rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
rabatum [GARMENT] wr. ra-ba-tum "a garment"
rabianum [COMMANDER] wr. ra-bi-a-nu-um "commander, a high official" Akk. rabiānu
rabizigatum [OFFICIAL] wr. ra-bi-zi-ga-tum "a military official" Akk. rabi sikkati
ragaba [RIDER] wr. ra2-gaba; ra-gaba "rider, messenger" Akk. rākibu
rah [BEAT] wr. rah2; ra-ah "to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)" Akk. dâku; diāšu; hepû; rahāşu; rapāsu
rah [DISEASE] wr. ra-ah "a disease"
arazu [SUPPLICATION] wr. a-ra-zu; ra2-zu; ra-zu "supplication"
raba [CLAMP] wr. ĝešrab3; ĝešraba; raba; rab-ba "clamp; neck stock; hoop" Akk. rappu
raba [CLAMP] wr. ĝešrab3; ĝešraba; raba; rab-ba "clamp; neck stock; hoop" Akk. rappu
RI [CRY] wr. RI "to cry out" Akk. şarāhu
dal [FLY] wr. dal; dalx(HU) "to fly" Akk. naprušu
dal [LINE] wr. dal "dividing line, transverse line" Akk. perku
deg [COLLECT] wr. degx(RI) "to take; to gather up, glean; to tear out; to collect, pick up" Akk. ahāzu; laqātu; leqû; nasāhu
di [HAVE A BOWEL DISORDER] wr. di5 "to have a bowel disorder" Akk. nâţu
di [SHINE] wr. di5 "to shine" Akk. nabāţu
dirig [EXCEED] wr. diri; RI "(to be) very great, supreme, excellent; more than; (to be) powerful, competent; (to be) big, huge; (to be) abundant; on, over, above; against; radiance; to project, stick up, build high; (to be) surplus" Akk. atru; eli; rabû; kapāšu; zaqāru; šarūru; šūturu; lē'û
ere [GO] wr. re; er; e-ra; erx(|DU.DU|); re6; re7; er-re; i-ri "perfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]" Akk. alāku
re [THAT] wr. re "that"
ri [DISTANT] wr. ri "(to be) distant" Akk. nesû
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
ri [UNMNG] wr. ri; ur2-ri ""
tal [CLAMOR] wr. tal3; ti-il; tal; tal4; tal5; ta-il; til "cry, clamour; battle cry" Akk. ikkillu; tanūqātu; šīsu
rib [SURPASSING] wr. rib; ri-ba "(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive" Akk. ešqu; šūtuqu
dalbana [SPACE] wr. dal-ba-na "intermediate space; property held in common" Akk. birītu
rigi [BIRD] wr. ri-gimušen "a bird"
riĝeš [BIRD] wr. ri-ĝišmušen "a bird"
dalhamun [STORM] wr. dal-ha-mun; dalhamun; dalhamun6; dalhamun7; dalhamun5 "dust storm; disaster" Akk. ašamšûtu; hābu
irir [BIRD] wr. ir-irmušen; ri6-ri6mušen; RImušen "a bird" Akk. zibû
RU [ARCHITECTURE] wr. RU "architectural feature"
illar [BALL] wr. ĝešillar; illar "wooden ball" Akk. pukku
illar [WEAPON] wr. ĝešillar; illar "a weapon: bow? throwstick? javelin?; a geometric figure" Akk. tilpānu
ri [IMPOSE] wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away" Akk. bâ'u; emēdu; nadû; nasāku; ramû; rehû; tarû; wašaru
šub [FALL] wr. šub "to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)" Akk. habātu; maqātu; nadû
rugu [WITHSTAND] wr. ru-gu2 "to withstand; to sail upstream" Akk. mahāru
šublugal [SOLDIER] wr. šub-lugal "a soldier; a worker"
ruruburu [BIRD] wr. ru-ru-buru5mušen "a bird"
contacts: Steve
Tinney and Philip Jones.