFALL] wr. a-ru-ub; a-ru-ub-ba "pitfall, trap" Akk. nahallu
azla [CAGE] wr. az-la2 "a cage" Akk. nabāru
ellaĝdu [TRAP] wr. ĝešellaĝ2-du "a trap"
esad [TRAP] wr. ĝešes2-ad "trap" Akk. nahbalu
ešla [TRAP] wr. ĝešeš2-la2 "a trap" Akk. kamaru
ešsadu [TRAP] wr. eš-sa-du "trap" Akk. nahbalum
ĝešpaphalla [TRAP?] wr. ĝeš-pap-hal-la "trap?"
ĝešpar [TRAP] wr. ĝeš-bur2; ĝeš-par3; ĝeš-bur? "trap, snare" Akk. gišparru
kamar [WOOD] wr. gešKA-mar; ka-mar "a wood" Akk. kamāru
niĝhuša [PITFALL] wr. niĝ2-huš-a "pitfall, trap" Akk. šuttatu
niĝla [TRAP] wr. ĝešnig2-la2 "trap"
sa'ad [TRAP?] wr. ĝešsa-ad "a trap?" Akk. nassapu
ĝešpaphalla [TRAP?] wr. ĝeš-pap-hal-la "trap?"
sa'ad [TRAP?] wr. ĝešsa-ad "a trap?" Akk. nassapu
saĝkigudak [TRAPEZIUM] wr. saĝ-ki-gud "a geometric shape; trapezium (math.)" Akk. pūt alpi
trapezium math.
saĝkigudak [TRAPEZIUM] wr. saĝ-ki-gud "a geometric shape; trapezium (math.)" Akk. pūt alpi
kaskal [BASKET] wr. gikaskal "travel basket"
zidše [PROVISIONS] wr. zid2-še "(travel) provisions"
travel basket
kaskal [BASKET] wr. gikaskal "travel basket"
igi tum la [SPY] wr. igi tum3 la2 "to spy" Akk. šapātu
igi tum [SPY] wr. igi tum3 "to spy" Akk. šapātu
namlul [TREACHERY] wr. nam-lul "treachery"
ĝiri gub [STEP] wr. ĝiri3 gub "to step in/on/out" Akk. kabāsu
ĝiri us [STEP UPON] wr. ĝiri3 us2 "to step upon" Akk. kabāsu
ĝiri zukum [TRAMPLE] wr. ĝiri3 zukum "to trample" Akk. kabāsu
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
suhub [TREAD] wr. suhub "to tread; rim of a wheel" Akk. kabāsu; šuhuppu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
zukum [TREAD] wr. zukum "track, footprint; to tread" Akk. kabāsu; kibsu
tread down
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
tread upon
ĝiri us [STEP UPON] wr. ĝiri3 us2 "to step upon" Akk. kabāsu
us [FOLLOW] wr. us2 "(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?" Akk. diāšu; redû; šadādu
dubšen [CHEST] wr. dub-šen "treasure chest" Akk. tupšinnu
gil [TREASURE] wr. gil "treasure"
gilsa [TREASURE] wr. gil-sa; gi16-gi16-sa "treasure" Akk. šutukku
nakamtum [STOREHOUSE] wr. na-kam-tum "storehouse" Akk. nakkamtu
paphal [SECRET] wr. pap-hal "secret; treasure; narrow place; dire straits" Akk. nişirtu; pušqu
uzga [TREASURE] wr. uz-ga; uz-ga-še3; uzugx(KA); uz-ga-ta; uzug; uz3-ga; us-ga-ne; us-ga; uz-ga-ne; uzugx(|AN.ZAG|); usagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|)ki "cella, shrine; goods, treasure; treasury" Akk. sagû; sukku
treasure chest
dubšen [CHEST] wr. dub-šen "treasure chest" Akk. tupšinnu
enkum [TREASURER] wr. enkum "temple treasurer" Akk. enkummu
erim [STOREROOM] wr. erim3; erim6; erim4; erim5 "storeroom, treasury" Akk. išittu
uzga [TREASURE] wr. uz-ga; uz-ga-še3; uzugx(KA); uz-ga-ta; uzug; uz3-ga; us-ga-ne; us-ga; uz-ga-ne; uzugx(|AN.ZAG|); usagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|); sausagx(|U.ŠA|)ki "cella, shrine; goods, treasure; treasury" Akk. sagû; sukku
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
a ĝar [DEFEAT] wr. a2 ĝar; a2 ĝa2-ĝa2; a2 ĝal2 "to defeat" Akk. dâşu
mi dug [CARE FOR] wr. mi2 dug4 "to care for, treat well, treat kindly" Akk. kunnû
sig [FLATTEN] wr. sig10 "to flatten, lay flat; to disrespect" Akk. dâşu; sapānu
sulum mar [SLANDER] wr. su-lum mar; su11-lum mar; sulummar "to slander, treat with contempt; slander" Akk. ţupullû
treat kindly
mi dug [CARE FOR] wr. mi2 dug4 "to care for, treat well, treat kindly" Akk. kunnû
treat unjustly
a dar [CONFISCATE] wr. a2 dar "to confiscate, seize illegally; to sequester; to take hold of" Akk. dâşu
a ĝar [DEFEAT] wr. a2 ĝar; a2 ĝa2-ĝa2; a2 ĝal2 "to defeat" Akk. dâşu
sig [FLATTEN] wr. sig10 "to flatten, lay flat; to disrespect" Akk. dâşu; sapānu
treat well
mi dug [CARE FOR] wr. mi2 dug4 "to care for, treat well, treat kindly" Akk. kunnû
treat with contempt
sulum mar [SLANDER] wr. su-lum mar; su11-lum mar; sulummar "to slander, treat with contempt; slander" Akk. ţupullû
ABA [TREE] wr. ĝešA.BA "a tree"
GIR [TREE] wr. ĝešGIR3 "a type of tree"
LUHIA [TREE] wr. ĝešLU.HI.A "a tree"
NEhan [TREE] wr. ĝešNE-ha-an "type of tree"
URANA [TREE] wr. |UR2×A+NA| "a tree"
U [TREE] wr. ĝešU3 "a tree"
an [SKY] wr. an "sky, heaven; upper; crown (of a tree)" Akk. šamû
armanu [TREE] wr. ar-ma-nu "a tree" Akk. armannu; equals {ĝeš}hašhur kur-ra
birGAMla'e [TREE] wr. ĝešbir-GAM-la-e "a tree"
buluh [TREE] wr. buluh; šembuluh; ba-lu-hum "an aromatic tree or its resin" Akk. balahhu
bur [TREE] wr. ĝešbur "a tree" Akk. duhutu
elammakum [TREE] wr. ĝeše-lam-ma-kum "a tree" Akk. ellammakku
eranum [TREE] wr. e-ra-num2 "a tree"
esi [TREE] wr. ĝešesi "a tree" Akk. ušû
eš [TREE] wr. ĝešešx(LAM); ĝešeš22 "a tree; a terebinth; almond (tree)" Akk. lammu; lupānu; šiqdu; šiqittu
gig [TREE] wr. ĝešgig "a tree; a resin" Akk. kanaktu
gigid [REED] wr. gešgi-gid2; gi-gid2 "a reed or tree; an instrument; a composition"
girim [FLOWER] wr. gi-rin; gi4-rin; girim; ĝešgi-rim "(to be) pure; (to be) clear; a fruit; a tree; a flower; olive" Akk. ellu; girimmu; hulamīsu; illūru; serdu
girinum [TREE] wr. ĝešgi-ri2-num2 "a tree"
girizum [TREE] wr. ĝešgi-ri-zum "a tree" Akk. girīşu
guruʾuš [TREE-TRUNK] wr. ĝešguru5-uš "tree-trunk" Akk. kisittu
ĝeš [TREE] wr. ĝeš; mu; u5 "tree; wood; a description of animals" Akk. işu
ĝeša'abak [TREE] wr. ĝeš-ab-ba; ĝeš-a-ab-ba; ĝeš-a-ab "a tree" Akk. kušabku
ĝešandul [SHADE] wr. ĝeš-an-dul3 "tree shade"
ĝešgana [TREE] wr. ĝeš-kin2; ĝeš-gana2 "a tree" Akk. kiškanû
ĝešil [TREETOP] wr. ĝeš-il2 "top of a tree" Akk. mēlû
ĝeškur [TREE] wr. ĝeš-kur "a tree" Akk. giškurrû
ĝešnu [TREE] wr. ĝeš-nu11 "a tree" Akk. samānu
ĝeššeš [LICORICE] wr. ĝeš-šeš "licorice tree" Akk. šūšu
ĝipar [TREE] wr. ĝešĝi6-par4; ĝešĝiparx(KISAL) "a type of fruit tree; fruit" Akk. libāru
halub [TREE] wr. ha-lu-ub2; ĝešha-lu-ub2; ĝešha-lu-ub4 "a tree" Akk. haluppu
halubharran [TREE] wr. ĝešha-lu-ub2-har-ra-an "type of tree"
harub [CAROB] wr. harub "carob (tree)" Akk. harûbu
hašhur [APPLE] wr. ĝešhašhur; hašhur; ha-šu-ur2; ĝešha-šu-ur2 "apple (tree)" Akk. hašhûru
hašhurpeš [TREE] wr. ĝešhašhur-ĝešpeš3 "a tree" Akk. tīnānû
hašur [TREE] wr. ĝešha-šu-ur2 "a tree"
ildag [POPLAR] wr. ĝešildag2; ĝešildag4; ildag2; ĝešildag3; ĝešildag; ĝešildagx "a poplar" Akk. adāru; ildakku
ilianum [TREE] wr. u2i-li-in-nu-uš; ĝešri2-a-num2; ĝeši-li-a-nu-um; ĝeši-li-a-num2; ĝeše-la-nu-um; ĝeši-li-in-nu-um; ĝeši-ri-a-nu-um; ĝeši-ri2-a-num2; u2i-li-a-num "a tree" Akk. erānu
illur [TREE] wr. ĝešil-lu-ur "a tree" Akk. zanzaliqqu
ilur [TREE] wr. ĝešil-ur2 "a tree"
ir [TREE] wr. ir "type of tree" Akk. armannu
kišighar [TREE] wr. ĝeškišig2-har "a tree"
kurdilum [FRUIT TREE] wr. kur-di-lum "fruit tree" Akk. kurdillu
lagab [BLOCK] wr. lagab; na4lagab "block; stump (of tree)" Akk. upqu
lam [SAPLING] wr. ĝešlam "sapling; a tree" Akk. lammu
lam [TREE] wr. ĝešlam; ĝešlam7 "a nut-bearing tree" Akk. lammu; lūku; šiqdu
mah [TREE] wr. ĝešmah2 "a tree"
manu [WOOD] wr. ĝešma-nu; ma-nu "a wood, perhaps willow" Akk. ēru
maš [TREE] wr. ĝešmaš "a tree" Akk. gişşu
mesTU [TREE] wr. ĝešmes-TU "a tree" Akk. kullaru; kaptaru
mes [TREE] wr. ĝešmes "a tree" Akk. mēsu
mesbabbar [TREE] wr. ĝešmes-babbar "a tree" Akk. tiālu
mesmagana [TREE] wr. ĝešmes-ma2-gan-na "a tree" Akk. musukkanu
mirišĝara [TREE] wr. ĝešmi-ri2-iš-ĝar-ra "a tree"
mubum [TREE] wr. ĝešmu-bu-um; mu-bu-um "type of tree"
muran [TREE] wr. mur-ra-an; ĝešmur-ra-an "a tree"
pakud [~TREE] wr. pa-kud "stave; a trimmed part of a tree" Akk. pakuttu
peš [FIG] wr. ĝešpeš3; peš; peš3; mupeš3 "fig; fig tree" Akk. tittu
peškal [TREE] wr. ĝešpeš7-kal; ĝešpeš-gal; ĝešpeš-kal "a tree" Akk. şudānu
samana [TREE] wr. ĝešsa-ma-na2 "a tree" Akk. samānu
samazum [TREE] wr. ĝešsa-ma-zum "a tree"
suhur [TUFT] wr. suhur "tuft, plume; crown (of a tree)" Akk. qimmatu
šagi [PLANT] wr. ša3-gisar "a plant" Akk. pukuli
šagkal [TREE] wr. ĝeššag4-kal "a tree, a type of willow" Akk. šakkullu
šagkalsag [TREE] wr. šag4-kal-sag12 "a tree" Akk. taradû
šaršabid [TREE] wr. ĝeššarx(NE)-ša4-bid3 "a tree" Akk. šaršabiţţu
šedug [TREE] wr. ĝešše-dug3; še-du3 "a tree"
šembulug [RESIN] wr. šembulug2; šembulug3; šembulug5; šembulugx(|ŠIM.BAL|); šembulugx(|ŠIM×KUŠU2|) "a resin; a tree" Akk. ballukku
šemešala [TREE] wr. šemešal "a tree; an aromatic" Akk. šimiššalû
šenu [TREE] wr. ĝešše-nu "type of tree"
šerbil [TREE] wr. ĝeššer3-bil2 "a tree" Akk. šerbillu
šimgig [TREE] wr. šim-gig; ĝeššim-gig; ĝešŠIM "an aromatic tree" Akk. kanaktu
šiqtum [ALMOND] wr. ši-iq-tum "almond" Akk. šiqdu
šudiba [TREE] wr. ĝeššu-dib-ba "a tree"
šur [BRANCHES] wr. šu-ur4 "branches" Akk. kisittu
tabba [VEGETABLE?] wr. tab-basar "a vegetable?" Akk. agabu
taškarin [BOXWOOD] wr. ĝeštaškarin; taškarin "box tree, boxwood" Akk. taskarinnu
ti'arum [TREE] wr. ĝešti-a-ru-um "a tree"
tulubum [TREE] wr. gešgul-bu; ĝeštu-lu-bu-um; ĝešdili-bu-um; gul-bu; ĝešdal-bu-um "Oriental plane tree" Akk. dulbu
unum [TREE] wr. ĝešu4-nu-um "a tree"
usuh [TREE] wr. ĝešu3-suh5; ĝešu2-suh5 "a tree" Akk. ašūhu
zirdum [OLIVE] wr. ĝešzi2-ir-dum "olive" Akk. serdu
zirdum [TREE] wr. ĝešzi-ir-dum "a tree"
ŠEGAN [TREE] wr. ĝešŠEG9.AN "type of tree"
ŠEHI [TREE] wr. ĝešŠE.HI "a tree"
ŠUKAL [TREE] wr. ĝeš|ŠU.KAL| "a tree"
tree shade
ĝešandul [SHADE] wr. ĝeš-an-dul3 "tree shade"
guruʾuš [TREE-TRUNK] wr. ĝešguru5-uš "tree-trunk" Akk. kisittu
ĝušur [BEAM] wr. ĝešĝušur; ĝušur "beam" Akk. gušūru
NE [~TREE] wr. ĝešNE "a designation of trees"
nisku [~EQUID] wr. ni-is-ku; ni-is-kum; ni-is-ku-um; nisku "a description of equids" Akk. nisqu
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
ĝešil [TREETOP] wr. ĝeš-il2 "top of a tree" Akk. mēlû
buluh [FEAR] wr. bu-luh; bu-lu-uh2; bu-lu-uh3; buluh "to fear, tremble, be afraid" Akk. galātu
dub [TREMBLE] wr. dub2; dub "to tremble, make tremble; to push away, down; to smash, abolish" Akk. napāşu
saĝ sag [TREMBLE] wr. saĝ sag3 "to tremble" Akk. nakāpu
su sag [TREMBLE] wr. su sag3 "to tremble" Akk. zumra nurruţu
dubla [TOWER] wr. dub-la2 "gate tower" Akk. išdu; tublu
guzagida [CHAIR] wr. ĝešgu-za-gid2-da "a chair" Akk. kalakku
kalak [TRENCH] wr. gala3; gala4; gala5; kala3; ki-la2 "excavation, trench; storeroom" Akk. kalakku
sidug [CAVITY] wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 "cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit" Akk. haštu; huballu; huppu; mušpalu; nahallu; šuttatu
tul [FOUNTAIN] wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| "public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench" Akk. būrtu; hirītu; kalakku
did [LAWSUIT] wr. di "lawsuit, trial; legal decision" Akk. dīnu
saĝtak [TRIANGLE] wr. saĝ-KAK; saĝtak; santak3; saĝtak4; santak2 "triangle (math.); wedge" Akk. santakku
triangle math.
saĝtak [TRIANGLE] wr. saĝ-KAK; saĝtak; santak3; saĝtak4; santak2 "triangle (math.); wedge" Akk. santakku
gun [LOAD] wr. gun2; gu2-un "load; yield; rent, tax, tribute; a unit of weight" Akk. biltu
niĝguna [TRIBUTE] wr. niĝ2-gu2-na "tribute, rent, tax" Akk. biltu
niĝgutum [TRIBUTE BRINGING] wr. lu2-niĝ2-gu2-DU "tribute bringing"
u [LOAD] wr. u2 "load" Akk. biltu
tribute bringing
niĝgutum [TRIBUTE BRINGING] wr. lu2-niĝ2-gu2-DU "tribute bringing"
biz [TRICKLE] wr. bi-iz; biz "to trickle, drip" Akk. başāşu
biz [TRICKLE] wr. bi-iz; biz "to trickle, drip" Akk. başāşu
dabariri [LIAR] wr. da-ba-ri-ri; lu2da-ba-ri-ri "liar?; trickster?"
dabariri [LIAR] wr. da-ba-ri-ri; lu2da-ba-ri-ri "liar?; trickster?"
guguru dug [TRIM] wr. gu2-gur5-ru dug4; gu2-gur5 dug4; gu2-gur5-ru-uš dug4 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
guguru [TRIM] wr. gu2 guru5; gu2-guru5-gu2; |URU×GU|gu2; gu2-gur5-ru; guru5-guru5; gu2|URU×GU|gu2 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
guruš [CUT] wr. guruš3; guruš4 "to cut, fell, trim, peel off; a cutting; stubble" Akk. kismu; nakāsu; šarāmu
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
šab [TRIM] wr. šab "to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear" Akk. barû ša uzu; esēpu; harāru; harāşu; harāşu; eşēru; harāşu; šarāmu; nakāsu; šahāhu
šuš [CUT] wr. šuš4 "to cut, fell; to trim, peel off" Akk. nakāsu; šarāmu
ur [TRIM] wr. tug2ur2 "a cloth trimming" Akk. sūnu
trim down
guguru dug [TRIM] wr. gu2-gur5-ru dug4; gu2-gur5 dug4; gu2-gur5-ru-uš dug4 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
guguru [TRIM] wr. gu2 guru5; gu2-guru5-gu2; |URU×GU|gu2; gu2-gur5-ru; guru5-guru5; gu2|URU×GU|gu2 "to trim down" Akk. kapāru
trim or comb the hair
suhur [TRIM] wr. suhur "to trim or comb the hair" Akk. šamāţu; qamāmu; kezēru
guru [GRIND] wr. gur5 "to grind, grate; to cut up, chop; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. kasāmu; kaşāşu; urrû
pakud [~TREE] wr. pa-kud "stave; a trimmed part of a tree" Akk. pakuttu
sig [PLUCK] wr. sig7; sig8 "to pluck hair or wool; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Akk. sepû ša šarti; urrû
trimmed part of a tree
pakud [~TREE] wr. pa-kud "stave; a trimmed part of a tree" Akk. pakuttu
ur [TRIM] wr. tug2ur2 "a cloth trimming" Akk. sūnu
šu niĝin [MAKE A ROUND TRIP] wr. šu niĝin2; šu niĝin "to make a round trip" Akk. sahāru
eš [THREE] wr. eš5; eš-a-bi; eš10; am3-mu-uš "three; triplets" Akk. takšû; šalāš
uma [TRIUMPH] wr. u3-ma; u2-ma "triumph, victory" Akk. ernittu
zukešed [TROOP] wr. zu2-keš2; zu2-keš2-ra2 "troop" Akk. kişru
erin [PEOPLE] wr. erin2; eri-na; erin9 "people; troops" Akk. şābu
ildum [BAND] wr. ildum2; ildum "clan; band, cohorts, troops, reinforcements, help, caravan; dog pack" Akk. illātu; illatşâbi; piqittişâbi; illat kalbi
ugnim [ARMY] wr. ugnim "army, troops" Akk. ummānu
gir [RUNNER] wr. gir5; gir7 "runner, trotter" Akk. šānû
im [RUN] wr. im2 "to run" Akk. šānû
kaš [RUNNER] wr. kaš4; lu2kaš4 "runner, trotter, messenger; to run" Akk. lasāmu; šānû
sumug [DARKNESS] wr. su-mu-ug; su2-mu-ug "darkness; calamity, fear" Akk. idirtu
kušu [TIRED] wr. kuš2; kuš2-u3 "(to be) tired, troubled" Akk. anāhu
zi ir [FEEL TROUBLED] wr. zi ir "to feel troubled" Akk. ašāšu
zir [BREAK] wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er "to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase" Akk. ašāšu; pasāsu
gig [SICK] wr. gig "(to be) sick; (to be) troublesome" Akk. marāşu; marşu
buniĝ [TROUGH] wr. ĝešbuniĝ; gibuniĝx(|A.LAGAB×A|); buniĝ; gibuniĝ; ĝešbuniĝ2; ĝešbuniĝ3; kunin "a trough, bowl or bucket" Akk. kuninu; pattû
gin [ESTABLISH] wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin "(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality" Akk. kânu; kīnu
sisa [FAIR] wr. si-sa2 "fair, true (of gur[unit])"
zid [RIGHT] wr. zid "right; to be right, true, loyal"
true of gur unit
sisa [FAIR] wr. si-sa2 "fair, true (of gur[unit])"
abaraša [TRULY] wr. a-ba-ra-ša4 "truly" Akk. abarša
e [TRUST] wr. e7 "trust" Akk. tukultu
ĝiškim til [TRUST] wr. ĝiškim til3 "to trust" Akk. qâpu
ĝiškim [SIGN] wr. ĝiškim "sign, omen; trust, aid" Akk. giskimmu; ittu; tukultu
ĝiškimti [TRUST] wr. ĝiškim-ti "trust, aid" Akk. tukultu
niĝĝiskimtil [TRUST] wr. niĝ2-ĝiskim-til3 "trust"
nir ĝal [TRUST] wr. nir ĝal2; še-er-ma-al "to trust" Akk. takālu
nir [TRUST] wr. nir "trust; sign" Akk. tukultu
tam [TRUST] wr. dam; tam "to trust; to believe" Akk. qīapu
niĝgina [TRUTH] wr. niĝ2-gi-na; niĝ2-gen6-na "truth" Akk. kīttu
niĝzid [RIGHTEOUSNESS] wr. niĝ2-zid "righteousness" Akk. kittu
gakkul [MASH-TUB] wr. gigakkul; gakkul2; gakkul3 "mash-tub" Akk. kakkullu; namzītu
alal [TUBE] wr. alal; urudalal "tube, pipe" Akk. alallu
e [TUBE] wr. ĝeše11 "tube, socket" Akk. uppu
hubhub [CONTAINER] wr. hubhub; hubhub2 "a container or tube" Akk. huphuppu
inda [TUBE] wr. inda2 "tube"
mud [TUBE] wr. mud "tube, socket" Akk. uppu
imsaĝ [TUFT] wr. im-saĝ-ĝa2 "tuft" Akk. imtanû
kunsig [BRISTLE] wr. kun-sig3; kun-zi; kun-sig2; kun-sigx(UMBIN) "bristle" Akk. zappu
peš [TUFT] wr. peš6 "tuft" Akk. nipšu
suhur [TUFT] wr. suhur "tuft, plume; crown (of a tree)" Akk. qimmatu
ugudu [TUFT] wr. ugu-du3 "tuft of hair" Akk. abbuttu
tuft of hair
kunsig [BRISTLE] wr. kun-sig3; kun-zi; kun-sig2; kun-sigx(UMBIN) "bristle" Akk. zappu
ugudu [TUFT] wr. ugu-du3 "tuft of hair" Akk. abbuttu
guz [TUFTED] wr. guz "to be tufted"
tuggur [PLOW] wr. tug2-gur10; tug2-gurx(|ŠE.KIN|); ĝeštug2-gur10; tug2-gur; ĝeštug2-gur8; tukurx(|LAGAB×U|) "a plow; to plow, to apply a tuggur-plow"
kam [TUNE?] wr. kam "to tune?"
si ak [TUNE] wr. si ak "to adjust the strings on a lute, to tune"
kam [TUNE?] wr. kam "to tune?"
kamma [INSTRUMENT] wr. kam-ma "a part of a musical instrument?; tuning?"
kamma [INSTRUMENT] wr. kam-ma "a part of a musical instrument?; tuning?"
saĝšu [TURBAN] wr. tug2saĝšu "turban; cover of a pot" Akk. kubšu
šugura [TURBAN] wr. tug2šu-gur-ra; gur "turban"
utul [TUREEN] wr. utul2; u2-du; u2-da; dugutul2; ĝešutul2 "tureen, large bowl" Akk. diqāru
sas [GRASS] wr. sas "grass, turf" Akk. sassatu
dih [CHAOS] wr. dih3; ĝešdih3 "chaos, turmoil" Akk. sahmaštu
a gur [TURN] wr. a2 gur "'to turn the arm'" Akk. ?
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
dub [GO AROUND] wr. dab6; dub "to go around, encircle, turn; to search; to tarry" Akk. lawû; sahāru
gi [TURN] wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)" Akk. lamû; târu
gur [TURN] wr. gur "to reject (legal evidence), to turn away; to turn, return" Akk. sahāru; târu
lug [TWIST] wr. lu-gu2; lug; lum "to twist; (to be) crushed" Akk. zâru
niĝin [ENCIRCLE] wr. niĝin2; niĝin "to prowl, roam; to enclose, confine; to encircle; to search; to turn; to return; to go around; to tarry" Akk. esēru; lawû; sahāru; târu; târu; sahāru; şâdu
šu dug [TRANSFORM] wr. šu dug4 "to turn into something" Akk. ?
šu niĝin [MAKE A ROUND TRIP] wr. šu niĝin2; šu niĝin "to make a round trip" Akk. sahāru
ti bala [TURN SIDEWAYS] wr. ti bala "to turn sideways" Akk. ?
turn around
lug [TWIST] wr. lu-gu2; lug; lum "to twist; (to be) crushed" Akk. zâru
turn away
gur [TURN] wr. gur "to reject (legal evidence), to turn away; to turn, return" Akk. sahāru; târu
turn into something
šu dug [TRANSFORM] wr. šu dug4 "to turn into something" Akk. ?
turn over
bala [TURN] wr. bal; bil2 "to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)" Akk. elû; nabalkutu; nakāru; naqû; palû; tabāku
turn sideways
ti bala [TURN SIDEWAYS] wr. ti bala "to turn sideways" Akk. ?
kunsaĝa [~ASTRONOMICAL] wr. kun-saĝ-ĝa2 "an astronomical term" Akk. kunsaggû
turning point
kunsaĝa [~ASTRONOMICAL] wr. kun-saĝ-ĝa2 "an astronomical term" Akk. kunsaggû
lub [TURNIP] wr. lusar; lu-ub2sar; lu-sarsar "turnip" Akk. laptu
dušia [STONE] wr. na4du8-ši-a "a stone, turquoise?, quartz?; turquoise green" Akk. dušû
dušia [STONE] wr. na4du8-ši-a "a stone, turquoise?, quartz?; turquoise green" Akk. dušû
turquoise green
dušia [STONE] wr. na4du8-ši-a "a stone, turquoise?, quartz?; turquoise green" Akk. dušû
arabu [BIRD] wr. a12-ra2-bumušen; adabmušen; a2-tabmušen; udu-buadabmušen "a bird" Akk. arabû; usābu
balgi [TURTLE] wr. ba-gi; ba-al-gi4; ba-al-gu7; ba-al-gi; bal-gi "turtle" Akk. raqqu
kušu [CREATURE] wr. kušu2; kušu2ku6 "crab or a snapping turtle" Akk. kušû
niĝbuna [TURTLE] wr. niĝ2-bun2-na; še-en-bun2-na "turtle" Akk. šeleppû
uh [TURTLE] wr. uh "turtle" Akk. šeleppû
dur [SIT] wr. dur2 "imperfect singular stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
durun [SIT] wr. durunx(|KU.KU|); durun; dur2-ru-un "plural stem of tuš[to sit (down)]" Akk. ašābu
anguba [DEITY] wr. an-gub-ba "tutelary deity" Akk. angubbû
lammar [DEITY] wr. dlamma; dlammazabar; lamma "(female) tutelary deity; ~ figurine" Akk. lamassu
tutelary deity
anguba [DEITY] wr. an-gub-ba "tutelary deity" Akk. angubbû
niš [TWENTY] wr. niš "twenty"
šu gi [REPEAT] wr. šu gi4 "to repeat" Akk. šanû
KIDda [TWIG] wr. ĝešKID-da "twig"
gigan [TWIG] wr. gi-gan "twig" Akk. huşabu
li [BRANCH] wr. li "branch, twig" Akk. larû
dumutab [TWIN] wr. dumu-tab "twin"
maš [TWIN] wr. maš "twin" Akk. māšu
mašmin [TWIN] wr. mašmin "twin (brother/sister)" Akk. māšu
maštab [TWIN] wr. maš-tab "twin"
saĝmin [TWIN] wr. saĝmin "twin" Akk. tū'amu
twin brother/sister
maš [TWIN] wr. maš "twin" Akk. māšu
mašmin [TWIN] wr. mašmin "twin (brother/sister)" Akk. māšu
ulin [TWINE] wr. u2-li-in "colored twine" Akk. barumtu
gilim [ROPE] wr. gilim; kilib "rope of twined reeds" Akk. kilimbu
zagga [TWITTER] wr. zagga2 "to twitter, mutter; to sparkle" Akk. şabāru
gilim [CROSS] wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gil-gilil "to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block; (to be) difficult to understand" Akk. egēru; parāku
gun [TWIST] wr. al-gu2-gu2 "to twist"
liri [GRIP] wr. liri4; liri5 "to grip, twist" Akk. šapāşu
lug [TWIST] wr. lu-gu2; lug; lum "to twist; (to be) crushed" Akk. zâru
sur [SPIN] wr. sur "to spin; to twist; to slither" Akk. ţawû; šalālu
inim bala [CONVERSE] wr. inim bala "to converse; to translate; to speak; to twitter" Akk. ?; awûm
zagga [TWITTER] wr. zagga2 "to twitter, mutter; to sparkle" Akk. şabāru
banmin [VESSEL] wr. dugbanmin "a vessel of two seah capacity"
min [TWO] wr. min; min3; min6 "two; ditto" Akk. šina
sur [HALF] wr. sur; sur3 "half" Akk. šinnû; mišlu
two each
sur [HALF] wr. sur; sur3 "half" Akk. šinnû; mišlu
šanabi [TWO-THIRDS] wr. šanabi "two-thirds" Akk. šinipu
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.