niĝsura [~TABLET]

(4 instances)

niĝsura [~TABLET] (4x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. niĝ2-sur-ra "a section of a tablet" Akk. mišlu

[1] cuneiform GAR.SUR.RA niĝ2-sur-ra
+ -0 (4x/100%).
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 (no date)
[1] 1 3

1 distinct form attested; click to view forms table.

1. a section of a tablet (4x/100%)

~ LEX/Old Babylonian/Nippur niĝ2-sur-ra Nigga 47; niĝ2-sur-ra Nigga 48; niĝ2-sur-ra Nigga 49. ELA/Ur III/Girsu ku6 nig2-sur-ra Princeton 2, 219 3.

Akk. mišlu "half".

[1985] M. Civil, Melanges Birot 76.

ePSD icon ePSD contacts: Steve Tinney and Philip Jones.